Fire safety documentation for sp. In connection with numerous appeals of individual entrepreneurs on fire safety requirements, we publish recommendations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

The fire inspector, as a safety specialist, has his own work characteristics that characterize his activities. Such factors are concentrated in the field of consideration of certain points that are inherent in the observance of safety rules, in particular the prevention of the risk of fire.

So, what does the fire inspector pay attention to when checking:

Checking evacuation plans. Every public institution is required to have appropriate detailed plans evacuation in case of fire hazard situations, which will help employees to freely leave the building. In the absence of evacuation plans, the administration of the organization may be exposed.

Checking the existing fire alarm. It is she who should inform all people in the building about the corresponding fire hazard and force them to leave the premises before accidents occur. The absence of this security system is also punishable by penalties.

The presence of a special instruction on fire safety, which must be carefully read and signed by all employees of the enterprise. It should cover all the nuances of handling electrical objects, devices and other automated means that can cause short circuits in the electrical network and lead to a fire.

Checking the available means for primary fire extinguishing, which include sand, shovels, an ax, fire extinguishers with a specified expiration date. It is worth noting that such a kit should be on almost all floors of the building and guarantees the absence of accidents if used on time.

Availability of internal fire hydrants and their complete set with fire hoses. They must not have any pronounced signs defects or deformations that could subsequently lead to accidents. It is worth noting that bends and other negative elements of the state of the fire hose can break it off under high pressure water.

Examination special impregnation all available window openings, doors and shelving. Their wooden base should not burn, thereby helping to prevent the occurrence of fire hazards. In addition, they should not, when exposed to high temperatures, release dangerous toxins or bad smell, which can adversely affect the human body.

The presence of unforeseen obstacles on the evacuation route. These include a variety of gratings, stored building materials, garbage that does not prevent access to the emergency exit. In the event of a real danger, all of them will be able to interfere with the normal passage of employees public organization to a safe exit, which should also be equipped with a special luminous sign.

Viewing the layout of the building and the absence of any intervention in it by the administration. In case of their presence and inconsistency with the appropriate authorities, penalties are expected to be imposed.

Availability of fire safety accessories such as electric lights or emergency lighting. With their help, employees or visitors to a public building will be able to easily find the necessary fire exit and proceed to it. It is worth noting that lighting is often not provided in buildings without additional public funding.

Checking the availability of specially equipped smoking rooms and the presence of trash cans and ashtrays. According to the law, every public institution must have such places for employees to rest.

In the case of specially designed fire doors, be sure to check all the documentation confirming their quality and reliability. In the event that they fail to fulfill their direct functions and an accident occurs, the responsibility will be borne by the administration and the fire inspector who conducted the appropriate check.

Checking the available plates with the required name of the person responsible for fire safety. It is this person who is obliged to monitor compliance with all basic safety rules and check after the end of the working day turning off electrical appliances.

The use of a variety of fireplaces, kettles and other items in places not designated for this. It should be noted that such accessories are strictly prohibited in public buildings, which are characterized by the presence a large number waste paper such as libraries or specialized archives.

Checking the wiring, namely the presence of twists, defects or deformations that can become a direct source of a short circuit, and thereby a fire. All signs of outside interference in performance electrical networks, without knowledge fire inspection, must be carefully documented and are the basis for penalties.

These points are the main stages of the activity of the fire inspector, the execution of which directly depends on the object being checked.

Required documentation for verification.

Order on the appointment of a person responsible for fire safety in the organization.

Order on the procedure for conducting fire drills.

Order on the appointment of a person responsible for primary fire extinguishing equipment.

Order on the appointment of a person responsible for carrying out fire hazardous work.

Order on the appointment of a responsible person for electrical facilities.

Order on the definition and equipment of smoking areas.

Order on the procedure for de-energizing electrical equipment.

Order on the order of inspection and closing of premises.

Order on the procedure for cleaning combustible waste and dust.

Register of inspections by regulatory authorities.

Journal of inspection of production and auxiliary premises at the end of the working day.

Fire safety briefing register.

Operational certificate of the fire extinguisher.

Maintenance magazine for fire extinguishers.

Log book of primary fire extinguishing equipment.

Logbook of fire hydrants.

Journal of checking fire hydrants, intake devices in reservoirs, fire pumps and shields.

Instructions for the person responsible for the fire safety of the premises.

Instructions on fire safety measures at the enterprise.

Instructions for maintenance fire extinguishers.

Instructions for the operation of fire water supply.

Memo terms of checking and recharging fire extinguishers.

Fire safety standards training of fire safety measures for employees.

Standards for equipping premises with portable fire extinguishers.

The act of checking fire-retardant impregnation.

Application for recharging fire extinguishers.

The procedure for employees in the event of a fire.

The procedure for closing production and auxiliary premises at the end of the working day.

Plan fire fighting measures for a year.

Journal of working out the evacuation plan.

Full set required documents(orders, instructions, PB magazines, regulations, recommendations) you can purchase on our website. Having spent quite a bit of time, you will receive ready-made fire safety documents.

if THAT is what.
List of documents required for passing the fire safety inspection

1. Title documents for a legal entity, an individual entrepreneur;
2. Permits on the implementation of the statutory activities of the NOR object;
3. Details of the NOR customer, details of the facility manager;
4. Name of the organization operating the NOR facility;
5. Name of the NRA object according to registration documents, its cadastral number, inventory number according to the technical inventory authorities;
6. Lease agreements for territory, buildings, premises;
7. Technical certificate for the building, passport for ventilation systems, passport for lightning protection;
8. Projects for the NOR facility (with return);
9. Agreement for the maintenance of APS, SOUE, AUPT, license of a service organization;
10. Contract for measuring the insulation resistance of electrical wiring, registration certificate of the electrical laboratory that carried out the measurements;
11. Technical documentation related to issues of power supply, lighting (internal and external), water supply, heating, ventilation, installation of fire prevention and fire protection systems, contracts for the installation, repair and maintenance of fire prevention and fire protection systems;
12. Declaration of fire safety;
13. General instructions on fire safety measures;
14. Instructions on fire safety measures for each explosive and fire hazardous area, workshop, warehouse, etc.;
15. Order on the appointment of those responsible for the implementation of fire safety requirements in certain areas of work; for conducting briefings; for the provision of regime fire-fighting measures for rented and (or) own areas; for fire safety during operation and good condition: electrical installations, ventilation and heating systems, fire and fire alarms, primary fire extinguishing equipment and smoke protection; on approval of the instructions for industrial security;
16. Order establishing fire regime at the facility in accordance with the PPR;
17. Order on the procedure for conducting temporary hot and other fire hazardous work;
18. Order on the procedure and terms for passing fire-fighting briefings, classes on the fire-technical minimum and appointing those responsible for their conduct;
19. Order on the establishment of a fire-technical commission;
20. Order on the creation of a voluntary fire brigade or on the actions of personnel in case of fire;
21. Certificates of completion of training under the fire-technical minimum program by those responsible for ensuring the safety, for conducting briefings;
22. Magazine of briefings on fire safety;
23. Journal of accounting and checks fire extinguishers ;
24. Journal of inspection of the premises after the end of the working day;
25. Journals of PPR and TO APS and SOiUE people in case of fire;
26. The act of conducting training to develop evacuation plans;
27. Acts of measuring the spreading resistance of grounding conductors and checking the metal connection of electrical equipment with a grounding device;
28. Protocols of measurements of electrical wiring insulation resistance;
29. Acts of commissioning of the AUPS, SOUE, AUPT systems;
30. Acts based on the results of a comprehensive test of automatic fire protection systems for the building;

31. Schedule of preventive maintenance of electrical equipment, ventilation systems;
32. Availability of fire safety signs on evacuation routes and signs with a call telephone number fire brigade;
33. Certificates for Decoration Materials coverings of floors, walls and ceilings on evacuation routes;
34. Certificates and passports for fire doors;
35. Log book of control measures;
36. Calculation of categories for explosion and fire hazard of a warehouse.

under fire safety Russian legislation is understood as the state of protection of the individual, property, society and the state from fires. Compliance with fire safety rules is undoubtedly not an empty formality or a way to avoid fines and other sanctions, but a vital necessity and obligation of all citizens and organizations. And individual entrepreneur not an exception.

The legal framework in the field of fire safety consists of a number of voluminous documents:
Federal Law No. 69-FZ of December 21, 1994 “On Fire Safety” (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 69-FZ);
Federal Law No. 123-FZ dated July 22, 2008 " Technical regulation on fire safety requirements” (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 123-FZ);
Fire safety rules in the Russian Federation (PPB 01-03), introduced by order of the Russian Emergencies Ministry of 18.06.2003 No. 313 (hereinafter referred to as PPB);
Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated June 20, 2003 No. 323 “On approval of fire safety standards “Designing fire warning systems for people in buildings and structures” (NPB 104-03)” (hereinafter - NPB 104-03);
Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation of June 18, 2003 No. 315 “On approval of fire safety standards” List of buildings, structures, premises and equipment to be protected automatic settings fire extinguishing and automatic fire alarm system” (NPB 110-03)” (hereinafter referred to as NPB-110-03);
Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation of December 12, 2007 No. 645 “On Approval of the Fire Safety Standards “Training of Fire Safety Measures for Employees of Organizations” (hereinafter referred to as the NPB Training);
“SP 3.13130.2009. Set of rules. Fire protection systems. Fire warning and evacuation control system. Fire safety requirements”, approved by order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation of March 25, 2009 No. 173 (hereinafter - SP 3.13130.2009);
“SP 5.13130.2009. Set of rules. Fire protection systems. Fire alarm and fire extinguishing installations are automatic. Design norms and rules”, approved by order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation of March 25, 2009 No. 175 (hereinafter - SP 5.13130.2009);
“SP 9.13130.2009. Set of rules. Fire fighting equipment. Fire extinguishers. Requirements for operation”, approved by order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation of March 25, 2009 No. 179 (hereinafter - SP 9.13130.2009).

Rights and obligations of an entrepreneur

Law No. 69-FZ, as a basic document, defines the main responsibilities of citizens and organizations in the field of fire safety.

Individual entrepreneurs, like all citizens, in accordance with Art. 34 of Law No. 69-FZ are required to:
comply with fire safety requirements;
to have in the premises and buildings owned (used) primary means of extinguishing fires and fire-fighting equipment in accordance with the fire safety rules and lists approved by the relevant local authorities;
upon detection of fires, immediately notify the fire brigade about them;
before the arrival of the fire brigade, take all feasible measures to save people, property and extinguish fires;
assist the fire brigade in extinguishing fires;
comply with instructions, resolutions and other legal requirements of officials of the state fire supervision;
provide, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the opportunity for officials of the state fire supervision to conduct inspections and inspections of their industrial, utility, residential and other premises and structures in order to monitor compliance with fire safety requirements and suppress their violations.

An individual entrepreneur has the right to conclude employment contracts with employees, that is, to be an employer, and therefore the provisions of Art. 37 of Law No. 69-FZ, the duties of the head of the organization:
comply with fire safety requirements, as well as comply with instructions, orders and other legal requirements of fire protection officials;
develop and implement measures to ensure fire safety;
carry out fire prevention propaganda, as well as train their employees in fire safety measures;
include fire safety issues in the collective agreement;
maintain fire protection systems and equipment in good condition, including primary fire extinguishing equipment, and prevent their use for other purposes;
assist the fire department in extinguishing fires, establishing the causes and conditions for their occurrence and development, as well as in identifying persons guilty of violating fire safety requirements and causing fires;
provide, in accordance with the established procedure, when extinguishing fires in the territories of enterprises, the necessary forces and means;
provide access to fire protection officials in the exercise of their official duties on the territory, in buildings, structures and other facilities of enterprises;
to provide, at the request of officials of the state fire supervision, information and documents on the state of fire safety at enterprises, including on the fire hazard of their products, as well as on fires that have occurred on their territories and their consequences;
immediately inform the fire brigade about fires, malfunctions of existing fire protection systems and means, changes in the condition of roads and driveways;
promote the activities of volunteer firefighters.

It is important to note that individual entrepreneurs directly manage the fire safety system and are personally responsible for compliance with fire safety requirements.

Thu What is a fire safety system?

The main working document of the above regulations for an individual entrepreneur, as well as for any organization, is the PPB. It is on the basis of this document that the fire safety system for an individual entrepreneur is built.

In accordance with paragraph 4 of the PPB, individual entrepreneurs must have a fire safety system at their facilities aimed at preventing exposure to people dangerous factors fire, including their secondary manifestations. What is meant by this?

Order on the procedure for ensuring fire safety

Firstly, an individual entrepreneur must approve an order on the procedure for ensuring fire safety. This order appoints a person responsible for fire safety, approves instructions on fire safety measures, resolves issues of conducting fire safety briefing, etc. When choosing a candidate responsible for fire safety, it is important to remember that both the individual entrepreneur and the person responsible for fire safety must be trained in the fire-technical minimum and receive a certificate of knowledge testing. Sample Sample order.

Instructions on fire safety measures

Second important element fire safety systems is an instruction on fire safety measures. According to paragraph 6 of the PPB, each facility must develop such instructions for each explosive and fire hazardous area. In addition, paragraph 14 of the PPB contains a mention of general object instructions. Therefore, an individual entrepreneur should develop and approve general instruction for each object and in case there is an explosive or fire hazardous area at such an object, create separate instructions for these areas.

The instructions on fire safety measures should contain the following information (Appendix 1 to PPB 01-03):
1. the procedure for maintaining the territory, buildings and premises, including evacuation routes;
2. measures to ensure fire safety during technological processes, equipment operation, fire hazardous work;
3. procedure and norms for storage and transportation of explosive and flammable substances and fire hazardous substances and materials;
4. places of smoking, use of open fire and hot work;
5. procedure for collection, storage and disposal of combustible substances and materials, maintenance and storage of overalls;
6. limit indications of instrumentation (pressure gauges, thermometers, etc.), deviations from which can cause a fire or explosion;
7. duties and actions of employees in case of fire:
o rules for calling the fire brigade;
o order emergency stop technological equipment;
o the procedure for turning off ventilation and electrical equipment;
o rules for the use of fire extinguishing equipment and fire automation installations;
o the procedure for the evacuation of combustible substances and material assets;
o the procedure for inspecting and bringing all the premises of the enterprise (subdivision) into a fire and explosion safe condition.

When developing instructions, it is also necessary to pay attention to clause 15 of the PPB, which contains a list of issues that should be reflected in the administrative document of an individual entrepreneur, in particular:
determination of the location and allowable quantity of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products;
determination of the procedure for de-energizing electrical equipment at the end of the working day;
regulation of the procedure for inspection and closing of premises after completion of work;
determination of the procedure and terms for passing fire-fighting briefings and classes on the fire-technical minimum, as well as the appointment of those responsible for their conduct.

Since clause 15 of the PPB does not specify the type of document, some of the questions can be stated not in the instructions, but in the order on the procedure for ensuring fire safety.

In addition, when drawing up instructions, it is necessary to pay attention to clause 110 of the PPB, which outlines the specific actions that an individual entrepreneur or person responsible for fire safety must take upon arrival at the fire site. Such actions include reporting a fire to the fire brigade, organizing rescue of people in case of a threat to their lives, checking the activation of the fire alarm system, fire extinguishing, smoke protection, power outages if necessary, stopping the operation of transporting devices, units, apparatus, stopping all work in the building, removal of workers from the danger zone, organization of evacuation and protection of material assets, etc. In the instruction being developed by the entrepreneur, it is advisable to prescribe the above actions more fully and specifically.

Other PPB requirements

As the third element of the fire safety system of an individual entrepreneur, we list a number of fire safety requirements. So, paragraph 13 of the Rules requires that signs indicating the telephone number of the fire brigade call be posted in prominent places in all rooms.

According to paragraph 16 of the PPB, in buildings and structures where more than 10 people are on the floor at a time, plans (schemes) for evacuating people in case of fire should be developed and posted in prominent places, and a system (installation) for warning people about a fire. The fire warning system (installation) must comply with NPB 104-03 and SP 3.13130.2009. Section 5 of NPB 104-3 will help an individual entrepreneur determine the type of warning system and control the evacuation of people in case of fire. In buildings where they are not required technical means warning people about a fire, an individual entrepreneur must determine the procedure for notifying people about a fire and appoint persons responsible for this (clause 103 of the PPB).

If there are 50 people or more at the facility of an individual entrepreneur at the same time, then in addition to the schematic plan for evacuating people in case of fire, an instruction should be developed that determines the actions of personnel for safe and quick evacuation, according to which practical training should be carried out at least once every six months to evacuate all employees .

At the same time, the PPB in paragraph 52 requires that the doors on the escape routes open freely and in the direction of the exit from the building.
Also, individual entrepreneurs should remember about the timely maintenance and inspection of fire protection systems and installations. In accordance with paragraph 34 of the PPB, they must be constantly kept in working condition. The list of premises and equipment that must be equipped with automatic fire extinguishing installations (AFS) and fire alarms (AFS) is given in NPB 110-03.

According to clause 23 of the PPB, roads, driveways and entrances to buildings, structures, open warehouses, outdoor fire escapes and water sources used for fire fighting should always be free for passage fire fighting equipment be kept in good condition, and in winter be cleared of snow and ice. Near equipment that has an increased fire hazard, standard safety signs must be hung out (clause 33 of the PPB).

Clause 40 of the Rules contains a number of prohibitions on the storage of flammable and combustible liquids, explosives, etc. in basements and basement floors, placement of pantries, kiosks and stalls in elevator halls, etc. prohibitions. A number of restrictions are also established during the operation of evacuation routes and exits: do not block the paths, do not clog the doors, do not install the doors of dryers and clothes hangers in the vestibules, do not arrange thresholds, revolving doors and turnstiles, etc. (paragraph 53 of the PPB). Also PPB impose requirements for the maintenance of external fire escapes and fences on the roofs of buildings and structures. They must be kept in good condition and subjected to operational tests at least once every five years (clause 41 of the PPB). doors attic space, as well as technical floors and basements, where permanent residence of people is not required, must be locked. On the doors of these rooms there should be information about the location of the keys. The windows of attics, technical floors and basements must be glazed and permanently closed (clause 44 of the PPB).

In accordance with paragraph 108 of the PPB, premises, buildings and structures must be provided with primary fire extinguishing equipment (fire extinguishers, etc.). Order of definition required amount, types and types of such means are established in Appendix No. 3 to the PPB.

Fire safety training

Law No. 69-FZ establishes the obligation of the administration of organizations to train employees of these organizations in fire safety measures. This obligation also applies to individual entrepreneurs. He is responsible for organizing and timely training in the field of fire safety and testing the knowledge of fire safety rules for employees (clause 2. NPB Training). Fire safety education is informing society and citizens about fire safety requirements, including measures to prevent fires, organize fire and fire extinguishing, as well as actions to save life and property in the event of fires.

In practice, as a rule, fire safety training is understood only as fire safety briefing. However, it should be noted that such an interpretation is not entirely correct. According to clause 4 of the NPB Training, the main types of training for employees of organizations in fire safety measures are fire safety briefing and the study of a minimum of fire and technical knowledge (hereinafter referred to as the fire-technical minimum, PTM).

An individual entrepreneur, his specialists and employees responsible for fire safety must be trained in the fire-technical minimum. Such training is carried out within one month after hiring and then at least once every three years, and in fire and explosion hazardous industries - at least once a year. The responsibility for organizing training in the fire-technical minimum rests with the individual entrepreneur. The entrepreneur himself, his main specialists and employees responsible for fire safety should be trained in PTM on the basis of agreements concluded with specialized institutions (for example, training centers Federal fire service Ministry of Emergency Situations) according to the programs of the fire-technical minimum.

In accordance with paragraph 7 of the PPB, all employees of the organization should be allowed to work only after passing the fire safety briefing. The procedure is regulated by the NPB Training. The purpose of fire safety briefing is to bring to the attention of the employees of an individual entrepreneur the basic requirements of fire safety, the study of the fire hazard of technological processes of production and equipment, fire protection equipment, as well as their actions in the event of a fire.

Fire safety briefing is carried out with all employees of an individual entrepreneur according to approved programs and in the manner determined by the entrepreneur. The entrepreneur can establish the procedure for conducting fire safety briefings in the Instructions on fire safety measures, and the IP programs must be approved by an order, for example, an order on the procedure for ensuring fire safety.

In the process of briefing, taking into account the specifics of the entrepreneur's activities, employees must be familiarized with:
rules for the maintenance of the territory, buildings and premises, including evacuation routes, external and internal water supply, fire warning systems and management of the process of evacuation of people;
fire safety requirements;
measures to ensure fire safety in the operation of buildings, equipment, fire hazardous work;
rules for the use of open fire and hot work;
the duties and actions of employees in case of fire, the rules for calling the fire brigade, as well as the use of fire extinguishing equipment and fire automation installations.

In accordance with the NPB Training, 5 types of fire safety briefing are distinguished: introductory, primary at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled and targeted. All of them differ in nature and timing. In accordance with paragraph 10 of the NPB Training, an individual entrepreneur must keep a log of fire safety briefings, the form of which is approved by Appendix No. 1 to the NPB Training. Records are made in this log about the conduct of introductory, primary, repeated, unscheduled, targeted fire safety briefings with the obligatory signature of the instructed and instructing.

Introductory fire safety briefing, in accordance with paragraph 11 of the NPB Training, is carried out:
with all employees of an individual entrepreneur newly hired, regardless of their education and length of service in the profession (position);
with seasonal workers;
with employees seconded to individual entrepreneurs;
with students who arrived for industrial training or practice;
with other categories of workers (citizens) by decision of the IP.

The introductory briefing is carried out by the individual entrepreneur himself or by the person responsible for fire safety in a specially equipped room using visual aids and teaching materials. The introductory fire safety briefing program should be developed taking into account the approximate list of questions approved by Appendix No. 2 of the NPB-Training. Such briefing ends with a practical training of actions in the event of a fire and a test of knowledge of fire extinguishing equipment and fire protection systems.
Directly at the workplace, primary fire-fighting briefing is carried out with all newly hired workers, with workers transferred from one unit to another; with employees performing new work for them; with employees seconded to individual entrepreneurs; with seasonal people; with trainees at work or trainees, etc. (clause 16 of the NPB Training). The NPB Training states that such briefing is carried out by the person responsible for fire safety in each structural unit, but if an individual entrepreneur has a small staff and no departments, then the individual entrepreneur himself can instruct, having previously assumed the duties of the person responsible for fire safety. Initial briefing is carried out personally with each employee. At the same time, they explain to the employee, demonstrate visually and work out with him the ability to use primary fire extinguishing equipment (as a rule, fire extinguishers), actions in the event of a fire, evacuation rules, and assistance to victims. As in the case introductory briefing, an approximate list of questions approved by Appendix No. 2 of the Training NPB will help develop a program of initial briefing.

In order to test knowledge of fire safety by the person responsible for fire safety, all employees are re-instructed on fire at least once a year, and with employees of organizations that have a fire hazardous production, at least once every six months in accordance with the schedule approved by the individual entrepreneur conducting classes.

In a number of cases listed in paragraph 26 of the NPB Training, it is necessary to conduct unscheduled fire safety briefings, for example:
when introducing new or changing previously developed rules, norms, instructions on fire safety;
when it changes technological process production, replacement or modernization of equipment, tools, raw materials, materials;
in case of violation by employees of the organization of fire safety requirements, which could lead or led to a fire;
when establishing facts of unsatisfactory knowledge of fire safety requirements by employees of organizations, etc.

An unscheduled briefing is carried out by an employee responsible for ensuring fire safety, while the scope and content of the briefing are determined in each specific case, depending on the reasons that necessitated it.

In the case of carrying out one-time welding and other hot work, liquidation of the consequences of accidents, preparation mass events with the number of participants more than 50 people and in other cases (clause 28 of the NPB Training), a targeted fire safety briefing is carried out.

Responsibility of the entrepreneur

For violation of fire safety requirements, an individual entrepreneur may be held administratively and criminally liable.

In accordance with Art. 38 of Law No. 69-FZ, responsibility for violations of fire safety requirements is borne by property owners, persons authorized to own, use or dispose of property, including heads of organizations, persons responsible for ensuring fire safety, as well as officials within their competence. Since an individual entrepreneur can be the owner of property, have the right to rent, and therefore own and use property, can be an employer, the provisions of the above article apply to him.

Arbitrage practice

This position is confirmed in the resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Volga District dated September 9, 2010 in case No. A55-3469 / 2010: “In accordance with Article 38 federal law dated December 21, 1994 No. 69-FZ “On Fire Safety”, responsibility for violation of fire safety requirements in accordance with applicable law is borne, including by persons authorized to own and use property.

As established by the courts and confirmed by the case materials, a lease agreement was concluded between the entrepreneur and Volzhskoye LLC non-residential premises dated 01.01.2009 No. 030/09, during the inspection of which a violation of fire safety rules was revealed, namely: lack of primary fire extinguishing equipment (fire extinguishers) in accordance with the standards; failure to measure the insulation resistance of power and lighting wiring.

The courts made the correct conclusion that SP Krivov The.C. as a person authorized to own and use property, may be subject to liability under Part 1 of Article 20.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Administrative responsibility for violation of fire safety requirements is established by Art. 20.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. It should be noted that, in accordance with the note to Art. 2.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, individual entrepreneurs bear administrative responsibility as officials, unless otherwise specified in the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. In addition, the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation contains sanctions for violation of fire safety rules in forests (Article 8.32).

Criminal liability for violation of fire safety requirements is established by Art. 219 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Specific types of sanctions are indicated in the Table Responsibility for violation of fire safety requirements

In conclusion, it must be emphasized once again that compliance with fire safety requirements is not only a guarantee against claims from inspection bodies, prosecution, but also a guarantee of security and prevention of the threat of destruction and damage to the property of an individual entrepreneur and, most importantly, a threat to the life and health of the entrepreneur himself and his employees.

  • How is a fire safety audit carried out?
  • Non-participation in verification
  • Checks not scheduled

How is a fire inspection carried out? This question interests entrepreneurs. There are uniform rules in the world for everyone - this also applies to fires. If careless precautions are taken, a fire is bound to happen. Unfortunately, not all adults remember that security measures must be observed, but they are reminded of this by fire inspectors who do not allow directors of enterprises to relax by arranging both scheduled and unscheduled inspections. This fate did not pass and individual entrepreneurs.

How is a fire safety audit carried out?

How is a fire safety audit carried out? The main task of a scheduled inspection is to make sure that a businessman complies with production activities fire safety measures. Typically, this type of inspection is performed every 3 years. But if legal entities, as well as individual entrepreneurs are engaged in social sphere, health care or education, the fire inspector may visit establishments more frequently. And usually checks last up to 20 days - no more, unless, of course, there are any serious violations.
When three years have passed since the founding of the enterprise, it is included in the general inspection plan.

A notification arrives, which is sent by Rospotrebnadzor, and the IP fire inspection may soon begin.

An inspector can visit the organization when an object requiring special fire safety was put into operation at the enterprise. The entrepreneur must notify about this.

The prosecutor's office has the right to check whether the inclusion of any object in the annual inspection plan is legal. If this procedure is unreasonable, there is every reason to send an order to the State Fire Supervision Service, and then the individual entrepreneur will be excluded from the list.

If a fire safety check for an individual entrepreneur is to take place, the documents must always be in order. And this requires the contents of the following package valuable papers. Fire documents for IP:

  1. Technical documents from fire protection systems.
  2. Legal documents. This means that there must be certificates of registration of ownership of real estate or lease agreements. Maybe it will be papers confirming the right to dispose of the premises, land, transport, construction.
  3. Certificates of state registration of individual entrepreneurs and bank details of the enterprise.
  4. Articles of association.
  5. Orders and instructions indicating the persons who are responsible for the fire situation.
  6. Record books with signatures of employees who are familiar with the list of fire safety rules. A separate magazine should be given to fire extinguishers.
  7. Site plan and real estate.
  8. Agreement with the company that serves this system fire protection. Its license and annual work plan are also required.
  9. Acts drawn up after examining the fire water pipeline, usually from the inside and outside.
  10. Acts fixing the acceptance of work related to fire safety, so that there is a license from the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation.
  11. Special calculations that determine the type of explosion hazard.

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Non-participation in verification

When an organization enters an approved plan, it seems that the planned review cannot be avoided. But there is a fire safety audit, which is carried out with the task of finding violations of fire safety requirements at the enterprise, and also developing the necessary measures to eliminate them. For this, there are accredited enterprises operating on a contractual basis.

The results are recorded in the conclusion of an independent fire risk assessment. A plan must be included here. necessary activities to fix violations. The document is signed by officials who are members of the expert organization. A copy of the document is sent to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and then, after the expiration of the period, the conclusion that has been registered is given to the entrepreneur.

When the facility has successfully passed the test and complies with fire safety standards, it may not be included in scheduled inspections for three years.

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Checks not scheduled

There are some checks that are not included in the inspection plan. They are held if:

  • if a complaint has been received to the prosecutor's office and the State Fire Supervision authorities that a threat to the life and / or health of people has been identified, environment, plants, animals, state security, or there is a danger of a natural or artificial nature;
  • if the deadline for the execution of the order to eliminate the violation has expired.

The fact that the inspection will start not according to the plan is notified to the businessman a day before it is carried out.

If you follow the work of fire inspectors, you can see general pattern. They are primarily interested in:

  • safety of evacuation and emergency exits;
  • the presence of systems that react to the slightest fire, automatic fire extinguishing, smoke protection and warning people about a fire;
  • exceptional compliance with fire safety requirements, which primarily relate to electrical wiring, internal fire water supply and simple means fire extinguishing;
  • fire documents, the order of which is necessary.

It happens that the inspector forces employees to some kind of admission of guilt. In this case, you can not do without the advice of a lawyer or the head of the enterprise. The inspector during the inspection can conduct it if there are a lawyer and a person responsible for fire safety nearby. They are required to have power of attorney with them.

Capturing the check on camera is very important. The recording that was received from the camera will be subsequently evidence in the case. If there is suspicion of dishonesty official, you can film the test on camera to use the recording as an evidence base. The same argument will be the journal, in which each item of the check will be recorded, starting from the list of inspectors, dates and ending with legal regulations and its goals. It is necessary to keep a log so that in case of violations committed by the inspector, you can complain to the State Fire Supervision.
