Tom hardy with his wife Sarah. Tom Hardy - biography, wife and children, main roles

Tom Hardy - warm memories from our childhood are connected with this name. Tom quite unexpectedly appeared on the stage of world cinema and captivated the viewer completely.

Thanks to his unique charisma, stunning looks and talent, Hardy has become one of the highest paid actors and one of the most welcome guests at many social events in Hollywood. However, his path to success was rocky. Addictions pulled the young man to the very bottom, but at a certain point in his life he realized what he wanted from fate, and stubbornly went to the goal, in the end he achieved what he wanted. Tom Hardy has a great job, happy wife and kids.

Actor biography

On September 15, 1977, there was a replenishment in the Hardy family. The child was named Thomas. Parents did not even suspect that over time their child would become an actor. Although they guessed that the son would go along a creative track. After all, his father, Edward, was a successful Hollywood screenwriter, and his mother, Elizabeth, was an artist.

Tom had no brothers and sisters, so his parents devoted their free time to their only son. They accustomed him to fiction. Hardy studied at a private school.

Knowledge did not attract the young man. A rebellious nature often took over in him. Already in adolescence, the future actor became addicted to alcohol and tobacco, managed to try drugs, became addicted. At the age of 15 he was expelled from school.

A crazy lifestyle almost cost him his freedom. Our "hero" stole a car. What for? They just took him "weakly". Hardy's term was not awarded, as the father made a very good fuss.

Despite the fact that Thomas did not want to study in his youth, he was attracted to acting. He often performed in the school theater. At the age of 18 he entered the Richmond School. However, he did not study there for a long time due to harmful addictions. Further, fate brought him to the London School of Drama, where the growth of acting skills began.

In the 2000s, Thomas got a role in the TV series Band of Brothers. After the first filming, he realized that he had found his calling, although it was an episodic and insignificant role.

Wife and kids

The actor had a stormy love life. He even dated men. He wanted to try everything in this life. However, he settled down thanks to Charlotte. The couple has been together for a long time and they have two children.

Tom Hardy's wife Charlotte Riley is always happy to share her husband's success. They rarely please the public with a joint appearance, unless it concerns the premiere screenings of films in which they are filmed together.

On his Instagram, the actor periodically posts photos with his beloved. No one knows what Hardy's son and daughter look like. Tom believes that personal life is sacred, and does not allow journalists to stick their nose into personal affairs.

The best leading roles of an actor

The actor played the first major role in the film "Star Trek: Retribution". The tape became a turning point for him. After filming, he almost died due to drugs. Decided to get rid of the addiction. A similar gesture attracted directors who wanted to work with Hardy.

First major work "Rock and Roll". The film was directed by Guy Ritchie. After filming, the director became friends with Thomas. They often drank together.

Career took off in 2008 after the release of the film worldwide. "Bronson". In the film, Tom played the role of an insane criminal who spent 40 years in prison. For the role, he had to gain weight. Hardy's acting talent was also appreciated by Bronson himself, so he gave him his mustache.

After that, Hardy starred in the film "Warrior". Before filming, I had to go through an extreme course of losing weight and gaining muscle. This was appreciated by both critics and ordinary viewers.

Well Tom coped with the role of the mafia brothers in the film "Legend". He managed to bring to life 2 different images, which is amazing.

Received an Oscar nomination for his role in the film "Survivor". The statuette was not received, but even the nomination helps to draw the attention of others to a particular person.

Hardy managed to take part in superhero movies. Movie "Venom" released recently, but already remembered by many connoisseurs of the genre. The role of Eddie Brock was perfect for the actor.

Other films with the participation of Tom Hardy

Thomas managed to work with Christopher Nolan. He took part in the filming "The Dark Knight". For the role of Bane, he had to spend days and nights in the gym. “It was worth it,” the actor said after the release of the picture on the screens. After all, he was always crazy about Batman.

The filmography of the actor is extensive. He has acted in both comedies and dramas. A fascinating gangster story "Obshchak" will appeal to connoisseurs of quality thrillers.

Tape deserves special attention. "Wuthering Heights". This is a fascinating fantasy painting. Many believe that while working, the actor fell in love with Charlotte Ralli.

Series with Tom Hardy

Hardy starred in the series, they began his career. He played an important role in the project "Peaky Blinders". The series is about a gang involved in crime in 1919. Incredibly atmospheric product. No wonder Tom took part in it. After all, he was always attracted by the aesthetics of the past.

Hardy produced and starred in the series "Taboo". The tape tells about the return of the "prodigal son" to his native city. The hero will try to resurrect his father's empire.

The actor also took part in the mini-series "Prikup". Gang drama about how a character tries to get his life back after a prison term.

The famous Hollywood actor Tom Hardy is so popular and in demand that millions of viewers around the world know about his name. With each new film, the actor surprises more and more with his professionalism and versatility. There is no such role that was not up to this English actor. Tom Hardy is only 41 years old, but at this age he managed to achieve not just fame, but the respect and admiration of fans and film critics, and today the actor is in great demand and has already been nominated for the most prestigious Hollywood film award.

Height, weight, age. How old is Tom Hardy?

Sons of Tom Hardy - Louis Hardy, the name of the second son is unknown

Sons of Tom Hardy - Louis Hardy, the name of the second son is unknown. The actor and his current wife, actress Charlotte Riley, began dating a long time ago, but stopped hiding their romance only in 2014. Then the lovers got married. A year later, the firstborn of Charlotte and the second son of Tom Hardy were born in a new family. Previously, the actor had a relationship with an actress who gave birth to his son Louis. Today the boy is 8 years old, and the actor often spends time with him.

The second son of Tom Hardy was born in 2015, but there is no data about him, no one even knows the name of the child. On the network you can find only a couple of photos showing the children of a Hollywood actor.

Tom Hardy's ex-wife - Sarah Ward

Tom Hardy's first and long-time ex-wife is Sarah Ward, an actress with whom he studied acting together. The network has photographs where the couple is pictured together. In the late 90s, they officially married, and in 2004 they divorced.

The marriage lasted 5 years, Sarah Ward filed for divorce, who did not know about her husband's drug addiction. Despite promises to be cured, the woman did not wait and decided to leave. Tom Hardy has no children from his first marriage. Sarah Ward is a little-known actress, unlike Hollywood movie star Tom Hardy.

Tom Hardy's wife Charlotte Riley

The second wife of Tom Hardy is Charlotte Riley, also an Englishwoman, and also an actress who is still successfully acting in Hollywood films today.

Charlotte grew up in an ordinary family, her parents tried to give the best to their daughter, including a good education. The actress is a talented and amazing woman who writes letters to fans instead of correspondence in social networks, in which, by the way, she is not registered.

Charlotte Riley has never had problems with drugs and discipline, but has one physical defect - strabismus.

Instagram and Wikipedia Tom Hardy

Instagram and Wikipedia Tom Hardy are extremely popular sources of information about the actor. He has more than 3 million followers on the social network, and their number is only growing every day. Here Tom Hardy, most often, uploads photos during the filming of movies, as well as photos with his addictions - a dog and motorcycles.

Wikipedia contains detailed biographical data of the actor, including career growth, a complete filmography of the popular Hollywood actor and many interesting details from his life.

There are interesting facts in the biography of Tom (Edward Thomas) Hardy that even the most devoted fans do not know about. The British actor is known for his meticulous approach to every role. He either loses weight or gains weight, constantly trains, does everything to transform into his character, regardless of who he has to play: a criminal, a policeman or a drug addict.

Childhood and youth

Edward Thomas Hardy was born in September 1977. The boy's family was very creative and intelligent. Mother Elizabeth Barrett was of Irish descent and was a painter. And dad Edward Hardy is a Howard graduate, writer and screenwriter. The parents of the future celebrity were well off and lived in a luxurious mansion in the suburbs of London.

From an early age, the boy was instilled with a love of art: his entire room was filled with records and books. Tom was not denied anything, he was showered with gifts, taken to the best foreign resorts.

Upon reaching the age of seven, the parents placed the young man in a private school, hoping for an excellent study, but something went wrong. Tom has always been considered a naughty child, he was shy of mom and dad, considering them too correct and exemplary. In addition, to spite them, he picked up a company of guys from dysfunctional families.

At the age of eleven, a policeman came to the teenagers' school and read a speech about the dangers of drugs. But this had an unexpected effect on the future star, and by the age of 13 the young man had tried alcohol and smoked weed. And already at the age of 15, Tom was expelled from school, after which the young man admitted to his parent that he was using crack.

Six months later, the young man was arrested for stealing a car. As Hardy himself recalls, he did it not for the sake of enrichment, but to have fun. But with the help of his father's connections, the guy managed to avoid a prison term.

Despite drug addiction, Tom always showed a genuine interest in the world of art, he wanted to try his hand at cinema. In his youth, he was engaged in a theater circle and performed on stage. Having reached the age of 18, the young man applied to the Richmond School of Acting, however, he was soon expelled from there for bad behavior.

Then he was successfully accepted into the London School of Drama, his mentor was a teacher who studied with Anthony Hopkins himself.

The beginning of the creative path

The British actor played his first role in the late 90s, he was able to reincarnate as an ordinary soldier John Yanovech in the serial series Band of Brothers. True, his character practically did not speak, in 2 episodes he uttered only 12 lines.

Later, the young man participated in several more serious projects:

  • "Black Hawk";
  • "Day of Reckoning";
  • "Simon".

By the way, in the last picture, the Hollywood star had to play a key character.

The next stellar film starring Tom Hardy was the science fiction thriller Star Trek: Into Darkness. The young man perfectly conveyed the character of his character - a clone of the captain of the spaceship, moreover, during the filming process, the guy used drugs.

The reason for finally tying up was an overdose: the man went over with cocaine and almost died. It was this incident that prompted him to seek help from specialists.

After that, the British actor underwent a course of rehabilitation in the clinic and tied up with illegal drugs. He devoted himself entirely to the acting profession and was able to achieve incredible success in this matter. Finally, parents could be proud of their son.

After returning, the young man played for some time on the stage. The most sensational performances were:

  • "In Arabia we will all be kings";
  • "Blood".

For an excellent game, the Evening Standard even awarded Tom an honorary award in the Most Promising Newcomer nomination.

A year later, a new film with the participation of the star was released - in the film "Layer Cake" Daniel Craig played with him. In addition, Tom Hardy's filmography was replenished with 2 more historical tapes:

  • "Marie Antoinette";
  • "Virgin Queen".

In the last series, Tom Hardy had the opportunity to work with famous actress Kirsten Dunst.

One of the most successful projects in the cinematic career of the British artist is the painting "Stuart: A Past Life". The plot is based on real events and tells about an incurable drug addict and alcoholic who fought for the rights of homeless people. Although subsequently this film was not shown on large screens, the work was highly appreciated by critics.

Later, another film was released - the gangster comedy "Rock and Roll". This time he had to reincarnate as a gay bandit who is in love with the leader of his gang.

Career heyday

Another tape that was able to captivate the audience is the drama "Bronson", where he again played a real hero - a maniac with artistic inclinations. For this role, the young actor had to put on about 40 feet and grow a mustache.

After that, Hardy's filmography was replenished with another picture, where he starred as a young MMA fighter, so the guy urgently had to lose weight and get himself in perfect shape. In one of the interviews, the man admitted that it was extremely difficult to do this: daily workouts, a strict diet literally exhausted the artist. It was easier to transform into Bronson, since you had to eat a lot of chocolate, lie on the couch, and also play video games.

For several years, Hardy worked tirelessly, with his participation more than 50 films were released, among them

  • "Warrior";
  • "The Passion of Christ";
  • "Legend";
  • "Survivor";
  • "Spy get out."

The movie "The Dark Knight Rises" brought universal love to the actor, Hardy perfectly played the main villain - the terrorist Bane, who is hiding under the mask. The man again needed to gain extra pounds. The entire filming process, the guy had to wear shoes with a 10-centimeter gasket so that Tom could match his character - according to the script, he had a two-meter height.

Personal life

In the personal life of a popular artist, not everything is so simple. The man entered into his first official marriage in 1999, he proposed to his beloved Sarah Ward 3 weeks after they met. But as time has shown, the couple hurried. A few years later, the girl filed for divorce, tired of her husband's constant drinking and problems with illegal drugs.

Before he officially got a divorce, the guy began to have an affair with the famous model Linda Park, and 2 years later, on the set of The Virgin Queen, the artist met Rachel Speed, who at that time worked as an assistant director. The couple had a stormy romance, the girl gave birth to his son Louis, but the relationship also did not last long. Now the boy lives with his mother, but regularly visits his father's house.

The third wife of Tom Hardy was the successful actress Charlotte Riley. The acquaintance of young people happened on the set of the film "Wuthering Heights". According to the script of the drama, their characters were madly in love with each other. But Charlotte in real life did not welcome office romances, so for a long time she refused the British artist in reciprocity, but still she could not resist his charm and charisma.

Five years later, news appeared in the press that lovers legalized relationship. In the fall of 2015, the couple had a child, the parents did not want to voice the baby's gender and name for a long time. And on New Year's holidays in 2019, Hardy became a father three times - the boy was named Forest, in honor of the character of Tom Hanks.

More than 30 different tattoos flaunt on the body of the actor, there are quotes, crosses and just numbers. Each character reminds the British actor of a lived event, a mistake. As Tom himself says, they do not interfere with his creative career at all, for some shootings he even had to finish additional ones.

Our hero is a highly paid Hollywood actor. The path to success was thorny and difficult. However, at a certain point in his life, he realized what he wanted from fate and stubbornly walked towards the goal. In the end, the guy got what he wanted. Tom Hardy has a great job, wife and happy kids.

Actor biography

On September 15, 1977, there was a replenishment in the Hardy family. The child was named Thomas. Parents did not even suspect that over time their child would become an actor. Although, they guessed that the son would follow a creative track. After all, his father, Edward, was a successful Hollywood screenwriter, and his mother, Elizabeth, was an artist.

Tom had no brothers and sisters, so his parents devoted their free time to their only son. They accustomed him to fiction. Hardy studied at a private school.

Knowledge did not attract the young man. He had a rebellious nature. Already in adolescence, the future actor became addicted to alcohol and tobacco. Managed to try drugs. Became addicted. At the age of 15 he was expelled from school.

A crazy lifestyle almost cost him his freedom. Our "hero" stole a car. What for? They just took him "weakly". Hardy's term was not awarded, as the father made a very good fuss.

Despite the fact that Thomas did not want to study in his youth, he was still attracted to acting. He often performed in the school theater. At the age of 18 he entered the Richmond School. However, he did not study there for a long time due to harmful addictions. Then fate brought her to the London School of Drama, where the growth of acting skills began.

In the 2000s, Thomas got a role in the TV series Band of Brothers. After the first filming, I realized that I had found my calling and could settle down, although it was an episodic and insignificant role.

Wife and kids

The actor had a stormy love life. He even dated men. He wanted to try everything in this life. However, he settled down thanks to Charlotte. They have been together for a long time and have two children. Nobody knows what Hardy's son and daughter look like. He believes that personal life is sacred and does not allow journalists to stick their nose into personal affairs.

On his Instagram, the actor periodically posts photos with his lover. In addition, he dedicated an entire post to his beloved dog, who died.

The best leading roles of an actor

The actor played his first major role in the film Star Trek: Retribution. The tape became a turning point for him. After filming, he almost died due to drugs. Decided to get rid of the addiction. A similar gesture attracted directors who wanted to work with Hardy.

The first major work is "Rock and Roll". The film was directed by Guy Ritchie. After filming, the director became friends with Thomas. They often drank together.

Career went uphill in 2008 after the release of the film "Bronson" in the world distribution. In the film, Tom played the role of an insane criminal who spent 40 years in prison. For the role, he had to gain weight. Hardy's acting talent was also appreciated by Bronson himself, so he gave him his mustache.

After that, Hardy starred in the film "Warrior". Before filming, I had to go through an extreme course of losing weight and gaining muscle. This was appreciated by both critics and ordinary viewers.

Well, Tom coped with the role of the mafia brothers in the movie "Legend". He managed to bring to life 2 different images, which is amazing.

He received an Oscar nomination for his role in The Revenant. The statuette was not received, but even the nomination helps to draw the attention of others to a particular person.

Hardy managed to take part in superhero movies. The film "Venom" was released recently, but many connoisseurs of the genre have already remembered it. The role of Eddie Brock was perfect for the actor.

Other films with the participation of Tom Hardy

Thomas managed to work with Christopher Nolan. He took part in the filming of the film "The Dark Knight". For the role of Bane, he had to spend a day in the gym. “It was worth it,” the actor said after the release of the picture on the screens. After all, he was always crazy about Batman.

The filmography of the actor is extensive. He starred in comedies, dramas and so on.

Hardy showed his acting talent during the filming of the film "Obshchak". A fascinating gangster story that will appeal to connoisseurs of quality thrillers.

Wuthering Heights deserves special attention. This is a fascinating fantasy painting. Many believe that while working, the actor fell in love with Charlotte Ralli.

Series with Tom

Hardy starred in TV series. They started his career.

He played an important role in the Peaky Blinders project. The series is about a gang involved in crime in 1919. Incredibly atmospheric product. No wonder Tom took part in it. After all, he was always attracted by the aesthetics of the past.

Therefore, he produced and starred in the TV series Taboo. The tape tells about the return of the "prodigal son" to his native city. The hero will try to resurrect his father's empire.

The actor also took part in the mini-series "Prikup". Gang drama about how a character tries to get his life back after a prison term.

Similarities that amaze

Logan Marshall Green is an actor who has been nicknamed the "poor man's Tom Hardy". The man looks like a Hollywood star. Comparisons of Logan do not offend, on the contrary, I am glad that they are collaborating with him, thanks to the similarity.

Who voices Hardy in Russia?

In the Russian box office, the rule was fixed: a certain person voices this or that actor. The official Russian voice belongs to Ilya Isaev.

Hardy knight?

In November 2018, Thomas was awarded the Order of the British Empire and received the status of a "knight". Surprising, especially considering what a crazy life he led.

The hero of our article is a person who managed to try everything in life and settle down. He found his calling. Tom Hardy's wife and children support him in any situation. In addition, until the end of days, he will enjoy his favorite work.

Tom Hardy is a British theater and film actor, producer and screenwriter. Known to the viewer through participation in Hollywood films.

He gained wide popularity after filming in the films "The Drunkest District in the World", "Legend" and "Survivor". Winner of BAFTA awards, Georges, Oscar nominee.

Childhood and youth

Tom Hardy was born in mid-September 1977 in Hammersmith, West London, the only child of Anne and Edward (Chips) Hardy, a Catholic family. The sign of the zodiac is Virgo. Soon the family moved to East Sheen, a cozy bohemian area of ​​London on the banks of the Thames, a favorite haunt of the creative elite, writers and artists. Tom's parents corresponded to the place of residence: Ann is a fashion artist, Edward was a screenwriter, composed commercials and comedies.

The boy grew up in a creative environment and already in his school years began to attend theater courses. Since Tom had no brothers and sisters, all the love and care of his parents went to him alone. The father and mother intended to give their son a good education, but in the case of Tom, everything was not easy - the teenager did not want to study. Already at the age of 13, young Hardy learned what alcohol was. A year later, he tried the effects of drugs on himself. For this reason, and for bad behavior, he was expelled from a prestigious boarding school.

Tom Hardy got his first tattoo at the age of 15. Subsequently, there will be many.

At the age of 19, the guy won the competition and signed a contract with a modeling agency, but he was soon kicked out of there too. The reason is the same - drugs. For some time the young man studied at one of the theater schools in Richmond. The study ended ingloriously, like all previous attempts.


Once in the school of the London Drama Theater, where they taught according to the method, Tom was imbued with art. Under the guidance of talented teachers, who at one time taught themselves, Hardy spent three years. But when a young man was called to play Private John in the popular TV series Band of Brothers, the aspiring artist decided that it was time to stop studying.

He starred in this film about World War II, but Hardy's film did not bring success and popularity. But the military drama "Black Hawk Down", released in 2001, "lit up" the young artist. Participation in the film has become a landmark for the creative biography of the actor.

Soon Tom Hardy changes the genre and appears on the screen in the melodrama "Dots over the I". But the actor did not like the melodramatic direction, he gradually refuses roles in serials, switching to paintings of a militaristic nature. For filming in the next military film, he even moves to the north of Africa.

Tom Hardy in "Band of Brothers"

The most notable film of this period is the sci-fi film Enterprise. It is followed by even more successful work - a project with a budget of $ 60 million "Star Trek: Retribution". The painting is considered by some to be a springboard for Hardy's career.

To work in the next film, Tom Hardy came to his native England. He was invited to the role of the hero in the thriller "LD 50: Lethal Dose". The film was released in 2003. In it, the directors told the audience a dramatic story about the raids by a group of Greenpeace activists on a laboratory where experiments were carried out on animals.

It is noteworthy that in between filming, Hardy plays on the theater stage. In 2003, he even received a prestigious award for his work in the performances "Arabia, we will be kings" and "Blood". A year later, he also received an award.

Numerous fans of Hardy greeted with joy his appearance in the film "Marie Antoinette". In this film, Tom fully revealed his acting talent, and the audience enjoyed the image of a handsome man and his brilliant game.

In 2007, the film "Stuart: A Past Life" was released, where, in addition to Tom Hardy, he played the main role. Tom has repeatedly called this film his best work in cinema, after which he acts in films only for pleasure.

In late 2008, Hardy appeared in Guy Ritchie's comedy Rock and Roll. It is worth noting that Tom got a rather scandalous character: he played a criminal with a non-traditional sexual orientation. According to the plot of the picture, his hero falls in love with the leader of the gang, whom he represented.

In 2009, the actor got a role in Winding Refna's biographical drama Bronson. This is a story about the most dangerous criminal in England, who spent almost 40 years in a prison cell. For greater resemblance to the original, Tom Hardy even got better.

One of the films that is loved not only in England, but also in Russia is Wuthering Heights. In it, Hardy played the main role. It was on the set of this picture that Tom met and became friends with his future wife. After the next joint project - the mini-series "Prikup" - a romance broke out between them.

In 2012, the movie The Drunkest County in the World was announced. The main roles in the film were received by Tom Hardy and. Despite the fact that they played brothers, the actors could not find a common language. It is known that Hardy sometimes likes to use foul language in public and make tough jokes. But Shia, on the contrary, has a more closed character.

According to the American, he was annoyed by Hardy's jokes and jokes, and one day the usual verbal skirmish turned into a brawl, from which LaBeouf emerged victorious. However, the result of the work received mostly positive reviews. Along with them, they starred in the film,.

Tom Hardy in Wuthering Heights

In the same year, the action comedy film Means War was released. Key characters went to Tom Hardy, and.

Hardy also appeared in the drama Warrior, the thriller Inception, the action movie Mad Max, and the superhero action movie The Dark Knight Rises.

Tom Hardy, Chris Pine, Reese Witherspoon in This Means War

Tom Hardy has always been a strong guy, and more than once he had to gain additional muscle mass for filming in the next film. However, for the role of Bane, a villain with a difficult childhood, he had to undergo an intensive training course by completing a training program. Tom managed to pump up to the state of the mountain: the actor gained 13 kg of pure muscles. His weight is 86 kg, and his height is 175 cm.

In 2014, it became known that Hardy would join the cast of the Peaky Blinders series, where he played the title role. By the way, this is not the first joint work of artists. They met on the set of Inception and The Dark Knight.

Peaky Blinders is the story of the Shelby Brothers, a violent gang that operated in Birmingham after the end of the First World War. Blades sewn into visors became her sign. Hardy got the role of the leader of the London Jewish criminal group named Alfie Solomons. At the same time, his hero combines the darkest sides of the representative of the criminal world and at the same time - decency and humanity.

But the resounding success and worldwide popularity brings Hardy the film "The Revenant". In the film, he starred with the famous film actor. The film was created based on the true story of mountain man Hugh Glass, in whose image Leo appeared.

We are talking about the events of the first half of the 19th century, when trappers hunted in the northwestern part of North America. A group of fur hunters find themselves on the territory of an Indian tribe, where they enter into an armed conflict with the indigenous inhabitants of the land, as a result of which dozens of pioneers die. Soon, in a fight with a she-bear, Glass is seriously injured. Realizing that the fate of a skilled hunter is a foregone conclusion, the group decides to split into two parts. A fascinating story of survival of the protagonist begins.

Tom Hardy played the evil and mercenary John Fitzgerald in the film, who is guided only by personal interests, and also contributes to the speedy death of Hugh Glass. Against the odds, Glass manages to survive and take revenge on Fitzgerald.

Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hardy in The Revenant (Russian Trailer)

This work can be called a kind of example of life, where hatred and revenge help a person to survive even, it would seem, in an already hopeless situation. At the same time, Hardy's character has become the embodiment of a person from the modern world, in which moral qualities have long been forgotten, and the desire for a material component destroys the last remnants of humanity. The Briton clearly demonstrated this with his game, forcing the audience to think about the symbols of morality of our time.

Tom Hardy also visited Russia. Once, as part of a project for the Discovery channel, he arrived in Yakutia, where he decided to learn about abnormal temperatures and the life of local residents in extreme conditions. Years later, some viewers will call this trip a kind of preparation for the filming of the film The Revenant.

Indeed, the work on this film was not easy for the film crew, the actors had to literally survive in harsh weather conditions. But the difficulties only rallied the group. So Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hardy became friends while working on the film.

At the same time, a dispute took place between colleagues. DiCaprio said that his friend will certainly receive an Oscar nomination. In turn, Hardy was sure that this would not happen. As a result, for the image of Fitzgerald, Tom was nevertheless nominated for an Oscar in the category "Best Supporting Actor". However, Mark Rylance received the award for Bridge of Spies. One way or another, from now on, eminent directors dreamed of getting the actor in their films.

But the Briton still kept his word, having stuffed a tattoo on his forearm with the text “Leo Knows All” (“Leo Knows All”). The condition of the dispute was that the phrase should be written as if by DiCaprio's handwriting, and his handwriting, according to Tom, is, well, very clumsy.

By the way, this is not the first such bet of the artist. Tom Hardy's body bears the name of his agent Lindy King. He promised to make such a tattoo if she "punch" his way to Hollywood.

In 2017, the drama mystical series Taboo premiered. Here Tom Hardy got not only the main role. He acted as a screenwriter and executive producer of the film. Also involved in the creation of the picture were his father Chips Hardy and Stephen Knight.

The series was positively evaluated by film critics and warmly received by the audience, so they immediately started talking about its extension for at least two seasons.

In the same year, with the participation of Tom, the military drama Dunkirk was released. The plot was based on the story of the evacuation by sea of ​​the British, French and Belgian units, which were blocked by the German troops near the city of Dunkirk. The film was nominated for 8 Oscars, including Best Picture and Best Director, and eventually won three of them.

Personal life

Tom Hardy's personal life has been turbulent for some time. As he himself claims, in this life you need to try everything. The actor himself admits that he had relationships with both women and men, but solely for the sake of the experiment.

While studying in London, Hardy met actress Sarah Ward. A bright three-week romance ended in a wedding, but Sarah left Tom after learning that he was in a rehabilitation center, where he was treated for drug addiction.

For some time, the famous Briton met with TV presenter Linda Pak. When this relationship dried up, others began - with actress Rachel Speed. Rachel gave birth to Tom's son, but the couple never registered their relationship.

Information also appeared in the press that the actress had become Tom's new girlfriend, but they themselves did not confirm this. Previously, celebrities together participated in the filming of the film "Legend".

It is known that the actor has warm friendly relations with, a theater and film actress from Sweden. Colleagues starred together in the crime drama "Obshchak".

But in 2009, on the set of Wuthering Heights, Tom met. According to the script, a romance breaks out between their heroes Heathcliff and Cathy. The lovers were a single whole, as a result, the feeling overtook them in real life. Hardy proposed to Charlotte, and in 2014 she became his wife. The couple did not delay the children - in October 2015, a son was born.

It is known that the famous actor loves dogs. In 2015, Tom, along with his dog named Woodstock, whom he once picked up on the street, starred in an advertising campaign for PETA.

Tom Hardy now

In March 2018, the actor published in "Instagram" the first frame from the filming of the crime drama "Fonzo". In the photo, Tom is captured in the image of the famous gangster. It is known that this will be the life story of a powerful crime boss after imprisonment. Presumably, the premiere of the film will take place in 2018, but the exact release date is still unknown.

But in October 2018, viewers will see Hardy's new work in the superhero film "". It is based on Marvel's comics about the character. He will be played by a British actor.

There are rumors that Tom will be involved in a new project about the X-Men universe. The fact is that he has repeatedly announced his intention to finally say goodbye to the character (), whom he has played for many years. And for the role of Logan, Hugh himself proposed the candidacy of Tom Hardy.

In July 2018, the actor appeared on the red carpet arm in arm with his wife. Journalists couldn't help but notice Charlotte's loose dress. It turned out that Hardy would soon become a father for the third time. Tom did not comment on this news. The man does not like to advertise his personal life, and to this day the public has not been able to see either his eldest son or his youngest.


  • 2001 - "Brothers in Arms"
  • 2002 - Black Hawk Down
  • 2002 - Star Trek: Retribution
  • 2003 - "LD50: Lethal Dose"
  • 2008 - "Rock and Roll"
  • 2008 - Bronson
  • 2009 - Wuthering Heights
  • 2015 - "Legend"
  • 2015 - "Mad Max"
  • 2015 - "Survivor"
  • 2017 - "Taboo"
  • 2017 - Dunkirk
  • 2018 - "Venom"