Lunar calendar for transplanting home flowers. Lunar calendar for flower transplantation - favorable and unfavorable days

Transplanting indoor plants is necessary for better development and comfortable condition. Better days for transplanting indoor plants, lunar calendar for transplanting indoor flowers, rules and features of transplanting different plants at home.

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Auspicious days for transplanting indoor flowers

The right time is the advance of a successful transplant. Transplant healthy, strong plants.

Suitable season, spring - summer. It was then that most indoor plants are at the peak of life: they grow rapidly, turn green, get enough sunlight and warmth.

Prosperous time is often determined by the location of the moon. How does the moon affect indoor flowers? What do you need to know to manage the calendar?

The juice and energy of plants, like the waters of the world ocean, are responsive to the location of the earth's satellite. They rush to the growing moon along the stems from the bottom up. From roots to leaves at the top. During the full moon, the aerial parts are saturated with nutrients. On the waning moon, a reverse movement is made to the roots. In the new moon, everything is concentrated in the underground part.

Transplantation is not performed during the periods:

  • new moon, full moon;
  • two days before and after them;
  • Solar, Lunar eclipses.

An important role is played by the location of the Earth's satellite in the signs of the Zodiac. The best signs for transplant work are:

  • Virgo;
  • Capricorn;
  • Taurus;
  • Fish;
  • Scales.

It is undesirable to rely only on the lunar calendar. For example, flowering or ready-to-flower plants are not transplanted, even on the most prosperous day.

How to transplant indoor flowers - technology and tips

All houseplants subdivided into families. Differ appearance, characteristics, needs. This is taken into account when transplanting.

Green spaces grow in artificially created conditions, require regular saturation with nutrients. Change of soil, cultivation of the root system, increase in capacity contribute to this.

Transplanted indoor plantings regularly. Young, fast growing plants every year. Adult specimens according to the classification. For example:

  • violet - annually;
  • ficus - once every six years;
  • Azalea - after three years.

Land for planting is one of important elements. The best way- preparation. They take fertile layers of turf, mix with peat, leaf, manure, coniferous humus. Add sand, in a ratio of 1/10.

Such soil is light - the bulk of humus, or heavy, with a predominance of clay.

Plants with a thin or weak root system are transplanted into light soils. Fast growing - in neutral (the amount of sod and humus are equal). Heavy soils are designed for specimens with powerful, thick roots.

Take into account the individual needs of green pets. Orchids are planted in acidic soils, consisting of peat, moss, roots.

The next step is choosing a container. Choose:

  • in form;
  • material;
  • sizes.

The cut-off cone is considered the best shape. Pots are often picked when the top diameter equals the height. Water drain holes are of normal size.

When replacing the container with a larger pot, the difference in diameter is no more than two cm.

The nuances are related to the view indoor flower. Orchids require a tall, narrow vessel, preferably transparent. For azalea, a low, wide pot is suitable.

Expanded clay, pebbles, clay shards are used as drainage. Cover the drainage with a small layer of moss in order to avoid clogging.

The transplant technology is as follows:

  1. Get a plant prepared for transplantation. It is carefully knocked out with a wooden blade. It is undesirable to pull the stems, branches, which can seriously harm them. The same blade shakes off the excess layer of soil. The original ball should be reduced by a quarter of its size. Small felt roots are trimmed.
  2. Drainage sprinkled with prepared soil. Holding, lower the plant in the middle of the container. Fill the gap with soil, ramming it with a wooden spatula.
  3. Suggest not to bury root collar leaving it at the same level as before. This contributes to better adaptation and eliminates decay.
  4. Check the compaction of the earth by lifting the plant by the trunk. If it rises with a pot, it's good.
  5. After transplanting, water. Put in a place protected from direct rays.

When transplanting plants due to damage to the earthen coma, cut off diseased roots. The place of the cut is treated with fine coal. The pot is taken with a smaller diameter. A pinch of coal is added to the ground.

If pests or diseases are detected, a complete transplant is carried out. The roots are freed from the soil, washed. Everything infected, the sick is cut and processed.

Rarely transplanted plants need to update the top layer of the earth. It is removed by 2-4 cm and fall asleep fresh.

Transplanting indoor flowers in autumn (September, October)

Autumn is an unfavorable time for transplanting work. Biorhythms of plants slow down, daylight hours are reduced. The humidity in the room decreases, the temperature fluctuates.

Having eliminated these factors, transplantation is carried out according to conventional technology.

  • Increase daylight hours by backlighting. Turn it on required time, at the same hour.
  • Humidity is increased by spraying the plants with tepid water. Use pallets with wet moss. Or set up near a container of water.
  • Eliminate drafts, maintain a constant air temperature.

Transplanting indoor plants autumn period, as a rule, experienced flower growers.

For regular care and attention, green pets will delight you with a beautiful view, lush flowering, bright fruits.

A detailed video about the technology of transplanting indoor flowers:

Flowers are the main decorative element any garden, whether suburban area or your window sill. In order for indoor flowers to always delight you with their flowering, a transplant is simply necessary!

For plants to grow strong and healthy, for them to have healing properties, you need to create optimal conditions for their cultivation, as well as correctly choose the time of planting.

When to transplant indoor flowers?

The best time for transplanting indoor plants - spring. The fact is that starting from October, all growth processes slow down in indoor flowers and plants. That is why it is best to change the "place of residence" for your favorite flowers in the spring. How do you know if indoor flowers need repotting?

1. If the roots of your plant stick out from the bottom of the pot or there are bare roots on the surface of the soil.

2. If the plant has stopped growing and looks sluggish, although you are following the watering regimen.

3. The plant has grown strongly and the pot has obviously become cramped for him.

Florist calendar 2017: favorable days for transplanting indoor plants

January 1-11, 28-31

February 1-10, 26-28

March 1-11, 28-31

April 1-10, 26-30

May 1-10, 25-31

June 1-8, 24-30

July 1-8, 23-31

August 1-6, 21-31

September 1-5, 20-30

October 1-4, 19-31

November 1-3, 18-30

December 1-2, 18-31.

These are auspicious days for transplanting houseplants in 2017.

Indoor flowers: transplant step by step

Remove the plant from the pot Water the plant lightly, let it dry for an hour or so, and then carefully remove it completely from the pot by gently pulling on the stem at the very root or by placing the pot on its side. You can help yourself with a pencil or stick if you are sure that you will not touch the roots of the plant.

Preparation of the root ball. Carefully free the root ball from the ground, but be careful not to damage the root system. Examine her. Cut off dead or rotten roots.

Prepare a new pot. Do not transplant the plant into an oversized pot "with a margin." This will slow growth. It's up to you to choose plastic or ceramic pots, but ceramics are, of course, more environmentally friendly.

Add fresh soil directly to the pot. Many of us have been taught to put pebbles or other means of drainage into the bottom of the pot first. In reality, however, this prevents the roots from developing below, they are concentrated above, which interferes with normal aeration.

For indoor plants, transplanting is stressful, but in general they tolerate it well. After you transplant your flower, it should begin to grow actively, mastering the new soil with its roots. This may not happen if the transplant was carried out in winter.

Winter flower care

flower care in winter time has a number of features, including the difficulty of keeping plants in low light conditions. In addition, the presence of drafts and dry air, characteristic of apartments at this time of the year, also do not affect the well-being of green pets in the best way. In winter, daylight hours are short - this is another reason why it is better to transplant in the spring.

Flowers need light, and due to the fact that the daylight hours in winter are half as long as in summer, they may feel uncomfortable. Some flowers simply hibernate, others need to be placed closer to the window, moving from the back of the room to the windowsill.

It should not be forgotten that cleanliness also has great importance: Dirty windows obstruct the flow of light, so clean them regularly, both in winter and in summer. It would be a good idea to general cleaning with the advent of the new season.

By observing the above rules for caring for indoor flowers, you can create a beautiful indoor garden or decorate country cottage area, making the space around you bright and filled with positive, good mood and elegance of ornamental plants.

© Julia Lukashina

Harmful plants that do not belong in your home:

Houseplants, just like garden plants, require increased attention. Caring for them is not limited to watering. Almost all home beauties need a periodic transplant. But at the same time, it is important to know not only how to do it, but also when it is better to transplant indoor flowers. The further well-being of plants and their appearance depends on the correctly chosen dates.

At first glance, the dilemma lies in the choice: in the fall or in the spring, take on the spatula and soil. But in reality, there are many nuances in this matter: in the morning or in the evening, a day according to the lunar calendar, whether the age and size of the plant, as well as its condition, affect it. Let's look at all the factors that affect the timing of the transplant.

When is it better to transplant indoor flowers - in what season

Any transplant (including transshipment) is intended to improve the growing conditions of plants. If this is done on time and in compliance with the rules, then after a while the green friend begins to grow and develop more actively. Before considering in detail when it is better to transplant flowers at home, you need to decide on the question of how often to carry out this procedure.

Young plants need soil renewal annually. In relation to adult flowering objects that have already reached large sizes, you can limit yourself to once every 2-3 years. At the same time, many decorative leafy (, palm trees) and flowering crops (camellias, amaryllis) require an even rarer transplant - once every 3-4 years.

With timely and competent care of pets, such a frequency will be enough. Now to the question, at what time of the year indoor flowers calmly take root in a new pot.

The best time for a planned transplant of indoor plants is the end of winter and spring (the period from mid-February to April).

This is quite understandable from a physiological point of view. In the spring, when daylight hours increase, in the body of plants, including indoor plants, vital important processes. First of all, this is photosynthesis, the transport of water and nutrients. As a result, the plant begins to actively grow and develop. During such a period, all forces are mobilized and the plant organism more easily tolerates the change of soil.

At the same time, more precise deadlines within specified period must be determined, focusing on the plant itself. Because each species has its own individual features. So, bulbous plants transplanted only after their leaves turn yellow. Any flowering plants should not be touched until their last flowers have withered. Only after that you can start transplanting or transshipment.

Exceptions to the rules:

  • If necessary, the period for transplanting flowers can be extended until the summer. But in this case, it is important to comply with all the conditions of the procedure and provide the plant with attentive care in a new pot. I mean light, water, temperature regime, top dressing.
  • For some crops, the spring transplant rule has an exception. An example is cacti. In the spring they bloom, and in the summer they actively increase their phytomass. Therefore, the most convenient time to transplant cacti is the beginning of winter (more precisely, November, December) or the end of spring - the beginning of summer.
  • And one moment. Even if you bought a new houseplant in the store and the timing seems to be good for transplanting, you should not rush. Let the new occupant of your home acclimate. Otherwise, the procedure may end badly for him - he will not withstand the double stress.

When flowers are transplanted according to the lunar calendar

The fact that the Earth's satellite influences many processes on our planet has not been a secret for a long time. Gardeners plant, cut, feed, dig up plants on personal plot according to the lunar calendar. This phenomenon also applies to indoor flowers. There are dates on which it is very favorable to transplant, and there are those when it is better not to touch the plants.

Transplantation and new planting of indoor flowers is best done on the days of Virgo. In this case, the plants will quickly take root and grow well.

These days and times change every year. Data for 2018 are shown in the table. And although it is best to repot indoor flowers in the spring, there are also suitable days in other seasons (autumn and even winter). After all, sometimes for emergency reasons, flowers need an urgent transplant.

Moon calendar transplants and pruning in 2018

Month auspicious days bad days Forbidden days
January 1, 18 — 30 3 – 17 2, 31
February 17 – 28 1 – 14, 16 15
March 1, 18 – 30 3 — 17 2, 31
April 17 – 29 1 – 16 30
May 16 – 28 1 – 15, 30, 31 29
June 14 – 27 1 – 13, 29, 30 28
July 14 — 26 1 – 12, 28 — 31 13, 27
August 12 – 25 1 – 10, 27 — 31 11, 26
September 10 – 24 1 – 9, 26 – 30 25
October 10 – 23 1 – 9, 25 — 31 24
November 8 – 22 1 – 7, 24 – 30 23
December 8 — 21 1 – 7, 23 — 31 22

Dates from the "auspicious days" column are ideal for practicing land works. The days indicated in the middle column are not suitable for replanting and cutting indoor flowers - that is, any drastic measures should be postponed to another day. Dates from the last column are an absolute taboo. It is better not to touch the plants these days (meaning not only transplanting, but also top dressing, pest control, loosening).

When is an emergency transplant performed?

In the life of domestic plants, there are situations when they need an urgent transplant. This may be necessary if it is not possible to solve the problem with other methods of care (for example, top dressing, pruning, chemical treatment).

When by objective reasons it became necessary to replace the soil and the pot, they no longer look at the standard terms for transplanting indoor flowers. This emergency procedure can be carried out at any time - both during the period of active growth and during the dormant period of the plant.

How to determine that a plant organism needs an urgent transplant with a complete or partial replacement of the soil? There are several signs that indicate this:

  1. The earthen ball protrudes very strongly from the pot. This means that the root system does not have enough volume.
  2. During the period when the plant should actively grow, it does not form new shoots and does not develop.
  3. Rapid yellowing of leaves on the whole plant (both old and young).
  4. Violation of flowering - reduction in terms, a decrease in the number of flowers or their underdevelopment and early fall.
  5. Root rot caused by severe infectious diseases or pests.

Even if outside the window is not the best time to transplant, you can take a chance. But you need to make every effort to fix the problem. The thing is that an urgent replacement of the soil and container outside the classical terms can both save the plant and destroy it. It all depends on the correct observance of the procedure.

Thus, if your green pets need to update the soil conditions, then find the right time for this useful thing. When deciding when it is best to transplant indoor flowers and decorative leafy crops, take into account all factors at once - the time of year, the condition of the plant, the lunar calendar. In this case, the "operation" will end successfully and home flowers will delight the eye.

Good luck with your floriculture!

Plant lovers know when to repot indoor flowers. After all, without timely and proper help, home decoration can die. What should be taken into account when making a transplant decision?

When to transplant indoor flowers? Is a transplant needed?

Some plants long time may be under the same conditions. To understand when you can transplant indoor flowers, you should pay attention to the following signs:

  • when pulling them out of the pot, root system extensive and occupies almost the entire space of the container;
  • roots stick out top layer land;
  • the stem has stretched out and is in danger of breaking under its own weight.

It is useful to read the instructions for growing a particular green friend in order to know what time it is possible to transplant indoor flowers of this species.

The best time to transplant indoor flowers

Most auspicious time years for such manipulations - Spring. This is not related to the period of revival of all plants in nature, taking into account the increase in daylight hours. The main task during transplantation is to give the opportunity to strengthen the root system in a new pot. But you have to wait until it's over. rapid flowering, if it is characteristic of the plant.

Many people wonder if indoor flowers can be transplanted. winter. It is undesirable to do this, because there is a high risk that the flower will not endure stress. It is better to provide additional top dressing, an increase in the earth layer in order to wait for spring.

When can I transplant indoor flowers. A photo

To carry out the relocation of a flower to a new pot, you should take care of everything in advance. The new pot should have good drainage and be clean. You will also need:

  • Earth, corresponding to the type of plant;
  • water for watering;
  • small stones if you need to improve drainage;
  • gloves for work;
  • knife, to eliminate rotten or damaged parts of the plant.

If there is a suspicion of the presence of pests, you can dilute potassium permanganate and water the new land a day before transplanting.

The transplant technology looks like this:

For better adaptation, the plant needs to be watered and put in a dark place. Usually one week is enough, after which the flower is returned to the windowsill. Don't forget to spray the leaves.

Calendar for transplanting indoor flowers 2016

For those who believe in the powers of the moon, you can use a special calendar. In it, every month indicate the days favorable for plant transplantation. With it, it is easy to find out whether it is possible to transplant indoor flowers today. In this case, you should pay attention to what time zone the calendar is made for. After all, at what time you can transplant indoor flowers is also important. Usually there are no more than four such days per month. Therefore it is necessary to catch the necessary date.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor flowers. A photo

Unfavorable days for planting and transplanting indoor plants (flowers) in 2016

The lunar calendar also contains information on which days the risk of plant death during transplantation is high. You can transplant indoor flowers today, and in a few days lush plant crumble or stop producing new leaves. This is most often evidence of the influence of an unfavorable period.

When is it undesirable to transplant plants?

Simple rules and knowledge of when you can transplant indoor flowers will make the interior of any home attractive. After all, abundant greenery decorates and allows you to place accents in the space of the premises.

Home plants require care in winter. Some of them slow growth, while southern and tropical flowers are often ready to bloom and bear fruit. Consider lunar energy so that your winter garden remains a source of pride.

February 2-3: the infertile Sign of the Virgin will not contribute to the active development of plants. These days you can do soaking seeds, watering and spraying plants. To make your flowers pleasing to the eye, use mineral supplements and do not forget to loosen the soil in a timely manner for access of oxygen to the roots.

February 4-5: the influence of the constellation Libra will have a beneficial effect on plants. These days you can do transplant overgrown flowers, sow seeds or acquire new plants. Astrologers recommend paying attention to tropical flowers that need more frequent watering. Spray them to rid the leaves of dust and maintain the necessary humidity.

February 6-8: under the influence of Scorpio, one of the fertile Signs, you can start planting seedlings. Under the influence of the waning moon, plant roots will develop rapidly and give strong shoots that are resistant to climate change and disease.

February 9-10: under the influence of the energy of Sagittarius, sowing and planting seedlings vegetable crops better to postpone. It will have abundant greenery, but will give a small amount of harvest. These days it is worth paying attention to climbing plants and making supporting fasteners for new shoots.

February 11-13: the influence of Capricorn on plants these days will be positive. Under the influence of the waning moon, flowers slow down growth, but the root system continues to develop. Use mineral fertilizers to keep your conservatory in top condition.

February 14-15: the influence of the Aquarius constellation allows experiments with plants. You can cross-breed flowers to get new shades of inflorescences, as well as graft existing ones. citrus trees. Transplanting and planting new plants is fraught with their diseases, but established sprouts will have beautiful leaves and give delicious fruit.

February 16-18: During the New Moon on the 16th, plants need a break. Plant care under the influence of the Pisces constellation is possible in the following days, however, it is better to refuse transplanting and planting new flowers in favor of loosening the soil and spraying the stems from pests.

February 19-20: the influence of Aries with the growing moon will negatively affect the development of plants. This infertile Sign will not encourage the growth of flowers in your home garden. Let them rest and start preparing the earth mixture for future plantings.

February 21-22: the influence of Taurus will favorably affect the growth and development of plants. This fertile Sign helps flowers develop and resist disease. These days, you can do any work in your home garden without fear of harming your plants.

February 23-24: plants these days will be influenced by Gemini. This period will make it possible to quickly grow new flowers, but they will be weak. Astrologers recommend not using Friday and Saturday for sowing and transplanting. These days, make sure that the plants receive enough light and moisture.

February 25-26: the winter garden under the influence of Cancer can be transformed. This fertile Sign helps plants develop quickly and resist pathogenic bacteria. These days, it is possible not only to care for flowers, but also to plant seedlings of vegetable crops that will give excellent harvest during the summer period.

February 27-28: last days The Moon will spend February in the constellation Leo. This Sign negatively affects the development of plants, so planting and transplanting can lead to diseases and even death of flowers. At this time, it is worth taking a break and limiting yourself to watering the plants, if necessary.

Each plant reacts to weather changes, so in winter it is especially important to maintain a favorable climate in living quarters. If you have dry air, then put containers of water next to the plants, and also do not forget to spray them with clean warm water.We wish you good luck and wonderful winter garden, and do not forget to press the buttons and
