Universal insecticide Actellik: instructions for use against pests in the garden, vegetable garden and for the protection of indoor plants. Actellik insecticide for plant protection Actellik instructions for indoor

The drug Actellik perfectly fights against scale insects and false scales, aphids, whiteflies, thrips, codling moth, moths, sawflies, weevils, mites and many other pests.

Actellik has fumigant properties and good resistance to inert surfaces. Actellik insecticide is also used to protect storage facilities and stocks of grain from a complex of granary pests.

Volume: 50 ml

Manufacturer: August

Country of origin: Russia

To buy Actellik, add the product to the cart and enter the data for delivery of the product to your address.


Actellik is a broad-spectrum insecticide (contact insecticide) and mites (acaricide) agent. The biological product ensures the destruction of pests on flower and ornamental crops, indoor plants, fruit and berry plantations, strawberries. The product is also used to protect garden plants such as peppers, eggplants, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, cabbage and fruit trees(peach).

Best of all, the advantages of Actellik are characterized by reviews of gardeners and gardeners. Professionals and amateurs are unanimous that the drug demonstrates high efficiency when used against a large number pests: scale insects, codling moth, ticks, aphids, weevils, sawflies, whiteflies, thrips and many others. An important argument in favor of using Actellik is the price of the drug, which is more than affordable.

The undoubted advantages of the product is also the fact that it simultaneously protects plants from ticks and insects, that is, treatment to destroy one type of pest is also a prevention of the spread of another species.

The protective effect of Actellik lasts at least 2-3 weeks. The tool is compatible with most other biological products, except for the Bordeaux mixture.

You can buy Actellik in a concentrated form in ampoules of 2 ml. The drug is stored at a temperature from -10C to +35C, away from fire, in a dry place inaccessible to children and pets, separately from medicines and food.

Aktellik: instructions for use

The working solution is prepared on the day of use by dissolving the contents of the Aktellik ampoule (2 ml) in two liters of water. At in large numbers pests, an ampoule of the drug is dissolved in one liter of water. The working solution is not subject to storage and is used on the day of preparation.

Spraying is recommended to be carried out in dry calm weather, evenly wetting the leaves of the treated plants. It is best to carry out treatments at temperatures from +12 to +25 degrees Celsius, the recommended number of treatments per season is no more than two. Should work in protective clothing, respirator and goggles, in the absence of children and pets. Processing indoor plants it is recommended to spend on the balcony. Office plants should preferably be treated before the weekend.

The drug is not dangerous for humans and animals (belongs to the second class of danger), poses a threat to fish and bees. Do not allow the drug to enter the pond and carry out treatment during the flowering of plants. After completion of work, the face and hands must be washed with soap and water. Used packaging and empty ampoules from the drug Actellik, according to the instructions, are recommended to be burned or buried away from water bodies.

Consumption rates of Actellik, application depending on the treated plants:

Currants, gooseberries, raspberries, strawberries - 1.5 liters of solution per 10 square meters. m plantings, no later than 20 days before harvest;

Peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants - for open ground 2 liters per 10 square meters. m plantings, for protected ground - 1 liter per 10 sq. m. plantings, no later than 20 days before harvest;

Carrots and cabbage - 1 liter per 10 sq. m plantings, no later than 30 days before harvest;

Peach - from 2 to 5 liters of working solution per tree, no later than 50 days before harvest.

Any landowner, faced with insect pests on his site, seeks to get rid of them as soon as possible. Chemical insecticides are of great help in this. The properties of one of them - the popular drug "Aktellik" - are discussed in the proposed article.

Brief description of the drug "Aktellik"

Actellik is the most famous drug based on pirimiphos-methyl. Initially, it was produced only by the well-known Swiss agricultural company Singenta.

Some time ago, on the shelves of horticultural centers, one could see Aktellik, produced Russian firms"August" and " Green pharmacy gardener." These preparations were produced in the form of concentrated emulsions in 2-5 ml ampoules and were intended to protect vegetative plants from a long range of pests. They are currently out of production. On the websites of manufacturers, alternative drugs are offered to replace Aktellik.

Thus, on this moment Only one Aktellik, the Singenta company, retains its official registration in Russia. It is produced in a liquid formulation, in cans of 5 liters. Appointment - insectoacaricide for processing granaries and warehouses. In personal subsidiary plots it can be used exclusively for disinfestation of basements and cellars, for autumn processing greenhouses.

The mechanism of action of the drug "Aktellik"

The impact of "Aktellik" on pests occurs in three ways:

  • contact - poisoning by direct contact of the outer integument of the insect with drops of the working solution;
  • intestinal - poisoning when insects eat products treated with the drug;
  • fumigant - poisoning by getting the fumes of the drug into the spiracles of insects.

One of the main advantages of Aktellik is its ability to remain active for a long time on inert surfaces (room walls, wooden and metal constructions etc.). According to the manufacturer, even a single treatment gives a protective effect for 8-12 months, depending on the conditions.

Pests sensitive to Actellik

Pirimifos-methyl, which is part of Actellik, is highly toxic to both insects and arachnids (mites). It is allowed to be used to control all major stock pests, as well as wintering pests. greenhouse plants:

Tip #1 With prolonged use of the drug, the development of pest populations resistant to it is possible. In this regard, it is recommended to alternate insecticides belonging to different chemical groups and having a different mechanism of action.

Toxicity "Aktellika" for humans, plants and beneficial insects

The removal of Actellik from production for private needs and the narrowing of its scope is associated with the high toxicity of pirimiphos-methyl:

Actellik poses a particular danger to bees and fish. In this regard, the drug has the following restrictions on the use:

  • its spraying by aviation is prohibited;
  • its use is prohibited in areas adjacent to fish protection zones;
  • its use in private farms is prohibited.

Tip #2 You can work with Aktellik only in a protective mask, glasses and gloves. If the solution gets into the eyes or on the skin, rinse the affected area well. clean water. If inhaled or accidentally swallowed, gastric lavage, several tablets taken activated carbon and seek immediate medical attention.

How to use the drug "Aktellik"

The working solution "Aktellika" is prepared as follows: based on the area to be processed, it is calculated required amount solution. An emulsion is added to the required amount of water at the rate of 1 ml per 1 liter of water.

Further actions depend on the purpose of processing:

Purpose of processing Method of application of the working solution Waiting period
Disinsection of cellars, cellars, greenhouses Spraying at the rate of 50 ml of working solution per 1 m 2 of area. Access to premises without funds personal protection- not earlier than three days after preliminary ventilation.
Disinsection of greenhouse soil Spraying the surface of the dug up soil at the rate of 50 ml of working solution per 1 m 2 of area. Planting plants - not earlier than after 6 months.

🎥 Video instruction from Lyudmila Filatkina "Effective against whiteflies, aphids, spider mites."

Pests of greenhouse plants usually overwinter on plant residues or in the surface layers of the soil, so watering the soil with the preparation is not required. (Read also the article about ⇒ ““.) Before processing, mulch, weeds and all plants that have completed their growing season are removed from the greenhouse, after which the soil from above and the walls of the greenhouse are treated.

Errors when using the drug "Aktellik"

When using the drug "Aktellik", you must strictly follow the recommended regulations and avoid the following mistakes:

  1. Treatment of uncleaned premises and greenhouses.
    Before spraying, be sure to remove garbage from the premises, the remains of last year's harvest, wash glass and racks, and plant residues. Possible shelters that can serve as reservations for insects must be cleaned out.
  2. Underestimation of the recommended dosages.
    Some summer residents, fearing the high toxicity of Actellik, dilute the drug at a dosage below the recommended one. This leads to the destruction of only weak individuals, and in strong ones it provokes the rapid development of resistance. Underdosing is the same mistake as overdosing.
  3. Permanent long-term use of "Aktellik".
    This mistake also leads to the development of pest resistance to the drug. As a result, instead of an insecticidal effect, uncontrolled reproduction of insects can be obtained.

It is very important to follow the expiration date of the drug indicated on the package. With time active substance is destroyed, and the remedy becomes, in best case, inefficient. At worst, it will cause unexpected reactions from the soil.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the drug "Aktellik"

Reviews of consumers who have used "Aktellik" as a means for disinfestation of premises indicate a high degree of effectiveness of this drug.

Tatyana, Nizhny Novgorod: “I knew before that Actellik fights against all insects. When ants appeared in the underground, which had to be urgently disposed of, I treated the room with Aktellik. The insects disappeared after 2 days.”

Valentina, Rostov-on-Don: “This year a Colorado beetle and destroyed all the eggplants. I took Actellik, with which I removed the weevil from compound feed for chickens. Knowing that the Colorado potato beetle hibernates deep in the soil, I dug up the greenhouse, sprayed it all over and at the same time the soil. On the next year eggplants were clean! The drug showed excellent results.”

Farmers also speak well of Aktellik.

LPH Orlova KN, Republic of Mordovia: “I liked that Actellik can be mixed with other pesticides. harvested plums were treated simultaneously from fruit drosophila and fungi with a tank mixture of Aktellika and Switch. Harvest for a long time retained a decent presentation.

Replacement of "Aktellik" by other means

After the ban on the use of "Aktellik" in personal subsidiary plots, many gardeners began to urgently look for an alternative that is comparable in efficiency. Manufacturers themselves recommend the following preparations for replacement, which are allowed to be used for spraying plants:

The agricultural firm Singenta, which produces Aktellik, recommends summer residents to use another product instead of it - Aktara.

Topical questions about the drug "Aktellik"

Question number 2. If you spray the fruit crop with Aktellik, after what time can they be eaten?
In agrochemistry there is such a thing as persistence. It refers to the ability of a pesticide to more or less resist degradation. Aktellik has a high persistence on inert surfaces, but it decomposes faster on plant tissues. However, it is better not to consume the processed fruits earlier than after 30 days. And if there is an opportunity to save the crop in some other way, it is better not to spray it with Actellik.

Question number 3. Does Aktellik have analogues that are allowed for use on private plots?
There are no such drugs. Analogues of "Aktellik" - insectoacaricides "Kamikaze", "Pigreen", "Procrop", "Zernospas". They are produced on the basis of pirimiphos-methyl, however, all these preparations are also recommended only for the disinfestation of agricultural premises.

Question number 4. Is it possible to replace Actellik with some kind of folk remedy?
There is no folk remedy that has the same pronounced effect against many pests. However, in each case, you can find a separate recipe. For example, if plants are affected by aphids, you can spray them with an ash-soap solution or infusion onion peel. An infusion of finely chopped garlic works well against spider mites. The biopreparation "Fitoverm" has a more universal effect. Showing high destructive activity, it is practically safe for the environment.

13.11.2017 1 941

Actellik - instructions for use and benefits of the drug


For summer residents and pets, poison is dangerous if the solution gets inside, and in order to avoid poisoning, for Actellik, the waiting period is from 20 to 50 days. The chemical lasts about a week on leaves and stems, but traces of it are found in plant sap, and elimination of the toxin occurs after about 3 weeks in dry weather. Heavy rainfall speeds up the cleansing process.

Actellik EC, that is, a concentrated emulsion packaged in 2 ml ampoules, contains the active substance pirimiphos-methyl at a concentration of 500 ml per liter of emulsion, and distinguishing feature chemical - the ability to act on pests in various ways:

  • through outer shells;
  • through the digestive organs (when pests eat leaves moistened with a solution, or suck juices from pickled plantations);
  • through the respiratory tract.

Actellik is toxic to ticks, lepidoptera (butterflies) and their larvae, beetles (beetles) and their young, hymenoptera (flies, wasps) and others. dangerous pests. It is allowed to be used in open field and greenhouses, also provided for Actellik emulsion - instructions for indoor plants. Such versatility has become the reason for the high popularity of the drug, because it can replace several agents when plants are damaged by different types of insects at the same time.

Instructions for use Actellik recommends diluting in warm water with a temperature of up to +40 ° C, while the air temperature in the room where the solution is prepared should not fall below + 20 ° C - this is due to the fact that the emulsion in heat has a less viscous structure and dissolves faster. Actellik's working solution, subject to the conditions, is more uniform and effective.

The instruction for use advises dissolving Actellik at a concentration of 0.1 or 0.15%. To obtain a product with a concentration of 0.1%, it is enough to pour the contents of one Aktellik ampoule into 2 liters of water and mix well, and it is recommended to use it with an average and low degree of plant damage by insect pests. A more concentrated solution (0.15%) is prepared by dissolving the contents of one ampoule in 1 liter of water - it is used when plants are densely populated by pests.

For Actellik working solution, the consumption rate is individual for different types crops, while also taking into account the age of plants, their size and much more - all this is described in detail in the instructions for use of the drug on its packaging. Instructions for use Actellik recommends spending for fruit trees from 2 liters of working solution per tree (if the plant is less than 6 years old), and up to 10 liters (for fruit trees).

Concerning berry bushes- currants and gooseberries, then from 1 to 1.5 liters of Aktellik's working solution is spent per plant, depending on the size of the bush, and the same amount is spent on processing one vine.

The consumption for vegetables, melons and grain crops, as well as for strawberries is from 1 to 1.5 liters of Aktellik per 10 m², but for greenhouse tomatoes and cucumber consumption is slightly higher - up to 2 l / 10 m². On indoor plants, Actellik's consumption rates coincide with greenhouse ones.

It is important to remember that before processing with Actellik, it is necessary to remove the branches and shoots most damaged by pests, and it is advisable to burn them immediately after collection so that the insects do not move to healthy crops.

Actellik is used for watering the soil as the main measure to control insects and their larvae preparing for wintering, for this they prepare a solution with a concentration of 0.15% and water the soil, spending up to 1 liter for each square meter greenhouses.

The optimal effectiveness of treatments can be traced when treating plantings immediately after rain, since in this case the insects are more active, which means that they are easier to destroy by direct exposure to the chemical. After rain, the stomata are open on the plants, and the active ingredients of Aktellik penetrate the vascular system more easily.

Does Actellik have an analogue with which it can be replaced

The instructions for use from the manufacturer do not indicate analogues of the drug Aktellik, but they exist - the same active substance that is part of Aktellik is contained in the preparations Kamikaze and Fosbecid. They have a different concentration, and therefore the dilution and consumption rates differ significantly from those recommended for actellik. In the drug Actellik, a replacement can also be found in other groups of insecticides:

  • Fastak;
  • Akarin.

When using them, you should follow the instructions for use, as they have a different chemical and biological composition, concentration and method of application. Unfortunately, their action is not always equivalent in relation to various kinds pests, and in terms of efficiency they are inferior to Aktellik.

In order not to harm yourself and environment, Actellik, the instructions for use of which were discussed earlier, should not be used for other purposes, but during spraying - it is better to protect the face, body, eyes and respiratory tract with clothing and special means.

Actellik (Actellic) - organophosphorus drug, belongs to the group of derivatives of thiophosphoric acid. The active substance is pirimifosmethyl, which has a deep action. Highly effective acaricide and insecticide. The use of Actellik is allowed due to its medium danger to warm-blooded animals and humans. For bees and others beneficial insects highly toxic.

Actellik: scope, composition and toxicity of the drug

The drug is volatile, belongs to the 2nd hazard class.

The release form is a concentrated emulsion (EC) containing pyrimiphosmethyl 500 mg/l.

Application area:

  • for the fight against insects and ticks in the open field;
  • to combat the greenhouse whitefly, thrips, mining flies in greenhouse conditions;
  • disinfestation of buildings and granaries to destroy pests and prevent their appearance at a rate of 0.25 g / m² 10 days before loading.

How to breed actellik (video)

Symptoms of poisoning: abdominal pain, loss of vision, convulsions.

First aid on impact:

  • on the skin - remove the poison with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol (5-10%), then rinse with water;
  • in the eyes - rinse well with water and drip atropine;
  • in the stomach - drink several glasses of water with baking soda(2%) and induce vomiting, then take several tablets of activated charcoal;

Atropine and dipyroxime are antidotes for organophosphorus pesticide poisoning. In case of severe poisoning, seek emergency medical attention.

The time of work with the drug in the personal household should not exceed 1 hour. When working with CE, special clothes and rubber gloves for industrial use are used - on a fabric lining. Respiratory organs are protected by a universal respirator RU-60M.

After work, they wash their boots and hands, without removing gloves, in a 3% solution of soda ash or milk of lime. The clothes are soaked in a soap-soda solution for 6 hours, then washed 2-3 times in a hot soap-soda solution (40 g of soap and 50 g of soda ash per 1 liter of water).

Actellik properties (video)

Actellic: analogues and insecticide consumption rate

On the basis of pirimiphosmethyl, preparations with the trade name Actellik, Fosbecid, Kamikaze are used. The duration of exposure to these drugs is from 2 to 6 days.

The waiting period for food crops is 20-50 days, for technical crops - 20 days.


Consumption rates of a solution with a concentration of 0.1-0.15%

Young trees (up to 6 years old)

Up to 2 liters per tree by alarm - observation is carried out from the green cone phase

fruit trees

Up to 10 liters per tree in the bud coloring phase


Up to 1.5 l per bush in the phenophase of bud separation and after harvest


Up to 1 liter per bush (processing time, like currants)

Up to 2 liters per 10 bushes in the phenophase, the promotion of buds is the beginning of flowering. If necessary after harvest.

Strawberry (strawberry)

Up to 1.5 liters per 10 m² during the period of leaf growth, exposure and budding.


Up to 1.5 m per 10 m² in the phenophase of loosening of inflorescences and before flowering

Vegetables, melons, cereals, potatoes

Up to 1 liter per 10 m²

Cucumbers, tomatoes in greenhouses

Up to 2 liters per 10 m²

The system of pest control measures in protected ground:

  1. After harvesting, the plants are treated with Aktellik at a concentration of 0.1-0.15% against the greenhouse whitefly, aphids, and spider mites.
  2. After 3-4 days, plant residues are removed, disinfected, and the soil and greenhouse structures are treated with Aktellik (0.15%). Consumption rates - up to 1 liter per 1 m².

In the spring and summer, to protect seedlings and shoots of seedless cabbage from fleas and spring cabbage flies, they are treated with Actellik. When processing cabbage, you must strictly follow the instructions and observe the waiting times. The residual amount of organophosphorus compounds does not decompose during sauerkraut.

Actellik: instructions for use for the treatment of indoor and garden plants

The working solution cannot be stored, it is prepared immediately before use in accordance with the instructions. Before spraying, the temperature of the preparation should not be lower than 15-20ºC, due to the fact that their viscosity increases in the cold state. Work is carried out in dry, calm weather - at t 13-25ºC after sunset. If it rained - on the first fine day. For bees, it is necessary to create a border protection zone of 4-5 km and limit their years to 6 days.

It goes on sale for use in personal households in the form of ampoules of 2 ml.

How to breed actellik at home:

  • taking precautionary measures, open the ampoule and dilute in a plastic bottle in half volume warm water, shaken;
  • add water to the desired volume.

Indoor plants can be shed with the composition or sprayed completely. Before spraying, damaged parts of plants are removed and burned. The soil must also be shed.

Actellik: spider mite on roses (video)

The potent insecticide Actellik, the instructions for use of which must be strictly observed, allows you to protect indoor flowers from pests. The drug acts on enemies of garden and agricultural plants, as well as household and barn insects.

Actellik is a permitted analogue of Bi-58, which today is completely prohibited for use in an apartment or in a personal plot.

The agent is an organophosphorus compound, the main active ingredient in which is pyrimiphos-methyl. The insecticide is produced in the form of a concentrate emulsion, which is designed to be dissolved in 5 liters of water. It can also be produced as a powder in ampoules of 2 ml. It should be diluted in 2 liters of water.

As a result of its influence, the following are destroyed:

  • ants;
  • Colorado beetle;
  • mealybug;
  • spider mite;
  • gall mite;
  • pocket tick;
  • felt mite;
  • flat-boat;
  • scale insects;
  • thrips;
  • slobber pennies;
  • horntails;
  • sawyers;
  • weevils;
  • moths;
  • earwigs,
  • nutcrackers;
  • barbels;
  • goldfish;
  • bark beetles;
  • caterpillars.

The drug is also used for disinfection of industrial grain and vegetable stores, as well as medical and sanitary facilities.

The insecticide is highly toxic chemical composition, which belongs to the 2nd hazard class. According to its ability to persist in soil and water, as well as the ability to accumulate, it belongs to the 3rd class. The product is especially dangerous for fish and other aquatic life. It is also highly toxic to birds, honey collections, pollinators and earthworms.

Depending on the type of plant, the quality of processing, and also on what stage of development the pests are at, their death occurs in the period from 5 minutes to 2 hours. In rare cases - up to 12 hours. Houseplants after treatment are under the protection of the drug for another 14 days. This helps to prevent their re-infection if pests remain somewhere in the room.

Instructions for use

Compliance with the instructions for the drug is very important, because otherwise there is a high risk that the person who carries out the treatment will poison himself or spoil the plant by choosing too high a concentration. If, on the contrary, the remedy is diluted weakly, it will not get rid of all pests.

How to breed?

Depending on the form of release, the composition is diluted in 5 liters of water (for suspension) or 2 liters of water (for powder). If the accumulation of pests on the plant is significant, then it is allowed to increase the concentration of the agent. In this case, the amount of water is reduced by 2 times. After the drug is completely dissolved, you can start using it, strictly observing the rules for working with toxic substances.

When processing, it is necessary to ensure that the solution gets on all the leaves. Otherwise, some pests may remain on the plant and survive the effects of the insecticide.

Carry out processing of room ornamental plants can be no more than 1 time in 6 months. The volume of solution required for exposure depends on the size of the plantation.

Precautionary measures

Compliance with safety rules when treating indoor plants from pests is very important. They must not be neglected, as this may lead to negative consequences for health.

  1. Use of personal protective equipment such as rubber gloves, respirator and goggles.
  2. Use of work clothes that should be washed immediately after treatment.
  3. Preparation of a solution in special utensils not used for humans or animals. Can be taken plastic bottles which will be destroyed after processing.
  4. The absence of an aquarium in the room where the treatment is carried out. The drug is extremely dangerous for fish, and therefore the flowers that were in one room must be taken to another place.
  5. Lack of children and pets in the room at the time of processing.
  6. The processing of indoor plants is best done by bringing them to Fresh air. This will reduce the risk of poisoning in households.
  7. When processing plants in the office, this should be done before the weekend, leaving the room to ventilate. It is impossible to process plants in a closed place in which there are people.
  8. After finishing the treatment, removing personal protective equipment and work clothes, wash your hands with soap and water, wash your face and rinse your mouth with clean water.

It is strictly forbidden to involve children and persons suffering from mental disorders and mental retardation in the processing of plants using Actellik. It is also impossible to carry out work at the time of exacerbation chronic diseases and when the body is affected by viral infections, in which irritation of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages occurs.

First aid for poisoning

When there is a violation of the rules for the use of the remedy, there is a high probability of getting poisoned. In this case, it is important to urgently provide first aid to the victim.

  1. Skin contact. This situation is the simplest and least dangerous. enough to wash the place running water with soap and apply a cream on the skin so that it does not dry out.
  2. Contact with the solution in the eyes. In this case, it is necessary to immediately rinse the eyes cold water and then contact an ophthalmologist, even if there is no discomfort in the eyes. This is required for the reason that there may be damage to the cornea of ​​​​the eye, which, without treatment, will progress and lead to loss of vision.
  3. Ingestion. In such a situation, there is a threat to the life of the victim. He needs to drink immediately. big amount water and induce vomiting. You also need to call ambulance, since hospitalization is indicated in this state.

Compliance with safety rules and storing the insecticide in a place inaccessible to children will save you from problems.

What houseplants are used for?

The tool is universal, and it can be used for indoor plants of various types. The exceptions are those that are prohibited from spraying.

Compatibility with other pesticides

If complex treatment of plants is necessary, a combination of Actellik with other insecticides and fungicides, which do not contain copper and calcium, is allowed. In the event that, when two agents are combined, lumps fall out or fluid is separated, this indicates the incompatibility of the drugs.

At correct application pest repellents, they allow you to quickly restore the good condition of indoor plants and at the same time not harm the owners. If there are concerns that using Actellik according to the rules will not work, you should choose a safer remedy.
