Growing and propagating Japanese maple at home. Japanese red maple: description, cultivation in the garden

Japanese maples are very attractive trees and shrubs. Unlike other deciduous crops, which look rather dull in winter, Japanese maple looks brilliant even in the cold season. Beautiful red twigs are on the plant, even if the maple has shed its foliage. The tree looks like some kind of flu or an umbrella.

general description

Of course, the very peak of the beauty of trees falls when leaves of the most diverse colors have blossomed on them: green, red, golden. Already from the name it is clear that Japanese red maples came to us from Japan. In Korea, there are modern garden centers that offer about a hundred forms and varieties of Japanese trees. Some of them are also grown in Russia. These trees can vary in size.

Residents of Russia are accustomed to seeing in parks and squares Norway maple, which is a typical representative of perennials growing in European latitudes.

Japanese look slightly different from the usual holly. This shrub has gained great popularity among gardeners due to the attractive appearance of its leaves. Due to its bright crown, maple blends well into any garden park area, making it more picturesque absolutely at any time of the year, even in winter.

Despite the fact that the bush is quite compact, it leaves are large, palmate at the edges. The bark, which is painted in a pleasant gray tint, adds to its attractiveness, the surface of the bark is smooth, there are no cracks. In April, the plants bloom, forming bright purple inflorescences on the branches.

The Japanese red maple is listed in the Red Book of Russia, but it can still be found on the territory of the Sakhalin Region.

Common species and varieties

Speaking of the Japanese maple tree, most often they mean three main types.

These varieties include:

  • Maple Shirasawa (Shirasavan).
  • Japanese maple.
  • Fan maple atropurpureum.

Planting and caring for these species are quite simple, even when grown in the Russian climate.

fan japanese view got its name due to the unusual structure of the leaves, so this variety can become the main highlight of any square or park. Leaf plates are presented in the form of an open palm or a fan. Leaves turn bright red in June. Plants grow up to 2 m in height. This species has many different varieties, among which the most popular are:

  • Garnet.
  • Aconitifolium.
  • bloodgood.
  • Nicholsoni.
  • Orange dream.

By the way, the most expensive variety is Bloodgood. It is prized for its blueberry leaf color. The price of one tree starts from 2000 dollars.

Unlike other species, Shirasawa maple boasts a diverse colors ranging from yellow to burgundy. This tree can grow up to 15 m in height, while the trunk in diameter in an adult specimen reaches 60 cm. a popular variety is Dissectum Nigrum, which has black and red foliage that harmonizes perfectly with bright green lawns. This variety is often used in landscape design.

Landing and care

Japanese maple trees in natural environment habitats, in their homeland, usually grow in the undergrowth, respectively, for a normal life and normal growth of the plant, it is necessary to create appropriate conditions.

The soil must be sufficiently noble and sufficiently fertilized. By no means do Japanese maples like stagnant water. Therefore, in the garden where it grows, it is imperative to make drainage, because stagnant water can harm the root system.

The variegated color of maple leaves indicates that they love sunny places , therefore, when landing, this fact must be taken into account. In our conditions, Japanese maple trees suffer the most from late spring frosts. Even when the leaves have blossomed, but a frost suddenly sets in, the Japanese guest may suffer.

Speaking about whether it is possible to grow Japanese crops in our conditions with fairly severe winters, it is worth noting that some varieties can withstand temperatures down to minus 20 degrees. If there is an assumption that the temperature will drop lower in winter, then we must try to make a shelter for the tree. This is not difficult, because if a low variety is grown, 2-3 meters high, then a frame is made, and a special warming fabric is stretched over it.

Highly important point in caring for Japanese cultures is timely mulching. Mulch is usually applied twice in spring and autumn before winter sets in. Spring mulching has its own characteristics. The fact is that before laying the mulch in the near-stem circle, you first need to apply some kind of slow-acting fertilizer. Then cover it all with a layer of peat and cover it with a layer of any mulch on top.

Need to fertilize the tree spring once a month. To do this, a mixture of fertilizers is laid out on the surface of the near-stem circle, and a layer of 5 cm of compost is poured on top. The last time fertilizers are applied in early July.

Do not use fast-acting nitrogen fertilizers of strong concentration. The fact is that the Japanese maple does not like this.

Trees grown under normal conditions practically do not get sick and pests do not affect them.

Selection of seedlings

Since Japanese maple seedlings are very expensive, their choice must be taken responsibly and carefully. First of all, you should decide on the variety Japanese plant. If there is a large plot for growing a tree, then you can choose large varieties. If the territory is limited, then it is recommended to select a decorative dwarf maple for cultivation.

Seedling best to buy in a container, as in this case, planting and caring for the red Japanese maple will be much easier and safer. In addition, the likelihood that the seedling will take root better increases, since it will grow in its native soil, and root system during the landing will not suffer in any way. The ideal age of a seedling for planting in open ground is up to 1 year. You need to buy a young tree in a specialized store. Externally, the maple should look fresh and healthy, it should not have dull and wilted leaves and any damage.

The need for pruning

Pruning of Japanese maples, in principle, is not done. They themselves form a very beautiful crown. But if you suddenly wanted to correct this shape somewhere, then you can cut the tree a little. Prune the Japanese tree in general in early spring, before the start of sap flow, before the leaves began to bloom.

Breeding methods

Propagating a plant is not so difficult on its own.

Primarily use 2 ways to propagate maples:

When planning the cultivation of maple, it is necessary to take into account the fact that it likes to grow in well-lit areas, quite demanding on the composition of the soil: prefers rich soil mixtures with a good nutrient medium, does not tolerate sandy and stony soils very well, soils that are too dense.

Wood needs thorough and regular moisturizing. But watering should be moderate so that moisture does not stagnate in the soil. You also need a good drainage layer. For this, expanded clay, crushed stone or broken brick.

Application in landscape design

Although the Japanese maple is a foreign plant and quite expensive, it is widely used in landscaping. In recent years, gardeners have acquired a new fashion trend, which is to create small Japanese gardens.

The bottom line is to plant along the alley Japanese varieties tree, thus arranging a gradation of shades, ranging from yellow to blueberry. Such gardens can be called a real paradise for perfectionists and aesthetics.

Quite unusually, this tree will look with ornamental plants, as well as about artificial ponds and natural stones. Undersized varieties gardeners often grow in containers as if it were a simple indoor plant. In the warm season, such varieties can be taken out onto the terrace, thus making it more attractive and bright.

In regions where there is cold climate, Japanese trees are usually planted in tubs, which are brought into a not too hot room in winter. Growing in tubs is an advantage, as it allows you to move the plants around if necessary, protecting them from rain, sun, hail or wind.

Since many varieties are undersized, in Japan it is customary to install them on a special stand so that all the attractiveness of the shrub is better visible.

The peak of decorative maple falls on autumn period. Bright leaves will go well with autumn flowers: asters, oaks, chrysanthemums. Boxwood, juniper and various ornamental coniferous shrubs can be planted as neighbors for a foreign guest.

Japanese maples are rightfully considered the most decorative and spectacular trees. In summer and autumn, they fascinate with the beauty of their leaves, and in winter - with an unusual crown structure, with a great many thin branches.

General information with descriptions of varieties

Japanese maples include palm-shaped maple ( Acer palmatum), fan maple (Dissectum), and Japanese maple (Acer japonicum), as well as numerous varieties bred on their basis by breeders.

As the name suggests, the Japanese maples are native to the Country rising sun. All of them are distinguished by decorative carved leaves of purple and bright orange colors and shades, and beautiful structure crowns.

The sizes of Japanese maples, depending on the species, range from 2-3 meters to 8 meters in height. Palm maples are taller, and fan maples are short. Flowers are no different. large sizes, have a yellow-green or red color, which depends on the variety. Lionfish seeds grow from the flowers, which scatter over long distances, growing into new trees. Many Japanese maples are distinguished by their decorative crown and bark. Due to these features, the tree becomes a real decoration of the garden or greenhouse.

In addition to the basic varieties, there are many hybrid forms bred in Japan. Each of these forms has a name that conveys the peculiarity of the variety, the main thing is to understand them correctly.

  • Shirasawa maple (Acer shirasawanum) is one of the smallest, about 1.5 meters high. Its leaves are wide, with a border around the edges, yellow-orange in color.
  • Variety "Bloodgood" has a unique ink-black leaf color.
  • The Beni Kava variety has bright scarlet, light leaves and a fiery red, ruby ​​​​hue of the bark.
  • The Katsura variety has red young leaves that turn green in summer and golden in autumn.
  • 'Nicholsonii' leaves are green in summer and brick red in autumn.
  • Variety "Aconitifolium" - multi-stemmed, with curved branches and dark red foliage.
  • Variety "Mikawa yatsubusa" is different small size- up to 1.5 meters, dense, squat crown. Its leaves consist of thin, needle-shaped lobes, bright green in summer and orange-red in autumn.
  • Variety "Shino Buga Oka" is not tall, from 1 meter to 1.2-1.3 meters in height. The plant is very spreading, with decorative leaves, bright green in summer and yellow-orange in autumn.

Landing and care

In the wild, Japanese maple grows well in soil rich in humus and slightly acidic. Prefers semi-shady places and a stable level of humidity.

Japanese maple does not like highly alkaline soils, places with stagnant moisture and poor water permeability. However, drying out and the scorching rays of the daylight also have a bad effect on the decorativeness of its leaves. More than others, varieties of Japanese maples with two-color or bordered leaves suffer from direct sunlight, such varieties should be planted in partial shade.

The best thing decorative properties of these plants appear in abundant, diffused light. In a park or garden, they will feel good in places where the sun is in the morning and in the evening, and where it does not look during the day. The choice of a place for planting maple is facilitated by the fact that it is not afraid of drafts.

It must be remembered that Japanese maples are heat-loving plants, they do not tolerate spring frosts that damage young leaves. Due to the low frost resistance in middle lane In Russia, trees need to be wrapped with covering material for the winter, for example, garden fleece.

In areas with a mild climate in winter, maple branches must be freed from adhering wet snow in order to protect them from breakage, fan maple suffers especially from snow. But when the branches are covered with ice after a “hot rain” or a thaw, they should not be touched - they will break.

In summer, especially in drought, maples need to be watered abundantly and often, spray leaves in the morning or evening. In conditions of lack or excess of moisture, under the influence of dry and hot wind, under the scorching sun, the tree will experience real stress, which will make itself felt by drying the tips of the leaves and dropping the leaves.

If this happens, the maple begins to be watered more often, sprayed, and fertilizing is canceled. These measures will help bring it back to life, and new leaves will appear on it even in summer.

In spring and autumn, the soil around the trunk should be mulched with leaf humus, tree bark, garden compost, wood chips. Mulching is of great importance for a tree - protection from drying out of the soil in summer, protection of roots from freezing in winter, additional fertilizer all year round.

To prevent the trunk from rotting, organic materials used for mulching should not be poured next to it.

In the spring, fertilizer granules are introduced into the soil under the tree, and only then it is covered with humus or compost mulch, and sprinkled with colored wood chips on top. Spring feeding maple will have enough slow-acting fertilizers for the whole year, nitrogenous fertilizers are categorically contraindicated for it.

If the maple grows on poor soil, it must be fed 2 times a year. minerals long-term action - in spring and summer.

As for pruning, it is carried out only on mature and old thickened trees that have lost their former decorative effect. They need pruning in order to make the crown more transparent, lighter, and open to air and sunlight - these measures will be an excellent prevention of fungal diseases. Pruning should be done during the dormant period - in early spring or late autumn when there are no leaves on the tree.

Young maples do not need pruning, the trees grow very slowly, and beautiful crown they form naturally.


The Japanese maple is propagated by seeds and in vivo, and in culture. Seeds must be fresh, they are harvested as they ripen, most often in October.

Seeds for stratification are placed in dry sand and taken out to a cool place. In the spring, they are sown in a container, pre-treated with growth-stimulating agents.

Over the summer, seedlings do not grow too much, but already in this state you can separate strong seedlings from the weak. Weak ones are removed, and strong ones are sent for the winter to a cool room with a positive temperature. In the spring they are transplanted into tubs or pots, and when they reach a height of 30 centimeters or more, they are planted in open ground, in a tub or in a greenhouse on permanent place. If the maple is to grow in a tub, the soil in it should be rich in organic fertilizers.

Another type of propagation of Japanese maples is the grafting of cuttings on a strong stock of a similar type, for example, palmate maple.

Maple in the garden

In regions with a cold climate, Japanese maples are grown in tubs, which are brought into a cool room for the winter. Growing maple trees in a tub has another advantage - the ability to move them, if necessary, in the shade, in the sun or in a place protected from wind, hail and rain.

Since the trees are stunted, in Japan, tubs with them are placed on a stand so that their wonderful beauty is better seen.

Needless to say, an ornamental tree goes well with other garden inhabitants - shrubs, trees, flowers, ornamental grasses. The tree will decorate with itself any corner of the garden - a reservoir, a rockery, a stone Japanese garden.

Maples, whose leaves become most decorative in autumn, will look good next to autumn flowers - chrysanthemums, oaks, asters. They can be planted next to a tree in order to finally admire the colorful and vibrant beauty of the autumn garden.

Good neighbors for Japanese maples will be low-growing evergreen shrubs after shearing, for example, boxwood, juniper, decorative coniferous plants.

AT last resort, you can do without flowers and shrubs - just fill the ground around with painted fine gravel or chips.

Japanese maple is a perennial ornamental tree grown in the Land of the Rising Sun. Large lobed leaves in summer green color, and in autumn their color changes to an unusual red. You will rarely meet him in our latitudes. But when you see this tree, you will not resist the temptation to have it in your garden or in your summer cottage.

Maple attracts attention with its unique look. In order for it to please you for a long time, you must carefully study the recommendations for growing and caring for a tree.

tree appearance

At this time, there are about a hundred species Japanese maple. The huge variety of this plant will allow you to choose the look you like, ideal for your landscape design. The height of the tree varies from two to ten meters. The leaves come in different colors: purple, green, pink, yellow, and more unusual colors can be found. For example, the Chinese maple, aka Bonsai, has blue, white, blue leaf colors.

The tree has a large wide crown, a bit like a palm tree. This is surprising beautiful tree. With its bright foliage, it uplifts the mood and inspires creativity.

Much to our regret, in northern regions growing Japanese maple outdoors will not be easy, but if you plant a tree in a large container, which in winter time can be brought into the house or utility room, you will have the opportunity to grow a chic plant.

When purchasing a seedling, it should be remembered that planting and caring for it will require careful preparation. It depends on this process whether the tree will have the desired leaf color.

Planting and care must strictly comply with the growing instructions. Otherwise, you are unlikely to be able to grow a healthy and beautiful plant.

The ideal place for the Japanese maple is partial shade, as under the bright rays of the sun the leaves can get burned. The soil for planting must be drained.

The Japanese plant loves slightly acidic soil filled with humus. To make it strong, the ground around it needs to be fertilized once a month in spring and summer; in winter, top dressing is not done.

In the case when the seedling is planted in fertile land, one top dressing will be enough for a whole year. If the soil is poor, then the tree needs to be fertilized a second time in the summer and only until August; after this, fertilizers cannot be applied to the soil, since the plant needs preparation for winter.

The Japanese tree loves water very much.. A young seedling must not only be watered, but also provided with a large amount of water. In summer, it is watered once every seven days, in the cold season - once a month. After watering, pull out all weeds and loosen the ground around the tree so that the soil is not heavily compacted. With poor-quality watering, the tree grows very slowly.

The method of planting a maple seedling is simple, you just need to remember a few rules. For proper fit Japanese tree need to prepare in advance:

  • healthy seedling;
  • peat and compost for soil fertilization.

The dimensions of the pit should be twice the span of the roots of the seedling. Before planting the tree, carefully untangle the roots. Lower the peat and compost into a dug hole, then carefully immerse the seedling and cover it with earth from above, lightly tamping.

Make bumpers around the seedling, this will retain moisture. Fill well with water so that the root system takes root faster. In hot weather, water the maple more often and plentifully. It is very important that the maple roots receive moisture in full, otherwise the leaves from its lack will have an unattractive brown color. The tree does not like lime: if the roots come into contact with it, the maple will shed its foliage.

Spread a mulch layer of soil on top, mixed with rotten leaves. This is an excellent weed protection, and moisture will linger well in the root circle.

Care and planting are individual for each type of plant. Many of them prefer the sun, but at the same time they do not like direct sultry rays. This does not apply to those trees that have double coloration on their leaves - they prefer shade. Keep in mind:

In the case when the crown of the tree becomes very dense and its appearance not so attractive anymore, you need to trim. This is done as soon as the tree sheds foliage. This will restore transparency to the crown and save the plant from getting a fungal infection.

Collecting and planting seeds

Japanese maple is propagated by seeds that are collected in the month of October. They are stratified in preparation for planting. Then laid out in sandy dry soil, stored in a cool room.

In early spring planting material treated with a growth stimulator and sown in special containers. Over the summer, the seedlings grow well, after which they are sorted, leaving tall and strong shoots. Seedlings grown from seeds should remain indoors in their containers for their first winter. Then they are transplanted into pots, each separately. When the plants grow, they are planted in open ground.

  • japanese red maple
  • Japanese maple planting and care
  • japanese maple seeds
  • japanese fan maple
  • japanese maple photo
  • buy japanese maple

Leaves are perhaps the most underestimated feature of plants. But it is the leaves of the Japanese maple that are the keys to the successful design of your garden.

Japanese maple (Acer japonicum) and palmate maple (Acer palmatum) - highly ornamental and shrubs (in cultivation) come from Japan and Korea. These two species, as well as a variety of the second -fan maple (Acer palmatum Dissectum) - createa group of Japanese maples. miniature maple varieties grow well in Japan, but they can be easily grown in our climate. The most resistant is the green-leaved maple and its red-leaved varieties 'Atropurpureum' and 'Bloodgood'.

Japanese maples are growing very slowly and, as a rule, reach several meters in height. In Japan, the largest tree at the age of 100 years, reaches 10 meters in height and 40 centimeters in trunk diameter. UsuallyJapanese maple and palmate maple grow up to 8 m, andfan maple - no more than 2-3 m in height.

When200 years ago Since these plants began to be imported from Japan and had been growing there for centuries, European botanists were stunned by their incredible variety. Europeans originally christened them with a Latin name -Acer polymorphum . And from this group, perhaps, this Japanese maple was one of the first that was brought to our region. This type of maple has almostround leaves , most of them are up to 15 cm long and consist of 7-, 9-, 11-, 13 feather-like lobes. They are very similar to the human hand. Because of the shape of the leaves, this maple has another name -hauchiwa-kaede . Allocate four main varieties Japanese maples: - a typical Japanese maple A. japonicum, in which the shares are connected almost together and the leaf seems to be solid.Other maples: A. japonicum ‘Aconitifolium’, A. japonicum ‘Dissectum’, A. japonicum ‘Vitifolium’.

Japanese maplelooks very impressive duringflowering in May. His flowers red or yellow-green color, large, up to 15 mm in diameter. But the most impressive tree is in autumn, whenleaves acquire a charming color. In direct sunlight, the leaves turn red and purple, shading into bright orange and red. They look stunning!

The best varieties: Japanese maple Senkaki (Acer palmatum ‘Senkaki’ or ‘Sango-kaku’), MapleGarnet (Acer Palmatum ‘Garnet’, Acer palmatum var. dissectum ‘Garnet’), MapleKatsura (Acer Palmatum ‘Katsura’, Acer palmatum var. dissectum ‘Katsura’), MapleButterfly (Acer Palmatum ‘Butterfly’, Acer palmatum var. dissectum ‘Butterfly’).

Japanese maple Senkaki is an attractive and compact tree, a popular variety that is sure to be appreciated by lovers of Japanese maples.tree height - up to two meters, suitable for growing in large pots and containers.Leaves lobed, usually the leaf has five lobes, in autumn the color becomes orange, bright.

Maple Japanese Senkaki (photo):

Maple Garnet- incredibly beautiful maple, you can look at it endlessly, and especially in the autumn season. Mediumheight maple - four meters. The main highlight is the unusual spreading crown, as well as the color of the leaves in the autumn months, they turn carmine red.

Maple Garnet (photo):

Every gardener will be able to grow a very beautiful Japanese maple. You only need to choose right place for planting, and also spend a little time caring for it.

Landing.Be sure to choose the right place to land. It would be perfect for sunny or partly shaded, sheltered from the winds. They tolerate some shade but are prettier when grown in full sun. Yes these treesdo not like transplants. Once you have planted Japanese maples, they should not be repotted because it is very easy to damage their delicate roots.

Japanese maples frost resistant. Relativelysoil requirements , then they should not be planted in wet soils. Japanese maples are sensitive plants.The soil should contain a high proportion of humus and havesubacid reaction . If the soil is sandy, then it needs to be enriched with fertile garden soil. Due to the fact that the roots of these plants grow close to the ground, it is necessary to level the place where they are planted well. Thus, you will be able to createheat-insulating layer , which will perform its protective function both in winter and in summer. It is also necessary to cover young maple winter as these plants can suffer from frost. Also, in early spring, shelter will contribute not to too rapidtheir kidney development.

Japanese maple ideal for . All thanks to himcompact growth . But for the winter, plants in tubs should be moved to a frost-free room. It grows slowly and is also very picturesque. Besides thatjapanese mapleeasy to grow, it will provide you much joy in summer and autumn with its beautiful leaves, which change their color with the onset of cold weather. Expect fireworks of fiery red, brown, yellow and orange leaves.

Care.After planting, a young maple mustneed to be fed . The first top dressing is a month after planting, then they are fed once every four weeks. fitcomplex fertilizers and compost. After winter period necessarilytake away frozen branches. Gardeners do not recommend cutting tree crowns, because Japanese maple pleasesexactly with its natural beauty. Also, don't forgetmulch the soil before the start of the winter season.In hot weather be sure to watch the soil, mapledoes not like dry land . Sometimes the leaves of the plant are also sprayed, do it in hot weather. Maple pest -gall mite . Keep a close eye on the leaves, if you see something suspicious, it's best to immediatelyremove leaf.

Many varieties of mapleseeds fall in autumn, but there are varieties whose seeds can be collected in summer. The seeds are medium in size, most often brown in color, they are often called “helicopters” by the people, because they very slowly fall to the ground, and at the same time rotate. There are some difficulties when growing maple from seeds. It all depends on the chosen variety. It is easiest to grow maples, in which the seeds fall in spring or summer.

After youcollected seeds , they need to be placedinto the cold. It is best to hide the seeds in an airtight bag before this (zippered lunch bags are suitable). harvested seeds put in the refrigerator. Suitable for each varietytemperature , best option- 3-5 degrees of heat. Constantlycheck bag with seeds, it must not be condensed or excess moisture. Seeds are taken out after 120 days. Seeds of some varieties can be planted after 90 days of cold.germinated seeds can be planted in small containers only when a second tier of leaves appears on a small sprout. Now you canplant a tree into the ground.

fan maple is a wonderful decoration of every garden or park. It is an excellent compact tree that impresses with the beauty of its leaves. Fan maple is one of the varieties of Japanese maple, because the historicalmotherland tree - Japan, and also grows naturally in China and Korea. The tree is very compact.height - about eight meters.Crown very unusual, thick, spherical. Sometimes it has several trunks.Leaves fan maple are very beautiful and large, the average length is 12 centimeters, and the width is four centimeters. The leaf is divided into lobes.blooms mostly in spring, small flowers in inflorescences, appear laterwinged fruits.

Use in garden design.Japanese maple will look very good in a private garden as well as in city parks. Its interesting and very bright leaves attract attention. you can make itmain focus on its territory, because in autumn it is very difficult not to notice this tree. Japanese maple is very effectively combined with large stones or boulders, and even with small pebbles, which can be scattered near the tree root. The crown provides shade so you can plant near the treefern or other shade tolerant plants. landscape designers with good taste can create very unusual compositions usingmaple and conifers , as well as combining maples and flowering shrubs ← Share with your friends!


Momiji (紅葉)

Japanese maple (Ácer japónicum) is a species of perennial woody deciduous plant of the Maple genus, grows in Japan in Honshū, Hokkaidō, Kyūshū, and also in southern Korea.

Japanese maple trees Momiji (紅葉) - exceptionally showy, ornamental trees and shrubs. Even in winter, these deciduous plants captivate the eye. unusual shape a bare crown resembling a mushroom or an umbrella, and many thin weeping branches. However, Japanese maples are at their peak in autumn, when their foliage turns bright, almost stunning colors.

Names in other languages: English. Downy Japanese Maple, Fullmoon Maple, fin. Hokkaidonvaahtera, fr. Erable du Japon, Jap. ハウチワカエデ・羽団扇楓 (hauchiwa kaede).

The maple genus (Acer) consists of approximately 110 species of deciduous (rarely evergreen) trees and shrubs that naturally grow in the humid forests of Europe, northern and Central America and Asia.

It's about only about a certain category of maples, which are commonly called Japanese (they come from Japan and Korea). Only two species belong to this group: Japanese maple (A.japonicum) and palm-shaped or mountain maple (A.palmatum) with its popular "fan" variety Dissectum, which has dissected, feathery leaves resembling a lace fan.

Maple was first described in 1784 by Murray from an unpublished work by Thunberg. Since then, many synonyms have appeared in the literature, the most common being Acer circumlobatum Maxim (1867). Its identity as Acer japonicum was shown by Koizumi in 1911.

Japanese maples began their victorious march in European garden culture in the distant 1600s, and by 1882, 202 varieties were already known in Britain. Currently, garden centers offer several hundred varieties of Japanese maples, which are distinguished primarily by the color of the leaves, especially impressive in autumn, when the maples change color dramatically.

The size of Japanese maples depends on the variety: Japanese and palmate maples can reach 8 m in height, while varieties with dissected leaves usually do not exceed 2 m (in rare cases - 4 m at the age of about 25 years). The latter often grow more in width than in height.

The leaves of Japanese maples are small and extremely decorative. The color of the leaves comes in all shades of green, burgundy, red, yellow-orange and even pink and shows up best in open, well-lit spaces.

Maple flowers are small, yellow-green or reddish, depending on the plant variety. After the end of flowering, small paired lionfish fruits are formed on the plants. Some maples are also decorative with their bark.

Ancient Japanese legend about the wise emperor and maple leaves

Long ago, Japan was ruled by an emperor named Takakura no In. He loved nature, plants, and had a particular weakness for maples. Their beauty fascinated, bewitched and pacified him. Takakura no In ordered his gardeners to plant the mountain on top of which his palace stood with as many maple trees as they could find.

Many years passed, the maples grew and the Emperor's dream came true. The whole mountain was bizarrely covered with multi-colored maples that grew in the form of mushrooms, flowerpots or waterfalls, and their elaborate leaves resembled hands, lace fans and even the strings of an old harp.

Every year, the emperor patiently waited for the onset of autumn, when the foliage on his maples acquired a special bright colours. Postponing all his important affairs of state, Takakura no In came to the mountain palace to admire the carpet of colorful maple leaves on the ground.

One cold autumn day, a new, very diligent gardener was working on the mountain, who knew nothing about the passion of the emperor. Trying to make a good impression on the owner, the gardener and members of his family raked literally all the fallen Maple leaves and made a huge fire from them, around which they settled down for the night. And in the morning, the courtiers, seeing the bare maples, blackening earth and ashes on the mountain, began to seriously fear for the life of the new gardener.

At this time, Takakura no In climbed alone to the top of the mountain to enjoy the long-awaited beauty. Instead of a multi-colored tapestry of leaves, his eyes were presented with a dull spectacle of black earth and a cooled ashes, around which the gardener's family slept peacefully. The Emperor understood. Contrary to the fears of the samurai, a soft, kind smile suddenly lit up his face.

Takakura no In returned to the palace and wrote a poem about the special gift that maple leaves have: they can not only pacify our souls with their exquisite beauty, but also warm our mortal bodies with their warmth.

In their natural environment, Japanese maples grow as undergrowth, so they are accustomed to high humus content in the soil, partial shade, as well as more or less constant levels of humidity. Japanese maples will thrive in any garden as long as the conditions are right for them.

Majority garden soil quite suitable for Japanese maples, with the exception of highly alkaline, as well as places with poor water permeability and standing water or completely dry out in the heat.

Another danger that awaits Japanese maples is late spring frosts, which can damage the tender young leaves. Although, as already mentioned, the color of Japanese maples is best shown in open spaces with an abundance of light, when choosing a place to plant plants, you should beware of direct hot sun during the midday hours. Varieties with two-tone or bordered leaves are especially vulnerable to the scorching sun, they must be planted in semi-shady places or places with rarefied light.

Japanese maples are not affected by diseases and pests if grown in right conditions. Weakened plants can be attacked by aphids, weevil and scaly insects, as well as fungal infestations.

Japanese maples are perfectly combined with each other. You can create a whole garden of Japanese maples by gathering plants that are suitable in size, shape and color together. You can go further and create a whole Japanese garden by planting traditional Japanese shrubs and trees on a special area: azaleas, rhododendrons, camellias, kerias, magnolias, pieris, hydrangeas, witch hazel, stewart, skimmia, mahonia and maples.

Japanese maples are traditionally planted next to perennials: hostas, ornamental grasses(whose slender, straight stems make a magnificent contrast to the horizontal manner of maples), low ferns, and flat, wide clumps of spring and autumn bulbs.

Japanese maples look great in rockeries, near the water, in a light forest belt, in shrub borders and on mixboreds. Japanese maples form topiari and bonsai.

There are several subspecies that slightly differ in the shape and degree of pubescence of lionfish and leaves; There are many cultivars used in ornamental gardening.

In culture, it is easily propagated by seeds, or by grafting on palmate maple.
