How to plan your work time effectively. Coordinating plans over time


Make plans for the year in the spring, plans for the day - in the morning

Chinese proverb

to whom: owners, top managers, executives

When you don't have a plan, your actions are chaotic

Each of us, managers, thinks: how much can productivity be increased? Data obtained empirically in my company showed that after the introduction of daily planning and reporting, the efficiency of the team increased by ~ 40%.

It's no secret that in the average Russian company employees spend on work best case 3-4 hours a day out of 8. However, everyone pretends that this is how it should be. The leader is content with performances in the form of violent activity as soon as he looks into someone's office.

And the subordinates... And what about the subordinates? They are more than satisfied with this state of affairs: in work time you can solve a bunch of personal problems, place orders in online stores, talk on the phone and in social networks with friends and family. No wonder they say that 80% of people work as efficiently as they are competently led.

The conclusion is banal and at the same time terrible in its simplicity: in order to increase the efficiency of the company by 40%, it is enough to make employees work at least 6.5 - 7 hours a day(yes, eight is already aerobatics!).

Daily plan and report - continuous aptitude test for employees

But how to understand: which of the employees is chatting in social networks, and who is continuously producing results? Stay behind you all the time? Impossible! Here, daily plans and reports on the work done, which are mandatory for each employee, come to the rescue.

If very briefly, the meaning of daily plans and reports is as follows: an employee draws up a work plan for each day based on an 8-hour day and reports at the end of the working day for each completed task (time spent, result, etc.).

Any good technology has benefits for both parties. Let's talk about it.

Benefits of a daily plan for a company

  • Tasks are solved by employees according to accepted priorities (taking into account the company's business requirements), and not according to the principle of “want”, “easier” and “more interesting”.
  • The probability of “downtime” of an employee tends to zero. There are always tasks in reserve. If “simple” occurs, then it is visible in advance.
  • Having looked at the plans, you can immediately remove the “sucked out of your finger” tasks and replace them with useful, topical and relevant ones.
  • When a person plans things based on 8 working hours and knows that there will be demand during this time, the likelihood of “wasting time” is noticeably reduced.

Benefits of a daily plan for an employee

    A major personal and professional upgrade: The skill of planning is essential in all areas, and life outside of work is no exception.

  • The manager will be pleased with you, because all the highest priority technology tasks fall into your daily plan. And “being in good standing” opens up additional opportunities in a vertical career.
  • The abolition of “slavery”, when a person sits at work until “night” (now 8 hours are allocated for completing tasks, therefore, the manager will no longer plan them for twelve hours).


In the future, we will only talk about the principles of daily and weekly planning and requirements for plans. Separate articles are devoted to:

  • The technology of analysis by the head of the daily and weekly plans of subordinates - an article in development.
  • Requirements for working reports, the methodology for their creation - an article in development.
  • The technology of analysis by the head of the daily and weekly reports of subordinates. See the article "".

Leader's personal effectiveness

I also use daily planning and reporting technology in my work. I report to myself - take it into service if you have no one to report to. Thereby my personal efficiency has doubled(Is it a joke!). Including due to the implementation of higher priority tasks, because before I took on those that first came to mind.

And a very useful insight. When you start planning, it’s much easier to think at the planning stage: is this your task, isn’t it better to delegate it? When I have already started the task, and in the middle of its implementation I realized that it would be nice to delegate, it is already much more difficult to “let go” of it from oneself.

Technology for the implementation and implementation of daily plans

I draw your attention to the fact that it is necessary to control the implementation of the plan, the timing of the tasks completed and the quality of the results.

A lot of leaders have broken their teeth when trying to implement daily plans and reports, and here's why:

  • The introduction will meet fierce resistance from office workers. Humble yourself, this is natural, but you need to prepare for this. Perhaps the article "" will be useful to you.
  • The implementation of daily plans and reports, as well as further work to keep the technology in operation, requires an investment of time, money, managerial effort and the will of the leader. And most importantly, a lightning-fast reaction to any violation by employees.
  • Implementation will additionally bring total transparency of plans and reports. The head of any higher level should be able to view the report of any lower head and his subordinates. The immediate supervisor is responsible for the plans of his subordinates. Why won't employees like it? Not every middle manager is interested in having “ all-seeing eye” from top management.

Recommendations for organizing daily planning: ready-made regulations for implementation

Organization of the process of processing the incoming flow of tasks on the part of the employee

  • As soon as a task appears, it is entered into the work plan for the current or subsequent days (regardless of the form in which it was set) with an estimated date of planned completion.
  • If the task belongs to the category of cases “non-urgent and unimportant”, it is recorded in the so-called STACK (storage) of tasks. An employee turns to STACK when planning for the next week, or when he has a downtime at work.
  • The set task, which takes more than 3 hours (except for participation in events and meetings), is divided into smaller ones, to which the initial one is assigned as the base one.

  • For each task, a priority is selected and set from the standard list

Bonus: Employee Priority Table Example

For an example of a priority table that helps employees manage their own planning, follow 2 simple steps:

1) Write a detailed comment on the article(the comment form is located at the very bottom of the article, see screenshot Share your experience of implementing subordinate planning (not necessarily successful).

2) Submit an inquiry to receive an example of a priority table through my personal social media accounts:

Requirements for the format of entering tasks into the plan

  • Each employee adds an indicative list of their tasks to the plan ( short description tasks + estimated time to complete). The plan includes the following tasks:
    • Planned within the projects;
    • Obtained earlier in the form individual assignments(orally, by mail, skype, etc.). If the task is in an external task setting system, then you need to add a url link to this task; upon receipt of the task (orally, by mail, skype), it must be entered into your work plan yourself. At the same time, all requirements for the format of entering tasks apply.
    • Planned by the employee for implementation on his own initiative.
  • For each task, you must specify:
    • Task name. It should reflect what actions need to be performed and with which object. It is advisable to use the nominative case for nouns and imperative mood verb. This greatly facilitates the subsequent search among all tasks. Example: Develop regulations: planning (“develop” - imperative; “regulation: planning” - nominative case).
    • Estimated time to complete. Example: Make offer: 2 hours 30 minutes
    • Deadline(the deadline by which the task must be completed). If you cannot determine the deadline for a task, contact your immediate supervisor.
    • Brief plan for completing this task. Add links to the algorithms you plan to act on and / or a short plan of action. Absence short plan in the task body generates a lot of questions when discussing the work plan and the risk that the task will be done in an inefficient / non-optimal way or not done 100% and / or require rework.
    • A priority. The contractor determines it independently according to separately formalized rules. If you cannot determine, you must contact your immediate supervisor.
  • If an employee sees the “insufficiency” of his resource for the task, he is obliged to immediately inform the task manager and his immediate supervisor about this.

Daily work plan

  • The plan must be created based on the weekly plan and incoming operational tasks (prior to the introduction of weekly planning: based on the tasks known for that day).
  • The plan for the next day is drawn up before the end of the current working day.
  • Scheduled time for daily tasks is calculated:
    • for office employees based on 8 hours minus the usual time for solving operational and force majeure tasks (for project managers: 7 hours - planned; 1 hour - for solving incoming tasks). Scheduled time for tasks may vary depending on the day of the week and other conditions.
    • for freelance specialists - the daily time limit agreed upon when discussing the terms of cooperation.
  • The plan for the new day is placed on top of the plan for the previous day (if text documents are used for plans).
  • If more than 4 hours per day are spent on unscheduled (in relation to project plans) tasks, or it becomes clear that project plans can NOT be fulfilled at the current load, management is immediately notified of this (no later than the next day).

An example of a daily plan (screenshot from Bitrix24)

The example shows a plan that an employee creates in the Bitrix24 system. The screenshot shows only the first six tasks, the rest did not fit on the screen. Selected columns: 1 - task name; 2 - deadline; 3 - planned execution time.

Transition to weekly planning

After mastering the daily plans, employees are transferred to weekly planning. At the same time, daily planning is preserved, but greatly simplified, because. in the weekly plan, tasks are divided by day. If you are not doing daily planning with your subordinates, they may be planning their week like in the picture below.

Key benefits of weekly planning:

  • longer planning horizon compared to one day
  • saving time for the employee and significant time saving for the manager

Weekly work plan

  • How to make a plan?
    • Go through all the monthly project plans, take from them a list of tasks with a deadline until the end of the week + 5 days.
    • Open your monthly work plan and write out part of the work from there.
    • Enter operational tasks (previously known or set by the manager) into the weekly plan.
  • The plan for the new week must be made in last working day of the previous week(usually Friday).
    • Tasks must be planned for the entire working week, taking into account the time reserve for introductory tasks (determined for each position individually).
  • The drawn up plan for the week needs to be clarified (based on information received over the weekend and in the morning on the first working day) on the first working day of the week, until 12:00(usually Monday)
  • For specialists who have a small level of “unforeseen” work (website maintenance work, promotion project management), the week should be planned without taking into account unforeseen work.
    • after all, the tasks and “unforeseen” ones may be, or they may NOT be.
    • if the plan is not fulfilled due to the fact that the “newly” received tasks were completed, then part of the tasks from the plan can be transferred to the next week.

Automation of daily and weekly plans

Most popular question: “In what form should subordinates make plans?” Ideally, you need to make plans in the form of tasks in the system, where in the future they will be kept track of the execution time and reports will be generated. In my opinion, today the Bitrix24 system is most suitable for this.

What if your company has a different system for setting tasks? Think about how to organize planning with its help based on the requirements for plans that I have formulated. And even if you don’t have a system for setting and accounting for tasks at all, it doesn’t matter. In my company long time plans for the day and for the week were made in separate text files in the GoogleDocs format (very convenient to edit and discuss). And only after some time we switched completely to work in Bitrix24.

Answers to frequently asked questions about daily plans

How to set tasks if the executive officer is not a direct subordinate of the manager?

Either get the authority to set such tasks within the framework of project subordination, or agree on the addition of a task with the immediate supervisor of the contractor.

It is important to remember: time is not rubber. When a new task arrives, it “pushes” another task out of the plan. Priorities in the assignment of tasks are a matter of competence of the immediate supervisor.

It turns out that this system introduces “total control” over the work of a subordinate? This should be done by his leader. And this leader should be controlled by his leader?

The manager supervises the preparation of plans of his immediate subordinates (example: the head of the department analyzes the plans of the employees of the department), but not necessarily every day. For loyal employees (1 year after the start of the implementation of regular management, there will be no others left in your company) the frequency of verification can be 1 time in 3 days, 1 time per week.

A lot depends on the position and experience of a particular employee. And also on the type of planning that is used in addition to daily and weekly plans: monthly planning for projects, strategic plans for projects. If one of the employees needs constant “total control”, ask yourself the question: “Do you need such an employee?”

Some leaders themselves do not want to control daily. it takes time and attention

Planning work for their subordinates and monitoring its implementation are the direct responsibilities of the leader. In order to master this function, I recommend that you engage in “pumping” your managerial competencies. To help the article "".

It is important to assess whether your company has a “skew” for managers in working towards “production of the result”. First of all, the leader must allocate time to manage subordinates., the production of results - in the second place and according to the residual principle of time. If you allocate sufficient time to the manager for management, and at the same time he still strives to produce results with his own hands, while his subordinates are chilling, this is good specialist but a bad leader.

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Not having enough time to do everything you want to do is a common problem in modern world. Proper planning of the working day will save you a huge number of precious hours. And today you'll get some important tips on this topic.

To begin with, we highlight the very planning of the working day - it needs to be done. Take it for granted. Next, you need to break your day into 3 groups and for each of them we will give you our own rules. Everything is simple here:

  1. The begining of the work day.
  2. Middle of the day.
  3. Completion of the working day.

Rules for starting the day

Morning is the moment when you are energized after sleep. It depends on your condition in the morning, how productive will the day be. So take the first batch of advice.

positive attitude

Needless to say, if you are in a good mood in the morning, then things go easier, it becomes easier to solve business problems and they take less time.

Therefore, every morning find something that will charge you with positive: pleasant memories, anticipation of soon doing what you love. Get in the habit of asking yourself the following questions every morning:

How can today bring me closer to achieving my goal?

What can I do to get the most out of today?

What can I do today to support my lifestyle (health)?

This procedure will not take you more than 2 minutes, and the effect of its daily performance can exceed all expectations.

Right start

The next moment is the right start to your work day. Where should it start? From a leisurely breakfast and the same way to the workplace.

Don't have time for a long and hearty breakfast? There is a simple solution: go to bed early. Otherwise, you risk ruining your day at the very start - checked!

Beginning of work

Start your working day right away at the same time. This rule will help you become an even more disciplined person.

When this becomes a habit, you will notice an increase in the mobilization of your forces as a bonus.

Verification of plans

If you were planning today's work day yesterday, then need to check in the morning. It will take 10 minutes, but can save up to 2 hours!

It is also better to do the planning itself taking into account 60% of your time, and leave the remaining 40% for force majeure and unexpected or urgent tasks.

Don't "swing"

Don't start the most productive part of the day with many repeated greetings or discussing worthless news. Start realizing your planned goals straightaway!

All "social" affairs can be rescheduled for a later time. This is perfect for the afternoon.

First things first!

Start your day with a decision key tasks. Everything else will wait and will not go anywhere. Especially, your mailbox J

The secretary is your assistant

Be sure to keep your secretary up to date with your plans, because he is your assistant and partner. Let you have only 2 minutes for this - do it.

This step will save you time and increase efficiency. A good secretary will unload you and remind you of an important meeting if necessary. He should be aware of all your affairs.

Rules for the middle of the day

Middle of the day- this is the period when the work is in full swing, you have completed or continue to perform the main tasks. For this part of the day, we have prepared 11 tips for you.

Order on the table

Leave on the table only those papers that help you solve the current problem. Remove the rest. There should not be more than six documents on the table.

Set deadlines

If you are a subordinate, then try to make sure that you could install or stipulate the deadlines for the completion of those tasks that are assigned to you. If you are a leader, then cut the time for completing tasks for your subordinates by a third.


If you suddenly decide to attend some unimportant meeting for you, then be prepared for the fact that you will be given additional instructions on it. If you were not there, then you would not have received additional tasks ...

urgent tasks

Always and in any case, a situation arises that will be urgent and will grab your attention. This will cause stagnation in the execution of current tasks.

Whether it is worth being distracted and delving into such situations is up to you. But always make a decision based on priorities: what is more important to do - current affairs or "urgent"? Delegate such sudden tasks whenever possible.

impulsive actions

While performing current tasks (especially the most important ones), you may suddenly want to make a phone call or do some other unplanned impulsive action.

Take your time to follow the impulse - consider whether it is worth being distracted, how important is it?


Always during the working day plan breaks. How long they should be is up to you. The most important thing in this business is regularity.

Group your routine

You can combine all small routine tasks according to similar features into sections, blocks. And then execute them in such blocks. For example, 6 blocks of 10 minutes - phone calls. It is important here to shorten the execution time of each block as much as possible.

Completion of cases

Bring what you started to final stage. Try not to be distracted frequently when solving a long task. Since after you have to return to the execution and do some of the work again, wasting time. At a minimum, restore the speed of execution.

seize the moment

If you suddenly have "forced free time" then think about how it can be used rationally. For example, when you sit in the chef's waiting room and wait your turn.

your hour

When planning a working day, be sure to schedule an hour for yourself. At this moment, your secretary should answer everyone that you are not there, or just close the office so that no one bothers you.

Devote this hour to solving those tasks that are not urgent, but are important. Also, when no one distracts you, you can remember similar tasks that were simply forgotten in the hustle and bustle.

Reconciliation and control

Do not spare time for periodic reconciliation of their plans and control of their implementation. We have already said that this action will save more time than you spend on it. In addition, you can change something in planning due to, for example, changed priorities.

Rules for Ending the Day

Do not be distracted by frequent checking the time and wait for the end of the working day. This period of time is also important, like the previous ones. Take note of the following 3 tips.

Finish what's not done

There is a group of cases that are not urgent, but they are necessary. So that they do not accumulate, turning into a blockage, do them at the end of the day, when the most important goals are achieved. During this period, it's time to finish reading your correspondence, dictate orders for the press to the secretary, etc.

Analysis of the day

Analyze, based on the plan of the day, what did you manage to do today, what is your efficiency, how often were you distracted from the main tasks and how can this be avoided in the future if possible? This is one of important elements successful completion of tasks control and analysis.

Plan for tomorrow

Spend 15-20 minutes planning tomorrow's work day. Better to do it the day before.. But also don't forget to check in the morning.

Think back to your biggest failures in life. Quarrels, misunderstandings that changed your whole life in a negative way. Failed exams, job interviews, etc. The reasons for such failures are similar, as a rule, they are the result of poor preparation and rash actions, below we will look at how to do everything and plan your day / week.

What will happen if an athlete stops training a month before the Olympics - skills and muscle strength will significantly weaken and he will take one of last places. As in sports, in any business you need good preparation, without which the chances of success are greatly reduced.

The key factor in preparation is planning. There is "Rule 6 P": Properly undertaken planning prevents performance degradation.

Here are 7 ways to get things done with proper planning days, weeks.

Method 1: Make a to-do list for the day

What is a task list for?

First, let's take a look at how our brain works. It has been found that we can keep under control no more than 7+-2 cases or important thoughts in our heads. To verify this, count how many circles are shown in the pictures:

Rice. one Rice. 2 Rice. 3
Rice. 4 Rice. 5

Most likely, in order to determine the number of objects in figures 1, 3 and 4, one glance is enough.

And for figures 2 and 5, one glance was not enough, it was necessary to count separately. The smaller the objects, the easier it is to manage them. The limit of the brain comes when the number Becomes more than 7+-2.

The same is the case with thoughts, at the same time in our head we can store no more than 7 + -2 tasks, the rest is forgotten.

Imagine a real life situation

You get up in the morning and go to work, on the way you remember that:

You need to buy a birthday present loved one;
- Pay for the Internet, until it is turned off.

When you arrived at work:

Find out that you need to prepare a report today;
- I went in, a colleague asked to throw off the contract template;
- After the morning planning meeting, the boss asked me to do 3 things.

The head is already full, but time does not stop, a client, a loved one, a colleague may call you, an unforeseen situation may happen, etc. What happens in such a case? We forget something. If we forget to buy food in the store, then nothing terrible will happen, of course, but you can forget something more important: Do not come to an important meeting, take medicine, etc.

In addition, the more things we have in our head, the worse our analytical abilities become, since energy is spent on remembering information.

Benefits of a notebook

Notebook - removes all the problems described above and has the following advantages compared to working from memory:

1) Writing down is always faster than memorizing. For example, write down cellular telephone 10-100 times faster than remembering. Also with business.

2) Energy saving. In order not to forget the important, we often remember, energy is spent on this. Notebook solves this problem.

3) Reliability. What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an ax. Any business can be forgotten, against the background of fatigue, emotions or other things. But if tasks are written down, then forgetting is much more difficult.

You can keep a list of tasks on a regular sheet, notepad, but it is better if it is a notebook, because it has a calendar. The list of tasks for the day can be on a computer or hard copy. The most important thing is that you have it, because it is the basis for planning, like the foundation of a house. If the house does not have a foundation, then the maximum that can be built is a small one-story structure without heating made of plastic or plywood. Also, in planning, of course, you can do without a list of tasks for the day or a notebook, but you will be severely limited in your capabilities.

The most important thing on a to-do list or notebook is a list of things to do during the day. The second most important part is the calendar, in which you can see the tasks that need to be completed on a given day. Therefore, a notebook is preferable to a regular list, because there is a calendar there.

Method 2: Work with the to-do list every day

The most important thing when working with a time organizer or a notebook is to work according to a previously drawn up plan. To do this, review your notebook regularly to find out if you have done everything that you have planned for today. You can view the list after you complete the current task. It is very important to put in your organizer important things that you must do today.

Method 3: First write, then do

If a new task arrives and it is not urgent, then first write it down in a notebook and proceed only when it comes to it. Any new tasks seem very important and we start to take on everything: check mail, make phone calls, etc. But as soon as you start first writing down all incoming tasks in a notebook, you will find that next to this entry there are more important tasks.

All movements of the right side of the body are controlled by the left hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for logic. When we write a new task right hand, then we activate the left hemisphere of our brain, which is responsible for logic. Activating logic when writing with the right hand will help us make better decisions.

By writing everything down in a notebook before you start work, you will be able to complete the most important tasks during the day and will be able to resist secondary tasks that constantly distract you.

4 way. First important, then urgent tasks

All planned tasks should be carried out in order of their importance, and then by the time of execution. Starting with the most important ones and gradually move on to the less important ones. Write down the tasks in your plan for today in order of their importance, then sort by urgency and start working with the highest priority.

For example, a friend called you to chat. Phone call, urgent matter, because the phone is ringing right now, but it may not be important. If you have more significant tasks, for example, to prepare a report on work, then it is better to first do all the more important tasks, in particular a report, and then, if there is time, call back and talk with a friend. But not vice versa, otherwise, due to an insignificant call, you may not have time to do more important things.

Importance over urgency. Urgent tasks should be taken on only if you are in control of the situation and are sure that you will have time for all the more important ones.

5 way: Electronic organizer

There are a huge number of electronic notebooks. An electronic diary has undeniable advantages over paper ones:

A. Save time. On the electronic diary, you do not need to rewrite tasks from the previous day to the current one, and you can also work with it both on a computer and on a phone or tablet, synchronizing data on all devices.

B. Volumes and speed: You can very quickly copy a large amount of information to the electronic diary for further work. For example: You want to bake a banana pie in the evening and you need to write down the necessary ingredients before you go to the store. If you have an electronic organizer, then you can quickly copy an entire recipe from the Internet into a diary, in just a matter of seconds. At the same time, to write down only the ingredients by hand on a piece of paper, you will need more time than for the entire recipe in in electronic format. And in the store, it will be enough to turn on the diary on your phone to quickly understand what to buy.

B. Convenience. It is inconvenient to use an ordinary notebook in transport, in a store, on vacation, in these places it is difficult to write down and look at notes, because the paper diary is large and you need 2 hands to open it. But the electronic notebook on the phone will always be with you, wherever you are: Transport, shop, street. You can quickly take notes on your computer and then sync to have those notes on your phone in seconds.

Method 6: Plan the next day in the evening

Make a plan of action for the next day in advance, the best time is the end of the working day before you go home. This simple action will help you sleep better, because often the cause of insomnia is that in the evening we go over in our memory all the important things that need to be done tomorrow so as not to forget them in the morning. And it is these thoughts that prevent us from relaxing and falling asleep peacefully, but if you write down all your plans, you will ensure not only a peaceful sleep, but also an evening.

In addition, when you make a plan in advance, your subconscious mind will constantly work all night on how best to do the planned. The solution to complex problems can come to you at breakfast, on the way to work, or even in the middle of the night. It is in the morning that new ideas most often come and you will use this time with maximum benefit, it is enough just to write a to-do list for the next day in advance.

By the way, if you have questions that you want to get an answer to, then before falling asleep and closing your eyes, ask them to yourself, preferably out loud and immediately fall asleep. And in the morning, get ready to immediately write down all the thoughts that may appear at the moment when you wake up or later.

Method 7: Schedule complex tasks for the peak of your activity

Make a plan for the day so that the work that requires a lot of energy falls on the peak of your activity, when you have a lot of energy and you are as productive as possible. As a rule, the peak of activity begins in the morning, because after sleep you have a lot of strength and a fresh head, but it happens that the peak of activity can also occur during the daytime and even evening hours.

The most energy-consuming activities are things for which there is no talent. Typically, these are the things you don't want to do the most. These tasks in time management are called frogs, because these tasks are unpleasant to start doing. There is a rule in time management - start the day with a frog, i.e., from an unpleasant affair. This rule will allow you to work more efficiently, because it is usually in the morning that you have the most strength, and these forces are extremely important to do the most unpleasant work.

I will give an example from life, I have a technical mindset, so the exact sciences such as: Physics and mathematics are easy for me, but it’s harder with humanitarian subjects, so when I was at school, I often prepared for a test English language in the morning. I got up 1-2 hours before school and studied English. It was in the morning that I had the most energy, so at this time it was easier for me to do difficult task for which I had the least talent. The results of the preparation exceeded all my expectations, I got excellent or good in a subject that I did not like.

Plan the most unpleasant tasks for the peak of activity, for example, in the morning, and you will see how you will get more done and your personal efficiency will increase.

P.S. If you have any difficulties or questions about the article you read, as well as on the topics: Psychology (bad habits, experiences, etc.), sales, business, time management, etc., ask me, I will try to help. Skype consultation is also possible.

P.P.S. You can also take an online training "How to get 1 hour extra time". Write comments, your additions;)

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Planning and organizing work is the key to further self-development. Read about the basic principles and rules of daily planning in the article.

From the article you will learn:

Why do you need daily planning?

Not everyone understands why you need to plan your working day. After all, every person, even without planning, knows what functions he performs and what things he has to do. Many do not see the point in making plans for the day, because there are always unexpected assignments that can confuse all the pre-planned items.

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If we compare two workers who perform the same functions and have the same abilities, we can find that the volume and quality of their work different. One employee manages to solve both current and strategic tasks, the second one does not even have time to fulfill urgent assignments and is forced to stay after work all the time. The best results will be shown by those who are more . That is, one for whom the planning process is a daily duty and need. Having a plan even for psychological level makes a person mobilize. He has a fixed goal and there is an internal need to achieve it.

How to plan effectively?

Planning and organization of work is carried out by an employee. Not the manager, but the employee should set himself tasks. In this case, he sets himself goals on his own, acts in the direction that he chooses. Generally, the percentage of completed tasks independent planning turns out to be higher than when performing the general developed by the leader.

There is a work scheduling system that has been tested in practice and ensures the optimal use of working time. It is a set of principles by which a person can make a competent, realistic and feasible plan.

First of all, determine what you need to include in your daily plan. It should be drawn up taking into account the strategic plan developed for six months or a year. Planning for each day takes into account all the tasks scheduled for implementation, both directly related to work and secondary. For example, congratulating a colleague on his birthday. In addition to those items that the leader is waiting for, personal affairs must also be included in the plan. This is necessary for personal development and creating a positive image.

When planning work, large tasks that will take several days or weeks to complete should be broken down into stages and performed sequentially. Set a due date for each milestone. Make a plan for the next day, including subtasks in it. To draw up a plan, you can use a regular paper diary or a special program.

The purpose of work planning is not the fulfillment of plan items at any cost, but the timely and high-quality execution of priority tasks and urgent tasks. Therefore, the list of tasks scheduled for implementation must be sorted and arranged in descending order of priority. During You can use multiple methods at the same time.

For example, tasks with a fixed deadline and tasks that require more effort to solve are given the highest priority. The second most important will be the daily mandatory tasks and those tasks, the deadlines for which are scheduled for the coming days. The lowest priority in daily planning are minor matters, the failure of which will not have significant negative consequences.

Day planning rules

Just like planning the work of an enterprise, planning the working day of an individual employee must follow the rules. Following them will help ensure the implementation of the plans in a comfortable mode for you.

  1. Schedule no more than 70% of your working time. This will allow you to calmly perform urgent unscheduled tasks and not be nervous if you have to be distracted from execution. .
  2. Do not include more than three important and urgent tasks in the daily plan at the same time. Limit the total number of plan items to ten.
  3. Form the same type of cases into blocks. This will help to execute them using a single algorithm, which will reduce the execution time.
  4. Move the planning process to the evening of the previous day. You will have time to make adjustments to the plan, if necessary.
  5. Plan complex cases according to your biorhythms. Someone is distinguished by increased efficiency in the morning, someone - in the afternoon, and someone works most productively in the evening.
  6. Don't start a new task before you've finished the work you've already started. If you had to interrupt - come back and complete what you started.
  7. Don't put off doing an unscheduled task if it can be done in a few minutes.
  8. Take breaks every hour without staying at work. Devote breaks to a light warm-up, this will help to "refresh" your head.
  9. Do not confuse with the achievement of goals, do not set yourself goals and do not outline volumes that will be difficult to cope with.
  10. If there are unfinished tasks that have not lost their relevance, transfer them to the plan for the next day.
  11. Organize your workplace so that you can work comfortably.


Planning for each day is a useful and necessary skill. This is a way of self-organization and self-development, a guarantee that you can work effectively. The proposed work planning system will help to understand the basic principles time management and successfully apply this knowledge in practice.

I am sure that each of you has noticed yourself many times: you seem to be plowing like hell all day, incredibly busy with something, but by the end of the day, thinking about what you managed to do today, you realize with great surprise that there is no significant result.

How does a day usually go for the average Russian? Woke up, ate (if you already have something to eat). I went to work with thoughts: “Today is an important day. Everything needs to be done today! I arrived, sat down at my desk and looked at the monitor: So, where would it be better to start ...?. It would be necessary to check the mail ..., well, in contact on the way to go for a minute ... Two hours passed. I remembered that I had to work. I had just started working, when suddenly the men called for a smoke, went with them, half an hour passed unnoticed by the conversation. And then lunch will be soon, why bother straining, because after lunch there is a lot of time, you will have time for everything. After dinner, the boss suddenly sent me to a meeting with partners. You arrive at the office in the evening, you realize that you haven’t done a damn thing, you stay at work to finish everything. Suddenly you remember that today is the birthday of some close person, you call him, congratulate him, and say that you won’t come, because. a lot of work. You come home from work, there is no mood, tired as a dog, you take a couple of bottles of beer to improve your mood. There is no desire to play with children, with a wife (husband) now is also not the best time to spend time. He turned on the TV and soon passed out in his chair without even finishing his beer. And so day after day...

I hope you are making the most of your day. However, a lot of people live like this every day. Naturally, what I gave as an example is a tiny part of what really happens to people. There are a bunch of others side effects. And all due to the fact that a person lives for today and spends it the way circumstances develop. Hence the productivity, both in the work plan and in the family, is close to zero. Fortunately, there is a way out. Daily planning of your day will help increase your productivity.

Daily planning of your time is an integral part of any successful person. After all, when a person always knows what he wants and what needs to be done at a certain point in time, he manages to do much more than someone who spends his day “how it goes”.

I will give ten basic rules, adhering to which you can create your own work schedule as efficiently as possible. Of course, this is not a panacea, and everyone can edit their diary in accordance with their strengths, workload, task speed, sleep, rest, etc.


1. Try to stick to the 70/30 principle.
Planning absolutely all your time is impractical, because. in this case, your actions will be completely at odds with your schedule. Yes, and the complete “imprisonment” of your time in a diary will lead to the fact that you will be in too tight limits and constantly feel like some kind of robot, whose whole life is scheduled every minute.

The optimal solution is planning 70% own time. Agree, some events are difficult to predict, and almost every day there is a kind of “surprise effect”, so you should always leave some time free. Or, alternatively, make a certain stock in each time period.

2. Make a plan for the next day tonight.
Planning the next day at the end of today is commendable, but in order not to forget anything, be sure to write down everything you do. Separate tasks by importance by dividing the notebook into two columns. In the first write down what needs to be done immediately. In the second - which is less important and in case of force majeure it can be rescheduled for another day.

Cross out the tasks and tasks that you have completed, one by one. This will serve as an additional incentive for you and add new strength to solve the remaining tasks. The fewer tasks you have left, the more confidence that you will cope with them, you will receive.

At the end of each day, at the very bottom, you can add an inscription like: "Hooray! I did it”, “Well done! But this is just the beginning!”, “I managed everything! I am cool! But there is still a lot to do!”. This inscription will also stimulate you in the morning to achieve your goals and at the same time not to relax.

3. Try to complete most of the planned before lunch.
When you realize in the middle of the day that the most important thing for today is done and is already behind, it is much easier to carry out the remaining tasks. Take advantage of your lunch break to deal with your personal matters (call relatives, answer missed calls, discuss loan issues with the bank, pay bills, etc.). Leave the minimum for the evening (negotiations with the developer, going to the salon, buying groceries, working out in the gym).

4. In each working hour, add minutes of rest.
Mandatory rule for everyone. The more often you rest, the more productive your activities will be. Everyone chooses the most convenient scheme for himself, but two schemes work especially well: 50 minutes work / 10 minutes rest or 45 minutes work / 15 minutes rest.

While relaxing, it is not at all necessary to smoke bamboo and spit at the ceiling while lying on the couch. After all, this time can be put to good use. Warm up: do push-ups, pull yourself up, stand on your head (if space permits), do exercises for the neck and eyes. Tidy up your workspace, clean your house or office, read a book, take a walk fresh air, make scheduled calls, help colleagues with something (family if work is at home), etc.

5. Try to create realistic planning.
Don't overwhelm yourself with work that you can't handle. Don't go to the extreme of over-planning (like you're up to any mountains) and plan only as much work as you can realistically handle.

Please do not confuse planning with goals. Your goals can be super-grand, they, in principle, should be so. But in order to achieve these goals in the shortest possible time, there must be realistic and competent planning of the tasks set. This absolutely does not mean that you have to work every day until you lose your pulse in order to achieve your goal as soon as possible. It is better to do one thing in small portions steadily every day than to do the same thing from the beginning to the end of the day chaotically and hastily. Then you will not be exhausted, and the achievement of goals will take place systematically.

In addition, at the end of each day, add a column “Plan completed by ____%” and enter there the percentage of your completed tasks for today. This will serve as an additional stimulation for you, as well as provide an opportunity to compare results and subsequently make appropriate adjustments when planning your time.

Try every day, at least not much, but overfulfill the plan. Those. try to additionally close those tasks that were not indicated in the plan. Naturally, their solution should be taken only after all the planned tasks have already been completed. Agree, it's nice to watch your super-productivity, looking at the numbers 105%, 110%, 115% at the end of each working day.

6. Do large tasks in small parts.
This tactic is also called the “slicing salami” tactic. Einstein also noted that most people enjoy chopping wood because the action is immediately followed by the result. Divide your goals and projects into small portions and complete them for a fairly long time, every day devoting about two hours to this work. Upon reaching the first intermediate goal, certain results will also be identified that will stimulate the implementation of the remaining tasks.

For example, let's take the creation of some product: Every day you can stupidly add the line “Create a video course” to your diary and work on this course. But in this case there is a few big cons:

  • you do not have the opportunity to predict the duration of your course in advance
  • every day you don't know how to continue working on the course
  • you do not feel satisfied with the work done until you have completed your course completely

If, however, the creation of the course is divided into many small portions and closed gradually, then all of the listed disadvantages can be easily avoided.

Those tasks, the performance of which causes you, to put it mildly, dissatisfaction, or in which you are incompetent, feel free to delegate to other specialists who perform such tasks for fun. You will save a lot of time, and the planned work will be done more professionally.

7. Be quiet for a while.
It often happens that the TV in the next room, the radio that works for days on end, someone's voices, people passing by you, a building under construction on the next street, as a result, are so annoying that it is simply impossible to concentrate normally on doing important things. Instead of permission specific tasks Pantyhose for 574 rubles that your employee bought today, or Justin Bieber's last super-mega-hit, which is now playing on the radio, are spinning in my head.

To perform extremely important tasks, it is necessary to be able to work quietly, without any interference from outside. It is in this case that you can, with maximum concentration, achieve the highest productivity and effectiveness.

8. Put things away when you're done using them.
This will save you a lot of time in the future and will also help you avoid clutter. Not for nothing they say: “If you want to know about your future partner, look at his desktop. What order is on his table - such order is in his affairs.

I advise you to generally throw out all your old and unnecessary things, get rid of excess rubbish so that only the most necessary things for work lie on the table.

Keep things in well-defined places. For example, keep all documents in a separate folder or box, receipts and receipts also kept chipped in a certain place, pens and pencils in the most convenient place for use. Fortunately, now you can easily purchase special kits, boxes, cases to solve this problem.

Do it and feel the incredible effect!

9. Get rid of things you don't need.
All the stocks of old things left in case “what if it comes in handy” will not bring you anything but extra dust and mess. In addition, it is believed that things sent by us “for scrap” to the mezzanine, in suitcases, under the sofa, in the pantry, on kitchen set carry negative energy.

This, as you understand, applies not only to the desktop, but also to the work and home space in general. Therefore, ruthlessly get rid of these "very necessary things that you feel sorry for throwing away." Collect all the good in a truck, take it to a landfill and burn it. If it’s really a pity, then put everything next to the entrance, the needy will quickly sort it out. Clothes and shoes can be delivered to orphanages and nursing homes. You will only be grateful.

10. Keep active and healthy lifestyle life.
If you are not yet very friendly with sports, gymnastics, water procedures, proper nutrition etc., then I advise you to add some of this to your daily routine. I give you a 100% guarantee that you will be very pleased with the results. The main thing is that you do not goof off and strictly follow your sports schedule. You will not even notice how quickly your health and general physical condition will improve. You can also easily get rid of bad habits if you set a goal for yourself and build good habits instead of bad habits.

It should be remembered that best sleep- this is a dream until midnight, tk. during this period, your body rests and gains strength in the best possible way. In other words, go to bed today, not tomorrow.

Get enough sleep, exercise, eat right. Your body will thank you with good health, high level positive energy and readiness for productive activity.

At the end I will give an example of my routine so that you have something to compare. Can't say it's the perfect all-rounder schedule for everyone, but personally it suits me completely. Compared to my very first routine, it has been adjusted more than once and at the moment it looks like this…


06:00-07:00 Getting up, exercising, dousing, morning run, morning procedures, shower
07:00-07:30 Breakfast
07:30-08:30 Rest, checking mail, other things
08:30-09:00 I'm going to the office
09:00-12:00 Workflow (the most important tasks for today are entered)
12:00-12:30 Dinner
12:30-13:00 Rest, other things
13:00-14:00 Reading Literature
14:00-18:00 Workflow (minor tasks for today are entered)
18:00-18:30 Dinner
18:30-19:00 Overfulfillment of the plan, planning for the next day
19:00-19:30 Going home
19:30-22:00 Housework, gym, outdoor activities, walking, entertainment, meeting with friends
22:00-22:30 Summing up, final adjustment of the schedule for the next day, preparation for bed
22:30-06:00 Dream

A few notes about the plan:

  • The routine calculated on weekdays (working days) and does not apply to weekends. On the weekend, there should be a plan, but tailored specifically for rest (everything remains the same, roughly speaking, only the Workflow changes to Rest), in last resort some working moments are transferred to a day off (if something was not done or something is deadly important).
  • Each time period is taken with some margin. Deviation from the routine for 30 minutes is normal.
  • Everyone's morning can start at a different time. I just moved on to more early time to do more and it gave positive results.
  • The time of departure from home to work and back can also be different for everyone. I chose for myself optimal time- when traffic jams are already dissolving in the city.
  • I consider daily reading of literature to be a mandatory rule for everyone. If time doesn't allow reading at work, read at lunch, on the bus, after work, before bed.
  • It happens that in connection with additional cases you have to go to bed much later. In any case, try to wake up according to your schedule, otherwise your daily routine will constantly shift, and this is not good.
  • On weekends, you can get up late and go to bed late, but also stick to a schedule by waking up and going to bed at the same time (for example, an hour or two later than on weekdays).

To plan your time, you can use an organizer, a notepad, a regular sheet of paper, a notebook, various special programs and applications. Personally, I use the very easy-to-use Google Calendar. In addition to the fact that it has a number of useful functions, it is synchronized with mobile devices, which means it is always at hand, wherever you are. In general, in the field of application synchronization, Google is making huge strides. This greatly facilitates the work when all kinds of assistants are at hand in one account, which are also synchronized with each other. I can no longer imagine working on a computer and on a phone without Google Chrome, Calendar, YouTube, Drive, Translator, Google+, Maps, Analitics, Picasa and many other useful services. I also advise you to use the Wunderlist Super Scheduler

That's all I wanted to tell you today. If you don’t already keep your diary and don’t set goals for yourself, start doing it immediately and keep doing it all the time! I hope the above 10 golden rules will help you in planning your time and you will start to do much more.
