Pea-bearing cypress - types and varieties of plants, features of cultivation. Tips for the care and planting of cypress

If you dream of decorating your garden or house with not only a beautiful, but also a useful plant, plant a pea-bearing cypress. You can easily transfer such a tree from the garden to the house, which, you see, is very unusual for a street plant. Such resistance to changing the place of cultivation is more characteristic of herbaceous perennials, and if trees, then definitely not ours.

No less exclusive specimen is the pea-bearing cypress. He loves abundant watering, bright sun and does not tolerate dust pollution. Consider this plant in more detail and get acquainted with its whims.

What is pea cypress?

Cypress pea grows in countries where there is a lot of moisture and sun. Namely, in such states as Japan, China, North America. Cypress is an ornamental, coniferous, evergreen plant. It is usually used in landscape design, for decorating gardens, front gardens, flower beds and so on.

In total, there are 7 species of this plant, and two of them have taken root in our country. It is worth noting that each of the species differs in color, which varies from blue to yellow-green, in the shape of the crown, and also in height.

General characteristics

The crown of the tree is a narrow cone on which are flat branches lying in a horizontal plane. This plant propagates with the help of seeds (in natural conditions), cuttings and grafting (in artificial environment). IN vivo it reaches up to 30-70 meters in height, however, in Russia, cypress often freezes, so we can meet it in the form of undersized trees.

In addition to the fact that the pea cypress is afraid of frost, it is impatient for:

Due to the variety of varieties that have high frost resistance, we are able to plant these trees in our flower beds. In Japan, cypress is considered one of the most revered plants. Its small seedlings are placed near temples, dwellings and monasteries. The plant belongs to the genus Cypress. The height of this tree depends on the species and climatic conditions in which it grows.

How to grow pea cypress?

Cypress is a plant that is widely used in landscape design in our country. If you decide to plant it in your suburban area, you must remember that this tree requires special care.

Pea-bearing cypress. Landing and care

Due to the fact that this plant does not like too much light and frost, it is recommended to plant it in places where there is shade on hot days and there are no northern winds in winter. This applies to almost all types of cypress. Exceptions are varieties that have a yellow-green color of the branches. They need to be planted in elevated areas where there is a lot of sun. If you plant a cypress tree with yellow-green branches in the shade, it will simply turn green.

Landing steps:

  • In advance, you need to prepare the soil for laying it in a hole. The soil should contain many useful substances, be light. The best option there will be humus or a ready-made mixture, which is designed specifically for coniferous plants.
  • You should dig a small hole. Its depth is determined by the length of the root and the amount of soil prepared in advance.
  • Next, place the seedling in the hole and cover the root with soil so that root neck was not buried.
  • From above, it is recommended to cover the soil with bark or cod.


Watering cypress should be moderate, as the soil dries out. Water for irrigation should be soft and not very cold (about room temperature).

Advice! You can make water soft by boiling or settling, so it is recommended to prepare it for irrigation in advance.

It is worth noting that in the spring it is necessary to water the pea-bearing cypress more abundantly so that it wakes up after a long winter.


It is recommended to feed the cypress in the autumn, when the tree is preparing for sleep, and in the spring - before awakening. As a fertilizer, you can use humus or any other mixture for coniferous plants. It is worth noting that you only need to feed the tree following the instructions indicated on the package of the drug, since a large number of fertilizer can adversely affect the plant. IN best case the branches and root will get burned, at worst, the cypress tree will die.

How and with what it is necessary to cover the pea-bearing cypress?

Some non-hardy plant varieties require careful maintenance. For example, for the winter they need to be additionally insulated so that they simply do not freeze out or “burn out”. There are several ways to cover a plant for the winter:

For insulation, it is recommended to first make a frame for the future cover. As a basis, any branches or sticks are suitable. After the frame is made, you can start covering it with any of the above materials. Monitor the state of such a representative of the flora as pea cypress. Plant care is recommended to be carried out constantly.

Advice! Oilcloth or other PVC-based materials should not be used as insulation, as in spring they will only contribute to the burnout of the plant. Spring rays will fall on the oilcloth, creating a greenhouse effect inside the cover. The moisture from the cypress branches will evaporate while the root will be in the frozen ground. Thus, the upper part of the tree will burn, and the lower (root) will freeze.

Pea-bearing cypress. Diseases

Most often, cypress is sick due to insects. In order to know how to treat the disease, you need to find out who provoked it.

Insects that harm cypress:

  • shield (small droplets orange color on the back side of the leaves);
  • spider mite (small orange-red insects that weave a cobweb on branches and leaves, after which they lay larvae);
  • hermes (when these pests appear on the branches of coniferous plants, white dots appear that somewhat resemble cones).

Advice! For the prevention of shrubs from Hermes, it is recommended to treat the plant 2 times in summer (late June and early August) with Aktara or any other similar remedy.

Disease control

Pea cypress is rarely sick, but if any disease begins to affect a tree, the risk of its death will increase. In order to prevent this, it is recommended to spray the branches and root of the cypress. by special means which can be purchased at hardware stores. One of these drugs is the insecticide "Aktara", which perfectly fights insects, and also protects the plant from diseases. In addition, you can buy this substance even on the market.

If you want to decorate your suburban area or flower bed, plant a pea-bearing cypress. Growing and caring for this plant will delight every gardener.

Pea-bearing cypress. Varieties

There are several varieties of this plant. Below will be presented frost-resistant species that take root perfectly in Russia.

  • Cypress pea Filifera Aurea is one of the most frost-resistant. Its homeland is North America. There, this variety of cypress grows up to 8-10 meters, while in our country its dimensions do not exceed 3-5 meters. Despite the fact that the yellow cypress is drought resistant, it is recommended to monitor the soil moisture, as the tree grows very slowly.
  • The pea cypress Filifera Nana prefers warm summers and mild winter. For planting this variety, a place is suitable on a site where there will be enough chill and sun in the summer. This plant is native to Japan. The height of the cypress barely reaches 40 cm.
  • Representatives of the Filifera Aurea Nana variety are very warm and moisture-loving, therefore they often die in our latitudes after a long and cold winter. Despite this, gardeners find many ways to grow cypress. For example, insulation is used or a plant is planted horizontally, after which, as it grows, the branches are tilted to the ground.
  • Pea cypress Plumosa Aurea is excellent for cultivation in Russia. It is not very picky and quite resistant to frost. In order to grow a pea-bearing cypress in your area, it is enough to water it and pick it up best option accommodation. The maximum tree height is 10 meters.

How to choose a cypress tree?

If you want to choose a tree that would be perfect for your site, then get a pea-bearing cypress. You can always find a description of this or that type in specialized printed publications. It is recommended to choose a variety of this plant based on its characteristics and the area where you are going to plant it.

So, for almost the entire territory of Russia, the pea-bearing cypress must correspond to the following qualities:

  • frost resistance;
  • resistance to insect damage.

What is useful cypress?

It is worth noting that a cypress tree on your site will not only decorate the landscape, but also be beneficial. In some countries, the resin and needles of the plant are used as a medicine, a diuretic, and also in the manufacture of aromatic oils. Cypress wood is used as a material for building boats. Don't know what a pea-bearing cypress looks like? The photos of the plant presented in our article fully show its beauty and nobility.

Pea-bearing cypress is a tree that will not only decorate a suburban area or flower bed, but also a useful medicine. Decorate your yard with this green miracle to the envy of all your neighbors!

Many gardeners and landscape designers, in addition to flowering plants and flowers, like to decorate the garden with coniferous trees. They have become very popular lately. They attract with a variety of their sizes and shapes, evergreen needles. Of the garden coniferous trees, many prefer pea-bearing cypress.

Cypress is not particularly demanding. Caring for him is quite simple and will not special work even for beginner gardeners. In the garden, the bush is used as solitary landing, as well as in the compositions of rock gardens, rabatok, alpine slides, front gardens, hedges, etc.

Some confuse it with cypress, which is not worth doing. The cypress differs from its southern relative:

  • Increased frost resistance;
  • The location of the branches in the same plane;
  • Small cones.

evergreen coniferous plant that performs a decorative function. It grows in places where there is a lot of light and moisture. It can be found in North American countries, as well as East Asia.

In total, 7 species of cypress are known, 2 of which have taken root in our country and feel good here. Each species differs from each other in:

  1. Color - from yellow-green to blue;
  2. Height - there are short, medium and tall;
  3. The shape of the crown - in the form of a cone, skittles, columns, etc.

Cypress pea - description

The shape of the tree resembles a narrow cone. Its flat branches grow horizontally to the ground. In nature, reproduction is carried out by seeds, and in artificial conditions, a tree can be propagated by cuttings and grafting. Under natural conditions, cypress can grow up to 30-40 m. There are even specimens up to 70 m. However, such specimens will not be found on the territory of our country. Due to weather conditions, cold winters, cypress is afraid of cold weather and grows only undersized.

In addition to frost, cypress can be harmed by:

  • Absence or excess of moisture;
  • Strong scorching sun;
  • Dry air.

How to grow cypress

In landscape design, cypress is widely used. If you plant a cypress tree in your garden, you should remember the basic rules and features of plant care:


Cypress hard to tolerate excess sun and severe frosts. It is recommended to plant it in places where cold winds will not blow in winter, and there will be a shadow in the heat. This site selection rule is suitable for all cypress trees, except for the variety with yellow-green needles. They are not afraid of the sun, they can be planted on a hill. This helps the plant retain its color. In the shade of its branches will become just green.

The soil on the site should be nutritious and well drained. Loamy soil is well suited, but it is not recommended to plant in calcareous soil. Landing is best done in April, when the soil is already warm enough.

When planting several specimens at the same time, it is worth observing a distance of at least 1 m between them, since the roots of the pea cypress grow horizontally, like the branches.

We plant a cypress tree step by step:

  1. Prepare the ground for backfilling the roots. It should contain many useful and nutritious substances, and its structure should be light. Humus or a ready-made special substrate for coniferous plants is perfect.
  2. Dig a hole. The depth should correspond to the size of the roots of the plant or the volume of the prepared soil.
  3. Place the seedling in the hole and cover its roots with prepared soil. Make sure that the root collar remains buried.
  4. Top the ground with a layer of mulch or bark.


Cypress trees need regular watering. Usually it is watered once a week. One medium bush takes about 1 bucket of water. In a hot dry period, you can water the plant with a thicket and a large volume of water.

Humidity is important for cypress. Abundant spraying must be carried out daily for adult plants. Young trees are sprayed daily.

top dressing

A couple of months after planting, the seedlings are fed with complex fertilizers. For young trees, the concentration of fertilizer should be half that for an adult. It is necessary to carry out top dressing 2 times a month until mid-summer.

Experienced gardeners recommend using a complex mineral fertilizer"Kemira". It is ideal for conifers. First, sprinkle about 100-150 grams of the product around the trunk. Then just water the plant.

From mid-July, it is no longer necessary to fertilize the plant. This will allow him to prepare well for wintering.


Like planting, transplanting should be carried out in the spring, best of all in April. The plant is transplanted in the same way as it is planted. However, when digging up a cypress tree from an old place, it should be noted that its root system branches horizontally.


The tree must be pruned periodically. Pruning is carried out sanitary and forming:

  • Sanitary pruning is carried out in early spring. The damaged tips of the stems, old dry branches are cut off.
  • Formative pruning is carried out simultaneously with sanitary pruning. This is necessary to maintain the shape of the crown of the tree, in the form of a cone or pyramid. It is worth remembering that for one pruning you can cut no more than 1/3 of the green mass of cypress. In the fall, you can carry out another pruning and remove a third of the new growth. The shape of the crown should be preserved.

If the plant was just planted or transplanted, then it can be formed only after a year. During this time, he adapts to a new place and to new soil.

Pests and diseases

Despite all the resistance of the plant to pests and diseases, sometimes there are cases of infection of the plant. This can develop as a result of improper care or adverse weather conditions.

Of the diseases in cypress, there is root rot. It appears due to stagnation of water in the roots of the plant. To prevent stagnant water, do not forget about the organization of the drainage layer during planting or transplanting. If a tree starts to hurt, it needs to be dug up, all rotten roots removed, treated with a fungicide and planted in another place.

Of the pests the plant can harm:

  • Spider mite. Signs of infection with a spider mite include yellowing of the green mass and its fall. The pest seems to drink all the juice from the tree. For the fight, the drugs "Nissoran", "Neoron", "Apollo", etc. are used. It is necessary to carry out the treatment repeatedly.
  • Shchitovka. She also sucks the juices out of the tree. Against the scutellum, the drug "Nuprid" is used.

If it is already useless to fight pests, then the plant should be cut down and burned. This will help prevent further spread of harmful insects to other trees.


Among the varieties are frost-resistant, which grow well in our country:

Filifera Aurea (Filifera Aurea)

One of the most frost-resistant varieties. Its homeland is North America, where it reaches 8 m. In our environment, it grows to a maximum of 3-5 m. Its needles have a yellow tint. The plant loves moist soil and grows slowly.

Filifera Nana (Filifera Nana)

The tree is stunted, grows up to 40 cm, loves mild winters and warm summers. On the site for it, you should choose a place in partial shade. It comes from Japan.

Filifera Aurea Nana (Filifera Aurea Nana)

The plant loves sufficient heat and moisture. It may not survive our winter, but our gardeners are trying to do everything so that this specimen grows on their plots. Apply various ways insulation.

Plumosa Aurea (Plumosa Aurea)

It grows well in the conditions of our winters, not picky and frost-resistant. For optimal growth, regular watering and nutrient soil is sufficient. The maximum height can be 10m.

How to choose a cypress

When choosing a pea cypress, it is worth considering the region where it will grow, weather in this region and the composition of the soil on the site. Based on all the initial data, you can choose a cypress variety so that it long time grew up on the site and pleased with its magnificent well-groomed appearance.

Cypress is a beautiful and unusual coniferous plant. There are 7 natural species and many cultivated varieties that differ in color, size and growing conditions. If desired, you can choose a variety suitable for a particular climate zone. Cypress attracts gardeners with unpretentiousness and decorative properties- the crown of some varieties can take almost any shape. Looks great in compositions, but also amazing on its own standing plant.

plant description

Evergreen coniferous plant in natural conditions, found in North America and East Asia. Belongs to the genus cypress.

IN natural environment grow up to 70 cm, shaped like a cypress. TO iparisovik is similar to cypress in its external characteristics, which is why sometimes even experienced gardeners cannot distinguish these cultures. Both plants have scaly, brown-brown bark with deep grooves. Dense, most often cone-shaped crown of a yellow, blue or gray hue.

But unlike cypress, cypress tolerates cold well and is not afraid of harsh winters. Some varieties can winter even without shelter. The main characteristics of cypress:

  • as a decorative garden plant grows up to 2-3 m, in nature this figure is much higher;
  • the trunk and branches are covered with a red-brown bark, consisting of small scales;
  • dense needles have a scaly structure;
  • the crown of the tree forms a kind of cone (but depending on the variety and the desire of the gardener, it can take the form of skittles, columns, etc.);
  • in a young plant, the needles are more like needles, only with age it becomes scaly, pointed tightly pressed;
  • the plant has small cones-fruits with seeds, in one fruit there are only 2 seeds;
  • with proper care and comfortable conditions environment, the seeds will ripen in the first year after planting;
  • cypress harmoniously looks like a stand-alone plant, and as a member of a group composition;
  • dwarf varieties suitable not only for decoration summer cottages, but also for growing at home as a pot plant.

In nature, there are 7 species of cypress and more than 100 cultivated varieties of varieties that differ in crown color, height and conditions of keeping and growing.


Pea-bearing cypress is the most popular species in our country. It can be grown not only in the garden, but also as a houseplant. Grows up to 2 m in height. It grows well in open, sunny places. He is not afraid strong wind. Does not tolerate drought optimal conditions- moderate humidity. The crown of the correct conical shape with needles of a bluish tint.

Popular varieties:

  1. 1. Boulevard - often used in landscape design, but not very resistant to cold. It is preferable to grow in the southern regions. It grows up to 5 m in height. The crown has unusual shape, resembling a skittle. The needles are bluish-gray with small cones.
  2. 2. Nana - a dwarf variety that grows very slowly. By the age of 60, it grows only 60 cm. The crown is pillow-shaped, with small blue needles.
  3. 3. Filifera - a variety that grows up to 5 m in height. The crown is cone-shaped, with gray-green needles. There is a variety of the Filifer Aurea variety - with yellowish-golden needles.
  4. 4. Philifera Sangold - has golden needles and a round crown shape.
  5. 5. Baby Blue - stands out among the varieties of pea cypress high rates frost resistance and miniature. The plant is slow growing with bluish-green needles.

Lawson's cypress

A species common in North America. In nature, it grows up to 70 m, cultivated varieties do not exceed 2 m. The crown is narrow, cone-shaped. Because of this shape, the top sometimes leans to one side. The needles are dense, painted in bright green color with small 10 mm cones. It has a beautiful appearance, but prefers warm areas. Loves sunlight and moisture. Popular varieties:

  • Elwoodi is a cypress tree up to 3 m high with a regular cone-shaped crown, thin blue needles;
  • Flatchery - high grade, the tree grows up to 8 m. The needles change shade depending on the time of year; in summer - bluish-green, by autumn - acquiring a purple hue.


Dull, or blunt cypress - a species imported from Japan. In nature, you can find specimens up to 50 m tall. The crown is cone-shaped and dense. Coniferous twigs are thin and strongly branched, in the upper part of a rich green color, in the lower part - green with white stripes. A species that loves light and tolerates frost well. Popular cultivated varieties:

  • Kontorta - differs in a pin-shaped crown, dense light green needles;
  • Sandery is a slow-growing dwarf variety with bluish-green needles;
  • Nana Gratsilis - has an unusual crown shape in the form of swirling shells of pine needles;
  • Drakht - has a narrow high crown and gray-green needles.


The birthplace of the thuja-shaped cypress is North America. The tree has a narrow cone-shaped crown. The needles are light green or bluish.

The most popular variety is Konika. These are dwarf trees with a pin-shaped crown. Look great in the compositions of alpine slides, rocky gardens and rockeries.

There are three more types of cypress - Formosan, mourning and Nootka.

Features of growing cypress pea

This plant cannot be called undemanding in care, but with the right approach to the maintenance of such an inhabitant garden plot you can avoid falling needles and withering cypress.

Pea-bearing cypress can grow on the site for more than 15 years, and during this time it develops a good ability for cuttings, and this favors the cultivation of new seedlings.

Cypress trees love moist soil and can tolerate short periods of dryness. But don't overuse it.

You need to take care of the right lighting - this species feels good in both sunny and dark places, but the shadow, coupled with dry soil, can lead to death. Therefore, it is important to know and follow all care recommendations.

Choice of landing site

It is best to plant a pea-bearing cypress in an open space, in fertile soil rich in nutrients. You should not plant a tree near groundwater, they, like any stagnant water, can harm the health of the plant (this also applies to the spring stagnation of meltwater).

Neighborhood should be avoided with large and tall trees that have a surface root system, this prevents the normal development of cypress.

The ideal place for landing is a southern or western gentle slope, protected from strong gusts of wind and heavy rainfall. When planting on a slope, you need to arrange the near-trunk zone in the form of a small funnel - so that moisture can linger.

There are a number of special requirements for the soil:

  • soil composition should be light;
  • it is desirable that the soil is always slightly moist and well ventilated;
  • acidity should not exceed 5, 5, with a lack of acidity, peat is added to the ground.

When and how to plant

For planting a pea-bearing cypress, the beginning of spring is considered the ideal time - at this time the plant has not yet fully departed from hibernation and the sap flow process is not so active, but the soil has already warmed up to such an extent that the plant can adapt to a new place of residence. The description of the landing process looks like this:

  1. 1. A pit for planting begins to be prepared in the fall. Size - 90 cm deep and 60 cm wide.
  2. 2. A drainage layer is laid at the bottom of the pit - at least 20 cm. Expanded clay, large brick chips or gravel can be used as drainage.
  3. 3. A layer of pre-prepared soil is laid on the drainage, and the finished pit remains to winter. During the winter, the soil will sag and warm up quickly in the spring.
  4. 4. When planting, make sure that the root neck is 20 cm above ground level.
  5. 5. Considering that the soil settles a little, you need to prepare the soil in order to fill it up.
  6. 6. To make it easy for the seedling to grow, it is necessary to tie it to a secure support, and cover the trunk circle with mulch - sawdust or peat.

When planting several cypress seedlings, you need to leave a distance of 1 meter or more between the holes. This is necessary so that the root system grows in the area it needs. Otherwise, the plant will wither.

Care rules

With the onset of spring, the sun begins to shine especially strongly - the cypress tree can get burned while under the scorching rays. To protect it, it is necessary to build a shelter - put two greenhouse arcs crosswise around it and cover them with a light cloth, and after the snow has completely thawed, the protection can be removed.

In the spring, the plant needs fertilizers; transplanting and pruning of the crown are also carried out in the spring. It is important that you follow the care instructions while performing these procedures.

About watering

Cypress needs regular soil moisture. It is recommended to water it at least once a week, bringing about 10 liters of water under one tree. During the heat period, the number of waterings and volume are increased.

Water for irrigation is best taken soft, pre-settled.

It is important not to allow the earthen coma to dry out completely. The soil should always remain moist, but it is undesirable to allow stagnant water. Adult plants can be sprayed once a week, and young plants daily. This contributes to the active growth and development of a lush and openwork crown.

In rainy and warm periods, the cypress tree begins to grow actively, but during a drought it can wither - so it is important to provide it with sufficient watering.

Top dressing with fertilizers

2 months after planting seedlings, you can begin to apply complex fertilizers. Young cypress need feeding, diluted with water twice as much as adults. Cypress trees are fed twice a month, from early spring to mid-summer.

Most often, it is recommended to feed cypress trees with Kemira mineral fertilizer. It contains everything necessary for coniferous trees and shrubs nutrients. First, fertilizer granules are scattered around the near-stem circle, and then it is abundantly watered with water.

Fertilize the plant is stopped in mid-July, so that it has time to prepare for wintering.

How to transplant

The cypress tree is transplanted if such a need arises in early April. The transplant scheme is no different from landing.

But when digging up a tree, it is important to remember that the root system grows in a horizontal direction, you need to dig it out carefully, trying not to damage the rhizome.


Periodically, the cypress tree needs to be cut. There are two types of pruning: sanitary and shaping.

  1. 1. In the first case, pruning is carried out in early spring. Remove dry old twigs and damaged stem tips.
  2. 2. The second type of pruning is carried out immediately after the sanitary one. It is needed to form and maintain the decorative shape of the crown. Cut off no more than a third of the entire green mass. It is permissible to remove 1/3 of the new crown growth in the fall.

Crown pruning can be carried out no earlier than a year after planting or transplanting - this time is necessary for the plant to adapt to a new place.

Winter Care

Despite the winter hardiness of some varieties of pea cypress, it is recommended to make a mulch layer around the trunk for the winter without fail - this will protect the plant from severe frosts. To do this, a thick layer of peat or foliage is poured into the trunk circle, then covered with spruce branches.

Young plants need more capital protection. In addition to warming the trunk circle, they form a shelter around the trunk. A special frame is formed around the tree from a grid or 4 boards, which is covered with non-woven material and then lined with spruce branches.

Pest and disease control

Cypress is a fairly resistant plant to various diseases and pest attacks. But due to improper care, it can be subjected to some misfortunes:

  1. 1. The most common is root rot. Occurs due to stagnant water. To avoid this, it is important to organize a drainage layer when planting a plant. If the disease attacks, you need to dig up the tree and remove the damaged elements of the rhizome, treat it with a fungicide and transplant it to a new location.
  2. 2. Sometimes a cypress attacks a spider mite - the needles begin to turn yellow and fall off. To combat the pest, the plant is repeatedly treated with drugs such as Apollo, Neoron and others.
  3. 3. Another common problem is the scab. This is a plaque-like insect that slowly sucks the juices out of the plant. Against it, the drug "Nuprid" is used.

It also happens that pest damage becomes noticeable too late. In this case, it is recommended to cut down the infected tree and burn it. This will help prevent pests from spreading to other plants.

Reproduction methods

  1. 1. Cuttings. From the shoots located at the top of the tree, cuttings about 10 cm long are cut, then they are added dropwise to the soil mixture of sand, pine bark and perlite, taken in equal proportions. Cuttings are covered with cut plastic bottles to create a kind of greenhouse - this speeds up the process of root development.
  2. 2. Most often low-growing varieties, such as "Nana", are propagated by layering. This is due to the fact that in such varieties the shoots are located almost near the ground. To propagate the cypress by this method, cuts are made on the lower branches and then these places are attached with small spiers and lightly sprinkled with earth. When roots form on the cuttings, they can be separated from the mother tree and transplanted into separate holes.

Cypress is a wonderful and grateful resident of the garden plot. It will help to make the design of the garden unique, and the process of growing it will be exciting and productive - subject to all the rules of care, the plant pleases the gardener with an exotic appearance and a beautiful openwork crown.

Cypress is a tree with a pyramidal crown, reminiscent of thuja. The bark is brownish-brown, scaly or fissured. Skeletal branches drooping or prostrate. Cypress shoots are somewhat flattened.

Leaves (needles) are opposite, criss-crossed, scaly. In varieties and young plants, the needles may be needle-shaped (juvenile form) or have an intermediate appearance.

Male cones are oval, small. Female - round, with 6-12 thyroid scales. Seeds in number 2 (5), with wide wings. They ripen in the first year (with the exception of K. Nutkansky).

There are 6 species in the genus that are found in North America, Japan and Taiwan. For the middle lane, three can be recommended for cultivation and two more for testing and testing agricultural technology.

Growing cypress

Cypress pea, thuja and nutkansky prefer well-lit areas, although they tolerate slight shading. They don't like drought. When growing cypress, remember that these trees need fertile soil and watering. With a few exceptions, rarely burn on spring sun. Types of cypress tupolist successfully grow in areas with light sandy soil and moist air. Varieties of Lawson's cypress, which are not hardy and prone to scorching, can be tried to grow in a creeping form, bending the branches to the ground so that in winter they are completely covered with snow.

All varieties and types of cypress are used in groups with other shrubs, in rockeries - depending on the size of the plants.

Cypress pea - Chamaecyparis pisifera

In good conditions, a tall tree. Reaches a height of 10 m, at the age of 10 years - 1.5 m. The bark is reddish, smooth, peeling off in thin strips. The branches are arranged like a fan in a horizontal plane.

The needles are about 1.5 mm long, loose with protruding pointed tops, dark green above and with whitish stomatal stripes on the underside. Flat needles on the back with a keel and a poorly developed gland. Cones 6 mm in diameter, dark brown, with 10 (12) scales, having a dent in the middle and a small spike.

Homeland - Japan. Introduced in 1861

One of the most winter-hardy species. Practically does not burn.

Cypress pea and its varieties

About 100 varieties of pea-bearing cypress have been registered. Many can be grown in Russia.

Cypress ‘Aurea’ (before 1865). Habitus as in the wild form. At 10 years old, height 3 m, width 1.5 m (Moscow). The needles, especially on young shoots, are yellow, scaly. Sports from the wild form. May burn.

Cypress ‘Baby Blue’ (‘New Boulevard’) (1993, Australia). Squarrosa Group. Dwarf copy good famous variety‘Boulevard’ with twisted shoots and needles. Is his sport.

Cypress ‘Boulevard’ (1934, Canada). Mutation variety ‘Sguarrosa’. The crown is lower and more compact, in good conditions it can reach 5 m or more. The needles are juvenile, protruding and bent inward, silver-blue, grayish with a bronze tint in winter. On sale very often. Regularly burns, but usually recovers in summer.

Cypress ‘Plumosa’ (1861, Japan). Plumosa Group. Habitus as in the wild form, but grows more slowly. At 10 years old, height 1.3 m, width 0.6 m (Moscow). The shape of the needles is intermediate between simple wild and ‘Squarrosa’: it is subulate, but slightly protruding, 3-4 mm long. The color is always pure green, in this group there are no such blue forms as in the 'Squarrosa' group.

Cypress ‘Plumosa Albopicta’ (1884, Japan).

Cypress: other varieties in the photo

Cypress ‘Filifera’ (before 1861, Japan). Filifera Group. At the age of 30, the height and width are about 2 m (Moscow). An oval shrub or low pyramidal tree with long, drooping, rope-like branches widely spread. Lateral branches on them are strongly reduced and spaced. The needles are sharp, sparse, with protruding ends. Bred in Japan, brought to England in 1861.

Cypress ‘Filifera Aurea’ (before 1891). Filifera Group. As you can see in the photo, this species of cypress, unlike the ‘Filifera’ variety, has yellow needles.

Cypress ‘Filifera Sungold’ (‘Sungold’) (1969, Canada) Filifera Group. Claimed height up to 1 m, crown diameter up to 2 m. The same dwarf form, but with yellow needles, especially bright on young shoots. Old ones are greenish. Shoots are coarser than those of ‘Aurea’. It is believed that the variety is not prone to sunburn. More like old variety'Filifera Aurea Nana' is a highly variable cultivar that often becomes similar to 'Filifera Aurea' with age.

Cypress ‘Hime Sawara’. Dwarf. The crown is rounded up to 15 cm in diameter. The branches are thick, sticking out. The needles are green, small, scaly, tightly fitting. Often used for bonsai and room keeping.

Cypress ‘Gold Dust’ (until 1991, Canada). Sometimes considered synonymous with ‘Plumosa Aurea’. Other authors consider it to be a dwarf variety with a very dense, compact, cushion-like crown. Branching is frequent, the branches are small. Individual sprigs are cream. Needles like ‘Plumosa’. Gives reversions when grown in the shade.

Cypress: dwarf varieties and trees of medium height

Cypress ‘Compacta’. Dwarf dense form, up to 1 m high and wide. Branching is very dense, the crown is neat, the ends of the branches are somewhat bent. The needles are scaly, bright green.

Cypress ‘Golden Mop’ (1960). The crown is dense, rounded or in the form of a shock. Grows slowly. Shoots are filiform, dense, drooping. The needles are bright yellow - the most bright variety of this type. May burn in the spring. Under this name, they can offer a similar but more powerful ‘Filifera Aurea Nana’, cuttings from side shoots and therefore slow growing.

Cypress ‘Hime Sawara’ (‘Hime Savara’). miniature variety with a dense rounded crown, similar to a tennis ball. Twigs are short, branched, dense. The needles are scaly, very small, pressed.

Cypress ‘Nana’. Dwarf. Lower and slower growing variety than 'Compacta'. The crown is cushion-shaped, the height is not more than 60 cm with a width of 1.5 m. The needles are small, bluish. A number of similar varieties ‘Compacta Variegata’, ‘Nana Albovariegata’, ‘Nana Aureovariegata’ has white and cream different shades run ends. A similar more modern variety with yellowish shoot ends is ‘Nana Bergh’s’.

Cypress ‘Filifera Gracilis’. Filifera Group. Dwarf form ‘Filifera’ with slow growth. The needles are yellowish green.

‘Filifera Nana’ (1891, Germany). Filifera Group. At 25 years old, height about 40 (60) cm and width 90 cm. Dwarf dense form with a spherical or flattened crown and thin cord-like shoots falling to the ground. The needles are dark green. The crown is wide, the branches are ascending, with outstretched ends. The needles are dark green, individual branches are cream. The coloration is brighter in spring and early summer.

Cypress ‘Squarrosa’ (1843, Japan). Squarrosa Group. Potentially in good conditions a medium-sized tree with a dense crown. Branches are horizontal with hanging ends. Twigs thin, weak. The needles are subulate, protruding, about 6 mm long, relatively soft, silver-gray.

There are many forms in this group that differ in needle color and growth.

‘Plumosa Aurea’ (1861, Japan). Tree of medium size. The needles are golden in color, brighter in spring. Different clones may vary in color. It is considered less winter hardy than the similar variety ‘Sulphurea’.

Cypress ‘Plumosa Flavescens’ (1891). Low oval or wide pyramidal shape. The needles are creamy when blooming, then yellowish. Turns green easily.

Cypress ‘Squarrosa Argentea’ (1843, Japan). At 10 years old, height 1.2 m, width 0.5 m (Moscow). Dense shrub with an irregular ovoid crown. The branches are thin, arranged randomly. The needles are subulate, protruding, about 6 mm long, relatively soft, silvery-gray. May burn.

Cypress ‘Squarrosa Aurea’ (1866). higher than the previous one. The crown shape is the same. The needles are yellowish-silver.

Cypress ‘Squarrosa Dumosa’ (before 1892, Germany). Up to 1 m tall. The needles are gray-green in summer, with a bronze tint in winter.

Cypress ‘Squarrosa Intermedia’ (1923). Potentially up to 2 (3) m in height. At a young age, the crown is compact, rounded, then becomes conical, loosens. Some clones give reversions - long, about 1 m, weakly branched shoots, covered with ordinary scaly needles. Very variable in color and shape due to unpredictable reversions and the use of different shoot forms for cloning. These clones include ‘Dwarf Blue’ and ‘Squarrosa Pygmaea’.

Cypress ‘Squarrosa Lombarts’ (‘Lombards’) (1979, France). Crown oval irregular shape. The needles are awl-shaped, bluish, in winter it turns purple-bronze.

Cypress ‘Squarrosa Sulphurea’ (before 1900, Holland). Potentially up to 5 m tall. The needles are sulfur-yellow with blue hues in summer, silver-gray in winter.

Cypress ‘Sulphurea’. Plumosa Group. Fairly tall and powerful. The color of the needles is yellow, turning into green.

Cypress ‘Tama-himuro‘. A miniature variety with a round, even and dense crown. Height at 10 years 0.2 m. The needles are subulate, strongly protruding, bluish green.

Cypress ‘White Beauty’. Dwarf shrub. The branches are raised, relatively wide. The needles are pressed, creamy on young shoots, later gradually turning green.

Cypress ‘White Pygmy’. Dwarf densely branched variety with a dense crown in the form of a hemisphere. The needles are pressed, at the ends of the branches are light white or cream. The same type of ‘Cream Ball’, characterized by a rounded crown, and more loose ‘Iceberg’.

Cypress "Lavson" - Chamaecyparis lawsoniana

A tree reaching in nature 60 (70) m in height. The crown of the Lavson cypress is narrowly cone-shaped, usually with a sloping top. The bark is thick, reddish brown, cracking into rounded plates. The skeletal branches are horizontal; in older specimens, the lower branches may descend to the ground. Shoots are flat. The needles are shiny, green above, below with small white traces of stomatal stripes at the base.

Flat leaves 1.8-2 mm long, 1-1.5 mm wide, obtuse, usually with a gland. Lateral leaves are almost twice as long. Cones are oval, 8-10 mm in diameter, light brown with a bloom, from 8-10 wrinkled scales.

Homeland - mountains in the western United States. In culture since 1854.

Malozimostoyek, prone to sunburn.

Cypress "Lavson": varieties and photos

There are about 250 varieties. Few are suitable for our zone.

Cypress ‘Alumigold’ (1966, Holland). Crown shape like 'Alumii', but shorter in stature. The needles are yellow on lighted shoots, yellowish-green in the center of the crown. Mutation ‘Alumii’.

Cypress ‘Alumii’. The crown is narrow-pyramidal, even. It grows rapidly up to 10 m in height. The branches of young plants are raised steeply upwards. Twigs and shoots are located in the same plane, so that the branches look like feathers. The needles are scaly, bluish-steel in color.

Cypress ‘Ellwoodii’ (1938, England). Pyramidal, compact, up to 2 m tall. Branches vertically raised. Twigs and shoots are located in the same plane, their ends are slightly drooping. The needles are needle-shaped, bluish-gray.

Cypress ‘Fraseri’ (1891). Low tree. The crown is narrowly conical or columnar. The needles are dark, bluish. In St. Petersburg, it proved to be the most winter-hardy variety.

Cypress ‘Globosa’ (before 1937). Dwarf. At 10 years old, the height is about 1 m. The crown is rounded, flattened. The branches are arranged horizontally, large, loose, with hanging ends. The needles are bluish-green, scaly.

Nutkan cypress - Chamaecyparis nootkatensis (Xanthocyparis nootkatensis)

A tall tree with a narrow pyramidal crown. It grows slowly, by the age of 10 it reaches about 1 m in height (Moscow). The bark is brownish-gray, breaking up into thin large plates. Skeletal branches ascending or prostrate. Twigs drooping, thick, rounded or tetrahedral in cross section.

The needles are tightly pressed, dark green on both sides, flat, usually without glands, approximately equal in length to the side. Cones about 1 cm in diameter, reddish-brown, with a bluish bloom, consist of 4-6 scales with a straight pointed point in the middle. Seeds ripen in the second year. Found in North America from Alaska to Oregon along the coasts. Introduced in 1853

Cultivation data are scarce.

Types of Nutkan cypress

Approximately 20 types. The following are popular with us:

Cypress ‘Glauca’ (1858). Habitus as in the wild form. The needles are dark, bluish-green. ‘Green Arrow’. Medium sized tree. Approximate dimensions at 10 years old: height 3.5 m, width 0.6 m. The crown is very narrow and straight, short branches are lowered and mostly almost pressed against the trunk. The needles are very dark, blue-green. Found naturally in Canada.

Cypress ‘Jubilee’ (1978, Canada). Very effective variety, with a straight and narrow crown. Skeletal branches, like branches of the second order, droop, and the upper ones are almost vertical. The needles are bright green. Similar variety ‘Strict Weeper’ (1995, USA).

Cypress ‘Lutea’ (1896). A tall weeping tree. Young shoots are light yellow, later turning green. The variety ‘Aurea’ (1891) with the same coloration is distinguished by more elevated branches and a dense crown, as it grows more slowly.

Cypress ‘Pendula’ (before 1884, Holland). The most popular old variety. By the age of 15 it reaches 2 m in height (Moscow). Weeping by nature habitus is emphasized. Skeletal branches are rare, branches of the second order hang vertically, even the crown is bent. The needles are grayish-green. Fruiting at a young age. Winter hardiness is good, does not burn.

Cypress ‘Viridis’ (1867). Habitus as in the wild form. The leaves are much greener and brighter.

Cypress thuate - Chamaecyparis thyoides

The bark is reddish-brown, decomposing with age. long ribbons. Twigs flattened, thin.

The needles are bluish-green on both sides, flat and lateral, about the same length. Flat keeled, with distinct glands. It smells resinous when rubbed.

Eastern regions of North America. Forms pure stands in swamps.

It is considered the most winter-hardy in the genus, but the least beautiful. Apparently, for this reason, divorce is less common.

Varieties of cypress

There are about 40 varieties of thuja cypress. Particularly interesting are the juvenile forms, which change color for the winter. Unfortunately, they are rare here.

Cypress ‘Andalyensis’. Bush. This is a variety of cypress thuja with a compact, wide-pyramidal. It grows more slowly than the wild form. The needles are partly juvenile: protruding and subulate, partly appressed, like in the wild form, may be transitional, semi-appressed. Coloring - bright bluish-green, with a purple tint in winter. Often fruitful. Found in 1850 in France. Founder of the Andely Group, which includes dense pyramidal varieties with a similar leaf shape. Their coloring can be yellow (‘Andelys Yellow’), motley (‘Bergman’s Variegated’), etc. As a rule, they are repainted for the winter.

Cypress ‘Variegata’ (1831). Individual sprigs are cream.

‘Ericoides’ (Thuja ericoides hort). Dense columnar or narrow pyramidal form with a chaotic arrangement of branches. Grows slower than wild. Last year's needles are grayish-green, and the new needles are bluish-green, juvenile, protruding, sharp, with 2 stomatal stripes on the underside. In winter, it acquires bronze, red-brown and red-violet tones. A similar variety is ‘Rubicon’ (‘Red Star’) (1972), which becomes plum in winter.

Tupolis cypress - Chamaecyparis obtusa

Tall tree with a dense cone-shaped crown. The bark is light brown, almost smooth. The branches are densely branched, flat. The leaves are tightly appressed, obtuse, dark green above, shiny, below with noticeable white stripes, planar 1.5-1.8 mm long. Cones of cypress obtuse up to 1 cm in diameter, orange-brown, with 8 (10) scales with a small peak.

It occurs naturally in the mountains of Japan and Taiwan. Introduced in 1861. The wild form is not winter-hardy enough, but small varieties of cypress can be kept in collections. Deserves attention and the development of agricultural technology.

A variety of varieties of cypress tupolistnogo

About 130 varieties have been registered. Some of them:

Cypress ‘Arneson’s Compact’. Dwarf. The crown is pyramidal. The needles are juvenile, bluish-green.

Cypress ‘Chabo Yadori’ (‘Ericoides’, ‘Sanderi’, Juniperus sanderi, Platicladus orientalis ‘Sanderi’) (1894, Japan). Possibly a variety of flathead (Platicladus). Dwarf, pyramidal. The branches are horizontal, lush. The needles are scaly and needle-shaped, short, thick, concave from above, bluish-green in summer, with a purple tint in winter. With age, the scaly begins to predominate. Weak winter-hardy. Under this name, different forms can be offered.

Cypress ‘Crippsii’ (‘Aurea Crippsii’, C. obtusa var. crippsii) (before 1901, England). The crown is dense, pyramidal, up to 3 (5) m tall. Branches outstretched. Twigs are large, in the form of a feather, with hanging ends. The needles are scaly, as in the wild form, yellowish to golden yellow. Turns green when shaded.

Cypress ‘Draht’ (‘Drath’). The crown is narrow pyramidal. At the age of 10 years reaches 2 m in height. Branches raised. Shoots are dense, straight, very thick, similar to club moss branches. The needles are dense, scaly, gray-green in color.

Cypress ‘Erika’ (1970, England). The crown is broad pyramidal. Grows slowly. At 10 years old, about 1.2 m tall. The branches are raised, lush. The needles are juvenile, grayish-blue. Sports by ‘Nana Gracilis’. It is considered poorly winter-hardy.

Cypress ‘Nana Gracilis’ (1867, USA). Dwarf slowly growing broad oval form, reaching 3 m in height with age. At 10 years old, the height is 0.5 m. The branches are often branching, short, overlapping each other, forming wide wavy fans, which are located mostly horizontally.

Cypress ‘Pygmaea’ (before 1861, Japan). Dwarf. Height up to 0.6 (1) m. The crown is cushion-shaped, dense and very wide. Branches horizontally spread. Twigs fan-shaped, flat. The needles are green, scaly, tightly pressed.

Cypress ‘Snowflake’. Dwarf, oval. The branches are arranged chaotically, rather loosely. The ends of individual branches are cream. Leaves are juvenile, protruding.

Cypress ‘Tsatsumi’ (1932, USA). Dwarf ort of cypress obtusus. The approximate height of 10 years is 0.6 m. The crown is dense, pyramidal. The branches are curved, twisted. Twigs crowded, prostrate, short, with curved ends. Individual shoots are long, cord-like, drooping. The needles are green, scaly and needle-shaped, short, semi-appressed. A similar if not identical cultivar ‘Coralliformis’.

Cypress ‘Tsatsumi Gold’. similar shape. At 10 years old, the height is 0.5 m. The needles are yellowish-green, brighter in the illuminated areas of the crown.

Cypress ‘Wissel’. Miniature. The crown is round, even, sweaty. The needles are juvenile, strongly splayed, green.

Coniferous plants have a place in any landscape design. All year round they do not lose their decorative effect, delighting with green branches and a delicate aroma. Among the great variety of species and varieties, every gardener is looking for something unique, inimitable. That is what cypress is. In the courtyard of a private house, a tree is suitable for single plantings, decorates a rock garden and creates a beautiful composition with other cultures. The main thing when choosing is not to confuse it with cypress. These trees are sometimes difficult to distinguish even for experienced gardeners. We will tell you what the difference is and how to care for cypress.

Did you know? Cypress trees, or as they are also called cypress trees, came to us from Japan, Taiwan and the west-eastern outskirts of the United States of America. At home, culture is valued not only for its decorative effect, but also for fragrant high-quality wood. The Japanese traditionally use it to build temples.

What is cypress

(Chamaecyparis - lat.) is an evergreen monoecious coniferous tree belonging to the genus Cypress. Today, only 7 of its species are known, which differ in their characteristics. Botanists have more than 200 varieties of cypress.

These are beautiful plants with sagging branches. Their sprouts are flat, similar to shoelaces. The needles are crossed above, and scaly below. Cones are small, up to 2 cm in diameter, rounded, open with cracks. Trunks with dark brown or grayish bark stretch up to 20-40 m, and in the wild - up to 70 m.

All cypress trees have a cone-shaped crown. The branches are flat, they can stretch a cone, approaching an oval with a diameter of 1 m. For example, a pea-bearing cypress tree has many decorative forms: with needle needles and round shoots, with long and sagging branches at the ends, with elongated or scaly needles. Its branches are folded into an openwork regular cone. Bulevard, Nana, Filifera varieties are very popular with gardeners all over the world. Lawson's view is distinguished by small hairpins densely placed in the same plane on the sprout. The needles are dark green above and gray below. Its dense needles form a narrow cone up to 2 m high. Frequently requested varieties are Elwoodi and Fletchery. The Aluma cypress is known for its blue color, and the yellowish-green color belongs to the blunt cypress species (Kontorta, Sundary).

Regardless of the species, these representatives of conifers are characterized by resistance to frost and rot. In severe winters, in some specimens, the tips of non-woody sprouts may freeze slightly. The plant is not capricious, it can survive the drought, but the lack of moisture will be displayed on its condition.

Did you know? Chamaecyparis means "false cypress" in Latin.

The difference between cypress and cypress

Despite the confusion between cypress and cypress, it is not so difficult to determine their differences.

Cypress trees are characterized by light green, dark green with yellowness and blue tint needles. It forms exclusively cone-shaped crowns of the correct form. The leaves of young specimens are needle-shaped, with time scaly appears on them. They are characterized by sharpness and tightness. The branches are flatter than those of cypress, placed in the same plane. The cones mature in a year. Differ in small size and only two grains. The difference is also in resistance to cold in favor of cypress. Cypress needles have a multi-faceted, gray trunk, and the fruit has a much larger seed. They are not very adapted to low temperatures and are hard to tolerate transplants.

How to plant a cypress in your area

Cypress is an integral decoration in landscape design. From the point of view of decoration, any place will suit him, even in stone gardens, rockeries, on alpine slides and terraces. undersized species cultivated in pots or containers for landscaping home and office interiors. But if you take into account the degree of comfort of the plant, then the choice of a place for planting should be taken more seriously.

Timing and site selection for cypress

Ideal for cypress in the country, a semi-shady place is suitable. All types of these conifers prefer diffused light. Only crops with a yellow-green color of needles can be settled on a sunny lawn, and enhanced watering will be required. If the area you have chosen is inaccessible to ultraviolet rays the tree will lose its beauty. It is also not recommended to determine the culture in low-lying areas, since the cold air currents that have settled there will prevent its development. If you purchased dwarf varieties, terraces, rock gardens and flowerpots are suitable for them. Tall specimens pick up a corner for single landing or as a composition.

Important! If the cypress does not have enough light, its crown will be greatly extended. The yellowness of the needles indicates a lack of moisture and exposure to direct sunlight. Brown spots appearing on stems white coating on the ground and rotting roots indicate excessive watering.

The soil for cypress is suitable loamy without limestone, with an optimal pH level of 4.5-5.5. More comfortable, of course, the plant will be on fertile rich black soil. The best period for planting is spring, when the earth warms up well. but preparatory work should be done in the fall.

Preparatory work before boarding

When a place for planting is determined, further preparation consists in digging a hole in advance and buying a seedling.

Trees need soft, well-drained soil to thrive. That is why they begin to prepare it in October. First, the site is dug up, deepening onto the bayonet of a shovel, then a recess is made by 90 cm with a width of 60 cm. In group plantings of the same species, keep a distance of 1-4 m between crops.

When the pit is ready, fill the bottom with a 20 cm layer of gravel or brick chips. Drainage will help the outflow of water and prevent its stagnation. To get a beautiful cypress, take care of fertilizers. To this end, mix 3 parts of soddy land and humus, 2 parts of peat and 1 part river sand. Combine the components with the topsoil, mix well and fill each hole halfway with the resulting substrate. From above, the recess is covered with a film, securing its edges from the wind. During the winter, the soil will perepreet, settle, and the desired microclimate will form in it.

Next preparatory stage is the acquisition of planting material. The success of the whole undertaking depends on this crucial moment. It is better to make a purchase in specialized garden centers or nurseries, where, in addition to high-quality seedlings, you can get expert advice. When buying, pay attention to the roots. Beware of products with open roots, as cypress trees are very sensitive and will die at the slightest drying out.

Please be aware that some unscrupulous sellers may deceive you by slipping you a container with a transplanted plant. You can check this by turning the container upside down. If the earth does not spill out of it or the entire earthen tuber falls out, such a specimen can definitely be taken. The needles of the selected seedling should be dry, and the branches should be flexible.

Did you know? The smell of cypress repels insects.

Planting young cypress seedlings

In the spring, inspect the prepared hole. Water it well before planting, and also do not forget to moisten the purchased cypress. When the soil in the container gets wet, carefully remove the seedling from it and, without shaking it off, place it together with the earthen tuber in the hole. Make sure that the protruding roots are straightened. feed young plant you can use nitroammophos (300 g is needed), mixing the agrochemical with a substrate of humus, soddy soil, sand and peat. After that, the root system can be covered in such a way that the transition point of the trunk to the root (root neck) rises 10 cm above the ground. Pour the hole and sprinkle it with earth again - now the root neck should be on a par with it. Planting is completed by mulching the trunk circle with dry peat, sawdust or bark. If the cypress high grades, it must be tied to a peg.

Secrets of seasonal cypress care

Growing conifers is a rewarding business, because they are very showy and not picky at all. Cypress in planting and care is within the power of even beginners. Like other representatives of the genus, these plants need systematic watering, timely feeding and loosening of the soil.

Regularity and abundance of watering

Given the native habitat of cypress trees, try to create the closest conditions for the plant. Culture loves moisture in the air and soil. Therefore, watering should be carried out once every week. Mature specimens need about 10 liters of water for vegetation, and 5 liters for young trees. In summer, especially in hot weather, soil moistening is carried out every 3 days with an increase in water volumes. In the morning and evening, the trees are irrigated with a hose. For adult cypress trees, it is important to spray weekly, and for young ones - daily.

Important! To speed up the rooting of young seedlings, water the plant with Kornevin's solution.

Weed control and soil loosening

So that the soil in the near-stem hole is always soft, it is periodically loosened, deepening by 20 cm. With deeper processing, there is a risk of damaging the upper processes of the roots. Make sure that weeds do not rise near the conifer, as their presence spoils even the most decorative landscapes. Mulch will prevent their appearance. Renew the embankment, it will prevent the soil from drying out. For young trees in the first years of life, it is important to create a small shadow, natural or artificial.

Top dressing with fertilizers

Fertilizer time for cypress comes in the spring and lasts until the beginning of June. In summer, you can not make any top dressing, because the tree will actively start growing and will not have time to adapt to winter. For young specimens, the first feeding is carried out a couple of months after planting. The mineral complex for coniferous "Kemira" is suitable as a fertilizer. The dosage should be halved. Old trees are fed twice a month, adding about 100 g of powder to the near-stem circle. Then it is buried in the ground and watered.

Pruning and shaping the cypress crown

In the second year after planting the seedling, it becomes necessary to form a cypress pruning. It is carried out in the spring before the start of the growing season, regardless of the type and variety of plants. During the procedure, the main emphasis is on maintaining the natural conical shape of the tree. The cut point should be a maximum of a third of the shoot, no more. It is also important to cut off damaged, frozen branches.

Preparing for winter

Some varieties of cypress have a tendency to frostbite on surface root branches, so the question of how to cover them for the winter becomes relevant. Despite the frost resistance of the crop, experienced gardeners recommend generously mulching tree trunks with peat or fallen leaves in all species and varieties. This shelter acquires particular relevance in snowless winters for young seedlings. On such specimens, the crown is also wrapped. It is completely wrapped with agrofiber or burlap. In the spring, all structures are dismantled.

Did you know? The blunt cypress brought from Japan is the most adapted to severe winters.

The scale insect can also feed on the sap of a coniferous tree. Her presence is visible on inside leaves. Nuprid, Aktara, Bi-58 Novy will help get rid of these pests.

If cypress grows near groundwater, it is threatened by root rot. The disease often affects plants and, unfortunately, cannot be treated. Sick specimens are simply destroyed, burned, and the soil is carefully treated with boiling water and special pesticides.

How to propagate cypress

The culture can be propagated traditionally with the help of seeds, cuttings and layering. If we are talking about hybrid ornamental varieties cypress trees, the seed method of reproduction loses its meaning.

The method is very laborious and requires patience. It is used exclusively for wild varieties, since ornamental species lose their maternal features. Grain harvesting takes place in autumn. Ripe planting material must be dried in the oven, adjusting the temperature by 30-40 degrees. Then it is packed in a sealed container for storage.

Important! IN favorable conditions The germination of cypress seeds lasts up to 15 years.

Seeds in advance before planting stratify. The process starts in January. To do this, they prepare a substrate from peat and river sand, fill containers for planting with it, moisten and lower the grains. Sprinkle on top with a 2-centimeter layer of soil. Then the containers are sent for storage in the refrigerator. After 2-3 months, they are brought to a sunny window sill for grain germination, while protecting from direct ultraviolet rays. With an increase temperature regime, the box can be taken out on Fresh air, which will accelerate the growth of shoots and harden. When the seedlings get stronger, they can be transplanted outside, and with the onset of cold weather, the bed can be insulated with agrofibre. Not the fact that all sprouts will endure frost. In order to get a full-fledged cypress seedling from seeds, it will take at least a year.


The method of grafting is popular with all gardeners, because it is reliable and guarantees the rooting of all plants. In May or July, last year's or current lateral shoots are cut off on a young tree. The apical part up to 10-15 cm long is left on the stalk. At the same time, it is freed from the studs from below. Planting material is deepened into a peat-sand substrate and covered with polyethylene, creating the effect of a greenhouse. In the process of rooting, humidity is monitored, which ideally should reach 90%. In 1.5-2 months, the plant will put out strong roots, and it will be possible to identify it outside on permanent place. How to transplant a cypress from a container, we mentioned above.


The method is the simplest, but it is suitable only for those varieties in which the crown spreads or the branches hang down to the ground. It is these shoots in the spring that are slightly incised on the outside, after which they are bent to the soil and fixed with the cut down. A small hill of substrate is poured on top and watered until rooting. By autumn, the seedling adapts well, but do not rush to separate it from the mother trunk for the winter. It is better to do this in the spring.

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