Characteristics of the work performed for ITU sample. Production characteristic for ITU

The production characteristic for an employee is a form that is compiled by the administration of the enterprise upon request and issued to the employee to provide information at the place of requirement.

Production characteristic: pattern and shape variations

Based on the variety of information that must be provided to a particular department, a sample of a production characteristic differs in the form of compilation:
1. The most common option is to use the production characteristics as an official document that lists professional skills, personal qualities, as well as the social position of the employee. This kind of document is called a characteristic from the place of work.

2. Information necessary to establish the degree of disability when assigning a disability group, or to issue a comprehensive peer review the patient is issued in the form of a production characteristic of another sample. When filling out this form, the patient is questioned on a number of issues related to the norms of labor production and productivity. Answers to questions are entered on a specialized form with the participation of a medical worker from the enterprise. Further, the form is certified by representatives personnel department and guides. A production characteristic of this type is the main document on the basis of which a decision is made when an employee passes a medical and labor expert commission (abbreviation VTEK) or a medical and social examination, abbreviated ITU.

3. The results obtained by students at the end industrial practice at the enterprise, are also drawn up in the form of a report - production characteristics. In this case, the document is drawn up in free form by an employee of the enterprise responsible for the student's internship or a representative of the personnel department.


  • Production characteristics per worker: (downloads: 15312)

  • Feature for ITU:

Important update!

Observer and healer the doctor gives for the passage of medical and social examination(ITU) or medical and labor expert commission to a special bureau.

To do this, you need to assemble the installed one, in the list of which there is (PX).

Such the document is filled in by the head of the enterprise where the applicant works, in the presence of a physician (if there is a medical office).

There are several more cases for which it is provided:

  • for registration in a sanatorium, dispensary or hospital;
  • when contacting the embassy foreign state for issuing a visa;
  • when changing the organization (filled in at the previous workplace);
  • for admission to study, provided that the documents are submitted after employment.

Reference! The manager may assign the duty to complete the filling to a specialist in the personnel service. But in any case, the responsibility lies entirely with the management itself. Before putting his visa, he must carefully check all the points.

List of required papers to fill out

Not everyone can apply for an expert opinion to determine the limited actions of an employee. Accordingly, for this, there must be certain indicators at which it is possible to pass an additional examination.

Before entering data into the characteristic, a small list of documents should be prepared:

You also need to know:

  1. Working conditions in which you had to work for the last 12 months.
  2. The level of harmfulness, compliance with hygiene standards, how dangerous his type of employment was.
  3. How often did you have to go on business trips, to what area.
  4. The level of income and the frequency of being on sick leave, indicating the disease.

Instructions for filling out the PH

PX can be compiled at the request received from the ITU, or at the request of the person who applied with an indication of the place of demand.

General requirements

Information is entered on a special A4 form, in two copies. A copy remains in the personal file, the original goes to the employee. You can also enter information arbitrarily, but you must take into account all existing requirements. If an employee of the enterprise works, then everything is indicated in the present tense, if he has already quit, in the past.

Note! The form contains 13 or more items, depending on the illness of the applicant. Everything needs to be filled in.

Consider what you need to write in each section of the document:

Particular attention should be paid to those sections that indicate difficulties in performing certain loads (for example, paragraph 8). It must be taken into account that it is important to display the actual amount of work done, and what percentage is fulfilled.

There is no need for a spatial presentation of information about the functions of the employee, it is enough to explain briefly and concisely.

In more detail, it is necessary to indicate what opportunities for movement were provided to facilitate actions, and whether there is such an opportunity today.

There is no need to praise the worker. This the document is filled out not to find another place to receive income to indicate positive traits, and it is not a recommendation. It is needed so that doctors can realistically assess the patient's condition, the level of complexity of his disease.

The form is endorsed by the head of the enterprise or the head of the personnel department and is certified by the wet seal of the organization. In case there is medical staff, then the PH is also certified by his signature.

Disagree with the decision of the ITU commission? Do you think that the opinion of experts is unfair?

Job Description

Such a requirement has no official concept; it is not used in the personnel management of the Russian Federation. The concept of a characteristic does not have a federal status, but it is often used in some regulations.

Concerning, this type of document does not have a specially provided form. It is filled out when necessary, based on the situation in which it became necessary to provide it.

In our case, we are considering a document that plays an important role in the passage of the ITU, where the level of disability of the population is established.

Basic The aim is to correctly characterize workplace sick who asked for help. How to fill in information about the nature and working conditions of an employee for ITU:

  • what is the equipment of all necessary inventory and equipment;
  • lighting;
  • the level of noise effects;
  • specificity of the activity itself.

Important! Filling should be taken seriously, as it can affect a person's health, his future life. Will he be assigned a disability group, or will he be offered another position so that the person is not left without a livelihood.

Related videos

You can also learn how to fill out a performance specification for ITU in this video:


Health is a very sensitive topic. Each leader should try to carefully monitor the condition of his staff: monitor the conditions created in the workplace; control services technical security so that everyone is always instructed in time on safety precautions when fulfilling their obligations, in order to avoid accidents that may lead to a deterioration in the quality of life.

- This is an official document that the administration of the enterprise issues to its employees if necessary. The forms of compiling a production characteristic directly depend on what the characteristic is for.

Consider several options for production characteristics, which are most common.

Production characteristics for medical and social expertise (ITU)

Production characteristic is the main document that is necessary for conducting a comprehensive expert assessment of a sick person, establishing the degree of disability by an employee or determining a disability group for a disabled employee. Such production characteristic is drawn up on a specially designed form, taking into account the working conditions of the employee. It describes labor productivity, production rates of the subject, and so on. If the enterprise has its own clinic or health center, then the doctor assigned to the patient is directly involved in the preparation of this document. Production characteristic must be certified by the signatures of the head and head of the personnel service.

Very often, a characteristic from the place of work acts as a production characteristic. Such a document is drawn up in the form of a free presentation. It describes the performance of the employee and his participation in public life team. The business qualities and personal advantages of the employee are evaluated. The characteristic is certified by the head of the enterprise and the chairman trade union organization(if the company has one).

Production characteristics per student

This type of characteristic is compiled for a student who underwent a planned internship at a fixed enterprise. The direct supervisor of the production practice makes up a description in any form. The characteristics indicate the adaptation moments in the new team, the attitude to the acquisition of production skills, the student's sociability, the level of training, and so on. The characteristic is certified by the head of the practice and the head of the personnel department of the enterprise.

There is no special form of production characteristics; it is drawn up in a free form. A sample of its filling can be downloaded for free.

The production characteristic is issued by the institution where the person works. The areas where it may be required are very different: for VTEK, ITU and others. A comprehensive study of the patient allows the expert commission to make a correct conclusion about the state of health. There is no special form, the production characterizing paper is drawn up in free form. However, it is necessary to make mandatory items for a particular institution where it is required. The filling sample viewed on the page shows the approximate filling of the document. It can be downloaded for free.

Due to the uniqueness of each production line, professions and working conditions, and even more so of the person characterized, each production characteristic will be unique and unrepeatable. As a rule, the document is prepared by the personnel department and signed by the head of the enterprise. The constituent parts, depending on the body requiring the characterizing material, will also differ. Many organizations do not read the content of the text, but require materials for their simple presence in a personal file. This approach is not correct and requires a detailed study of the production document.

Mandatory items of production characteristics

  • Title paper carrier information;
  • Full name, date of birth of the person being characterized;
  • Full details of the company where the subject works. His position and work experience;
  • The nature of the work function performed, specific features;
  • Comparison with other workers, whether they cope with the set production tasks;
  • Breaks in activities, with which they were associated, paint by date;
  • Other information;
  • At the end, traditionally, the leader puts his own visa and seal.
It is important to distinguish the topic of the page in question from other types of production characterizing materials emanating from the employer. The design will be completely different if the paper is requested by the police, the court, the military registration and enlistment office, guardianship and guardianship authorities and other structures .. The lack of the required form will be filled in the near future. It will be even better and more effective if you directly say this in the form of communication with the site administration.

Important update!

Observer and healer the doctor gives for the passage of medical and social examination(ITU) or medical and labor expert commission to a special bureau.

To do this, you need to assemble the installed one, in the list of which there is (PX).

Such the document is filled in by the head of the enterprise where the applicant works, in the presence of a physician (if there is a medical office).

There are several more cases for which it is provided:

  • for registration in a sanatorium, dispensary or hospital;
  • when applying to the embassy of a foreign state for affixing a visa;
  • when changing the organization (filled in at the previous workplace);
  • for admission to study, provided that the documents are submitted after employment.

Reference! The manager may assign the duty to complete the filling to a specialist in the personnel service. But in any case, the responsibility lies entirely with the management itself. Before putting his visa, he must carefully check all the points.

List of required papers to fill out

Not everyone can apply for an expert opinion to determine the limited actions of an employee. Accordingly, for this, there must be certain indicators at which it is possible to pass an additional examination.

Before entering data into the characteristic, a small list of documents should be prepared:

You also need to know:

  1. Working conditions in which you had to work for the last 12 months.
  2. The level of harmfulness, compliance with hygiene standards, how dangerous his type of employment was.
  3. How often did you have to go on business trips, to what area.
  4. The level of income and the frequency of being on sick leave, indicating the disease.

Instructions for filling out the PH

PX can be compiled at the request received from the ITU, or at the request of the person who applied with an indication of the place of demand.

General requirements

Information is entered on a special A4 form, in two copies. A copy remains in the personal file, the original goes to the employee. You can also enter information arbitrarily, but you must take into account all existing requirements. If an employee of the enterprise works, then everything is indicated in the present tense, if he has already quit, in the past.

Note! The form contains 13 or more items, depending on the illness of the applicant. Everything needs to be filled in.

Consider what you need to write in each section of the document:

Particular attention should be paid to those sections that indicate difficulties in performing certain loads (for example, paragraph 8). It must be taken into account that it is important to display the actual amount of work done, and what percentage is fulfilled.

There is no need for a spatial presentation of information about the functions of the employee, it is enough to explain briefly and concisely.

In more detail, it is necessary to indicate what opportunities for movement were provided to facilitate actions, and whether there is such an opportunity today.

There is no need to praise the worker. This the document is filled out not to find another place to receive income to indicate positive qualities and is not a recommendation. It is needed so that doctors can realistically assess the patient's condition, the level of complexity of his disease.

The form is endorsed by the head of the enterprise or the head of the personnel department and is certified by the wet seal of the organization. If there is a medical staff, then the PH is also certified by his signature.

Disagree with the decision of the ITU commission? Do you think that the opinion of experts is unfair?

Job Description

Such a requirement has no official concept; it is not used in the personnel management of the Russian Federation. The concept of a characteristic does not have a federal status, but it is often used in some regulations.

Concerning, this type of document does not have a specially provided form. It is filled out when necessary, based on the situation in which it became necessary to provide it.

In our case, we are considering a document that plays an important role in the passage of the ITU, where the level of disability of the population is established.

Basic the task is to correctly characterize the workplace of the patient who asked for help. How to fill in information about the nature and working conditions of an employee for ITU:

  • what is the equipment with all the necessary inventory and equipment;
  • lighting;
  • the level of noise effects;
  • specificity of the activity itself.

Important! Filling should be taken seriously, as it can affect a person's health, his future life. Will he be assigned a disability group, or will he be offered another position so that the person is not left without a livelihood.

Related videos

You can also learn how to fill out a performance specification for ITU in this video:


Health is a very sensitive topic. Each leader should try to carefully monitor the condition of his staff: monitor the conditions created in the workplace; supervise the technical safety services so that everyone is always in timely instructed in safety precautions when fulfilling their obligations, in order to avoid accidents that may lead to a deterioration in the quality of life.
