What is better - polystyrene or polystyrene foam: advice from professionals. Penoplex and Expanded polystyrene: properties, myths, use cases

With the help of modern thermal insulation materials used in the construction various houses, buildings and structures, it is possible not only to reduce the cost of space heating, but also to protect their internal space from adverse external influences. Insulation will help maintain the temperature inside buildings at an optimal level for living, while completely eliminating any heat loss.

Currently, you can find a huge variety of thermal insulation materials manufactured by both foreign and domestic companies. These products can be purchased at any hardware store, but for this you need to know its varieties and characteristics. This is the only way to get exactly what you need to solve the problem.

The progenitor of modern heat-insulating material is the well-known polystyrene.

With its main properties - high thermal insulation and low specific gravity, expanded polystyrene is an improved type of this old friend. What properties distinguish Penoplex from polystyrene?

In this article

Styrofoam properties

Such thermal insulation material known in Europe for over 50 years. Its popularity is explained by the presence of closed pores, where the use of freon is not expected, as well as the low cost of production. You can buy extruded polystyrene foam at any building materials store. Despite the low cost, it has a high thermal insulation efficiency.

Styrofoam is air bubbles, hardened foam. This is where the name Styrofoam comes from.

The differences lie in a completely new way of production and in the basis of a more modern material.

In polystyrene, up to 85% of the volume is occupied by air, hence the heat-insulating properties. Thermal insulation is the lower, the denser the material. Balls with a shell of polystyrene (hardened polystyrene foam) successfully combine two properties - low thermal conductivity and high density.

The original foam is not permeable to steam, but it can absorb moisture up to 4%. Expanded polystyrene practically does not absorb water due to its density. But the improved waterproofing properties do not prevent this material from breathing. This happens due to the molding method, extruded polystyrene foam Penoplex is molded by cutting. The strength of this insulation is much higher due to the production method on extruders. Molecular bonds in this material are many times higher than in idle foam.

The fire safety of Penoplex is due to the addition of flame retardants to it. These are special substances that prevent the material from igniting. Like any polymer, Styrofoam will burn if it can be ignited. This is prevented by high fire resistance. Its biological stability is also high. Molds cannot live on polymers.

It can be briefly concluded that all the improved properties of expanded polystyrene are due to its denser and more uniform structure, as well as the use of raw materials with improved properties.

It is necessary to take into account a number of properties that polystyrene foam cannot provide:

  • Low noise absorption capacity. Rigid cells of isolated air are resonators rather than sound dampeners.
  • Expanded polystyrene is resistant to aggressive environments. He is afraid of acetone, varnishes, drying oil and turpentine. But does not react with bitumen, soap and mineral fertilizers.
  • Styrofoam oxidizes in heat. While in production it is impossible to carry out the complete polymerization of the components, harmful substances will be released when exposed to high temperatures.

Production technology of extruded polystyrene foam

In order to understand the properties of this material, it is necessary to understand the technology of its production. Extruded polystyrene foam is made from pure granular polystyrene. Technological process mixing the molten polymer with a foamy mass, and then extruding it through a “die” die, is called extrusion.

The foamy mass is formed by injecting a "porophor" - low-boiling liquids or gases (for example, isopentane or freon). During the polymer melting process, the foam mass is introduced directly into the extruder and mixed in it. Thus, a dense, finely porous homogeneous mass is formed, in which subsequently, when cooling, the molecules of the blowing agent (foaming agent) are noticed in atmospheric air.

This is what determines beneficial features styrofoam:

  • density,
  • ease,
  • low coefficient of thermal conductivity,
  • compressive strength,
  • low chemical activity,
  • fire safety,
  • environmental friendliness.

Your choice of good insulation

When the question arises of choosing a heater for the house, an ignorant person, when looking for options, stumbles upon many discrepancies. Commercial offers The internet is full of different terms. Styrofoam like common name many insulating materials, is widely used in the advertising of many suppliers. Let's take a closer look - Penoplex or expanded polystyrene?

The technology of combining the mixing of the components of a molten polymer with the injection of a vaporizer into it, called direct gassing extrusion, was developed in the United States half a century ago. The development of technology, the development of new, more modern extruders, the use of improved materials and components have led to the fact that extruded polystyrene foam is produced in several countries. Penoplex is made in Russia from polystyrene general purpose using a blowing agent based on light freons with an admixture of carbon dioxide. These freons are ozone-safe, non-flammable and non-toxic.

Penoplex is the most popular type of extruded polystyrene. Penoplex is produced in the form of special mats. It has many advantages, of which it is worth highlighting moisture resistance and the ability to maintain its original properties even under adverse external influences. This material is widely used as a good heat insulator for foundations and roofs, as well as for finishing wall surfaces.

The brands of produced Penoplex are different in their intended purpose. The characteristics of each brand correspond to certain production standards and meet a specific purpose of use. Below is a comparison of the properties of the two most popular brands of Penoplex.

Briefly, these brands can be characterized by their purpose.

Penoplex 35

Penoplex 35 is produced for use in construction, including housing. The main goal is the thermal insulation of buildings and structures. During production, a flame retardant is introduced into it to increase resistance to sunburn.

The uniqueness of these additives is that during combustion, Penoplex 35 emits only CO2 and CO gases, similar to burning wood, which shows its high environmental safety. The size of the plates produced is also dictated by the ease of use in construction. Width 600 mm, length 1200 mm. The thickness of the plates varies from 23 mm to 100 mm with a gradation of 20 mm. For insulation of foundations, this brand can be produced without flame retardant additives in order to reduce the cost.

Penoplex 50

Penoplex 50 is characterized by increased compressive and flexural strength. This brand is used for thermal insulation pavement, runways, railways. It can be used for insulation of building foundations and basement floors, as well as exploited roofs. It is in this brand that such qualities as resistance to wetting and operational durability are most in demand. Environmental requirements are lower, the requirements for the density and strength of the material come to the fore. This brand is often advertised under its production name Penoplex 45 polystyrene foam, which can withstand a load of up to 50 tons per 1 m2.

Types of foam plastics for their use in housing construction

Housing builders show the greatest interest in the use of Penoplex 35 expanded polystyrene. Low-rise construction using modern technologies is interested in inexpensive and efficient building materials.

In this regard, there is a classification of foams according to their scope:

Any brands of Penoplex comply with state standards and are environmentally friendly.

Thanks to modern technologies quality and affordable insulation home from a dream turned into a completely solvable task. There are many reviews that it is better to choose polyspen or penoplex (penoplex). We will understand this by evaluating the properties of these materials.

Heaters, in fact, are extruded polystyrene foam. This is a new generation of heat insulators that are able to effectively retain heat. Today, in the assortment of large stores you can find a number of such building materials that are used for similar purposes, but still differ in their characteristics. Let's look at and compare the most popular of them.

Penoplex competitors

Penoplex - one of the most demanded foam materials, whose properties have been improved as a result of additional processing - extrusion. The use of foam: attics, facades, roofs and foundations of buildings. For each of these objects there is a separate, most suitable look plates.

Widespread use of the product is possible due to a number of properties:

  • Minimum water absorption, which is important for thermal insulators. A number of experiments were carried out, during which the product was left in water for several days - moisture penetrates only into the outer layers, and the inner closed cells remain dry.
  • Has a low thermal conductivity(0.03 W * m * ° C), and the value does not change significantly even in a humid environment. This expands the scope and allows the product to be used in conditions of increased dampness.
  • Low vapor permeability- well protects the surface from moisture evaporation. According to this property, a 2-cm layer of material is able to replace a layer of roofing material.
  • Long service life. During the experiments, it was found that the properties of the product do not change even after a significant change external conditions- it was frozen and thawed, and also tested with water. The manufacturer indicated that the plates last about 50 years, but tests indicate a longer period of use.
  • Compressive strength. Thanks to the production technology, the board has a homogeneous structure with evenly distributed small cells, which improves strength and resistance to mechanical stress.
  • Easy installation. The material can be cut even with a regular knife. Maybe self-laying without connecting masters.
  • High level of environmental friendliness. The manufacturer used a type of freon that does not burn, is not poisonous and does not harm the environment.
  • Minimum reactivity. Doesn't react with most chemical substances, often used in construction: ketones (acetone, methyl ethyl ketone), formaldehyde, kerosene, gasoline, oil paints etc.
  • High biostability– plates are not subject to rotting and decomposition.

It is also worth noting such pros and cons of penoplex: materials of this type require maintaining a certain, not too high temperature. If this condition is violated, they are deformed and may even ignite.

There are a number of foam-type plates for insulation. They are made using a similar technology, therefore they are similar in structure and properties, but, as a rule, they have different sphere applications.

Technoplex characteristics

The plates are made using a similar technology and have been produced in Russia since 2006. They do not shrink, are resistant to chemical influences, but are afraid of gasoline and solvents, and are also used inside buildings. Let's compare several parameters:

Building useroofs, facades, roadsinner part
Density, kg/m325-47 26-35
Flammability groupG4G4
Water absorption,%0,2-0,4 0.2
Vapor permeability 0,012 0.01
Price, rub/m290-250 100-290


It is mainly used in industrial and civil construction and road construction. It can also be used to create a "warm floor" system and on refrigeration units.

Styrofoam or penoplex

A range of materials used to insulate three-layer walls, flat and pitched roofs, plinths, underground parts of a building. Also used in the manufacture of sandwich panels, on highways and airfields.

Strength - 250-500 MPa;

Combustibility group - G3 or G4;

Water absorption - 0.2%;

Vapor permeability - 0.006 mg / (mh * Pa).

Thermoplex or penoplex

It is used for sound and heat insulation of basements, ceilings, foundations, walls, roofs of all types, in the construction of roads, underground parking lots and industrial facilities.

You can compare the main characteristics of the material with those previously given for penoplex:

Density - 33-45 kg / m3;

Combustibility group - G1-G4;

Water absorption - 0.1%;

Ursa xps or penoplex

It has one of the lowest thermal conductivity coefficients among similar materials.

Styrofoam ursa xps insulate flat and pitched roofs, foundations, basement walls, and are also used in the installation of a warm floor.

Density - 35-40 kg / m3;

Combustibility group - G1;

Water absorption - 0.3-0.5%;

Vapor permeability - 0.015-0.018 mg / (mh * Pa).

Timplex insulation made of extruded polystyrene foam

Used for insulation of walls, facades, floors and roofs residential buildings, as well as in road, railway construction and in the construction of airfield pavements.

Explit insulation for extruded polystyrene foam

The feature of the material is its high resistance to deformation, so it is excellent for the construction of roads and railways, sports grounds, refrigeration units and ice arenas.

Expol insulation made of extruded polystyrene foam

It has a wide range of applications, including all building structures, but due to its ability to effectively protect against moisture, it is widely used in foundations.

Teplex insulation made of extruded polystyrene foam

A material similar in properties and scope to foam plastic, but with higher strength.

Technonikol or penoplex

Some technonicol materials are also made by extrusion, while others have a basalt base. The first group is used mainly for warming houses. A feature of the plates is high flammability, and when burned, they emit toxic substances. Therefore, when working with them, it is especially important to observe safety standards.

Today, the building materials market is represented a large number of different heaters. They differ in performance, cost and scope. Also, heaters can be made from natural and artificial components. Both groups of materials are popular.

Many buyers are interested in which is better - foam or foam? They belong to the category of fully synthetic substances. These materials and their differences will be discussed below.

Considering which is better - foam or foam, you should consider the features of each of the presented heaters. They have a lot in common, as they are made from the same material. However, its processing is significantly different.

Both presented materials are characterized by low weight. Heaters of this type do not absorb moisture. Also, artificial materials are not subject to decay, which allows them to be used in almost any weather conditions. These artificial heaters are afraid of exposure to solvents (acetone, gasoline).

Apply in construction works ah styrofoam and styrofoam is very simple. They do not weigh down the structure. Also, the cost of the presented materials remains invariably affordable for all categories of buyers. This makes both presented heaters popular among buyers.

However, foam and polystyrene have a number of differences. Some buyers think that these are completely the same materials. However, this is not the case.

Creating Styrofoam

In our country, foam or polystyrene foam is widely used for insulation. What is better, it will help to understand the consideration of their features. Styrofoam appeared before foam plastic. It is made from polymer materials.

To get foam, first polystyrene granules are made. They consist of isoprene and pentane. They are treated with gases, foamed until light balls are obtained. To obtain polystyrene, polystyrene is treated with water vapor. When this occurs, a chemical reaction takes place. The balls swell, increase in volume. Pentane leaves them.

Polystyrene beads are subjected to further processing. To form the insulation boards, the balls are subjected to high pressure. They can also be processed at elevated temperatures. This material has balls in its structure. If you look closely, you can easily see them.

Penoplex production

There is an official opinion of experts on the question of which insulation is better. Styrofoam or Styrofoam? They are very similar. The fact is that they are both made of polystyrene. Penoplex is a newer development of technologists. Thanks to a special production technology, this material has received certain advantages over polystyrene.

It is also a vapor barrier material. This property leads to the accumulation of moisture under the surface of the foam. This entails the development of decay processes, the appearance of a fungus. This leads to the establishment of an unfavorable microclimate in the apartment. Therefore, the foam is not recommended to be mounted indoors. They insulate mainly external walls.

Foam specifications

It should also be considered specifications materials, choosing between foam or foam. What is better for the facade, floor or other objects will help to understand the main qualities of the materials presented.

Styrofoam is a combustible material. Its thermal conductivity is 0.04 W/m. This indicator is typical for many other types of thermal insulation. The presented material can be used at temperatures from +70 to -40 ºС. Styrofoam is characterized by a compression density of about 8 t / m². The moisture absorption index of the material is 2.1%.

Polyfoam differs in the long term of operation. He reaches the age of 30. At the same time, foam sheets of various sizes and thicknesses are on sale. This allows it to be used for different conditions. Most often, sheets with a thickness of 10 cm are purchased. The cost of foam plastic is invariably acceptable. A sheet with a thickness of 5 cm and an area of ​​0.5 m² can be purchased at a price of 40 rubles.

Penoplex properties

For various construction works, foam or foam plastic is used. What is better for the floor, walls, facade and other objects? The advice of professional installers will help you make a decision.

Penoplex is characterized special qualities. He is different solid construction. Therefore, foam is used for floor insulation. And in this case, you do not even need to create an additional frame. The weight of the screed and the structures in the room will be evenly distributed over the slabs. They won't push through.

At the same time, penoplex is distinguished by improved thermal insulation properties. This allows you to reduce the thickness of the plates. A foam sheet with a thickness of 3 cm is identical in terms of insulating qualities to foam plastic with a thickness of 8 cm. Even in the Far North, extruded polymer plates thicker than 10 cm are not used. All positive traits foam plastic, this material not only inherited, but also improved.

The negative qualities of penoplex

The owners of houses and apartments have a question, what is the best way to insulate the walls - foam plastic or foam plastic? Both show high thermal insulation characteristics. Extruded durable polymer has many advantages over foam. Why hasn't the more fragile material been discontinued yet?

The fact is that the cost of foam remains consistently cheaper. Penoplex costs about 120 rubles. for a sheet with an area of ​​​​0.6 m² and a thickness of 3 cm. Therefore, cheaper foam plastic is often purchased to insulate walls and ceilings.

In addition, expanded polystyrene has the same vapor barrier. This also leads to the accumulation of moisture inside the walls. This leads to the development of decay processes, the formation of fungus. In this case, other insulation materials are more attractive for installation.

Technical characteristics of penoplex

There are several recommendations, the better to insulate the house. It is quite simple to finish the facade, ceiling or other objects with polystyrene foam or foam plastic. However, before purchasing a particular material, you need to know its technical characteristics. Penoplex has a lot of advantages compared to polystyrene.

Extruded insulation has a thermal conductivity index of 0.029-0.03 W / m. However, it can be used for more low temperatures. Penoplex withstands frost down to -50 ºС.

In this case, the compressive density will be much higher than that of the foam. This figure is about 21 t/m².

Also, the material has a lower rate of water absorption. It is 0.5%. This indicates a much slower destruction of the material under the influence of moisture. The service life of penoplex is 50 years. it's the same combustible material, which can not be mounted in rooms with increased fire hazard.

Expert opinion

Which is better - foam or foam? Experts give an unequivocal answer to this question. According to its characteristics, penoplex significantly exceeds the performance of foam plastic. Therefore, this material was able to win its place in the market. Even at a much higher cost, extruded material is often purchased for various construction work.

Penoplex inherited some of the disadvantages of foam. It is a vapor-tight and combustible material. However, it fully copes with its thermal insulation functions. This allows you to talk about high efficiency penoplex. Polyfoam has a rather limited scope. This is also a shortcoming of the presented material.

The construction market is filled with a mass of types of insulation materials. They are rolled, slab, filling and sprayed. Since the range is very large, it can be difficult to make the right and informed choice. What can I say if there are more than 6 types of foam materials alone. It's about about Ravaterm, Polyspene, Stirex, Penofol, Penoplex and Technoplex. Materials are used for internal and external insulation. Which material is the best? To do this, you need to understand the features of each material, its advantages and disadvantages. Most experts recommend using Penoplex or Technoplex.

Why are they so good? Technoplex or Penoplex which is better? But what if you compare them with other materials? That is what we will do.

Expanded polystyrene - what is it

Penoplex is produced by the company of the same name. She creates insulation material using a special technology: extruded polystyrene is foamed under high pressure. The same applies to the technology of creating Technoplex, according to open sources. It is produced by TechnoNIKOL. As for the rest of the details of the process of creating Penoplex and TechnoNIKOL heaters, nothing is reported about them. True, fragmentary data lead us to the following thoughts:

  1. Polystyrene granules, which are the main raw materials, are mixed with a gasifier. The mixture is heated to a high temperature and forced through small holes. In this case, polystyrene granules must be of high purity.
  2. As the mixture passes through the micro-perforated nozzle, the flow begins to break up into microscopic filaments. In this case, the polymer molecules are stretched, which form a connection with each other. And thanks to the pressure, they begin to harden.
  3. As the polypropylene comes out of the nozzle, it begins to foam and forms a porous material with thousands of small bubbles.

Important! In the future, we will designate Penoplex as the first, and Technoplex as the second.

It turns out that according to the technology of creation it is impossible to say which Penoplex or TechnoNIKOL is better. They are almost the same, the difference lies in the composition and strength. If you believe the TechnoNIKOL company, then the composition of their products, namely Technoplex, is enriched with a proportion of amphora carbon or graphite. In such a case, the rolling rolls can better form the material of the final shape and thickness.

So, Penoplex is made by extrusion. And Technoplex, due to the inclusion of graphite nanoparticles, increases the strength of the material, and its thermal conductivity decreases even more. Both the first and the second material are environmentally safe. They are safe and non-flammable. The materials will not dissolve in water or soil.

Note! There is a big difference between famous and cheap manufacturers.

The usual technology of creation involves the use of light freons mixed with carbon dioxide as a vapor-generating gas. As for the new creation methods, which are much better. For their implementation, liquid and powder gas-forming agents are used.

Comparison of Technoplex and Penoplex

In addition to the above, the composition of the materials includes antioxidants, stabilizers and antifoams that characterize the material. Penoplex and Technoplex what is the difference? Let's compare the specifications of the materials to answer this question:

  1. Area of ​​use. Penoplex is used for external, internal, roofing and road thermal insulation. But Technoplex is used for internal insulation residential buildings.
  2. The density of the material. At Penoplex, it is 25-47 kg / m 3. And Technoplex has a density of 26-35 kg / m 3.
  3. The combustibility group of Penoplex and Technoplex is the same - G4.
  4. Moisture absorption. Penoplex has a water absorption coefficient of 0.2-0.4%, and Technoplex 0.2%.
  5. The vapor permeability coefficient is almost the same, for Penoplex it is 0.012 mg / (mchPa), for Technoplex it is 0.010 mg / (mchPa).
  6. Cost - the first one can be bought for 90-250 rubles / m 2, and the second for 100-290 rubles / m 2.

But this is not all that can be said about the materials. Let's compare some specifications.

Durability of heaters

It is easy to compare products by density if you use the equipment for this. The mechanical compressive strength at a deformation of 10% for Type 35 Penoplex is the same as for XPS30-200 Standard Technoplex. As a result, the indicator for both one material and another is 250 kPa.

As for the limit of bending strength, Penoplex has an average of 0.4 to 0.7 MPa. With strong bending, Technoplex has a strength limit of 0.3 MPa. It turns out that the first material has better resistance to bending, which is on it, therefore, it is able to withstand heavy loads. It all comes down to the fact that the strength of the insulation directly depends on its density. And Penoplex has it higher.

Working temperature

Here the first place is occupied by the second heater. Why can you say so? Operating range optimum temperature the first is from -50 to +75°C. But the range of the optimal operating temperature for the second is from -70 to + 75 ° C.

And if you believe the theory, then the choice falls on the second insulation. But it is obvious that even in the coldest region the air temperature does not reach -70 degrees. Therefore, this advantage cannot be called significant.

Heat conduction and moisture absorption

The coefficient of thermal conductivity is one of the main parameters for a heater. The thermal conductivity parameter of the first is on average in the range from 0.028 to 0.031 W / mK, it all depends on the operating conditions. The second has an identical thermal conductivity parameter of 0.031 W/mK. It turns out that the effectiveness of materials in this area is the same.

The same applies to water absorption materials. The first has an indicator of up to 0.2% of the volume per day, as well as the second. This is really surprising and shows that each of the materials perfectly copes with moisture and resists it. Therefore, if anyone asks whether Penoplex or mineral wool is better, then we can say with confidence that the first option. When wet, mineral wool loses its properties.

Note! The same applies to the frost resistance of the material. Its properties are not lost during the frequent process of freezing and thawing.

Product cost

In this confrontation, Penoplex wins. It is cheaper than its counterpart by about 10%. With large volumes, this slight difference becomes quite significant. Therefore, in order to save money, it is better to choose the first option. The price in each region of Russia may be different, this should be taken into account.

With everything, we can conclude: each of the heaters is an excellent option. They are similar in their characteristics, but, nevertheless, Penoplex is a little better. It turns out that for a lower price you get a quality material for insulation. It is versatile and can be used for different purposes. Technoplex or Penoplex which is better? Reviews say that each of the materials is good.

The difference between expanded polystyrenes

As mentioned above, the use of liquid and powder blowing agents is better, so the products obtained using this technology have stable thermal insulation characteristics. Although, it is impossible to call this the only reason why Freon is not included in the Technoplex and Penoplex. There are two more:

  1. Sealed cells of new material that has not yet been used have freon residues. Formally, it is called safe, but in reality it is better not to deal with it. It can cause lung problems in children.
  2. Over time, the gas will be forced out of the cells by air and moisture. And if dirty raw materials with the inclusion of styrene were used in the manufacture of the material, then the contents will penetrate into the external environment.

And if technical grades of EPPS, such as Penofol, are used to process the foundation, highway, basement, then the presence of freon in the composition does not affect the material in any way. But for home insulation it is better to use safe products. Therefore, the answer to the question: Penoplex or Penofol, which is better, can be answered - the first option.

And how do you know which is better Penoplex or polystyrene foam? Indeed, many recommend performing insulation with foam plastic, because it has a low price and excellent characteristics. To answer this question, you need to find out how penoplex differs from polystyrene foam. Let's start with production technology.

Technoplex, Penoplex and even that Penofol are created in the process of extrusion. This allows you to get a very dense linear structure, which affects the resistance of the material to water and humidity, as well as strength. Therefore, foam plastic is somewhat worse than materials created by extrusion methods.

Compare foamed polystyrene foam with other heaters

Felt and fiber insulation are considered the main competitor for such materials. Some prefer to use mineral wool, others - Technoplex or Penoplex. And which is better, foam or mineral wool for insulation? Each of the materials has its positive and negative properties. In the photo below you can see what features of expanded polystyrene foam.

Like mineral wool They are durable, safe and environmentally friendly. True, the thermal insulation qualities and moisture absorption of mineral wool are worse.

Private one- and two-story premises are best treated with Penoplex. It's much more efficient. Mineral wool is used for finishing skyscrapers. The thing is, it doesn't burn at all. Fire retardant additives will not be able to save EPPS by 100%, mineral wool is better in this regard. However, it is not recommended to use it for wet and damp rooms.

Another competitor for EPPS is isolon. This is a heater made of foamed and modified polyethylene. Some people ask, Isolon or Penoplex, which is better? Isolon is suitable for warming internal walls and ceilings of the building. And the thermal conductivity coefficients of the materials are almost the same. Isolon can withstand heating up to 80 degrees Celsius throughout the day. The material has excellent sound and noise insulation. It is safe and environmentally friendly. When heated, it will not emit harmful substances. The main drawback is the softness and flexibility of Izolon. Having laid it on the wall, it is required to fix it with drywall sheets or MDF boards. It is impossible to glue wallpaper on Izolon and plaster on it. That is why it is recommended to use it together with XPS insulation.

You can also find such queries on the network: Ravaterm or Penoplex which is better, Polispen or Penoplex which is better or Styrex or Penoplex which is better. It is impossible to answer the question unambiguously. All of them belong to EPPS and have almost identical characteristics. The difference is the price and some additional nuances.


Warming is an important part of creating comfortable home where it is a pleasure to live. Materials made from extruded polystyrene foam have excellent characteristics. They are safe, durable, effective, do not interact with moisture in any way and retain heat in the house. With regard to comparisons of species, one thing cannot be noted here. best material. All of them are good in something of their own, have the same characteristics and are used for a particular situation. You can consider reviews of materials. They complete the overall picture.

High-quality insulation elements building structures helps support comfortable temperature in residential areas and reduces heating costs. Until recently, foam plastic was the most widely used insulation, but now a more modern material has appeared on the market - foam plastic.

Penoplex is often used to insulate the walls of a house from the outside.

The raw materials for their manufacture are the same, but here performance differ. Penoplex and polystyrene can be successfully used for thermal insulation work, but in order to understand in which cases it is better to use this or that material, you need to understand the technology of their manufacture and comparative characteristics. There are still differences between them.

General properties of foam and foam

General properties are good sound-absorbing and heat-insulating qualities. Both of these materials are not subject to decay processes, are light in weight, practically do not absorb water, their use is possible with significant temperature fluctuations. external environment. The raw material for their manufacture is polystyrene, but the technology for the production of these materials is different.

Three stages of insulation and finishing the house with foam

Styrofoam is ninety-eight percent air. At manufacturing process polystyrene granules under the influence of steam treatment multiply increase in volume and stick to each other. The result is expanded polystyrene - a material in which the content of polymers does not exceed two percent. This causes its low final cost, since very little raw material is consumed in the manufacture of this insulation. More details about the characteristics of the foam can be found in the article.

The walls of the house are best insulated with foam.

Penoplex is an extruded polystyrene foam. It is produced using the extrusion method high pressure and temperature, which allows you to get a material of much higher density than foam. Due to this, its mechanical strength increases, but the vapor permeability decreases. More details about the characteristics of penoplex can be found in the article.

Comparison of materials by main characteristics

Styrofoam and foam plastic are similar in name, in addition, they are made from the same raw material and, in essence, are interchangeable. Both of these materials are widely used when carrying out work on the insulation of elements of building structures; extruded polystyrene foam is considered more modern when compared with polystyrene foam.

Technoplex is a penoplex from the company "TechnoNIKOL"

Comparative analysis such operational characteristics as mechanical strength, thermal insulation parameters, ability to resist ignition, long service life, moisture absorption properties, range of temperatures used and other operating parameters - all this will make it possible to right choice in each specific case. Which is better - foam or polystyrene foam? There is no definite answer to this question.

Let's evaluate the thermal insulation parameters

Thermal insulation parameters are determined by the ability of the material to save heat in the served space. These qualities in foam plastic are somewhat worse in comparison with foam plastic due to the fact that polystyrene granules do not adhere to each other as tightly as in foam plastic, the pores of which are much smaller due to the greater compaction of this material, as a result it is warmer.

Styrofoam was called a more solid word "insulation"

A foam slab of twenty-millimeter thickness is equal in terms of thermal insulation properties to a 25-mm foam plastic slab. This seemingly insignificant difference with large volumes of construction work can significantly increase the space to be equipped.

What is stronger - foam or foam?

Penoplex is definitely stronger than foam plastic due to the fact that during its manufacture polystyrene granules are melted to form a homogeneous substance, and the foam plastic consists of balls with air gaps between them. Penoplex withstands a compression force of about 0.5 MP, while this figure for foam is 0.2 MP.

Penoplex is strong enough and good for thermal insulation of the floor

As a result, when arranging the thermal insulation of the floors, it is foam plastic that is used, since it can withstand the weight of a person. In addition, this material is used in the construction of garages, ice rinks and even airfield runways.

Compare the water absorption of heaters

Penoplex is more moisture resistant. The water absorption rate of extruded polystyrene foam is about 0.35 percent, while for polystyrene this value is already 2 percent. The difference is quite significant. Although water does not penetrate into the polymer particles that make up the foam, a small amount of it can fill the pores between them. The vapor permeability characteristic of polystyrene is higher, this indicator for foam is due to dense structure this material is almost non-existent.

It is quite possible to insulate the balcony with ordinary foam

At what temperatures can both materials be used

Both materials can be used in a wide range of temperatures, with significant fluctuations in the external environment. The characteristics of foam and foam in this parameter are quite close to each other. Materials lose their working qualities at temperatures below fifty degrees Celsius. The upper limit for polystyrene is seventy degrees, for penoplex - seventy-five.

Both of these materials, especially foam, do not need to be exposed to direct solar radiation, which makes them unusable.

Which material resists fire better

Both materials ignite when exposed to a direct flame. The foam plastic burns more slowly, its flammability index is designated as G3, the same parameter for foam plastic is G4. The degree of susceptibility to fire is indicated by numbers from 1 to 4: the higher it is, the worse the material resists fire.

Impregnation of heaters during their manufacture with substances that prevent ignition does not provide them fire safety, they will burn more slowly, while releasing in environment toxic substances. It should be noted that the foam at ignition decays faster, the foam burns slowly, but for a long time.

The floor, walls and ceiling of the loggia are best insulated with foam

Service life and what it depends on

The period of operation of both heat insulators is very impressive, however, penoplex has an advantage in this parameter. Its service life averages about fifty years.

Due to the internal structure of the material, the foam may begin to crumble over time, in addition, it is more fragile and less mechanically strong.

For the normal functioning of heaters, they must be protected from direct exposure to solar radiation, in addition, solvents such as acetone have a destructive effect on their material. By limiting the aggressive impact of the external environment and other adverse factors as much as possible, you can achieve a long trouble-free service life of these products.

Price difference and what you should pay for

An important factor in choosing one or the other building material is its cost. Penoplex is about one and a half times more expensive than polystyrene, this is explained by the following: very little raw material is consumed in the production of polystyrene. The performance characteristics of penoplex are in some cases better, moreover, more thin sheet of this material has the same heat-insulating qualities as a thickened foam plate. It is better to insulate the walls of the house from the outside with foam, as it is permeable to vapors.

Styrofoam was chosen to insulate the house from expanded clay concrete

Penoplex must be used if the surface to be treated will be subjected to mechanical stress from people moving along it or must withstand a significant weight of the finish. When arranging internal thermal insulation in small-sized rooms, the choice should again be made in favor of penoplex, since you can use sheet material twenty-five percent thinner than Styrofoam.

The choice of material depending on the conditions of use

Choosing material for execution different kind construction work should be guided by the following considerations:

For insulation of the basement floor, it is better to choose penoplex

The choice of insulation must be made based on the conditions in which it will be operated, and focus on financial capabilities. In some cases, the use of cheaper foam is quite sufficient.

As a result, we can conclude that the choice of a specific material for insulation is determined by the conditions of its use. The following video offers some practical experiments on the application of the discussed heaters.
