Inexpensive interior of a small kitchen. Small Kitchen Design - Interior Ideas

It's no secret that the most frequently visited place by the hostess is the kitchen. However, not all women are owners of a large kitchen. And so you want this room to be functional, comfortable, and most importantly, cozy.

Tips from designers will come to help in solving this problem, which you can use and translate the proposed ideas into reality.

Which layout to choose

square kitchen

Suitable for square kitchens. They can conveniently distinguish between work and dining area. With this solution, the refrigerator, sink and stove can be located in such a way that they will form. Everything you need will be within walking distance.

Opposite the headset can be placed. This table can accommodate a large number of Human.

If the design of the kitchen is quite small, for example, 2 * 2 m, then a folding table will do.

The wide window can be used as a dining area.

Rectangular kitchen

For rectangular kitchens, furniture is best placed along the walls. Instead, a dining table is better to give preference.

To visually expand the room on the walls, you can hang a large one or install a mirrored kitchen apron.

Curtains for this option it is preferable to choose with a large pattern.

You need to think about additional light, as the work area should be well lit. If the window is small or located on one wall, lighting is indispensable.

Doors in a small kitchen can be sliding to save space.

Irregular kitchen

Such rooms usually have niches, spaces or ledges. The built-in closet fits perfectly into the recesses of the walls. It can accommodate kitchen utensils, household appliances.

And also a place in a niche can be occupied by a refrigerator or an unusual built-in bar counter. It is better to make a kitchen set for such a kitchen to order or choose an option in which the doors of the upper cabinets will rise vertically.

Rules for choosing furniture for a small kitchen

  1. You should be guided, first of all, by the issue of comfort and only then - by your own taste preferences. For example, you should not buy the bulky buffet you like from, which carries a minimum functional load, and at the same time clutters up an already small room.
  2. First you need to consider all existing. A kitchen plan drawn on paper will help a lot with this. One of the options is sure to be suitable for arranging small kitchen.
  3. In small rooms, shelves and other pieces of furniture look much better. And you should also choose the highest possible racks, literally resting on the ceiling - they will help save space in the room.
  4. It is recommended to rationally use all free corners by installing headset parts, household appliances and other important elements in them.

Refusal to save space. Unfortunately, ingrained bad smell completely spoil the impression even from the most elegant cuisine. Without extractor small room can't get by. Designers are advised to choose compact models. If necessary, the hood can be hidden behind the facade of the headset.

As you can see, a small kitchen is not a reason to be upset. With a competent and rational approach to the design of this room, you can get a comfortable and functional kitchen as a result.

Kitchens of small sizes (real photos)

Many of us cannot boast of a spacious kitchen, but this is not a reason to despair - this is a great opportunity to show all your resourcefulness and excellent imagination to equip a few square meters kitchens in such a way that it is convenient, functional, practical, beautiful, and even so that the space becomes visually much wider. Design tricks accumulated over the years and an attentive approach to every square centimeter can transform even the smallest kitchen.

The main ways to visually increase the space of a small kitchen are collected in our article.

Colors in the interior of a small kitchen

  1. Eternal friend of small kitchens - light wall color, due to which the boundaries of space are slightly moved apart, since it reflects light very well. Therefore, white, beige and all pastel, light shades, along with small bright accents, can be used for a small kitchen.
  2. You don’t need to combine more than two colors in a small kitchen in order not to make the space visually heavier.
  3. You can combine not only neutral shades- looks good and fresh when one wall is highlighted in some contrasting color. This creates a certain mood, but the kitchen space does not become smaller from this.
    A selection of photos of color solutions for interior design of a small kitchen

  4. Bright drawings, ornament and other decorations not particularly relevant- they will visually hide the space and make it even more miniature. Therefore, it is better to abandon them in favor of plain surfaces, but if the use of such ornaments is necessary, then let them be as light as possible and stand out quite a bit against the general background, and even better - if the pattern is convex, embossed.

Combining the kitchen with adjacent rooms

Materials for finishing walls and floors for a small kitchen

  1. can be anything: the main thing, and it was not too dark. If the apartment is not only a small kitchen, then it is recommended to use the same material everywhere: linoleum, etc.
  2. In order to stretch a little space in the kitchen laminate or diagonally.
  3. It is better do not combine in a small space different and floors: you need to give preference to simplicity, which will give the feeling of a more spacious kitchen.
  4. Preference is given to flooring with a glossy surface for the ability to reflect light and expand the space, so it fits perfectly.

Selection of furniture for a small kitchen

  1. Under the light color of the walls better choose and not too dark furniture, which will be able to merge with the space of the kitchen and dissolve in it. Dark ones, despite their beauty and sophistication, look more massive.
  2. For a small kitchen, it is better to use built-in furniture, which can be made to order, taking into account individual wishes in terms of size, functionality and color.
  3. In any kitchen, and especially in a small one, you need to strive for maximum ergonomics, so try to keep the key elements in this order: refrigerator-sink-worktop or stove. In this case, the natural process of handling the product is observed: get it, wash it, process it, and the kitchen becomes functional.
  4. Usage glass furniture - a great move for a small kitchen: for example, it will not visually clutter up the space, but it will do its job perfectly.
  5. Moving away from stereotypes that square table more compact - on the contrary, round ranks less space and will perfectly complement even a small e. In addition, the lack of corners has a positive effect on the perception of space, and the kitchen no longer seems tiny, but rather cute and small.
  6. Folding tables- an indispensable option for a small kitchen: they save space while a couple of people are having lunch in the kitchen, but in a matter of seconds they change and can already accommodate a company or become a spacious place to work.
    A selection of photo tables for a small kitchen

  7. Common misconception that for a small kitchen it is better to choose miniature furniture. Of course, there is some truth in this rule, but if you fill the kitchen with a huge number of small items, then it will look cluttered, and therefore even smaller. Therefore, it is better to let the furniture be larger, but the number of its items is the minimum necessary.
  8. Visually possible make the kitchen and higher: for this, let one or a couple of pieces of furniture stretch in height. It is good if it is, for example, a refrigerator or a pencil case, and it will be placed at the far end of the kitchen from the entrance.
  9. Separate objects close to each other and also use corner cabinets and shelves.
  10. pay attention on glossy surfaces: if some elements kitchen furniture able to reflect light a little, then this is a huge plus. But the main thing in the pursuit of the most glossy, glassy and reflective surfaces is not to go too far, so keep a balance between them and the most common materials.
  11. Drawers not only slightly expand the space and make it more modern, but also more convenient in terms of storage than swing doors: in this case, everything lies in full view, and in traditional lockers necessary thing it can be far away, and it takes a lot of time, effort and nerves to extract it. Facilitates access to products and household items and lifting, folding doors.
    A selection of photos of drawers for a small kitchen

  12. Thanks to modern artful furniture there are a lot of storage places in the kitchen: retractable carousels, vertical drawers, grid-containers, in the area, etc. If you are using a seating area for your kitchen, then remember that this is not only a great way to make the most of the space in terms of seating, but also storage space, as most models have spacious drawers under the seat.
  13. Storage locations can hide in the most unexpected places, for example, under the table. Yes, under round table a small cabinet for all sorts of little things will feel good. If the table is covered with a tablecloth on top, then it will not be visible at all, and when sitting at the table it will not interfere either.
    Photo - Storage places kitchen utensils in a small kitchen

  14. If a dinner table often plays the role of a worker, where you read the press, solve crossword puzzles, etc., then all the necessary things can be put in a basket, box or small vase - it will be neat, and the papers will not be scattered all over the kitchen.
  15. If the kitchen and living rooms are connected, then it is already easier to achieve a feeling of spaciousness, especially if use or move the dining table away from the kitchen area.

Appliances for a small kitchen

Lighting in a small kitchen

  1. Proper natural and artificial- a guarantee that the kitchen will be perceived more spacious. If artificial lighting is completely in our hands, then things are already worse with natural lighting. Therefore, it must be used to the maximum, which is why it is better to hang light translucent light curtains on the windows.
  2. To do the window is visually larger, a – higher, maybe a little higher than the top edge of the window.
  3. The more artificial light in the kitchen, the better.. Ideally, you need to provide lighting for each area of ​​\u200b\u200ba small space: one central lamp, sconces near the dining table, spotlights working area.
  4. If the kitchen area is very small, then you can choose a multi-lamp lamp that will evenly illuminate both the working and dining areas. Pay attention to those models in which the angle of inclination of the lamps and their direction is adjustable.
    A selection of photos - lighting a small kitchen

Curtains and textiles in the interior of a small kitchen

  1. Instead, you can use or for the kitchen: they allow you to let the right level of light in, and at the same time they are not able to take up much space. But it is better to refuse curtains and heavy fabrics immediately.
    A selection of photos - Curtains for a small kitchen

  2. In order for the kitchen, trying to become as visually as possible, not to lose the proper comfort for upholstery, pillows, potholders, you can use fresh colorful drawings: cage, stripe, pea, etc.
  3. All elements textiles should also be as light as possible in order to merge a little with furniture, walls, and eventually blur the boundaries of a small kitchen.


  1. Whatever the kitchen, everyone has a lot of dishes and other utensils, so their storage is always problematic. The way out is to organize storage locations wherever possible. Yes, a variety of wall cabinets, open shelves, which make the most of the space of the walls, as well as long handles - they will become a place for towels, potholders.
  2. It will not be superfluous to conduct an audit and analyze, what utensils are really constantly used, and which one has been idle for several years. Therefore, in the kitchen we leave everything we need, and what is required on holidays or once every five years we take it out to, a barn, etc.

Accessories for the interior of a small kitchen

  1. Even in the kitchen area of ​​6 square meters. m. there will be place for cute accessories, which will make the space more comfortable. So, the designers recommend hanging the paintings and photos you like not on standard height, and a little higher or lower - such a seemingly simple trick will help divert attention a little and make the kitchen a little larger.
  2. If you would like to hang a few photographs or paintings, place them one above one, and not side by side - this way you can slightly stretch the room in height.
  3. Although the design of a small kitchen cannot do without accessories, overdoing them also cannot resist, otherwise their abundance will distract attention and litter the room.
  4. In a small kitchen not a place large plants - they need to be changed to small flowerpots with small fresh or artificial flowers.
  5. Any small space expands with a mirror: It can be placed on one of the walls using an interesting frame. Another option is mirrored cabinet doors, glossy furniture, etc.
  6. Generally all transparent and shiny objects that reflect light well, is the perfect accessory for a small kitchen. For example: it combines both light and transparent elements, but this solution is only suitable for rooms with an ideal ceiling

    As you can see, there are a lot of options to equip a small kitchen: there are many ideas that will help you create a unique kitchen design with a minimum area, so that it remains fully functional, cozy, and, most importantly, that walls and furniture do not put pressure on those present. A few tricks, skillfully combined in one kitchen - and it already looks much more spacious than before.

Not everyone can boast of having a spacious kitchen. And I want even the kitchenette to be both beautiful and comfortable. This can be achieved by knowing some of the tricks that professional designers use in their work. The design of a small kitchen is an individual matter and the concept of "small" is quite loose - it can be 4-5 squares, and 6-8 squares. The shape too - a square and a rectangle, the location of the door and window - all this affects the development of the layout. So you have to “try on” all the ideas for your kitchen.

General rules for the design of small rooms

Let's start with a choice colors. For small spaces, it is desirable to use muted, desaturated colors. The lighter the design, the more spacious the kitchen seems. The second tip for color design is no more than two colors. Bright multicolor will overload a small volume and will "crush". You won’t stay in such a room for a long time, and given that the housewives have to spend a lot of time in the kitchen, then she will be very tired. Therefore, we choose two desaturated colors and try to squeeze everything out of them. How - see the photo.

The combination of shades of beige and white is a classic for small kitchens. Too bright color in a small kitchen - the introvert is too “heavy”

The next secret concerns the type of paints and surfaces used. Furniture and wall coverings are preferably plain and glossy. At least a light semi-gloss is very desirable: light is reflected in the surfaces, surrounding objects and space are visually expanded.

Patterns should not be used. If you really want to, then in a very limited amount and dim, but barely expressed. All contrasting combinations will “eat up” the volume, which will make the room seem even smaller.

window decoration

In a small kitchen, you will have to give up on frills and multi-layered curtains. Ideal - In some interiors, blinds are suitable. If you really want to have a curtain, then only light and with a minimum of assemblies, and better - without them at all. And you can close the room from prying eyes with the same roller blinds.

Roller blinds on the window perfect solution for a small kitchen

In terms of colors, everything is the same: one of the shades present in the design or a combination of them. If the kitchen turned out to be very monochromatic, you can hang a bright curtain on the window and put a couple of gizmos of the same color.

How to make a floor

It's about choosing a color, not a material. As you understand, probably one of the tricks is to make the floor and doors of floor cabinets the same color. In this case, the boundary between the wall and the floor is lost, and even a very small kitchen is visually perceived as more spacious.

If this option does not please you, you can choose a color floor covering to match the countertop or furniture set. You remember that the design of a small kitchen requires the use of no more than two colors. So the choice is not particularly great: to make a very light floor or a little darker, but in the same range. You can see the dark floor in the tone of the countertop in the photo above, and the light one in the photo below.

Bright interior and a couple of accents in brown– a small kitchen seems more spacious

Something like this, with the help of different textures and colors, you can make the room more voluminous. But the most difficult task- arrange all kitchen appliances and furniture in a small space. Yes, so that it is comfortable and the interior is not overloaded. This problem is solved by a competent layout of furniture.

Furniture for a small kitchen

Our life is constantly acquiring more and more new gadgets. What used to be in the kitchen? Stove and refrigerator. Today, a microwave oven is almost mandatory added to them, often they put in the kitchen washing machine, those who do not like to wash dishes - also a dishwasher. And you also need an oven, and without a food processor - nowhere. Plus a coffee grinder or a coffee machine, a bread machine, a slow cooker, a mixer, a blender... And this is not a complete list. All this needs to be put somewhere, and so that it is convenient.

Little tricks

One option is to place the microwave and oven (if any) one on top of the other in a tall cabinet, also called a pencil case. Below there may be drawers in which other equipment will be stored, and above you can make a cabinet for dishes or equipment that is used infrequently.

Any even the smallest area should be used. For example, often there is a distance of about 10 cm wide between the refrigerator and the wall. Well, how to use it? Make a drawer for spices or other small things.

To save space, you can make cabinets in the kitchenettes, the doors of which do not open to the sides, as we are used to, but move up. Such fittings are quite expensive, but save quite a lot of space.

In general, storage systems allow you to use every centimeter of space. Of course, they cost money, because the compact mechanisms that provide such functionality provide the work.

Where to put the table

Often the room is so small that it is problematic to place a table. But there is a solution, and not just one. The easiest option is if there is a window sill and there is free access to it, make it part of the table. Need to order a table complex shape and install it in place of the windowsill. It will turn out quite a decent size table at which two people can dine.

Moreover, it is not at all necessary that the surface of the window-sill table be at the same level as the work surfaces. kitchen cabinets. They may have different height, and the resulting shelves can be used properly.

The second option is a folding table device. It can be attached to the same window sill, make a retractable tabletop that comes out from under the table cover, you can attach a folding tabletop to the free side edge of the desktop. In general, look at the circumstances. Several options in the photo gallery.

Sometimes it happens that there is a place, but by placing an ordinary table, we immediately “land” the entire interior. It becomes flat and uninteresting. All white is that an ordinary table looks heavy. And if on large areas this is balanced by even more massive furniture, then in a small kitchen but just cumbersome. In this case, find a table from tempered glass. It may not be completely transparent, but it will not be heavy.

Unfortunately, our desires do not always coincide with our capabilities, but believe me, there is always a way out, even in the most deadlocked situations. It is clear that the owners of cottages with chic living and dining rooms are unlikely to understand the problems of those who have very, very, very small kitchens.

Nevertheless, you should not succumb to the sympathetic views of your loved ones and relatives and lament that fate did not endow you with mansions. In this world, everything is so relative, especially in categories such as "little" - "many". Each person always strives for something better, and if you try, then even the smallest kitchen can be turned into a corner of coziness and comfort.

Don't give in to discouragement

Stereotypes of thinking

So, what is stopping us from making the design of a very small kitchen simple, functional and attractive at the same time? I think the answer to this question is obvious.

First of all, overcome stereotypes:

  1. In a limited space, it is impossible to accommodate everything that the hostess needs;
  2. A small room is synonymous with inconspicuousness and wretchedness.

Rationalism in the organization of space

Let me disagree with these statements and here's why:

  1. Surely, each of you has the experience of collecting on the road, no matter where, on a business trip, on vacation or somewhere else. Remember how you carefully sort the things that you need to take with you - the most necessary. And sequentially put them in a suitcase, distributing them in such a way that they evenly fill the volume, and each item is easily accessible.

Here everyone understands that the outcome of the trip, or rather the mood with which your trip will pass, depends on the order in the luggage. This principle will also be relevant when organizing the space of small-sized premises.

Now let's take a look at your kitchen cabinets. If you approach their contents with the same scrupulousness as you pack travel bags, then your very small kitchen will amaze you with the amount of utensils and household appliances that can fit in 4 - 6 m 2.

Only it needs to be properly equipped and then, it will not become a hotbed of chaos, but only extra bed for kitchen items.

An example of the organization of the corner "Everything is at hand"

  1. The next topic of conversation will be the layout of a very small kitchen. Here, a large role is played by the presence of blank walls and the location of window, doorways, niches for laying communications. All this can make its own adjustments to the design of the room. But the general concept, the maximum use of space, in any case, should be "at the forefront."

Think about whether you need a door in the kitchen, how to use the perimeter near the window, how to equip the dining area. All key points, should be specified at the design stage of the project, and not in the process, when the repair is in full swing.

At present, a whole direction has already been formed for the development and manufacture of kitchens for a very small kitchen. Designers work tirelessly to create a comfortable, practical and multifunctional interior.

It should be noted that they do it well. On our website you can find photo examples of already completed projects.

Until recently, it was believed that the ideal option for a small space is corner kitchen, since the arrangement of furniture made it possible to free up space for arranging the dining area. But with the invention of furniture that can easily transform, new ideas and possibilities have appeared.

  1. Thus, we smoothly approached another topic - ideas for a very small kitchen. For those who like to implement interesting solutions with their own hands, we can say that there is an endless field for fantasy.

First of all, these are built-in cutting boards, retractable pencil cases, removable additional elements etc. The appearance of such a symbiosis as a dining table, combined with a cooking stove, made it possible, in addition to standard solutions arranging furniture in the form of the letters "P" and "G", use the island version.

  1. Also, additional space can be carved out by applying little tricks. They are borrowed from the furnishing of mini-hotels, the design of kitchens on yachts, on board the aircraft. Due to the limited space, every square centimeter is thoughtfully used there.

For example, from the remnants of the material for the countertop, you can make cutting board, according to the shape and dimensions of your sink. What is called cheap and cheerful.

Part of the sink is used as an additional work surface

Or another option that you can take note of when the choice fell on very small corner kitchens.

Non-standard thinking allowed us to take a fresh look at the use of space near the window and on the free wall. Decorative shelves perfectly fit into the overall interior, at the same time performing practical functions.

Complex application of many interesting ideas You can watch this video, believe me, it is very interesting and informative.

  1. Now, as for the color palette, which is recommended for small spaces. If you have already been interested in this issue, then you probably know that there is a certain instruction, according to which, for the design of a limited space, it is advised to use light, plain facades with a reflective surface.

This is correct, of course, but color solution, largely depends on stylistic preferences. The cute interior of a very small Provence-style kitchen cannot look like a strict minimalist design.

Therefore, the range of selected colors can be in any variation. Here, the main thing will be to observe the color balance and dosage of light and dark tones.

For those who are close to minimalism, it can be advised to separate the facades and the work surface with contrasting colors. Such a distinction will only emphasize the severity of horizontal and vertical lines.

In order to given style“sounded” correctly, all household appliances, washing machine, refrigerator, it is better to hide behind the facades, then nothing will disturb the orderly row and harmony.

Adherents rustic style, can opt for furniture from natural wood. The price of such a headset is higher than usual, but for a small kitchen you can afford some luxury.

The well-known technique of using the same color scheme for the facades and the working area gives a stunning effect in visually increasing the space. Without making accents, the furniture becomes, as it were, part of the room.

The wood countertop continues the neutral theme of the wall and light wallpaper. Thus, the room seems spacious and comfortable.

Advice for housewives Everyone knows that a woman takes a lot of time to maintain order in the house and in particular in the kitchen. This is easily solved with special drawer dividers, magic corners and fly lady cleaning.

As a result

Given the above examples, you can take on the arrangement of your favorite place in the house. As you can see, the limited space is not a reason for grief, but an incentive for endless creativity.

The kitchen is the most functional room in a house or apartment. Kitchen design involves multiple work areas and high safety requirements finishing materials. For all its practicality, you need to create a cozy nest for cooking for family dinners.

Modern designers offer many convenient and interesting solutions, both for a spacious room and for a small kitchen.

The main trends of modern cuisine

Fashion for kitchen design does not stand still. Modern style is rapidly developing, offering homeowners big variety shapes, colors and textures to create the kitchen of your dreams.

But there are general trends in the design of the modern temple of food. Designers recommend:

  • visually expand the space due to light colors in the decoration, mirror surfaces, lighting.
  • zone space;
  • use functional modern built-in appliances that add high-tech notes to the interior of a small kitchen;
  • use concise kitchen sets;
  • add strict lines to the room and geometric shapes as a tribute to modern style;
  • hide accessories;
  • use chrome surfaces, glass in decoration;
  • add "eco notes" with wooden inserts, live plants;
  • develop a high-tech storage system. Minimalism does not tolerate cluttered room space.

Style selection

The kitchen is the place for family dinners and romantic breakfasts. That is why it should be designed in harmony with the inner world and tastes of the owners. To date, there is applicable to this room. Of course, everyone can find an option to their liking:

Classic style. It is an ageless design style. When making, the classics will not be too good decision, since a feature of this direction is furniture made of dark colors wood or materials disguised as it. The main colors will be beige, gold and brown.

Country style. The type of interior echoes the classics, but is a simpler and more comfortable version of it. Preference is given natural materials and decor that conveys the flavor of the countryside: a wicker motif, original shapes, natural colors, patchwork fabrics.

High tech. The complete opposite of country style. The emphasis is on the abundance of chrome, metal, glass, modern technology, which will become the main decor of the room. The use of simple lines in the headset will emphasize its functionality. The use of one bright dominant color and one neutral is encouraged.

Modern style or modern, which will fit perfectly into . Differs in laconicism and aspiration to minimalism. Predominance in the interior white color and a large number natural light will further expand the space of even the smallest kitchen. Art Nouveau is characterized by the use of geometric shapes and the functionality of every detail.

Eclecticism. Mixed style, replete with decor. Loads space with many elements. Combines different textures and colors.

Color solution

Choosing a kitchen design color is an important step. It is from the color scheme that the general mood of the room and the effect it creates will depend.

The beautiful design of the kitchen of a small area implies a visual increase in space. This effect will help to achieve a combination of two colors. Light color should prevail on top, and dark - below.

The monochromatic interior also fits well with the design of a small square kitchen. But when choosing a dominant color, you should use a palette from light beige to brown.

The choice of white as a monochromatic design will make the kitchen too strict, wooden decor help mitigate this effect.

The background largely depends on initial choice the style of the room, as well as the planned coloring of the furniture: you can not combine a colorful headset with bright color walls.

You should also remember the effect of color on a person. Red color is able to speed up the metabolism, promotes a good appetite. And the use of blue and green shades, on the contrary, is suitable for those who follow the figure and want to eat a little less than usual.

Diversify the familiar environment will help non-standard choice ceiling colors. good choice there will be light warm shades.

Kitchen finishing

Suitable for various kitchen surfaces different variants finishes. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Ceiling finish

There are special requirements for the ceiling in the kitchen. In addition to the aesthetic appearance, it must be practical, moisture and heat resistant. The most common are:

  • wallpapering;
  • finishing with plastic panels;
  • coloring;
  • pasting with polystyrene foam boards;
  • stretch ceiling installation;
  • plasterboard ceiling installation.

Naturally, even though pasting the ceiling will be a cheap way to finish it, these methods will definitely not be able to boast of durability.

Until recently, the most common method was plastering and subsequent painting of the ceiling with water-based paint. This is a rather laborious and “dirty” process, but the result justifies itself. When the paint begins to turn yellow over time, it is easy to renew the ceiling with another coat.

by the most modern methods are the design of stretch and false ceilings. These are more expensive options, but such ceilings are durable and functional. Thanks to spot lighting, it is possible to additionally illuminate the work surface, and multilevel ceiling will help to zone the space.

The unusual design of a small kitchen is emphasized by mirrored ceilings. They look original, as well as visually expand the space.

wall decoration

In cases where the kitchen is divided into working and dining areas, it would be appropriate to emphasize this division with different finishing materials. Among the most popular finishes:

Ceramic tiles and mosaics. Kitchen design leader. The popularity is due to its durability, strength, ease of care, as well as huge selection colors for every taste. Rarely found as a finishing material for the entire kitchen, it usually fills the space of an apron or the entire working wall.

Dye. Washable paint is a great option for both work and dining areas. Mixing colors can produce many beautiful shades for a quality finish. Another reason for the popularity of paint is the ability to carry out without resorting to the help of specialists if there is a finished flat surface.

Wallpaper. Given the specifics of the premises, there is no place for ordinary ones. To finish this room, non-woven, fiberglass, vinyl wallpapers.

Yellow rectangular kitchen in the interior with wallpaper

Finishing with concrete, brick, putty. The view of the original “bare” wall decorated with usually hidden building materials brings a spectacular touch and a bit of rebellion to the modern laconic seasoned style.

Wall MDF panels. Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of aesthetic panels coated with a special protective film. They are easy to install and look good in the interior of the room.

Floor finish

The choice of flooring is quite not an easy task for the common man. There is a wide variety modern materials meeting the requirements kitchen space. The practicality of the finish should come first in comparison with the appearance.

The favorite, as in the case of walls, remains ceramic tile, especially since there are its colors imitating popular wooden surfaces.

The second most popular material is. It has an inexpensive price, having all the qualities necessary for kitchen flooring.

A beautiful, practical, but expensive option for flooring can be parquet. This material qualitatively ennobles the room, without being afraid of moisture and temperature due to special protection.

Inexpensive alternative wooden floor becomes a laminate. In addition to the advantages of price, appearance, the material boasts ease of installation, which even an inexperienced builder can handle.

An extravagant solution would be a loft-style floor. The pristine concrete floor is a win-win option due to its functionality and cost.


The variety of modern kitchen furniture greatly disorients the inexperienced buyer. How not to get lost, choose the right headset?

Regardless of the size of the kitchen, there are 5 standard layout options:

  • island accommodation;
  • peninsular accommodation;
  • parallel placement;
  • U-shaped placement;
  • L-shaped placement.

Whatever type of layout is chosen, there are general trends in the design of kitchen furniture. So, today, the boom is the system of efficient storage. Even the most inaccessible places are rationally used.

Given the variety of modern technology, for its organic integration into the overall silhouette of the kitchen, custom-made furniture would be an ideal option.

Do not save on the quality of finishing materials kitchen set: very soon, dishonestly made furniture will lose its appearance due to instability to moisture and temperature, requiring significant funds for its complete replacement.

Decorating the dining area

In most apartments, the place of eating is in the kitchen. Designers recommend highlighting the dining area in the interior, visually separating it from work surfaces.

If there is free space, this will not be difficult. You can use design technique zoning with different finishes walls and ceiling. Another option would be a small screen in the color of the design, covering the functional part of the room. Mosaics look good or, which will not only focus on the dining area, but also create additional comfort, become part of the picturesque decor.

The design of a small one will require more sophistication. To place a dining area here, it is recommended to choose an L-shaped layout. good and right decision in this case, it may be the use of a window sill as a continuation of the work surface or an addition to the table.

It is popular to use instead of the usual combination of a table and chairs, a bar counter and high stools. But this option is hardly suitable for families with children.

Decorative items and lighting will help to make an additional emphasis on the dining area. A well-chosen carpet will help to replace the floor finish.

Room decoration

Despite the desire of modern designers for minimalism, decor remains part of the interior, although it is undergoing some changes. Compared to the fashion of the past years, the number of non-functional elements is significantly reduced. One is preferred bright accent, instead of many small details that create the effect of cluttered kitchen.

As a decor for the kitchen is used:

  • stencil drawings and ornaments on a functional wall;
  • themed stickers;
  • self-adhesive paper for refrigerator
  • decorative dishes;
  • unusual lamps;
  • hand-made items;
  • wood;
  • original carpet or panel;
  • glass decor;
  • eco-items: flowers, plants;
  • decorative curtains.

When choosing decor and its location in the kitchen, do not forget about fire safety rules.


The kitchen, as a functional room of any home, needs a well-thought-out high-quality lighting system.

An example of a kitchen design project with lighting

The placement of fixtures should be taken care of immediately after making the final decision on the layout of the kitchen. It is at this stage that it is possible to determine the location of work areas that require additional illumination, the method of scattering light, and to carry out all the missing elements (sockets, outlets, switches, etc.) in advance.

On the modern kitchen no place for a single light source. For example, by combining spot lighting and hanging lamp, you can conveniently illuminate the work surface and the perimeter of the room.

It is best to make the main light neutral and not too bright, but with additional sources light add the desired lighting combinations.

To illuminate the kitchen space are used:

  • LED backlight;
  • Spotlights;
  • Tire lamps;
  • Hanging lamps;
  • Overhead lamps.

Do not forget about the combination of style and color lighting fixtures with the rest of the interior. If recessed lamps are universal, then chandeliers and hanging fixtures can have a different texture and color. Thus, you can make a good kitchen by combining lighting functions with decorating the space.
Don't forget! The use of a lamp with a fabric shade in the kitchen is inappropriate, as a large amount of fat and soot will accumulate on it.
