The use of language games in English lessons in elementary grades.

Using vocabulary games in the classroom in English in primary school

Target: introduce teachers to vocabulary games that can be used in the classroom and extracurricular activities in English.
Tasks: description of games aimed at activating vocabulary in oral and writing.
I teach English in elementary school and run an English club from grades 1-4. Children visit it with pleasure and interest. The program for the 1st grade circle ensures the continuity of learning English between the preschool course (if children started learning it already in kindergarten) and the basic course of the 2nd grade of elementary secondary secondary school.
The subject content of speech corresponds to educational and educational goals, as well as interests and age characteristics junior schoolchildren and includes the following:
Acquaintance. With classmates, teacher, characters of children's works: name, age. Greeting, farewell (using typical phrases of speech etiquette).
I and my family. Family members, their names, character traits, what he is, what he can do.
The world of my hobbies. My favorite activities. Sports and sports games. Me and my friends. Name, age, appearance, character, hobbies/hobbies. Favorite pet: name, age, color, size, size, what can do.
My school. School supplies.
The world around me. Wild and domestic animals.
Country/countries of the language being studied and home country. General information: name. Literary characters of popular books of my peers (names of book characters, character traits). Small works of children's folklore in the language being studied (rhymes, poems, songs).
As a teacher, I try to instill in children an interest in the learning process and in the language itself. It is necessary to take advantage of children's memory. The child is able to memorize linguistic material in whole blocks, as if "imprinting" it into memory. But this happens only when he has an appropriate attitude and it is very important for him to remember this or that material. The easiest way to do this is in the game. Games in the lessons give us the opportunity to justify the really unreasonable demand for a child to communicate with partners in English; find ways and show significance English phrases built according to the simplest models; make it emotionally appealing to repeat the same speech patterns and standard dialogues. I will give a number of games that I successfully use in the classroom, in circles. Goals:
to train students in the use of vocabulary in situations close to the natural environment;
to intensify the speech and thinking activity of students;
develop students' speech reaction;
1. The game “I Can’t See”
Purpose: development of attention, development of the ability to speak (monologue speech) There are several toy animals on the table. Children close their eyes, and one toy “runs away”. Students need to answer which of the toys is missing, and which of the animals is left: I can see ... I can’t see ...
2. Deaf phone.
Purpose: activation of lexical units, development of attention. Children are divided into two teams. Team members say words or phrases in each other's ears. The last player to hear the word raises their hand. This player's team wins.
3. Snowball.

Purpose: activation of vocabulary on several topics, development of memory, attention. The teacher names the topics on which the students will name the words. The first player calls the word, the second repeats this word and adds his own word, etc. When the players fail to repeat many of the words they have come up with, the game ends.
4. Game "What's your name?" with cottons.
All children play at the same time. They sit in a circle. Having previously clapped their hands twice and twice on their knees, they ask: “What`s your name?” Answers: “My name is / I am ...” - children do individually in turn. Before the answer, clapping hands and knees follows.
5. Guess!
The children are seated. The first player, chosen by the rhyme, shows the students one of the portraits of a literary hero and asks: “What`s his / her name?” The guessers say: “Her / his name is ...” The guesser replaces the driver. The game continues.
6. Guess by voice.
The children are seated. They play in turn. The leader is chosen by a rhyme. He goes to the middle of the class and stands with his back to the others. The teacher, imperceptibly for the driver, points to one of the students. This student says Hello! The speaker guesses his comrade by voice, asking the question: “Are you ...?” Possible answers: “Yes, I`m … No, I`m …” The student who greeted takes the place of the leader. The game continues until all students have participated.
7. And you?
The children are seated. They play in turn. The teacher starts the game. He says: “I like to run, and you?” At the same time, he passes the “magic wand” to the student to whom he addresses. He, in turn, says his phrase and passes the wand to his friend. The game continues until all students have participated.
8. Flower - seven-flower.
The children are seated. They play in turn. On the teacher's desk is a set of colored cards in the form of flower petals. Children take turns taking colored cards and attaching the core of a flower to a special circle, forming a flower. At the same time, they say: “I like green”.
9. Swap places.
Children become in a circle. Everyone plays at the same time. Everyone has a card with a number in their hands. The card should be held with both hands in front of you. Each of the players calls his number, confirming by this that he remembered it. The teacher calls two numbers, for example: "Two - five". Students who have these cards in their hands quickly change places. There are no winners in the game.
10. Remember the word.
The children are seated. Everyone plays at the same time. Everyone has a set of drawings or photographs of their family members on the table. The teacher calls a word, for example “a mother”, students show a picture or photo of their mother. In case of an error, the student returns the drawing. The winner is the one who saves all the drawings or photos.
The game can be complicated: after the teacher lists all the words, each student talks about his family: “I have got a mother, a father and a sister”.
11. Who is this?
The children are seated. Everyone plays at the same time. The first player is chosen by a rhyme. He goes to the middle of the class and with the help of facial expressions and gestures depicts one of the family members. For example: “drives a car” - dad, “reads a newspaper” - grandfather, “plays hopscotch” - sister, etc. The rest of the students guess who is currently being portrayed using the structure “Are you a mother?” The guesser replaces the first player. The game continues until all students have participated.
12. Swap places.
Children become in a circle. Everyone plays at the same time. In their hands they have cards with the image of animals. The teacher names two animals. Children who have cards with the image of these animals quickly change places.
13. Circus.
Children play in pairs. Partners are chosen at will or by lot. The task of each pair is to prepare a circus performance of a trained animal, as a result of which the children alternately play the role of a trainer and an animal. 2-3 minutes are given for preparation, after which the “performance” begins. The couples take turns entering the arena. The trainer says: “I have an elephant. My elephant can run. My elephant can jump.” The student in the role of an elephant performs called actions. Then the students switch places and the "performance" continues.
14. Say a word on the topic.
All children sit in a circle at the same time. The teacher calls each student a word on any of the topics covered, and he, in turn, calls another word on this topic.
For example: Teacher: Five! Student: Seven! Each time the student says a word, the student takes a token.
The game "Listen to the team"
For example, the game may be aimed at practicing prepositions. In this case, it is better to carry it out with some object, for example, soft toy. The teacher calls the command and the preposition, and the children show: on the chair, under the chair, etc.
Game «Sending a Telegram»
The class chooses a leader. The teacher asks him to imagine himself in the role of a telegrapher and send a "telegram" - to spell the words, pausing after each word. During pauses, the called student (in turn from each team) pronounces one word from the “telegram”. If a student makes a mistake, his team loses a point.
Game "Chain of words"
The teacher calls the first day of the week in Russian and throws the ball to the student.
The student who caught the ball says: Monday, the second - Tuesday, etc.
Another version of this game. The teacher, throwing the ball, asks: “What day is before (after) Monday?”, “What day is between...and...? etc.
You can play the same game to reinforce the words denoting colors, fruits
Game "Name the sixth"
Game progress. The players sit in a circle. The driver starts the game by listing words from the learned vocabulary, for example, 5 sports, 5 professions, 5 animals, and so on. The one who was asked to continue the list should quickly add another name, say "sixth", without repeating what was listed before. If the respondent immediately calls the 6th word, then he becomes the leader, if the student hesitates, then the leader remains the same.
Example: cat, dog, monkey, rabbit, cow...(pig)
Captains game.
Each captain is given a bag containing 2 toys. One, for example, has a wolf and a monkey, and the other has an elephant and a cat. Captains must describe each toy without naming it. Guess the guys from the other team. Example: "It's an animal. It's lives in Africa. It's brown. It lives in the trees. It likes bananas." (a monkey).
For children of primary school age, games can often be used in the classroom and in extracurricular activities. They will be useful and effective in the work of the teacher.



Goals: - to teach students to understand the meaning of a single statement;

To teach students to highlight the main thing in the flow of information;

Develop students' auditory memory.

Whose sun is brighter?

Team captains go to the board, on which two circles are drawn, and describe the animal from the picture. Each correctly said sentence is one ray to the circle and one point. The winner is the captain whose sun will have more rays, i.e. more points.

Who knows the numbers better.

Representatives from each team go to the board, on which the numbers are written (out of order). The host calls the number, the student looks for it on the board and circles it with colored chalk. The one who circles the most numbers wins.

Riddles about animals.

The teacher reads riddles to students, students must guess them. For example:

1. It is a domestic animal. It likes fish. (a cat)

2. It is a wild animal. It likes bananas. (a monkey)

3. It is very big and grey. (an elephant)

4. This animal likes grass. It is a domestic animal. It gives us milk. (a cow)

For each correct answer, the team receives 1 point.

funny artists

At chenik, closing his eyes, draws an animal. The facilitator names the main parts of the body:

Draw a head, please.

Draw a body, please.

Draw a tail, please.

If the drawing turned out, the team gets five points.

We clap our hands.

Members of both teams stand in a circle. The leader is in the center of the circle. He names both domestic and wild animals. When children hear the name of a wild animal, they clap once; when they hear the name of a domestic animal, they clap twice. The one who makes a mistake is out of the game. The team with the most players left is the winner.


The class is divided into three teams, each representing a police department. 3 leaders are selected. They turn to the police department with a request to find a missing friend or relative. The host describes their appearance, and the children make the appropriate drawings. If the picture matches the description, it is considered that the missing person has been found.

Host: I can`t find my sister. She is ten. She is a school girl. She is not tall/ Her hair is dark. Her eyes are blue. She has a red coat and a white hat on.


The teacher invites one of the students to think of any season and describe it without naming it. For example:

It is cold. It is white. I ski. I skate. I play snowballs.

Students try to guess: Is it spring? Is it winter?

The winner is the one who correctly named the time of year.

Puzzle games.

Teacher : I have Good friends. These are special friends. They came to us from fairy tales. You know them too, but can you guess who I'm talking about?

I have a friend. Is not a small boy. Can't read, write and count, but not well. He can run and jump and play. He cannot draw and he cannot swim. /Dunno/.

I have a friend. Not a big fat boy. He cannot read and write, but he can run, sing, dance and play. He can fly! /Carlson/

I have a friend. He is not a boy. He is not a girl. He is green. He can swim. He cannot jump and he cannot fly. /Crocodile Gena/.


Target: train students in pronouncing English sounds.

Wide and narrow vowels

Game progress: the teacher calls the words. Students raise their hand if the sound is pronounced widely. If the vowel is pronounced narrowly, you cannot raise your hand. The team with the fewest mistakes wins.

Whose team will sing “WHATISYOURNAME” better?

The winning team receives five points.

Singing at foreign language lessons allows you to include in the active cognitive activity each child, creates the prerequisites for teamwork in an atmosphere of positive emotions.

Dunno and we.

Dunno came to class. He will study English. Now the guys are not just repeating sounds, they are trying to teach Dunno correct pronunciation. Dunno shows the children transcription signs, and the guys call them in unison. And to check how the guys remembered these sounds, Dunno begins to make mistakes. If the sound is pronounced correctly, the children are silent, and if it is incorrect, they clap their hands together.


The class chooses a leader. The teacher asks him to imagine himself as a telegrapher and send a telegram - to spell the words, pausing after each word.



Train students in the use of vocabulary in situations close to the natural environment;

Activate the speech-cogitative activity of students;

Develop students' speech response.

Teacher and pupil

During the oral introductory course, students get acquainted with a large number of lexical units. And a game of "Teachers and Students" is of great help in mastering these words. The student in the role of teacher asks questions to the student, showing a picture with the image of a certain subject, to which he answers. Then the players change places.

In the shop

On the counter of the store are various items of clothing or food that can be bought. Students go to the store, buy what they need.

P 1 : Good morning!

P2: Good morning!

P 1 : Have you got red apples?

P2: Yes, I have. Here you are.

P1: Thank you very much.

P2: Not at all.

P 1 : Have you got sweets?

P 2 : Sorry, but I haven't.

P 1 : Good bye.

P 2 : Good bye.

Assemble a briefcase

The whole class participates in the game. Come to the board as you wish.

Teacher: Let's help Pinocchio get ready for school.

The student takes the items on the table, puts them in a briefcase, naming each item in English:

This is a book. This is a pen (pencil, pencil-box)

In the following, the student briefly describes the object that he takes:

This is a book. This is an English book. This is a very nice book


Equipment: daisies with removable multi-colored petals.

The class is divided into three teams. Schoolchildren one by one in a chain name the color of the petal. If the student made a mistake, all the petals are returned to their place and the game starts over.

P 1 : This is a blue leaf.

P 2 : This is a red leaf., etc.

last letter

Game progress: two teams are formed. The representative of the first team names the word, students from the other team must come up with a word with the letter that ends with the word named by the first team, etc. The team that names the last word wins.


Game progress: the task is to have objects of the same color. The team that manages to name more objects, animals, etc. of the same color wins.

For example: A white dog, a white cat, a white rabbit…..

What's this?

In the hands of the presenter is a black box (or box) containing an unfamiliar object. Team members should ask the facilitator one leading question each. After that, they must answer what is in the box.

Do you know animals?

Representatives from each team say the names of animals:

a fox, a dog, a monkey, etc.

The last person to name the animal wins.

Collect the picture

Each team is given an envelope containing 12 pieces of the picture. You need to quickly collect a picture and give its description using structuresI see … This is … He has got… .…She has got …. It is blue (grey, etc.)

Assemble the bouquet

Equipment: real or artificial flowers or autumn leaves.

Teacher: Each of you has a favorite teacher. Let's make a bouquet for him. Only we must comply with one condition: to name the color of each flower or leaf correctly, otherwise the bouquet will quickly wither.

Student: This is a red flower. This is a yellow flower. etc.


To consolidate the vocabulary on the topic "Morning of the schoolchild" in the speech, you can play the game "Pantomime". The leader leaves the class, and a group of children is located at the blackboard. Each gestures and facial expressions depicts one of the actions on a given topic. Then the teacher says to the facilitator: Guess what every pupil is doing.

Sample answers of the presenter: This boy is doing morning exercises. That girl is washing her face. That boy is sleeping. etc.


Game progress: two teams are formed. On the right and left on the board is written scatter

the same number of digits. The teacher calls the numbers one by one. Team representatives must quickly find and cross out the named number on their half of the board. The team that completes the task faster wins.


Game progress: two teams are formed. The teacher calls the ordinal or cardinal number. The first team must name the previous number, the second - the next (ordinal or cardinal number, respectively). For each mistake, the team receives a penalty point. The team with the fewest penalty points wins.

Forbidden number.

Game progress: the teacher calls the "forbidden" numeral. Students in chorus count (first quantitative, then ordinal numbers are called). "Forbidden" numerals cannot be called. The one who makes a mistake and pronounces it brings his team a penalty point. The team with the fewest penalty points wins.

Five words.

Game progress: while a student from one team counts to five, a representative of the second team must name five words on this topic. A participant who fails to complete the task is eliminated from the game.

Guess the name.

Game progress: each student receives a thematic drawing. He must examine it and tell what is depicted on it. The one who guesses the name of the picture first gets the next one and performs the same task. Whoever guesses the most names wins.

Voice over picture.

Game progress: players form pairs. Each pair is given pictures, to which are attached cards with the corresponding remarks. With their help, you need to voice the pictures. The first pair to prepare the dialogue and reproduce it correctly wins.


Goals: - to teach students the use of speech samples containing certain grammatical difficulties;

Create a natural situation for the use of this speech pattern.

By definition, a game is a type of activity in situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience, in which self-management of behavior is formed and improved.

In the age periodization of children (D. B. Elkonin), a special role is assigned to the leading activity, which has its own content for each age. In each leading activity, corresponding mental neoplasms arise and form. The game is the leading activity for preschool age.

All the age periods following the preschool age with their leading activities (primary school age - educational activity, middle school age - socially useful, senior school age - educational and professional activity) do not displace the game, but continue to include it in the process.

Language games are intended for the formation of pronunciation lexical and grammatical skills and training in the use of linguistic phenomena at the preparatory, pre-communicative stage of mastering foreign language. Language games include: phonetic, grammar, spelling and lexical games.

Lexical games have the following goals:

Train students in the use of vocabulary in situations close to the natural environment;

Activate the speech-cogitative activity of students;

To develop the speech reaction of students;

Introduce students to word combinations.

Games can be designed both to train students in the use of certain parts of speech, for example: numerals, adjectives, or to correspond to certain topics, for example, "Shopping", "Clothes", etc.

This collection presents material for teachers working in grades 5-6, as well as grades 3-4, subject to learning English from grades 1-2, using the topic “My Family” as an example. Lexical games can be used in the classroom, extra classes(group or individual), extracurricular activities. Lexical games, like any other types of games, can be used in English lessons in all classes, you just need to rework and adapt the material to the topic being studied.

Lexical games of various subjects


Game progress: two teams are formed. The teacher calls the ordinal or cardinal number. The first team must name the previous number, the second - the next (ordinal or cardinal number, respectively). For each mistake, the team receives a penalty point. The team with the fewest penalty points wins.

Forbidden numeral

Purpose: consolidation of quantitative and ordinal numbers.

Game progress: the teacher calls the forbidden number. Students in chorus count (first they call quantitative, then ordinal numbers). "Forbidden" numerals cannot be called. The one who makes a mistake and pronounces it brings his team a penalty point. The team with the fewest penalty points wins.

Purpose: consolidation of vocabulary on the topics covered.

Game progress: the task is to name objects of the same color. The team that manages to name more objects, animals, etc. of the same color wins.

last letter

Game progress: two teams are formed. The representative of the first team names the word, the students from the second team must come up with a word with the letter that ends with the word named by the first team, etc. The team that names the last word wins.

Story by drawing

Purpose: activation of vocabulary on the topics studied.

Game progress: players form pairs. Each pair receives a drawing depicting a room in which there are different things and objects. characterizing its owner. You need to write a story about what the owner of the room is doing. The couple with the most interesting story wins.

Most interesting story

Purpose: activation of vocabulary on the topics studied, development of monologue speech skills.

Game progress: two teams are formed. Each is given the task of compiling a story on a specific topic (“At the zoo”, “ Sport games”, “Trip out of town”, etc.). The team with the most interesting story and the fewest mistakes wins.


Game progress: on the control sheet in the left column are adjectives, in the right - their synonyms or adjectives that are close in meaning. 36 rectangular cards are cut out of cardboard or paper, on each an adjective is written from the left column of the control sheet. The cards are placed in one box. In the second, 36 of the same cards are placed with synonymous adjectives or adjectives that are close in meaning, written in the right column of the control sheet. Participants in the game receive the same number of cards with synonyms. The facilitator takes out one card from the first box, reads the adjectives aloud. The players must quickly pick up synonyms for the called adjectives. The winner is the one who picks up more synonyms.

Kettle (English game)

Purpose: the formation and development of contextual guesses.

Game progress: the leader goes out the door. At this time, the players choose several homonyms and come up with a phrase. When the leader enters the room, the players take turns pronouncing the phrases they have invented, inserting the word “teapot” (teakettle) instead of the same-sounding words.

For example: I said good teakettle when I went to the little store teakettle the bank to teakettle some meat. (I said "good teapot" when I went to a small teapot shop with a jar to teapot some meat). Here teakettle replaces bye, by, buy. The facilitator must guess that the whole phrase means "I said goodbye when I went to the shop next to the bank to buy some meat."

Broken phone

Game progress: players sit in a circle. Everyone gets a number. The facilitator whispers a message into player number 1's ear. Player number 1 whispers what he heard to player number 2. So the message is passed around the circle until the participant sitting to the right of the leader enters the game. This last player loudly repeats what he heard. It will almost certainly not be the same message that started the game.

find a rhyme

Purpose: development of lexical skill.

Game progress: one of the players calls any word that comes to his mind, preferably a short one. The second must name a word that rhymes with the first, the third must add another word to rhyme, etc. Anyone who cannot name a word to rhyme gets a minus. When one of the players has 3 minuses, he leaves the game. The last one left wins.

Purpose: consolidation of vocabulary on the topic covered.

Game progress: The first player says Today I had for dinner some and names something edible that begins with the letter “A” (apples). The second student says Today I had for dinner some apples and bananas, repeating what his friend said and naming the word with the letter “B”. And so on, until all the guys fulfill the conditions of the game. The one who could not repeat all the words spoken by the students before him and say his word is out of the game.

The conditions of the games are similar: My grandmother’s trunk (My grandmother keeps an anorak in her trunk), My neighbor’s cat (My neighbor’s cat isan awful cat).

Purpose: development of lexical skill.

Game progress: compose a story in such a way that each player in turn adds one word to the previous one until you get a short story 1) One 2) day 3) Jack 4) met 5) a hippopotamus 6) walking 7) down 8) the road .

Purpose: development of lexical skill.

Game progress: building a ladder of words in which the number of letters gradually increases. One of the players chooses a letter, and the rest write down a ladder of words, for example: I, in, ink, into, image, inside, illness, illusion, important, impossible, improvement, indifference, intelligently, implementation.

Purpose: development of lexical skill.

Game progress: making words by adding 1-2 letters to the word and rearranging the letters in the word, for example: Nose+c=scone, vest+o=stove, lead+i=ideal.

Purpose: development of lexical skill.

Game progress: 9 letters are randomly selected and within a predetermined time, the players must make up the longest word from these letters, for example: atenoriml -terminal.

Variants of crosswords with numerals 0-12

Lexical games on the topic "Family"

Family members.

Game progress: two teams are formed. On the right and left on the board, the same number of words in English (Russian) are written scattered around. The teacher calls the words in Russian (English) one by one. Team representatives must quickly find and cross out the named word on their half of the board. The team that completes the task faster wins.


Purpose: the formation of a lexical skill.

Game progress: two teams. On the right and left on the board, the same number of words in English (Russian) are written scattered around. The teacher calls the words in Russian (English) one by one. Team representatives must quickly find and cross out the named word on their half of the board. The team that completes the task faster wins. For example: grandmother - Granny.

Possessive case of nouns

The Synonyms game can be played differently by inviting students to combine confused synonyms, while fixing the possessive case of nouns using the example of the topic “My family”:

My mother's sister my brother

My mother's son my aunt

five words

Purpose: to consolidate vocabulary on a topic or one of the lessons learned.

Game progress: while a student from one team counts to five, a representative of the second team must name five words on this topic (the number of words can be increased starting from five words). A participant who fails to complete the task is eliminated from the game.

Women, men

Purpose: repetition of vocabulary on the topic "My family".

Game progress: the first team is invited to name family members belonging to the female gender, and the second - to the male. The team that calls large quantity words.

More words

Purpose: activation of vocabulary on the topic studied.

Game progress: two teams are formed. Each team must name as many words as possible on a given topic. The team with the most words wins.

The game can also be played in writing. Team representatives write the words on the board. In this case, when summing up, not only the number of words is taken into account, but also the correctness of their spelling.

Purpose: activation of the studied vocabulary.

Game progress: teams receive sets of cards with letters. The teacher pronounces the word; students who have the letters that make it up must make a word from the cards. The team that completes the word faster and without errors gets a point. The results of the game are summed up after a few words have been composed.


Purpose: to consolidate vocabulary on the topic.

Game progress: students receive cards with a set of letters from which they need to make a word on the topic “Family”, for example: OTEMRH - MOTHER.

Guess the name

Purpose: activation of vocabulary on the topics studied.

Game progress: each student receives a thematic drawing. He must examine it and tell what is depicted on it. The one who guesses the name of the picture first gets the next one and performs the same task. Whoever guesses the most names wins.

Sounding a picture

Purpose: activation of vocabulary on the topics studied, development of dialogic speech skills.

Game progress: players form pairs. Each pair is given pictures, to which are attached cards with the corresponding remarks. With their help, you need to voice the pictures. The first pair to prepare the dialogue and reproduce it correctly wins.

sea ​​battle

Purpose: activation of vocabulary on the topic.

Game progress: both players draw a grid, for example 10x10 cells. Vertical cells are indicated by numbers, horizontal cells by letters. Each student writes a predetermined number of words on the topic "Family". Words can intersect, like in a crossword puzzle. A second coordinate grid is reproduced nearby, where the words of the enemy will fit in as they are discovered and guessed. Each player takes turns calling the number and letter of the cell. The opponent says whether there is a letter in this cell or not. Having a few guessed letters, you can try to guess the whole word. As a variant of this game, you can call the letter of the alphabet. In this case, the opponent names all the numbers and letters of the cells where the given letter occurs. In the proposed version of the game, it is preferable to use a large field and a large number of words. Players should note which letters have already been named.

Elena Shakurova
Card index "Lexical games"

I propose several lexical games for preschool children. These games contribute to the expansion and enrichment of vocabulary, develop memory and logical thinking.

1 Game "Continue the sentence"

Mom is sad because.

Dad is angry because.

I'm not going out today because...

I don't want to go to sleep because.

I'm not allowed to watch cartoons because.

My brother (sister) does not want to do homework because.

What I fear the most is that.

I don't like when.

I like when.

Game 2 "Who was what?"

There was an apple. (seed)

There was a frog. (tadpole)

There was a fish. (caviar)

There was a leaf. (kidney)

The car was. (iron)

There was bread. (flour)

There was flour. (grain)

There was snow. (water)

There was a notebook. (tree)

The house was. (brick)

There was an adult. (child)

3 Snowball game

For this games Need 5-7 participants. A theme is selected, for example "Cookware". The first participant calls a word on this topic, for example, "Plate". The second participant repeats this word and calls his own and so on. The task of the last player is to repeat the words of all the participants in front and say their word.

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Card file "Games with letters and sounds" The proposed games and game exercises can be used to correct and develop phonemic hearing; consolidation of the studied sounds and.

Card file "Games with books" Hide and Seek with a Book Show your child a new book and ask him to close his eyes. Hide the book somewhere in the room. He is happy.

Card file "Games with jumps""SPROWS AND CAT" All players represent sparrows and are outside the circle. Leading - the cat stands in the middle of the circle. The sparrows jump in.

Kuban folk games. Card file Game: "Pass the horseshoe." Children stand in a circle, pass the horseshoe to each other. Whoever has the last horseshoe left wins. Game: Pass.
