Lighting in the kitchen: the best design ideas (68 photos). Kitchen lighting with LED strip

The design of any room includes high-quality lighting. The kitchen is no exception. If you distribute the light fluxes correctly and conveniently, then cooking in such a kitchen will be a joy. To achieve this, lighting needs to be designed and calculated. Modern kitchen interiors more and more often recently they include the insertion of diode tapes.

LEDs are semiconductors that emit light when passed through them. Electric Energy. They are different chemical composition, due to which they have a different degree of brightness. The LED strip in the kitchen is never mounted directly, as overheating and breakage can occur due to this. A stabilizer is a prerequisite for connecting diodes.

Advantages and disadvantages of LED backlight (table)

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First of all, it is worth noting the service life. On average it is 50 thousand hoursThe cost of good LED lamps will be quite high
If we compare LED lighting with other light sources, the former consume much less energy.Warm white lamps may interfere with color reproduction. In addition, such lighting can be very tired eyes.
They are not afraid of mechanical damage and temperature changes, because they do not contain an incandescent filament and a glass bulbLED lighting is most often not used as the main one, but only as an application, decorative element adjacent to the main
LEDs are manufactured for any voltage, there is no need to use ballast reservesTo install such lighting, you need a power source (LED driver), which, by the way, has a strong influence on the cost of such lighting. In addition to the fact that its acquisition is simply necessary, it also needs to be hidden from the eyes.
High light outputChemical and physical parameters reflective crystals degrade over time, and the lamp begins to dim
Wide range of colors. LEDs can be, for example, white, red, orange, green, blue, magenta or yellow. There are also ultraviolet and infrared spectra of LEDs. There is a cold and warm light transmission
Brightness can be adjusted
work, no matter what temperature regime in room. LEDs are compact and flexible modules that can bring almost any lighting idea to life.
LEDs can be installed under different angles radiation
They are safe and environmentally friendly
Works no matter what the room temperature is

Why are diodes handy in the kitchen?

  1. Diodes can zone various elements of the room, highlight cabinets, niches and shelves.
  2. Highlight decorative elements.
  3. If you illuminate them kitchen apron, especially glass, it will look very impressive.
  4. They can distinguish stained glass windows.
  5. If you illuminate the bottom of the bedside tables with them, then, in this way, the effect of furniture will be created, as if frozen in the air.
  6. If your ceiling is made in several levels, then each of these levels can also be highlighted, which will create a beautiful view.
  7. If you highlight the bar counter, then the effect of a real bar will be created.

Thus, it turns out that the use of LED lighting in the kitchen will create a cozy and inviting atmosphere in the kitchen. kitchen area. Although the cost of such lighting can cost a pretty penny, it will soon pay off in that there will be big savings on electricity.

Classical interiors are most often illuminated with warm shades, while high-tech style involves the use of cold lighting.

Photo gallery: Kitchen lighting with LEDs

Illumination of cabinets from above Illumination working area Illuminated shelves Illuminated bar counter "Soaring" furniture
Color options that may have Neon lights

How to choose LED strip

SMD LEDs are used in the installation of LED lighting. They are divided into types:

To purchase the LED strip you need, you need to clearly understand what kind of lighting you would like to see as a result. There are a couple of suggestions for this:

  • In order to illuminate the area where you are cooking or having lunch and make it bright and even enough light, it is recommended to use SMD tape with three crystals sized 50x50.
  • To implement decorative illumination of the headset, a tape with diodes in one crystal sized 35x28 is enough

Selecting a power supply

Power Supply Option

Power supplies can have different power, and, consequently, the size. The main thing when choosing a unit is to determine the power of the transformer, which should work with a margin, but not very large. Let's look at an example of a calculation with certain parameters to make it easier for you to calculate the power that you need. It is necessary to calculate the power of the block for SMD 5050 tape 5 meters long, the power of which is 12 W:

  1. 12(W) * 5(M) = 60W
  2. 1.25 (required margin factor) * 60 = 75 watts.
  3. 75 W is the power of the transformer, which is needed in this case.

How to illuminate the countertop, dining area

In order to illuminate the work area, as mentioned earlier, you can use LEDs with an average level of moisture protection. This is enough to protect the elements from exposure to steam, dirt and other things. Such lamps can even be subjected to wet cleaning.

Special aluminum profile attached to the table, thus, the tape is attached to the surface of the table. The profile is necessary to hide the wires and give the light elasticity. Tapes are also self-adhesive.

Using accessories, you can make a backlight that changes brightness and / or color.

To illuminate the desktop, the use of warm white color. Such lighting most accurately conveys the true color of the food.

The use of LEDs as an additional backlight also requires protection from moisture. Fairly average. Tapes are installed using double-sided tape.

Mounting tools

  • 12W LED strip
  • Electrical cable, the cross section of which is 0.74 mm 2
  • Transformer
  • Soldering iron with solder and rosin
  • Insulating tape
  • In some cases it is necessary to use a drill
  • Scissors
  • PVC corner or aluminum profile, which is used to mount the LED
  • 2 sided tape
  • Sometimes the use of electrical installation brackets is provided.

How to install a tape with your own hands

Before attaching the tape, the surface must be well cleaned and degreased!

Do not press the tape too tightly at once, so that later it will be possible to trim it, in case of uneven gluing.

Connecting a diode tape of the same color with a dimmer

The dimmer regulates, i.e., reduces or increases the brightness of the diode tape. In addition, it turns on and off this very diode tape.

There are currently two types of dimmers:

  1. The control of the tape with one color is carried out from the remote control.
  2. The control of a tape with one color is carried out using a potentiometer (switch, ordinary twist for incandescent lamps)

Both of the above options are connected according to the same scheme.

Video: How to make LED lighting for the working area of ​​​​the kitchen yourself

LED lighting is a big breakthrough in area lighting. They will perfectly complement your interior and serve you well. Their variety will allow you to choose exactly the one you would like. Durability will give you a chance to save more money than you spend on their purchase. And fixing them yourself will not be difficult, and they will delight you for a very long time. Light to you and good luck!

In order to make the lighting in the kitchen under the cabinets with your own hands, you first need to decide where exactly it will be located, and which lamps for this zone will be the most optimal.

Illuminated lower cabinets in the kitchen

Illumination of the kitchen under the cabinets can mean both the illumination of the working area under the hanging furniture, and the illumination of the floor under the lower cabinets. First, consider the second lighting option.

The so-called “floating cabinets” look very attractive and aesthetically pleasing in the interior of the kitchen. Such an unusual effect is easily achieved using led strip located below the bottom kitchen set.

To install such a backlight you will need:

  1. Think carefully about wiring electrical wiring so that the wires do not stick out throughout the kitchen and are hidden in a place inaccessible to children.
  2. A transformer is needed for the operation of the LED strip, therefore a secluded place should also be allocated for it.
  3. To illuminate the lower cabinets, you can use LED strips, as in open form, and in the form of closed lamps. In the first case, it is worth choosing a tape with an increased degree of moisture protection IP 65 or IP 68, since the likelihood of moisture getting on the tape body is very high in this part of the kitchen.
  4. Before you go to the store for LED strip, you need to decide on colors light bulbs and the required brightness. Professionals recommend taking SMD35x28 LEDs for lower illumination. Their power will be enough for these purposes.

There is one caveat! For a kitchen with a glossy floor, it is better to choose closed lamps, since open LEDs, reflected in the mirror surface of the floor, will hit the eyes.

In order to install LED lighting in the kitchen under the lower cabinets with your own hands, you will need the following tools:

  • LED strip ( desired length+ 10% for marriage)
  • PVA cable with a cross section of 0.5 or 0.75 mm. sq.
  • Transformer 12W
  • Scissors
  • soldering iron
  • Solder
  • Rosin
  • Insulating tape

Do-it-yourself LED strip installation steps:

  1. At the required piece of tape, you need to expose the extreme contacts by 1-1.5 cm.
  2. Solder two cables to them and insulate them with electrical tape.
  3. Before attaching the tape, the surface must be degreased.
  4. If the tape is mounted without a lamp, it is enough just to remove protective film and stick to furniture. If the LEDs are closed, the tape must first be attached to a protective strip or profile. And then the profile, together with the tape, is attached to the bottom of the cabinet using double-sided tape.
  5. By soldering, the tape must be connected to the transformer, and it, in turn, to the plug.
  6. All joints must be treated with electrical tape.
  7. All wires, together with the power supply, are hidden in a specially designated place so as not to spoil the picture.

Here are some tips to help you avoid the most common mistakes:

  • When purchasing an LED strip in a store, you need to choose the right transformer for it.
  • When buying, you need to ask to check all appliances.
  • All exposed wires must be insulated.
  • Instead of connectors, it is better to use a familiar soldering iron and rosin to fasten wires.
  • To control the intensity of lighting, you can install an amplifier and a dimmer together with the power supply.

Illumination of the working area in the kitchen

Unlike floor lighting, a whole variety of different fixtures can be used to illuminate the work area. Almost all of them are mounted quite easily and do not require special knowledge and skills.

Top lighting in the kitchen under the cabinets with your own hands can be done using the following lighting fixtures:

  • The leading place today is occupied, of course, by the same LED strip. Its installation above the working area is almost no different from installation below the cabinets below. One has only to pay attention to the characteristics of the LEDs. Since the work area requires quite bright lighting, SMD50x50 LED strips are suitable for its illumination. It is worth remembering that if the tape is to be used in an open form, it is necessary to take into account its waterproofing. However, it is not recommended to use an open LED strip to illuminate the working area, as its light will strongly hit the eyes.
  • Many people in the old fashioned way prefer fluorescent lamps. Their main advantages:
  1. uniform light
  2. Ease of installation
  3. Economy
  4. Cheapness

This type of lighting is quite easy to install. Lamps should only be attached using a special mount to the wall or to a pre-designated hole in the furniture above the work surface. That's all! You can turn on the lamp in the network.

  • Spotlights have always been popular, because thanks to their small sizes they can be located in any part of the furniture and illuminate the space reserved only for them. There are three types of spotlights:
  1. Mortise- the location of such lamps must be planned at the stage of the kitchen sketch, since they require special recesses and space inside the cabinet for themselves and the transformer.
  2. Overhead- easy to attach directly to the surface of the cabinet, but work from the mains.
  3. Modular- can be used in any part of the kitchen set, and do not require electrical power.

For uniform illumination of the working surface, it is recommended to place spotlights at a distance of 0.5 meters from each other.

  • Recently, in the backlight under the cabinets, along with the LED strip, they began to use such interesting and colorful devices as neon tubes and duralights.

neon tubes Is it glass or plastic tubes filled with an inert gas. The ends of the tubes are powered by electricity. Such tubes work with the help of a transformer. The service life of the tube is about 12 years, but the transformer is smaller, therefore, during installation, you need to leave access to the power supply to replace it if necessary.

Duralights- flexible silicone hose with incandescent bulbs or LEDs inside. The service life of incandescent lamps is up to 1 year, but LED duralights will last much longer.
As a rule, such lighting are more used as a decor in the kitchen, as it is difficult to call them a source of lighting. Mounting tape can be used to fasten neon tubes and duralights under cabinets in the kitchen.

As you can see from the article, there is nothing difficult in installing lighting for the kitchen under the cabinets with your own hands. All you need is desire, time and a visual aid.

When organizing lighting in the kitchen, it is most important to ensure sufficient illumination of the working area, where the main actions for cutting and cooking take place. Achieve it with minimal cost and energy savings is possible if you place the lamps directly in the work area - this is more economical than lighting for the kitchen above the cabinets. The easiest way to do this is to attach lighting elements to the bottom of kitchen cabinets.

The backlight can be implemented in several ways, in order to choose the best one, you should familiarize yourself with the types of lighting elements and the methods of mounting on the bottom surface of kitchen cabinets.

Lighting under kitchen cabinets - one of the many options kitchen lighting, economical and practical. Illumination of the working area in kitchen area can be done different ways: install lamps on a kitchen apron or hide behind it if transparent glass is used, or you can attach lighting elements to the bottom of wall cabinets.

Illumination for the kitchen under the cabinets is used more often and can be of the following types.


There are two types of spotlights: overhead and recessed; recessed ones are used to illuminate the bottom of the kitchen set.

One of the most simple options organization of spot lighting at the bottom of the kitchen set - gluing compact lamps with battery-powered motion sensors. But, this pleasure is quite expensive and not very convenient from a practical point of view (requires periodic replacement of batteries).

In spotlights, incandescent, halogen, fluorescent, LED lamps are used. Since their design involves embedding in furniture, and conventional analogues have a height of more than 50 mm, installation problems arise, especially since the height of luminaires with incandescent lamps can reach up to 100 mm.

Incandescent lamps are impractical to use to illuminate the bottom kitchen cabinets not only because of high altitude, but also strong heating during operation and low efficiency.

When installing a conventional halogen lamp on the bottom of kitchen cabinets, you will have to make an additional shelf inside the cabinet at a height of at least 50 mm. from the bottom of the cabinet (double bottom) to hide the lamp bases and mounting wires under it.

The second way is to install an additional panel under the cabinets, in which the lamps will be mounted. The option is more acceptable (the bottom of the kitchen cabinets will not be damaged in case of redevelopment, and the space itself inside will remain the same).

Currently, LED round LED panels are produced with a thickness of no more than 20 mm. It is convenient to build them into the bottom of the cabinets, but you will have to close the top of the fixtures with a shelf - this will take up much less free space inside than using incandescent or halogen lamps.

The disadvantage of all LED lamps is the need to use a separate 12 V power supply (less often 24 V.) for operation. In this case, it will have to be placed inside the cabinet or on top, the latter being the more practical way.

The best option for organizing spot lighting for the bottom of cabinets is its design and implementation at the stage of making a custom-made kitchen set, and not self-installation after purchase.

Plinth GX53

The designed modern GX53 lamp base has a low height and is most suitable for embedding into the bottom of the headset. The luminaires used in the base have a flat shape and are available in two types: energy-saving (luminescent) and LED.

They are easily installed and removed from the cartridge, and due to the surface of the lamps protruding a few millimeters beyond the plane of the base, they give a large angle of illumination.

Overhead lamps and spots

Although it does not look very aesthetically pleasing, they do not argue about tastes - some homeowners use overhead lights or spotlights to illuminate the work area - sources of directional lighting.

The spots provide not only directional lighting in the kitchen under the cabinets, but also the ability to adjust the intensity of lighting thanks to a special control controller and design features.

Usually, a long bracket (railing) is attached to the bottom of the cabinets, on which a number of lamps are placed - the design makes up a single ensemble and looks quite interesting in the interior.

Installing overhead lights is quite simple, but inferior in aesthetics and functionality to built-in ones. In addition, when they are placed at the bottom of the cabinets, there are problems with the power cable, which, as in the case of built-in lamps, will have to be hidden somewhere. Its external eyeliner will not look aesthetically pleasing; for hiding inside cabinets, it is more practical to use not a double bottom, but a regular one. plastic box for outdoor laying of electrical wires.

light beams

Budget option that uses tubular fluorescent lamps, mounting fittings for the installation of which is attached to the bottom of the cabinets. The devices are quite easy to install, the lamps are inexpensive and have quite long term services, but they have a significant drawback of all luminescent devices - a long turn-on time.

An ordinary installed fluorescent lamp does not look very beautiful, so the industry produces special furniture lamps in a rather aesthetic case with a protective panel.

Light beams are one of the simplest and most budget options.

LED backlight

LED lighting for kitchen cabinets is currently the most the best option for organizing lighting of the working area of ​​the kitchen due to the following properties:

  • Price. The LED strip itself is relatively expensive, for its operation it is necessary to buy a control unit and a 12 V power supply, the organization of all lighting in this case will cost approximately 30 USD. (10 USD for each block and 1 m of tape). The price is quite acceptable, given the service life and efficiency of diode elements.
  • Ease of installation. The LED strip has an adhesive work surface, thanks to which the lighting under the kitchen cabinets is realized by simple gluing.
  • Profitability. The energy consumption of an LED strip is 7 times less than that of incandescent lamps, they are 2-3 times more economical than fluorescent ones.
  • Radiation spectrum. LED emit pure White light, in RGB types, the LED strip control unit allows you to change it to red, blue, or green, adjust the intensity of the glow and set the operating mode.
  • Life time. The resource of the LED strip can be up to 10,000 hours, which is the highest among all lighting devices.
  • Decorative. LED strip allows you to implement a continuous strip of illumination of different color spectrum, due to its small overall dimensions it is almost invisible on the surface, it fits perfectly into modern kitchens in the style of hi-tech, modern, loft, neoclassic, minimalism.

You can mount the LED strip under wall cabinets by simple gluing, or place it in a special aluminum box with a protective frosted glass. Aluminum boxes are produced in the usual straight or corner options, allow not only to avoid possible peeling off of the tape, but also to protect its surface from dirt and soot settling, and also to provide additional system cooling.

A significant disadvantage of LED lighting is the need to use a separate control unit and 12 V power supply. These devices are of medium overall dimensions and require thoughtful placement when installing the tape.

When mounting on the bottom of kitchen cabinets, you can place these elements inside the cabinet, but it is more practical to put them on top. This will allow them to be connected directly to the upper power line (usually this is where the kitchen hood), and lower the wire behind back wall cabinets and connect directly to the LED strip.


There are several ways to implement the illumination of the working area in the kitchen by installing lamps on the bottom surface of kitchen cabinets.

Most budget option is the implementation of fluorescent lighting using tubular lamps. Installation of fittings for their installation is quite simple, the power wire can be passed inside the cabinets by placing it in a plastic box.

When installing spotlights, it is more practical to use modern models with socket Gx53. Such devices have the smallest height and a wide angle of illumination, the lamps are inserted and removed by a simple twist in the cartridge. The device can use LED and energy-saving types of lamps.

Organization of this type do-it-yourself lighting requires carpentry work, the presence of a special tool, the purchase of additional materials, which is somewhat difficult at home. Therefore, the best lighting for kitchen cabinets can be implemented at the stage of custom-made kitchens.

More modern way organization of lighting - the use of LED strip. In addition to the greatest durability and cost-effectiveness, lighting in the kitchen under the cabinets can be the easiest way to do it yourself. To do this, you need to glue the LED strip, connect the control and power unit to electrical network and solder the wire extending from them to the end of the LED strip.

The kitchen is one of the most important rooms in home. People spend a lot of time on it: they cook, eat, read a newspaper with a cup of coffee, etc. The significance of this room is great, so when arranging it, it is very important to choose all the interior details special attention. Illumination of the working area in the kitchen requires a carefully thought-out approach. Places such as a sink, hob, countertop are most often left in the shade. This is mainly due to the fact that hanging cabinets and an extractor hood are located above them. This is what leads to some discomfort during use. The solution to the problem is quite simple - beautiful LED lighting of the working area of ​​the kitchen.

Common types of lighting

Choosing lighting for the working area in the kitchen

In order to properly position the lighting fixtures, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the nuances. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the level arrangement. As a rule, the kitchen has 5 levels:

  1. The first level is ceiling. Both pendant chandeliers and various compositions of spotlights can be used. Their location should take into account certain and working. For the first option, chandeliers are ideal. They will give harmony and comfort to the kitchen space. And for the working area, spotlights are good, which will cope well enough with the lighting.
  2. The second level is the upper zone of wall cabinets. If the furniture design has a special cornice, then the ideal option would be to install spots, you can also use rotary lights. Their advantage is mobility, if necessary, such devices are deployed in a certain direction. This is what allows you to qualitatively illuminate that part of the working area that is needed at the moment.
  3. The third level is the lower part of the cabinets. Here, the illumination of the working area in the kitchen can be varied. These are LED strips, fluorescent lamps, spots, etc. As a rule, only personal preferences are guided in this matter.
  4. The fourth level is the countertop. For this part of the work area, only waterproof LED strips are suitable.
  5. Fifth level - floor. The lower part of the tables is decorated in the same way as the table top.

It is worth noting that the LED strip is ideal for installation at all levels.

What are the lighting options?

The most effective solutions:

Examples of decorating a kitchen with LED lighting

  1. Skinali is the most common and successful option.
  2. A complex ceiling structure in several levels with installed LED lamps different glow.
  3. A combination of light sources, such as chandeliers, spotlights and LED strip.
  4. The effect of soaring furniture is achieved by installing special lighting on the bottom of the tables.
  5. It is recommended to additionally install light sources near glass and mirror inserts. This will not only decorate the space, but also visually increase its size.
  6. Kitchen countertop and work area lighting with lamps and LED strips.
  7. The ideal option would be a parallel distribution of sources, for example, at the top and bottom levels of cabinets.
  8. In the case of a glass top, you can use an LED strip certain color. In combination with skinali, the effect will be stunning.

In fact, there are many more such options, the use of LEDs for backlighting kitchen space allows you to widely use fantasy and experiment.

How are LEDs arranged? The principle of their work

LEDs are semiconductors and emit light when connected to electricity. Depending on the chemical composition, its brightness and saturation change. Do not connect directly to the network, as this will lead to overheating and the LED will burn out. It is recommended to use a special device that stabilizes the voltage in the network - a stabilizer. LEDs come in infrared, ultraviolet, yellow, white and other colors. Among themselves, they differ in the type of glow, size and number of crystals.

LED backlight: advantages

  1. Significant energy savings.
  2. Resistance to mechanical damage.
  3. LED lighting of the working area in the kitchen has a varied palette of colors.
  4. Environmental Safety.
  5. There are models with increased level moisture protection.
  6. Long service life: 15-20 years.
  7. Bright but soft light.
  8. Affordable price.

Countertop lighting

When furnishing the kitchen, it is important to fully illuminate the countertop area, since it is here that many things need to be done. However, when choosing devices, it is worth considering the specificity of its location. The countertop is constantly under the influence of water, grease, soot and other dirt. Therefore, it is very important to choose LED strips with certain technical specifications. There are models that have a special layer, it is he who will protect the lamp from moisture, vaporization and pollution.

There are several types of mounting LED backlight. The most common:

So that the working area in the kitchen could long time to please the owners, when installing it, you must follow these rules:

  1. The power of the tape and the power supply must be the same.
  2. Contacts are best connected with a soldering iron.
  3. It is allowed to cut the tape only in a place with signed contacts "+/-".
  4. It is recommended to install a dimmer to control the brightness.
  5. When connecting the tape, the contacts must be completely insulated, that is, they must not touch each other at all.

Illumination of the working area in the kitchen: installing the tape

  1. Sizing is done with a tape measure.
  2. The required length is cut off on the tape with a margin of 1-1.5 cm to free the contacts.
  3. Before gluing, the surface must be completely degreased.
  4. Segments of the cable are soldered to the contacts, after which they are connected to the power supply.
  5. It is necessary to install a profile and a special box in which the remaining wires will be hidden.
  6. A switch is installed and connected to the LED strip.

Cost-effectiveness, versatility and durability of such lighting brings it to a leading position. However weakness She also has a power supply. It is worth noting that it often fails, so it must be installed in a place where it will be enough to simply replace it with a new one or make repairs.

The kitchen in most cases is considered the main room in the house, because it is very important to arrange proper lighting that can meet all the needs of the family.

To illuminate the kitchen set, it is better to use sealed LED strips, because they can be exposed to negative impacts moisture, steam, various contaminants.

Most often, LED lighting in the kitchen is used to divide the space. The tape can be easily divided into separate segments, and therefore it is possible to design functional areas in different colors. This device appeared relatively recently, but it fits well into antique interiors. In most cases, you can find stationary and remote control LED strip.

A tape of this type is a semiconductor device that generates optical radiation by passing electricity through forward direction. The light that propagates will be in a narrow spectral range. His standard specifications will depend on the chemical composition of the conductors used. Similar devices used to be quite expensive.

The LED strip is an ecological, inexpensive, durable and strong fixture.

The main advantages of LED strip:

  1. It is possible to achieve a good return of light. Illumination of this type in the kitchen in this parameter can be compared with a halogen or gas discharge lamp.
  2. There are no sensitive components in such a tape, and therefore the device is quite durable and resistant to vibrations.
  3. You can use such a device for 20-30 years, provided that the backlight in the kitchen will work for about 8 hours a day. Please be aware that the brightness may gradually decrease if the backlight is operated in conditions of insufficient cooling.
  4. This device has a small inertia, so you can turn on the tape as brightly as possible without any delay. For other designs, this interval can be from 1 second to 1 minute.
  5. The number of switching on and off cycles does not affect the possible period operation of the LED strip, which cannot be said about other devices.
  6. Such structures are relatively inexpensive.
  7. A high level of environmental friendliness, which is achieved due to the absence of such harmful elements as phosphorus, mercury, and so on.
  8. An additional advantage is the safety of use. This is ensured by the absence of high voltage and the relatively low temperature of such tapes.

Lighting helps highlight individual elements in the kitchen or visually expand them.

The design uses LED strips to light up the kitchen, as well as special devices that are equipped with many small light bulbs.

The last option is the most common, because it helps to emphasize individual elements or visually expand them.

Illumination can be arranged from above wall cabinet or at the bottom of a floor cabinet.

The top of the wall cabinet will not be exposed to any external influence, so tape may be suitable in this case. open type. Then the LED lighting can be connected directly to the hood.

Such structures are covered with silicone during production.

The protective layer of silicone will protect led light bulbs from liquid ingress, and will also make it possible to clean them with a damp cloth, if necessary.

Finished luminaires

Linear LED luminaires are easy to connect with each other.

On sale there are also ready-made lamps with LED bulbs, which are installed in transparent or matte shades. They are easy enough to install. To fix them to the wall, you do not need to have any special skills.

Linear luminaires, for example, may have various sizes and screen quality. To reliably hide LED bulbs from the eyes, it is recommended to purchase lamps of 30, 60 and 100 cm.

Lamps of this type can be easily connected to each other to get a composition of light for the kitchen.

If it is not possible to choose a ready-made lamp, you can use an aluminum profile to place a strip with LEDs in it.

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The scheme of lighting options in the kitchen.

  1. If you place the device around the perimeter of the cabinet in the upper and lower parts, you can get lightness and airiness in the room.
  2. If there are in the kitchen open shelves, then the backlight can look good, which is fixed on their surface, where the side base is fixed.
  3. In rooms where there are glass countertops, another technique can be used - spot lighting workspace. In this case, the lamps will need to be placed under the cover of the bedside tables.
  4. LED strip is often installed along the perimeter of the walls (near the floor or ceiling). If there is a glossy flooring, then the devices can be placed on the same level with the bottom of the cabinets.
  5. In the kitchen, which is made in classical style, interior lighting of lockers can be arranged. You can focus on specific elements of the scenery.

If there is a desire to make lighting in the kitchen with your own hands, it is important to understand that for modern interior it is better to use cold colors, and for the classic - warm.

Today, quite often LED strips are installed inside cabinets. Best use for this touch lamps for furniture that are able to respond to the opening and closing of the door. In this way, you can create beautiful spot lighting. On sale there are special sensors that respond to movement. When used, the lights inside the nightstands and drawers will turn on and off.

Light sources in the kitchen: natural, spotlights and a chandelier.

In specialized stores, you can also purchase infrared switches that are designed for non-contact exposure. They are convenient to use in domestic work.

To illuminate the work surface, it is recommended to use white LED bulbs. The light that comes from them will illuminate the dishes with natural light, in which they can look natural. If you choose backlight yellow color, the food can look appetizing and beautiful. You should know that cold tones will only spoil appearance dishes.

The room for cooking is characterized by a high level of humidity, therefore, when choosing an LED strip, this nuance must be taken into account. Designs differ in the level of protection against moisture. Now on sale you can find the following types of devices:

  1. IP68 is a tape that is completely protected from moisture. This design can be used in any room. If necessary, this device can be lowered into the water for 1 m.
  2. IP65 - a product that is protected from moisture. It can be easily used in the kitchen and bathroom. In some cases, such a tape is installed on the street.
  3. IP20 - a device that can be used in rooms without strong moisture. In most cases, it is installed to illuminate the ceiling in the living room or bedroom.