Students day topic. My working day in English with translation

I start my day early in the morning. I usually get up at 7 a.m. and do things that everybody does at this time: washing, having breakfast and working out for 30 minutes. Also, I get my things, like a wallet, keys, backpack and a tablet, and leave home at about 9 o'clock. I don't have a car that's why I go to the bus stop and wait for the bus. It takes 50 minutes to get to my office by it.
My day at work is typical: phone calls, talking to people, answering emails, writing reports and discussing some important issues with my boss. So you can imagine that I have my hands full.
During the day we have a break for lunch. I usually eat in the kitchen with co-workers. Sometimes we play foosball, ping-pong, and video games. Then back to work. I usually leave at 7:15 p.m. After leaving my office I head to downtown where I have dinner with my best friend in our favorite cafe. Then straight from the cafe, I go to the supermarket to buy some food and go home.
While returning home in public transport I always read some interesting tales which I found on the web. I am at home at about half past nine. And the first thing that I have to do is to feed my hungry cat. After that, I can change into more comfortable clothes and prepare supper. I always have a lot of housework to do in the evening, I water the flowers, tidy up my flat and take a shower. Sometimes I watch TV series, Skype to my relatives and play hide-and-seek with my cat. At last, I go to bed at 12.
So now you know how I spend my working day.

Composition on the topic My working day

I start my day early in the morning. I usually get up at 7 o'clock and do what everyone does at this time: wash my face, have breakfast and exercise for 30 minutes. Also, I pack my things like: wallet, keys, my backpack and tablet and leave the house at about 9 o'clock. I don't have a car, so I go to the bus stop and wait for transport. The road to the office takes 50 minutes by bus.
My work day is the same as everyone else's - phone calls, talking to people, answering emails, writing reports and discussing important issues with my boss. So you can imagine how busy I am. During the day we have a break for lunch. I usually eat in the kitchen with colleagues. Sometimes we play table football, table tennis and video games. Then I return to work. I usually leave at 7:15 pm. After leaving the office, I head to the city center, where I have lunch with my best friend at our favorite cafe. Then, straight from the cafe, I go to the supermarket, buy groceries and go home.
Returning home in public transport, I always read interesting stories that I found on the Internet. I'm at home about half past nine. And the first thing I have to do is feed the hungry cat. After that, I can change into more comfortable clothes and cook dinner. I have a lot to do around the house: water the flowers, tidy up my apartment and take a shower. Sometimes I can watch a series, talk to my relatives on Skype, and play hide-and-seek with my cat. Finally, I go to bed at 12 at night.
So, now you know how I spend my working day.

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The story about "my day in English" usually describes a typical day at school, university, work, leisure - depending on what the narrator is doing. When describing “my day” in English, it is important to follow a strict chronological sequence, not to jump from one activity to another and not to leave “white spots” in your daily routine. To make it easier for you to compose the story “my day” in English, we have prepared a detailed plan for such a text.

Plan of the story about "my day"

  1. Introduction.

    Tell us what you do: work, study, relax. What day will you describe: weekday, weekend, holiday?

  2. Start of the day.

    Describe in English how “my day” begins: what time do you wake up, what is the very first thing you do after you get out of bed. What are your morning rituals and habits, what do you usually eat for breakfast?

  3. Middle of a day.

    Next, tell in English what you do during the first half of the day: go to school or work, do household chores, go shopping. What is your main activity at this time of the day? What time, what and where do you have lunch?

  4. Evening.

    Describe how you meet the evening: are you finishing your main business by this time or are you just starting? What do you do at this time of the day, what time, what and where do you have dinner?

  5. Rest.

    Tell in English if you rest at the end of the day, and if so, how. What kind of rest do you prefer: active or passive? Describe how you relieve stress and tension at the end of the day, do you spend holidays with family, friends or alone?

  6. Going to sleep.

    Tell me what time you start getting ready for bed. What do you do before that: take a shower, brush your teeth, read a book, watch TV? Do you feel tired by this time?

  7. Conclusion.

    At the end of the story “my day” in English, describe your attitude to the routine: do you like the way your day goes, are you very tired, would you like to change your routine, make it more varied or, conversely, predictable?

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Useful words and expressions

English word Translation
Arrive home arrive home
At school at school
At work at work
Bike a bike
Breakfast breakfast
Clothing clothes
Coffee coffee
Comb hairbrush
day day
Dawn dawn
early morning early morning
Entertainment entertainment
exercise charger
get ready get ready
Get undressed undress
Get up get up
have dinner have supper
In bed in the bed
In the bathroom In bathroom
In the bedroom in the bedroom
In the kitchen in the kitchen
late morning late morning
leave work leave the job
Lunch dinner
makeup makeup
meeting meeting
Metro underground
mid-morning in the middle of the morning
Newspaper newspaper
public transport public transport
Razor razor
Relax rest
Run jog
street food street food
Sunrise Sunrise
Sunset sunset
Take a bath to take a bath
Take a train take the train
Taxi Taxi
toothbrush Toothbrush
Towel towel
TV TV set
Wake up wake up
work out work out

An example of a story about "my day" in English

My day begins at 5.30 a.m. My mother wakes me up with a hot cup of tea. After sipping the hot tea, I do jogging for half an hour on the terrace of my house, along with my elder brother. After the jogging, I brush my teeth and get ready for my study which continues undisturbed up to my breakfast.

I have my breakfast at 8.00 a.m. along with the rest of my family. We also watch the TV news at this time and also go through the day's newspaper. After breakfast, the family chats for some time. By 8.30 a.m. all are off to their respective work. I get ready and proceed to school on my bicycle.

I reach school at about 8.45 am. The school Assembly takes place at 8.55 a.m. and classes begin immediately after. The classes continue up to 12.00 .p.m after which we have a lunch break. During the lunch break, I go home as my home is not very far from the school.

The afternoon classes recommence at 1.00 p.m. and continue till 3.00 p.m. After the school gets over I stay back in the school campus to attend some tuition which gets over by 4.00 p.m.

After the tuition, I return home and after a cup of tea and some snacks, I go to play with my friends in a nearby field. Generally, I return home by 5.30.p.m. and after a bath, I begin my study which continues undisturbed till 8.00 p.m. From 8.00 p.m to 9.00 p.m the entire family watches two TV serials.

In fact, the entire family is addicted to these two serials and has been following up the story from the start. We take our supper at 8.30 p.m., while we watch the serials. After the serials are over, the family chats for some time discussing the various events of the day. By 9.30 p.m., I go to bed.

Translation of the story about "my day"

My day starts at 5.30 am. Mom wakes me up with a cup of hot tea. After tea, I go for a half-hour run on the terrace of my house with my older brother. After my run, I brush my teeth and get ready for my workout, which continues until breakfast.

I have breakfast at 8 am with the rest of my family. We also watch the news on TV and leaf through the daily newspaper at this time. After breakfast, we all talk for a while. By 8:30 am everyone goes to work. I finish my preparations and go to school on my bike.

I get to school at about 8.45 am. The school line takes place at 8.55 am, and classes begin immediately after it. Classes continue until 12:00, after which we have a lunch break. During my lunch break, I return home because my house is not very far from school.

Afternoon classes resume at 1 p.m. and will continue until 3 p.m. After school gets over I will stay on campus to attend extra classes which gets to end around 4pm.

After classes, I return home, and after a cup of tea and some snacks, I go to play with my friends in the neighboring playground. As a rule, I return home at 5:30 pm and after a bath I start doing my homework; this continues until 8 pm. From 8 to 9 o'clock my whole family watches two series.

In fact, my whole family is addicted to these two shows and have been following them since the very beginning. We have dinner at 8:30 pm while we watch series. After the end of the series, we still communicate for some time, discussing various events of the past day. By 9:30 pm I go to bed.

Video about writing about my day:

My daily routine starts pretty early, at 6 a.m. I get up and go outside to do some exercise or ride a bike. When I finish I go home, have a shower and get dressed. My clothes and my bag are always ready from the night before.

Then I generally make a cup of coffee, check my e-mail inbox and have a look at the news in the Internet. I eat my breakfast. Sometimes I oversleep and if so - I skip my breakfast and rush to the university. I leave my home at half past 8, take a bus and normally get to the university at 8.50 as there are no traffic jams on my way.The lectures start at 9 in the morning, so I have some time to talk to my fellow- students. I like the atmosphere at my college: the teachers are cool and I meet my friends there. We go for lunch to our university canteen at 2 o'clock. I usually finish my studies at about 4 p.m. Though sometimes we need to stay late to do some laboratory research or work in the library. Then I go home, make myself some dinner, switch my laptop on and surf the net. I do my homework if I didn't manage to do that during my free periods at the university. I also try to read for a bit every evening. I go to bed at about midnight. That's my typical day.

The best part of my day is the evening when I eat my dinner, watch TV, play computer games or go out with my friends, watch football at a sports bar and just relax after a busy day. That's my favorite time of the day.


My weekday starts quite early, at 6 am. I get up and go outside for a little exercise or a bike ride. When I finish, I go home, take a shower and get dressed. My clothes and bag are always ready from the previous evening. Then I usually make a cup of coffee, check my e-mail and browse the Internet for news. I eat breakfast. Sometimes I can oversleep and then I skip breakfast and run to the university. I leave the house at half past eight, take the bus and usually get to the university at 8.50 because there are no traffic jams on my way. Lectures start at 9 am, so I have some time to chat with classmates. I like the atmosphere of the college: there are great teachers, besides, I meet my friends there. We go to lunch at the university cafeteria at 2 o'clock. I usually finish my studies around 4 o'clock. Although sometimes we have to stay up late to do lab work or sit in the library. Then I drive home, cook my dinner, turn on the computer and surf the internet. I do my homework if I didn't manage to do it during the free "windows" at the university. I also try to read a little every evening. I go to bed around midnight. This is my typical day.

The best part of my day is in the evening when I have dinner, watch TV, play on the computer or go out with friends for a walk, watch football in a sports bar and just relax after a busy day. This is my favorite time of the day.

In the ranking of the most popular topics in English, a story about a working day takes an honorable second place after a story about oneself. In one of our previous articles, we figured out how to write, now we would like to give you some useful tips on how to write a story about your working day.

Having composed the story yourself, you will remember it better than a story rewritten from somewhere. In addition, you will definitely use a dictionary, thanks to which you will replenish your vocabulary. And of course, self-executed high-quality work brings a lot of pleasure.

The most important rule of this topic is to use time, as you will talk about constant, habitual actions that are repeated from day to day. If you are talking about yourself, then you do not need to add any endings to the verb. You don't need other tenses: past, future. You may also need a turnover.

The second rule - do not forget to indicate the time: what time do you usually perform this or that action. If you forgot how to indicate the time in English, we recommend that you re-read the article,. And one more important point -. Since your story is built on the basis of habitual actions, it will not be superfluous to provide it with adverbs. always, usually, sometimes, every day etc. But do not overdo it and do not forget to respect the word order in the sentence.

To make your story coherent, include phrases and expressions like:

After that...- After that...

Then...- Then...

After breakfast/lunch/dinner ...- After breakfast/lunch/dinner...

When my working day is over ... When my work day ends...

A story about a working day usually begins with a description of morning routines:

wake up- wake up

get up- to get up from bed

get dressed- dress

do exercises- do exercises

go jogging the park- go for a run

Take a shower

shave- to shave

brush my teeth- brush your teeth

wash my face- wash your face

comb/brush my hair- comb

wash and dry my hair- wash and dry hair

do my hair- do styling

Perhaps you have a question: why is there a word before the words hair, face, teeth. The answer is simple: in English, when talking about body parts or personal items, they usually indicate to whom they belong. That is, you can't say I brush the teeth , that would be a mistake.

We also do not recommend that you go into details. Many essays that are presented on the Internet describe in detail the morning toilet: the process of washing, brushing teeth and other places. Choose a few phrases and build sentences with them. Your topic is called "Working Day", but not "My Morning".

After morning procedures, tell us about breakfast:

cook breakfast- make a breakfast

have a cup of coffee/tea- drink a cup of coffee/tea

have sandwiches for breakfast- have sandwiches for breakfast

like healthy food- love healthy food

After breakfast, you can tell how you get to school/work:

I leave home...- I leave the house at...

get to work/school by bus/underground- get to work/school by bus/subway

drive to work- go to work by car

If your school/office is close to home, you can indicate this:

As my school/ office is not far from my home, I walk to school/ to work.- Since my school/work is not far from my house, I go there on foot.

If someone gives you a ride, use the expression give a lift(bring up). Here you have to add the ending -S / ES to the verb:

My father gives me a lift to school. My dad drives me to school.

My husband gives me a lift to work. My husband drives me to work.

It doesn't hurt to also indicate how long the trip takes you:

takes twenty minutes/one hour to get to my school/ to my office.- The road to the school / office takes twenty minutes / hour.

If you are a pupil or student, include information about how your studies are going:

Every day I have five lessons.- Every day I have five lessons.

We have lectures and seminars.- We have lectures and seminars.

We have English lessons every day.- We have English lessons every day.

I try to be active and attentive at the lessons.- I try to be active and attentive in class.

I listen to the professor and make notes at lectures.- I listen to the teacher and write lecture notes.

If you go to work every day, tell us about your responsibilities, what do you do at work:

I work with people, so every day I deal with their questions.- I work with people, so every day I deal with questions.

I work with computer. My responsibility is to make calculations.- I work with a computer. My duty is to do the calculations.

I work outside.- I work outdoors.

I wear uniform at work.- I have to wear a uniform at work.

I meet with clients and partners at work.- I meet with clients and partners at work.

Every day I go around the town.- Every day I drive around the city.

I have lunch at ... .- I have lunch at...

After, indicate what time your study or work ends, and what you do after that:

My classes finish around three every day. My classes end at three o'clock every day.

After classes, I go to the library to do my homework. After class I go to the library and do my homework.

Sometimes I stay at the gym to play volleyball with my friends.- Sometimes I stay in the gym and play volleyball with my friends.

My working day finishes at five o'clock.- My working day ends at five o'clock.

So I switch off my computer and leave the office at five.- So I turn off the computer and leave the office at five o'clock.

On my way home, I buy some food in the supermarket.- On the way home, I buy food at the supermarket.

Every evening I go to the gym to do some exercises.- Every evening I go to the gym and work out.

I often meet my friends after work.- I often meet with friends after work.

And the last paragraph of your story will be what you do when you come home:

I arrive home at seven o'clock.- I come home at seven o'clock.

If the traffic is not heavy, I get home at half past six.- If there are no traffic jams, then I get home at half past six.

Here is a list of expressions that you may find useful in describing evening classes:

watch TV shows and series- watch shows and series on TV

surf the Internet- surf the internet

chat with friends in social networks- chat with friends on social networks

work/study ten o'clock- work/study until ten

spend time with my children- spend time with children

cook dinner for the whole family- cook dinner for the whole family

And finally, tell me what time you go to bed:

I am early bird, so I go to bed early. I wake up early, so I go to bed early.

I usually stay up late.- I usually stay up late.

Every day I go to bed at eleven o "clock.- Every day I go to bed at eleven o'clock.

I never go to bed before midnight.- I never go to bed before midnight.

Here are the main points that you should indicate in the story of your working day. Then it all depends on your creativity and desire. Add details, details, make your story unconventional and interesting!

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On week days I usually get up nearly six o "clock. I do not like to get up early, but I have to, because I have a lot of work to do during the day.

I make my bed, wash my face, put my clothes on and go to the kitchen to have breakfast. My mother usually prepares, breakfast for me, but sometimes I do it myself. If I prepare my breakfast for my own, I should have to get up earlier. I don't like big breakfasts; I prefer a cup of coffee and a sandwich.

Then I go to school. It is rather far from my house and I go there by bus. I have classes till two or three o "clock, it depends on a week day. Then I come home and have dinner. I like a big dinner, because when I come home from school I am hungry.

After my dinner, I have a rest for a couple of hours and then I do my homework. If I have some spare time I do some work about the house. I sweep the floor, dust the furniture and clean the carpets with the vacuum-cleaner. Sometimes my mother asks me to go shopping.

Then I have free time. I go for a walk with my friends or watch TV, or read books or play my favorite computer games. Then I have supper with my family. I like evenings very much, all members of our family get together after work and study and have the opportunity to talk and to discuss our family affairs.

I usually go to bed at about ten o "clock, sometimes at eleven o" clock.

Translation of the text: My Working Day - My working day (1)

On weekdays, I usually get up at almost six o'clock. I don't like to get up early, but I have to because I have a lot of work to do during the day.

I make my bed, wash my face, put on my clothes and go to the kitchen to have breakfast. My mom usually cooks breakfast for me, but sometimes I do it myself. If I cook my own breakfast, I have to get up earlier. I don't like big breakfasts; I prefer a cup of coffee and a sandwich.

Then I go to school. It's quite far from my house and I go there by bus. I study at school until two or three in the afternoon, it depends on the day of the week. Then I come home and have lunch. I love a big dinner; because when I come home from school I am hungry.

After my lunch, I rest for a couple of hours and then I do my homework. If I have some free time, I do some housework. I sweep the floor, clean the furniture and vacuum the carpets. Sometimes my mom asks me to go shopping.

After that I have free time. I go for a walk with my friends, or I watch TV, or I read books, or I play my favorite computer games. Then I have dinner with my family. I really love the evenings when all members of our family gather after work and school, and I have the opportunity to talk and discuss our family affairs.

I usually go to bed at about ten o'clock, sometimes at eleven,

1. 100 topics of oral English (V. Kaverina, V. Boyko, N. Zhidkih) 2002
2. English for schoolchildren and applicants to universities. Oral exam. Topics. Reading texts. Exam questions. (Tsvetkova I.V., Klepalchenko I.A., Myltseva N.A.)
3. English, 120 Topics. English language, 120 conversation topics. (Sergeev S.P.)
