Dzhusaya is now clean and. Characteristics of the fragrant onion dzhusai and a description of its beneficial properties

Dzhusai, aka zhusai, aka branched onion, aka fragrant onion, aka Chinese onion, aka Allium ramosum, famous for its taste, somewhat more garlic than onion, similar to wild garlic, but sharper.

Jusai leaves are used to make stuffing for pies, they are added to salads, fish and meat dishes (especially when we are talking about lamb). Jusai is included in the recipes of a number national dishes- so, without this onion-garlic, an authentic lagman is unthinkable. For the winter, jusay is salted with red pepper or frozen.


Moreover, manti with dzhusai are simply divine. Also very delicious pasties are obtained. Fried eggs with jusai is my favorite breakfast. And it is very tasty to eat jusai raw, dipping in soy sauce.

It grows in China, Mongolia, Altai, Kazakhstan - where there are many sunny days, but there is no sweltering heat. We will tell you how to grow this onion in adverse conditions: for example, FORUMHOUSE consultant lmv16 grows jusai in Leningrad region seedling way. He started by planting a few seeds in a pot and growing them on a backlit windowsill.

  • Dzhusai - features of culture.
  • How to choose a landing site for jusai.
  • How to sow jusai.
  • How to care for jusai.
  • How and when jusai is transplanted.

Jusai - what kind of bow is this

Dzhusai is a medium-sized plant, with small narrow rhizomes - false bulbs about 2 cm in size. The bushes of the plant reach a height of 30-40 cm, the leaves are flat, like garlic or slime. Cut onions throughout the season simple scissors, leaving 4-6 centimeters in the garden. Interestingly, after this procedure, the leaf grows back, but cutting it more than four times per season is not recommended.

The main feature of dzhusai is that its leaves do not coarsen, and by the end of the garden season they remain as juicy and tender as in spring.

How to choose a landing site

Dzhusai is considered an unpretentious plant, in any case, it is definitely undemanding to the soil, it can grow on any clay. The only thing is that it is not recommended to make a bed for this onion where potatoes and other nightshades grew. It would be ideal to plant this onion in place of a pumpkin. He also loves partial shade and does not feel well on open sun, That's why experienced gardeners grow this crop in near-trunk circles fruit trees like lilies of the valley. And the bow feels great there.

Cometis Member of FORUMHOUSE

I have it in the shade of apple and pear trees.

FORUMHOUSE member with nickname Tania she lived in Alma-Ata, where dzhusai grows in every garden and is sold on every corner, and then she moved to Krasnodar and missed lagman and pies with dzhusai. Sowed seeds in open ground, and, unfortunately, nothing came of it - the plant could not stand the heat and the sun.


Now I’m trying through seedlings, yesterday I planted thin stalks in the OG in the garden, in the shade.

Sowing dzhusai

Dzhusai is sown in the spring, at the same time as other types of onions, although FORUMHOUSE has had successful experiments with sowing in the winter. Before sowing, the seeds are soaked in water for a day, and during these days the water must be changed three to four times.

You can sow jusai with two different ways- rows (rows should be 50 cm apart) and holes. Two seeds are sown in each hole. Seeds are buried one and a half centimeters.

When growing seedlings, be patient: dzhusai is a slow culture, seedlings can appear ten days, or even two weeks after sowing. In the OG, the seeds also germinate slowly, but faster in the holes than in the rows.

Fresh jusai seeds sprout best.

In regions with a lack of sun and heat, this onion can be grown under a film in the first spring of its life and not cut off in the first year. Let the bushes gain strength!

That's right, under the film, and, and seeds, jusai was grown in the Leningrad region by a consultant of our portal lmv16. From seeds planted in open ground at the beginning of summer, nothing really grew.


The conclusion is this: it is possible to grow in our harsh lands, but in a greenhouse or greenhouse.

Sometimes it seems that the behavior of this bow cannot be explained by science - you dance around it, spray stimulants, freeze the seeds in the sand, warm it up in hot water- in no way. Get angry, throw away the seeds - in a week shoots will sprout in this place.

When shoots of dzhusai appear, they must be thinned out.

In general, at the first stage, the cultivation of this crop is a jewelry work.

How to care for jusai

But as an adult, it's completely unpretentious plant: endures frosts down to -35 degrees, does not require shelter for the winter, and no special care. They take care of him, like any other onion: watered, weeded, sometimes fed. The most important thing in caring for this culture is to ensure that it does not take over the entire garden due to its excellent ability to spread by self-sowing. So, a member of our portal with a nickname ir-17-rina(she lives in Volgograd) mows out of control dzhusai with a lawn mower, and during this operation, the neighbors complain about a sharp improvement in appetite.

This is another paradox of this onion: it is difficult to grow it from purchased seeds, but it grows just fine by self-sowing. This is what a flower arrow with seeds looks like.

Given this feature, it makes sense to immediately plant the onion immediately in a permanent place, and in a few years there will be real dzhusai thickets.

Olissa FORUMHOUSE Member

I brought dzhusai seeds from South Kazakhstan, and after a couple of years it grew so much that I distributed boxes in boxes.

The herbaceous plant dzhusai is better known to gardeners as a fragrant branched plant with the same name. Let's find out where this fame came from.

Description of the variety

The formations themselves, which appear on the rhizomes of the dzhusai grass, are so different from the varieties of the well-known onion culture that are familiar to us, that it is not very clear why we consider them to be onions.

True, the shape corresponds - narrow small (up to 2 cm in diameter) rulers are really curved accordingly. This is underground. And from above a whole thicket of green high (up to 60 cm) shoots, each of which after an annual growth is able to give a new branch. From below, the branches seem to be supported by narrow leaves located at the very base.

During the flowering period, we observe umbrella balls, densely composed of small stars of white flowers and located on the tops of the stems.

It is conditionally possible to call the plant oriental. In this case, the concept of "East" includes Chinese, Mongolian and Himalayan steppes, pebbles, salt marshes and meadows, as well as the corresponding areas of the Russian Far East and Siberia. Talking about jusai grass further, we will try to understand what it is, what useful properties it contains that people have learned to use.

The benefits of the culture lie in its leaves and flowers, which contain ascorbic acid, highly respected by the people, as well as a certain amount of vitamins, mineral salts and fiber. All this is used in cooking and folk medicine.

Delicate juiciness of inflorescences and leaves with a mild garlic aroma (this onion is also called fragrant Chinese garlic) perfectly sets off the overall flavor tone. vegetable salads. Grass is used boiled, salted, canned and, of course, fresh.

But still, to a greater extent, this onion is applicable for medicinal purposes, and it usually passes in descriptions as a medicinal plant. A short list of ailments for which it is used is as follows:

  • cold;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • gastritis;
  • heart diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • nervous strain (neurasthenia as a consequence);
  • burns (leaf juice is used).

Traditionally used in Chinese (Tibetan, in particular) medicine, but our compatriots are not far behind. Those who wish can easily find on the Internet a description of medicinal potions that you can prepare yourself.

Did you know? Onions contain much large quantity natural sugar than in apples and pears (6%). The sweetness of it healthy vegetable can be felt after it is roasted, when all caustic substances have completely evaporated.

Requirements for soil and light

It is precisely because of the unique and beneficial properties of jusay onion and its relative unpretentiousness many have a desire to grow this quality on their own.

But in order for the process to run smoothly and bring good results at the end, it is necessary to adhere to some basic principles of preparing, planting and caring for a lettuce plant.

A significant advantage of this is its indifference to composition and light. the only important point is that jusai cannot be grown in areas where they used to live and, and its best predecessors are either pumpkin crops.

Rules for planting jusaya seeds

Mountain, or fragrant, dzhusai is bred with bulbs, dividing the bush, as well as seed way, which is used most often. Consider some landing rules.


Seeds can be sown in different dates: if done in summer period, then the green feathers will be ready for cutting next spring. Sowing in April does not provide for harvesting in the current year, the best option will give the plant a good start. And if choose for sowing winter time , seedlings will please the eye in March, and useful feathers can be collected in July.

Seed preparation

Pre before sowing, onion seeds must be prepared: for this, they are soaked for 8 hours in hot water (temperature 40 degrees), and then they are kept just warm for another 2 days.

Seeding scheme

Seed sowing scheme fragrant onion the next one: a 20-centimeter distance is maintained between the rows, and approximately 5 cm between the seeds. You can sow a little closer, but then you will need to thin out. For the rapid development of seedlings, it is better to use a special one, especially if the air temperature is cold enough.

Reproduction of onions by dividing the bush

Planting dzhusai by dividing the bush should be spring or autumn. To do this, a three-year-old onion bush is dug out of the garden and divided into parts, which should consist of several bulbs. Then a landing is made in well-moistened holes at intervals of about 30 cm, the earth is well compressed around each bush and plentiful.

How to care for a plant

Caring for this type of onion is quite simple, but some simple rules that relate to watering, weeding and are best adhered to.

Weeding and soil care

As mentioned above, weeding (cleansing from) is a very important point in the proper development of a fragrant plant. Remove weeds regularly, since they contribute to the retention of moisture on the surface and, therefore, provoke a decrease in the resistance of the onion to a variety of fungal, which leads the plant to rot.

Weeding should take place with concomitant loosening of the soil so that properly adjusted air exchange allows jusai to grow well.

Important! Do not forget about the fragment of arrows that the bow can give, otherwise the bulb may not grow to required sizes and will not last long.

In the first year after planting, jusai does not need to be watered regularly - this will help in the germination of a powerful root system. But the second year should be plentiful in terms of watering - for the entire season about 10 times, each of which is 30-50 l / sq. m.

top dressing

Top dressing for onion plant is also extremely important: planned treatments saturate the soil with all the necessary nutrients affecting the healthy functioning of culture.

Among vitamin-rich salad plants special place takes onion jusai. Its tender leaves stimulate the work of cardio-vascular system and gastrointestinal tract, it has antihelminthic properties, and also improves immunity. Let's take a closer look at this useful plant and we will deal with the agricultural technology of growing jusai.

Jusai plant: description

Often, when describing jusai, it is compared with garlic grass or garlic onions. Indeed, it has a more spicy taste than onions, and it coolly sets off any meat dishes - manti, pies, lagman, and is just good for adding to meat or chicken roasts. It tastes like .

Dzhusai onion can be propagated vegetatively by dividing the bush (photo 2015)

Allium odórum (jutsai, jusai, zhusai) - fragrant onion or Chinese onion, mountain onion, branched onion works well on any soil. The leaves do not coarsen for a long time, they are very juicy, they have a garlic, without sharpness, taste. The growth after cutting becomes more powerful and retains tenderness throughout the growing season.

The height of the bushes is 30-40 cm, the leaves of the dzhusai plant are flat, 5-6 mm wide. Cut the plant from early spring to late autumn with simple garden shears 5 cm from the ground. After cutting, the zhusai grows back. The plant starts the flower arrow in the 3rd year, the height of the arrow is 60 cm. During the flowering period, cutting to the table is also possible, you just have to manually sort out the leaves, removing the tougher pipes from them.

Jusai: how to grow

Dzhusai is undemanding to soils and watering, self-seeding made its way even through concrete

Like onion batun, dzhusai is a perennial that keeps well in the garden for 10 years or more. Very drought- and frost-resistant, even in the cracks of concrete it fluffed up (see photo). Gives abundant self-seeding. At the same time, purchased seeds germinate less readily than self-sowing. Therefore, be patient, but immediately allocate a stationary bed to this beautiful grass - in five years it will become an indispensable conveyor of juicy and fragrant greens to the table.

You can sow seeds in school, and in the third year make neat rows on permanent place in the penumbra. In adult gardens, near-trunk circles of fruit trees are suitable for this. replant bushes better in spring, the lobes of the roots of plants are very thick, powerful. Therefore, they will transfer the transplant during the wet period confidently. In the first year of growth, cutting greens is not recommended - the plant needs to gain strength and strengthen.

So, dzhusai has many advantages in cultivation - this is its unpretentiousness in agricultural technology (it does not need annual plantings), multiple crops from one garden bed, and drought resistance. It is not susceptible to fungal diseases, it does not attack onion fly. Do you have perennial greenery in your garden?

The plant dzhusai (or jutsai) is better known as branched onion or fragrant onion. It belongs to the onion family and has all the same properties that garlic and onions have.

The homeland of this plant is Mongolia and China, from where the plant spread to both Altai and Central Asia, and to Western and Eastern Siberia.

This bow is collected up to 4 times a season.

Jusai properties

The plant is grown primarily for palatability. Jusai tastes and smells like garlic. There is a certain spiciness in the onion, but it is not pronounced. AT various countries jusai is used in cooking in a variety of ways.

Like an ordinary bow, jusai has useful and healing properties. The calorie content of jusai is not so high, but it exceeds the calorie content of other plants. There are 40 calories in 100 grams of this onion. In addition to special cultivation, it is used for decoration. personal plot, and this is facilitated by bright green leaves, as well as small flowers white color, which are called asterisks.

Benefits of Jusai

Both inflorescences and leaves of the plant contain a lot of ascorbic acid, which helps to strengthen the immune system, nervous, circulatory and endocrine system, as well as the walls of blood vessels and cartilage.

This bow will also be useful for colds, pneumonia, heart disease, tuberculosis and bronchitis. Jusai has a choleretic and diuretic, and also restores blood. The juice of this onion is effective for nettle burns and insect bites. In the East, jusai is used to treat gastritis, exhaustion and neurasthenia.

Mineral salts and vitamins are present in the bulb and grass of the plant, and also not a large number of fiber. Thanks to this, the plant retains its beneficial properties and tenderness for some time, and the onion itself is edible until late autumn.

Application of jusai

The most widely used onion is undoubtedly in cooking. At the same time, arrows, leaves, and bulbs are suitable for food. The arrows themselves can be pickled or salted in the same way as wild garlic or garlic arrows. Bulbs can be added to vegetables that you plan to preserve, or pickled separately. But most of all, jusae appreciates greenery. Its leaves have an interesting onion-garlic taste and a fresh smell, which makes it possible to add them to salads, meat, vegetable dishes, sauces and soups. At the same time, they can be frozen without harm to the plant - all vitamins and beneficial properties will remain intact.

Kitchens different countries consider this onion one of the main components of complex sauces and is used to make minced meat.

In addition to cooking, this onion is also used in medicine, since it has medicinal properties. This onion is grown for further use in order to replenish vitamins, in particular, vitamin C. This onion has a diuretic and choleretic effect, and it also has a positive effect on capillaries and improves the functioning of the heart muscle. Tibet appreciates jusai for its excellent effect on gastritis, neurasthenia and asthma, it is even used for snake bites as an antidote.

Harm dzhusai

The plant has an individual intolerance, so you should be careful when using jusai for the first time. It is also worth carefully using jusai for people who have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of an inflammatory nature, with cholesteritis, pancreatitis and cholelithiasis. In other cases, jusai can be consumed without harm to health.

Dynamico >>

Jusai is early vegetable, and it is grown mainly for greens, which are used in any form, as well as as an addition to various seasonings and dishes. Garlic smell and taste of onions give essential oils. Dzhusai first appeared in China and Mongolia, and then spread to Altai, Central Asia, Siberia thanks to nomadic tribes.

Jusai - what is it?

This is perennial belonging to the onion family. Jusai has the properties of garlic and onion. And also this plant has other names: branched, Chinese, fragrant, odorous, garlic onion.

Comparing it with varieties of other perennial onions, it can be understood that dzhusai is a heat-loving species, however, with little snow cover, it can withstand frosts down to minus 45 ° C. Jusai - what is it? This is a plant that is drought tolerant, but a large and high-quality crop can only be grown with abundant watering. Onions are undemanding to the soil, and it can be grown on saline soils. Suitable for both sunny and shady areas.


Dzhusai has narrow-linear false bulbs with a diameter of 1-1.5 cm, attached to the rhizome and of no value. The onion has large, wide, rich green leaves about 50 cm long. During the year, the plant forms 5-6 leaves. Every year, a daughter bulb is formed at the very base of the arrows, which serves as the beginning of a new shoot. Thus, the plant branches, and the number of leaves increases. On the next year after planting, the onion dzhusai gives an arrow-stem, at the end of which an umbrella inflorescence is formed. The flower-bearing stem reaches a height of 60 cm. On one shoot, from six to twelve leaves with a total weight of 40-70 grams can grow.

Flowers of a white hue look like small stars with a purple vein on the petal, collected in an inflorescence - a dense umbrella, spherical shape. They are sometimes used to form flower arrangements or for cutting into bouquets. Highly beautiful flowers have a delicate aroma, for this plant is sometimes called fragrant onion. It blooms, as a rule, in the second year, in the second half of summer. The fruit-box has three nests in which there are black seeds.


Jusai - what is it? This is excellent taste and the opportunity to harvest throughout the summer season. Dzhusai has a semi-sharp, slightly garlicky taste. During growing season the leaves are cut 3-4 times, otherwise it will begin to turn yellow.

After cutting, the onion needs to be fed and watered. The last cut is done in the twentieth of August, so that the plant has time to get stronger by winter. This onion variety can be used for food until autumn. Breeding dzhusai does not differ from the agricultural technology of ordinary onions.

Preparatory work for sowing

  • The best predecessors: any berry bushes.
  • Need to choose sunny place with loose, moderately moist soil.
  • Add lime to acidic soil.
  • Dig up the ground in the fall.
  • Feed with the following composition useful substances based on 1 sq. m: a ten-liter bucket of humus, 20 g of potash fertilizers, 200 g of ash, 30 g of superphosphate.
  • In early spring, harrow and add 5 g of ammonium nitrate per 1 sq. m.

Jusai: how to grow

Divide and transplant in spring mature plant. If these manipulations are performed in the autumn, then the onion takes root worse, since in early September it continues to bloom. Dzhusai is propagated by bulbs or seeds. Onions can be grown three to four years in one place.

  1. Seed material retains germination for two years. Sowing of dzhusai seeds begins in mid-spring. Before this, it is recommended to soak them in water for about a day, the water should be changed at least three times. Next, the seeds must be dried. They are sown in rows, at a distance of 30 cm and to a depth of about one centimeter. Seed germination begins already at a temperature of 2-3 degrees, and optimum temperature considered to be around 18 degrees. For the rapid growth and development of the plant recommended temperature regime- from 15 to 24 degrees. Seedlings appear after three weeks, when three leaves appear, the crops are thinned out, in case frequent landing. Onions can easily withstand temperatures down to minus 10. In the first year, the greens are not cut.
  2. How can you grow jusai in a different way? Starting from the second year, jusai can be propagated by dividing the bush. For this method, it is necessary to dig up a whole bush and divide it into parts, consisting of two or three bulbs. Then they need to be planted in a new place in abundantly watered holes. Onions are planted at a distance of 30 cm from each other. To obtain good yields, the rhizomes must be divided every two years. Water it after planting. Further watering is carried out twice a week.

Foliage begins to be collected when it grows at least 3 cm in length. Greenery is collected three to four times per season. The buds are cut twice: in early summer and late autumn, in this case the plant will be able to give good harvest leaves and flowers. There is a rule for jusai - the more foliage is cut, the more flowers will appear, and accordingly, the yield will be higher.


Dzhusai onion, the cultivation of which does not differ from other perennial onion crops, is an unpretentious plant, but does not like waterlogged places and northern slopes. Dzhusai needs constant feeding, watering and weeding. With a light day of 10-12 hours, onion growth slows down.

When loosening, the bulbs do not fall asleep with soil, but rather clean them and move the soil into the space between the rows. With insufficient moisture, the foliage becomes rough. To maintain the taste, as well as the juiciness and tenderness of the leaves, regular watering of the plant is necessary.

After the appearance of the first shoots, top dressing begins:

  • per 1 sq. m enough 5 g of urea, which is scattered around the garden and then poured with warm water;
  • can be used and chemical agent"Epin Extra", an ampoule of which is dissolved in 5 liters of water.

"Ferovit" is used to improve photosynthesis 15 days after the first feeding. After cutting greens (in the second year), the plant is fertilized with nitrophoska, using 40 g per ten-liter bucket. In mid-August, the last harvest of onion greens is done, so the dzhusai plant can gain strength for wintering. Completely cut the greens in late autumn. In one place, the plant gives rich harvests for up to four years, then it weakens, grows, and greenery is formed little and of poor quality.

Application in cooking

Jusai - what is it? It is a plant that is grown for its taste. The flat leaves are ready to eat raw and salted. They are added to any dish. Flower arrows can be pickled.

When cooking meat dishes from beef, lamb and game, the leaves of the plant are used. They are added to minced meat for dumplings. This onion variety is an indispensable ingredient in exquisite Uighur, Kyrgyz, Dungan sauces, as well as roasts. Jusai is one of critical components dishes in Southeast Asia.

And what else can you cook from jusai? Onion flowers are used to make homemade wine and tinctures, and excellent honey is obtained from nectar.

Use in traditional medicine

Mineral salts, vitamins and fiber are present in the grass and onion, thanks to which the onion is able to maintain tenderness and the whole range of useful properties without losing them until autumn.

Leaves and inflorescences contain a large amount of ascorbic acid, which is used to strengthen the immune system, circulatory, endocrine and nervous systems. In addition, ascorbic acid strengthens cartilage and vascular walls. Jusai, whose beneficial properties are multifaceted, also compensates for the lack of vitamin C. The bulb of jusai contains mineral salt, vitamins and some fiber. Reviews testify to the healing qualities of this plant.

For treatment colds, with bronchitis and pneumonia, jusai is used. Beneficial features and vitamins are preserved if the plant is frozen. This variety of onions restores blood, has diuretic and choleretic properties. For example, in the East, onions are used to treat neurasthenia, gastritis and exhaustion. In Tibet, onions are used for snake bites as an excellent antidote. There are many recipes for using both seeds and bulbs to treat various diseases.


Among the contraindications:

  • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract);
  • stones in the gallbladder;
  • inflammatory process in the spleen;
  • cholecystitis.

The calorie content of this onion is slightly higher than other similar plants. One hundred grams of jusai contains forty kilocalories.

Beyond all positive qualities, which are confirmed by numerous reviews, onions can decorate your site thanks to bright green leaves and small flowers white color, called asterisks.
