How to open an exhibition. How to organize an exhibition: a step-by-step process

Dear friends! I want to organize an exhibition of my grandfather's paintings. I started calling galleries, but I ran into an unexpected problem. Either everything is booked before the new year or space prices. Before giving away the suitcase of finances strangers, I would like to consult with knowledgeable people. I chose this site because there are a lot of you here :)

There are paintings, there is their author, who will soon be 90 years old. There is no need to sell something from the paintings, the exhibition is a gift to an amateur artist. He never had an exhibition. Please give me some advice on what to do?? Is it possible to arrange everything little blood yourself? Rent a room, hang pictures. How is security usually provided? What is the best room to rent? Is it worth contacting someone? If yes, to whom? To the gallery, the house of culture or something else. The most important thing. How to make sure that some people go to the exhibition? Considered.

Probably very stupid questions, sorry in advance! Got an idea, need some advice.

Perhaps later we will post a collection of grandfather's creations on this site. So far, the grandfather is skeptical about the Internet, does not understand why, waving his hands. Thanks in advance to everyone who submitted! If I did something wrong, please forgive me.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Participation in a trade show can be a in a good way promoting their products, so this type of business is in demand, and the exhibition organizer can count on a constant influx of customers. At the same time, the exhibition can cover completely different types human activity, so there is always the opportunity to find some niche that is not yet used by competitors.

The exhibitions present exhibits and related to economic sphere, including Agriculture, and to scientific, and to technical, and even to culture. Sometimes holding an exhibition event becomes the most effective advertising move, while it is visited mostly by potential customers who can get acquainted with products (and even services) right on the spot and make a choice. All this makes the exhibition business promising and becoming more widespread.

However, in major cities, as a rule, there are already large exhibition complexes that are known to most large enterprises, and participation in exhibitions of this major player becomes the key to success. But even in this case, the newcomer has a chance to conquer his market segment by opening a new niche or by playing on the provision of more profitable services. Not every entrepreneur can afford to participate in a major exhibition, because the price of entry is usually very high for a successful exhibition organizer.

In this regard, a properly advertised exhibition will also be able to attract its visitors, while the price of its organization will be much lower than in a well-known complex. Some entrepreneurs, especially in the field of art, even specially organize exhibitions such as underground, which attracts their own, certain, different contingent from the main one. Moreover, such an event can become even more successful than the one known throughout the city. In general, the organization of exhibitions is a kind of art. The art of advertising. Having creativity and a good marketing concept, even seemingly uninteresting events can be promoted.

Any beginner who wants to organize exhibitions also has the opportunity to choose the most convenient scheme of work for him, and even with a small start-up capital, he can break into this relatively unfree market. However, having studied it in more detail, it becomes clear that almost all possible niches are occupied only in cities of federal significance (but even there, in the case of an original idea, there is an opportunity to gain popularity), in others settlements usually there are one or two large trade and exhibition complexes, known to any city dweller, and several exhibitions "on interests", which deal only with a certain area or subject. That is, in the regions creative people practically nothing prevents them from taking their place, providing partners and their consumers with something new and original.

Exhibition business is a concept that can combine several related, but slightly different types of activities. An important difference is whether a trade show or a cultural show is organized. At the same time, even economic enterprises they can organize a simple exhibition of their exhibits (for example, advanced developments), the purpose of which is, although drawing attention to their products, but not selling them. And vice versa, an exhibition of paintings, for example, can be entirely aimed at the implementation of the exhibited exhibits.

Ready-made ideas for your business

But it is better for an entrepreneur to try to engage in as many options, because it can be very difficult to attract partners who are ready to exhibit their exhibits, especially at first. Later, having occupied a certain niche and earned a name, it is worth thinking about a selective approach to those wishing to participate in the exhibition. At first, it is better to take on any idea only if it is not actively used by competitors.

To get started, you need to register as a subject entrepreneurial activity. In this case, you can register both IP and entity, the preferred of which is LLC - a company with limited liability. This is due to the fact that it is these forms that are allowed to use simplified system taxation and pay 15% (of operating profit) or 6% (of income) to the state. For this, it is worth allocating about 20 thousand rubles, part of this amount will go directly to pay the state fee, part - to other bureaucratic expenses. In terms of time, the registration procedure rarely takes more than one month.

For work, the code (OKPD 2) 82.30 Services for organizing conferences and trade exhibitions is used, but you can also enter (OKPD 2) 93.29 Other entertainment and recreation services. In the first case, as is clear from the definition, it will be possible to work by directly organizing trade events, in the second case, offering visitors simply to get acquainted with the exhibits. If you don't want to deal with everything on your own legal matters, you can contact specialized firm, which will register the entrepreneur as soon as possible and even provide legal assistance. But, of course, all this will not be free.

For further work it is worth deciding whether the entrepreneur will have his own premises or will constantly rent new sites. In the first case, he will have the opportunity to fully manage his building, hold exhibitions at a convenient time for business, and even use the site for other purposes, and not just for exhibitions. Otherwise, you will have to find a new room for each new event and negotiate with the owner about daily or even hourly rent.

Ready-made ideas for your business

In this type of business, it is ideal when a businessman already owns a large room - at least 100 m 2, but even such a site can be called small, because some exhibitions are held on areas up to 700 m 2. Then the entrepreneur is faced with the task of equipping the existing building for the purposes of his business and not wasting time and money constantly searching for premises and arranging them. Moreover, this is only beneficial if the premises are not rented, because you have to pay rent monthly, and this will be an extra waste of money, because sometimes events take place every few months. Therefore, if you do not have your own venue, it is better to rent it directly only for the event itself, renting out the already rented premises. But there will be difficulties with the delivery of equipment and its installation.

The site itself should be located in business or central areas of the city, because visitors will not go to the outskirts for the sake of the exhibition (or rather, much fewer of them will go there). Therefore, you should expect that the cost of rent will be very high. Today at big cities it is not a problem to find a room that is purposefully rented by the hour for exhibitions, while 100 m 2 are rented at a price of 2 thousand rubles per hour. AT small towns this amount is slightly lower.

The cost of rent will be included in the cost of entry for participants, therefore, in this aspect, the entrepreneur does not actually risk his own funds, but an overly expensive "entry ticket" can scare away many potential partners. If we take into account exactly the long-term lease, then you can find a large area (about 500 m 2) worth even up to 10 thousand rubles a month, but you need to rely on the fact that the landlord will provide literally bare walls. However, for the exhibition it is even more likely a plus. In some cases (especially in the warm season) exhibitions can be held on outdoors or in unequipped premises (for example, in an unused parking lot). Usually in such cases they are looking for the most cheap options, because they still have to be constantly re-equipped for the purposes of each specific exhibition. If there are several million, as already mentioned, the premises can be completely redeemed as property. If it fails, it will still be good investment funds, for investing in real estate.

You can also find special offices that rent out premises directly for events. In this case, not only the cost of renting the premises itself is calculated, but also the furniture and equipment provided by the landlord, which he has at his disposal. Usually these are universal things, but in some cases the landlord will even be able to provide shelving and display cases, which saves the businessman from having to bring his own - and this is a significant savings in transport and labor. In general, if you have to constantly rent new premises, then you will have to have your own, albeit a small one, because such an office will store not only necessary equipment, furniture and other accessories, but also special devices that allow the production of promotional materials.

Ready-made ideas for your business

This should include a machine for large-format printing (the cost of a machine is from 400 thousand rubles) and the corresponding peripherals. The entrepreneur will have to make a large number of advertising products, and in this case it is not always profitable to work with a third-party printing house. The purchased printing equipment will allow additional view activities (which can bring additional income) and independently print leaflets, banners and posters. Partners will appreciate this opportunity, because for the exhibition they will need a lot of printed materials to advertise their products and services. Since in the minds of the participants of the exhibition the belief has been developed that the organizer takes on all the advertising, we have to comply with this. The main thing is to make it clear that the organizer directly advertises the exhibition itself, and the participant must also deal directly with the advertising of their products.

A typical chain looks like this: the organizer finds the participants, then contacts advertising agency, which, in turn, orders the printing of products in the printing house. So, the maximum profit can be obtained if the last two participants in the chain are excluded altogether, therefore the exhibition business also involves the development of advertising and its printing within the same production. But, if the organizer does not have enough funds to establish such an enterprise, you will have to turn to intermediaries.

Many people will be involved in the organization of the exhibition itself. The entrepreneur himself, perhaps with his assistants, should be entirely engaged in the search for exhibitors. It all depends on what format of the exhibition will be used. Some firms are ready to arrange an exhibition entirely dedicated to its activities. Exhibitions that are dedicated to some separate area activities, while competitors will participate in the same territory, trying to attract visitors to their stands. How they achieve this is the task of their performers, but together with the organizer, certain rules holding an exhibition. There are even exhibitions that cover several areas of human activity. Exhibitions of works of art deserve special mention, but at such sites they also turn into a commodity.

To make the exhibition work, you need to hire a lot of auxiliary workers who are ready to bring inventory, install equipment and do other power work. It is important that the exposition is properly arranged, because the visitor should not walk around it very quickly or get lost among the stands. Usually, the participants themselves attract employees who introduce visitors to the exhibits, hold quizzes and draws, sell products or hand out souvenirs. But the organizer’s employees should monitor the progress of the exhibition and observe its rules, if necessary, it is even worth attracting a private security company to provide security guards for the duration of the exhibition, because brawlers can show themselves everywhere. If any background music is expected, broadcasting of any materials and the like, then you need to hire operators who deal with technical support. The organizer also bears the burden of providing visitors with basic conditions - that is, the presence of a working bathroom and buffet, or at least a vending machine. At the same time, this can also bring additional profit.

Marketers are constantly working in the office, who monitor the market, identify market needs and find out which exhibitions will be relevant in the near future, which exhibitions will be held by competitors, what type of events are not of interest to the population. After determining the type of exhibition, they must provide the organizer with a program to promote the exhibition. However, ATL techniques are good here, while discussing with the participants what kind of contingent they want to see at the exhibition. Will they be ordinary people, among whom there will surely be at least a few interested, and the rest will become sources of word of mouth, will they be potential business partners or directly ready to purchase consumers. But one way or another, in each case, you need your own advertising campaign, which can use various methods.

A trade show is designed not only to provide consumers with exhibitors' products, but also to maintain or improve the company's image, stimulate sales growth, and even allow the manufacturer to become closer to the buyer. However, as noted above, some companies tend to simply show their achievements and participate in the exhibition only to maintain their name. Some exhibitions generally exist for the aesthetic pleasure of visitors - we are talking, of course, about exhibitions of culture and art (although for some, the aesthetic pleasure is to observe advanced technological products). In direct proportion to this, the organizer's source of income is established.

Most simple circuit receiving money - when the organizer receives a fixed amount for organizing the exhibition. Most often, this is possible in cooperation with one participant, who pays simply for the demonstration of his products and does not aim to sell the product. He will pay the agreed amount according to the contract, and will not require any reports. It is similar to the activity of an advertising agency.

Perhaps the most common option is when participants pay for "entry" to the exhibition, after which they deduct funds to the organizer depending on the effectiveness of the event. In this case, after the exhibition, you will have to hire extras and analyzers who will provide a detailed report on the success of the event. And, finally, there is a scheme whereby tickets sold to direct visitors become a source of income. It is clear that this is possible only if the exhibition was of a cultural and entertainment nature. This is probably the most risky scheme of work, because the entrepreneur may not get anything at all. In some cases, the entrepreneur even works only for a percentage of the goods sold by the participants, although this, most often, is unprofitable for him.

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I constantly write about various needlework and other types of earnings that do not bring large profits. How to start earning more, reach the next level? How to feel like not just a homeworker who painstakingly does work for a small group of friends all day long, but also a creative person in demand who receives expensive orders? One of the simplest and most effective options is to organize an exhibition.

Any entrepreneur is constantly concerned with such issues as advertising, creating a positive image of the company and stimulating sales, both wholesale and retail. Significant financial, human and time resources are required to reach the threshold of efficiency. By organizing an exhibition, you get the opportunity to simultaneously use all of the above marketing tools among a specially assembled target audience potential clients. That is, at the exhibition you form the image of your company and advertise the product and sell it.

How to organize an exhibition, attract visitors, recoup expenses and make a profit

First of all, we will determine that the exhibitions are different:

  1. For the sake of sales (made, sold, drank). Many cities already have regular handmade exhibitions (handmade - handmade). If you don’t have this, then you can negotiate with the city administration, other craftsmen and hold such exhibitions-fairs monthly (or weekly) in a certain place. The entrance is of course free.
  2. For show, that is, a classic exhibition, for example, like. Payment of rent and other expenses from entrance tickets. These events are not cheap and require serious organization, so they are held 1-2 times a year.
  3. "Show yourself." This is usually not a personal exhibition, but participation in a large city, industry or regional exhibition. fast money she won't bring. Its plus is that most of the costs are paid by the state, but in order to get a result, you need to take into account a lot of subtleties, so a separate article will be devoted to this topic.

The organization of the exhibition includes several points, known as the "Rule 4 R":

  1. Exhibition planning.
  2. Attracting visitors.
  3. Staff.
  4. Obtaining and analyzing results.

Exhibition Planning

In order to properly organize an exhibition and ultimately get the maximum result, you first need to decide: for what purposes are we organizing it? The list might look something like this:

  • Finding Clients – Do you need new clients?
  • Search for partners - wholesale buyers, suppliers of raw materials, advertising companies, etc.
  • Looking for hired workers - you intend to expand your business?
  • Search for like-minded people - people with whom you have common interests, who are concerned about the same problems.
  • Formation positive image firms.
  • Brand advertising - did you manage to come up with it?
  • Recoup the cost of organizing an event and make a profit.

Organization of the exhibition

Organizers. First of all, you need to resolve the issue with the organizers of the exhibition. Will you deal with this alone, will you involve the city or district authorities, or will you find partners? Decide right away who will do what, and financial questions, and if these are not your relatives, then conclude a written contract.

room. The second question is the search for a place. They depend on the size of the planned exhibition, its direction and even the time of year, because in the summer you can do a lot just in the open air.

Now most museums organize various temporary exhibitions, so if you are engaged in folk crafts, you can negotiate with them. Quite a decent exposition can be organized in the lobby of the hotel, in the house of culture or in the new mall where not all areas have been leased yet. In general, now in any city there are enough free premises that are rented, sometimes for shoe sales, sometimes for fur fairs.

Performers. Someone will have to put the room in order, install (and then dismantle) the stands, lay out the exposition and maintain it throughout the exhibition. In big cities, special companies are engaged in this, if you don’t have one in your city or you don’t have money for it, then you will have to do everything on your own, attracting friends and relatives.

Advertising. Now prospectuses, leaflets and booklets will be printed for you by any printing house. Make sure that there is all the necessary information for those who want to find you after the exhibition. Don't splurge, a small bright sheet of basic information is all you need! In addition, you will have to spend money on advertising, which will attract visitors to the exhibition. In about a month, bright ads should appear in city newspapers and on local television. Posters will also need to be hung on the streets. You also need to distribute leaflets in crowded places and advertise on the Internet. Articles and messages on thematic pages, again thematic sites, forums and social networks, as well as mailing lists and contextual advertising work best on the network.

Exposure placement. When creating an exhibition, constantly ask the question: for whom am I doing this? After all, firstly, the exhibition should be interesting for all visitors, that is, for people who are far from what you are doing. After all, satisfied visitors are free advertising for the event. Secondly, it should be such that people want to buy your products. Thirdly, wholesalers and potential partners should be able to quickly get all the information they need, and you should also quickly get information about them. Therefore, the staff must be taught in advance who to say what, what information to provide, and what to ask.

An example of an interesting exhibition

An interesting option to interest visitors is to conduct master classes. Allocate a place for a craftsman who will create some things in front of visitors, and at the same time teach everyone some simple tricks.

Don't forget to make a stand for the kids. It doesn't matter what it will be, except for your products - groovy Railway or a cage with parrots, but children should be interested. This is one of good incentives for visitors to tell their friends about your exhibition and advise them to visit it.

How to make money at the exhibition

  1. Sale of entrance tickets. The easiest option, but it will not work if your entire exposure can be covered in a couple of minutes. People need to understand what they are giving their money for.
  2. Selling your products. Make sure that by the beginning of the exhibition you have good stock goods for sale, including inexpensive ones that visitors like to buy as a keepsake of where they have been. And, of course, there must be something fun for the kids.
  3. Renting out part of the premises. If the room is large for you, then part of it can be rented out, the most best option- network companies (). These organizations dearly love large gatherings of people who are in no hurry to go anywhere. In addition, they have experience in such work, so their stands and staff will look quite presentable.
  4. If conditions allow, you can organize something like a buffet - a showcase, a coffee machine and three tables.
  5. Quizzes, contests, a lottery, etc. Here is one of the options I found on the Internet: advertising materials are freely distributed at the stands, and an SMS quiz is voiced, according to the terms of which you need to answer 10 paid (sending SMS messages) questions. At the end of each hour, valuable prizes are raffled between those who answer correctly. The mechanism is as follows - 50% of the cost of an SMS message goes to the operator, another 25% goes to the content provider that processes messages, and the last 25% goes back to the quiz organizers. It turns out that visitors are not only happy to sort out prospectuses, but also pay money for reading them carefully.

Job analysis

After the end of the exhibition, you need to sort out the exposition, calculate income and expenses, pay off the staff, but most importantly, start working with the information that you received during the exhibition. This needs to be done right away, so entrust all the other things to assistants, and take on contacts yourself.

In general, getting contacts is one of the most important functions of the exhibition. So, from the very beginning, set the staff on the fact that during the work of the exhibition they should receive as much as possible large quantity contacts. That is, their task is not only to smile and distribute booklets, but also to convince potential customers or partners to leave their coordinates: phone, email, business card, etc.

After the exhibition, you will need to sit down and work closely with each of them. Send out letters of gratitude to all visitors who have left information about themselves with words of gratitude for their interest in your exposition. These letters are best prepared in advance, even in preparation for the exhibition. Then promise to contact the visitor within a week. If you want the visitor to remember your company, you need to send him a letter within 48 hours after the closing of the exhibition.

Having done this work, you can actually analyze the results of the exhibition: what worked and what didn’t, is it worth holding such events regularly, for how long and how often? Listen to staff, partners and just visitors. Ask them how to organize an exhibition in next time. This will help make things much better in the future. Who knows, perhaps your exhibition will become traditional and become one of the most significant annual events in your city.

How to organize an exhibition - why is it needed + 10 steps for organizing + 4 common mistakes.

There are many marketing tools to promote goods and services.

It is quite difficult to take into account each, and even more so to use it at a time, and it is not always necessary.

But there is one way of communication that combines several promotion tools at once.

And these are familiar exhibitions for many.

Despite the fact that many entrepreneurs have already managed to evaluate the effect of their holding, some are still afraid to participate in such events.

And first of all, this is due to ignorance and misunderstanding of the organization of the whole process.

If you want to know how to organize an exhibition and get the most out of it, then keep reading this article.

What is an exhibition and why is it needed?

The exhibition is one of the key marketing communications, which includes many promotion methods that are held at the same time:

  • presentation of goods or services;
  • tasting (if necessary);
  • sampling;
  • contests.

What does an entrepreneur get in the end by deciding to take part in the exhibition:

  • communication with potential buyers or clients;
  • studying competitors and comparing yourself with them;
  • building a positive image of your company;
  • receiving new orders and negotiating future supply contracts.

Thus, taking part in such events, the company gets a unique opportunity not only to study the possible sales market and show itself in the best light, but also immediately after the results of the work to work on the mistakes - improve the quality of goods, hire more qualified personnel, engage in more active advertising.

Advantages and disadvantages of the exhibition

An exhibition is a rather specific marketing tool that has its advantages and disadvantages.

Let's start with the good times:

  • organizers use only high-quality and large-scale advertising;
  • for the most part, a really interested audience comes to the exhibition;
  • participation in such an event enables the entrepreneur to establish new connections with local authorities, other enterprises that may be suppliers of raw materials, advertising companies;
  • maintaining the image of your company.

But along with the advantages, there are also disadvantages:

  • high cost of participation;
  • long preparation time;
  • expensive decoration exhibition stand;
  • human factor (only proven and trained employees of the marketing department should be sent to the exhibition).

How to organize an exhibition: a step-by-step process

To organize an exhibition, you need to do a lot of work. Western analysts say that it is worth spending about one year on preparation, our compatriots agree that half a year will be quite enough.

The process of participation in the exhibition will consist of several stages.

Here are the main ones:

  1. Choosing the right exhibition
  2. Drawing up an action plan
  3. Selection and training of employees who will present the product
  4. Budget planning
  5. Sample selection
  6. Handout development
  7. Exhibition center decoration
  8. Installation work
  9. Direct participation
  10. Summarizing

Let's take a closer look at each of the stages.

Choosing an exhibition and applying for participation

The marketing department of the enterprise must constantly seek and study information about where, when and what kind of exhibitions will be organized.

If you are new to such events, then, first of all, pay attention to specialized exhibitions that are held in your region.

If there is nothing suitable in the next six months, then it is worth considering the option of expositions, where manufacturers of various groups of goods can show themselves.

What you need to pay attention to when choosing an exhibition:

  • subject matter;
  • number of participants;
  • the target audience;
  • ways to promote the exhibition;
  • requirements for exhibition stands of participants;
  • Cost of participation.

Submission of an application and payment for participation depends on the scale of its implementation:

  • at the regional level - you need to contact the organizer directly;
  • on the federal - to find intermediaries.

Also prepare everything ahead of time. Required documents, as some expo centers have strict requirements and carefully select participating enterprises.

Exhibition Planning

Organizing an exhibition will not work without careful planning.

First of all, you must make calendar plan actions, calculate the budget to understand how much money you are willing to invest in this type of advertising, and prepare employees.

Also at this stage, it is necessary to determine the main goals of participation in such an event and focus on them.

The strategic objectives will be:

  • increase in sales volume;
  • attracting new customers;
  • market research;
  • assessment of competitors' activities and study of their target audience;
  • search for new connections;
  • conducting preliminary negotiations with potential clients.

The tactical tasks are as follows:

  • determination of the size of the stand;
  • sample selection;
  • design of an exhibition stand;
  • Search suitable place for the installation of a stand in the expo center.

Selection of employees who will work at the exhibition

If the director or owner of the business is interested in its development, then his presence at the exhibition is mandatory.

Firstly, you can see the potential sales market with your own eyes, and secondly, make business acquaintances.

As for the personnel who should be directly responsible for organizing the exhibition, they will be related to the sales or marketing department.

It is worth sending specialists to the exhibition who:

  • "from" and "to" know the selected goods,
  • have good communication skills;
  • will be able to sell the product and describe its positive characteristics.

Also, the stand should have a head of production, head of marketing or sales department.

Budget planning

The budget of the organization of the exhibition should include the following items of expenditure:

  • fee for participation and rental of a place in the expo center;
  • the cost of the exhibition stand (design, transportation, installation);
  • cost of samples;
  • preparation of handouts;
  • travel and accommodation expenses of employees;
  • force majeure costs.

Selection of product samples

As samples, you must use the same goods that go on sale.

Anyone who comes to the stand of the company should have the opportunity to try the product.

Also prepare a few units that you can give to potential customers.

On the brochure, be sure to leave full information about the product and contact details of the company.

Handout preparation

The handout should be in the form of:

  • leaflets with information about the company and its products;
  • price list;
  • complete catalog.

It is worth noting that the costs will be quite large, so do not rush to say goodbye to handouts easily.

Place a stack of leaflets next to the stand, but the price list and catalog should be reserved for those who are really interested in the company's products.

Exhibition stand design

The most important stage in the organization of the exhibition is the design of the exhibition stand.

The success and effect of participation in such an event depends on how the product will be presented.

To convey to visitors all the necessary information, use recommendations for the design of the stand for the exhibition, concerning the following points:

    Name and logo.

    They should be visible and immediately conspicuous.

    Therefore, be sure to place them on the stand.

    No need to make people guess what the enterprise in the right corner is.

    You can also develop some kind of customer-oriented slogan that will immediately attract the attention of visitors.

    He should be the center of attention.

    Therefore, avoid the bright design of the stand, where the goods can get lost.

    It should also be placed in such a way that anyone can approach it from any direction.

    Place in the hall.

    The earlier you apply for participation in the exhibition, the higher your chances of renting a good place.

    The most successful is the placement of the stand:

    • to the right of the entrance;
    • in the middle of Hall;
    • in the corners of the hall.
  1. Stand size.

    The stand should occupy a third of the rented space, the rest of the space belongs to employees at the rate of 1.5-2 sq. m. per person.

    As a rule, 5 seconds are enough for a person to catch their eye on a certain stand and decide to approach it.

    You need to know a few "chips" that will help in this matter.

So, how to design an exhibition stand so that it will surely attract attention:

  • stand can be unusual shape with a bright, but at the same time unobtrusive design;
  • you can add a running line, play a video on the screen with a demonstration of the product in action, put moving objects that are indirectly related to the company's activities;
  • be sure to provide textual information at the stand itself and make sure that the stand with handouts is not empty.

    But it is important that visitors still have questions that company representatives can answer;

  • if the conditions of the organizers of the exhibition provide for leasing large areas, then do not be stingy and organize an "island" with a table and chairs.

Try to give your stand a certain style, let it be concise and not overloaded with a lot of items and extra text.

Anyone would rather experience a product in real conditions than just see it in a photo or read a bunch of information about it.

Installation work on installing a stand in the exhibition hall

It is necessary to prepare in advance about the delivery of the exhibition stand: select and conduct a full briefing of employees.

For the implementation of installation and dismantling, you need to set clear deadlines: one day each.

Allowing employees to relax can increase costs.

On the days of the event, it is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the stand and its filling.

Participation in the exhibition and summing up

Well, all the stages of how to organize an exhibition have been completed, it remains only to participate in it.

And here it all depends on the employees who will conduct the presentation.

  1. There should always be people at the booth that visitors can turn to.
  2. First of all, it is worth paying attention to wholesale buyers, and then to retail ones.
  3. Potential customers are invited to fill out a questionnaire, after which they are provided with a catalog with a full range of products and a price list.

The completed questionnaires will serve as the basis for summing up the results of the exhibition.

They can also be used to track how many buyers are really interested in the company's products.

After that, you can work on the mistakes, as well as evaluate the strengths and weak sides the work carried out.

A few more tips on how to hold an exhibition are collected in the video:

The main mistakes during the exhibition

Many do not fully understand what it means to organize an exhibition, which is why many questions arise, ignorance of the answers to which leads to negative results.

    The exhibition is only work at the stand.

    This is not true.

    This is a set of consistent actions that will lead to success.

    It is important to take a responsible approach to each stage of the organization - preparation, direct participation and summing up.

    Participation in the exhibition is only for the sake of participation.

    The management of the enterprise must clearly set the goals to be achieved from participation.

    The main attention should be riveted to the stand.

    Even the most beautiful and attention-grabbing booth will not save if employees are not prepared and are not able to communicate with customers.

    The exhibition is over, and that's it.

    Nothing's over until it's spent complete analysis received data, and no work has been done on the errors.

    After all, what was the point of spending so much time and money, then not to take into account the information received.

If you are ready to go to new level promoting your business, then be sure to study any information related to the issue, how to organize an exhibition.

It is indeed very profitable and effective method Express yourself.

But without knowing certain points, it is unlikely that you will be able to get an “exhaust” from the work done and the money spent.

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    Come up with a concept

    If you are suddenly pierced by the thought of opening your own exhibition, the main thing is to calm down. Soberly think about the idea, and most importantly, the concept of your project.

    In early June, I successfully closed the session on master's program Art Criticism and Curatorship at St Petersburg University realized that the impending Manifesta 10 biennale this summer would not let the city die from a lack of contemporary art. But the curatorial activity soaring in the air aroused the desire to debut with his own project.

    The idea for the exhibition was born almost immediately: the theme of the study of urban space was close to me, and several works of familiar artists popped up in my memory. After the concept was formulated, I invited five young artists to take part in the project. Fortunately for me, each of them agreed to work with me.

    In the world of contemporary art, there are three pillars of your professionalism. The first is the display of works created by the artist specifically for a specific curatorial idea. The second is a demonstration of previously unexhibited works. Well, the coolest is the discovery of new names - promising authors who have not yet been exhibited. This was the young photographer Oleg Leinov, who has studied at the FotoDepartament fund. Unexpectedly for myself, I managed to comply with all these unspoken rules.

    Find a site

    The next burning issue for every exhibition organizer is the premises. Naturally, a novice curator, like me, should not immediately count on the white walls of respectable commercial galleries or the halls of the Hermitage. Do not despair! Contact your acquaintances and friends who have exhibition sites (during your studies, did you develop professional connections?).

    In my case, the artist and curator Viktor Kudryashov turned out to be the most open to cooperation. He gave me the space of his independent gallery "Joint Existence" in the art-cluster of Artmuz for two weeks. The name of the gallery, by the way, reflects my personal conviction that in the world of domestic contemporary art, much rests on friendly ties and mutual assistance. Before the opening of my exhibition, I helped Victor with the organization of his personal exhibition.

    Carry out information training

    Mine didn't go to waste. I will reveal a well-known secret to everyone: the curator is also a PR manager, and a coordinator, and a production manager, and even an installer. In other words, multifunctionalism will become your second self.

    I recommend that you start by writing a press release, which I sent to the city's online media. As soon as the information appears in the media, be prepared for calls and letters from acquaintances with a request to include their work in the exhibition.

    So another name appeared on my list of participants - Sasha Zubritskaya. Her series “The Law of Paired Cases”, devoted to the systematization of many graffiti tags found in different European cities, accurately reflected the concept of the exhibition.

    Notify the art community

    The opening date was inexorably approaching, and it was necessary to personally notify the art community and friends about the upcoming event. Use both digital technologies and the old-fashioned way - paper invitations.

    A good friend shared the role of designer with me, and together we created invitation cards, which were then handed out at the opening days of other exhibitions. Facebook is the main way to spread information. Start an event of the same name, add information about the artists and their works presented at the exhibition. Speaking of texts: the curatorial text is the scope of work that needs to be given enough time. It is in it that the curator can explain his intention and prove that each work in the exhibition space did not appear by chance, but is an element of a verified idea. I created a small explication for each of the six participants, in which I explain how this or that work relates to the exhibition as a whole.

    Rip out montage

    The finish line before the opening is the installation of the exposition. We started it two days before the exhibition, and the main difficulty was that three of the six artists were not in St. Petersburg at that time. So I had to invent a system for hanging graphics by Asya Marakulina, who went to an artistic residence in Belgium, on my own. The artist set a fair condition - the paper cannot be glued or perforated.

    I recommend a simple design of ordinary badges and double sided tape. Also, be prepared for the fact that installation is one of the most time-consuming stages. And in general to supervise modern Art- It is self-drilling, gluing and painting.

    In my case, it stretched right up to the last few hours before opening. The only thought in my head was: “It was not worth uncorking last night a bottle of sparkling wine from among those that were prepared for the opening day.” The artist Sasha Zubritskaya suggested for her series original idea recreate a fragment of the urban environment in the gallery: she attached her work with magnets to crumpled sheets metal found in the backyard of the loft.

    Hang out at the vernissage

    The final touch is to change the look of “curator’s workdays” to “beautiful artlife”. I spent the last hour before the opening day checking the readiness of all the exhibits, adjusted the sound level in Viktor Kudryashov's video art, and the artist Evgenia Machneva perfected the look of her seven-meter trellis, dedicated to the route of tram No36.

    Ten minutes to seven: I pour sparkling wine into glasses. At seven o'clock the most punctual guests arrive, among them my parents - naturally with a bouquet. Debut anyway.

    "Joint Existence" is gradually filled with guests: artists, curators and art critics, friends and just spectators. According to the laws of a social event, I flirt between visitors, introduce everyone and get to know people myself. My unplanned acceptance speech was a sign of a novice curator, and I definitely won’t repeat it next time. For two hours there was active communication in the gallery, everyone was interested in the authors, there were questions about prices, and I spontaneously acted as a gallery owner. My first exhibition has opened, and it seems to be successful, but I realize this only the next day, when I come to a deserted gallery and sit down to work inside my own exhibition.
