An overview of the types of alternative heating for a private house and recommendations for self-production and selection of components. Sources and methods of alternative heating in a private house and apartment

many owners country houses often live in them only during the warm season, so as not to spend money on maintaining heat in the premises. And all because there is no possibility of connecting central heating - for example, it is very expensive to pull pipes to the nearest locality where this system already exists. But there are also alternative options.

Heating the cottage - how to replace the usual sources of heat

Let's try to summarize what is meant by alternative heating. Most often, this term is understood as non-heat-insulated floors, in any of their varieties, whether water or electric, since they are most often connected to centralized heating or the mains. In our case, the key word is "alternative", and any traditional energy sources, whether it be gas, electricity or hot water coming into the pipes from the city mains. Therefore, we will consider those methods that allow you to heat a house in complete autonomy from service providers.

Does the boiler fall into the sector of our interest? Only if it is connected to its own well, and biogas or electricity from renewable sources is used to heat the boiler. As such, they usually mean solar and wind energy, biogas, and geothermal heat. And only in the second place are they economical for generating heat directly, such as infrared panels, underfloor heating, connected to the same renewable sources.

Energy of sun

The most popular solar collectors for heating water. The principle of operation of such structures is to pass a liquid carrier through tubes covered with black paint through a box that is transparent on top, with high-quality thermal insulation on the bottom and sides. In some cases, triplex is used, which better holds the temperature inside the collector. The sun's rays heat the liquid very quickly, while heat is not lost, but rather accumulates. Further, the water can be directed to hot water supply communications or to a closed heating system.

For solar collectors to work in winter period, you need to install the most expensive option - with vacuum tubes through which coolants are pulled.

But another use of solar energy is also possible - processing it into electricity. To do this, special batteries of photocells are installed on the roof and any other suitable horizontal surfaces, including unoccupied landings and construction sites on the site. Capturing light, they convert it into electricity, which then enters either the battery, from where it is spent on the operation of heating devices, for example, heaters. Or immediately through the stabilizer and inverter to the network. The first device protects against power surges, and the second - to obtain alternating current. However, it should be borne in mind that in the latter case, current supply drops are still possible, so it is more logical to use batteries.

Wind to the rescue - we get heat from the air

An excellent option for generating electricity is a conventional windmill. Even where strong movements of the air mass are rare, weak gusts can spin vertically oriented blades that rotate regardless of wind direction. Several of these installations are capable of delivering about 2-3 kilowatts, which will fully ensure the operation of an electric underfloor heating or infrared panels. The advantage over solar panels is obvious - there is no dependence on the dark or daylight hours, the wind blows at night. But at the same time, the cost of such a project can be quite high. However, when it is not about the self-sufficiency of the windmill, but about comfort in the winter, you can go for big financial costs once.

The disadvantage of wind turbines is the need to first obtain electricity, and only then heat. Significant losses are inevitable in such a chain, that is, the system has a rather low efficiency. However, if you make a windmill with your own hands, you can significantly reduce costs and at the same time provide the house with a constant source electrical energy, from which not only heating boilers can work, but also Appliances. The only condition is that the generator must be placed at a distance of about 100 meters from the house, so that the rumble of the blades and the vibration of the rod do not have negative impact on the nervous system tenants.

Geothermal heat pumps - heating from the ground

Perhaps this way to heat a house in winter is the most expensive and at the same time the most trouble-free. The fact is that in order to obtain a satisfactory result, it is necessary to lay rather long turns of the coolant. And there are 2 options: vertical or horizontal. The first involves drilling one deep well, about 150–200 meters, or several 50 meters each. That is, you will need the appropriate equipment, and you can’t do without a drilling rig. If funds permit, please contact this method, it will provide the house with heat for many decades.

The second option is the horizontal orientation of the geothermal system. In this case, you can do it on your own, since it is only necessary to deepen the turns of the pipe through which water should flow below the freezing level of the soil. It's about 2 meters. But at the same time, you need to cover an area of ​​\u200b\u200bat least 200 square meters, that is, a plot of about two acres. It will be difficult to arrange plantings there, although if the plants have a superficial root system, it is quite acceptable. Often such systems are laid under the location artificial reservoir, which provides even greater efficiency, since water is an excellent heat insulator.

The operating principle of the system is as follows − cold water, for example, from a well, enters a pipe laid in several vertical turns in wells or laid horizontally in a snake in the soil. The temperature in the deep layers of the soil is always higher than above the surface, and the water gradually heats up, passing cycle after cycle through the entire system. It is logical that for forced circulation a pump will be required, and this, in turn, will lead to the consumption of electricity. But in combination with a windmill, this type of heating will work with little or no third-party energy sources.

Biofuel - waste as fuel for the stove

To date, all kinds of alternative heating systems for a private house are being produced in the form of heating stoves for the house, which work not only on gas or wood, but also on bulk types fuel. These are the so-called jet furnaces, one of which is, for example, . A special bunker allows you to lay both produced in large quantities by many companies, wood pellets (pellets), as well as ordinary sawdust, cereal husks, wood chips or even straw. Similar furnaces also work on cones, which can be called a renewable source of energy, because they can be collected in the nearest forest in unlimited quantities, storing fuel for the winter.

The advantage of such heating systems is practically no soot. However, be aware that the use of cones leads to the accumulation of soot, which will require additional maintenance, including cleaning the chimney. It is recommended not to use pine cones, since their resin content is very high and soot is formed in very large quantities, which is also harmful to health, because not all combustion products enter the chimney. It is better to take spruce cones for such purposes and dry them well before using them.

Quality heating system directly affects the comfort of a private home. The heating system must be given due attention, since it will take a long time to be indoors, especially in winter. Today, more and more consumers are choosing alternative sources warmth for your home.

Alternative heating sources are systems that work with heat generators on renewable energy sources. These are solar, geothermal and biological energy. Boilers, heat pumps and solar panels are used to store heat and generate electricity.

This is what a biofuel boiler looks like.

Alternative heating systems of each type have their own difficulties and features. Less problems arise when using gas and electric boilers. The main plus is a constant supply of fuel. It is enough to connect the boiler once, set it up with your own hands, and not worry that the fuel will run out in the middle of the night. Of course, there is no insurance in case of interruptions, emergencies, but this rarely happens.

Heating the house with heat pumps by water-to-water type

These heating methods provide for the need to have a well for groundwater intake and for draining waste water back into the ground. A consumer for a small private house will have to drill 2-3 such wells for water intake and 1-2 for waste drain. Drilling depth must be 50 m. Permission is also required public services control.

Appearance of the water-to-water pump.

Heating with heat pumps by brine-water type

To implement the project, it is necessary to drill a well up to 200 m deep. It should contain pipes in a U-shape along with the solution. It is possible to arrange a heat exchanger, which will be located at a depth of at least 5 m. This is necessary to reduce the difference in heat received in different months of the year.

Heating scheme based on a brine-water pump.

The depth and number of wells is determined based on the ability to obtain the required 50 W of thermal energy. It is obtained from each running meter of a drilled well. As a result, alternative heating of a private house with the help of heat pumps according to the water-water or brine-water scheme is characterized minimal cost for heating compared with indicators characterizing other types of heating systems.

Heating the house with solar thermal storage collectors

Alternative heating using solar thermal storage panels will directly depend on the intensity of sunlight, which is different at different times of the year. At night and in cloudy weather, solar radiation is not enough for the collectors to work.

What is used for

Solar panels are often used for heating water or for household and household needs. Hot water takes part in heat exchange in monovalent storage tanks. Solar panels can act as additional source generation of thermal energy for water heating systems and heating in biovalent storage tanks.

Types of solar collectors

Solar collectors are divided into two types:

  • flat;
  • having a vacuum tube.

Heating with solar panels.

If the equipment is used in the summer, then the performance coefficient of both types will be the same. For winter it is recommended to use vacuum collectors. They can work at temperatures up to -35 degrees.

Flat collectors are able to heat the air up to +60 degrees. Vacuum collectors are designed for heating up to +90. In other parameters, the devices are similar.

Collectors with vacuum tubes are excellent as alternative heating country house. At the same time, appliances can heat water.


A hydrodynamic water heater is another good alternative. gas heating. She still does not have much fame, but the simplicity, profitability of using it for heating a house makes her noticeable. In addition to water, the installations allow heating oil, salty, dirty water.


The installation consists of expansion tank water heating, pump, electric pump. Heating occurs when the streams of water supplied to the tank collide with each other - thermal energy is released. When heating the premises, the water heating installation is connected to the heating system of a private house, no additional installation of a circulation pump is required, a boiler is connected to heat the water.

Principle of operation.


The use of ventilation as a source of heating, at least, sounds interesting, because the purpose of ventilation is to remove air from the premises, which contains dust, there is a lack of oxygen and the presence of unpleasant odors. But part of the heat is also removed with the air. How can it be used? Also, you can install a heating element in the ventilation system (in its supply part) with your own hands to supply heated air to the house.

The highest efficiency of the system supply and exhaust ventilation, with forced circulation and heat recovery.

The systems use warm exhaust air to heat cold, supply air. Better economy, equipment utilization rates are achieved by adjusting the air flow according to its actual need.

From biomass, which includes organic waste, manure, plants, wastewater, biogas is obtained as a result of decomposition by bacteria. It is expedient to heat low-rise buildings with chips from wood pellets, logs, and pressed waste from the woodworking industry. Fuel is supplied to the boilers using various ways automated filing. As for log-fired boilers, fuel is loaded into them manually.

The alternative to gas heating also includes pallet fired boilers. They can be both manual and automatic fuel supply. This contributes to the fact that a person does not need to be constantly near the boiler. The automatic control system maintains the temperature at a certain parameter.

This is what biofuel looks like.

Heating the house with boilers that run on waste oils

Waste oils are not related to renewable energy sources, however, they take part in the formation of materials that must be disposed of.

Underfloor heating system

For heating a country house, the well-known heating scheme is perfect - "warm floor". During installation, no additional redevelopment is required. You can save significant amounts of money on heating. The system is placed under flooring. If you have the necessary knowledge and skills, you can do the installation of a warm floor with your own hands.

Underfloor heating installation process.

Ceiling heaters

Another alternative heating of a country house is the installation of ceiling special film heaters. For example, foil, which is simply mounted on the ceiling. Under the influence electric current there is an even distribution of heat throughout the room.

Alternative heating is the heating of the house with the help of so-called alternative energy sources, which primarily include internal energy planet Earth. At a certain depth, depending on geographical location area, its temperature is almost constant and positive at any time of the year.

Simple example: in middle lane In Russia, at a distance of 170 cm from the surface of the earth, the temperature is 8-10 degrees Celsius. Have the same temperature ground water, and rivers and lakes, even in winter under the thickness of ice, have a temperature of 3-4 C.

In areas located in the north, "warm" soil can lie deeper, and in the southern regions, on the contrary, closer to the surface of the earth. This means that even in very coldy the bowels of the Earth have a supply of thermal energy sufficient to heat a home. The only problem is how to properly use it for alternative home heating.

For this, it is necessary to decide difficult task: to transfer heat from a less heated body to a more heated body: a heat carrier used in heating systems (recall that the temperature of the earth's interior at an acceptable depth is 8-10 C).

A simple solution to the complex problem of heating in a private house

It was possible to do this only in the middle of the last century, after the invention and widespread household refrigerators, the device of which prompted the Swiss "Kulibin" Robert Weber to the idea to send allocated freezer thermal energy household needs and use it to heat hot water.

This is how the modern heat pump was invented, which is nothing more than a "reverse refrigerator", figuratively speaking, "taking cold from a heated room and transferring it to the mass of the Earth."

Of course, it is more correct, from the point of view of professionals, to talk about using the thermal energy reserve of a less heated body and transferring it to a hotter body.

In a primitive form, this process can be described using simple formula:

  • Q=CM(T2-T1), where
  • Q-received heat
  • C-heat capacity
  • M- mass
  • T1 T2 temperature difference by which the body was cooled

This means that the amount of thermal energy transferred during the cooling of a body does not matter, in question about a heated Russian stove weighing several tons or a heating radiator weighing a couple of tens of kilograms, in direct proportion to the heat capacity of the material from which it is made, its mass and the temperature difference by which cooling takes place.

It is easy to guess that when one kilogram of a substance is cooled by 50 degrees, the same amount of thermal energy will be released as when 50 kg of the same substance is cooled by 1 degree.

In other words, by lowering the temperature of the soil weighing several hundred tons by only a fraction of a degree, you can get the amount of heat that is quite sufficient to heat a private house. At the same time, it is possible to cool not only the soil, but also water in reservoirs, as well as air, the mass of which also has an enormous supply of thermal energy.

Heat pump as a source of alternative heating

For alternative heating of a private house, it is enough to buy and install a heat pump, a device specially designed for using low-temperature energy for heating and hot water supply and operating on the principle of a modern air conditioner or refrigerator. By the way, outwardly, the heat pump resembles a conventional one. household refrigerator, and in terms of dimensions it differs little from it.

In order to understand exactly how a heat pump works, it is enough to recall the device and principle of operation of a refrigerator, in which heat is “taken away” from products and “thrown out” into the environment. That is why it is recommended, when installing refrigeration equipment, to create free space around it, which ensures timely heat removal.

If the refrigerator takes heat from food and generates cold, then the heat pump takes it from the mass of land, water or air and directs the resulting heat energy to heat the house. In it, as well as in the refrigerator, there is an evaporator, a throttle, a compressor and a condenser. The main difference in the operation of these devices is created by the settings.

The principle of operation of a heat pump is described using the Carnot cycle. It can be considered on the example of a house heating system using a heat pump pumping low-temperature energy from the mass of the earth.

How a heat pump works

The refrigerant circulating in a closed circuit enters the evaporator, where it expands, accompanied by an increase in volume and a decrease in pressure. It also evaporates the refrigerant and lowers its temperature. During this process, the refrigerant actively takes heat energy from the walls of the evaporator connected to the heat exchanger, through which the coolant moves, called the “brine” in the heat pump system. At this time, the thermal energy of the mass of the earth enters the heat pump system.

Then the refrigerant enters the compressor, where it is compressed, and then pushed into the condenser, during which the temperature of the refrigerant rises to 80-120 C.

In this case, heat is transferred to the coolant circulating through the heat exchanger connected to the condenser. The cooled refrigerant enters the evaporator and the process is repeated. The heat pump is running electrical network, but the consumption of electricity and the cost of it are negligible compared to the effect obtained, which is especially important for alternative heating of a private house.

During the operation of the heat pump, the coolant can be heated to temperatures above 100 degrees Celsius, which is quite enough for heating and hot water supply and allows you to create certain reserves of heat, heating, for example, a heat accumulator.
To provide comfortable conditions and reducing electricity consumption, heat pumps are equipped with thermostats, which maintain the required heating temperature of the coolant.

Types of heat pumps

Heat pumps are classified according to the type of thermal energy used for their operation. In this regard, there are:

  • Geothermal pumps, vertical and horizontal, using heat groundwater. In this case, heat transfer occurs according to the "water-water" scheme.
  • Aquatic that use the heat of lakes, rivers and seas. At the same time, heat transfer also occurs according to the “water-water” scheme.
  • Air using heat from air masses. Heat transfer is carried out according to the "air-to-water" scheme
  • Ground that use the thermal energy of the soil. Heat transfer is carried out according to the "soil-water" scheme

Advantages and disadvantages of heat pumps

Alternative heating based on a heat pump has a number of advantages:

  • It is safe for the environment and humans. With it, you can be sure that the house is not threatened by a fire from faulty equipment, flue gases will not enter the room, and Environment not affected by carbon dioxide
  • The heat pump allows you to get cheap heat energy
  • It can change operating modes and be used for air conditioning in summer
  • It is reliable and durable

It is no coincidence that in developed countries, such as Japan, it is the use of heat pumps that is considered the most promising direction in alternative heating of houses.

What is alternative heating? How does it happen, what can serve as a source of thermal energy? Is it possible to install alternative heating of a private house with your own hands?

Let's try to figure it out.

What it is

Under this name, when it is used in the press, it traditionally means all the ways to heat housing that were not used twenty or thirty years ago. Geothermal heat sources, film underfloor heating, biofuels, and infrared heaters are thrown into a common heap.

Within the framework of the article, however, we will allow ourselves to interpret the term much more narrowly.

We are interested in alternative home heating, which:

  1. It uses renewable sources of thermal energy as heat, for which there is no need to pay sellers of the corresponding services or goods. Alternatively, at least part of the thermal energy is taken from renewable sources.
  2. Can be implemented at reasonable cost. At least - incomparable with the cost of the house itself.

Why is it needed

The reason why alternative heating systems of a private house are attracting attention is simple and understandable: rising energy prices and, accordingly, electricity. Solarium, gas, coal are steadily becoming more expensive.

Useful: main gas is now cheaper than other types of heating. But it continues to rise in price. Its reserves are limited, so the trend will continue and intensify in the coming years.

Well ... do not consider the author an idealist, but still it is barbaric to burn fossil fuels or trees to heat the small interior space of your house. In this sense, alternative types of heating are not just cost-effective. They are progressive.

Implementation Options

solar systems

Solar energy is used to heat homes in two ways:

  1. By transforming into electricity, which can then be used to operate heaters.
  2. For direct heating of the heating medium, natural circulation or circulation pump then run through radiators or convectors.
    The simplest do-it-yourself alternative heating is exactly (often home-made), a circulation pump and a radiator in the house.

The peculiarity of solar systems is obvious: sunny days, even in the Crimea or Central Asia, are still replaced by cloudy ones. No one canceled the night either. If so, they are unsuitable as permanent heat sources.

What implementation options are possible?

  • works in parallel with the electric heater. The coolant temperature is controlled by sensors; when it falls below a certain level in cloudy weather, the heaters are heated.
  • it is supplied not only with a controller and an inverter that generates a mains voltage of +12 or +24 volts direct current, but also battery large capacity.
    During daylight hours, solar panels store energy in batteries; Batteries serve as a source of power at night or on cloudy days. With the appropriate area of ​​the photocells and the capacity of the batteries, it is possible to realize a completely energy-autonomous system.
    But here we are in for an unpleasant surprise: we are limited by the level of available technologies for storing electrical energy. Best Samples batteries will live in such a system for no more than five years, and the cost of replacing them will be quite comparable to the cost of electricity purchased from energy companies during this period.
  • Finally, the simplest solution that saves electrical energy (and heat) can easily be implemented by hand.
    Alternative heating of an apartment or a private house (or rather, to be precise, energy supply) in this case is a solar battery with a controller and an inverter, which is connected in parallel to any outlet, and electric heaters any type.

Nuance: you need a mechanical, disk counter. Electronic ones are not able to register the reverse direction of the current. In sunny weather, when the photovoltaic cells generate more electricity than you spend on heating, the meter simply counts down the kilowatt-hours in the opposite direction. The savings are more than tangible.

Wind energy

For the production of thermal energy, energy that is generated by a windmill can also be used.. Industrial products are sold in bulk and cost quite reasonable money.

The only obvious feature of this solution is big size impellers. At a 4-kilowatt wind generator, it reaches ten meters.

All the problems of accumulating electrical energy for heating, typical for solar systems, fully apply to wind turbines.

  • It is clear that alternative heating of a country house using wind energy can be implemented only in those regions that are characterized by constant moderate winds - primarily in the steppes and on the coasts.
  • In addition, if the collector can use solar energy directly to heat the coolant, then the transformation of the mechanical energy of the windmill rotation into electricity is inevitable here, and only then into heating the air in the room. Which, as you might guess, means a decrease in the efficiency of the system.

Heat pumps

Finally, the most versatile alternative central heating are heat pumps. The principle of operation of all devices of this type is the same: the transfer of thermal energy from a low-potential source to the house. Simply put, the pump takes heat from a cold object and gives it to a hot one.

This is how heat pumps of all types work. The difference between them is in the source of low-grade heat.

All heat pumps are based on the same simple system that can be seen by disassembling any refrigerator: a compressor, a heat exchanger and an evaporator. But the specific implementation can vary greatly, giving a large variation in the cost of the solution.

ground water

Ground-to-water heat pumps are the most versatile in terms of climate zone alternative sources of heating of a country house. The principle of their operation is based on the fact that even in areas of permafrost at a depth of several tens of meters, the soil temperature is consistently above zero.

Accordingly, heat exchangers that take heat from the ground are probes immersed in wells. The length of the highways is tens of meters; in addition to the high cost of the heat pump itself, the price of its installation is impressive.

The cost of drilling one well is estimated at 1500 - 2000 rubles per running meter; Several wells are being drilled. But you still need to mount the pump itself and immerse the probes ...

However, the installation of a ground-to-water heat pump with a horizontal collector is somewhat cheaper. Heat exchangers are buried in trenches below the freezing level. The flip side of this decision is big square needed to install the pump.

The resulting heat is used to heat water, which is used for household needs and to transfer heat to heating devices.


If there is flowing groundwater at a shallow depth in your area, the cost of implementing the project will sharply decrease for you.

At running water much easier to take away the heat we need:

  1. You can get by with one submersible heat exchanger probe;
  2. The drilling depth can be limited to 10-15 meters.

Air to water

In an air-to-water heat pump, the heat source is outdoor air. Heat exchanger - a radiator with an impressive fin area; it is blown by a low-speed fan.

Such pumps have a much more democratic cost compared to the previous ones and are much cheaper to install. However, when the temperature drops outside, their efficiency also drops dramatically: it is more difficult to take away thermal energy from cold air.

The COP parameter is the ratio between consumption and heat output. You can see how it changes at temperatures from +7 to -15.

Air to air

Finally, listing alternative sources of heating at home, one cannot fail to mention the absolute champion in terms of the cheapness of the project - an air-to-air heat pump. The simplest example of such a device is a conventional split system in heating mode.

Due to the fact that electricity is not spent on heating the air, but on the operation of a compressor pumping heat from the street, heating with an air conditioner is much more economical than a conventional heater.

In the best examples of inverter (using the reverse conversion of AC to DC and vice versa to change the speed of the compressor) air conditioners, for every kilowatt of electricity spent, 5 kW of heat is pumped into the house.

Inverters from a decent manufacturer cost up to a thousand dollars with installation and are capable of operating at outdoor temperatures down to -25C.

An inverter air conditioner is the perfect solution for a temperate climate.


Of course, we have not listed all alternative methods of heating. Perhaps useful to you Additional information you will be able to extract from the video at the end of the article. Warm winters!

Green homestead: Not every home located in a suburban area or in a rural area can be connected to a gas supply system or to establish heating using a power supply.

Not every home located in a suburban area or in a rural area can be connected to a gas supply system or heat from a power source. There may be many reasons for this, among which one of the main ones is the ever-increasing costs of connecting, arranging and maintaining a heating system using natural gas. In such situations, the most rational way out is alternative heat sources for the home, which can be selected based on the specific conditions and location of the object.

Numerous heating technologies are available as alternative heat sources using various kinds energy, including those that nature itself gives people - energy, wind, earth, solar electricity, biofuels, as well as the energy of combustion of solid and liquid fuels that has become familiar.

When choosing alternative heating systems for a private house, one should take into account the specifics of local conditions, starting from the criteria for calculations:

Consider alternative methods of space heating and heating systems for private houses, used as an alternative to gas.


Biofuel boilers are common alternative energy sources for a private house, which are distinguished by high quality execution. Biofuel in the form of briquettes and pellets from raw materials plant origin(sawdust, shavings, lumber waste, sunflower husks) is an alternative heating that can serve as an ideal replacement for gas heating in a private house due to its high heat transfer, which can reach 6-8 thousand kcal / kg. The biofuel boiler is a universal heating device with high efficiency, equipped with automatic system control, and can be successfully used for heating by other types solid fuel, including coal, firewood, coal briquettes.

Biofuel boilers, as alternative sources of heating for a private house, can be used not only for heating (single-circuit boilers), but also to provide hot water supply to premises - for this you can purchase a double-circuit boiler or add a second circuit with a boiler of the appropriate type (flow-through or storage) to an existing device ). A simple arrangement of biofuel boilers makes it possible to equip alternative heating at home with your own hands, thus saving part of the family budget.


Considering alternative types of heating a private house, it is worth stopping at heat pumps that use the energy of natural heat sources, including ground and surface water, soil, and air. Depending on which alternative heat sources are used, heat pumps differ:

Structurally, the heat pump consists of the following components:

Freon, getting into the evaporator through the capillary hole, evaporates as a result of a sharp drop in pressure. The walls of the evaporator, heated by geothermal water, give off heat to the refrigerant. The compressor, sucking in and compressing the refrigerant, contributes to its heating to a temperature of up to 85-125 ° C, after which it pushes it into the condenser, giving off heat through the condenser to heating circuit. The cooled refrigerant turns back into a liquid. The process is repeated until the room warms up to set temperature. Having received a signal, the thermostat stops the operation of the heat pump and turns it on again when the temperature in the house drops to the appropriate mark.

If you managed to provide electricity in a private house with your own hands (or with the involvement of a master), installing a heat pump will help reduce heating costs compared to gas heating.

The advantages of heat pumps include:

Scheme of water heating using a heat pump


Modern heating of a private house can be provided by numerous alternative ways heating, among which the solar collector is one of the most efficient. Unlike solar panels, where solar electricity is generated, the device of solar collectors allows you to concentrate the thermal energy of the Sun and direct it to heat the coolant (water, oil, air, antifreeze, etc.). The coolant circulating in the collector is heated, after which the accumulated heat is transferred to the storage tank for subsequent consumption in the heating and hot water supply system.


Heat sources - infrared emitters, referred to as eco heaters, are another option for heating rooms in a private house, office or workplace. The principle of operation of an infrared emitter is based on the transfer of thermal energy in the form infrared radiation objects that, when heated, give off directed heat to the air of the room, to the surrounding space in open areas, etc.

The most effective IR emitters, as alternative heating systems, are able to heat specific objects or parts of the premises. Thus, with an IR emitter it is possible to heat people working on outdoors or in a specific part of the room. The use of infrared heaters creates savings on heating, allowing you to heat only the useful part of the space. According to the method of installation and fastening, heaters are wall, ceiling, floor, with a directional effect of infrared radiation.


Hydrogen boilers as effective alternative heating systems have appeared relatively recently. The hydrogen boiler, as a heat source, uses the thermal energy generated during the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen, as a result of which H2O molecules are formed with the simultaneous release of a significant amount of heat (up to 40 ° C). The resulting heat is transferred to space heating.


Electric boilers as an alternative heating for a private house - the easiest way to find inexpensive ways space heating. It is not difficult to choose an electric boiler, just look into the relevant catalogs, with the help of specialists, perform calculations required power equipment corresponding to the volume of premises.

Important: before installation electric boiler check the insulation resistance of the electrical wiring and its compliance with the capacity of the new equipment. To avoid power surges, you need a voltage stabilizer.

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To install electric boilers, a separate room is not required - even the most powerful of them are small in size. There is no need for powerful hoods and chimneys - this alternative home heating is fully compliant with environmental requirements. Alternative heating is a modern approach to energy. published
