Effective ways to treat diseases of tomato seedlings. Diseases of tomato seedlings and their treatment

Tomato is a capricious vegetable that needs attention and special care. It is possible to achieve success in growing a rich crop with a lot of effort, because in the process of growing tomatoes “behave” very capriciously. Tomatoes (especially when grown in middle lane and in northern regions) are at risk for a number of diseases. You can avoid many diseases of tomato seedlings with proper preparation soil and seeds, it is better to do it at home.

Healthy seedlings - a good harvest

Depending on the type of organism causing the pathology, fungal, viral, bacterial and non-infectious diseases are distinguished.

fungal diseases

They infect seedlings and develop on different parts germ and receive nutrition from its tissues. To reduce the risk of infection with diseases of this group, it is necessary to disinfect tools, greenhouses, soil and containers for planting, as well as buy seed produced by a trusted company.

Late blight or late blight

Dark brown spots on leaves, stems and fruits indicate infection of tomatoes with late blight or, in other words, brown rot. The spots gradually increase and the fruits become hard, and then soften. In wet weather, the spots are covered with a white coating. The fungus that causes late blight develops in the temperature range of 13-30 °C.

Potatoes, peppers, eggplants, and strawberries also suffer from this disease.

From diseased seedlings to get healthy tomatoes will not work. Phytophthora seedlings

Treatment of this disease of tomato seedlings can be carried out in a large number of ways.

  1. Method number 1. Remove damaged parts of the plant, then dilute one glass table salt in ten liters of water. You can spray seedlings and an adult plant with this solution.
  2. Method number 2. For the treatment of late blight, you can use an infusion prepared from one bucket of water, a liter of kefir and twenty drops of iodine. This mixture should be thoroughly mixed and used once a week.
  3. Method number 3. From improvised means, you can also prepare the following infusion, consisting of three liters of water and half a kilogram of chopped garlic. Leave this composition to infuse in a dark place for four to five days. Then the infusion must be diluted in a ratio of 120 g of infusion to twenty liters of water. To increase the effect, you can add 100 g laundry soap and boldly spray the bushes of the plant.

Treatment of seedlings with infusion of garlic

To prevent brown rot pests from appearing in your garden, the following control measures must be observed:

  • do not overfeed the plants;
  • implementation of the correct crop rotation;
  • process seed;
  • carry out moderate watering;
  • carry out preventive treatment with fungicides;
  • use varieties and hybrids resistant to late blight.


The name "black leg" refers to a group of diseases that have some similar symptoms and are transmitted through contaminated soil. These diseases are caused by fungi and bacteria. Molds feed on tissues, starting from the bottom of the seedling. There are fungi that release toxins into the plant and cause diseases in humans and animals. Bacteria cause decay, and the disease is visible only on an adult plant. In this case, the lower leaves turn yellow, curl and become stiff.

Bacterial rot is transmitted to neighboring bushes during dense planting.

If the plant is wilting, examine the stem above the root. A blackened and thin stem indicates a black leg disease in your tomatoes. Sprinkle their place of growth with ash, and then with a thin layer of calcined cooled river sand. To prevent infection of the rest of the seedlings, the soil should be treated with a solution of copper sulfate.

black leg seedling

Pests that cause blackleg grow well and multiply in high humidity.

To avoid this pathology, it is necessary to maintain the temperature regime and observe the irrigation process. It is also recommended to carefully prepare the soil for planting seeds for seedlings or planting them in open ground and in a greenhouse.

White leaf spot

Pests are fungi that are transmitted with infected plant organic matter. The first signs of infection are visible on the lower leaves, where gray-white spots with black patches appear. Later they darken and die. Then the whole tomato is infected, which leads to its death. On the initial stage infection, you can save the plant by spraying it with a Bordeaux mixture.

White spot on seedlings

If the infection appeared on seedlings, then it is necessary to destroy the infected seedling. Do not pour into containers for planting seedlings a large number of wood ash and pour a solution of potassium permanganate.

Infection occurs from plant organic matter, soil or seeds. The fungus that causes this disease penetrates through the roots and infects the tissues of the plant. To avoid infection with Fusarium wilt, it is necessary to treat tools, containers for seedlings, and soil.

Fusarium wilt seedlings


There are several types of rot: black, white, gray. For the treatment of seedlings, it is necessary to spray with the Hom fungicide, remove dried leaves, treat the soil with trichodermin 7 days before planting seedlings.

Viral diseases

Signs of infection with this group of diseases are difficult to determine in the early stages. The danger of infections lies in the asymptomaticity of ailments. In order to carry out an effective fight against viral diseases, it is necessary to include preventive and therapeutic measures in the complex.


The virus that causes this disease is transmitted through seedlings. Dark and light - green leaves arranged randomly, as if forming a mosaic. Then they turn yellow, wrinkle and crumble. It is necessary to use seeds 1 or 2 years old for prevention.

Mosaic of tomatoes - the beginning of the disease

For effective fight with the disease, solutions of potassium permanganate or urea are used.


This disease is caused by the tobacco mosaic virus. You can hear the second name of the disease - streak, as slight strokes appear on the plant. Ulcers appear on tomatoes, which leads to their fragility, low yield of tomatoes.

In order to overcome the streak, you must perform the following steps:

  • preparation of seeds, inventory, soil before planting;
  • do not plant seedlings densely.

Aspermia or in other words, seedlessness

This disease is characterized by stunting of the plant, in which the leaves become small, crinkled, the fruits are small and without seeds.

The virus is transmitted from an infected plant to each other, but this virus is not transmitted through seeds.

Bacterial diseases

The most common group of diseases of tomato seedlings. Treatment of bacterial infections is complicated by the lack of effective antibiotics. But still, to combat these diseases, it is necessary to increase the immunity of the shoots, and use insecticides to planting material and antibiotics for an adult plant.

Black bacterial spot

One of the dangerous diseases that is transmitted through soil and seeds. High humidity air and temperature can provoke the manifestation of this disease. Bacterial black spot pests thrive at 25-30°C and tolerate low temperatures very well. They die at a temperature of 56 ° C and above.

Black spot on seedlings

The bacterial infection is found on the seeds and on the plants themselves. The source of infection is the affected fruits, where the bacteria live up to 1.5 years. When planting tomatoes in a greenhouse, it must be remembered that the causative agent of black bacterial spot is transmitted from infected potatoes, eggplants, and peppers.

Outwardly, the signs of the disease manifest themselves as follows: small black watery spots appear on the leaves, surrounded by a yellow border. Also, spots can appear on the cotyledons, petioles and fruits, and black strokes form on the stems.

Black bacterial spot is quite insidious, since the seedlings have a healthy appearance, and the seeds are infected with an infection.

Measures to combat this disease:

  • purchase of healthy and high-quality seeds from trusted manufacturers;
  • destruction of diseased seedlings;
  • crop rotation;
  • carrying out disinfection of equipment, greenhouses and hotbeds;
  • removal of plant residues;
  • soil disinfection;
  • maintaining optimal humidity and temperature conditions;
  • seed treatment before sowing with the bacterial preparation Planriz at a concentration of 1%, when planting seedlings in the ground, add 0.5 ml of the preparation per plant to the well, and
  • spray the growing season with a 0.5% solution every 14 days for prevention;
  • seedlings can be treated with a 0.4% solution of Hom fungicide or 1% Bordeaux mixture.

Brown leaf spot

It is difficult for beginner summer residents to determine by external signs whether tomatoes are affected by late blight or brown leaf spot. Most often they are struck brown spot in greenhouses and greenhouses. The development of this pathology depends on climatic conditions. Favorable conditions for the development of brown spot are daily temperature drops from 11 to 15 ° C and high moisture content in soil and air (from 75 to 98%).

Brown spotting of tomatoes

Therefore, to prevent this disease, air humidity up to 60% and minimal temperature changes are necessary.

Sources of infection are:

  • infected vegetation residues;
  • ground soil;
  • garden tools;
  • glass and greenhouse frame.

Brown leaf spot is called cladosporiosis or leaf mold. External signs of damage appear on the underside of the leaf, in the form of light green spots, which later turn brown with an olive coating. If there are a lot of spots, they tend to merge, after which the sheet dries up. From the lower leaves, the disease quickly spreads to the upper ones.

With a strong lesion, signs of brown spotting appear on the petioles, stalks, sepals and ovary, which later falls off.

If this disease has appeared in your greenhouse or open field, the following control measures must be taken:

  • alternation of crops in greenhouses and greenhouses;
  • collection and destruction of diseased plants and affected plant residues;
  • maintenance of soil and air humidity up to 60-70%;
  • maintaining optimal temperature conditions;
  • carrying out processing of the frame and glazing of the greenhouse;
  • in last resort spraying with copper-containing fungicides.

Stolbur or phytoplasmosis

Tomato seedlings located in ground, this disease is transmitted by insect vectors. The danger of stolbur lies in the fact that the infected fruits do not have seeds, which causes great harm to the crop. This disease hurts periodically.

Favorable conditions for the development of infection are hot and dry weather. And the causative agents of stolbur hibernate in the roots of cultural and weeds.

Stolbur of tomatoes leads to the death of seedlings

Symptoms of this infection are visible on the surface of the cracked root, as well as the bark, which becomes brown. The fruits are lignified and have white vascular tissue, which is clearly visible in the section. Leaves are small pink or purple hue, and the petals are discolored or partially green in color.

To combat stolbur, measures must be taken:

  • carry out preventive treatment of cultivated and weed plants with insecticides;
  • plant a sunflower around the tomato bed, which will reduce the infection of tomatoes;
  • remove infected plants.

Bacterial mottle

The pests that cause this disease are phytopathogenic bacteria. They enter through stomata and lesions. This pathology is not very harmful and is rarely found on tomatoes growing in greenhouses and greenhouses. The infection is transmitted through seeds. favorably affects the development of the disease low temperature and high humidity.

Mottling of tomato seedlings

Spots appear on the leaves of the infected plant, which become yellow-brown in color. Then the spots are drained, the sheet curls and dries. Stems and fruits are rarely affected by this disease.

Treatment of mottling with special preparations is usually not carried out, but copper-containing preparations are sometimes used. It is necessary to remove damaged leaves, reduce humidity and temperature in the greenhouse.

Diseases of a non-infectious nature

This group of diseases is associated with a lack and imbalance minerals. Their deficiency is associated with the characteristics of the composition of the soil. Most often there is a deficiency of copper, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen. Their shortage can be eliminated by using fertilizers throughout the germination process of the plant.

Tomato diseases are developing rapidly. If immediate action is not taken, then good harvest you can forget. Delay can even lead to a complete loss of the crop.

The well-known rule - the disease is easier to prevent than to cure - fully applies to flora. But not every gardener knows how to deal with certain diseases that have overcome his "pets" in the garden, or how to prevent their occurrence.

Preventive measures will protect vegetables from diseases and pests in your garden. personal plot and minimize the risk of their occurrence.

Useful tomato and delicious vegetable, however, it is very delicate and susceptible to pests and pathogens. The development of various diseases on young seedlings can be prevented by knowing how to treat tomato seedlings from diseases at home and when it is better to do it. Preparation of seeds and spraying of seedlings, compliance with preventive measures will help you get a great harvest.

Possible diseases and methods of struggle

Tomato protection - required action, and it is worth starting at the stage of seed selection. It is best to initially sow varieties resistant to the harmful effects of pests and infections on seedlings. In the future, it is required systems approach in the processing of seedlings and grown plants.

To destroy young tomato plants can:

  1. Infections (fungi, viruses, bacteria).
  2. Non-communicable diseases associated with improper care and planting.
  3. Pests.


Pathogenic microorganisms are the most common cause of damage and death of tomato seedlings.

The most common infectious diseases of tomato seedlings are:

  1. Mosaic. A disease provoked by a virus and causing deformation, wrinkling and marbled color of the leaves of seedlings. If the plant does not die, subsequently the fruits on it will be small and ripen unevenly. It spreads through infected seeds, the remains of diseased plants in the soil, and is carried by pests (aphids, thrips, cicadas). Infected plants must be destroyed immediately.
  2. Bacteriosis. Causes rapid wilting of seedlings, even when good conditions environment and adequate watering. Bacteria from the soil spread to the root system and throughout the plant, blocking its vascular system. It is not subject to treatment, however, its spread can be stopped with the help of microbacterial preparations, for example, Fitoflavin 100.
  3. Dry spotting (alternariosis). It appears as concentric spots on the leaves and stem of tomatoes. It has a fungal nature, respectively, it is treated by treatment with fungicidal preparations. In the absence of proper preventive treatment, the fruits will crack, depressed round spots will appear on them, and with high humidity, a black coating will also appear.
  4. Blackleg. A disease of fungal origin that occurs with high soil moisture, insufficient ventilation and dense planting of seedlings. The fungus affects the vessels of the root zone of the plant stem, and even if the seedling does not die, you should not expect a harvest from it. Manifested by darkening and drying of seedling stems. To prevent the development of the disease, the soil for seedlings is treated antifungal drugs(fungicides), for example, Fitosporin-M. It does not make sense to save heavily damaged plants, they are removed and burned, the rest are treated with copper sulphate.
  5. Late blight. The most dangerous and widespread disease that can destroy almost the entire tomato crop. It is caused by fungal spores that can penetrate the seedlings through the ground, seeds, garden tools, plant debris in the soil. It appears in the form small size spots on the back of the leaves, and later on the stems. If left untreated, it affects the fruits, covering them with large black spots. In addition to fungicide treatment, seedlings also need to be fertilized with potash and phosphorus fertilizers. Folk remedies are also highly effective in the fight against late blight.
  6. black spot. A disease caused by bacteria that actively multiply in conditions of high temperature and humidity. It appears as a blackening of the leaves of seedlings with the appearance of dots and strokes on them. Subsequently, it affects the fruits. It is transmitted through seeds or soil and may not manifest itself at first until the formation of fruits. For prevention, seeds should be carefully treated before sowing, and young seedlings before transplanting into open ground.
  7. Brown spotting. A disease of a bacterial nature, manifested in the form of gray-yellow spots on the leaves of seedlings. It spreads rapidly, especially with abundant watering and high humidity in the place where the plants are kept, therefore, immediate treatment of seedlings with antibiotics is required.

Worth knowing! Fungicides and antibacterial drugs in the fight against diseases of tomato seedlings are quite effective, but the final result of treatment depends on correct selection facilities.


Not only pathogenic microorganisms can lead to diseases of tomato seedlings. Quite often, problems are caused by a violation of the mineral balance in the soil, an overabundance or lack of micronutrients. Also, the cause of damage to seedlings can be improper soil treatment, which slows down the absorption of nutrients by plants.

By the appearance of plants, you can understand what elements it lacks:

  1. Nitrogen. The growth of stems and leaves of plants slows down, young leaves may acquire a yellowish tint.
  2. Potassium. The lower leaves of the seedlings turn gray, the upper ones become yellow-brown, the stem becomes thinner and stiff.
  3. Phosphorus. The leaves take on a reddish-purple hue, the reproductive organs of the plant are formed slowly. Phosphorus deficiency often occurs at low temperatures.
  4. Bor. New leaves on seedlings appear light and brittle, have an irregular shape, the growth point dies off.
  5. Calcium. The leaves are deformed root system dies, young leaves wrinkle and develop poorly.
  6. Iron. Young leaves of seedlings turn yellow. Some varieties of tomatoes are resistant to iron deficiency and bear excellent fruit.
  7. Copper. Wilting of leaves and damage to plant roots. Often occurs with an excess of peat in the soil.
  8. Chlorine. Sagging and wilting of leaves caused by a violation of water metabolism in plants.

Treatment and prevention of diseases caused by nutritional deficiencies include the following activities:

  • careful selection of soil for seedlings;
  • the use of complex mineral fertilizers, and preparations with the necessary microelements when the first signs of the disease appear;
  • regular moderate watering.

Timely feeding of young plants will allow you to grow strong specimens that are resistant to harmful microorganisms.


Tomato seedlings are extremely susceptible to the effects various insects. If immediate pest control measures are not taken, there is a high risk that all seedlings will die.

Active reproduction of insects on seedlings is facilitated by:

  • heat;
  • high humidity;
  • excess fertilizer;
  • prevalence of weeds around seedlings;
  • poor soil disinfection before sowing;
  • dense, loose soil.

Thrips - dangerous pests for tomato seedlings

The main pests for tomato seedlings are:

  1. Thrips. Small sucking insects that feed on plant sap. They multiply rapidly, and their presence can be determined by the presence of light spots on the leaves of seedlings. It is extremely difficult to remove thrips, and repeated spraying of plants with infusions of tobacco or garlic is required. As well as the use of insecticides ("Fitoverm", "Karate", Aktellik).
  2. Whitefly. A flying insect that spreads soot fungus spores to plants through its bites. The presence of whitefly and its future offspring on plants is evidenced by insect eggs laid on the back of the leaves and covered with white bloom, as well as drying out and slow development of the leaves. An effective tool in the fight against this pest is "Phosbecid".
  3. Melon aphid. The aphid settles on the back side of the seedling leaves and feeds on the juices of the seedlings. Aphid secretions are food for ants, so the presence of an anthill near the seedlings indicates the presence of this pest. For prevention, anthills and weeds should be eliminated, as well as products such as "Fitoverm" or "Aktellika" should be used.
  4. Garden owl. Tomato seedlings can be harmed not so much by adult insects as by their larvae left by the female pest on the leaves of seedlings or neighboring weeds. The presence of scoops is evidenced by the laying of yellow-green eggs located on the reverse side of the leaves. An effective remedy against them is Dendrobacillin, which should be used immediately.
  5. Sprout fly. It is born from pupae wintering in the soil and appears at the end of March-April. Insects lay their eggs in the soil, and the larvae born from them destroy the seeds, or penetrate through the roots of the plant into the stems of young seedlings. For prevention, seed treatment and thorough loosening of the soil are required. And if plants are damaged, treat them with Iskra or Fentiuram preparations.

Some chemical insecticides are effective until the end of the season after a single treatment, others require regular use, as they are not resistant to precipitation.

After processing plants with fruits, harvesting can be done no earlier than 20 days later.

Important! The use of chemicals destroys not only pests, but also beneficial insects (bees, spiders, ladybugs). Such drugs should be used in minimal quantities.

Processing period

To obtain an excellent harvest of tomatoes, special events are required, which are carried out in the following periods:

  1. August-September: cleaning the area for planting tomatoes from weeds, destruction of perennial plants using a herbicide, for example, Hurricane Forte.
  2. October-November: deep digging of the soil in the area, for good freezing of the soil, in which fungal spores and insect larvae can live.
  3. March: preparation of seeds for sowing by soaking them in a solution of potassium permanganate (for 30 minutes), or drying at a temperature of 30 ° C for three days.

Spraying tomato seedlings is at the stage of its transplantation into open ground. It is best to choose natural products with beneficial bacteria that begin to actively multiply in the soil and on the plant, suppressing harmful microorganisms. Such products are absolutely safe for fetuses and humans.

Before transplanting tomato seedlings to the site, it is also worth soaking its roots for a couple of hours in an insecticidal composition to protect the plants from pests.

What to process

Not only chemicals able to prevent the development of diseases in tomato seedlings and adult plants. For these purposes, you can use folk methods that involve processing with natural and environmentally friendly compounds, and even ordinary medicines from a home first aid kit. Such funds are quite effective not only for prevention, but also for the treatment of diseases of tomato seedlings.

Folk remedies

Most effective against fungi and infections folk remedies for the treatment of seedlings and adult tomato plants are:

  1. Garlic
    One and a half cups of chopped arrows and heads of garlic, pour 10 liters of water and insist for a day. Add 2 g of potassium permanganate to the strained tincture. Treat the seedlings with the resulting composition, and then, after the formation of fruits, spray the plants with it every two weeks.
  2. Milk serum
    An absolutely natural and ecological product that can be used daily for the treatment of seedlings and adult plants.
  3. saline solution
    Dilute a glass of table salt in a bucket clean water and process the plants until the fruit ripens.
  4. Milk with iodine
    Add 15 drops of iodine to 1 liter of skimmed milk, and dilute the resulting mixture in 10 liters of water. Apply once every 15 days. The tool is effective not only against microbes, but also contributes to the ripening of tomatoes.
  5. Yeast
    Dilute 100 g of ordinary baker's yeast in 10 liters of water and spray seedlings when the first signs of disease are found. It can also be used as a top dressing.
  6. Mushrooms
    Grind 100 g of tinder fungus and pour a liter of boiling water. Apply for spraying every two weeks to prevent late blight.

Worth knowing! Before starting treatment, all affected leaves should be removed from seedlings, and damaged ovaries from adult plants, and only after that proceed with spraying.

Pharmacy funds

For the treatment of seedlings of tomatoes and adult plants, you can also use conventional medicines from a first-aid kit.

Suitable for spraying tomatoes:

All of these funds are effective in combating late blight and other diseases. infectious diseases tomato seedlings.


Despite the high efficiency of folk and pharmaceutical products, it is best to deal with infectious diseases and pests of tomato seedlings with special ready-made means of industrial production.

Worth knowing! Any chemical preparations are not absolutely safe and should be used strictly following the manufacturer's instructions and recommendations.

Fungicides are most often used for the prevention and treatment of tomato diseases. Such funds are:

  • chemical inorganic origin (with salts, sulfur, copper, iron);
  • organic chemicals (carbamades, trialsols, morpholines);
  • biological (from bacteria, plants, fungi).

For the treatment of tomato seedlings are used special means intended for use during the growing season. Such drugs may be:

  • preventive;
  • therapeutic (used when the first signs of the disease are detected)
  • immunizing.

Depending on the method of exposure, fungicides are:

  • contact (used for spraying the entire plant);
  • systemic (pour into the root zone, after which they circulate inside the plant along with the juice).

For the prevention and treatment of seedlings and adult tomato plants, it is worth choosing broad-spectrum preparations, since it is not always possible to accurately determine the disease that has affected the plant and buy the right funds.

The number of treatments and the timing of their implementation depend on:

  • the chosen drug;
  • climatic conditions;
  • plant growth phases.

Important! When the first signs of the disease are found on seedlings, an extraordinary treatment of plants with a fungicidal preparation is carried out.

Contact formulations for spraying tomatoes ("Acrobat", "Fundazol", "Bordeaux mixture") protect plants for two to three weeks, after which re-treatment is carried out. Most of these products are not resistant to precipitation and are washed off the plant. Systemic preparations, for example, "Kvadris" are able to protect plants for a longer period (up to a month).

Bordeaux liquid effective remedy not only for processing trees. but also for tomato bushes. You can learn more about the preparation of the composition in the article "".

To treat seedlings and prevent the development of diseases, HOM (copper oxychloride) is often used. Experienced gardeners claim that it is enough to process tomatoes with this remedy only 4 times per season.


It is much easier to prevent the development of diseases of seedlings and adult tomato plants than to treat them.

The most effective preventive measures are:

  1. The choice of early ripening varieties of tomatoes, the ripening of the fruits of which occurs earlier than the period of the spread of diseases.
  2. Crop rotation. Tomatoes should be planted in areas where onions, carrots, beets, cauliflower. It is worth avoiding the neighborhood of tomatoes with potatoes and not planting plants in the same place, especially if they have previously been affected by late blight.
  3. Land processing. The soil around the tomatoes should be treated with Fitosporin, which is detrimental to fungi and bacteria.
  4. Water the seedlings only under the root, so that the water does not affect the leaves.
  5. With strong temperature fluctuations, seedlings should be covered with oilcloth at night.
  6. Weeds and lower leaves of tomatoes should be removed to ensure sufficient air flow to the plant and drying of the soil, since most diseases develop under conditions high humidity.

The most common and dangerous diseases tomato seedlings. Photos of diseased seedlings, description and signs of damage, preventive measures and effective ways to treat all diseases.

Tomato seedlings do not have as many diseases as adult plants. But any disease at an early stage can lead to the death of the plant, and sometimes to the complete loss of all seedlings. In the seedling period, the disease is much easier to prevent than to fight it later. If you care for tomatoes completely carelessly, then pests can also attack them.

Modern tomato varieties are resistant to most diseases, especially during the seedling growth period. But if grown improperly, they can still be affected by diseases.

When grown on a windowsill, spider mites sometimes attack tomatoes.

Diseases of tomato seedlings

The main cause of all diseases of tomato seedlings is poor-quality soil. Before using, it must either be frozen, or steamed, or treated with chemicals. The best effect is given by soil treatment in combination with one of these methods.

The cause of the disease is contaminated soil. On tomatoes, pathogens can be both pathogenic fungi and soil bacteria. This distinguishes the “black leg” of tomatoes from that on seedlings of other crops (cucumbers, peppers, eggplants), where pathogenic fungi are pathogens.

It looks like a "black leg" on tomato seedlings

Description of pathogens

bacterial the variety is caused by bacteria of the genus Ervinia. Microorganisms live in the soil, affect potatoes and tomatoes. Tomatoes are more likely to get sick in the early period of development. The pathogen enters the plant through microcracks in the roots and lower part of the stem, through root hairs, and also when picking tomatoes.

Favorable factors for the development of the disease are high humidity, poor ventilation and thickened seedlings.

The pathogen easily enters neighboring plants with water, earth and air. Therefore, the bacterial variety is extremely contagious, unlike the fungal form of the disease.

The development of the disease is promoted by elevated temperature and soil moisture.

Signs of defeat

bacterial form. The source of infection is the land taken from under the potato. Microorganisms infect the roots and lower part of the stem. The disease usually spreads to all tomato seedlings.

The disease on seedlings develops slowly and usually at home, tomatoes look healthy, but weak. The full picture of infection appears after planting the plants in the ground, although, in advanced cases, the constriction of the stem may already form on the windowsill.

If the plant is pulled by the stem, the constriction breaks and dark mucous contents flow out of it - the main indicator of a bacterial infection.

fungal form. The disease develops very quickly and can destroy tomato seedlings within 1-2 days. It can affect seedlings in the phase of cotyledon leaves, but most often it enters plants after picking through damaged roots. But from one plant to another is transmitted only with the soil. And if the rest of the tomatoes are healthy and grow in a different soil than the diseased specimen, then they can get sick only when sick and healthy plants are loosened with one tool, or when healthy tomatoes are dived into infected soil.

  1. The roots are dying.
  2. The lower part of the stem turns black. In the future, the affected part dries out, becomes thinner, forming a constriction, as a result of which water ceases to flow into the aerial part.
  3. The plant falls and dries up.

If you pull the stem, the plant is easily removed from the soil, since the roots are practically absent. The stalk at the site of the lesion does not break (unlike the bacterial form).

Fungal form of "Blackleg"

In the photo above you see a seedling affected by the fungal form of the "black leg". If each plant is grown in a separate container, then the risk of spreading the disease through seedlings is minimal.

The difference between a bacterial form and a fungal infection. With a bacterial infection, the constriction on the stem is small and there is always a stump of a healthy stem under it. With a fungal form, the stem dries out from the ground, while there are no stumps.

Treatment of the disease

Since the use of chemicals in residential areas is limited, it is quite difficult to treat this disease.

bacterial form
  1. When black spots appear on the lower part of the stem, tomato seedlings are shed with a raspberry solution of potassium permanganate.
  2. Watering under the root with biological products Baktofit, Planriz, Vitaplan. After 7 days, re-watering is carried out.
  3. If the tomatoes are in a greenhouse and are not brought into the house at night, then they can be sprayed and spilled with a solution of Previkur Energy. After 7 days, the treatment is repeated. After processing, the tomatoes are shaded.
fungal form
  1. Diseased plants are removed immediately.
  2. The rest of the seedlings are shed with a raspberry solution of potassium permanganate and no longer watered for a week.
  3. After 7 days, if there are no new affected plants, the tomatoes are shed with a solution of Fitosporin or Trichodermin.

effective folk ways from the "black leg" does not exist.


Carrying out preventive measures allows you to avoid almost any disease on seedlings, including the "black leg".

Soil treatment before sowing seeds is required. It is frozen out, kept in the cold for several days, so that the earth is completely frozen. Then they bring it into the room and let it warm up well. When the earth becomes warm, it is again taken out into the cold. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times.

You can bake the soil in the oven. But if it is purchased with fertilizers added to it, then this method will not work, because fertilizers decompose at high temperatures. In any case, after calcination, Fitosporin or Trichodermin should be added to the ground for seedlings.

The simplest, but no less effective way is to spill the earth with boiling water with potassium permanganate diluted in it.

Other preventive measures:

  • dressing seeds before sowing;
  • disinfection of containers for seedlings;
  • thinning thickened crops;
  • rare and not very plentiful watering;
  • timely picking;
  • good seedling ventilation.

With properly carried out prevention, the "black leg" will not appear.

How can seedlings be saved?

If you need to get seedlings at any cost, then cut off the top of the affected plant and put it in a jar of water. After a while, it will give roots. It is desirable to plant such tomatoes immediately in a permanent place. They come into fruiting much later and their yield is lower, but it will still be. In this way, rare varieties can be preserved.

The causative agent is the pathogenic fungus Fusarium. Lives in soil and plant debris. Favorable conditions for development are the soil temperature of 22-30°C and its high humidity. The high nitrogen content in the soil provokes the development of this disease in tomato seedlings. In the photo below, a plant affected by Fusarium.

This is what Fusarium wilt looks like on tomato seedlings.

Signs of defeat

The pathogen penetrates into the tissues through root hairs damaged during picking. It affects the vessels of the roots and the lower part of the stem. A pink coating appears on the root neck and on the stem near the soil. The lower leaves lose turgor and hang, the veins turn yellow. Since the process develops rapidly on young tomatoes, the leaves do not have time to turn yellow, the tomatoes fall.

When you try to pull the tomatoes out of the ground, the stalk does not break, and the roots hold the plant firmly in the soil.

How to treat the disease

Harsh chemicals are used to treat tomato seedlings.

  1. Watering tomatoes with preparations Previkur, Maxim gardener or Vectra. After 7 days watering is repeated.
  2. Watering with a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Seed dressing for the prevention of Fusarium.

Disease prevention

  1. Mandatory disinfection of the soil before sowing.
  2. Seed dressing.
  3. Pre-sowing soaking of seeds in a solution of Fitosporin or Planriz.
  4. Preventive watering of tomato seedlings with biological products (Planriz, Trichodermin, Baktofit, Fitosporin) once every 2 weeks.
  5. Moderate watering.
  6. Use for fertilizing fertilizers containing a minimum amount of nitrogen.
  7. Regular airing of seedlings.

Fusarium seedlings of tomatoes rarely get sick. But if the disease has appeared, then measures must be taken immediately, since it spreads instantly.

root rot

The causative agents are soil-borne pathogenic fungi. The photo clearly shows the consequences of such a disease.

root rot

Signs of the disease. Depending on the pathogen, they may differ, but root rot is common. Seedlings tend to look healthy but suddenly fall off. When pulling tomatoes out of the soil, they are easily removed, because the roots are partially or completely rotted. If you dig the ground, then at the location of the roots you can find a lump of mucus.

Control measures only preventive, because the tomatoes look healthy until the very last stage of the disease, and when they fall, there is nothing to treat, since there are no roots.

Prevention consists in pouring tomato seedlings with a weak pink solution of potassium permanganate every 15 days. The soil must be disinfected before sowing.

Folk remedies. Watering the culture with a solution of iodine (10 drops per liter of water).

late blight

Usually, late blight affects adult plants during the fruiting period. But it happens that seedlings also get sick, especially if at the same time there is infected potatoes in the room. IN southern regions the disease often persists on tomato seeds, so sometimes seedlings self-infect.

Tomatoes suffer from late blight

In the seedling period, it affects leaves, sometimes petioles.

  1. Brown spots appear on the leaves. In young seedlings, they are usually small, on sheet plate there are 1-2 of them, located along the edge of the sheet closer to its tip. Gradually, they spread to the entire leaf blade.
  2. On the underside, the spots are also brown with a barely distinguishable whitish coating, which may not be there.
  3. The spots quickly turn black, the fabric dries out.
  4. Brown streaks appear on petioles.

Young tomatoes resist the disease quite successfully and usually do not die.

Treatment of the disease

In the initial period of development, tomatoes tolerate late blight without much damage. But, even if the signs of the disease completely disappear, the plants remain carriers of the pathogen and subsequently fall ill with late blight very early.

Therefore, if young tomatoes are sick, then it is better to throw them away and not risk a further harvest. If it is necessary to save tomatoes no matter what (for example, a rare variety), then they are treated with any copper-containing preparation HOM, OxyHOM, Abiga-Peak, etc., except for the Bordeaux mixture (it is ineffective for this disease). Symptoms of the disease may disappear after a single treatment. But in order to prevent early development of phytophthora, such tomatoes are planted separately, and further treatment with copper preparations is carried out every 10 days.

However, the symptoms of the disease may remain, but it will develop slowly. It is useless to treat such seedlings, they are thrown away.

Prevention. Tomato seedlings and potato tubers should not be together in the same room. You can not place them together even in a greenhouse. Potatoes for germination can only be taken out to the greenhouse where tomatoes will not be grown this year.

Septoria or white spot

The causative agent is a pathogenic fungus. Spores hibernate on plant debris. In addition to tomatoes, eggplants are affected, less often potatoes. Favorable conditions for the development of the disease in tomato seedlings are a temperature of 15-20 ° C and high soil moisture.

The photo shows a plant affected by septoria.

Signs of defeat. The disease often appears on the leaves, less often on the stems. In adult tomatoes, flowers and fruits can be affected. Both in adult plants and in seedlings, the disease begins with the lower leaves. Small dirty white spots appear on them with a brown border and brown dots in the center. Gradually, the spots grow, merge and spread throughout the leaf blade. The leaves turn brown, curl, dry out, and the disease progresses, climbing up the stem.

How to treat. With an early lesion with septoria, the plants die. With late, if left untreated, you can lose the crop.

If septoria appeared on already strong seedlings, then the diseased leaves are cut off, and the seedlings themselves are sprayed with copper preparations. Repeated spraying is carried out after 10 days. If the tomatoes are sick at an early stage, then they are removed, since it is useless to treat them.

From the affected plants remove all healthy seedlings not only tomatoes, but also peppers with eggplants.

Prevention. Mandatory soil disinfection and seed dressing.

Bacterial mottle

The causative agent is bacteria. Leaves are affected. The pathogen penetrates through mechanical tissue damage and through stomata. They hibernate on the roots of plants in the soil; they do not persist in a free form. When the disease is controlled, its harmfulness is small.

Bacterial mottling on tomato leaves.

Signs of the disease. Bacterial mottling starts from the lower leaves. Small brown spots with a yellowish border appear on them. Gradually, the spots increase in size, the leaf acquires yellow. Later, the spots merge, the leaf curls and dries.

How to cure. Since the disease is not harmful and spreads slowly, it is enough to cut off diseased leaves. However, in advanced cases, it can spread faster. Since it is undesirable for diseased seedlings, it is sprayed with Baktovit, Trichodermin.

Prevention. Since the disease begins to progress at high temperature and humidity, to prevent the disease, reduce the temperature, especially at night, and reduce watering.

Tomato seedling pests

The main pest of tomato seedlings is the spider mite.

Description of the pest. The tick is microscopic in size, greenish-yellow or orange in color. The pest is extremely prolific. At home, a new generation appears every 8-10 days. Arachnids are very voracious and, with a lack of nutrition, can even affect plants that are usually unsuitable for them.

Signs of defeat. Tomatoes spider mite usually not affected. They are repelled by pubescent leaves and a tomato smell. But with a high concentration of pests in a small area, they also damage tomato seedlings. The pest feeds on the leaves, sucking the juice out of them.

Numerous light dots appear on the leaves - puncture sites, and grayish spots - waste products of the tick. The plant is entangled in sticky cobwebs. Gradually, the leaves dry up and fall off.

Control measures. Usually, the mite does not cause serious damage to tomato seedlings, but with a strong lesion, young tomatoes can die.

Before processing, the web should be removed, as it prevents drops of drugs from falling on the leaves.

Fighting spider mites

The simplest but extremely effective method The fight against the mite is to increase the humidity around the seedlings. To do this, the tomatoes are well watered and sprayed with warm water. Then the seedlings are covered with a film, or with some material that does not allow moisture to pass through, and placed on sunny place for 2-3 days. Ticks that cannot tolerate high humidity die quickly. After 3 days, the seedlings are opened and thoroughly aired. Watering tomatoes is not necessary, so as not to provoke the appearance of diseases.

If this does not help, then the seedlings are taken out to the greenhouse or to the balcony and treated with Bitoxibacillin, Agrovertin, Akarin on the underside of the leaf.

Tomatoes at a young age are quite resistant to diseases and pests. And their appearance is associated with gross violations in the cultivation of tomatoes.

Problems in growing tomato seedlings

Main problems:

  • seedlings are pulled out;
  • plants dry;
  • tomatoes are weak with small leaves;
  • yellow leaves with green veins.

At proper care no problems with tomatoes.

Everyone wants to have a healthy crop in their garden. That is why we are willing to spend so much time tilling the soil, planting seedlings and caring for them. It is important to know what tomato seedlings can hurt in order to diagnose the disease in time and help the plants give a big harvest.

Why and how seedlings are sick

To avoid possible seedling diseases, you should think about the quality of the soil in which your tomatoes will grow. It should not only be rich in essential substances and trace elements, but also not contain anything superfluous, for example, spores of fungal infections. For this you need:

  • use purified purchased soil;
  • when using homemade soil, it should be carefully sterilized, for example, by spilling hot (about 80 ° C) water or a bright pink solution of manganese the day before planting.

Special soil for seedlings is sold in agricultural stores

And also it is worth being attentive to the seeds of plants themselves. For this you need:

  • choose trusted manufacturers;
  • give preference to zoned varieties;
  • observe the rules for storing seed.

This will ensure greater reliability of plants and their resistance to all kinds of external environmental factors.

Before planting tomatoes, the seeds must be processed:

  • soak the seeds in a 3% saline solution to screen out hollows;
  • manually remove small and damaged seeds;
  • treat the seeds with a 5% solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection;
  • harden the seeds by placing them during germination for 18–20 hours at a temperature of about 0 ° C.

It is also necessary to observe the correct conditions for keeping seedlings:

  • maintain the temperature within 18–23 ° C;
  • control the specific humidity of the air at around 60-65%;
  • carry out timely watering of plants;
  • provide them with sufficient (about 14 hours) daylight hours.

After proper fit be attentive to the development of plants, especially when it comes to unusual color or shape of leaves or stems.

How can tomato seedlings get sick

All diseases of tomato seedlings can be divided into fungal, viral and bacterial. Plants can suffer from improper care, pests and lack of nutrients. No single precaution can guarantee the safety of seedlings, so you should always be attentive to the condition of the plants. Seedling diseases are found not only in mass greenhouse planting, but also in small home plantings.

If the growth of tomatoes is slowed down, the plants look weak and exhausted - most likely, the reason lies in problems with care. If any insects (even ordinary fruit flies) are wound up in tomatoes, it is worth disinsection.

Table: classification of diseases of tomato seedlings

Diagnosis of lesions

It is extremely important to diagnose the problem in time in order to take the necessary actions to save the plant. At an early age, plants are most susceptible to various problems, as they spend their strength on growth and rooting. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor their condition. The table below will help you determine the cause of your plant's deviation from the norm, so that you can then find a solution to the problem.

Table: identifying a seedling problem by appearance

SymptomsPossible causes of the disease
care mistakesSeedling diseasesTomato pests
Seedlings turn yellow (including leaves).
  • Lack of nitrogen;
  • lack of potassium;
  • insufficient magnesium content;
  • lack of iron;
  • a small amount of sulfur;
  • manganese deficiency.
  • Fusarium wilt;
  • mosaic of tomatoes;
  • brown spotting.
Melon aphid.
Seedling leaves dry up.
  • lack of potassium;
  • lack of calcium;
Seedlings are not growing well.
  • Lack of nitrogen;
  • a small amount of phosphorus;
  • lack of sulfur;
  • low temperatures of content;
  • lack of moisture;
  • excess fertilizer.
  • Aspermia;
  • black spot.
Plants are falling.
  • Insufficient daylight;
  • high maintenance temperatures.
Seedling leaves curl up.
  • lack of calcium;
  • lack of boron;
  • small amount of copper.
Fusarium wilt.Melon aphid.
The stem of the plant turns black.-
  • Blackleg;
  • black rot.
Tomato leaves turn blue.
  • lack of phosphorus;
  • lack of copper.
- -
Seedlings wither.Excess moisture.
  • Blackleg;
  • fusarium binding.
Dark spots on seedlings.-
  • late blight;
  • gray rot;
  • black rot;
  • streak;
  • black spot.
Light spots on seedlings.-
  • Septoria;
  • white rot.
  • thrips;
  • whitefly.

How to treat diseases

Let us consider sequentially all possible fungal, bacterial and viral diseases that affect tomato seedlings, and also figure out how to prevent the development of diseases or, if possible, cure already infected plants.

fungal diseases

Most often seedlings are affected by fungal diseases. They can appear from insufficiently cultivated soil or directly on the seeds of the plant. High indoor humidity, improper watering with moisture on the sprouts, and insufficient drainage landing tanks and stagnant water contribute to the development of fungi, as they provide them with the most comfortable environment for reproduction.

Improper care of seedlings leads to the appearance of fungal diseases.


This disease is very common and can appear already at the stage of seedling germination. Otherwise, it is called root rot or rhizoctoniosis. The fungus infects the tomato at the very soil, due to which the stem darkens and becomes thinner. When the fungus spreads throughout the stem, the sprout withers and falls. It is impossible to save this plant. The affected sprout must be removed, the soil should be shed with a 3% solution of manganese, and healthy plants should be sprayed with Bordeaux mixture for prevention.

Please note that the black leg of tomatoes especially often appears with improper care of plants and high environmental humidity.

Septoria (white spot)

This fungal disease begins to affect the fruit from the lower leaves, which are covered with small light spots. Over time, the spots darken, acquiring a brown tint, and the disease itself rises higher throughout the plant.

If treatment is started on time, even heavily infected plants can be saved. As a medicine, fungicides are used, for example, Ridomil Gold, Alpha Copper or Bordeaux liquid. Spraying should be repeated one and a half to two weeks before planting the plants in open ground in order to further secure the seedlings. As a preventive measure, you need to cultivate the soil before sowing seedlings. This can be done with hot water (over 80 ° C), a 3-5% solution of manganese, or specialized preparations: Aktara, Inta-Vir, Iskra.

Fusarium wilt

This fungus hides in the soil and usually infects the stems of plants, which darken, become lethargic and lose their elasticity. After some time, the seedlings wither, starting with the upper shoots, and the leaves acquire a light shade and curl into a tube before falling off. The development of the disease can be prevented by seed and soil treatment before planting (3% manganese solution), and only seedlings that have been in contact with the patient, but are still healthy in appearance, are treated by spraying it with Phytocid, Trichodermin, Fitosporin-M and others.

late blight

This fungal disease can affect not only tomatoes, but also other garden crops. It is extremely aggressive and almost always destructive to the crop. Plants appear on leaves and stems dark spots with light border. The stems lose their stability, begin to rot and dry out. You can save seedlings if you notice the defeat in a timely manner. Damaged leaves and stems must be carefully removed and burned.

Never leave infected parts of plants in the garden, in compost or garbage pit, so as not to contribute to the spread of the disease!

The rest of the seedlings need to be treated with Bordeaux liquid using a spray gun and carefully monitor the condition of the plants, avoiding re-infection. Before planting tomatoes in the ground, it should be treated with a 3-5% solution of manganese at the rate of 3 liters per 1 square meter area. As a preventive measure, be sure to disinfect the seeds in a similar solution before germination.

Grey, white, black rot

Rots are varieties of fungal diseases of tomatoes and appear as spots on the stems of plants. The spots have characteristic color with small fungal spores and spread rapidly, affecting both leaves and new shoots. Prevention is soil disinfection before planting seeds with a solution of manganese (3%) and hot water(80 °C), as well as the use of purchased cultivated seedling soil. In the event of a disease, the whole plants affected by rot should be removed, and healthy seedlings should be sprayed with Bordeaux mixture.

Viral diseases

With these diseases, your seedlings can become infected through the soil, poor seed quality, or through insects. If the virus is present in the garden, it will be very difficult to notice it at the initial stage, and the first manifestations will occur when the plants are already seriously infected. Therefore, it is worth being especially attentive to preventive procedures.

Mosaic of tomatoes

This disease is one of the most common viral diseases in tomatoes. It is transmitted to plants at the seedling stage and is manifested by the characteristic uneven color of the leaves. Light green and yellow spots appear on the surface of the leaf, gradually darkening. Over time, the leaf dries up and dies. It is impossible to save the affected plant. It should be removed from the garden and burned, and healthy neighbors should be sprayed with a 3% solution of manganese or urea. To prevent the disease, it is worth using only healthy and additionally disinfected seeds from the age of 2 years for sowing, as well as watering the seedlings twice with a 5% solution boric acid 10 and 17 days after the appearance of the first shoots.


A streak can be identified by the characteristic dark dying stripes on the stem of the plant. Later, stripes appear on the leaves of the seedlings, which eventually die off and fall off. At the same time, the disease rarely destroys the entire seedling, and for its treatment it is enough to remove the affected tissues, additionally treating the seedlings with a 3% solution of manganese, and the soil with a similar 10% solution. Don't be afraid to damage the roots of the plant: if there is a streak virus in them, it will be much better to destroy it and slow down the development of the tomatoes for a few days than to leave the disease and let it hit all the plants.


This viral disease can be identified by a weak, thin and clearly underdeveloped stem of the plant. And also aspermia is characterized by deformation and chopping of tomato leaves. This disease spreads through the soil and insects, so as a method of prevention it is worthwhile to carry out all the necessary procedures for disinfecting the land for seedlings, as well as keep the plants clean and in the correct moisture regime. It is not possible to cure diseased sprouts. For additional protection, young seedlings can be watered once with a 5% solution of magnesium permanganate.

Bacterial diseases

This type of disease is extremely dangerous and is transmitted to plants through contaminated soil, or is present on seeds. Bacteria can be in a “dormant” state if the seedlings are not overheated (regularly above 26 ° C) and excessively high soil moisture (including stagnant water in planting containers).

black spot

Visual signs of black spot appear quite late: for a long time, the plants may look normal or be only slightly lethargic. At the final stage of the disease, the leaves and stems of tomatoes are covered with black spots. To prevent the disease, it is worth buying only proven healthy seeds, as well as carrying out all selection, disinfection and hardening procedures. It is necessary to treat black spotting with Bordeaux liquid, spraying the plants every 2-3 days.

This bacterial disease is most often transmitted to plants from low-quality infected seeds.

brown spot

This tomato disease manifests itself in the form of small yellow spots on the leaves, a white coating forms on the underside of the leaf. Over time, the leaf is completely affected and dies. As a preventative measure, you should be careful temperature regime maintenance of seedlings and prevent its overheating. If the disease has already affected the tomatoes, carry out a therapeutic spraying of the plants with the help of a copper-containing preparation, for example, vitriol or copper sulphate.

Brown spot affects tomato leaves, causing them to die off.

seedling pests

Insects for tomato seedlings are no less a danger than diseases. It is very important to identify the pest in time and destroy it. It is worth saying that insects, of course, more often infect seedlings in a greenhouse than on the windowsills of city apartments. Nevertheless, it is better to know the manifestation of these pests and be ready for protective actions.


These small insects are extremely difficult to distinguish on the leaf surface. The thrips begin to destroy the tops of the tomatoes. Foliage after a few days lose their aesthetic appearance and change color to an extremely light shade. This pest is able to multiply rapidly, doubling the number of individuals in less than a week. As a preventive measure, seedlings are sprayed with an aqueous infusion of garlic.

Preparation of garlic infusion:

  1. Mince the garlic.
  2. Dilute it with water at the rate of 1 tablespoon of the mixture per 200-250 ml of water.
  3. Let the solution stand for 2-3 hours
  4. Strain through cheesecloth or strainer.

You can spray the seedlings with an infusion of garlic using a spray bottle. If thrips have already started on seedlings, it must be treated with Karate, Actellik or Fitoverm.


The whitefly is a small butterfly up to 3 mm long. It feeds on the sap of the plant, and also lays a large number of larvae, which are visible as a characteristic white coating on the leaves of the seedlings. Sometimes black blotches are present in this plaque, as this insect carries spores of the soot fungus. The whitefly reproduces rapidly and can kill an entire plant in two days. As such, there are no preventive measures against the whitefly, but butterflies and larvae are well destroyed by the drug Phosbecid.

melon aphid

The larvae of this pest usually overwinter in the ground. So the first preventive measure is to carefully prepare the soil for seedlings. Since aphids usually live in large colonies. Aphids usually settle on back side leaf, and then spreads to the stems of the plant. The leaves turn yellow and curl, and then die. Aktellik and Fitoverm preparations will help you get rid of aphids.

Other garden pests are almost never found on tomato seedlings, since the period of their active development falls on the warm summer months, when all the seedlings will already be planted in the ground.

Video: diseases and pests of tomatoes

The death of seedlings for other reasons

Tomato seedlings do not always deteriorate due to some external influences: insects or diseases. Sometimes plants simply do not have enough of the necessary trace elements. Consider the most common problems with trace elements in the soil:

  • a lack of nitrogen makes the stem of the plant brittle, while the leaves of the tomatoes turn yellow or even lose their color;
  • the lack of a substance such as phosphorus slows down the growth of the plant, and tomatoes also turn the leaves bluish and drop them;
  • a small amount of potassium leads to yellowing of the foliage, which then darkens, deforms, dries up and falls off;
  • with a lack of magnesium, yellow stripes can be seen in the veins of the leaves, sometimes the leaves turn completely yellow and die;
  • lack of iron stains the leaves of tomato seedlings in a light yellow color, while the veins remain green;
  • lack of calcium can be identified by yellowed, shrunken and twisted ends of young leaves;
  • with a lack of boron in the soil, the plant becomes brittle, the upper shoots of the seedlings dry and twist, the veins of the leaves lose their color;
  • lack of sulfur is manifested in the pallor of the seedling, the stem becomes fragile and thin, the leaves lose color;
  • with a lack of copper, the leaves of the seedlings become bluish, turn white at the edges and curl;
  • Lack of magnesium leads to yellowing of foliage around the edges.

    And also seedlings can suffer due to improper conditions. This is especially important during the dive of plants, since this procedure is stressful for seedlings. Here are some rules:

    • at temperatures below 16 ° C, plants will slow down in development;
    • at too high temperatures (above 15 ° C), the plants will stretch;
    • with insufficient humidity (below 50%) of the air, the leaves of the seedlings will become smaller;
    • with excessive air humidity (above 75%), the plants slow down in development;
    • with insufficient lighting (less than 14 hours a day), the plants will stretch and lag behind in development;
    • with an excess of fertilizer, the plants will become stronger, but almost never give new leaves and shoots.

    Be attentive to seedlings, as most problems can be avoided or solved immediately, preventing the development and deterioration of all planting material. Follow all the rules for keeping plants, water them on time and monitor their appearance. Then you will be able to harvest a large crop of tomatoes.

homemade and industrial cultivation a good and healthy crop of tomatoes is impossible without proper preparation for planting and subsequent care for seedlings. Tomato seedlings are very capricious and susceptible to various diseases. And there are many diseases and some of them are harmful. To protect your crop, you need to monitor the behavior of young seedlings and, at their first modifications, carry out the necessary preventive and therapeutic "rescue" measures.


Tomato seedlings and adult plants are susceptible to infection by a number of fungal diseases:


A fungal disease of tomatoes that affects all above-ground parts of the plant. First, single black spots form on the leaves, and then they begin to merge into one continuous black mess. The disease can be transferred to green and already ripe fruits. It appears on the fruits as well as on the leaves. The plant is infected through the remains of the fungus in the soil after the last harvest. The disease progresses most rapidly in high humidity and heat.

The following fungicides for spraying are applicable to control:


Fungal disease that affects leaves and fruits. When the leaves are diseased, they are completely covered with brown spots and fade. The upper leaves fall off and expose the entire central stem. Infection occurs from diseased plants and untreated soil.

For treatment are applicable:

white rot

This disease first affects the aerial parts of tomato seedlings. Spots appear in the form of wet putrefactive wounds. The most favorable for the onset of the development of the disease are various mechanical damage on the surface of the trunk. The infected plant does not die by itself, but over time, the rot is transferred to the fruits and completely spoils them.

Infection occurs exclusively through contaminated soil and low-quality composts.

Measures to prevent the development of white rot:

  • Steaming the soil before planting seedlings in it.
  • Careful cultivation and disinfection of soils after the previous harvest.


This fungal disease is also called tomato wilt. The leaves on the plant begin to turn yellow (brown) at the edges, they look more like burnt. The withering of the entire ground part of the seedlings begins. At the second stage, the stems are rejected by the root system and the seedlings die completely. The fungus persists in soil, plant debris and infects young seedlings.

The only measure to preserve the crop will be the cultivation of disease-resistant varieties.

There are no fungicides to combat verticillium.


At the initial stage of manifestation fungal disease red spots begin to appear on the lower basal leaves. Later, these spots darken and a visible plaque forms on top of them.

In good conditions with high humidity (in permanent greenhouses), the fungus can persist in the soil for up to 10 years. To save the harvest you need to use for plantings resistant varieties tomato for this disease.

When the disease manifests itself, it is worth using the following spraying preparations:

root rot

This fungal disease develops mainly when growing tomatoes in greenhouses or on waterlogged soil. The symptoms of rot can be compared to the initial development of black leg disease. If you take a seedling out of the ground, you can observe the thinning of the stem in the root zone and its blackening. The root system itself has black branches. The root rots and the plant wilts completely.

Ways to protect and treat seedlings from the disease:

powdery mildew

This fungal disease can cause tremendous damage to seedlings and crops. Infection occurs due to insufficient watering and low air temperature. The entire ground part of the plant is covered with clearly defined white spots. A visible powdery coating forms on the entire surface of the sheet.

To fight the disease, use:

stem cancer

Such a fungal disease is most common in film greenhouses. Rarely develops under glass and in open ground. Infection occurs through infected plant debris in the soil and diseased seeds planted in seedlings. The best conditions for cancer development are high humidity and low temperature. The disease affects mostly the stem, and the leaves rarely get sick. The bottom of the stem becomes Brown color, less often - black. In the root zone on the stem of the plant, depressed "wounds" form and gum oozes out of them.

For treatment and prevention apply:

Septoria (White Spot)

This fungal disease affects the ground part of the seedlings. Seedling leaves are covered with alternating white spots with small black patches. Initially, the lower leaves of the plant are affected, then they dry out and fall off. The plant becomes ill due to the remnants of last year's infected vegetation in the ground.

Treatment methods and precautions:

Gray rot

Dangerous fungal disease. The entire stem and leaves of the plant are affected. On the surface of the plant, a gray-white coating is visible. The plant rapidly becomes completely gray, fades and dies.

Such a fungus can be transmitted to the plant through nearby infected crops, by airborne droplets. The disease develops more rapidly at a high level of humidity.

The most effective chemical methods for protecting seedlings are the following drugs:

late blight

This disease is very insidious. It affects all above-ground parts of the plant. A rusty spot appears on the plants, over time the whole plant turns brown and completely rots.

The occurrence of late blight occurs:

  • Through poorly cultivated soil after the last harvest.
  • Due to the planting of seedlings already infected seeds.
  • Through nearby infected plants.
  • Airborne.

Treatment for late blight should be carried out before planting seeds and after planting seedlings in open ground. Do not plant potatoes next to tomatoes. To protect seedlings from late blight, you need to plant tomatoes near onions and garlic.

The most popular means of combating late blight are:


This fungal disease is transmitted to seedlings through infected soil. The development of the disease occurs due to high humidity and hot stable weather. The disease can completely destroy young shoots in 24 hours. It is necessary, at the first signs of wilting seedlings, to pull out one sprout from the crops and examine its root and basal leg. If the leg has become thin and black, the plants are affected.

You need to act quickly to save seedlings:

Fusarium wilt

Pathogenic fungal disease, in which deformation (twisting) and drying of the leaves first occurs, and then the tomato shoots wither and the plant dies. Plants are infected through plant debris in the soil or the seeds themselves are infected. To avoid infection, seeds of varieties resistant to the disease are used when planting.

To cope with the disease, you need to water the seedling bushes with Pseudobactrin-2.

Southern late blight

At the first manifestations of this fungal disease, it initially becomes brown and deformed. root neck plants. Then the whole plant begins to rot. The rot rises inside the stem, and appears externally on the leaves white coating, which completely covers the entire sheet. Infection with the disease can be due to the sowing of diseased seeds or due to the remains of diseased plants in the soil.

To prevent the disease you need:


There are also diseases of tomatoes caused by various pathogenic bacteria:

Bacterial mottle

This bacterial disease is observed on plants in the open field. High humidity and low air temperature are the best conditions for the development of the disease. Bacteria live in the roots of weeds and in the tomato seeds themselves. Bacteria do not live long in the soil itself.

At the first stages of the development of the disease, small brown oily spots appear on the green aerial part of the tomato plant. The leaves begin to curl and eventually die off completely.

To combat mottling, it is imperative to spray the seedlings (the dosage is indicated on the package) with a solution of Fitolavin-300.

bacterial cancer

This bacterial disease manifests itself slowly and gradually destroys the entire plant and young fruits. First, the leaves wither and fall off, brown growths can be observed on the petioles and stem. The wilting of the plant occurs in stages from the bottom up. If the stem is cut, then a yellow void is visible in the core.

Often the diseased bacteria lie dormant in the plant seeds themselves. And also a cancerous pathogen can be in the soil and plant debris.

Cancer bacteria are resistant to drought and moisture, but cannot stand high temperatures. At an air temperature of +45 Celsius, bacteria stop their development, and when the heat rises, they completely die, but the plant also dies. Soil calcination treatment should be carried out before planting.

To treat this disease, it is necessary to treat the seedlings with fungicides with copper in the composition.

And the seeds on the day of sowing must be soaked for 2-3 hours in a solution of TMTD suspension.

bacterial wilt

This viral disease in mass cultivation of tomatoes is considered a quarantine disease. There are no visible signs at the initial stage of wilting development. Signs are visible only during the formation of the first fruits. The diseased plant is very frail and underdeveloped, its color is unsaturated. The fruits of these plants are very small and irregular shape. Tomatoes quickly wither and dry out completely.

These bacteria live in the soil. Most often, bacteria persist at the site of the old crop of potatoes, carrots and beets.

The most active spread of the disease begins during the growth and development of fruits, and when watering with poor-quality water.

Before planting seedlings in a greenhouse, quarantine treatment should be carried out.

Sick plants are destroyed, as well as all nearby growing ones. They need to be removed, and the rest should be watered with a solution of Fitolavin-300 at a concentration of 0.6-1.0%.

And it is also possible to spray seedlings with Fitolovin-300 with the addition of 0.15% liquid glass.

root cancer

With this disease, bacteria infect the inside of the stem. Small scattered brown growths form on the stem. In the context of the stem, brown emptiness and rottenness are visible.

Infection occurs through plant debris and contaminated soil.

When it comes time to plant seedlings in open ground, you need to minimize the mechanical pressure on the roots of plants. It is through all the miniature wounds of the roots of tomatoes that cancerous pathogenic bacteria penetrate.

Before planting seedlings, it is necessary to steam the soil and soak its roots in Fitosporin-M solution.

wet rot

This bacterial disease begins its development from the stems. Darkening occurs from the roots along the inner wall of the stem, and then the stem turns brown and softens. A few days later, the ground part of the plant rots completely, and only the skin with rotten liquid remains from the fruit.

There are no measures to combat rot, you can only exterminate pests. And for the prevention of development, it is worth calcining the soil before planting seedlings and sowing seeds.

stem necrosis

This disease affects the most developed plants. Occurs on stems of tomatoes brown spotting and small growths in the form of warts. Over time, the growths crack, and the tomatoes themselves wither and die. The most favorable temperature for pathogen development is + 26- + 28 degrees Celsius. When the air temperature rises to +40, the bacteria die. The disease develops due to the sowing of infected seeds or through the nearest affected plants.

In order to avoid infection of plants, it is necessary to carry out all agricultural practices tillage before sowing.

There are no chemical treatments for this disease.

black spot

Plants infected with bacterial spot are characterized by an underdeveloped appearance. The plant has a faded color, a thin trunk and deformed leaves. Formed throughout the plant rust spots. Only the roots are not affected.

The development of the disease is facilitated by plant disease residues in the soil, as well as planting infected seeds. Before planting in the ground, the seed material must be treated with Fitolovin-300 solution.

And also it is necessary to carry out spraying with the fungicide Kartocide in the ratio of 40 grams of the drug per 10 liters of water. The working solution should be enough for 1 hundred square meters.



Harvest losses due to aspermia can only be avoided by disinfecting or eliminating diseased plants, as well as by destroying insect vectors.


With the development of this viral disease, yellow-brown ring patterns are visible on the leaves of plants and on young green fruits. The leaves begin to curl and die, and the fruits become light and just fall off. Infection occurs through thrips and weeds.

The virus is not treated, it can only reduce its activity at high air temperatures (+35-+45).

To avoid infections, you need to carefully control weeds in the area and destroy thrips. Infected plants cannot be cured.

yellow curl

This viral disease is also called tomato jaundice. In a sick plant, the leaves are twisted, rusty in color, small. The whole plant becomes mottled, brown-green. The fruits of such plants do not ripen, but only turn yellow and wrinkle. Whiteflies infect plants with this virus.

There are no cures for the disease. To prevent the birth of whiteflies and the development of curliness, you can pickle the ground before planting seedlings or sowing seeds.

There is only one variety of tomato resistant to this disease - F1 Senzafin.

Top bushiness

This disease can begin to develop at the very beginning of seedling seedlings. First, white dots form on the leaves, which then darken and cause necrosis on the leaf surface. The leaves of the seedlings are stretched in length, and then twisted down. Such plants are usually very frail. As a result, the leaves become rough and their veins turn blue. The disease is transmitted through aphid larvae in the ground or through an adult insect. And there may also be already infected seeds.

The virus dies only at high air temperatures up to +75.

There are no means of protection against tillering, except for agrotechnical preventive measures.


A viral disease caused by the tomato mosaic virus. First, the leaves of the plant begin to deform and become covered with green spots. Further, the disease passes into the form of streaks.

Mosaic virus resistant tomato varieties should be selected to avoid infection. To combat the disease, it is worth disinfecting the soil before planting and dressing the seeds, spraying the seedlings with a solution of Fitolovin.

Filiformity of the leaves

The plant is infected with cucumber mosaic virus or tomato mosaic virus. Infected seedlings or an adult plant with fruits die completely. The disease is manifested by the fact that the leaves of the plant become like strings. Outwardly, the leaf looks like a fern leaf. Such a disease can spread to plants through aphids.

Measures to prevent diseases will be agrotechnical (disinfection of soil and seeds). It is also worthwhile to identify and destroy all pests in time.


There are several non-infectious tomato diseases that harm the plant and further harvest:

Tip rot

The disease occurs at the genetic level of the tomatoes themselves. The disease manifests itself as brown spots throughout the plant. Later, the spotting passes to green fruits and spoils them from the inside. To prevent the development of the disease, it is necessary to normalize the acidity of the soil to an indicator of 6 before planting. And it is also worth adding to planting soil calcium, you can ground chalk.


Phytoplasmic disease of plants. Seedlings become infected by infection with the insect vector cicadas. In a diseased plant, mutations begin: the root bark becomes dense and turns brown, the leaves curl and decrease, even green fruits become denser (wooden). There is no way to fight this disease. The only thing that can be done is to prevent cicada invasions.


To a greater extent, the disease manifests itself in the fetus. Hollow fruits do not have seed material inside. This is due to a violation of fruit set, lack of proper pollination or temperature changes. If there are weak young seedlings in the garden, then they lack something and they are underdeveloped. It is better to get rid of such plantings immediately.
