How to organize an exhibition of paintings for a beginner. Exhibition stand design

1. What is an exhibition?

When promoting your products on the market, each of you uses four main tools:

2. Sales promotion.

3. Formation of a positive image of the company.

4. Individual sales to the final consumer (or direct sales).

Each of the methods at a certain stage of the company's activity is necessary and, in order to achieve the threshold of efficiency, requires significant financial, human and time resources.

By participating in the exhibition, you get the opportunity to simultaneously use all of the above marketing tools among a target group of your potential customers specially assembled for you.

By investing in an exhibition, you are investing certain funds. The level of return on this investment depends on the four pillars on which successful participation in any exhibition is based.

So, the "rule of 4P":

1. Planning.

2. Attracting visitors to the stand.

3. Personnel working at the stand.

4. Receipt, control and analysis of results.

2. Exhibition planning

Before deciding to participate in the exhibition, answer the following questions:

1. What is the significance of the exhibition in your marketing policy?

o Do you want to increase sales of existing products or services in existing markets?

o Offer new products or services to existing markets?

o Offer existing products or services to new markets?

o Offer new products or services to new markets?

2. Why do you need to participate in this exhibition?
In other words, what are your goals?

o increase sales

o introduce new products or services

o improve the image of your company

o influence the target group of your customers

o form a network of dealers or distributors

o market research

3. Having defined the goals, you will understand - what do you want to show on it?
Having determined what goods and services you want to exhibit at the booth, prepare the exposition in such a way that it draws attention to them.

4. Who is in your target group (i.e. who are the people you want to showcase your product to?

5. How much money can your company allocate for participation in the exhibition?

3. Exhibition preparation

When planning to take part in the exhibition, you have to solve a number of necessary tactical tasks:

1. What booth area do you need?
It is determined, first of all, by your goals and budget. Do not forget about the place for staff and for spectators.

2. Where is the best place to place the stand.
Usually visitors turn right or walk towards the center.
Study the layout: where are the industry leaders, your competitors, the main points that attract visitors (buffet, organizing committee, technical services etc.). Proximity of the booth to a toilet or buffet can sometimes give excellent results.

3. How to arrange a stand.
Basic principles: the budget and image of your company (do you use Hi-tech, modern, stable, sporty, etc.)
To be effective, your exposure must pass a three-second test. The visitor in three seconds should be able to:

o Notice your booth. It should be catchy: use color, lighting effects, life-size posters of the product, moving objects, etc.

o Highlight your company by name and logo. They should be large and legible.

o Determine what the advantages of your products and services for the buyer. Use slogans, signs and headlines. At a consumer goods show, focus not on the brand of the company, but on a specific product.

4. What are the conditions for participation in the exhibition.

5. Transportation of equipment and exhibits
Questions to know the answer to:

o Who assembles and disassembles the exhibit? - A hired team, exhibition staff or your employees.

o How difficult is the assembly and disassembly of the exposition?

o What products should be displayed and how? - Consider required amount shelves and other equipment, as well as areas for demonstrating the product in action.

o How will your booth be serviced? - public utilities, tariffs for installation work and transportation, storage of your containers in a warehouse, etc.

4. Attract visitors

Very often at exhibitions we hear claims addressed to us: there is little advertising, there are few of our potential customers among visitors, etc.

Having paid a certain amount for participation in the exhibition, the company, as a rule, calms down on this, hoping that the organizers of the exhibition will deal with other issues, including advertising support.

We fully agree with this, especially since the amount of participation includes % of money for an advertising campaign, but an advertising campaign for the exhibition itself!

After the exhibition has opened and the visitor has entered the exhibition pavilion, we, as organizers, cannot guarantee that he will stop at your stand.

How to attract the attention of visitors to your stand?

First, start doing this much earlier than the visitor comes to the exhibition.

For this are used:

· Personalized invitations.
This method is used for specially selected groups of visitors (for example, regular or potential customers) who have high expectations. Invitations must be signed personally by the head of the company.

· Invitations by phone, faxes.
Participation in the exhibition is a convenient pretext for a phone call to your potential customers.

The mailing campaign must match your goals of participation in the exhibition. An invitation to visit your booth should contain an offer: to receive a gift or a souvenir, to watch a product demonstration in action, to receive discounts, benefits, etc. It is very important to track the effectiveness of such a promotion: for this, you can use a coupon system.

Send mailings twice or thrice at regular intervals to the same address database. The message type must be different. For example, in the first letter you talk about your product and say that more detailed information will be available at the exhibition. In the second message, the addressee receives a specific invitation (with a coupon) to visit your booth.

o make sure your products or services benefit them

o focus on saving money and time

o appeal to the emotions and needs of your customers

o reward their actions

o make yourself remembered

o Campaign to form the company's image in the media.

This is the formation of sustainable positive image Your company and your products in the eyes of consumers. Not to be confused with advertising.

- Prepare press releases and various information materials about the activities of your company for publication in the media. Choose those publications that plan to cover the course of the exhibition.

Also, don't forget about different kind free materials and samples that visitors can get at your booth during the exhibition.

Our company is always glad to help you in preparation of such materials.

4.1. Handout information material.

We all know the picture of visitors wandering along the aisles with an armful of various booklets, leaflets and other materials. It is known that psychologically the visitor is set to take everything that is offered to him, and they are really set to read everything they have taken. But, returning from the exhibition, they realize that most of the collected brochures for them are colorful waste paper. Up to 75% of exhibition materials are thrown away by visitors without being read.

A few tips for making materials:

Do not make expensive prospectuses for distribution at the booth

Offer to send information by mail. This will save the visitor from having to carry around a pile of prospectuses and will provide an opportunity to study them in a more relaxed atmosphere. In addition, receiving a personal envelope with your information will psychologically oblige the client to study them in more detail.

· Distribute brochures only to specialists and visitors who are members of your target group.

Selling is done by people, not prospectuses. The most common mistake is giving prospectuses to everyone. The prospectus is the result of a serious conversation with the visitor. You can use video cassettes (with technical information or presentation film), floppy disks.

4.2. Free samples or prizes.

Products that are fully usable and provided with advertising messages are used as samples. Be sure to include your company name and details. Handing over the sample does not entail any obligations for the visitor! Use the samples as a prize for visitors who fill out a questionnaire or submit their details for your database.

5. Work at the exhibition

The success of any exposition to the greatest extent depends on the skill of the staff.

There is an absolutely erroneous opinion, unfortunately quite common, that any employee who is free from production and familiar with the activities of the company can work at the stand. As a result, your expectations from participation in the exhibition remain expectations.

Basic principles of personnel selection.

The complexity of the selection lies in the ability to capture the attention of visitors and keep it in the conditions of the event. vigorous activity in the pavilions, taking into account the many distractions.

1. Stop your choice on sociable employees.

2. They must want to work on the booth.

3. The employee must be observant, notice any subtleties in the conversation, including body language.

4. The employee must be a specialist competent in this area, quickly answering any questions from the visitor.

5. The employee must be able to listen and ask leading questions.

After you have formed a team, it is important to involve all its members in discussing your plans for participation in the exhibition. Communication with people is a key factor in the success of the exhibition.

The following issues should be clarified to employees:

1. What is the purpose of your participation.

2. What exactly do you exhibit (for your employees there should be no surprises at the opening of the exhibition).

3. What requirements do you place on stand employees (It is important that each of them has an individual plan related to common tasks - what information to collect, how many meetings to hold, etc.).

4. How to fulfill your requirements for employees (Train the staff - how to demonstrate goods from the stand, how to effectively classify potential buyers).

Make it a rule during the exhibition every day after closing to gather employees. This will make it possible to eliminate the shortcomings before the beginning of the next day, while they are fresh in memory.

Employees working at the exhibition need to be stimulated. For example, sales commissions, a few days off, etc.

5.1. Exit to the stage.

An exhibition is a place where your staff can either make or break further contacts. A stable opinion of customers is half formed in the first 3-4 seconds of communication with the staff.

Your employees should look respectable. Each company has its own style of clothing. Stick to it.

Like actors on stage
From the opening of the exhibition until its completion, your staff at the stand should feel like actors on stage. Visitors, like spectators, come to see a performance. Their expectations are high because they donate their time.

Selling at an exhibition and regular selling have a number of differences.

1. The exhibition area is a "neutral field".
The seller and the buyer are on an equal footing. None of them have territorial advantages, as in a normal sale.

2. Time is money. The duration of the exhibition and the time of the buyer are limited. The larger the exhibition, the less time the buyer has for each specific stand.

3. The attention of the client is scattered - there are a lot of interesting things around.

4. Minimum time to collect and analyze information. Experience shows that clients spend on average 3 to 5 minutes at each exposure.

5. The number of potential buyers is much higher than in a normal sale.

6. Probable buyers come to you themselves.

7. Limited opportunities product demonstrations in action, tk. limited time and scattered attention. On the other hand - a unique opportunity to show bulky equipment.

Sale is sale.
And the buyer remains the buyer. He is characterized by a fear of making the wrong decision, so it is important for him to know if you understand his problems.

Key points to focus on:

1. Find your potential buyer and meet him.
The exhibition is visited different people. Some go with a clear goal, others just look. Your ability to identify the type of visitor is the key to success.

2. Ask questions to understand the buyer's needs.
Treat others the way they would like to be treated. Having determined the type of personality of the client, you will be able to conduct a conversation with him in a confidential manner, you will understand how he thinks and makes decisions. So, you can choose the right way to influence it.

3. Offer your solution to their problems.

5.2. How to welcome visitors.

Most visitors (up to 58%) will wait for your employee at the entrance to the stand for no more than 1 minute. During a period of high influx of visitors, you may not have enough employees. A constantly scrolling video on the stand can temporarily attract the visitor's attention and provide answers to common questions about you.

Sometimes the behavior of the staff can provoke the desire of visitors to leave the stand. Many of them are embarrassed if necessary to interrupt the conversation of comfortably located employees. You should not drink, smoke, eat, read, sit, lounging, look tired or indifferent at the stand - this causes a negative reaction among visitors. Never leave the stand unattended. The client needs a real employee who will give him the attention that no prospectus can replace.

How to ask questions and identify potential buyers. The key to success is asking the right questions and listening actively. The conversation should be in the form of questions and answers - this is the secret of finding potential buyers.

The 80/20 Rule: 80% of the time listen to what the customer is saying 20% ​​of the time tell the customer about your products and services.

The skill of asking questions is to get the client to relax and connect with him. Do not attack the visitor with your questions, he may have a feeling of interrogation. You have two ears and one mouth - use them in a 2:1 ratio.

6. Results of the exhibition

After the closing of the exhibition comes The final stage- Getting results.

As a rule, not agreements are concluded directly at the exhibition, but promising relations are established.

Immediately after the exhibition, real sales begin - meetings with established contacts and the execution of orders made.

The most common mistake made by exhibition participants is the lack of a work plan with established contacts. As a rule, this information is transferred to the sales department and safely forgotten there. Exhibitors do not take into account two very important points: firstly, this is the time during which you called the visitor after the exhibition, and secondly, different visitors should be approached differently. The decisive factor here is the emphasis on the final stage of the transaction, and for this, subsequent contacts with visitors quickly and efficiently.

How to turn contracts at exhibitions into concluded contracts?

Immediately after the exhibition, send out letters of gratitude to all visitors who have left information about themselves with words of gratitude for their interest in your exhibition. It is better to prepare such letters in advance, in preparation for the exhibition. Promise to contact the visitor within a week.

If you want the name of your company to remain in the memory of the visitor, your letter must reach him within 48 hours after the closing of the exhibition.

Grouping clients.

Group all questionnaires based on the degree of customer interest:

1. Great clients.

2. Good clients.

3. Average clients.

4. Unreliable clients.

5. Hard-to-reach clients.

This is the simplest and cheap way visitor classification.

Even before the exhibition, develop a telephone questionnaire. It should be short and contain only the essence, so that it can be completed in just a few minutes. Include directly in the questionnaire the opening phrase, questions about the visitor's needs for your products or services, questions about the timing and available funds, about how decisions are made in the buyer's firm, what actions should be taken.

Set deadlines. It is better to complete telephone conversations within a week after the closing of the exhibition. Rank your responses.

For example:
Cost per sale: Divide the total cost of exhibiting by the number of sales.
The cost of one established contact: RR: number of questionnaires collected.
Cost per call-acquired customer: RR/number of hot, good, and prospective customers.
Evaluate your productivity.
Set aside time to analyze and discuss with the exhibition staff.

Exhibitions are a great opportunity to promote your company in a particular market, provided:

1. If they are planned.

2. If a visitor goes to the exhibition with a specific goal to visit your stand, which, in turn, leaves no chance to pass by him for those who do not have this goal.

3. If your staff is able, willing and ready to work at the exhibition.

4. If after the exhibition you have accurate and informative records of negotiations on your table, "in hot pursuit" of which work immediately begins.

Exhibition is the only unique and universal event in which all marketing tools can be used. Often, participation in the exhibition does not require huge costs, but the correct and responsible preparation for the exhibition allows you to achieve significant results: increase sales, introduce new products or services, improve the image of your company, form a network of dealers or distributors, explore the market, etc.

There are many reasons why you should take participation in the exhibition.

Exhibitions provide an opportunity to:

  • sign contracts with potential partners
  • bring a new product to market
  • find new customers and partners
  • develop a new direction commercial activities
  • encourage staff activity
  • get information about the current situation on the market
  • support local sales agents
  • meet business partners, etc.

Where are the exhibitions held?

Industry specialized exhibitions most often carried out in two major exhibition centers(complexes) of Moscow: Krosus Expo or Expocentre. (link calendar of exhibitions in Moscow>>)

If you first made a decision participate in the exhibition, we will try to explain the simplest concepts that you will have to deal with when preparing for an event.

Preparing for the exhibition

How to participate in the exhibition correctly, how to effectively hold the exhibition and get excellent results? Tips and advice for exhibitors/exhibitors.

First of all, it is necessary to identify specific and realistic goals that you intend to achieve with participation in the exhibition. The most common of them:

  • present a new product or service
  • replenish the customer base
  • find new partners
  • announce your company
  • analyze a certain market segment, etc.

Of course, your company's goals may be unique.

Once the main goals have been determined, it will be useful to sketch plan their achievements, by selecting suitable tools for you, to prepare stand attendants for work at the exhibition. Undoubtedly, you are well aware of the basics of marketing and advertising, and we would not like to repeat simple truths, so we will give just a small example as an illustration.

Suppose your company is new to the market. In this case, it would be logical to focus on the stand in order to draw as much attention to it as possible. To do this, you can pre-book a “favorable” place on the plan, having studied in advance where the entrance to the pavilion, toilets, food points are located, that is, places where visitors gather. It may be helpful to know where industry leaders and competitors are located.

How to set up a stand at an exhibition

The stand of a new participant should be catchy and bright. In design exhibition stand can be used colored pasting, lighting, bright banners, beautiful and stylish furniture..

Exhibition stand(standard stand, exclusive stand) - this is the face of the company at the exhibition, it largely characterizes its position in the market, its potential, ambitions, opportunities, so many participants are focused on building an exclusive stand.

To design the company's exposition, you can use additional equipment for exhibitions: collapsible exhibition structures or a mobile exhibition stand. If the format of the exhibition and the budget allow, the desired effect will be achieved by exclusive development.

In the photo, the exhibition stands of the participants of the exhibition “…. – 2011, 2012”,
exclusive exhibition stands, non-standard building.

How to determine the size of the stand?

Often an exhibitor finds it difficult to determine and choose the size of an exhibition stand, because has no idea how the stand (exposition) will look like.

Exhibition stand size is determined based on the budget, technical need: demonstration of the equipment brought, arrangement of booklet holders, negotiation area, reception and the number of employees at the exhibition.

small stand(from 6 to 12 sq.m.) will allow you to compactly place information: posters, an information desk, a chair.

Medium stand(from 12 to 18 sq.m.) allows you to place showcases with product samples, several conference tables.

Large exhibition stand(from 20 sq.m. and more) - this is a large exhibition area for the work of a group of managers, includes negotiation areas, product demonstration areas, determines the company's level in the industry market.

Rules of work at the exhibition, for the staff of the participant

Probably, you have attended many events, and you will agree that it is not enough to attract visitors to the stand, you need to be able to work with them. Because we would like to recall the main staff rules at the exhibition.

It will be great if the employees of the participating company are neat, friendly and attentive to each visitor.

Before the exhibition, conduct training for employees, explain to them the goals of participation in the exhibition, the functions of each of them, who represents your target audience, etc. Awareness by employees of the goals of participation, methods and principles of work at the exhibition can turn your stand from an ordinary "showcase" into a springboard for moving towards new customers and new markets.

Employees must be communicative and well-informed about the company's activities, products and services. It's great if they are experienced salespeople. The exhibition is visited by different people, and the ability to determine the type of visitor and keep his attention is an important component of success.

If the exhibition is international, knowledge of a foreign language will obviously not interfere.

Even if a visitor passes by your stand, it is important for him to feel that you are interested in him. Then you will become interested in him. While waiting for visitors, you should not get carried away with phones, tablets, reading extraneous literature or eating directly on - no polite person will not want to distract you, and you will probably not notice him. That is why we propose to build up small utility rooms for catering at the exhibition (company stand) or use specialized catering points on the territory of the exhibition center.

When communicating, show your interest, engage in an active dialogue, invite the visitor to send materials to e-mail- you get his contact information in advance and even save printing, which is often refused to take because of the impressive weight. If you promise to contact the interlocutor after the event, be sure to do it. If you want the name of your company to remain in the memory of a person, the letter must reach him within 48 hours. During the exhibition, contacts should be systematized in order to remember their owners and not to miss anything important.

If at the exhibition you plan to negotiate with foreign visitors and partners, then you need to take care of the presence of an interpreter at the company's stand in advance.

Visitor attraction

We recommend making direct phone calls to key partners and customers and informing them that your company is participating in the exhibition. Definitely, your website should contain information that the company will take part in the exhibition and what you will represent there.

Of course, whatever the company's goals, as a rule, exhibitors expect from participation in the exhibition to increase sales and meet new customers. Often the organizers have to hear complaints about the insufficient number of visitors. Indeed, one of our tasks is to conduct an advertising campaign and attraction target audience to the exhibition.

However, do not forget that it is the participating company that should take care of a sufficient number of guests at each specific stand. For this we offer:

Publication of information about your company on the exhibition website;

We provide an unlimited number of free invitation cards so that you can make a targeted mailing to potential partners and customers in advance and invite them to visit your booth.

According to some experts, industry media should not be neglected either. You can send press releases or other informational materials about your company's activities for publication in industry media, especially if they are media partners of the exhibition. In this case, you can arrange an interview during the event or a report about the company itself. Thus, even before the start of the event, you will have the opportunity to make a tight schedule of meetings and negotiations at your stand.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the exhibition

Summing up and evaluating the effectiveness of exhibition activities.

It is worth remembering that after the exhibition is over, your work does not stop. To consolidate the emerging successes, it is necessary to act without delay. Arrange the next meeting with people you are interested in, send letters of gratitude for the interest shown to all new “acquaintances”. Every visitor who pays attention to your products or services deserves attention. Often, after participating in an exhibition, a lot of business cards with promising contacts accumulate, but when you return to your usual work schedule, you forget about them, wanting to deal with urgent issues that have accumulated during your absence. The designation of priorities is, of course, your right, but remember that business cards, contacts established at the exhibition, very quickly lose their relevance.

In summary, we can say that exhibitions are a great opportunity to promote a company in a particular market, provided:

  • If participation in them is planned in advance.
  • If some of the visitors go to the exhibition specifically to your stand, while others do not leave a chance to pass by.
  • If the staff knows how, wants and is ready to work at the exhibition.
  • If during the exhibition accurate and informative recordings of negotiations are prepared, "hot pursuit" of which work immediately begins.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Participation in a trade show can be a in a good way promoting their products, so this type of business is in demand, and the exhibition organizer can count on a constant influx of customers. At the same time, the exhibition can cover completely different types of human activity, so there is always the opportunity to find some niche that is not yet used by competitors.

The exhibitions present exhibits and related to economic sphere, including Agriculture, and to scientific, and to technical, and even to culture. Sometimes holding an exhibition event becomes the most effective advertising move, while it is visited mostly by potential customers who can get acquainted with products (and even services) right on the spot and make a choice. All this makes the exhibition business promising and becoming more widespread.

However, in major cities, as a rule, there are already large exhibition complexes that are known to most large enterprises, and participation in the exhibitions of this major player is already the key to success. But even in this case, the newcomer has a chance to conquer his market segment by opening a new niche or by playing on the provision of more profitable services. Not every entrepreneur can afford to participate in a major exhibition, because the price of entry is usually very high for a successful exhibition organizer.

In this regard, a properly advertised exhibition will also be able to attract its visitors, while the price of its organization will be much lower than in a well-known complex. Some entrepreneurs, especially in the field of art, even specially organize exhibitions such as underground, which attracts their own, certain, different contingent from the main one. Moreover, such an event can become even more successful than the one known throughout the city. In general, the organization of exhibitions is a kind of art. The art of advertising. Having creativity and a good marketing concept, even seemingly uninteresting events can be promoted.

Any beginner who wants to organize exhibitions also has the opportunity to choose the most convenient scheme of work for him, and even with a small start-up capital, he can break into this relatively unfree market. However, having studied it in more detail, it becomes clear that almost all possible niches are occupied only in cities of federal significance (but even there, in the case of an original idea, there is an opportunity to gain popularity), in others settlements usually there is one or two large trade and exhibition complexes, known to any resident of the city, and several exhibitions "of interest", which deal only with a certain area or topic. That is, in the regions, practically nothing prevents creative people from taking their place, providing partners and their consumers with something new and original.

Exhibition business is a concept that can combine several related, but slightly different types of activities. An important difference is whether a trade show or a cultural show is organized. At the same time, even economic enterprises they can organize a simple exhibition of their exhibits (for example, advanced developments), the purpose of which is, although drawing attention to their products, but not selling them. And vice versa, an exhibition of paintings, for example, can be entirely aimed at the implementation of the exhibited exhibits.

Ready-made ideas for your business

But it is better for an entrepreneur to try to engage in as many options, because it can be very difficult to attract partners who are ready to exhibit their exhibits, especially at first. Later, having occupied a certain niche and earned a name, it is worth thinking about a selective approach to those wishing to participate in the exhibition. At first, it is better to take on any idea only if it is not actively used by competitors.

To get started, you need to register as a subject entrepreneurial activity. In this case, it is possible to register both an individual entrepreneur and a legal entity, the preferred of which is an LLC - a company with limited liability. This is due to the fact that it is these forms that are allowed to use simplified system taxation and pay 15% (of operating profit) or 6% (of income) to the state. For this, it is worth allocating about 20 thousand rubles, part of this amount will go directly to pay the state fee, part - to other bureaucratic expenses. In terms of time, the registration procedure rarely takes more than one month.

For work, the code (OKPD 2) 82.30 Services for organizing conferences and trade exhibitions is used, but you can also enter (OKPD 2) 93.29 Other entertainment and recreation services. In the first case, as is clear from the definition, it will be possible to work by directly organizing trade events, in the second case, offering visitors simply to get acquainted with the exhibits. If you don't want to deal with everything on your own legal matters, you can contact specialized firm, which will register the entrepreneur as soon as possible and even provide legal assistance. But, of course, all this will not be free.

For further work it is worth deciding whether the entrepreneur will have his own premises or will constantly rent new sites. In the first case, he will have the opportunity to fully manage his building, hold exhibitions at a convenient time for business, and even use the site for other purposes, and not just for exhibitions. Otherwise, you will have to find a new room for each new event and negotiate with the owner about daily or even hourly rent.

Ready-made ideas for your business

In this type of business, it is ideal when a businessman already owns a large room - at least 100 m 2, but even such a site can be called small, because some exhibitions are held on areas up to 700 m 2. Then the entrepreneur is faced with the task of equipping the existing building for the purposes of his business and not wasting time and money constantly searching for premises and arranging them. Moreover, this is only beneficial if the premises are not rented, because you have to pay rent monthly, and this will be an extra waste of money, because sometimes events take place every few months. Therefore, if you do not have your own venue, it is better to rent it directly only for the event itself, renting out the already rented premises. But there will be difficulties with the delivery of equipment and its installation.

The site itself should be located in business or central areas of the city, because visitors will not go to the outskirts for the sake of the exhibition (or rather, a much smaller number of them will go there). Therefore, you should expect that the cost of rent will be very high. Today in large cities it is not a problem to find a room that is purposefully rented by the hour for exhibitions, while 100 m 2 are rented at a price of 2 thousand rubles per hour. In smaller towns, this amount is slightly lower.

The cost of rent will be included in the cost of entry for participants, therefore, in this aspect, the entrepreneur does not actually risk his own funds, but an overly expensive "entry ticket" can scare away many potential partners. If we take into account exactly the long-term lease, then you can find a large area (about 500 m 2) worth even up to 10 thousand rubles a month, but you need to rely on the fact that the landlord will provide literally bare walls. However, for the exhibition it is even more likely a plus. In some cases (especially during the warm season) exhibitions can also be held outdoors or in non-equipped premises (for example, in an unused parking lot). Usually in such cases they are looking for the most cheap options, because they still have to be constantly re-equipped for the purposes of each specific exhibition. If there are several million, as already mentioned, the premises can be completely redeemed as property. If it fails, it will still be good investment funds, for investing in real estate.

You can also find special offices that rent out premises directly for events. In this case, not only the cost of renting the premises itself is calculated, but also the furniture and equipment provided by the landlord that he has at his disposal. Usually these are universal things, but in some cases the landlord will even be able to provide shelving and display cases, which saves the businessman from having to bring his own - and this is a significant savings in transport and labor. In general, if you have to constantly rent new premises, then you will have to have your own, albeit a small one, because such an office will store not only necessary equipment, furniture and other accessories, but also special devices that allow the production of promotional materials.

Ready-made ideas for your business

This should include a machine for large-format printing (the cost of a machine is from 400 thousand rubles) and the corresponding peripherals. The entrepreneur will have to make a large number of advertising products, and in this case it is not always profitable to work with a third-party printing house. The purchased printing equipment will allow additional view activities (which can bring additional income) and independently print leaflets, banners and posters. Partners will appreciate this opportunity, because for the exhibition they will need a lot of printed materials to advertise their products and services. Since in the minds of the participants of the exhibition the belief has been developed that the organizer takes on all the advertising, we have to comply with this. The main thing is to make it clear that the organizer directly advertises the exhibition itself, and the participant must also deal directly with the advertising of their products.

A typical chain looks like this: the organizer finds the participants, then contacts advertising agency, which, in turn, orders the printing of products in the printing house. So, the maximum profit can be obtained if the last two participants in the chain are excluded altogether, therefore the exhibition business also involves the development of advertising and its printing within the same production. But, if the organizer does not have enough funds to establish such an enterprise, you will have to turn to intermediaries.

Many people will be involved in the organization of the exhibition itself. The entrepreneur himself, perhaps with his assistants, should be entirely engaged in the search for exhibitors. It all depends on what format of the exhibition will be used. Some firms are ready to arrange an exhibition entirely dedicated to its activities. Exhibitions that are dedicated to a particular field of activity work well, while competitors will participate in the same area and try to attract visitors to their stands. How they achieve this is the task of their performers, but together with the organizer certain rules for the exhibition are established. There are even exhibitions that cover several areas of human activity. Exhibitions of works of art deserve special mention, but at such sites they also turn into a commodity.

To make the exhibition work, you need to hire a lot of auxiliary workers who are ready to bring inventory, install equipment and do other power work. It is important that the exposition is properly arranged, because the visitor should not walk around it very quickly or get lost among the stands. Usually, the participants themselves attract employees who introduce visitors to the exhibits, hold quizzes and draws, sell products or hand out souvenirs. But the organizer’s employees should monitor the progress of the exhibition and observe its rules, if necessary, it is even worth attracting a private security company to provide security guards for the duration of the exhibition, because brawlers can show themselves everywhere. If any background music is expected, broadcasting of any materials and the like, then you need to hire operators who deal with technical support. The organizer also bears the burden of providing visitors with basic conditions - that is, the presence of a working bathroom and buffet, or at least a vending machine. At the same time, this can also bring additional profit.

Marketers are constantly working in the office, who monitor the market, identify market needs and find out which exhibitions will be relevant in the near future, which exhibitions will be held by competitors, what type of events are not of interest to the population. After determining the type of exhibition, they must provide the organizer with a program to promote the exhibition. However, ATL techniques are good here, while discussing with the participants what kind of contingent they want to see at the exhibition. Will they be ordinary people, among whom there will surely be at least a few interested, and the rest will become sources of word of mouth, will they be potential business partners or directly ready to purchase consumers. But one way or another, in each case, you need your own advertising campaign, which can use various methods.

A trade show is designed not only to provide consumers with exhibitors' products, but also to maintain or improve the company's image, stimulate sales growth, and even allow the manufacturer to become closer to the buyer. However, as noted above, some companies tend to simply show their achievements and participate in the exhibition only to maintain their name. Some exhibitions generally exist for the aesthetic pleasure of visitors - we are talking, of course, about exhibitions of culture and art (although for some, the aesthetic pleasure is to observe advanced technological products). In direct proportion to this, the organizer's source of income is established.

The simplest scheme for receiving money is when the organizer receives a fixed amount for organizing the exhibition. Most often, this is possible in cooperation with one participant, who pays simply for the demonstration of his products and does not aim to sell the product. He will pay the agreed amount according to the contract, and will not require any reports. It is similar to the activity of an advertising agency.

Perhaps the most common option is when participants pay for "entry" to the exhibition, after which they deduct funds to the organizer depending on the effectiveness of the event. In this case, after the exhibition, you will have to hire extras and analyzers who will provide a detailed report on the success of the event. And, finally, there is a scheme whereby tickets sold to direct visitors become a source of income. It is clear that this is possible only if the exhibition was of a cultural and entertainment nature. This is probably the most risky scheme of work, because the entrepreneur may not get anything at all. In some cases, the entrepreneur even works only for a percentage of the goods sold by the participants, although this, most often, is unprofitable for him.

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How to organize an exhibition of paintings.

Many aspiring artists, one way or another, are faced with this issue. Many believe that the number of exhibitions in the track record is directly proportional to the status of the artist in the world art rankings. Maybe it is so. In any case, to understand whether you need it or not, you need to start somewhere.

So, let's analyze this question - how to organize an exhibition of your own works of art. Personal exhibition. I will describe how to solve this problem from my experience and the experience of my colleagues.

First you need to have in your arsenal a certain number of completed and designed works. How to design your work is an individual matter, depending on what technique you work with and on the creative task that you set for yourself. In 2005, for the first personal exhibition held in the exhibition hall of the Moscow Library No. 204, I made frames from lumber purchased at the Moskvoretsky market. I puttyed the frames made of two block profiles and spray painted them with graffiti paints on the stairwell in my entrance. The field for ideas and creativity is vast - everything is in your hands ...

Finally, if you are ripe for the start of exhibition activities, you have works and an idea that you will carry to the viewer through your exhibition project, then the lion's part of the task has been completed. Now think again why you need all this and what you expect from it. If everything is ok, go for it!

If you work in traditional genres of fine art, then as an exhibition debut - (we consider a budget option), a good start can be made in the so-called intelligence centers, which in the last 10 years have been organized on the basis of public libraries. Moscow has a well-developed network of public libraries with its own exhibition space, where, after an interview with the library management, you can easily make an exhibition in the queue. I wrote about one of them above.

For artists working in the field of so-called contemporary art - contemporary art, a good debut can be made at the site of young art START at Winzavod.

A personal exhibition can be made at paid terms as part of the exhibition hall lease agreement for certain period. Prices and halls are different - information is freely available. I will give a positive example from my experience: I organized the festival of dark arts "All Shades of Darkness") in 2010 at the N Gallery in Beskudnikovo. Despite the relative remoteness from the center, the gallery is equipped with the latest technology: from excellent hanging equipment, good lighting, to the presence of concert smoke generators and a distributed audio system - which was very useful for holding the festival on the very high level. The rent also included the services of a PR manager to advertise the event in the media.

For a relatively small fee, you can exhibit in public exhibition halls, but here exhibition experience is taken into account - participation in group and personal exhibitions. As an example, I cite my personal exhibition at the State Exhibition Hall "On Kashirka" () Personal library exhibitions, by the way, are valued higher than participation in a group exhibition in a hall with a higher rank. Again, the exhibition in the library is recommended to promote as much as possible, do not spare money for articles in art newspapers and magazines - it all depends on the budget.

Having joined, for example, the Moscow Union of Artists and having gone through a simple procedure for admission to the union (showing several landscapes and studies painted in traditional technique), paying a small annual membership fee, you can participate in the exhibitions of the union. As a rule, exhibitions are a dull gathering of old farts, shaking on their paintings, hung in three rows on the walls ...

There is a practice of participating in various competitions, this method can also be a definite step. Basically, competitions are paid, as an example of the "International Assembly of Arts" and other similar events - there is also a three-level hanging, but the gathering of artists is already younger. There are competitions with free participation, for example, the annual competition "The Theme of Death in Contemporary Art" (held as part of the international exhibition of the funeral industry "Necropolis"), organized by Novosibirsk businessman Sergey Yakushin ()

There is a large selection of various group exhibitions with free participation, for example, exhibitions within the framework of the exhibition program of the Open Stage project (Povarskaya, 20), the LIK Foundation, the Mikhail Shemyakin Foundation (), etc. The Shemyakin Foundation, to my pleasure, offers interesting and pretty dark projects.

Nobody has canceled participation in paid exhibitions organized by various entrepreneurs and enthusiasts, for example, the exhibition project "Geysers of the Subconscious" of the Andrey Nekrasov International Center for the Arts (). Exhibitions within the framework of this project are usually held at pretentious exhibition areas, which captivates the ambitions of many artists who dream of exhibiting in sacred places, such as the Central House of Artists, Winzavod, State Exhibition Hall on Solyanka, Gallery A3, etc.

As a result of participation in group and personal exhibitions, artists accumulate experience in exhibition activities, determine priorities, make useful contacts, and there may be cases of selling paintings, which, of course, increases the self-esteem of the artist. The exhibition experience and contacts obtained as a result allow me to fit into the exhibition schedules of public and private galleries for free. It is possible to find your gallery owner. All of the above applies to artists working both in the outdated memetic genre and in modern postmodernist trends in contemporary art.

A separate loophole for contemporary art artists - there are no boundaries for exhibiting works defined for memetic art by gallery walls. Here you can rely on courage and anarchy in the choice of space for exhibiting works and creating art objects from improvised materials. Everything is possible here - from the inclusion of buildings and other elements of space in the exposition to experiments with fire and pyrotechnics. As an example, I cite the exhibitions held in the abandoned Flacon factory (now the Flacon Design Factory is now quite an official exhibition site) and in the tunnel under the Moscow-Volga Canal on Volokolamsk Highway and pedestrian crossing over the highway - as part of the Anti Biennale "Went! Where did you go?; the annual festival "FARSH" in an abandoned depot on Kurskaya Street in the very center of Moscow (http://www..html)... The apotheosis of the theme of the exploitation of alternative exhibition sites - brutal exhibitions art group BLACKMEAT in the Syansky quarries () and in the depot on Kurskaya ()

For experienced artists working advantageously within the framework of the so-called contemporary art, there is a system of grants, biennials, etc. A project approach is used here, when the artist prepares an exhibition project, sends it to the commission and defends it if the project is of interest to the host. Subsequently, the artist works on the project under the unobtrusive supervision of the curator. As a result, an exhibition - a project - in most cases in an advanced gallery. For example: , . The project approach is interesting because the product (in our case, the exhibition) becomes more solid and conscious.

As you can see, there are many ways to organize an exhibition of your paintings and other works of art, so courage and madness will help you.

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I would also be grateful if you write your feedback or comments (in the form after this text) from own experience organization and participation in exhibitions. Both positive and negative experiences are interesting.

Your own exhibition is an excellent PR move that will help you tell about yourself competently and interestingly. This is your advertising, expanding boundaries, finding customers and self-realization. You can exhibit everything that is done, selected and arranged by you personally. When preparing for the first exhibition, it is very important not to fall into the mud with your face, because it is this face that you will demonstrate in the future. Advice should be sought from professionals. They have a decent work experience, they know a lot about the visitors of not only Russian, but also international exhibitions, and they understand the specifics associated with organizational issues.

Karolina Khatkevich is an expert in exhibition matters. She is a designer and artist, as well as a member of the Creative Union. Karolina has been organizing international exhibitions for several years and knows everything about what aspiring artists need to do. Karolina's advice will be interesting also because she is the owner of her own gallery Karoart.


You may be surprised, but the time spent preparing for the exhibition takes at least six months. Organizational issues are resolved in 6 months, the concept is determined, the preparation of exhibits (materials) is completed. Any exhibition should be timed to a bright city event. It is not necessary to determine it in advance, but within six months it will make itself felt, and you will decide that the birthday of a famous artist or a city holiday will perfectly brighten up the day when you declare yourself to the world.


Yes, this is the truth of life. No aspiring artist or photographer can do without financial support. The first thing you need to do is put together a sponsorship package. A sponsorship package is a set of documents that will allow you to get acquainted with the feasibility of investing in your project.

In the first place - the value of the project for the city or region, as well as certain social groups. It will be good if your exhibition will be visited by potential sponsor clients or users of its commercial services. If you are looking for financial support from the state, it is important to talk about the benefits of the project in terms of training, education, glorification of the city.

It is also important to prescribe the structure of the event: when it will take place, who will be present, who is the author and organizer of the project. Present information clearly and efficiently. These documents are best presented in the form of a presentation.

Another important point is support. Enlist positive feedback. It can be given by authoritative specialists, scientists, universities. Make copies letters of recommendation and appeals.

And finally, the plan should indicate the minimum and maximum amount, as well as a list of advertising services and platforms provided to the sponsor. When calculating costs, consider everything: renting a room, a buffet table, the cost of materials. With regard to the sponsor's benefit, it is important to understand that he should not so much lose finances as gain new opportunities.


Make an eye-catching ad. If you managed to enlist the support of the media - this is half the battle. If TV does not want to talk about you, go to the Internet. There is social groups, bloggers and other platforms for posting information. Make the exhibition attractive to a potential viewer, intrigue, compose a bright title and make a stylish graphic design.


Solve the issue with the number of your works. If you are a member common project, there may be less than 10 of them, and if the author of his own exhibition - at least 50. Make a plan in advance: which works will definitely be included in the project, and which will only complement the collection. How exactly will you post your work? These questions need to be answered in advance, not at the last moment.


Get ready for difficulties. No plan will help you eliminate the effect of surprise and obstacles that accidentally arise along the way. Exhibitions, as a rule, do not take place in the form in which they are originally imagined. Contractors change, and the site type automatically adjusts the working conditions. Create a small team of people you trust - they will support you in difficult times and help you find a way out of any situation.
