Scientific style, its sub-styles and genres, main language features. Student Use of Science Style Tools

Russian speech has its own language genres, which are usually called functional styles. Each of these genres has its own characteristics and exists within the general literary norm. The modern Russian language manages with five styles: artistic, scientific, official business, colloquial and journalistic. Not so long ago, linguists put forward a hypothesis about the existence of the sixth - religious style, previously it was not possible to single it out due to the state position regarding the existence of religion.

Each style has its own set of responsibilities, such as basic functions scientific style- conveying important information to the reader and convincing him of its veracity. Recognize this language genre possible by the presence in it a large number abstract vocabulary, terms and words of a general scientific nature. main role in this style, the noun is most often played, since it is it that names objects that require detailed consideration.

What is scientific style?

It is customary to call this genre a style that has a number of qualities, the main of which are the monologic principle of narration, strict methods for selecting means for expressing the necessary information, the use of purely normative speech, as well as preliminary preparation to the utterance. The main function of the scientific style is the transmission of true data about a phenomenon, which implies the use of a purely official setting and detailed content scientific message.

The style in which such messages are carried out is formed on the basis of their content, as well as the goals that their author sets for himself. Usually, we are talking about the most detailed explanation of various facts and the demonstration of connections between certain phenomena. According to linguists, the main difficulty that arises when writing such texts is related to the need to substantiate hypotheses and theories, as well as the importance of systemic narration.

Main function

The main function of the scientific style of speech is the realization of the need to explain any fact, theory, hypothesis. The narration should be as objective as possible, therefore, this genre is characterized by generalization and structure of monologue speech. Texts created in this style must take into account the potential reader's previous literary experience, otherwise he will not be able to see the intertextual connections that they are rich in.

Compared to other genres, scientific can seem very dry. Evaluation and expressiveness in his texts are minimal, emotive and colloquial elements of speech are not recommended to be used here. Nevertheless, a scientific text can turn out to be very expressive if all the necessary style elements are fully implemented, which includes taking into account the literary experience of a potential reader.

Additional function

In addition to the main function of the scientific style, scientists identify another one - the secondary one, which is obliged to activate the reader of the text logical thinking. According to researchers, if the addressee of the text cannot build logical relationships, then he is unlikely to be able to understand its entire semantic component.

Features of the scientific style can be manifested in the text in completely different ways, thanks to this, it was possible to distinguish several sub-styles - popular science, scientific-educational and proper-scientific. The first of them is closer to fiction and journalism, but it is he who is used most often in modern speech. There is often confusion in the literature, as substyles are sometimes referred to as standard styles.


It is impossible to clearly define the functions of the scientific style without understanding its heterogeneity. Each genre has its own setting, which is associated with the need to convey information to the addressee, and the substyles of this speech are formed on its basis. For example, scientific and educational involves a strict narrative, which is addressed to narrow-profile specialists. Texts in this substyle are required to identify various patterns and describe them, these include dissertations, graduation projects, monographs, reviews and reviews, etc.

The educational and scientific sub-style was formed in order to present scientific dogmas in the relevant literature. The texts of this sub-style are educational in nature, they are characterized by the formation of various limits when considering disciplines, as well as the presence of a large number of illustrations, decodings of terminologies, interpretations and examples. This should include textbooks, dictionaries, lectures, as well as the literature in which the leading disciplinary issues are systematically disclosed using various established scientific opinions.

The words of the scientific style are mainly intended for specialists, with the exception of those used in the popular science subgenre. Fragments related to this sub-style are created for a wide audience, so everything here is customarily presented in the most understandable form. They are similar to fiction, they are characterized by the use of emotional coloring, the replacement of narrow scientific vocabulary with publicly available ones, the use of fragments colloquial speech, a large number of comparisons. Essays, articles in periodicals, essays, books, etc. are prominent representatives of such texts.

Genres of literature in scientific style

The main feature that distinguishes the scientific style is the scope of use, its functions imply the use of relevant texts only for an audience with a certain experience and able to read them. It is mainly used when creating scientific publications - monographs, reference books, textbooks, information messages, etc. As a rule, the creation of such texts is necessary in educational and research institutions.

Within the style, primary texts are distinguished - lectures, reviews, oral presentations, i.e. all texts that were created by the author for the first time and did not require him to turn to other sources. There are also secondary fragments - they are texts that were created on the basis of previously created ones. They are characterized by a reduction in the information provided and the total amount of information proposed in the primary texts.

Where is scientific style used?

The main scope and functions of the scientific style are pedagogical and scientific. With its help, it is possible to form a common intertextual space in which scientists from all over the world can communicate. Tacitly accepted standards for the formation of texts in this genre have been supported by specialists for many years.

The main component in the creation of text fragments are terms - words that name the formulated concepts. The logical information contained in these units of the language has a huge volume and can be interpreted in various ways. The most frequent unit found in this literature are internationalisms - words similar in different languages according to lexical and grammatical meaning as well as pronunciation. For example, “system”, “process”, “element”, etc.

The scientific style, whose scope, functions and needs are constantly updated, must follow the development of the language. That is why new terms and words most often appear in it to refer to completely new objects or phenomena.

Scientific style: phonetic features

The functions of the scientific style of speech are reflected in the most different levels language, including phonetic. Despite the fact that the texts of this genre exist mainly in a written format, they always have a clear vision of verbal forms, which speakers usually achieve with the help of a slow pronunciation rate. All intonations are standard and subject to the syntactic features of the genre. The intonation pattern is stable and rhythmic, which is why for the oral perception of scientific speech it is necessary to have a sufficiently long exposure.

If we talk about the features of the pronunciation of words, then the scientific genre is characterized by a clear pronunciation of syllables that are in an unstressed position, the assimilation of consonants and the reduction of vowel sounds. A distinctive feature - internationalisms and dependent words, the authors of scientific texts prefer to pronounce as close as possible to the original language. The discussion in this speech is infrequent, since in most cases it involves increased emotionality.

Scientific style: lexical features

The main function of the scientific style of speech is the explanation of various phenomena encountered in the life of mankind. And therefore, it is simply impossible to do without abstract, general scientific, highly specialized and international vocabulary. It is presented here in the form of four forms - words that form scientific thoughts, general vocabulary, terms, as well as words that have an abstract and generalized meaning.

All terms in the scientific style are divided into two subspecies - special and general scientific. The former designate technical objects and subjects (for example, “dysfunction”, “integral”, etc.), they make up approximately 90% of the total vocabulary inherent in this style. The second ones are symbols for technical concepts. For example, "fire" and "air" are ordinary words when used in colloquial speech, and in science they are terms that carry information about the qualities of a given subject in various fields of science.

Scientific style: morphological features

The functions of the scientific style require texts related to this genre to use nouns with an abstract meaning (“formation”, “direction”) frequently. Also, verbs with a timeless meaning or impersonal form, verbal nouns and nouns in the genitive case are often used here. A distinctive feature is that in this style there is a desire for the active use of various abbreviations, which are already considered by modern linguistics as nouns.

Short qualitative and relative adjectives are also actively used in scientific speech. Special place assigned complex forms excellent and comparative degrees(“most profitable”, “least difficult”, etc.). The next most frequently used parts of speech in the scientific genre are possessive and personal pronouns. Indexes are used only to demonstrate the logical connections between various parts narrative fragment.

Since the main function of the scientific style is description, the verbs here take a passive position, and the noun and adjective take an active position. The long-term existence of this order has led to the fact that a huge number of verbs have appeared, the semantics of which are currently half empty. For example, the verb "expresses" can no longer do without an additional noun, and is not used in a single position.

Scientific style: syntactic features

When analyzing a text to identify the function of scientific style, one can easily find that sentences are built according to complex algorithms, often with multiple grammatical foundations. This phenomenon can be considered as a normative one, since without it it is almost impossible to convey complex system terms, to reveal the relationship between the conclusions and proofs of a particular theorem, etc. Here, the second function of the genre, associated with the education of the reader's logical thinking, is most actively manifested.

In sentences of the scientific style, prepositional-nominal phrases are often used ("for the reason", "in the course", "as a result"), nominal predicates(“revealed a solution”), isolated members of the sentence and adverbial phrases. In almost every text of this genre one can find impersonal sentences, with which the author describes a phenomenon or process. For additional communication between parts of the presentation in a scientific style, introductory constructions and words (“so”, “probably”, “from our point of view”).


Despite the fact that the leading function of the scientific style is the description of a fact or phenomenon, the additional one is the ability to build logical relationships, constantly reminds of itself when analyzing texts in various aspects. Linguists believe that the scientific style is one of the most actively developing in the modern Russian language, this is due to the fact that progress does not stand still, and appropriate language tools are simply needed to describe emerging new inventions.

The scientific style refers to the system of book styles of the Russian literary language. It has such specific features as preliminary consideration of the statement, its monologue character, strict selection language tools, attraction to normalized speech (Rozental D.E. Practical stylistics of the Russian language. M., 1987. P. 32-38).

The scientific style of speech is used in the scientific and professional, scientific and educational sphere, among scientists, engineering and technical workers, professional specialists in a particular field. Therefore, scientific speech has its addressee. The addressees of works of scientific style are mainly specialists - persons prepared for the perception of scientific information.

The style of scientific work is determined by the content and objectives of the scientific message. As academician V.V. Vinogradov, the function of scientific thinking is “awareness of the world through its logical assimilation by turning the facts of cognition into semantic (logical) categories, concepts devoid of expressive coloring and emotional evaluations (respectively, the function of artistic thinking is awareness of the world through assimilation of it through creative recreation)”

Thus, the main goal of the scientific style is the communication of objective information, an accurate and complete description of the facts of reality, the proof of the truth of scientific knowledge, the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships between phenomena, the identification of patterns of historical development, etc.

The scientific style is recognized as such primarily because there are other functional styles to which it is opposed and with which, on the contrary, it correlates. Their differences are determined by a number of specific features that are inherent in this style of speech, and can also be traced in the quantitative and qualitative distribution of lexemes, morphological forms, and syntactic constructions.

The scientific style of speech is distinguished by a number of features due to the peculiarities of scientific thinking, primarily abstraction, generalization and strict logic of presentation. M.N. Kozhina notes that the most common specific features of the scientific style, arising from the abstractness and strict logic of thinking, are abstract generalization and emphasized logic of presentation. In this case, semantic accuracy (uniqueness) and objectivity of presentation are derivative style features. N.M. Razinkina notes that "logical rigor, objectivity, consistency and accuracy - these are the properties that are considered the ideal of scientific prose" (Kozhina M.N. Stylistics of the Russian language. M., 1983. P. 175).

Most common style features, inherent in scientific speech, predetermine the use of specific linguistic means and categories in it. A characteristic feature of almost all scientific works without exception is their saturation with scientific terminology, in particular international, without which the exchange of modern scientific knowledge, mutual understanding at the national and international levels, and the progressive movement of modern science are impossible.

A term is a word or phrase that defines one or another concept of a special field of knowledge or activity. The term is characterized by the function of definition, i.e. definitions, interpretations of the concept.

The specific properties of the term as a special unit of the lexical system of the Russian language are:

1) consistency;

3) a tendency towards unambiguity within its own terminological field;

4) stylistic neutrality;

Moreover, the term realizes all these properties only within the terminological field, outside of which its definitive and systemic characteristics are lost (Culture of Russian speech: Textbook for universities. Edited by L.K. Graudina, E.N. Shiryaev. M., 1998. C .170).

The abstract generalization of the scientific style of speech also requires the use of abstract, abstract vocabulary in it (for example, words meaning, attention, state, typology, classification), verbs with a generalized meaning of action or state ( exists, exists, consists, is used, used). Almost every word used in scientific speech denotes an abstract concept or phenomenon. In general, scientific speech is inherent in the nominal nature of the presentation of information; there is a predominance of the noun over the verb.

Adjectives are widely used, performing mainly a terminological function. For example, in legal speech, the use of adjectives as part of legal terms ( mild punishment, knife wound, grave consequences).

The language of scientific works is also characterized by a number of grammatical features. In the field of morphology, this is the use of shorter variant forms of nouns ( keys instead of key, cuffs instead of cuff(ring for fastening pipe ends), banknotes instead of banknote) in order to save language resources.

In scientific calculations, the form is often used singular nouns in the plural sense: The fish breathes with gills, the wolf is a predatory animal of the dog squad(a whole class of objects is called with an indication of their characteristic features). Real and abstract nouns are often used in the form plural: precipitation, low temperatures, serious consequences.

The use of personal pronouns is not typical for the scientific style as a whole. In particular, it does not use the pronoun of the 1st person singular “I”, instead, the pronoun of the 1st person of the plural is used to designate the writer - the author of this scientific work we(the so-called "author's" we). "Author's" we used for modesty purposes, when the writer seems to be hiding behind the authority of science. Therefore, in the scientific style, the percentage of 1st person verbs is low, mainly plural verbs in combination with the author's we (In this article, we observe…; Based on the above, we can observe the development of the following trend…).

As special studies show, the syntactic structures of scientific speech are more complex and richer than in fiction. Scientific speech in general is characterized by a complex but clear syntax.

The objectivity of scientific speech is manifested in the direct word order, when the presentation of information goes from the known to the unknown, from the “old” to the “new”. The reverse, subjective word order in a sentence is practically impossible, with the exception of cases of updating information, when the most important member of the sentence in terms of communication is placed in the first place.

The emphasized logic of the scientific style of speech requires the use of a large number of introductory words and sentences expressing the relationship between parts of the text ( firstly, secondly, thus, therefore, on the basis of the foregoing, on the basis of the foregoing, as already mentioned), special words emphasizing the logic of thought development ( first, then, next), derivative prepositions ( thanks to, due to, during, in continuation, except). Communication between sentences can be carried out by repeating words.

In the scientific style of speech, complex sentences with subordinate explanatory clauses, causes, goals, conditions, consequences, concessions are common. Indicative are such complex sentences in which the main information is contained in the subordinate clause; the main sentence serves to move from one part of the statement to another ( We can say that the plan is a mirror of scientific work; It should be said that we started observations on the syntax of the criminal law for the first time.).

Scientific style substyles

The scientific style is very heterogeneous. It has its own varieties (sub-styles). The most traditional is the division of the scientific style into such sub-styles as the actual scientific (academic), scientific and educational, popular science, scientific and business, scientific and technical (industrial and technical), scientific and journalistic. Some researchers also distinguish the sci-fi sub-style, although it is difficult to draw a clear line between science-fiction literature and the sci-fi sub-style as part of the scientific style.

Works written within proper scientific substyle scientific style, created for specialists. Therefore, they are characterized by a strictly scientific presentation of facts, an emphasized informative orientation. Important organizing features of this sub-style are the utmost accuracy of the transmitted information, the persuasiveness of the argument, the logical sequence of the presentation of the material, the conciseness and brevity of the form. The academic substyle includes such scientific works as scientific article, dissertation, monograph, report theses, scientific report.

An important sub-style of modern scientific prose is scientific and educational, which is determined by the goals of learning, mastering the basics of knowledge in a particular scientific field. Addressed to future specialists, such a teaching presentation is replete with examples, illustrations, comparisons, explanations, interpretations. The genres of the educational and scientific substyle include textbook, study guide.

Popular science substyle as part of the scientific style has its own essential features. These features are determined by the fact that the addressee of popular science works are non-specialists - persons who seek to replenish their knowledge in a particular science. The creation of a popular science sub-style was facilitated by the idea of ​​​​popularizing science, which involves presenting scientific knowledge in an accessible, entertaining, interesting and exciting way. The purpose of such a narrative is not to master the basics of science, as in the scientific and educational substyle, but only to familiarize the reader with certain scientific information.

Other tasks cause also other principles of the structural and textual organization of language means. The author of a popular science text does not strive for brevity, conciseness and strict scientific presentation, since in this case there is a danger of reducing the degree of understanding by the reader of hard-to-reach material. On the contrary, he tries to make the presentation as clear as possible, accessible to the reader, which is achieved by using figurative, emotionally colored elements of the language. Strictly scientific presentation of facts is intertwined here with artistic, book elements are combined with colloquial.

It occupies a special place scientific and business (scientific and informative) style of speech, which is a synthesis of elements of scientific and official business styles and is implemented in such genres as as a dissertation abstract, research report. The main purpose of this type of literature is the communication of scientific information with the most accurate objective description of the available facts, as well as the legal protection of this information. Very strict requirements are imposed on the language of scientific and business literature: stereotyped composition, maximum standardization and unification of language means.

Scientific and technical substyle associated with the development and description of various scientific technologies and methods, planning and organization of scientific and technical research, registration of the latest scientific developments, know-how. If the academic substyle is associated with the field scientific research, then the technical sub-style - with the sphere of high-tech production and organization of science. The scientific and technical sub-style differs from the academic one also in that it is not abstract terminological vocabulary that is more active in it, but professionalism.

Thus, the scientific style of speech combines types of literature that are very heterogeneous in content, structure and purpose, as a result of which the internal division of the scientific style into substyles can be somewhat arbitrary, the boundaries between individual varieties are very blurred.

In addition, there is no consensus among scientists regarding the number and composition of the substyles themselves.

So, some researchers also distinguish such varieties of the scientific style of speech as:

a) scientific and journalistic, which is characterized by the motive of the proclamation social role science in modern world, the need to popularize it among the general population;

b) scientific memoir, which is associated with a description of the history of various discoveries, biographies of scientists.

scientific style is a style that serves scientific field social activities. It is designed to convey scientific information to a trained and interested audience.

Scientific style has a number of common features, general conditions functioning and linguistic features that manifest themselves regardless of the nature of the sciences (natural, exact, humanitarian) and genre differences (monograph, scientific article, report, textbook, etc.), which makes it possible to talk about the specifics of the style as a whole. To such common features relate: 1) preliminary consideration of the statement; 2) the monologic nature of the statement; 3) strict selection of language means; 4) attraction to normalized speech.

The specific features of this style are due to the purpose of scientific texts to convey objective information about nature, man and society. The main form of thinking in science is the concept, therefore, the scientific style of speech is characterized by emphasized abstraction and generalization, which is expressed in texts by the use of words of abstract semantics and neuter words with an abstract meaning.

Terminology, being one of the main components of scientific speech, embodies such a quality of the scientific style as accuracy. The most important features of the scientific style - accuracy, clarity, consistency, strict argumentation, unambiguous expression of thought - serve as the main task of this style - the transfer of objective information about the subject of research. In scientific speech, words are widely used that reflect the relationship between parts of the statement, serving to create a coherent, logical text: adverbs are often used in a connecting function; for verbs and personal pronouns, the use of forms of the 3rd person is typical, which helps to emphasize the abstractness and generalization of the style. In syntax, one can note the priority of complex sentences over simple ones, the use of common sentences, the widespread use of participles and participle turns. Passionate constructions.

The style of scientific papers is ultimately determined by their content and the goals of scientific communication: to explain the facts as accurately and completely as possible, to show cause-and-effect relationships between phenomena, to identify patterns of historical development, and so on.

The scientific style is characterized by a logical sequence of presentation, an ordered system of links between parts of the statement, the desire of the authors for accuracy, conciseness, unambiguity while maintaining the saturation of the content.

Logic - this is the presence of semantic links between successive units of the text

Only such a text has consistency, in which the conclusions follow from the content, they are consistent, the text is divided into separate semantic segments, reflecting the movement of thought from the particular to the general or from the general to the particular.

Clarity , as the quality of scientific speech, implies clarity, accessibility. According to the degree of accessibility, scientific, scientific-educational and popular science texts differ in material and in the way of its language design.

Accuracy scientific speech presupposes the unambiguity of understanding, the absence of a discrepancy between the signified and its definition. Therefore, in scientific texts, as a rule, there are no figurative, expressive means; words are used primarily in direct meaning, the frequency of terms also contributes to the unambiguity of the text.

Strict accuracy requirements for a scientific text limit the use of figurative language tools: metaphors, epithets, artistic comparisons, proverbs, etc. Sometimes such tools can penetrate scientific works, since the scientific style strives not only for accuracy, but and to persuasiveness, evidence. Sometimes figurative means are necessary to implement the requirement of clarity, intelligibility of presentation.

A characteristic feature of the style of scientific works is their saturation. terms . However, one should not overestimate the degree of this saturation: on average, terminological vocabulary usually makes up 15-25 percent of the total vocabulary used in the work.

An important role in the style of scientific works is played by the use of abstract vocabulary.

Scientific style features:

To connect parts of the text, special means are used (words, phrases and sentences), indicating the sequence of development of thoughts (“at the beginning”, “later”, “then”, “first of all”, “preliminarily”, etc.), the connection of the previous and subsequent information (“as indicated”, “as already mentioned”, “as noted”, “considered”, etc.), on causal relationships (“but”, “therefore”, “thanks to this”, “therefore”, “due to the fact that”, “due to this”, etc.), to the transition to new topic(“let’s consider now”, “let’s move on to consideration”, etc.), on the proximity, identity of objects, circumstances, signs (“he”, “the same”, “such”, “so”, “here”, “here” and etc.).

Genres using scientific style

monograph, journal article, review, textbook (manual), lecture, report, informational message (on a conference, symposium, congress), oral presentation (at a conference, symposium, etc.), dissertation, scientific report. These genres are classified as primary, that is, created by the author for the first time.

Secondary texts, that is, texts compiled on the basis of existing ones, include: abstract, author's abstract, synopsis, theses, abstract. When preparing secondary texts, information is collapsing in order to reduce the volume of the text.

The genres of the educational and scientific substyle include: lecture, seminar report, term paper, abstract message.

Scientific style substyles

Scientific . The addressee of this style is a scientist, a specialist. The purpose of the style can be called the identification and description of new facts, patterns, discoveries. In the proper scientific style of speech, facts that are generally known in science are not explained, and only new terms are explained. This style is distinguished by a large volume of sentences and frequent use of quotations. The title of texts of this style, as a rule, reflects the topic or problem that the work is devoted to. ("About the language fiction"). The leading type of speech style is reasoning.

Scientific and educational. Works in this style are addressed to future specialists and students, in order to teach, describe the facts necessary to master the material, therefore the facts stated in the text and examples are typical. Almost all terms are explained, the educational text usually begins with an explanation of the concept. The volume of sentences is much less than in the actual scientific sub-style, citations are used less frequently. The title indicates the type educational material(textbook, collection, etc.). Leading type of speech - description.

Popular science . The addressee is anyone interested in this or that science. The goal is to give an idea of ​​science, to interest the reader. Naturally, the accuracy of displaying facts in this substyle is much lower than in the previous ones, it approaches the journalistic style. In order to interest the reader, the texts of this sub-style consider not only the facts necessary to reveal the topic, but also intriguing, entertaining, sometimes even unproven hypotheses. There are many more examples than in other sub-styles. The terms here are less frequent than in the actual scientific and scientific and educational sub-styles, they are explained through analogy, that is, everyday situations familiar to every reader ( Brownian motion Crowds on the subway during rush hour. The volume of sentences is less than in other sub-styles. The purpose of the style is to allow quotations that are not very precise and without detailed footnotes. The predominant type of speech is narrative. The title not only names the topic of the book, but also arouses interest, intrigues the reader (“Why are we not similar to each other?”). Among the features of this sub-style are the use of emotional words, comparisons, metaphors, epithets, interrogative and exclamatory sentences.

Scientific style of speech. general characteristics and main varieties.

scientific style- one of functional styles literary language serving the sphere of science. In scientific speech, the message function dominates, it is said about the result of their research activities. The usual form of implementation of this style is a monologue. In scientific speech, there is a preliminary selection of language means.

The scientific style is implemented in the following genres - monograph, article, dissertation, report, abstract, review, review, abstract, textbook, lecture, etc.

In the field of scientific communication, the goals of the most accurate, logical, unambiguous expression of thoughts are pursued. The leading form of speech in the field of science is written, and usually thinking is expressed in judgments and conclusions following one after another in a strict logical sequence. The thought is strictly argued, hence the generalization and abstraction of the nature of thinking. In scientific works, the main type of speech is reasoning - proof. The final crystallization of scientific propositions is carried out through a careful external linguistic embodiment.

Vocabulary. In scientific texts, almost every word acts as a designation of a general or abstract concept (cf.: "Chemist should pay attention to ... ", i.e. a chemist -abstract face; Birch tolerates frost well; here the word "birch" means not a single object, a tree, but a species of trees, i.e. general concept).

The vocabulary of scientific speech consists of three main layers: commonly used words, general scientific words and terms.

Common vocabulary includes words common language, which are most often found in scientific texts and form the basis of the presentation. For example: The languages ​​of the world include the languages ​​of the peoples inhabiting (or inhabiting earlier) the globe. There is no special word here.

General scientific vocabulary is already a direct part of scientific speech, as the speech of describing scientific objects and phenomena. General scientific words are assigned to certain concepts, but are not terms, for example: operation, question, task, phenomenon, process, etc.

The core of the scientific style is the third layer of the vocabulary of the scientific style - terminology. A term can be defined as a word or phrase that accurately and unambiguously names an object, phenomenon or concept of science and reveals its content; the term is based on a scientifically constructed definition.

The abstract generalized nature of speech is also emphasized by special lexical units (usually, usually, regularly, always, every, everyone) and grammatical means: indefinite personal sentences, passive constructions (For this, a funnel is taken in the laboratories; At the end of the experiment, the acid residue is counted etc.).

2. Terminological vocabulary of the Russian language, its introduction to scientific style texts. Terminology - component vocabulary of the literary language. TERMINOLOGY, a set of terms of a certain branch of knowledge or production, as well as the doctrine of the formation, composition and functioning of terms.

The subject of the general theory of terminology is: the study of the formation and use of special words, with the help of which the knowledge accumulated by mankind is accumulated and transmitted; improvement of existing terminological systems; search for optimal ways to create new terms and their systems; the search for universal features inherent in the terminologies of different fields of knowledge.

A term (lat. terminus "border, limit, end") is a special word or phrase adopted in a certain professional field and used under special conditions. The term is a verbal designation of a concept included in the system of concepts of a certain area of ​​professional knowledge. Terminology (as a set of terms) is an autonomous sector of any national language, closely related to professional activity. The terms of each branch of science, technology, production form their own systems, determined, first of all, by the conceptual connections of professional knowledge in an effort to express these connections by linguistic means.

Each branch of science operates with certain concepts and terms. These words constitute the terminological system of a given branch of science or technology. "...Terms in the field of vocabulary and formula in the field of syntax are those ideal types of linguistic expression to which the scientific language inevitably strives." Terms can be common (general scientific terminology) and highly specialized (terms of a given field of knowledge).

Common terms are often determinologized. Elements of term systems can be included in different systems serving different branches of knowledge, for example: morphology - in linguistics and botany. However, within the same terminological system, the term must be unambiguous, monosemic, of one terminological field. Multi-valued terms denoting quantities, design concepts are not allowed.

Lexical and phraseological features of the scientific style.

For unambiguous presentation in a scientific style, words predominate, excluding the possibility of ambiguity. Due to this feature scientific style is its high terminality saturation with terms. Scientific vocabulary is constantly supplemented with new terms. In a purely scientific academic style, terms are not always explained.

In scientific and educational works for a wide audience, terms are usually explained. The emotional load of the word is perceived as a disadvantage that interferes with understanding, therefore, in the scientific style, the choice is shifted towards more neutral words. Scientific and humanitarian, as well as scientific and natural literature, where the subject of study is man and nature, allow the use of emotionally expressive means of language.

The lexical and phraseological composition of the scientific style in terms of semantics can be divided into three groups. The first includes words and expressions characteristic of the national Russian literary language and used in book speech with the same meaning that is fixed in the language.

Syntactic features scientific style.

One of the main specific features of scientific speech is the emphasized logic expressed at the syntactic level.

Scientific speech is characterized, for example, by the use of introductory words expressing the relationship between parts of the statement (reasoning or presentation of generalizations of conclusions). So, thus, therefore, therefore.

The use of adverbs in the linking function is also very characteristic: therefore, therefore, then, hence(in terms of cause and effect relationships).

The most typical for scientific speech is the use of an expression of emphasized coherence of presentation - special constructions and turns of communication. They are organically inherent in scientific communication; without them, scientific speech becomes jerky, spasmodic.

Examples: Now let's move on to the question of ...; Finally, we can also note the constant connection ...; Let me give you another example; Let's try to explain now ...; Let's stop at…; Next, we note... etc.

Scientific speech is also characterized by special “complex” turns ( according to Pavlov, according to Mendeleev I.T. d.); word specialization. "next" in the introductory word function ( Further ... This substance is easily soluble in ...).

The chain of genitive cases is very widely used, which is explained by the increased frequency of the genitive case in scientific speech. (... establishing (what?) Dependence (what?) Length (what?) Line (what?) Wave X-ray (what?) Rays (what?) Atom.

In addition, the use of almost exclusively declarative sentences is noted, and interrogative sentences are used only in the function of focusing the reader's attention on a particular question; hence the uniformity of sentences in terms of the purpose of the statement

Substyles of scientific style, their characteristics.

The main function of the scientific style is the transfer of logical information, the proof of its truth. But scientific style along with this main function has other equally important functions that are implemented in three varieties of scientific style - substyles: actually scientific, scientific and educational, popular science.

The distinctive features of the scientific style at all levels of the language are most fully manifested in actually scientific substratum. At the lexical level- wide use of terms, often highly specialized and general scientific vocabulary. At the morphological level- the predominance of abstract nouns, mostly of the neuter gender. At the syntactic level: according to the purpose of the utterance, the sentences are, as a rule, narrative.

By their own hallmarks scientific and educational substyle lies between the actual scientific and popular science sub-styles. The function of this substyle is educational. At the same time, the amount of information reported is strictly limited. curriculum, and the evidence system should be simplified to make scientific information more accessible and easier to assimilate.

The scientific and educational substyle as a whole is much closer to the actual scientific substyle than the popular science substyle is rarely used.

main function popular science substyle is the promotion function. The function of popularization limits the manifestation of the main function of the scientific style: scientific information is not reported in in full, not systematically, but selectively, evidence of the truth of information is given without sufficient rigor or is completely omitted.

What is the scientific style of speech? What is speech style anyway? Speech styles are types of speech for communication. Speech styles are of two types: colloquial, bookish. Book is divided into artistic, journalistic, scientific, official business.

  • All these styles are observance of the norms of the literary language.

At the same time, the same language means give different styles different style features - accuracy, logic, emotionality, objectivity, formality, imagery, etc.

What characterizes the scientific style

The scientific style is characterized abstraction, generalization and logical presentation. Characteristic for scientific speech are semantic accuracy, lack of imagery, hidden emotionality, objectivity of presentation, some of its dryness.

As language tools terms and terminological combinations are used;

From the point of view morphology present tense verbs predominate here ( carbon is the most important part of the plant; From a morphemic point of view, a word is...).

Scientific style watch abstract nouns, which here are able to take the plural form ( heat, dyne, frequency, magnitude).

abstract and typical scientific speech are manifested in the increased applicability of words of the middle gender ( movement, phenomenon, quantity, meaning, etc.).

Short adjectives in scientific speech do not mean temporary, but immutable feature (desert fauna, poor, liquid saturated).

Students use the scientific style where it should appear, namely: in genres scientific articles, scientific abstracts, reviews, abstracts, reviews, abstracts, summaries, dissertations, lectures, monographs, etc.

Scientific style substyles

The scientific style differs from others in that it is divided into four more sub-styles:

1) Scientific. The addressee of this style is a scientist. The purpose of the style is to reveal and describe new facts and discoveries. Applicable for dissertations, monographs, etc.

2) Scientific and educational. Works in this style are addressed to future specialists and students in order to describe the facts that are necessary for understanding the material. The main criterion is the description of induction, strict classification, active use special terms. Suitable for textbooks teaching aids, lectures, etc.

3) Popular science. The audience with this style does not have special knowledge in this area. Yu. A. Sorokin shows that a popular science text is written “scientifically, popularly”, i.e. while maintaining the rigor and clarity of presentation characteristic of a scientific text, its characteristic feature is the simplified nature of the presentation.

The purpose of this style is to become familiar with the phenomena and facts that are described. sign this style: relative ease of reading. The style is applicable to popular science magazines and books, messages of a "scientific nature" in the media.
