Hydrophobic composition for concrete. What is a water repellent for concrete - types

During the construction of industrial and residential facilities, many people do not take into account the fact that many building materials have a porous structure. Indeed, materials such as bricks and blocks have a porous structure. And the porous structure of modern building materials is able to absorb excess moisture. And this very moisture dissolves the salts that are inside the material. Salts are released to the surface, and the moisture that is absorbed by these materials destroys their structure. And this negatively affects the properties of building materials that were used for the construction of buildings. In such cases, buildings lose their reliability and durability. But a similar problem can be solved if the surface is treated already finished building special solution - water repellent. In this article, together with the portal, we will talk about what a water repellent is.

All about water repellent solution

Water repellents are special solutions of organosilicon compounds that can be diluted with water or other organic solvents.
Water repellents have a special principle of action. It turns out that water repellent particles with the help of water or another solvent penetrate deep into the building material. After that, these particles create a vapor-permeable and water-repellent layer in the material, which is a reliable protector of the structure from moisture penetration.
Water repellents are available in various designs. So, there is a water repellent concentrate, which is designed to be diluted with water in appropriate proportions. Water repellents are also produced in the form of dry mixtures that are added to water or organic compounds. Today there are 2 categories of water repellents:

  • water-based water repellent;
  • silicone-based water repellent.

But silicone-based water repellents have gained great popularity. And this is due to the fact that these substances have excellent protective properties. Moreover, such hydraulic wobblers are highly durable.

Water repellents are suitable for processing walls made of ceramic or silicate brick. Marble surfaces are also treated with these substances. Suitable water repellent for processing gypsum and plaster.

Pay attention to reading the publication: How to warm up a frozen water pipe

How to hydrophobize surfaces

It is customary to process vertical and inclined surfaces with such a composition as a water repellent. Work on hydrophobization is recommended only in warm and dry weather. To treat the surface with this composition, you need to prepare in advance:

  • the composition of the water repellent;
  • brush, roller or spray gun;
  • antiseptic;
  • primer.

In order for the composition to be better absorbed before applying the solution, it is necessary to free the facade of the building from dirt and dust. You also need to remove fungal infections and mold. Before applying the composition, the surface of the building is recommended to be treated with an antifungal solution. And if the facade has greasy spots, then they are removed special solvent.
The brush during hydrophobization is used in order to get to hard-to-reach places building. For a flat surface, it is recommended to use a spray gun or roller.

I must say that the sprayer is considered the most economical option. Such a device will save your time and material consumption. If the building material has a high porosity, then one impregnation will not be enough. In this situation, it is recommended to apply the second layer of the composition as soon as the first layer of the solution dries slightly. After applying the water repellent, it is recommended to leave the surface of the facade alone for 24 hours so that the composition dries completely. Finished surface facade will have a faint sheen.
If you plan to build a reliable and durable building using porous materials, then the use of a water repellent will be right decision. Indeed, this composition will make any structure strong and durable.

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Concrete waterproofing

Concrete waterproofing is the process by which concrete surfaces such as floor slabs, walls, floors, etc. become waterproof. Exist various ways waterproofing devices.


Concrete is a building material consisting of cement, water, a number of fillers, reinforcing components, chemical and mineral additives. Sand and gravel are used as fillers, and metal reinforcement is mainly used for reinforcement, as well as glass and plastic fibers. Chemical additives make it possible to obtain concrete with special properties. Mineral additives are used to increase the strength of concrete. In addition, admixtures can be used in place of Portland cement, which is usually the main ingredient in concrete.

Waterproofing systems.

There are 2 main systems for waterproofing concrete - this is a complex system for waterproofing and a system based on the use of waterproofing membranes.

The integrated waterproofing system includes 2 subtypes: hydrophilic and hydrophobic waterproofing systems.

Exist various methods hydrophilic waterproofing devices, the most common of which is a crystalline waterproofing device. This method is based on the transformation of the water contained in the concrete into insoluble crystals. The action of a number of hydrophilic waterproofing materials is based on their property, upon contact with water, to absorb it, expand under its influence and thereby fill the pores of concrete, making it waterproof.

Hydrophobic waterproofing systems are based on the use of various waterproofing coatings, membranes, etc., which are applied with outside isolated structures.


Waterproofing membranes are liquid and sheet. Liquid membranes are applied to concrete and form a rubber coating about 6 mm thick. The main advantages of this waterproofing method are high performance in use and low cost.

Sheet membranes are made from bitumen. These membranes are laminated polyethylene films and the sheets thus obtained are glued to the concrete. It is a very durable waterproofing material. Sheet membranes are used for waterproofing foundations, underground parking lots, tunnels, etc. The main disadvantage of sheet membranes is that they are glued by hand,
leading to higher labor costs.

hydrophobic concrete

Unlike hydrophobic membranes, "hydrophobic concrete" represents a completely new advanced technology. It is not based on the waterproofing of ready-made concrete structures, but on the production of waterproof concrete. Hydrophobic concrete is obtained by introducing special additives at the stage of its production. These additives prevent capillary infiltration of water into the concrete, thereby making it waterproof. Such concrete is successfully used in Asia, Europe and Australia and has proven itself among builders, as it allows to produce construction works even in the rain.

Crystal waterproofing for concrete

The device of crystalline waterproofing is one of the options for the device of a complex waterproofing system. Let's look at how this is done. First of all, the area of ​​the concrete surface on which the waterproofing device is to be made must be moistened with water, then applied with a primer layer from a low density solution, and then covered with a crystalline waterproofing material, which is a high density solution. After that, the chemical diffusion process begins. The high density crystalline waterproofing solution penetrates the concrete to the low density solution until equilibrium is reached. After water enters the concrete, the hydration of the cement begins. The hydrated cement reacts with the crystalline waterproofing material contained in the concrete. During the diffusion process, the crystalline waterproofing material penetrates into the concrete to a depth of up to 30.5 cm. This method of waterproofing is very effective, since the crystals formed in the concrete are protected from any external damage. Another advantage is the heat resistance of the structure in an unchanged state up to 130 degrees. In addition, when installing waterproofing, the resistance of the structure of such chemical reaction, as carbonization, resulting in reduced leaching and destruction of concrete; the diffusion of chloride ions into the structure is prevented, which in turn protects the reinforcement embedded in the concrete from corrosion and expansion.

Injection waterproofing of concrete

In some cases, when repairing concrete structures, technology is used. This method is based on filling the resulting shrinkage cracks with polyurethane or epoxy resins. Less often, they resort to the introduction of cement-containing injection materials into concrete. Injection waterproofing recognized as the most efficient and fast way repair of concrete structures from leaks. With its help, you can stop a strong infiltration of water in a matter of minutes. The disadvantage of this technology is the high cost of the applied waterproofing materials.

Before proceeding with the waterproofing device concrete...

Even the strongest concrete cannot withstand constant moisture loads. Under their action, it gradually collapses, because the frozen concrete mass is a porous structure. In her a large number of the smallest capillaries through which water penetrates deep into the concrete structure. In winter, it freezes, expanding in volume, which leads to the appearance of pressure from within the concrete. This is how cracking occurs. Therefore, builders by all means and forces try to prevent moisture from entering the body of concrete. One of the most effective means is waterproofing, where various materials, one of them is a water repellent for concrete.

What it is

It is an organic binder-type impregnation that belongs to the "penetrating waterproofing" category. This impregnating liquid not only forms a thin layer on the concrete surface, protective film, which does not let water through, but also penetrates deep into the mass of the material, clogging the capillaries through which water can penetrate into the body of the structure.


Hydrophobic impregnations themselves appeared on construction market in the eighties of the last century. They were of organosilicon origin based on an aqueous solution. The first batches characterized themselves as flammable liquids, with low waterproofing qualities and a short service life. But a start had been made.

Today, manufacturers of waterproofing materials offer completely new water-repellent impregnations based on silicone. These materials are superior. The service life is 30 years, and this only applies to the film.

Because the mass that has penetrated into the concrete through the capillaries will hold out under the onslaught of moisture and water until the end of the service life of the concrete product itself. At the same time, manufacturers offer different consistency of water-repellent additives. These are ready-to-use solutions and emulsions or concentrates, which are diluted with water at the work site.

Everything related to concrete impregnations is divided into several positions.

  1. water repellent finishes, which are applied to the treated surface. This process is called hydrophobization.
  2. They are embedded in concrete. in the process of its preparation, which is poured at the destination. Such a solution is called hydrophobized. This option is better because concrete water repellents are distributed throughout the volume building mix which makes it one hundred percent water repellent.

Of course, if we carry out a double treatment with the introduction of impregnations into the mass of concrete, and then cover the structure with an additional layer, then we can talk about maximum protection. But from the purely economic side of the issue, this is not justified.

Hydrophobic concrete is usually used in hydraulic structures, where it is additionally treated with insulation. Today, manufacturers offer universal hydrophobic compounds for concrete, which can be used to process any building materials: stone (artificial and natural), wood, concrete and cement structures. By the way, for wooden surfaces it is not only a waterproofing, but also an antiseptic.

But experts recommend finding those compounds that are specially made for certain building materials. For example, a water repellent for stone or concrete. It is written on the packaging - impregnation for stone or stone.

Manufacturers and brands

The modern market for waterproofing materials is inundated with hydrophobic impregnations for concrete from different manufacturers. Among them there are quite popular brands, which will be discussed below. Water repellent "Kristallizol". Under this brand, several penetrating insulation materials are hidden. All of them are used to increase the waterproofing properties of concrete structures.

  • Water repellent Crystallisol W12 and W12 carpal. This is a liquid, but the first is used if there is a filtration of the concrete structure, the second if it is not.
  • "Elast". One-component cement-based composition.
  • "Repair". This is a plaster mix.
  • Water repellent "Kristallizol Suture". Penetrating insulation for sealing seams and cracks.
    "Tiprom" water repellent. This brand also has several types.
  • Water repellent Tiprom "K". This is a universal protection in the form of an organosilicon emulsion concentrate. They can process any material. Often it is called a water repellent for aerated concrete.
  • Typrom "U". This is a deep penetration impregnation.
  • Typrom "M". The manufacturer designated it as follows - a color modifier with the effect of a wet stone.
  • Typrom "D". This is a super concentrate that must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:24.
  • Type "C". It is a hydrophobic concrete additive that is used to make paving slabs, reinforced concrete products and plaster solutions.

Water repellent "Neogard". The manufacturer of this brand does not produce universal impregnations. All its products are divided by material, which is processed to protect against moisture. For concrete separately, for gas blocks separately, for wood separately, for brick separately. Their hydrophobicity is chosen so that each type could protect only its own building material.

Penta-811. This is a purely silicone impregnation, belonging to the category of "universal". Many experts believe that even metal surfaces can be processed with Penta, for example, a foundation on screw piles. And yet Penta is a penetrating waterproofing. It is sold in stores in the form of a concentrate. Depending on the porosity of the treated surface, the Penta concentrate can be diluted in proportions of 1:10-20.

According to customer reviews, a rating of the best 10 brands was compiled. In addition to water repellents Kristallizol, Neogard, Tiprom and Penta, it includes impregnations of the Aquasil, Optimist brands, liquid GKZh and others. Many of them are used as additives in concrete, but the compositions are mainly used as liquids for treating concrete surfaces.

Application rules

It should be noted that it is not difficult to apply a water repellent with your own hands on concrete. In fact, this is the process of conventional painting, where brushes, rollers and spray guns are used. But first, the surface must be cleaned.

  • Removes dirt and dust.
  • Paint and oil stains, fungus and mold are burned out.
  • Efflorescence is cleared.
  • The surface is dried.

Here are a few useful tips how and under what conditions it is necessary to apply a water repellent.

  • If a concentrate is used, then it must be diluted with water in the proportions indicated by the manufacturer in the instructions for use. It is impossible to use various solvents for preparation.
  • Even the finished composition must be thoroughly mixed before use.
  • Impregnation is applied evenly in one layer, that's enough. If areas are treated that are subject to moisture loads, for example, foundation plinths, then two layers can be applied. In this case, do not wait until the first layer dries.
  • When processing vertical planes, smudges of hydrophobic material should not be allowed.
  • Optimum temperature processing - + 5-30C.
  • Liquid can be applied only after 24 hours, as the concrete solution was poured.
  • Full dry time 24-72 hours depending on ambient temperature.
  • Check for quality applied material can only be applied after 24 hours.
  • If concrete processing carried out indoors, then it is necessary to organize airing or ventilation.
  • Strictly adhere to the measures Precautions: Wear gloves and goggles. If the liquid comes into contact with the skin, immediately wash the area.
  • impregnation consumption, used for concrete waterproofing is 0.25-0.5 liters per one square meter surfaces. Basically, it's a small amount.

Development modern technologies led to the emergence of modern market new building materials, which are improved classic products. For example, such an additive as a liquid, paste-like and even powder water repellent for concrete allows us to increase the service life, strength level and reliability of concrete mortars - we will try to find out which one is better in the framework of this article.

What is a water repellent

Hydrophobic additive in concrete - impregnation, which is a binder of organic origin. This substance applied to the surface with your own hands creates a dense protective film that reliably closes the pores on the surface, preventing moisture from penetrating into the very thickness of the material.

In addition, with the help of this kind of additives, concrete surfaces of any type are processed. Tiles can be treated with a water repellent, ceramic cladding, wood, natural and fake diamond and etc.

Modern manufacturers produce a huge number of highly specialized formulations designed for different type surfaces.
Each of these products is endowed with its own chemical, hydrodynamic, deformation and other properties.

The cost of hydrophobic additives

The price of additives and impregnations of this kind is a parameter that directly depends on the following factors:

  1. The building material for which this impregnation is intended;
  2. The number of characteristics the improvement of which will entail the use of this product;
  3. Manufacturer and trademark impregnation.


Hydrophobization of concrete surfaces is a process that occurs at the molecular level.

This process is related to:

  • Disappearance of destruction processes;
  • Disappearance of corrosion processes;
  • The impossibility of applying graffiti to the surface, which can disfigure the appearance of the facade of the building;
  • Saving formulations to create coatings and primers;
  • Preservation of the vapor permeability properties of the material;
  • Weakening of the water-attracting effect, which has a positive effect on moisture permeability parameters;
  • Simplification of the production of waterproofing works.

Surfaces that have undergone a hydrophobization process can retain their positive characteristics over a period of 30 years. And with deep impregnation, hydrophobic concrete retains its properties until the service life of the entire structure ends.

Types of hydrophobization process

Hydrophobic additives for concrete are made on the basis of silicone or organosilicon compounds, which are able to dissolve in water or organic substances. These funds can be added both in the process of creating the solution itself, and applied directly to the finished surface.

There are two main types of hydrophobization process:

  1. superficial. In this case, the hydrophobic composition for concrete is applied directly to the surface. When this additive dries, a thin foam is formed, which becomes a reliable barrier to the penetration of moisture into the pores of the monolith. Surface treatment is carried out in the process of working with already prefabricated structures such as concrete blocks;

Advice. Surface application should be done by roller, brush or pressure sprayer.

  1. Volumetric. The solution in this case is added at the stage of creating concrete structures, during the production of installation or repair work.
    This type of treatment allows you to protect the mortar throughout its volume, and not just on the surface:
    1. In production mortar or concrete products on an industrial scale, water-repellent additives diluted in water are introduced into the solution itself. In this case, the process with the penetration of this kind of additives into all pores of the structure. With this manufacturing method, cement stones are not formed, and the created mixture dries naturally and evenly;
    2. In the process of hydrophobization in a volumetric way within the framework of construction site holes are made in the thickness of the concrete product, into which a water repellent is injected under conditions high pressure in liquid state.

To create these same holes or to produce other mechanical processing of concrete structures, methods such as cutting reinforced concrete with diamond wheels and diamond drilling of holes in concrete can be applied.

The maximum hydrophobic properties of the material can be achieved by combining or surface-volume processing. The instruction of this method stipulates the need to create hydrophobic coating for concrete on structures made of hydrophobic mortar. But the high selling price makes its use not expedient in all cases.

A high level of moisture resistance and durability of concrete structures is achieved due to:

  • Increasing resistance to temperature fluctuations;
  • The impossibility of the freezing process of moisture located in the very thickness of the solution, and its further expansion, which entails rupture or cracking of concrete;
  • material increase;
  • Improvement of anticorrosive characteristics;
  • Changing the very structure of the concrete solution;
  • Prevention of efflorescence on the surface of the structure.


Timely processing of the structure will avoid many negative processes that entail the destruction of concrete products. The main thing is that the impregnation should be selected correctly in accordance with the type of surface, so, for example, a water repellent for aerated concrete should be used for aerated concrete masonry.

Learn more about how much positive qualities you can carry hydrophobic additives to concrete structures by watching the video in this article.

Moisture is one of the most dangerous factors corrosion of building materials. The strategy for protecting structures from destruction most often comes down to minimizing the contact of materials with water vapor and, directly, with water. Today any professional builder knows what a water repellent is, but we want to tell about this tool to those of you who want to protect your home from premature corrosion.

Hydrophobisers - what is it? We will not go into special terminology, and overload you with unnecessary concepts, let's just say:

water repellent- This is a special chemical solution that is designed to treat building materials in order to protect the latter from the damaging effects of moisture. In other words, it is a means to protect materials from water.

Buying a water repellent is the easiest way to solve the problem with high humidity. In more detail, the tool gives the following results:

  • Many times reduces the ability to absorb moisture in direct contact with water, reduces wetness.
  • It blocks the capillary suction of moisture with concrete and brick, especially at the junction of the basement with the foundation.
  • Increases the resistance of materials to adverse effects external environment, precipitation, wind, chemical and biological corrosion.
  • Increases the coefficient of frost resistance.
  • Interferes with formation of a dark raid on brick, concrete, wood and stone surfaces.
  • Prevents the formation of efflorescence on plaster, facing bricks and concrete.

You can buy a water repellent in any large hardware store. With it, you can reliably protect walls and other nodes from moisture. This is a convenient and inexpensive tool that greatly facilitates the work of builders and extends the life of building structures.

hydrophobicity), depending on the purpose and composition, can act differently. Most often, these agents include organosilicon copolymers. These substances penetrate deep into the materials by 2-15 mm, depending on their structure and porosity. Then the water dries up, and the polymers clog large capillaries, forming a polymer film.

Blockage of small pores is not required, since the surface tension of water does not allow drops to penetrate into them. As a result, the material continues active gas exchange, or, as they say, “breathes”. The resulting film does not allow the surface to grow with mosses and lichens, it does not develop on it. In addition, most modern hydrophobic compositions have antiseptic activity, which prevents the development of bacteria and fungi.

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There is not only a stone water repellent or a brick water repellent. The tool can be added to . This increases its elasticity due to the presence of surfactants in the composition. After hardening, it becomes better, its frost resistance, moisture resistance increase and the service life increases. As you can see, a water repellent for concrete can be used not only outside, but also inside (the so-called volume effect).

Stain and work in a similar way. As you know, wood does not like contact with water, because it deteriorates faster in the presence of moisture. This is due to the fact that a moist environment is necessary for the development of microorganisms such as bacteria and mold fungi, which use cellulose as a nutrient substrate.

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So, the principle of action of water repellents is to block large pores and capillaries, while small ones remain open. As a result, water droplets do not penetrate deep into the material, and gas exchange is not disturbed. There is a slight decrease in the activity of gas exchange within 20 - 30%, which does not have a critical effect on materials.

Water repellents for bricks - which one is better?

Recently, a large number have been built, whose facades are decorated facing brick. This is certainly a great choice, because this one does not need additional finishing decorative plasters, siding or lining. However, many owners of such houses are faced with a serious problem - the appearance white plaque on a brick. These are the so-called "effusions".

Efflorescence, is a plaque of various mineral compounds, in the vast majority - salts. AT building materials- brick, concrete, masonry mortar, plaster - contains various salts. Water evaporates from the surface of the brick, and salt precipitates. Thus, a whitish or gray coating is formed, which is not so easy to clean.

However, the most unpleasant thing is that after the plaque is removed, it appears again. The wall absorbs moisture during heavy rains, this moisture leaches salts from building materials, comes to the surface and evaporates. Salt, as you might guess, remains on the wall in the form of a raid again. What to do in this case? Buy a water repellent for bricks and solve the problem once and for all!

Water repellents for bricks are different. The market offers a variety of formulations, imported and own production. The tool has proven to be excellent. This is a complex preparation that is suitable for processing brick, concrete, asphalt, ceramics, stone, slate and many other materials. The composition is based on organosilicon, it also contains surfactants and biocidal components.

A water repellent for bricks whose price is higher is Kemasol, Wakker, Asolin, Aquafin. There are Russian drugs - Penta, Aquastat, Tiprom. In fact, all the funds listed are good, the specific composition is selected for specific needs, availability in the nearest store and cost play a significant role.

When are water repellents needed?

Water-repellent properties increase durability and appearance materials. For this reason, water repellent treatment is recommended in almost every case where contact with water is possible. External walls, paths, asphalt, roofing, foundation - all these elements, one way or another, need.

Particular attention should be paid to processing those developers who work in regions with a humid climate. It can be southern regions, as well as such regions as Leningrad, Pskov, Novgorod, the Republic of Karelia, coastal regions. The presence of wet forests and large water bodies also requires the use of special water-repellent agents.

In addition, the water repellent - the price of which is low - should be used in regions with a pronounced change of seasons. The continental climate of our country suggests the widespread use of such funds. The fact is that the moisture absorbed into the material freezes in winter and expands, thereby damaging its structure with the formation of microcracks.

Buying a water repellent for concrete is much easier and cheaper than subsequently repairing or rebuilding the basement, foundation or walls of the house. Water repellents for concrete, the price of which does not exceed 600 - 700 rubles per five-liter canister, can significantly extend the service life of the most critical building components. Think for yourself, is it worth saving on such funds?

Water repellent for brick or concrete is an aqueous solution of organosilicon copolymers. In addition, it contains surfactants and various chemical stabilizers. Such solutions are produced in the form of concentrates, ready for use.

Before processing with a hydrophobizing composition, you should prepare:

  1. Clean the surface to be treated from dirt, dust, paint, etc.;
  2. Remove old finish;
  3. Remove crumbling areas with a steel brush;
  4. Cracks and potholes to embroider and putty;
  5. Remove graffiti;
  6. Erase or wash off efflorescence on brick, concrete, plaster.

After the material is ready for processing, it is necessary to dilute the agent in accordance with the instructions. It's listed on the label. After that, you need to put on a long-sleeve robe, rubber gloves and goggles. Pour the diluted product into a paint bath and apply with a brush or roller, thoroughly wetting the surface. Porous surfaces require reapplication at intervals of 30 to 40 minutes.

Anyone, even an unprepared worker, can perform such work. The main thing is to follow the instructions and observe safety precautions: avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes, wash hands with soap and water after work. For processing large areas it is allowed to use machine-type sprayers, spray guns.

As you know, slate is one of the most common roofing in our country. To increase its service life, sheets should be treated with a water repellent. Like concrete, asbestos cement, from which slate is made, absorbs moisture. Having been saturated with moisture, the sheet becomes heavier, which increases the load on truss system roofs.

With the onset of frost, the moisture accumulated in the pores begins to freeze and expand, tearing the pores from the inside. As a result, the sheet cracks, and in the spring your roof may leak. To prevent this from happening, you should purchase a universal compound or water repellent for stone. Such a composition is well suited for processing slate and will protect your roof from leakage.

Another plus is that dust and dirt will not stick to your roof. She will always look clean and well-groomed. Slate will not darken from moisture, and in the off-season it will always remain “dry”. This will repel mold, moss, and green algae and keep your roof from turning green and swampy.

As a result of the use of hydrophobic impregnations, you will receive a lot of advantages:

  • The service life of the coating increases;
  • Slate does not crack from frozen water;
  • The roof is much less likely to leak;
  • The color of the slate stays like new.
  • Using a water repellent for stone

    It would seem that such a dense material as a stone certainly does not need protection from moisture. Completely wrong. The fact is that even such durable rocks as granite or marble are distinguished by their ability to absorb moisture. This is especially noticeable in water bodies, artificial ponds, pools, fountains. Often the stones are overgrown with greenery, covered with efflorescence or mold spots.
