Japanese anemone is an unusual decoration for the autumn garden. Japanese anemones

Anemone (anemone, anemones) also called anemone (ex. anemone)- according to the common version, this is translated from Greek name this plants (anemos - wind). However, there are opinions that Greek this word has been corrupted. The original Semitic meaning - lamentation for the dead Naaman(Genesis 46:21), from whose blood, according to legend, grew red flower - crown anemone. Genus anemone belongs to the buttercup family ( Ranunculaceae) and includes about 120 species of perennials distributed in the Northern Hemisphere. Flowers conventionally subdivided according to flowering time into anemones spring and autumn. autumn anemones, about which this article is often grouped under the title Japanese anemones (less often - Chinese) according to their place of origin.

At anemone lush round-oval, pinnately dissected basal leaves of dark green color, as well as small leaves that form a curl on the stem under flower. anemone flowers cupped. Curiously, the petals single or double anemone flowers are actually sepals. Three true petals anemone are present, but they are hidden behind the sepals and form the wrapping of the inflorescence.

See the best types and varieties of garden anemones (anemones) below.

Anemones: care, planting, growing

anemones grow well in full light or partial shade. anemones prefer light, moist, humus-rich soils with good water permeability. Anemone responds well to spring mulching (you can use garden compost or rotted manure. After finishing flowering anemone the stems are shortened to the ground, without touching the basal leaves, which are cut in the spring, at the beginning of the new season. Frost resistance anemone japanese- from climate zone 4 for species and zone 5 for varietal plants. In colder regions winter anemones generous mulching is recommended.

With plantation time anemone grow and they need division, which should be carried out in the fall, after flowering anemone. Transplanted early spring anemones come to life within a few months and their flowering in the same summer may not be so massive and plentiful.

Anemone breeding carried out in the same way, by dividing the plantation. Propagation of anemone seeds possible, but quite difficult and troublesome. anemone seeds sow in boxes with a fine substrate, cover with a plastic bag, keep 2 weeks at room temperature, and then place in the refrigerator for 6 weeks. After that, the box is returned to room temperature and kept in complete darkness for 1-3 months, until anemones won't germinate. young sprouts anemone kept during the season in a cold greenhouse, and then planted in a permanent place.

From pests and diseases of japanese anemone slugs and caterpillars are especially dangerous, as well as fungal and nematode diseases ( Aphelenchoides fragariae and A. ritzemabosi), favored by overgrowth of plantations windmills. In the fight against fungi, the addition of a small amount helps sea ​​salt or sea sand into the ground, where grow anemones.

Japanese anemones (anemones) in the garden

Japanese anemones- a magnificent decoration of the garden from mid-summer to mid-autumn. Due to its height, abundant long flowering and delicate color, japanese anemones are a universal plant for autumn mixborders (mixed flower beds). anemones look great against the backdrop of trees and shrubs that dramatically change the color of the leaves at this time of year (for example, hydrangea or Japanese maple). Can be safely used autumn anemones to decorate the corners of the garden, located in partial shade. planted in groups, anemones Perfect addition to a natural garden. Ideal neighbors for anemone there will be asters, spray chrysanthemums, gladioli, bonar verbena, sedum, heathers and others blooming at the same time autumn plants.

The best types and varieties of autumn anemones (anemones)

  1. Hubei anemone ( Anemone hupehensis) . Tall plant (120-150 cm) with pale pink flowers. The best varieties: Hadspen Abundance, Bowles" Pink.
  2. Hubei japonica anemone(A. h. var. japonica). Pamina- an early flowering variety (July-August) with large double cup-shaped flowers of dark pink, almost burgundy color. Plants are quite compact (up to 90 cm) and are great for small gardens; Prince Heinrich- anemone with large semi-double flowers of bright Pink colour. Flowers consist of 10-15 narrow sepals.
  1. Anemone hybrid(A. x hybrida). Honorine Jobert- with simple white flowers that have a pinkish color on the underside. The flowers of this anemone consist of 6-9 sepals, the plant reaches a height of 90-120 cm. It blooms for a long time, from August to October. Profusion- with semi-double flowers of a dark purple-red color, rare for autumn anemones. Reaches a height of 90-120 cm, blooms from August to October. Konigin Charlotte- with large semi-double flowers of pure, warm pale pink color. Charming flowers Queen Charlotte consist of 10-15 sepals overlapping one another. November Charm- profusely flowering and strongly growing plants with simple flowers of pure pink color. elegans

The plant is perennial shrub from the buttercup family, especially spectacular during flowering. Many flower growers love to grow anemones in their flower beds. The name is Latin. In our country, the flower is also called freckle, anemone, white flower or forest one-month-old. Sometimes it is also mistakenly called a snowdrop, which is completely wrong. He just appears early, like the first smile of spring, pleasing to the eye. delicate flowers. I can't even believe it's soft and beautiful plant poisonous. But it is so.

Description of anemone

The genus contains approximately 150 varieties of these flowers. They are distributed in the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere, found in the wild in spruce forests and deciduous forests.

The roots are sometimes tuberous. Bushes sometimes grow up to 1 m in height. The leaves on the stems are palmate, slightly dissected, and sometimes separate.

Flowers on bushes are solitary, in some varieties gathering in large-flowered umbrellas. There are few flowers in the umbrella inflorescence, all having perianths with 5-6 leaves different shapes. Inside the calyx are many stamens and pistils. The colors of the flowers are very different.
Anemones bloom, as already mentioned, in the spring. But several species can bloom in summer months and bloom until the end of autumn. During flowering, a pleasant aroma spreads around.
The Japanese anemone has seeds that ripen inside a nutlet with a short nasal tip.

Some varieties

  • Pamina is early flowering, sometimes reaching 90 cm in height. It starts blooming in July. The flowers are burgundy or sometimes very dark red. This variety is very popular in flowerbeds and flower beds, for the reason that it requires almost no maintenance.
  • Profujn refers to hybrid varieties. Her flowers are purple terry, and the flowering period is from late summer until October. It is believed that this breed is autumnal. Like many hybrids, this anemone is quite tall. Her bushes sometimes grow up to 1.2 m.
  • WilWind differs from others in decorative basal leaves with a serrated edge. Flowers white or yellow with many stamens form inflorescences of 10-15 each. It blooms, like the previous variety, at the end of summer.
  • Prince Heinrich is a bush with beautiful leaves. She looks like WilWind, but her flowers are bright red. This plant also blooms in the same way as the previous variety, from the end of summer.
  • Queen Charlotte attracts flower growers with three-lobed leaves and large-sized double light pink flowers.
  • The September Charm variety is translated as "the charm of September." This plant has large bright leaves of the same shape as the previous variety, but differs in delicate pinkish flowers. Blooms naturally in late August - September.

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Care for each variety is almost the same.

What soils do you like?

Japanese anemone prefers well-drained soil and sunny areas, but can feel good in partial shade. The land where the anemone grows should be light and well-filled with nutrients. But this flower does not like sandy soils.

But if the planting is done incorrectly, for example, an anemone flower is planted under tall trees or bushes that have powerful roots, the anemone is unlikely to bloom. No even the most thorough care will help.

Plant care is not very difficult. Anemone is fertilized in the spring before planting, with manure or vegetable compost. This shrub belongs to moisture-loving, because it requires abundant watering, about 3 times a week.

Care in the fall is also required: after flowering, all dried pedicels and stems must be cut off. For the winter, anemones need to be covered with agro-cloth. And some varieties are dug up and placed in a large box with earth. However, it should be remembered that such a transplant is not easily tolerated by all plants. Planting in the spring of dug roots is carried out with simultaneous top dressing of the soil.

The best way to propagate an anemone plant is by dividing the bush. This division and planting of the divided parts is done from April to May or in autumn, when the anemone fades. You can propagate anemone and with the help of root processes.

It should be remembered that the plant is poisonous, and therefore you need to work with it with gloves.

Grow anemones and seeds. Seeds are planted in late autumn in a warm room. For successful germination of seeds, a bright room and watering are needed. warm water using a sprayer. Sow seeds purely conditionally. They simply put them on the surface of the soil and sprinkle them with sand sifted through a strainer. The layer of sand must be very thin. Seeds germinate only in spring. For the first time, such seedlings bloom only in the second, and sometimes in the third year.

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Anemone is often used in lawn design. The anemone looks very beautiful in composition with roses, geraniums or gladioli. Loves this plant and dahlias. Therefore, planting anemones with such neighbors will not harm her.

Japanese anemone - beautiful perennial from the Lyutikov family, which first came to Europe in the middle of the 19th century. Delicate flowers of this perennial on strong tall peduncles enliven the autumn flower bed with their bright colors. This plant quickly forms natural thickets and creates the effect of a wild corner in the garden.

People interested in growing anemones need to know some of the features of this plant:

  • The flower requires mandatory watering in dry weather. Drying out of an earthy coma negatively affects growth and flowering, and waterlogging can lead to root rot. Therefore, it is important to find a middle ground.
  • AT very coldy perennial can freeze slightly, so it needs to be covered for the winter.
  • Anemone can grow in one place for many years and is painful to transplant. Therefore, it is possible to transplant a bush to a new place only after 5 years.

These are the main features. But each variety has its own requirements for planting and care, so you need to read about this separately.

Selection of planting material

Planting material is better to purchase in early spring in large specialized stores or garden centers. The tubers must be well dried, packed and labeled by the manufacturer. By appearance tubers it is difficult to determine their quality, since they are all wrinkled and deformed.

Growing these flowers from seeds is quite problematic, as only every fourth seed germinates. The seed must be freshly harvested, as over time, the already low germination decreases even more.

Soil preparation, timing and planting rules

The Japanese autumn anemone is a capricious flower, so you need to choose the right place for planting. The plant does not tolerate the lack of moisture, and heavy soil, strong drafts and the scorching rays of the sun are detrimental to it.

Proper planting is the key to health and lush flowering

The best choice is a spacious, open, slightly shaded area where the sun's rays fall only in the morning. The soil should be loose, light, well-drained and fertile. If it does not meet these parameters, it must be dug up, fertilized with peat, humus or ash and loosened. On sandy, clay and dense soils, the flower grows poorly.

Growing from seed

Seeds should be sown for seedlings about 4 weeks before the expected arrival of heat and snow melt. These times may vary by region. In order for the seeds to swell, they are mixed with moistened sand and left for 3-4 days, constantly monitoring the humidity. The swollen seeds are poured into a small tray with peat and gently mixed. The tray is placed in a cool place and left to germinate. As soon as the first shoots appear, the box is taken out into the street directly into the snow and sprinkled with sawdust. In the spring, hardened seedlings are planted in the ground.

Growing from tubers

The selected tubers are placed in a basin and poured with warm water. This procedure will help them wake up to life. The edges of the roots can be trimmed to make them take faster, but this is not necessary. After 4 hours, the prepared material is planted to a depth of 5 cm in prepared pots with sand and peat. Sprouted tubers are transplanted into a flower bed in recesses with a diameter of 30 cm and a depth of 15 cm, while the soil must be well tamped and watered abundantly. The distance between plants should be at least 0.5 m, since then the bushes grow strongly and there is not enough space for them.

Outdoor anemone care

If the landing was made correctly, then in further care behind the anemone does not bring much difficulty.

Watering should be moderate, in no case should the soil dry out or become waterlogged. In spring and autumn, the flower is enough natural moisture, therefore, in most cases, watering is only necessary in summer. As a rule, watering is carried out in the morning or in the evening, after sunset. So that the soil does not dry out, it is advisable to cover it with mulch - chopped grass, leaves, peat or tree bark. Especially good is the mulch made from the leaves of broad-leaved trees, which imitates the forest floor, and this is a prerequisite for the growth of anemones in nature. Mulching eliminates the constant loosening of the soil, as the soil constantly remains slightly moist and does not become covered with a hard crust.

A layer of mulch more than 5 cm thick prevents weeds from germinating. Weeds that have broken through this barrier are best removed manually so as not to damage the roots.

After the end of flowering, the stems must be shortened to the ground, without cutting off the basal leaves. To protect the plant from frost, you need to sprinkle the ground around it with a layer of mulch of at least 15 cm and cover it with branches. Varieties with low frost resistance are best dug up for the winter and stored in a cool place in a box with earth.

Even if the plant is frozen, there is no need to worry. It is highly likely that young shoots will grow out of the renewal buds pretty soon.

Reproduction Anemones

This perennial spreads very quickly around the site, so it is easiest to propagate it with shoots. To do this, in the spring you need to separate the sprout that has appeared along with part of the rhizome and transfer it to another place.

The plant can also be grown from seeds or tubers. The first method is quite laborious, and the second makes it possible to admire the flowering of the bush this year. Planting can be done both in spring and autumn, but in the first case, rooting is much better.

The main problems when growing a flower

Do not plant anemone directly under the trees. The flower needs sunlight, moreover, he does not withstand competition in the struggle for nutrients, so powerful tree roots quickly absorb them. Even if the plant takes root in such a place, it is unlikely that it will be able to bloom.

If the bushes are not fed, they will not bloom well. Therefore, it is worth adhering to the feeding schedule:

  • in spring - organic fertilizers;
  • during the formation of buds - mineral complexes;
  • in early October - ash or any fertilizer without nitrogen.

For the winter, the bushes can fall asleep thin layer rotted manure. In this case, in the spring you can do without fertilizing. Use fresh manure it is impossible, it violates the acid balance of the soil, and this is bad for plants. Thanks to timely top dressing, the buds will be larger, the flowers will be bright, and the stems will be strong.

Pests and diseases

Most of all, the perennial suffers from the invasion of slugs and caterpillars. It is also susceptible to fungal and nematode diseases. Most often, plants in group plantings get sick. Single bushes get sick much less often. It is better to immediately destroy plants heavily affected by a leaf nematode, and as a preventive measure, completely replace the soil in this place.

For protection against garden pests perennial should be periodically sprayed with a solution of metaldehyde. If there are few slugs and caterpillars, it is easier to collect them manually. As a prevention of fungal diseases, you can add a little sea salt or sand to the soil.

Japanese anemone - herbaceous plant for open ground. It creates a beautiful green background of its foliage for other flowers throughout the summer, and pleases with abundant and bright flowering in autumn.

Japanese anemone is a beautiful perennial plant from the Ranunculaceae family, which first came to Europe in the middle of the 19th century. Delicate flowers of this perennial on strong tall peduncles enliven the autumn flower bed with their bright colors. This plant quickly forms natural thickets and creates the effect of a wild corner in the garden.

People interested in growing anemones need to know some of the features of this plant:

  • The flower requires mandatory watering in dry weather. Drying out of an earthy coma negatively affects growth and flowering, and waterlogging can lead to root rot. Therefore, it is important to find a middle ground.
  • In severe frosts, the perennial can freeze slightly, so it needs to be covered for the winter.
  • Anemone can grow in one place for many years and is painful to transplant. Therefore, it is possible to transplant a bush to a new place only after 5 years.

These are the main features. But each variety has its own requirements for planting and care, so you need to read about this separately.

It is better to purchase planting material in early spring in large specialized stores or garden centers. The tubers must be well dried, packed and labeled by the manufacturer. It is difficult to determine their quality by the appearance of the tubers, since they are all wrinkled and deformed.

Growing these flowers from seeds is quite problematic, as only every fourth seed germinates. The seed must be freshly harvested, as over time, the already low germination decreases even more.

The Japanese autumn anemone is a capricious flower, so you need to choose the right place for planting. The plant does not tolerate the lack of moisture, and heavy soil, strong drafts and the scorching rays of the sun are detrimental to it.

Proper planting is the key to health and lush flowering

The best choice is a spacious, open, slightly shaded area where the sun's rays fall only in the morning. The soil should be loose, light, well-drained and fertile. If it does not meet these parameters, it must be dug up, fertilized with peat, humus or ash and loosened. On sandy, clay and dense soils, the flower grows poorly.

Seeds should be sown for seedlings about 4 weeks before the expected arrival of heat and snow melt. These times may vary by region. In order for the seeds to swell, they are mixed with moistened sand and left for 3-4 days, constantly monitoring the humidity. The swollen seeds are poured into a small tray with peat and gently mixed. The tray is placed in a cool place and left to germinate. As soon as the first shoots appear, the box is taken out into the street directly into the snow and sprinkled with sawdust. In the spring, hardened seedlings are planted in the ground.

Growing from tubers

The selected tubers are placed in a basin and poured with warm water. This procedure will help them wake up to life. The edges of the roots can be trimmed to make them take faster, but this is not necessary. After 4 hours, the prepared material is planted to a depth of 5 cm in prepared pots with sand and peat. Sprouted tubers are transplanted into a flower bed in recesses with a diameter of 30 cm and a depth of 15 cm, while the soil must be well tamped and watered abundantly. The distance between plants should be at least 0.5 m, since then the bushes grow strongly and there is not enough space for them.

Outdoor anemone care

If the landing was made correctly, then further care for the anemone does not bring any special difficulties.

Watering should be moderate, in no case should the soil dry out or become waterlogged. In spring and autumn, the flower has enough natural moisture, so in most cases watering is necessary only in summer. As a rule, watering is carried out in the morning or in the evening, after sunset. So that the soil does not dry out, it is advisable to cover it with mulch - chopped grass, leaves, peat or tree bark. Especially good is the mulch made from the leaves of broad-leaved trees, which imitates the forest floor, and this is a prerequisite for the growth of anemones in nature. Mulching eliminates the constant loosening of the soil, as the soil constantly remains slightly moist and does not become covered with a hard crust.

A layer of mulch more than 5 cm thick prevents weeds from germinating. Weeds that have broken through this barrier are best removed manually so as not to damage the roots.

After the end of flowering, the stems must be shortened to the ground, without cutting off the basal leaves. To protect the plant from frost, you need to sprinkle the ground around it with a layer of mulch of at least 15 cm and cover it with branches. Varieties with low frost resistance are best dug up for the winter and stored in a cool place in a box with earth.

Even if the plant is frozen, there is no need to worry. It is highly likely that young shoots will grow out of the renewal buds pretty soon.

Reproduction Anemones

This perennial spreads very quickly around the site, so it is easiest to propagate it with shoots. To do this, in the spring you need to separate the sprout that has appeared along with part of the rhizome and transfer it to another place.

The plant can also be grown from seeds or tubers. The first method is quite laborious, and the second makes it possible to admire the flowering of the bush this year. Planting can be done both in spring and autumn, but in the first case, rooting is much better.

The main problems when growing a flower

Do not plant anemone directly under the trees. The flower needs sunlight, moreover, it cannot compete in the struggle for nutrients, so powerful tree roots quickly absorb them. Even if the plant takes root in such a place, it is unlikely that it will be able to bloom.

If the bushes are not fed, they will not bloom well. Therefore, it is worth adhering to the feeding schedule:

  • in spring - organic fertilizers;
  • during the formation of buds - mineral complexes;
  • in early October - ash or any fertilizer without nitrogen.

For the winter, the bushes can be covered with a thin layer of rotted manure. In this case, in the spring you can do without fertilizing. It is impossible to use fresh manure, it violates the acid balance of the soil, and this is bad for plants. Thanks to timely top dressing, the buds will be larger, the flowers will be bright, and the stems will be strong.

Pests and diseases

Most of all, the perennial suffers from the invasion of slugs and caterpillars. It is also susceptible to fungal and nematode diseases. Most often, plants in group plantings get sick. Single bushes get sick much less often. It is better to immediately destroy plants heavily affected by a leaf nematode, and as a preventive measure, completely replace the soil in this place.

To protect against garden pests, perennials should be periodically sprayed with a metaldehyde solution. If there are few slugs and caterpillars, it is easier to collect them manually. As a prevention of fungal diseases, you can add a little sea salt or sand to the soil.

Japanese anemone is a herbaceous plant for open ground. It creates a beautiful green background of its foliage for other flowers throughout the summer, and pleases with abundant and bright flowering in autumn.

Japanese anemone for most gardeners is associated with spring primroses. Indeed, most anemone species are spring-flowering plants. However, there are among them those who open buds only at the end of summer or even at the beginning of autumn. Botanists combined them into one group, and they gave it a name - Japanese anemone (autumn). What is the difference between these flowers and what are the features of their cultivation? Today we will look at these issues in detail.

Description of the species

As the name already made clear, the main difference between the Japanese anemone is the timing of flowering. However, the plants of this group combine and external signs. So, in autumn anemones, flower stalks are stronger, and stems are higher. The height of the bush can reach 1.5 m, although most species have a quite compact meter growth. In addition, such anemones have a more powerful and developed rhizome and grow rapidly. On the lateral roots extending from the central vertical rod, there are many buds. In just three years, a small bush turns into a lush dense bush.

It would be appropriate to recall that among the Japanese group of flowers there are varieties that bloom in late spring or summer.

The leaves of the Japanese anemone are quite large, collected in a rosette up to 40 cm high. They have a beautiful multi-lobed shape and a serrated edge. But the inflorescences are medium in size, up to a maximum of 8 cm in diameter. They will not amaze with a variety of color palettes, they prevail in color White color and all shades of pink. The shape of the buds is mostly simple, but there are also semi-double varieties.

The varieties of this group are characterized by high frost resistance.

Japanese anemone: cultivation features

In order for autumn anemones to bloom luxuriantly and profusely, you need to take care of the following things:

  1. Landing place. The site should be well lit, especially in the morning. In full shade, the bush will not bloom.
  2. The soil. Sour and heavy earth is absolutely not suitable for an anemone. In the first case, sand should be added to the flower bed, and in the second - ashes. If the soil is poor in nutrients, you need to fertilize, but only rotted.

Do not forget about proper care behind the plants. Special attention watering should be given: it is important to remember that excess moisture is harmful to anemones. The flower overwinters well, but in regions with particularly severe winters it can freeze a little. To prevent this from happening, it is better to cover the bushes with spruce branches. However, even after cold winter and partial freezing, Japanese anemones quickly recover and increase their former scale. So grow them for your pleasure and admire beautiful flowers until frost.
