Download free projects of houses from the block. Projects of houses from blocks Key advantages of blocks

General information about the project.

1. Initial data on the project of a house from gas blocks with drawings for free 92/80

1.1. Working project "Cottage "Sentence"
- Architectural and planning task;
- Regulatory documents for the design and construction of buildings and structures.
1.2. The building of the house is supposed to be equipped with lighting, heating networks, water supply and sewerage networks, and a ventilation system. 1.3. Around the house, it is planned to improve the territory with the planting of green spaces, the device walking paths, benches. 1.4. The construction of the house is supposed to be carried out in one phase. 1.5. The project was completed without engineering surveys.
1.6. The project site has a flat terrain.
2.Climatic data ( Leningrad region; St. Petersburg)
2.1. The average temperature of the coldest five-day period with a probability of 0.92 1 cold, five-day periods = -26 °С;
2.2. Duration of the heating period ZOT, per = 220 days;
2.3. Estimated outdoor temperature TOT, per = -1.8 °С;
2.4. Duration of the period with negative average monthly outdoor temperature ZO = 152 days;
2.5. Duration of the period with negative average monthly outdoor temperature Zl = 2 months;
2.6. The duration of the spring-autumn period Z2 = 5 months;The maximum depth of soil freezing is assumed to be 2.0 m.
2.7. Duration summer period Z3 = 5 months;
2.8. The average temperature of the period with a negative average monthly outdoor temperature TO = -5 ° С;
2.9. average temperature winter period Tl \u003d -7.8 ° С;
2.10. The average temperature of the spring-autumn period T2 = -0.2 °С;
2.11. Average summer temperature T3 = 13.9 °С;
2.12. The relief of the site is flat (calm) according to the Architectural and Planning Assignment.
2.13. The maximum depth of soil freezing is assumed to be 1.8 m.

3. The general part of the project of a gas-block house with drawings is free.

3.1. This project developed the construction of a house from gas blocks and wooden floors along the beams.
3.2. The projected building belongs to the objects residential buildings and structures.
3.3. The building belongs to the 111 degree of fire resistance.

4. The master plan for the project of a gas-block house with drawings for free.

4.1. When designing, topographic and design materials were not used.
5. External engineering networks of the project from gas blocks with drawings for free.
5.1. Project engineering networks on-site, see Album NVK, ES.

6. Improvement of the house project from gas blocks with drawings for free.

6.1. This project does not include landscaping.
7. Organization of relief and drainage of rainwater.
7.1. The project for the organization of the relief and the removal of rainwater from the site is not being developed.
8. Space-planning solutions for the project of a gas-block house with drawings for free.
8.1. Space-planning and constructive decisions of the building are made on the basis of the conditions for ensuring convenient operation of the building.
8.2. The building has a regular rectangular plan.
8.3. Technical and economic indicators:
8.3.1. Building area - 98.71 sq.m.,
8.3.2. Building volume - 911 sq.m.,
8.3.3. Total area - 186.45 sq.m.
8.4. The building has three main levels. The height of the first floor is 3.3 m, the second floor is 3.0 m. The actual height of the premises from floor to ceiling of the first floor is 3.0 m, the second floor is 2.7 m, the attic is 2.5 m (1.5 m minimum).
8.5. The mark of 0.000 is taken as the level of the finished floor of the first floor.

9. Constructive solution for the project of a gas-block house with drawings for free.

9.1. According to terms of reference, foundations are developed by local design organizations.
9.2. Walls: load-bearing part - aerated concrete blocks 400 mm, partitions - GVL on a metal frame.
9.3. Columns: timber. 9.4. Ceilings: wooden beams. 9.5. Stairs: internal - wooden, external - wooden.
9.6. Floors: wooden, in bathrooms - floor ceramic tile on concrete screed.
9.7. Roof: mansard gable, wooden, with slopes of slopes of 25 -70 °. The rafters are made of timber with a section of 50 x 200 mm. Adopted non-slip roof design with opiwounding the lower part of the rafters on the walls.
9.8. Roof: shingles"Shinglas".
9.9. Windows: double-glazed windows (triple glazing), frames - wooden profile according to GOST 24700-99 (2001).
9.10. Doors: internal - according to GOST 6629-88(2002), external - according to GOST 24698-81(2002), wooden according to individual order.
9.11. The facades of the house are covered with transparent weather-resistant compounds. The plinth is lined with natural stone.
9.12. According to the TOR, interior decoration and floor construction is developed by local design companies.
10. Engineering networks of the internal project of a house from gas blocks with drawings for free.
10.1. The technical unit is located in the boiler room in the basement. Inputs to the building (water, gas, electricity) are carried out in the boiler room. 10.2. Sewerage - local.

This section presents projects of houses, cottages, baths, garages in construction technology from the two most popular varieties cellular concrete: aerated concrete and foam concrete. It is important to know that although these two building materials belong to the same class of concrete, they are two completely different products in terms of structure, production method and masonry technology.

Modern house made of aerated concrete PA-1644G

Total area: 164.48 sq.m. + 25.34 sq.m.
Construction technology: aerated concrete cottage.
Project cost: 32,000 rubles. (AR + KR)
The cost of materials for construction: 1,987,000 rubles *

A house that combines the motifs of an old European rural cottage and cutting-edge facade solutions, layouts and technologies. Floor-to-ceiling windows, a brick-lined facade, large stained-glass bay windows - these are the characteristics that immediately attract attention and distinguish this house from general series standard building. No less great interior layouts of this small house in a building patch. open type terrace, further hallway and wardrobe. From the hallway you can immediately go into a huge living room or turn into the kitchen. The living room is visually separated by an arch from the dining room. The dining room is separated from the kitchen, thus the smells and noises from the kitchen do not penetrate either the dining room or the living room. To the left of the living room is a large bedroom and a boiler room. The boiler room, in full compliance with the norms and rules for the operation of gas boilers, has a separate entrance from the street and a room volume of more than 15 cubic meters. Separately, I would like to say about the living room, which structurally has a second light, and it also provides a place for a fireplace. On the attic floor there are two large bedrooms and an office. The bedrooms are made in a block design, that is, for each of them there are separate bathrooms. Residents can use partitions to divide these rooms into a bathroom and a wardrobe. The finished project of a house made of aerated concrete PA-1644G is an excellent example of modern architectural design of country houses.
Detailed description of the project PA-1644G ➦

The project of a two-story house made of aerated concrete PA 154-0

Total area: 154.06 sq.m. + 25.99 sq.m.
Construction technology: aerated concrete blocks.
Project cost: 28,000 rubles. (AR + KR)
The cost of materials for construction: 1,816,000 rubles *

most popular project two-story house the most popular series of aerated concrete houses. In our catalog finished projects there are eleven more variants of this house. All of them have certain parameters and characteristics that unite them into a separate series. First, it is the simplicity constructive solutions, which allows them to be positioned as economy-class houses. This is an ordinary square in a building spot, with a simple four pitched roof And rational layouts interior spaces of the first and second floors. Secondly, total area of these houses is in the range of 200-250 sq.m. Thirdly, all these houses are designed in the technology of building from aerated concrete blocks. What, first of all, is this project interesting. On the right, to the main building of the house, there is a covered terrace, which has an exit from the kitchen. Also on the ground floor there is a living room with a fireplace, a separate guest room, a vestibule, large hallway, dressing room, bathroom and boiler room. A comfortable porch is covered with a canopy from rain. On the second floor there is a large hall, three bedrooms, a pantry, separate bathroom and bathroom. The walls of the house are lined with aerated concrete blocks 400 mm thick and external insulation is recommended. fine finish facade is made of decorative plaster and artificial stone.
Detailed description of the project PA 154-0 ➦

Now in our catalog there are over 1200 projects of houses, cottages, baths, garages and pavilions made of aerated concrete. Therefore, we recommend that you use the extended project search form, which in the main version of the site is located just below this text, according to the parameters you set. IN mobile version site, the advanced project search button is located in the footer of the screen of your mobile device.

Each of us has a desire to have our own personal fortress - a durable home that would be warm and cozy. Quite popular among developers in 2018 are architectural projects of houses made of ceramic blocks.

To secure such a home, you need to select Construction Materials with knowledge of the technology of their application. Any violations of it can negatively affect the properties of the materials, because of which it was decided to buy it.

This material will be useful, first of all, to developers for whom the projects of houses made of ceramic blocks are a priority, as well as to everyone who, in principle, is interested in houses made of blocks (photos, diagrams, draft designs, drawings and videos can be viewed in this section of the catalog) and properties this masonry material.

Author's and standard plans for projects of houses from blocks: the main technical parameters of ceramic products

Ceramic products are made from raw materials such as clay. It gives the blocks the following individual features:

  • Good heat-shielding performance provided by the porous structure of the material, as well as the ability to accumulate solar heat inside the house from blocks (projects and sketches can be viewed in this section). A single-layer wall is characterized by a heat transfer equal to 0.29 W / m2K.
  • Optimal costs: having excellent thermal protection, ceramic block masonry does not require insulation, which significantly reduces the cost estimate.
  • Comfort: breathable blocks provide a comfortable air environment in residential cottages due to the balance of humidity in the room.
  • Reliability: the strength of buildings made of ceramic blocks makes it possible to implement plans for houses made of blocks in areas with increased seismic hazard.
  • Refractory properties: thanks to the firing of blocks during manufacture, their fire resistance increases, reaching 4 hours.

Layout of house projects from blocks: how to avoid common mistakes when implementing it on a turnkey basis

Forewarned is forearmed! Often, the process of laying the walls of private houses from ceramic blocks is accompanied by annoying mistakes that can seriously reduce the expected quality. finished structures. The following rules will help you avoid breaking the technology.

  1. For cutting blocks it is allowed to use only a specialized tool. This will eliminate the possibility of breakage of products and keep the thickness of masonry joints (cold bridges) within acceptable limits (8-15 mm).
  2. A house made of blocks will be warm if there are no bricks in the walls. Ordinary brick will significantly increase the thermal conductivity of the wall.
  3. Since the insulation is characterized by a minimum thickness of 80 mm, it is important to leave a gap in the wall masonry of at least this value for high-quality installation of the insulation layer of monolithic products (ceilings, lintels).
  4. The durability of the masonry is ensured by the device of a horizontally even base of the foundation. If the deviations in height are insignificant, it is better to level them with a cement-sand screed. Fine-grained concrete is a good option for leveling impressive differences.
  5. It is forbidden to neglect the dressings in the laying of ceramic blocks.
  6. If the layout of houses from blocks involves the construction internal walls and partitions, then make from the same ceramic blocks that were purchased for the device external walls, inappropriate. This is a direct increase in the cost of construction.
  7. It is important to fill vertical joints with mortar, only if there are no ridges in the products and or the gap between them is more than 5 mm.
  8. When preserving, be sure to cover plastic wrap laying of ceramic blocks even with a short suspension of construction due to waterlogging of the material by precipitation.

So, in order for new houses made of ceramic blocks to be reliable, it is important to ensure compliance with the technology, as well as the experience and qualifications of the construction team. To create an original image of the house for a separate price, the client can order the design of houses from blocks, an individual project of a turnkey block house and a number of other additions.

Enjoy your viewing and choice!

Recently, the construction industry has been developing more and more thanks to new technologies and developments. Moreover, construction is now being carried out in any direction, both in the non-residential fund and in cottage settlements. Therefore, block house projects are becoming very popular, which have become a real breakthrough in the construction industry.

Block houses are a great option for low-rise construction

It's no secret that building a house is a very expensive process. financial plan, as well as with respect to time. Starting construction, it is difficult to imagine how long this whole process will take. It consists of several stages. No wonder everyone who dreams of own house, tries to at least slightly reduce the construction time.

How to do it

If use the right materials and work with the right people, you can significantly save the time allotted for construction. If urgent construction is planned, then it is best to use blocks for these purposes. Building from blocks will eliminate the need for constant monitoring of each stage of construction and significantly save time.

The project of a two-story house made of foam concrete blocks

Another significant advantage of block houses is that their foundation is much easier to make than the foundation for an ordinary brick house. The structural features imply that a lightweight version of the strip foundation will be used, which will allow the house to look more sophisticated and aesthetically pleasing, and its owner will be able to get a nice bonus in the form of very large savings compared to buildings made of traditional material.

It's warmer in a block house

Another reason why many began to order, or from blocks of some other material, is that in such a structure it is much warmer than in any other.

Not so long ago, studies were conducted that finally confirmed that they have excellent resistance to cold, which is important in cold period time.

Claydite concrete houses

Deservedly popular options for building houses are the construction of premises from expanded clay concrete. , like all similar buildings, are very quickly and easily erected.

  • A feature of the construction of houses from expanded clay concrete is that this material is resistant to cold, so work can be done year-round.
  • Expanded clay blocks are absolutely not afraid of moisture.

Expanded clay concrete structures are very warm in themselves, and if you also insulate them additionally, then in winter you will not feel any discomfort or inconvenience at all. In addition, the financial costs of expanded clay concrete are not so great, so this is one of the the best options for construction.

Private residential building built of expanded clay concrete blocks

Houses made of ceramic blocks

This type of block houses is also the most popular in the construction industry. provide for mandatory Finishing work, so the blocks themselves are not protected from a humid environment. If it is not possible to spend money on expensive exterior finishes, then it is better to spend more money on the material and purchase moisture-resistant expanded clay concrete.

ceramic blocks

Another fact that cannot be ignored is the price. As with the construction of a house from expanded clay concrete, it is quite acceptable.

Thermal insulation is one of the advantages of ceramic blocks. If additional work is carried out on exterior finish, then the building will be reliably protected during the cold period.

Project of a house from large ceramic blocks Porotherm

Features of aerated concrete

Consider the features of aerated concrete blocks, which have also recently been very popular among users. Aerated concrete blocks have been used in construction for a long time, and this material does not lose its popularity, but only gains, thanks to the latest technologies construction industry.

However, it has several features that should be discussed in more detail and that should be taken into account when drafting a house from this material.

So, aerated concrete is a material of artificial origin, which, nevertheless, has very high performance and is beneficial in construction.

Its main feature is the low weight category compared to other materials, and the thermal conductivity is very low. Thus, this lightweight material will perfectly protect against frost as well as a classic brick or even a tree loved by everyone.

True, its artificial origin does not allow it to be as useful as a tree. True, the price of a house made of aerated concrete is much lower than a house made of wood. In addition, aerated concrete is very durable and fire resistant, which is also a huge plus, given the amount of various equipment it is now customary to place in the house.

The project of a two-story house of aerated concrete blocks
  • 1. Selection of material (expanded clay blocks, foam blocks, sand-cement blocks).
  • 2. Building a foundation. Before the construction of the foundation of the structure, it is necessary to carry out geological studies of the soil. The results of the conducted research serve as a guideline when choosing the type of foundation. In most cases, block buildings are designed strip bases prefabricated monolithic type or reinforced concrete. These types of foundations are quite simple to create and do not require large material investments.
  • 3. Erection of load-bearing structures, roof design. Before proceeding to construction work, you need to familiarize yourself with the technology of building walls from the selected material. The key stages of the installation technology of load-bearing structures are regulated by SNiP. If you follow them, you will get reliable walls. Even a slight neglect of the established regulations is fraught with disastrous consequences. The technique of erecting block walls depends on the type of blocks, each type of material has its own individual characteristics.
  • 4. Connection of communications (sewer, heating system, plumbing, electricity) and exterior finishing works. It takes a lot of time to complete them. If the main communications lie at a remote distance, their connection will require significant material investments, which will increase the cost of the project. When connecting communications, drawings are necessarily formed, such work must be coordinated with the relevant authorities. If possible, you need to take care of the availability of autonomous heat and water sources, a backup power plant.
  • 5. Exterior finish not only gives the building a presentable architectural appearance, but also provides its protection. Row finishing materials have heat and sound insulation properties. For outer cladding you can use siding, masonry. The choice of materials is quite large, you are sure to find an option that suits you.
  • 6. Internal finishing works. Finishing the room from the inside contributes to the creation of a cozy comfortable atmosphere. For interior decor you can choose any materials you like.
Key advantages of blocks

The blocks used for the construction of houses are characterized by excellent specifications. They are a biostable material that is not susceptible to rotting and corrosion. Mold and fungus do not appear on their surfaces.

Another plus of this material is its affordable cost. The construction of a block house requires less cost compared to a building of the same size made of brick. Buildings from blocks are reliable and durable in operation. Block masonry has the ability to "breathe". In buildings made of this material, heat is well retained in winter, and coolness reigns in summer. This masonry is easy to create: the blocks are easily mounted, forming smooth walls. This material resistant to moisture, it is always dry and comfortable in houses made of it.

Block house designs practical solution, such structures are becoming more and more popular.
