Is the manufacturer obliged to provide specifications. General specifications

Specifications (TU) is a document that establishes technical requirements(to quality and safety), which must be met by specific food products or their group. The specification shall specify methods by which it can be determined whether these requirements are met.

Specifications (TS) consist of the following sections:

1 area of ​​use.
2. Requirements for quality and safety.
3. Marking.
4. Packing.
5. Acceptance rules.
6. Methods of control.
7. Rules for transportation and storage.

Why are TUs needed?

First of all, technical specifications contain information for the buyer about the quality and consumer characteristics of the product, its scope, and safety. Specifications are developed in cases where there are no developed GOSTs for this type of product, or the production of goods takes place according to a technology different from the standard.

Specifications regulate the legal side of the relationship between the manufacturer and the consumer. Thanks to the specification, the customer has access to information about the purpose and quality of products, as well as about the requirements for transportation, storage, packaging, and labeling of products. Specifications also contain information on testing and analysis methods that allow you to determine whether the characteristics of the product meet the stated requirements, which is important for the end user. The rules established in the TS are mandatory for all persons involved in the production, transportation, consumption and disposal of products. According to the technical specifications, a certificate or Declaration of Conformity with the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union is issued. Specifications are also required to issue a conclusion on compliance sanitary standards services of Rospotrebnadzor. To develop specifications for a certain type of service or product, you need to contact a specialist in this field, since the preparation of such documentation requires some training and specific knowledge.

Research and Production Center "Agropischeprom" offers the development of technical conditions on favorable terms for the manufacturer.

Why is it profitable for you to work with us?

1. Our organization is a developer of regulatory and technical documentation, works without intermediaries.

2. The shortest possible time for paperwork.

3. Reasonable prices.

4. Work with all regions of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

5. Flexible system of discounts.

6. Free consultations technologists.

7. Qualified personnel.

8. Individual approach.

9. The quality of the services provided.

We guarantee:

firstly, after-sales support - that is, making changes to documents in case of changes in legal requirements;

secondly, after-sales consultations by our technologists.

All Technical Conditions are developed by our technologists taking into account the requirements for products corresponding to technical regulations Customs Union.

The specifications issued by our company are official, undergo examination and registration at the Center for Standardization and Metrology, are developed in accordance with the requirements of the current regulatory legal acts and are valid throughout the territory of the Customs Union countries (Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus).

The package of finished TS includes: a copy of TS certified by the developer with examination and registration in the CSM; Technological instruction(TI with recipes and technology of preparation); catalog sheet (certifying the registration of the document in the FMC); expert opinion to TU for compliance with sanitary norms and rules; acceptance certificate for the right to use technical specifications. This package of documents is sufficient for declaring or certification.

These regulations are a list of product requirements that perform the same function as GOSTs. They set certain standards and requirements that apply to products. When confirming conformity, the regulatory body uses them as a sample against which the characteristics of certain products are compared. But, TU have a number of significant differences from other types of standards, in particular, GOST and GOSTR.

This type of documents is included in a large category of regulatory papers that regulate the sphere of production of goods. This includes, in addition to them, GOST, GOSTR, various documents of different levels.

Why technical conditions are needed - GOSTR solves the same problems

General specifications are developed separately, and there are very a large number of. The question involuntarily arises as to why they are needed and why companies go through the difficult and problematic process of creating new standards. There are usually two reasons for this:

  • For this product, there are simply no standards, or GOST - general specifications in this case become an alternative.
  • There was a need to combine the requirements of several standards into one and use it already.

The development of technical specifications is a prerequisite for verifying the conformity of products for which standards have not been previously developed. That is why these documents are created.

Advantages of TU

The technical regulation is convenient for use by manufacturers. They can independently set standards for the products they produce (if they are not subject to mandatory certification) and there are much more opportunities for design.

One of the main and most important requirements that apply to this type of documents is the absence of contradictions with current regulations. Therefore, the manufacturer should avoid using conflicting and inappropriate SanPi parameters.

How is the registration of TU

In order to be able to use the technical specifications, they must first be registered. To do this, it is necessary to go through a number of stages, which include a description of the product of production, the creation of the technical condition itself (GOST in this case is used as a standard), its approval and registration of the finished version.

To obtain the required customs union declaration, contact Priority.

Dear Clients!

Recently, more and more questions have been raised about whether the Technical Specifications should be included in the accompanying documentation for the product when it is purchased, and at what point the buyer has the right to receive this document. These questions are asked to us.

In this regard, we decided to give our answer to this question, simply by publishing the Specifications for some of our products, as a confirmation of our intentions.

In the last twenty years, the opinion has become very stable in practice that TS is a manufacturer's secret 1 .

Arguments, in general, usually look like this:

The manufacturer does not want anyone to use his specifications for the production and sale of their goods,

The manufacturer paid for the development of specifications and therefore does not want to provide them to the consumer community for free.

It is clear that these arguments do not stand up to scrutiny. TS is a description of the technical indicators of the goods guaranteed by the manufacturer, that is, properties that are important to the consumer. Therefore, hiding these properties from the consumer cannot be justified in any way.

Another thing should be noted: knowledge of the list of guaranteed consumer properties does not allow a competitor to repeat them. Everyone knows the performance of Mercedes, but ...

The SAZI company changes the above tradition:

On our website, we posted STO No. 028-32478306-2014 “Acrylate vapor barrier sealant. Specifications" for Stiz V, for compliance with which Certificate No. ROSS RU.АЕ83.Н07713 was issued, and STO No. 034-32478306-2014 "Vapor-permeable acrylate sealant. Specifications” for Stiz A, for compliance with which Certificate No. ROSS RU.АЕ51.Н13756 was issued.

1 Recall that 20 years ago, the certification system has undergone significant changes. Until that time, all technical specifications were stored in VNIIKI in Moscow, which, upon official request, provided them to the consumer. And, of course, when purchasing material, specifications could be obtained directly from the manufacturer.

Client comments

Specifications (TS) is a document that establishes the technical requirements that a particular product, material, substance, etc., or a group of them must satisfy. In addition, they should specify the procedures by which it can be established whether these requirements are met.

Our response to a comment

Still, another edition will be more accurate: “TU is a document that establishes the nomenclature and numerical values ​​​​of technical indicators, compliance with which the manufacturer or supplier guarantees. In addition, they must indicate the procedures by which you can determine whether these requirements are met” .

The difference between the editions is that the obligation and the requirement are a third-party position in relation to the product and its manufacturer, and the TU accompanies the product at the will of the supplier.

And since the supplier himself, personally, indicates the technical specification number in the documents for the product when selling it, then your maxim "these are the technical requirements that it must meet" in the direct speech of the supplier means "I ensured this compliance." That means the supplier's warranty.

And it seems to us that the supplier's or manufacturer's own guarantee is a much more serious matter than an obligation "from the outside", since it means that the supplier accepts the requirements for products voluntarily.
