Competitions for the autumn ball for high school students and youth. Ideas for funny competitions for the Autumn Ball in elementary school

The Autumn Festival is celebrated not only in villages and villages during the harvest, but also in kindergartens and schools. And like any holiday, the autumn holiday cannot do without fun and funny contests. We offer you our contests for the autumn holiday. There are only five contests, but they are so cool and funny that you will remember them for a long time. You have a choice of team competitions and competitions for one person. But just to make all the contests work, you need to prepare a little for them. For example, stock up on leaves and fresh vegetables and fruits. But it is not so difficult, but the result will be excellent.

Competition 1 - Autumn volleyball.

For this competition, you need two teams of three to four people, and a stretched rope in the form of a volleyball net, but not so high stretched. Each team is given autumn leaflets, one team is yellow, and the other is red. Can be about 20-40 leaves. It is also necessary that the volleyball court be separated, for example, you can put a rope on the floor around the perimeter. Also, it is not necessary to make a large platform. Teams scatter their sheets on their side in a disorderly position, but only within the site. And then the teams change sides of the sites. And at the command of the leader, they begin to play autumn volleyball. Only according to their autumn rules. That is, each player has the right to pick up only one sheet, and he must approach or run up to the net and throw the sheet to the opponent's side. The team that flips the sheets faster in this way wins.

Competition 2 - Autumn Waltz.

For the competition, couples are invited to dance the autumn waltz. But everything is not so simple, because each couple must put and hold an apple between their foreheads without the help of their hands. And the last pair to drop the apple is the winner. Also, for a more ridiculous performance of the competition, you can change the music, increasing its tempo.

Competition 3 - Dress up a friend.

Two commands are called. Approximately 3-5 people. They choose their leader. And at the command of the leader, other team members must dress their leader, but dress with their own clothes. That is, each participant can put on his leader his own clothes, something that is not a pity, or something that he can take off. Winners can be determined in several ways. First: which team will dress their leader faster, but then you need to immediately set the number of clothes to be honest. Second, which team dressed its leader more beautifully and more fashionably. Here it is necessary to consider how and what is dressed and how it is combined.

Competition 4 - Find out the vegetable and fruit.

Fruits and vegetables are placed in a basket or bucket. But only already cleared. Participants are called and they are blindfolded in turn. The host brings the first participant to the basket and he, putting his hand into the basket, takes out something from there. He must tell by touch that he got it. And to confirm his choice, he must bite off this fruit or vegetable. It will be funny when the participants bite onions, garlic or raw potatoes. But you can only get by with edible fruits, but then it will not be so funny.

Competition 5 - Autumn leaf fall.

For the competition, you will need leaflets, you can be real, you can be drawn and cut out. But for each team the same number of leaves. Glue a French ribbon on one side of each leaflet, and do not peel off this tape on the other side. (For those who don't know, French tape is a tape that is glued on both sides). Each team chooses a leader. And at the command of the leader, other team members take the leaves from the floor, peel off the tape and glue it to the leader. But just so that all the leaves are separate from each other, you don’t need to sculpt them one on top of the other, you need to get something like a tree. The team that can quickly stick all the leaves on their leader wins.

"Gather Mushrooms"

Children collect mushrooms and put them in a basket for the teacher. To play tambourine - run away under an umbrella - hide from the rain. At this time, another adult imperceptibly scatters mushrooms, and the teacher invites the children again to the forest for mushrooms: "the rain is over." This is repeated twice. When the children go to the forest for mushrooms for the third time, they will find a large mushroom with sweets hidden in the stem.

"Game with leaves"

Children after a round dance or dance with leaves remain standing in a circle. Autumn offers to put the leaves on the floor and dance, and when the music is over, quickly take the leaf and hide it behind your back so that autumn cannot take it away. After the game, Autumn blows on the "leaves" (children), they fly away to their places.

game "Clouds-plakuchki" (O. Sivukhina)

Children are arranged in two circles - boys and girls. Mom is invited to each circle, she plays the role of Cloud Mom, children are droplets.
Educator. These are the mothers of Clouds, and you are restless children!
Clouds walked across the sky
Red sun caught. (walk around in circles)
And we'll catch up with the sun
And we will catch the red! (switch to stomping step)
The sun is hidden
And they themselves cried: drip-drip-drip! (squat, tapping fingers on the floor)
Droplets scattered, raindrops,
They run along the paths, along the roofs, along the blades of grass ...
(running away)
And now: one, two, three!
Find a mother cloud! (children must find their Mom Cloud, line up in a circle)

game with mothers "Two umbrellas"

Mothers with umbrellas of different colors move along with their children in all directions. When the music ends, mothers stop, girls and boys gather in circles under different umbrellas: girls under pink, boys under blue.

One two Three!
Find an umbrella mom!

The game "Veterok and Janitor"

Music sounds, (wind noise) all the children scatter around the hall. The janitor's music plays. The janitor comes out with a broom and says the words:

Street cleaner: Oh, there is a lot of work:

How many leaves have fallen!

I'm in a hurry to sweep

I'm tidying up! (sweeps)

I'm sweeping, sweeping, sweeping, I'll gather the leaves in a heap.

It sweeps to the music, children-leaves flock together.

Street cleaner: I swept all the tracks.

Oh, I'm tired, I went to bed.


Wind noise. The breeze runs up to the leaf children and blows on them, they scatter and sit down again.

Street cleaner: Disorder, in fact

All the leaves are scattered.

I'll take a broom

I'll pick up the leaves again.

I'm throwing, throwing, throwing

I'll put the leaves in a pile.

Music Janitor (with a broom in the middle of the hall) Children-leaves flock together.

Street cleaner: I swept all the tracks.

Oh, I'm tired, I went to bed.

The janitor leaves. The breeze runs out (child)

Wind: I am a cheerful breeze, my path is not close, not far.

I fly around the world, I inflate all the leaves.

Wind noise. The breeze runs up to the leaf children and blows on them, they scatter and sit down again. Included

Street cleaner.

Street cleaner: Oh, you mischievous leaves, bright and painted!

So as not to dare to fly away, I must catch you all!

Music Janitor. The janitor catches up with the children, they run to their places and hide the leaves under the chairs.

Street cleaner: I ran, I was tired, but I did not catch up with the leaves.
There are only puddles on the paths, the janitor is no longer needed here.

Presenter: You're right, Janitor.

The rain pours every day, does not allow us to walk.

And we are not afraid of the rain, we will have fun together! (song about rain)

Game - attraction "Collect the leaves"

Leaves of yellow, red and green colors are scattered on the floor. 3 children are welcome. Everyone must collect leaves of a certain color. On a signal: "1,2,3, collect!" children collect leaves. Whoever collects first is the winner.

Game - attraction "Harvest"

There are 2 trucks near the central wall, and closer to the audience, vegetables are scattered in hoops - "beds". Two players who play on a signal are driving trucks to the beds by the rope, picking vegetables in the back. After collecting vegetables, they bring the crop to its original place. Whoever collected and brought first - he won.

senior preschool age

Game - attraction "Three legs"

At the central wall are two - four players. The middle legs are tied with a cord. As a result, for two - three legs. The task of the players is to run to the chip, run around it and return to its original place.

Game - attraction "Pull the turnip"

Near the audience, at a great distance from each other, there are 2 turnips on the floor (children sitting on chairs can also be turnips, with a turnip cap on their heads). Playing in 2 columns stand near the central wall: grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, Bug, cat, mouse. On a signal, the grandfathers run first to the turnip and, having run around it, each returns to his column. They take the grandmother by the hand, run around the turnip, and return. Grandmothers take their granddaughters by the hand, etc. When all the characters run around their turnip. They pull her out. Whose link will pull the turnip first.

"Don't get your feet wet"

Option 1: children cross the "swamp" by shifting three boards.

Option 2: jump over "puddles" - sheets of cut cardboard on the floor.

Game with leaves for attention

- One two Three! Take this sheet!

One two Three! Take the red sheet!

One two Three! Maple Leaf!

One two Three! Get two sheets!

One two Three! Take the same sheet as mine!

One two Three! Take nothing!

Game "Autumn Treats"

Vegetables and fruits lie together on a common tray. Children need to quickly sort them so that one can cook soup and another compote.

"Running in galoshes"

Leader or hero: Who lost the galoshes, children? (shows) Someone now danced and lost. (Beats, trying to try on someone).

Come on, let's see ... Yes, look at it, another one. And also, it seems, on the right foot ...

I don't have a couple, so what?

I'll run in one shoe. (Trying to run in one galosh)

Well, who, answer, brothers,

Do you want to run too?


Children are divided equally into trees and mushrooms, choose a mushroom picker. Trees stand in a circle. Mushrooms hide behind them. A mushroom picker walks in the center, reads:

Mushroomer: I went to the forest for mushrooms,

But there were no mushrooms.

Where did they hide?

Under the trees? Or under the stumps?

Mushrooms: And here we are!

Just pick us up!

1,2,3! Run!

The mushrooms run away. The mushroom picker catches them.

"Carry a Potato in a Spoon"

relay game

Children are divided into 2 teams. Task: transfer one potato in a spoon from a hoop (bed-hole) to a bucket. Whose team will harvest faster.

"Who will more accurately fall into the bucket"

relay game

Children are divided into 2 teams. Task: to get a potato in a bucket. Whose team will harvest faster and more accurately.

Auction: "Name the potato dishes"

Game "Collect a wreath"

Option 1: Leaves from the basket are poured onto the floor. Children take one leaf from a pile and lay wreaths on the floor: birch, maple, oak.

Option 2: Then the presenter suggests laying out wreaths from those leaves that are in the pockets of the children on the chairs. To the music of the waltz, children move around the hall, dance. At the end of the music, they stand in circles, each leaf in its own.

"Taste Vegetables"

With their eyes closed, the children taste the vegetable and name it.

"Autumn Leaves" - fantas

Presenter: We will now take autumn leaves and play with them. (The presenter distributes autumn leaves to the children).

Presenter: Ta-ra-ra!

The game starts! (everyone speaks in unison).

Presenter: Make three hats from a scarf for an aspen leaf. (Children come out holding aspen leaves in their hands - they complete the task).

Presenter: Who has a maple leaf

That artist is an equilibrist.

Can perform in the circus

Hold a stick in your hand.

(Children come out with maple leaves, perform tasks - walk along a cord stretched on the floor, holding a stick in their hand - to the music).

Presenter: An oak leaf will tell a rhyme

Or autumn will say signs,

Or without words he will show us objects ...

(Children who have oak leaves come out and complete the task).

Presenter: Who has a birch leaf

That mimic artist -

Does not say anything,

Gesture will portray everything ... (sour lemon, thorn, fluff, etc.) (Children come out with birch leaves and complete the task).

Presenter: Who has a rowan leaf -

Speak without hesitation:

Karl and Clara

Stole corals.

(Children who have rowan leaves go out and complete the task).

Apple games

1) Relay game. 2 teams are participating. You need to quickly transfer apples from one basket to another.

2) There is 1 apple in a cup of water. The participant needs to get it without the help of hands.

3) 2 planar trees are placed in the center of the hall, apples hang from them, the children need to quickly pick the apples into their basket blindfolded.

Breathing exercise "Autumn leaves"

A playful breeze flew into the forest:

Quietly, softly, he sang a song to the branches:

A strong wind also flew into our forest:

Loudly, loudly to the branches, he sang a song:

The breezes took turns singing songs to the leaves:

That quiet: Sh-sh-sh!

That loud: Sh-sh-sh!

That quiet: Sh-sh-sh!

That loud: Sh-sh-sh!

And then they flew away!

Game-attraction "Cross the swamp"

Two children participate in the competition. 12 "hummocks" are placed around the hall - cardboard layouts, uneven in shape and painted in gray-brown color. For each participant, six bumps were prepared at a short distance from each other: you can only step forward along the “bumps” and go back in the same way. The one who does it faster wins.

Game "Harvest"

Children are divided into two teams - "Veterok" and "Droplet". For the game you need 6 hoops, 2 children's watering cans, 2 buckets, 8 potatoes. On a signal, the “tractor drivers” come out with the first stomping step, move like a “snake”, set up hoops and run to their starting position.

Girls go with buckets, put 1 potato in each hoop. Then the "waterers" run, running around each hoop. The latter run with buckets, harvest.

game "Stumps-leaves-heads"

Several parents are chosen - they are “stumps”, children are “leaves”. The driver takes turns saying the words “stumps”, “heads of cabbage”. To the music, either parents or children begin to move. As soon as the driver says: “Kochanchiki”, the children should quickly run up to any “stump” in the circle, as tightly as possible.





There are two teams of 6 children. This is a grandfather, grandmother, Bug, granddaughter, cat and mouse. There are 2 chairs on the opposite wall of the hall. On each chair sits a "turnip" - children in a hat with the image of a turnip. The grandfather starts the game. On a signal, he runs to the "turnip", runs around it and returns, the grandmother clings to him (takes him by the waist), and they continue to run together, again go around the "turnip" and run back, then the granddaughter joins them, etc. At the end of the game, a "turnip" clings to the mouse. The team that pulls out the turnip the fastest wins.

The game is played by two people. They take each basket in their hands. 10 - 12 cones are scattered on the floor. On a signal, the children begin to collect them in their baskets. The one who collects the most cones wins.

Two people are playing. On one side of the hall are two buckets in which carrots and potatoes are mixed. Each child, on a signal, runs with a basket to the bucket and chooses either carrots or potatoes in his basket and returns back. Whoever completes the task faster, he won.

In the game, you can use apples or carrots. Two players sit on chairs facing each other. They are blindfolded and given an apple. They start feeding each other. The one who ate the apple the fastest wins.

The game involves 3 people. Paper vines, cornflowers and dandelion leaves are scattered around the hall. Children are given a bucket. On a signal, they must collect the weeds in buckets: one - loaches, the other leaves, the third - cornflowers. The child who completes the task faster than the others wins.

2 children participate in the game. On 2 trays are 1 maple leaf, cut into pieces. On command, children collect pieces of paper piece by piece to the music. The winner is the one who is the first to make a leaflet from disparate particles.

The game is played by two people. 6-8 potatoes are scattered on the floor. Each child has a basket and a wooden spoon. On a signal, you need to collect potatoes with a spoon, one at a time, and put them in a basket. The child who collects the most potatoes in a certain amount of time wins.

Two children are participating. "Puddle" - a carpet in the center of the hall. On a signal, the children put on galoshes and run from one end of the carpet to the other and back. The one who runs faster wins.

On one side of the hall there are 2 trucks, on the other side, dummies of onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, beets and potatoes are laid out on the floor, 2 of each. The game is played by two. On a signal, they drive trucks to the opposite side of the hall, fill them with vegetables and return back. The one who completes the task faster wins.
A more difficult option: transport one vegetable at a time.

It involves two teams. Fake mushrooms are laid out on the floor. At the signal of the team, the mushrooms run around the snake along the "winding path" (each child holds on to the shoulders of the one in front). The winner is the team that:
- did not drop a single mushroom;
- did not lose a single participant;
- quickly reached the finish line.

At the opposite wall of the hall, two racks are placed with a rope stretched between them. Apples and pears are tied to a rope for sticks. The child is blindfolded. He must reach the racks, cut off any fruit with scissors and guess it by touch.

Children stand in a circle, in the center of the circle - the driver with the ball. He throws the ball to any child and says one of the words: "Vegetable", "Berry" or "Fruit". The child, having caught the ball, quickly names the familiar vegetable, berry or fruit, respectively. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game.

On the tablet, fruits are drawn in several rows (for example: an apple, a pear, an orange). In each row, the fruits are arranged in a different order. The presenter closes any fruit in any row and asks: “What is missing?” Children must name the fruit that is closed. Options: instead of fruits - vegetables, berries, mushrooms, tree leaves.

They play in twos. Each participant is given an empty basket. Silhouettes of mushrooms lie on the floor. Children take turns taking the silhouette of a mushroom, name any mushroom they know, and put it in a basket. The one who "collected" the most mushrooms wins.

Two parent volunteers hold a rope from which apples are tied. The game is played by 2 children. They are offered to eat an apple hanging on a rope without touching it with their hands. Who quickly?

There are two teams of 6 children. This is a grandfather, grandmother, Bug, granddaughter, cat and mouse. There are 2 chairs on the opposite wall of the hall. On each chair sits a "turnip" - a child and in a cap with the image of a turnip. The grandfather starts the game. On a signal, he runs to the "turnip", runs around it and returns, the grandmother clings to him (takes him by the waist), and they continue to run together, again go around the "turnip" and run back, then the granddaughter joins them, etc. At the end of the game, a "turnip" clings to the mouse. The team that pulls out the turnip faster wins.

Three couples for one minute collect grains (beans, peas, pumpkin seeds) scattered on the floor. Those who collect the most win.

Blindfolded, the players must taste the vegetables that they are offered.

Equipment: 8 hoops, 2 buckets, 4-5 potatoes, 2 watering cans.
2 teams of 4 people participate.
1st participant "plows the ground" (puts hoops).
The 2nd participant “plants potatoes” (puts potatoes in a hoop).
The 3rd participant “waters the potatoes” (runs around each hoop with a watering can).
The 4th participant “harvests” (collects potatoes in a bucket).
The faster team wins.

The player, blindfolded, must draw peas so that they do not go beyond the line of the pod.

Children are invited to unload "cars" with "vegetables". Cars are placed against one wall, and two baskets are placed opposite them against the other wall. Near the baskets, one player stands up at a time and, on a signal, they run to the cars. You can carry vegetables one at a time. Vegetables should be the same in all machines, both in quantity and volume. Other members can then "load" the machines; In this case, the players stand at the cars, run to the baskets on a signal and transfer the vegetables to the cars. Cars can be boxes, chairs; vegetables - skittles, cubes, etc.

Musical accompaniment sounds. Children, each of which is a "scarecrow", go to the middle of the hall and spread their arms to the sides. If the host says: “Sparrow!”, Then you need to wave your hands. If the host says: "Crow!" - you have to clap your hands.
The driver ("mushroom picker") is blindfolded. Mushroom children run around the hall. If a "fly agaric" comes across, the children shout: "Don't take it!" The winner is the one who "gathers" more "mushrooms" in a certain time.
It is necessary to determine by touch a vegetable or fruit without removing it from the bag.

The game is played by two children. On 2 trays are 1 maple leaf, cut into pieces. On command, children collect pieces of paper piece by piece to the music. The winner is the one who is the first to make a leaflet from disparate particles.
In the cup are pieces of different vegetables or fruits. The child is blindfolded and he must taste to determine what it is.

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Autumn holiday for schoolchildren. Scenario "Vegetable Abundance"

Leading. Hello, friends!

presenter. Good afternoon!

Leading. What is autumn? These are yellow leaves in the forest, walks in the rain, sadness for the past summer. But autumn also has its advantages. Our today's holiday is dedicated to Her Majesty Autumn.

Leading. So what do autumn days boast about? First of all, an abundance of vegetables. That's why we called this holiday "Vegetable Abundance".

Leading. For the first competition, we invite two people to the stage.

Competition "Who is more!"

The task of the participants is to take turns naming vegetables and fruits. The winner will be the one who names the most.

Both participants are awarded a paper flower.

Leading. How many vegetables and fruits do you know. Now let's learn more about each of them.

Student 1. Potatoes: Potatoes are native to South America. For a long time, potatoes were grown only as an ornamental plant, and they began to be eaten only in the 17th century. At first, jam was made from potato flowers, and only a few years later they began to use tubers. In Russia, potatoes appeared thanks to Peter I. It was he who personally brought a bag of potatoes from Holland.

Student 2. Cucumber: Cucumber is native to India. It appeared more than five thousand years ago. According to legend, the vegetable got its Indian name in honor of an Indian prince who had a huge number of children. The familiar name "cucumber" means "unripe", because we eat fruits that have not yet ripened. Pickled cucumbers are very popular, and the ancient Romans were the first to try them, who grew this vegetable year-round and pickled cucumbers in barrels.

Student 3. Tomato: "Apple of love" - ​​so the French called the tomato for its bright red color. And the Aztecs called it "tomatl", hence the Russian name "tomato". South America is considered the birthplace of this vegetable. For a very long time, tomatoes were considered a poisonous plant and were not eaten. Russia became one of the first countries where the tomato was grown precisely as a vegetable crop.

Pupil 4. Radish: Egypt is considered the birthplace of the radish. The methods of its cultivation are mentioned even in the records on the walls of the pyramid of Cheops. And in Greece, the radish was considered the most important root crop. She was inferior to beets and carrots. The largest radish was grown in Japan. She weighed about 16 kg.

Student 5. Carrot: The oldest known root vegetable, known for over 4,000 years. It was especially popular in Ancient Greece and Rome. But until the 16th century, carrots were considered a delicacy. In Russia, this vegetable was considered healing, many diseases were treated with carrot juice.

Pupil 6. Beets: The red root crop has always been considered a healing vegetable. Even in ancient Greece, it was brought on holidays to the altar to Apollo. Beets are considered the most popular vegetable for decorating dishes. And beetroot juice is used for various diseases and just for prevention.

Pupil 7. Bow: Since ancient times, the bow has been considered the center of the universe. Due to the pungent smell, onions were tried not to be eaten. Only in ancient Rome, onion was considered a sacred plant, and the imperial people ate it along with parsley and walnuts. And in Russia, onions were always used during illness, as they believed that it had healing properties.

Pupil 8. Cabbage: The most valuable vegetable crop in Europe is cabbage. Man has been growing it since the Stone Age. Cabbage was especially recognized in ancient Greece. And in Russia, even special holidays were arranged - “kapustniki”, when people collected, chopped and salted cabbage.

Leading. Now we have learned something new about each vegetable. All of them are useful in their own way.

Leading. Therefore, we invite you to participate in the next competition. We need three volunteers.

Competition "Vegetable ode"

Participants of the competition are given sheets on which pairs of rhyming words are already written:

➢ Potato - bowl

➢ Bow - plow

➢ Carrot - love

➢ Tomato - spinach

➢ Cucumber - well done

The task of the participants is to compose a poem in a few minutes.

All participants are awarded with paper flowers.

Leading. And now let's listen to the odes that our authors composed.

presenter. I think it's just excellent. Let's give our poets another round of applause.

Leading. We all love vegetables. We know how they taste and feel. Therefore, we invite you to participate in the next competition.

Competition "Guess what it is"

For the competition you need: potatoes, cucumber, onions, beets, carrots, tomatoes.

Contestants are blindfolded. They are not allowed to taste and touch vegetables. They have to guess the vegetables by smell.

The winner is awarded with a paper flower.

Leading. It really was a difficult competition, but our participants completely coped with the task.

Competition "The longest garden"

Six people participate in the competition. They are divided into two teams. The task is as follows: in the outcome there is the word "garden". Participants must make such a chain, where each new word begins with the letter that ends with the previous word. If the word ends in a soft sign, then the penultimate letter is taken. You can use the names of any vegetables, fruits, berries. They have to complete this task in three minutes.

The winning team is awarded with paper flowers.

Leading. Incredibly long chains turned out. Who would have thought that in such a short time you would be able to remember so many names of vegetables, fruits and berries. You did an excellent job. We will need four people to participate in the next competition.

Contest "Guess and draw"

For the competition you will need: carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, onions.

Participants of the competition must choose one vegetable with their eyes closed and draw it.

All participants receive a paper flower.

Leading. Well done! Great pictures. Our artists deserve applause.

Competition "On the contrary"

The hosts call the words the other way around, and everyone else must say the correct option.

Leading. Avkyt - pumpkin; bison - watermelon; atsupak - cabbage; vokrom - carrots; yatiiv — cherry; akipyalmez - strawberries; apilak - viburnum; aiidoroms - currant; avils - plum; tserugo - cucumber; horog - peas.

Leading. Rodimop - tomato; konsech - garlic; aper - turnip; alkevs - beets; sider - radish; kul - onion; akshotrak--potatoes; anilam — raspberries; mil - lemon.

For each correct answer, the presenters give a paper flower.

Competition "Pull and guess"

The contestant pulls out a piece of paper from the bag, where a vegetable is drawn, which he must depict. The participant should not speak, but show everything only with facial expressions and gestures. The one who guesses correctly receives a prize and takes the place of the participant.

Leading. Well done! Who would have known that such talents are hidden here! Let's give each other another round of applause.

Leading. We are all familiar with the fairy tale "Turnip". Today the students of our school will show their interpretation of this fairy tale.

Fairy tale "Turnip"

Grandfather. Hey grandma! Help me please! A huge turnip has grown on our site! I can't manage on my own!

Grandmother. What's this? My God, this is a vegetable!

Grandfather. I don't know how it happened! I even forgot about her! And what a grown up!

Grandfather. Call, grandmother, granddaughter.

Grandmother. Granddaughter, dear, come help us!

Granddaughter. Here is a turnip! How huge! How did you manage to grow this?

Grandfather. Let's try again together.

Granddaughter. What is it! You need to call Bug. Hey bug, help us.

Bug (looks at the turnip in surprise). Woof woof!

Granddaughter. Come on, bug, grab me.

Granddaughter. What is it. Beetle, call Murka.

Suddenly a mouse appears. She joins everyone else. They pull, they pull, but again they cannot pull it out.

Granddaughter. Grandfather, how did you grow such a turnip? Did you take good care of her?

Grandfather. No, I didn't take care of her. I threw the seeds, and forgot about it.

Granddaughter. That's the problem. We need to take care of her, then we can pull her out. Beetle and Murka, you must plow the earth, and we will bring water and water it.

Author. And then the work began. Everyone went about their business. The bug, Murka and the mouse were pushing the ground, the granddaughter and grandmother were pulling out the weeds, the grandfather brought water and watered the huge turnip. When they finished, they had an excellent vegetable in front of them, which they didn’t even want to pull out, but only admire it.

Grandfather. Let's try to pull the turnip out again, otherwise it will overripe.

Leading. Let's applaud our actors. We have learned a very important lesson from this story. It takes a lot of effort to achieve such a result. Each vegetable needs special care. Some vegetables love more light, and some prefer shade, some plants are water-loving, and some need to be watered once a week. So, only following certain rules, you can grow a real work of art.

Leading. And now we must sum up the evening. The one with the highest number of paper flowers wins the prize as the best connoisseur of vegetable abundance.

There is an award.

presenter. This is not the end of our holiday. We invite you to the solemn table of autumn abundance!

Co. course called "Autumn Volleyball" will need:

    30-40 autumn leaves (preferably large).

    A couple of chairs.


    Two teams.

A rope is pulled over the chairs, it turns out two fields. An equal number of leaves are scattered on each. On command, the teams begin to transfer them to the territory of the opponent. To prevent the competition from dragging on, it is best to limit it in time (2-3 minutes). The winner, of course, is the team with the fewest leaves left on their territory.

"Beauty Contest" - this event needs no introduction. The most beautiful girls compete with each other in beauty, charm and ingenuity. Traditionally, three winners receive prizes and the status of "Miss Autumn".

In order for the autumn ball to live up to its name, a music competition or just the performance of theme songs will be very useful. For the autumn ball, you can remake any songs to tie them to your educational institution, or simply perform popular songs on this topic. For example, these could be:

The musical part of the autumn ball allows you to dance and also demonstrated

Of course, not a single ball passes without a dance part. In principle, dances at the autumn ball can be very diverse, everything is limited only by a flight of fancy. The main rule that should be observed in order for the dances to be truly autumnal is that each participant in the dances should have some kind of autumn accessories. It can be beautiful fallen leaves or "rain" that adorns the clothes of the dancers.

The dance prepared in advance by the girls, which each of them performs in a dress made of leaves, looks very beautiful.

Dancing can be diversified with a variety of competitions associated with them to make the event even more fun.

Exhibition of autumn creativity

Regardless of whether the autumn ball is held at a school or university, there will always be many who want to participate in the craft competition. The main condition for such an event is the use of only parts of natural origin for work. These can be acorns, leaves, twigs, leaves or pieces of tree bark.

It is difficult to even list the possible options for crafts for the autumn ball, some of which cause sincere admiration of the audience. On an autumn evening, you can also hold a competition in which participants must assemble a craft from several potatoes, carrots and something else in two or three minutes. The results usually exceed even the wildest expectations.

To make the autumn ball bright and memorable, you should think over the scenario for its holding in advance, since the decision to “decide on the spot” is usually not the best lucknym

1. Harvest "It is necessary: ​​a bucket of carrots; plastic bags. Bags are distributed to the participants. The host announces: "Who is the most dexterous today will pick up a bucket of carrots." Then he gives a signal, and the participants collect carrots at speed.

2. "Theatrical" For this scene (for the autumn ball), 3 participants are called to the stage. They take turns depicting: 1. A man who has just eaten deliciously. 2. A tourist who got lost in the night forest. 3. A girl who is being squeezed by new shoes. 4. Grandmother, who had an exacerbation of sciatica. 5. A man whose soles came off on his shoes. 6. The guard on duty at the food warehouse. 7. A heron standing in a swamp. 8. Monkey in the zoo. The one who was especially convincing wins. - Read more on

"The series is being filmed" For this scene at the autumn ball, funny tasks are kept secret until the last moment, as are the roles of the participants. The players are called on the stage, they are given postcards, where the following roles are written: Grandfather. Wind. Wolf. Owl. Bunny. Stump. 2 Christmas trees. The facilitator then reads the text. For this scene at the fall ball, funny participants do what his character should do. Scenario Once Grandfather was going to the forest for a Christmas tree. Came, and there autumn. The wolf howls, the wind rustles, the eagle owl hoots. Bunny came running, saw Stump and let's drum on it. I saw Grandfather, got scared and ran away. Grandfather looked around, "Here are the Christmas trees." He went to the first Christmas tree, he liked it. Touched, shook - a good Christmas tree. Grandfather just waved his ax, and looking - he was not there, he was forgotten at home. Then just like that, he waved. And Elochka begged: "Don't ruin me, old one, I won't be useful to you. I'm all sick: the trunk is crooked, the needles are falling." Grandfather looked - and the truth is, the Christmas tree is not good. He went to another and touched it. The legs are straight, the needles are held. He wanted to cut it down, and Elochka said: "What are you waving? Pull with the root." Grandfather pulled and pulled, and the Christmas tree rests. Grandfather was tired and thought: "Why do I need a Christmas Tree in the fall? I'd better come in December." And went back home. It turns out very funny and fun. These are the scenes for the autumn ball (funny and entertaining) you can offer for your holiday. We hope you enjoy them. - Read more on

4. passes "with a bang" competition of fashion designers. For him, several pairs of participants are called to the stage, preferably a pair should consist of a girl and a boy. A young man is offered to play the role of a famous fashion designer and create a magnificent autumn outfit for his companion. As material, he is handed a roll of toilet paper. The winner is the one who creates the most spectacular outfit in the shortest time.

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balls dedicated to this wonderful time of the year will be held in all schools. For you, we have prepared funny scenes for the autumn ball, which will amuse the audience before the main event. The scenes for the autumn ball are more suitable for high school students, as they are closer to the theme of boys and girls.

Two girls in the evening
They gathered in secret.
They hurried to the autumn ball,
And they complimented each other.

First girl:
Oh, how nervous I am!
After all, this ball is my hope!
I want to confuse one prince,
How could something here in a hurry not to forget!

Second girl:
Yes, yes, as I understand you,
And I'm going there for the sake of the prince.
And I'm also worried, I'm trembling all over,
But I won't lose my luck!

Suddenly, the girls fell silent,
They understood that they were talking about one guy.
Immediately their mood changed.
And something seemed to happen in the voice.

First girl:
Oh sorry, I forgot
You're in love with that guy too.
But we're friends with you,
Let's save rubbish for later.

Second girl:
Of course, of course, I'm all for
Are we going to quarrel over one boy!
Let him make his own choice
And we are forever friends with you!

Then the girlfriends gather
They don't try to look at each other.
They bear malice towards each other,
They love each other very much.

First girl:
You know, the chances are not quite equal for us,
You have more of them, you are ahead.
My breasts are too full
And yours are small, like our Anna's.

Second girl:
So Anna has a zero size,
Well, you have an eye.
Yes. You have boobs, yes
But because of this, your sides hang.

First girl:
Boca is sheer nonsense!
But I have trouble with my legs!
Look at my long, skinny legs
Only skirts and shorts save.
But you have legs like legs, yes!
Large, voluminous, like an elephant!

Second girl:
You know what, my dear!
It's not for you to discuss the legs of an elephant!
Ugh, not the legs of an elephant, but my legs,
And by the way, they are very ringing on the tracks!
You better watch yourself
Jaw just like a horse!

First girl:
Well, that's it, I've had enough, that was the last straw!
You can't see my boy!
I'll take it for myself
And you go, look for an elephant in your mate!

Second girl:
It's better to go for a walk with an elephant.
Than standing and chopping grass with a horse!
The elephant at least has something to take,
And the horse has nothing to hold!

Here the girls begin to throw things at each other, powder, grab each other by the hair.

Here the girls were going.
And at the same time they scolded.
There is only one moral here
Two friends can't have the same guy!
