How to plant flower beds blooming all summer: the best flowers with a photo. What flowers to plant in the garden and how to plant flowers on the street

Tips for choosing a pot, soil and drainage for proper planting

A question many people face.

We can often see different types of soils, drainages and additives on store shelves - try to figure out what exactly suits your grandmother's favorite ficus or large lemon tree...

"And a stalk of grass is worthy of the great world in which it grows..."

Probably a good hostess cozy home, there is a special addiction - the cultivation of indoor flowers and plants. No wonder it is believed that plants "feel" the aura. good man if all kinds of flowers in pots (of any kind) grow luxuriantly or coexist in the house - this indicates positive energy house owners.

How to plant indoor plants?- A question faced by many. We can often see different types of soils, drainages and additives on store shelves - try to figure out what exactly suits your grandmother's favorite ficus or a large lemon tree ... universal recommendations there is no choice of soil or soil, but there are generally accepted norms and concepts that will help your green household.

We plant indoor flowers without compromising their well-being

For landing (or transplant) houseplant You will need

    A flower pot (or planter, as it is fashionable to call it now), preferably with a pallet


  • plant (flower)

Choosing a flower pot

First you need to choose the right container for planting (flower pot). The cache-pot should be about 3-5 cm larger than the previous one in size (diameter). If you plant a flower in a larger pot, then the growth of the plant may be stunted (instead, the plant will enter the active growth phase root system), and with it the delay in flowering.

The most optimal and affordable option - plastic pots with pallets. They do not fight and do not prick, they are offered in different designs and sizes, produced in series (which will allow you to transplant all the flowers into pots different sizes in the same style). In addition, they are lightweight and durable.

! Important: when choosing a pot, pay attention to the presence of a hole in its bottom. If it is not provided there, buy another one or make a hole yourself.

Drainage - what is it and how to use it

In order for your flower to have a better chance of developing successfully, experienced growers recommended when transplanting potted plants create drainage system . Drainage will smooth out small misses in watering.

! Advice from SLONcom: it is more expedient to use expanded clay drainage.

What is expanded clay? In essence, expanded clay is fired clay with a porous structure. The only expanded clay parameter that can vary is the fraction (grain size). For drainage, expanded clay of a fraction of 5–10 mm is used (sometimes they write "small expanded clay"). Often you can also find larger expanded clay with a fraction of 10 - 20 mm (then they write "large expanded clay").

! In the absence of expanded clay, drainage can be done using ceramic shards.

What size drain is best to use? For plants, there is not much difference which fraction of expanded clay you put as drainage. Here, subjective reasons are more important: the diameter of the drain hole in the pot (in large pots, small expanded clay can spill out of the drain hole).

We spread the drainage and prepare the soil for the flower

drainage layer in pots small size(up to 3 liters) should be approximately 1-2 cm, in more capacious pots from 5 to 10. But no more than 1/5 of the height of the flower pot.

! Important: some manufacturers of "expanded clay drainage" recommend mixing drainage with the ground, ostensibly to prevent soil acidification. This is not true, because if the acidification process has already begun, expanded clay can only delay the beginning of the end. Much better to water properly. Mixing expanded clay with the ground is relevant only for air exchange of the roots.

By the way, after 5 - 6 years of being in the ground, expanded clay is gradually destroyed and transformed into soil, i.e. after 5 - 6 years, it is recommended to renew the drainage.

The next step is soil preparation.. To date, flower shops offer wide selection soil intended for all kinds of plants and flowers. It already contains the necessary minerals and fertilizers that favorably affect the growth of flowers, moreover, it does not contain harmful impurities and garbage. Thanks to this soil, your indoor flowers for a long time no feeding required.

Do not pour on the drainage layer a large number of prepared soil, plant a plant in the center, add soil and compact a little.

*Important: leave at least 2cm to the top edge of the pot.

Use of drainage on the soil surface. We recommend filling the soil with a layer of expanded clay (drainage) from above, because. this prevents the appearance of mold, mosses and fungi on the surface of the soil. Also expanded clay from above eliminates overheating of the topsoil and reduces the evaporation of moisture from the soil. Apart from useful properties, expanded clay can serve as a decoration (for example, colored drainage).

How to fill the surface of the soil with drainage.Pour evenly with expanded clay, a layer of about 1 cm, and not 2 - 4 cm, as is often written on the package. Too much expanded clay will absorb a lot of water and will not let it into the ground to the roots, which can begin to dry.

A bright, colorful dacha is an object of pride for many lovers of countryside pastime. Flowers will help to make the site unusual and conducive to relaxation. Some will allow you to change annually appearance plot, and others will surprise you with their independence and longevity.

Popular country flowers

Dacha and flowers are inseparable components suburban area. A beautifully, stylishly and effectively designed area evokes only positive emotions and helps to quickly recuperate. An important point in this case is right choice plant varieties.

Perennial beauty

If you are interested in how to decorate the cottage with flowers for a long time, pay attention to perennials. With proper care, they will delight you year after year without requiring a transplant.

The most common types are:

  • roses;
  • asters;
  • lilies;
  • delphiniums;
  • phloxes;
  • pansies, etc.

The following flowers in the country are also popular with many gardeners: hydrangea, perennial poppy, peonies, Canberra gladioli, Dahlia dahlias.

A beautiful dacha with flowers will also turn out when planting wild perennials. They absolutely do not require time from you, multiply on their own and bring a touch of stylish negligence to the site.

For the implementation of this idea, the most suitable:

  • sage;
  • tansy;
  • yarrow;
  • stork, etc.

Don't try to limit wild flowers strict forms flower beds or slide.
They will surely spoil the idea, as they literally "scatter" their seeds and grow very easily.

Bright one-year-olds

If you like to update your summer cottage every summer, same-year flowers will suit you.

They are the ideal basis for a wide variety of decors:

  • mixborders;
  • modular flower beds;
  • rock gardens (as part of them).

Annuals should be selected based on size. Many of them are very profitable country flowers: blooming all summer, they will not discolor your site for a moment.

How to place flowers in the country

Original flower beds

What to make a flower bed Instruction
old tires Old tires are a great way to decorate a site.

To create flower beds in them, carry out preliminary preparation:

  1. Rinse thoroughly and dry the base.
  2. Color her in bright color or apply a pattern (for example, using a stencil).
  3. Use multiple tires to create saturated with flowers corner.
Plastic/glass bottles The bottles will help insulate the flower bed from the rest of the area or path.
  1. Collect bottles. Greens will look very natural, browns will resemble hemp.
  2. If the containers are plastic, fill them with sand for stability.
  3. Make small holes around the perimeter of the future flower bed. The distance between them should be no more than 2-4 cm.
  4. Place the bottles upside down to create an original barrier.

For coloring decorative elements use the paint in cans. The best option– aerosol dyes for cars: they easily fit on any surface, are resistant to weather pranks, so they will retain their color and texture for a long time. The average price of one unit will be 180-400 rubles (depending on the brand).

Spectacular slides

Slides of flowers, plants, herbs and accessories are one of the most fashionable today. country decorations. The second name of this design refinement is rock garden (or " alpine slide"). The spectacular appearance of such a structure makes many people think about how to make a flower slide in the country with their own hands.

When creating a colorful corner, pay attention to the following tips:

  • use the bumps and hills available on the site whenever possible- this will avoid the need to create it artificially;
  • use if desired decorative stones, choose instances as much as possible natural look and different sizes;
  • use original lighting whenever possible: buying or renting a diesel generator for a summer residence is not needed if it is solar-powered.

Flowers for the slide deserve special attention. They should be hardy, perennial, have moderate growth and passively breed.

Most suitable options experts believe:

  • edelweiss;
  • primrose;
  • undersized phloxes;
  • mountain cornflowers;
  • chamomile;
  • thyme;
  • cat paws;
  • violets, etc.

climbing vegetation

Climbing plants look very stylish and spectacular. The best place for their placement are arches for flowers in the country. With their help, you can decorate the entrance or delimit the space by separating the garden from the relaxation zone. Also, an arch with flowers will look great at the entrance to the house.

Gradually climbing plants completely cover the base, so you should not be especially meticulous in choosing the material and design of the arch. The main thing is that she can withstand the growing flowers for the summer cottage. best models solid metal arches are recognized.

You need to install them like this:

  1. Choose a place where the arch will organically fit into the landscape.
  2. Dig holes in the ground (about 10-20 cm).
  3. Place the ends of the decor in them and fill the holes with earth (tamp it carefully so that the arch is well fixed).

Bricks and other "weights" will not be able to hold the arch if it suddenly starts strong wind or bad weather.
It can fall over and seriously injure children/animals.
By burying the jewelry in the ground, you will securely and permanently fix it.

Another way to use curly flowers is wall decor. For example, in this way you can decorate the outside country houses from block containers or experimental materials.

With this method, for attaching flowers, it is necessary to create a basis, which is suitable for:

  • nylon net (with large cells);
  • long stakes set close to the wall;
  • metal grid.

Whatever goal you pursue: the decor of the site, its zoning or hiding defects, pay special attention to the choice of vegetation.

most loved garden loaches are:

  • girlish grapes;
  • morning glory;
  • bougainvillea;
  • actinidia;
  • climbing rose.


Even novice gardeners can arrange a cottage with flowers on their own. To make the decor memorable, original and bright, actively use your imagination and various decorative tricks. The video in this article will tell you about the useful points of using flowers in the country.

In shaded areas of the dacha, where they come close to the surface ground water, phloxes will fit in. They love high humidity and chill. And in the sun they quickly lose decorative look. Subject to these basic conditions and a competent choice of soil - without admixture of clay, with the addition of lime, with an average content of humus - bushes can grow for many years without special care and not lose its charm.


These luxurious flowers were the heroes of legends, poems and novels many centuries ago, but to this day their popularity does not fall. New varieties appear every year, and in total about 70 thousand of them have already been bred.

The rules of care are simple: watering, periodic loosening of the soil and occasionally weeding. Powerful roots can get water from the depths, so these plants tolerate drought very easily.

In good weather they bloom all summer. But they can also “take off their outfit” if prolonged rains begin or cold weather sets in for a long time. They live quietly in one place for several years, and they are recommended to be transplanted no later than August, so that they can take root before the cold weather.

Creation of flower beds suburban area- pleasant and hard work. After all, you should carefully approach the choice of colors. Perennial flowers that bloom all summer are the ideal option and the dream of any grower. After all, such flowers easily endure harsh winters and do not need an annual planting.

You can easily decorate the cottage with flowers. After all, there are a large number of flowers that do not require hassle during planting and care. It is necessary to choose and choose the right plants that will emphasize the originality and seasonal features of the site. The dream is feasible, so you can admire the beauty of flowers from spring to autumn.

Flowers are a decoration for a summer cottage and the pride of a grower. After all, the bright colors of flowering plants create comfort and harmony. The flower world is striking in its diversity. You need to choose flowers for decorating a summer cottage that will delight with beauty and harmony all season.

What kind of perennial flowers to choose?

Some flower growers prefer annual flowers, as they are unique in their colors. But many choose perennial flowers.

Advantages of perennial flowers for summer cottages:

  1. Do not require approximately 2 years.
  2. Withstands slight frosts.
  3. Wonderful .
  4. Do not require additional.
  5. Look great throughout the warm season.
  6. Can be used as a basis for creating flower beds.
  7. Growing perennial flowers is much cheaper, since during transplantation the plant can be divided into several parts for.

In order for the flower garden to please the entire warm season, you need to take care of this in the fall. Autumn is not a time to lose heart, you need to work in the garden in order to flowering plants pleasing to the eye.

Planting perennial flowers can be of three types:

  1. Bulbs.
  2. Roots.
  3. Seeds.

You can plant whole compositions that will not require a transplant in the coming years.

Rules for planting perennial flowers

  1. Decide on a plan for how it will look.
  2. You need to clearly know what type and growth you plant flowers. Low growing plants should be in the foreground, tall plants in the background.
  3. Remember that border flowers should be placed along the paths and.
  4. Consider color scheme, flowering time and harmony of each plant.

Perennial flowers planted in autumn

Consider perennial flowers for giving with photos and names so that every gardener can choose the flower that will look perfect in a flower bed.

bloom in spring

- there are 4 species, the most popular are Dutch hybrids. All species bloom in different spring time so plant all varieties.

- the plant begins to bloom in April. There are more than 30 varieties that differ not only in color, but also in shape.

Daffodils - there are a large number of plant varieties, of various colors and shapes. The bulb of the plant winters wonderfully, so in the spring it will be able to please with beautiful and elegant flowers.

Tulips. There are a large number of groups of tulips that differ in color, shape and variety.

Periwinkle is a short flower, reaches a height of 20 centimeters, the flowers are small, blue. Grows great in the shade.

Adonis Amur - undersized plant. It blooms with yellow, red and pink small double flowers.

Perennial flowers for summer cottages that bloom in late spring and all summer

Daylily - tall flower, which has a variety of colors: pink, orange, white and so on.

Pansies - gentle perennial flower that bewitches original form and unusual color combinations.

Peony is one of the spectacular high flowers that look great not only in the summer cottage, but also in flower bouquet arrangements.

Phlox paniculata is a fragrant, bright, tall flower that pleases the eye with its diversity.

Lily is a delicate and incredibly cute flower. The buds amaze with their beauty. Capricious plant, susceptible to diseases. But if you carefully care for him, the flower will give gorgeous flowers.

Cornflower is an unusual tender plant. There are several species with white, pink, deep purple and purple-lavender flowers.

Astilbe is a perennial tall plant that blooms all summer and pleases bright colors. The flowers of the plant are small, can be pink, white, purple. The plant is resistant to diseases and pests, does not require special care.

Host. The flower has large leaves, which can be of different colors. Flowering stems are long, can reach 125 centimeters.

Bellflower - if you properly care for the flower, then it can bloom until cold weather. The type and color of bells is diverse, so they can be found in almost every flowerbed of a summer cottage.

Choose perennial flowers that bloom all summer so that they are easy to care for. In order to create a flower bed at their summer cottage, which will not be difficult - for this it is enough to plant from 8 to 10 varieties of perennial flowers that bloom in different dates. This method will ensure the continuous flowering of your favorite and most beautiful flowers. You need to clearly define the assortment and you can start.

Remember that almost every plant blooms for about 3 weeks. During this period, 2 or 3 plants can bloom, while creating a non-repeated flowering picture on the flower garden. There are many perennial varieties flowers that are resistant to pests, diseases. Thanks to the photo of perennial flowers, you can understand in advance which flower will be in the flowering process. This will help to correctly and harmoniously compose a flower garden or flower bed.

Giving preference to perennial plants, flower growers on long term determine the appearance of their site. In order not to make a mistake with the selection of crops, it is useful to look into the catalog describing perennial flowers with photos and names.

World ornamental plants incredibly big. But when picking flowers for their flowerbeds, borders and discounts, beginners often go on about colorful illustrations and do not take into account such important criteria, as the timing of flowering and the dimensions of a particular plant. What flowers to plant in the country so that they bloom all summer long, are clearly visible, unpretentious and go well with other "inhabitants" of the site?

Tall garden perennials with photos and names

Flowerbed planning begins with the selection of plants that will occupy the main places in plantings. If you have to break a flower bed with a circular view, "its main characters" will be tall, well-marked flowers. In a flower garden located near a house or a fence, such tall perennials are also irreplaceable.

It is important that the perennial flowers chosen for the garden not only decorate the site with bright colors, but also have decorative foliage, which after flowering will serve as a background for lower plants.

Various varieties of meadowsweet bloom in the first half of summer. Lush brushes, reminiscent of light, pinkish or white clouds, not only gracefully soar above the carved foliage, but also scare away horseflies, midges and mosquitoes, which are especially annoying at this time of the year. The height of the plant reaches one and a half meters, the culture is winter-hardy and even has medicinal properties.

From the end of June or the first decade of July, it's time for luxurious stock roses. Tall, powerful peduncles hold up to 20 large simple or double corollas of all shades from white, yellow to purple.

Stock roses, or as they are called large-flowered mallows, are considered heat-loving plants, so not all regions of Russia will be able to safely survive the winter. However, they can be easily replaced. For example, for the Urals there are perennial flowers blooming all summer, with a photo and a name close to the previous culture.

This is a zebrina mallow with spectacular lilac-purple flowers, decorated with characteristic ornaments of their veins. A non-capricious plant forms a loose herbaceous bush up to 1.5–1.8 meters high with numerous green foliage and erect inflorescences of 10–15 flowers.

Buzulnik is even more winter-hardy and no less decorative, growing and blooming well in the most severe conditions.

Dense upright foxglove inflorescences look incredibly impressive. Cultural varieties amaze with a variety of colors of numerous bell flowers. This perennial garden flower will decorate the site from June to August.

In the middle of summer comes the time for flowering various different types and varieties of sapling. Lilac, pink, white or reddish caps of its inflorescences will look great in open areas, near water bodies, next to dissected rudbeckia, or golden balls, and the same unpretentious alpine asters.

The latter culture is quite low, but it must be included in the list of perennial flower names for Siberia, the north of Russia, the Urals and other regions where endurance is required from plants (photo above).

On the small area, where the garden is adjacent to garden beds, along the border you can plant Jerusalem artichoke or tuberous sunflower with dense heart-shaped foliage, caps of yellow flowers and stems, sometimes exceeding a height of 2-3 meters.

Perennial flowers for a medium sized garden

The middle zone of a flower garden or flower bed is left by flowering plants with a height of 40 to 80 centimeters. This catalog of perennial flowers for summer cottages with photos and names is incredibly extensive and can include tens and hundreds for different regions of the country. noteworthy cultures. And in most cases, not only flowers, but also foliage can serve as decoration for flower beds.

For example, already from early spring, light green leaves of the Persian poppy appear from under the snow, pubescent, with a bizarrely dissected edge. And huge corollas of red, orange and even blue colors appear from the first days of summer along with numerous types of garden daisies, aquilegia, multi-colored lupins and luxurious irises.

The perennial kandyk flower, well known by photo and name in Siberia, will also be of interest to flower growers of the middle lane.

A plant blooming in April or early May is an excellent variety for a flower bed with already traditional views crocuses, mouse hyacinth or Muscari, also famous for their endurance and excellent survival beyond the Urals.

Under the crowns of trees that have not yet fully blossomed and in the shade of buildings, they feel good. Their flowering occurs in May, and then, until the second half of summer, the garden is decorated with a dense curtain of broad-lanceolate leathery foliage with bright beads of scarlet fruits.

Recently, anemones have become more and more popular, which bloom not very long, but always magnificent and bright.

Along with the traditional, well-known by name and photo bulbous flowers in the garden and vegetable garden, there are perennials that are no less spectacular, but at the same time useful. These are available today to gardening enthusiasts perennial species onions with large inflorescences-caps of purple, pinkish, white or greenish tones.

Equally unpretentious and beautiful are the cultivars of ordinary yarrow, blooming in the first month of summer and practically disappearing under the snow with inflorescences of yellow, white, pink and orange hues.

Hot summer months- the time of flowering of airy gypsophila, rivaling tenderness with such "stars" of the garden as astilbes, who feel best not under the scorching sun, but in shady corners.

From August, colorful caps open over the dark green foliage of phloxes, bright corollas of daylilies, included in the list of names of perennial flowers blooming all summer, as in the photo, for the Northwest. At the same time, the time comes for plants of the aster family.

Inflorescences of doronicum, small-flowered frost-resistant chrysanthemums, and perennial gaillardias rise above bright rosettes of leaves. The bushes of perennial asters bloom with lilac, pink and white colors.

Perennial undersized flowers for the garden with a photo

The foreground of the flower beds is given to low plants, creating the effect of a continuous carpet. If you look at the catalog with photos and names of perennial flowers for summer cottages, this result can be achieved with the help of different types of stonecrops, which preserve the decorativeness and freshness of greenery throughout the summer.

Excellent, bright spots against their background will look like dense cushions of saplings and undersized carnations.

For open spaces in areas with light aerated soil, arabis can be planted. This plant will quickly take its place and in the second year it will delight with pink or white bales of flowers.

In the undersized group garden perennials includes flowers with the name duchenea. Ornamental strawberries form a beautiful green cover covered with yellow flowers, on the meta of which red, but, alas, inedible berries later appear.

Decorating the cottage with perennials, you need to take care of their protection from the cold, from which they suffer more often than others. bulbous plants, lilies, clematis and ornamental shrubs. They should be covered for the winter with a mulch mixture, peat or dry foliage, and then protected with non-woven material.

Perennial flowers to give - video

Only 2-4 weeks per season lasts lush bloom on a typical country flower bed. The rest of the time the flower garden is either growing or has already faded. Learn how to create flower beds that bloom all summer, pick flowers for them and take care of plants without spending a lot of time, even novice gardeners can do.

How to avoid failures in the floral design of the suburban area

It is not an easy task to ensure that the flower bed blooms throughout the summer season. Taking on this exciting creative work, it is important to know a few rules that will get rid of typical mistakes:

  1. Planting planning in a flower garden should begin with drawing up a flowering schedule for the plants scheduled for planting. In each period of time, at least three names of flowers should bloom in the flower bed.
  2. It is necessary to draw a plan and allocate a place on it to plants that will serve as a constructive basis for the flower bed and a spectacular frame for flowering neighbors: coniferous and deciduous shrubs, perennials with beautiful foliage. In the intervals between spring-flowering plants, place blooming ones in summer, and determine the place of autumn soloists.
  3. It is necessary to group the plants on the plan according to size and color. Take the big ones in the background, place the small ones in front. If the flower bed is overlooked from all sides, tall plants are grouped in the center. Broad-leaved alternate with narrow-leaved and cereals. Different shades of green are selected and distributed over the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe flower garden.
  4. Everyone has their own color preferences, but the rules for combining colors are common - either addition or contrast. For example, yellow contrasts with purple, but is complemented by red, orange. Blue is combined with cold pink, lilac, blue. White color used to dilute too bright color spots, blur borders, soften contrasts.
  5. An approximate calculation of the number of each plant species should be made. You can not plant flowers in separate specimens, for decorative effect homogeneous "spots" are required. Coniferous and large decorative leafy plants (hosta, rogersia, etc.) can be single.

1 - sunflower; 2 - carnation Grenoble; 3 - common backache; 4 - subulate phlox; 5 - edelweiss of Soulia; 6 - coreopsis grandiflora; 7 - gaillardia; eight - meadowsweet yarrow; 9 - oriental poppy; 10 - panicled phlox; 11 - chrysanthemum; 12 - larkspur; 13 - delphinium blue

Plants for continuous flowering flower beds

Interchangeable compositions from annuals

Less complicated, but no less beautiful option for flower beds continuous flowering is a flower garden of annuals. If you plan to grow seedlings with your own hands, work on its creation begins in winter. Most annuals come from the tropics and subtropics and take time to develop before flowering. For example, petunias begin to be sown for seedlings in February. Since March, asters, viola, annual chrysanthemums and dahlias, levkoy, verbena, cornflowers, alissum, lobelia, Snapdragon and others. In April, the turn of seeds of marigolds, cosmea, nasturtium.

The main secret of a flower bed of annuals is not that they select special flowers that are characteristic of autumn, summer or spring. By creating a conveyor from constantly growing seedlings, you can supply a flower bed with any flowers, regardless of the season. For example, viola or petunia from seedlings can bloom at the end of May and at the end of September.

There are, of course, seasonal annual plants. Autumn flower beds are decorated with fireworks from ornamental cabbage, elegant multi-colored asters.

Flowerpots with planted annuals make continuous flowering also mobile. If desired, they can be moved around the site - in the recreation area, at the gazebo, porch, pond, entrance, creating different images and moods. Important rule for decorating flowerpots: planting seedlings is done thicker than in a flower garden for a quick acquisition of a decorative look.

Special attention worth paying tuberous begonias. Their long flowering incredibly decorates flower beds. Luxurious inflorescences modern varieties compete with roses, resemble azaleas and camellias. The tubers that overwintered at home are divided and cut in the spring. For reliable flowering, it is better to purchase new plants annually.

Flowerbeds with perennials blooming from snow to snow

The choice of perennials, which make up the compositions that give the first flowers in the snowy thawed patches, delight with colors all summer and leave blooming under the snow, is practically inexhaustible. Here are just a few of the most common and proven perennials that even a novice gardener can handle.

Spring: primroses, crocuses, blueberries, anemones, muscari, daffodils, tulips, oriental poppy, dicentra, doronicum, lilies of the valley.

Summer: irises, daylilies, lilies, bluebells, delphiniums, phloxes, astilbes.

Autumn: perennial asters (New England and New Belgian varieties and hybrids), gelenium, stonecrop, rudbeckia, chrysanthemum, colchicum, sedges, miscanthus, rod millet.

Plant selection, placement scheme and other secrets of permanent flowering

Coniferous and decorative deciduous plants are the skeleton of a flower bed, on which flowering elements are then built up. Needles, patterned, carved, smooth, pubescent leaves different shades green colors create a picturesque backdrop. Having laid such a basis for the composition, it remains only to fill it flowering perennials and annuals.

Spherical, pillow-shaped:

  • mountain pine Pug, Dwarf;
  • thuja western Danica, Golden Globe;
  • pillow spruce Nidiformis, Echiniformis.


  • juniper Repanda, Green Carpet, Blue Carpet.


  • juniper Tamariscifolia, Mint julep;
  • mountain pine Pumilio;
  • cedar dwarf.

No need to fill the flower bed large quantity coniferous plants. Enough 3-4 copies different shapes and hue. You can add 2-3 to support them ornamental shrubs- dwarf forms of barberry, medium-sized spireas.

Of the decorative deciduous perennials with spectacular foliage, first of all, hosts should be called - dozens of varieties are now offered. No less beautiful are buzulnik, rogersia, bergenia, saber-shaped leaves of irises. Daylilies are versatile - a luxurious fountain of linear green leaves combined with elegant inflorescences of different shades.

A difficult task - a monochrome composition that blooms all summer

Every gardener wants to learn how to manage the rainbow of colors that flowers create in their summer cottage. As in the choice of clothes, the interior of any person has color preferences. Someone is closer to a cold palette, someone loves warm flaming tones. Based on color preferences, you can also choose plants for a flower bed that blooms all summer.

The yellow-orange flowerbed creates the feeling of a sunny day even in cloudy weather:

  • Spring: yellow varieties crocuses, daffodils, yellow and orange tulips;
  • summer: evening primrose (primrose), calendula (marigold), yellow and orange lilies;
  • autumn: gelenium, marigolds, nasturtiums, rudbeckia, ocher-red sedges.

Pink-purple-blue flower bed - brings freshness, romance into the mood of the garden:

  • spring: muscari, brunner, pink and purple tulips, liverworts, kandyk, crocuses, junos;
  • summer: lilies ( pink tones, such as Triumfator, Enesteisha), delphinium, blue cyanosis, monarda, cornflower, lavatera, ageratum, lobelia;
  • autumn: echinacea purpurea, stonecrop prominent, autumn asters, phlox paniculata.

White flower bed - tenderness and conciseness:

  • spring: blueberry, daffodils, poultry, lilies of the valley, arabis (rezuha);
  • summer: white lilies, leucanthemum, navel, anafalis (pearl oyster), white varieties of delphinium, bluebell, mallow, lobelia, lavatery;
  • autumn: autumn aster, white echinacea, phlox.

White flowers will effectively complement silver wormwood, seaside cineraria, white-edged hostas, sedges, periwinkle.

Care of flowering plants

Timely weeding, watering, fertilizing and loosening are the elementary truths of country floriculture. A flowerbed of continuous flowering, in addition to well-known care operations, requires the use of some additional techniques:

  • removal of faded inflorescences to prolong flowering;
  • pinching the top for the growth of side shoots with flowers;
  • replanting annuals in the bald spots formed after the death of the leaves, decorating voids with portable flowerpots;
  • timely thinning, division and pruning so that strong competitors do not crowd out weak ones.