How much does it cost to open a car wash. Opening a self-service car wash: a clean and highly profitable business

How to open a car wash in your city and prosper

Every year the number of cars on the roads of Russia is only growing. For potential entrepreneurs, this is a great chance to open their own business, which will bring a stable and very high profit.

In particular, one of the most interesting areas is opening your own car wash. And here there are two ways. The first is to make a business plan for a car wash with calculations on your own or buy ready business car washes.

What does it take to open a car wash?

The financial side of the issue

To open a car wash, it is advisable to get a loan of 3.5-5 million rubles. The payback of such a business is two years.

The average monthly income is from 500 thousand rubles. The repayment of interest is carried out from the moment the point is opened. Medium interest rate on a loan is about 14-16% per annum.


Car washing is one of the most popular service areas. The main activity is cleaning and washing cars with the help of special chemicals.

The main client base of the institution is the owners of personal and official cars. In addition, drivers of buses and service vehicles can act as visitors.

Types of car washes

Today, there are several main types:

1. Manual. This is the most simple and a budget option. Here, the car is treated with the help of special washcloths, water and car shampoo.

In fact, we are talking about contact washing. The advantage of this method is minimum costs(you can save on expensive equipment) and maximum body cleaning efficiency ( good worker unlikely to miss dirty places unlike automatic devices).

The disadvantage is a high risk of damaging the car's paint and a long service time. But there will always be visitors to such a car wash. It's easy to explain - one of the main attracting factors is the price.

2. Brush. Here we are talking about contact washing, but without the participation of personnel. The main work is carried out by special installations for washing.

In this case, the processing takes place in several stages. First, the machine is doused with water under high pressure. Further, special rotating brushes are taken to work (they effectively clean the car from dirt). Well, at the last stage, the body is covered with protective wax and dried.

The advantages of such a business are savings on staff and high quality cleaning. Disadvantages - the need for the cost of specialized equipment. The average cost of a brush car wash is from a million rubles.

3. Contactless. AT last years is the most popular. Its feature is the absence of contact with the car body - all the work is done by a special active foam.

First, the surface is treated with plain water. After that, a special foam is applied, and then the dirt is separated from the car body. At the final stage, the foam is washed off under pressure.

A big advantage of such a sink is the most careful care of the paintwork. Consequently, owners of new and expensive cars will be frequent visitors.

How to open a self-service car wash in your area and succeed

4. Dry. In this type of car wash, the main active ingredient is a shampoo polish. In this case, the processing of the body is done entirely by hand.

The most interesting thing is that water is not needed here, because the components of the shampoo do their job perfectly - they are able to soften and eliminate any pollution.

The advantage of dry cleaning is a perfect surface finish and minimal equipment costs. The disadvantage is that it is more difficult to find qualified specialists who are ready to perform such work with high quality.

5. Automatic washing can be of two types - portal and conveyor. In the first case, the car stands still, and special washing equipment moves along the body.

In the second, a special conveyor carries the car through the washing arches. At the same time, a complete washing, cleaning of the wheels, the bottom of the car, drying it, and so on is carried out.

If we consider these two types of washing, then a conveyor-type car wash looks more preferable. Its plus is the ability to service a large volume of vehicles.

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More than 500 ready-to-use business plan templates in our catalog:

A high-quality selection of franchises for start-up entrepreneurs, collected by us

From this article, you can find out how a simple driver from Samara created a taxi service and earned a million dollars:

6. Mobile car wash- most economical option. It is enough to purchase special equipment and that's it. If the customer needs to wash the car, he dials the phone number and places an order.

In this case, the cleaning process takes place at the parking lot of the vehicle.
The most popular sinks with high performance. The average time for servicing one car is about 15-20 minutes.

The best option is to buy a tunnel or portal car wash that can wash several dozen cars per hour. The main plus is the unit costs for equipment and savings on the wages of employees.

Another good option is stationary car washes with a large list of services (more on that below). Here the main emphasis is on the quality of service and comfort.

In such establishments, primary processing can be carried out using manual equipment. Polishing is often done by hand. At the same time, the whole process of work is controlled by a specialist.

Table number 1. Potential of consumers of car wash services in Russia

The cost of opening a car wash and preparatory work


When compiling a business plan for a car wash, you must consider the range of services provided. These include cleaning the engine compartment, washing and polishing the body, dry and wet cleaning, interior dry cleaning, carpet washing and so on.

Right next to the sink, you can open a small cafe with a capacity of 15-20 people or make a relaxation room for customers with soft sofas and a large TV.

Premises and location

For the fastest return on investment in the business, the most correct solution would be a device prefabricated car wash building– designer of full factory readiness

If there is no money to build your premises, then you have to take suitable premises for rent. The advantages of this method are that you do not need to distract or find funds for its construction, but there are a lot of negative points in renting a car wash.

You can not put a car wash everywhere - there are strict sanitary norms that will have to be endured. The average cost of building a car wash (plus all approvals) is more than 2 million rubles. In this case, it is much easier to buy a ready-made car wash business.

The best place for business is on major highways, at the entrance to the city, at the transition between the industrial and residential areas. A good option is to open a car wash near stationary traffic police posts.

But be careful. If you organize a business at the entrance to the city (provided that the route is normal), then you can not count on a large flow of customers.

Documents and requirements

Once the location issue is resolved, you can collect documents for the car wash. Here you will need good from environmentalists, state expertise, SES and traffic police. The processing time for all documents is about 2-3 weeks. Average expenses - from 60-80 thousand rubles.

It is better to entrust designing to one company, which should take into account all issues, up to the summing up of communications - water, electricity, sewerage, and so on.

On average, a stationary car wash occupies an area of ​​about 100-150 square meters with the expectation that it will have several posts, a lounge, a bathroom and other premises.

If you want to save money, a car wash can be built on the basis of an existing service center, taxi fleet or service station.

If there is no large amount on hand, then the best way- rental of ready-made premises. In this case, the costs will be from 60 thousand rubles per month (here a lot depends on the arrangement, location, availability of communications, and so on).

We draw up a business plan for a car wash with calculations

On the Internet you can find many different opinions about the need to create own business plan for any new business. Including the business of opening a car wash.

A business plan is essential in any case. This is a prerequisite if you are new to business and do not want to immediately burn out and, as they say, fly into the pipe.

Without a business plan, it will be very difficult, especially at the start. In order not to spend a lot of money on creating your business plan, you can buy an inexpensive template and rework it to fit your business:


One of the main problems is the search for qualified personnel. The work of a car wash can hardly be called simple, so the payment should be appropriate.

The average salary of an employee is from 15-20 thousand rubles. To attract a true professional, wages can be increased to the level of 30-35 thousand rubles.

The number of staff depends on the number of posts and the availability of additional services (for example, a cafeteria). With an average load and two or three posts, 9-12 people are enough, which must be distributed over three shifts. Washers, a bartender (if there is a cafeteria), 1-2 cleaners and a cashier will be required.

Average labor costs - from 150 thousand rubles per month.

How to open a successful car wash


This item of expenditure largely depends on the type of sink you choose. For example, a mobile car wash (excluding other expenses) will cost from 1-1.5 million rubles.

For the arrangement of a stationary sink (subject to contact washing), the costs will be less - from 500 thousand rubles.

Of the equipment for stationary washing, you may need piston compressor, steam generator, sewage treatment plant, detergents, vacuum cleaners, special clothes, soft suede, polishes and so on.


No one will know about a new business without appropriate advertising. Therefore, when drawing up a business plan for a car wash, you must take into account this expense item.

This may require advertising on the radio and in public places. In addition, it is worth spending money on organizing beautiful booklets and installing banners near the road. To attract customers, you can make discounts for first visitors and regular customers.

Table number 2. Regional structure of competition by districts of the Russian Federation


The work of a car wash should be around the clock. With two posts, you can service from 70 cars per day and from 2100 per month.

The average profit is from 700 thousand rubles. When organizing a mobile car wash with a larger “throughput” capacity, income can be higher - from a million rubles.


  • General expenses for organizing a business - from 3.5 million rubles;
  • Registration costs - from 60 thousand rubles;
  • Equipment costs - from 500 thousand rubles;
  • Other expenses (installation, landscaping, room decoration, water supply, and so on) - from 300 thousand rubles;
  • Salary - from 150 thousand rubles per month;
  • Room rental - from 60 thousand rubles per month;
  • Other expenses - from 20 thousand rubles per month;
  • Net profit - from 300 thousand rubles per month.


Opening a car wash is a very profitable type of business that can pay for itself within 1-2 years. But before starting a project, be sure to draw up a business plan and try to take into account all potential costs. Good luck.

Number of cars in cities and other settlements is growing steadily. In this regard, the demand for all services related to cars is also growing. Entrepreneurs are increasingly turning their attention to the business related to cars: car services, car washes, gas stations.

In what cases is it beneficial

The prospects for a car wash depend on many factors, including, for example, the level of service, the ability to service both domestic and foreign cars, the availability of additional services and their range.

This is a business with little specifics. For those who are thinking about whether it is profitable to open a car wash, the main decisive factors will be the liveliness of the chosen area and the absence of competitors nearby.

What does it take to open a car wash?

You should send a written request to the city administration and get their consent to open a car wash in the selected area. The term for consideration of such appeals is one month.

It is necessary to prepare a preliminary design and coordinate it with municipal architects, as well as obtain approvals from SES, fire inspection, nature conservation services.

Based on received specifications being developed full set project documentation. After that, it will be necessary to coordinate it, obtain a positive conclusion from the state examination and a permit for the construction of the facility.

Appropriate contracts must be concluded with resource supplying organizations.

Types of car washes

As for the type of car wash, it is better to decide at the planning stage, because both the size of investments and profit will depend on this.

Car washes are divided into:

  • mobile;
  • manual;
  • automatic.

Mobile car wash is a popular and fast growing business. They require little initial investment, and modern detergents make it possible to provide services of very high quality.

Manual car washes are divided into:

  • contactless;
  • contact.

In the first type of car washes, water and detergents are supplied through the equipment, and the worker only controls the process. In the second case, people wash the car. This is the cheapest and most common type of car washes. However, at present it is increasingly losing its relevance. The large time spent on washing the car is often not justified. In addition, inaccurate actions can lead to damage to the body.

Automatic car washes can be:

  • portal;
  • tunnel.

Portal washes are arranged in such a way that an automated arched structure moves along the machine, cleaning the body by means of high pressure or brushes.

In tunnel washes, the process is organized in exactly the opposite way: here the machine moves on a conveyor belt along the washing units.

Automatic car washes are good because they save on staff. For normal operation of the sink, only two people will be enough. However, you will have to spend a lot of money on the purchase of equipment and the construction or redevelopment of the premises, since the existing premises often do not correspond to the equipment for automatic washing.

car wash requirements

During the operation of the sink, sewage is discharged into the sewer. Therefore, before starting work, it is required to conclude an agreement with the city water utility. About the composition Wastewater there are regulatory requirements. The volume of wastewater is specified in the contract, as is the inadmissibility of dumping toxic substances hazardous to the sewer into the sewer. environment.

The sink must be equipped with water purification equipment. This is usually a compact and inexpensive unit. Similar equipment is designed to purify incoming water.

Location selection

The first thing you need to start opening a car wash is choosing a location. You should choose a suitable room in the optimal area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe city, settlement, or choose an option on the highway near the gas station.

Next, you need to find out the cost of rent. As a rule, it will be more profitable to rent a room than to buy it, especially if you conclude a contract for a long period of time and with a fixed amount of payment.

Its profitability will directly depend on the place for a car wash. In residential areas there will be fewer customers than in the city center or on the highway. But the rent will be more affordable. In addition, municipal authorities often do not like the opening of car washes in the center.

The best choice would be an elite area located close to the center. Residents in these areas usually own expensive cars, can afford regular maintenance, and often order a lot of extras.

It is not necessary to build your own sink. You can find an inexpensive version of a finished building. In any case, the main thing is that there is a free access to the car wash, which does not depend on traffic congestion.

How to open a car wash from scratch: equipment selection

The required set of equipment will look like this:

  • high-pressure apparatus for supplying and heating water;
  • compressor;
  • water purification systems;
  • washing vacuum cleaner;
  • detergents.

The hardware, of course, will depend on the specific manufacturer. Deliveries to Russian market engaged mainly by large foreign companies. Their prices are reasonable, so you won't be able to save much.

Main manufacturers:

  • Karcher;
  • Carebridge;
  • California Kleindiest;
  • Weidner.

It is important to properly zone the car wash and include zones for customers and staff. This will make the work as comfortable as possible, and good service will attract many regular customers.

The optimal minimum is a place for a cash register, an administrator's office, a staff rest room, and perhaps also a place where customers can drink coffee or even have a snack while waiting.

It has long been proven that customers are more willing to choose those places that guarantee them a lot of comfort.

The standard set is comfortable sofa and chairs, magazines, TV. No special luxury is required here, the main thing is functionality and focus on productive work.

In order to offer coffee to the client, you can not invest a lot of money in a cafe. Can install coffee machine or just place the cooler with hot water and offer customers something like cookies or chocolate for tea and coffee.


Selection and hiring is the last step before opening a car wash. The task is not difficult, but the approach requires an extremely responsible one. It is quite possible to choose car washers without work experience and special knowledge, but there should still be minimum requirements for candidates. Main qualities good employee car washes are:

Some car washes work around the clock, so the washer must be ready to work at night.

Types of basic and additional services

The main services include:

  • body wash;
  • dry cleaning of the interior with drying;
  • polishing.

Additional services do not mean selling coffee with hot buns to customers at all, but services that are directly related to washing.

Additional services will require additional staff training and higher salaries. It is absolutely obvious that the motivation for introducing a number of additional services for the owner of a car wash will be an increase in the number of customers, and for an employee, washing the engine using the anti-sweat and anti-rain technique will be justified only in case of an appropriate financial reward.

Traditionally, washing is understood only as a purely external washing of the body. However, the range of additional services can be incredibly wide. The main thing is to be able to make the right offer to the client.

To the most common additional services offered in big cities, can be attributed to:

  • applying a protective wax layer;
  • blackening of bumpers;
  • blackening of wheels;
  • engine wash;
  • washing the radiator;
  • abrasive polishing;
  • elimination of holograms;
  • cleaning plastic in the cabin;
  • toning;
  • booking.

It is clear that the wider the range of additional services, the more in demand the car wash itself becomes. You can also open a tire shop, which will attract even more customers to your complex.

For small businesses, it can be the next step in the development of an entrepreneur.

Possible car wash franchises

If we approach the issue from a purely theoretical position, then only a room will be enough to open a car wash, detergents, several washers, a minimum set of equipment. However, such a car wash will be successful only in small towns, where the choice of the population is very limited.

If the business is planned for major city you can buy a franchise.

The concept of "franchise" is quite multifaceted and covers a whole range of actions and activities. But to put it simply, a franchise is a reimbursable right to use a particular trademark for commercial purposes.

Using an already promoted brand makes it possible to start earning quickly on famous name. Here you do not have to re-acquire a good reputation and customer base.

Today, there are several companies operating in Russia that offer car wash franchises to entrepreneurs. Their offers differ in conditions and prices. Consider the most interesting options.

LuxCar wash

Thanks to this franchise, you can organize a car wash, which will cost about 8 times cheaper than the usual and standard box.

Fast and Shine

When buying this franchise, the entrepreneur will immediately receive ready-made business solutions and a business plan. The company has its branches in 60 Russian cities.

"Mobile car wash"

The uniqueness of this project lies in the fact that the washers themselves go to a predetermined place to provide services to the car owner. Water is not used in this case, so as not to leave puddles and dirt. For washing only the latest chemicals are used. In the future, the company plans to create stationary car washes near shopping centers, gas stations and other places.

A variant of non-stationary car washes from the ChistoCar company

Self-service car washes "POMOY SAM"

How much does it cost to open a car wash and its estimated profitability

Opening a car wash is a difficult process and associated with certain difficulties. But the car wash pays off pretty quickly. Car owners are increasingly refusing to wash their own car.

Russia is known bad roads, frequent and heavy rainfall. All this does not allow you to enjoy the cleanliness of the car for longer than a few days, after which the owner of the car will again have to use the services of a car wash.

In addition, the competition in the market here will not be as high as in other types of business. The new car wash owner will quickly begin to receive stable profit, if it takes into account some specifics of the business and the peculiarities of the market situation.

If we talk about the initial investment, then all the equipment will cost about 300 thousand rubles. Expendable materials in the form of detergents will cost about $ 300 per month if 30 cars are serviced daily. Building a box for a car wash from scratch costs about 2.7 - 3 million rubles.

The average profitability is 40%, which is quite high. The initial investment pays off within one to three years.

The main difficulty in opening a car wash is the high threshold of basic investments. In order to reduce these costs, you can start a business by opening a portable car wash, and later, after building a client base and making a profit, build a full-fledged washing complex.

Video - the process of building a stationary car wash for 3 posts:

Car wash companies have long become popular among car enthusiasts, and this is not surprising: few people wash their car on their own, knowing that specialists will do it faster and better. That is why an entrepreneur who intends to open a car wash can always count on an influx of customers, regardless of the season and situation.

What is needed to organize a "clean business"?

Motorists strive to keep their cars clean not only in spring and autumn, when the streets are especially dirty, but also in winter and summer - washing off dust, knocking off ice, removing traces of salt that is sprinkled on the streets is always good for a car. Therefore, the main thing that is needed to open a car wash is a carefully chosen premises that will be equally accessible both in winter and in summer. Under open sky It is better not to build such a business.

Washing is best placed near the roads (high-intensity tracks are especially good). You can also open a car wash in the residential area where a large number of people, not far from a large service station (you can even agree with its owners so that they must send it to a car wash before repairing it), near a large parking lot or at a gas station. Convenient entrances should lead to the sink, and the space around it should be clean - if the driver, leaving, gets into the mud, he is unlikely to want to return to such an enterprise.

Another important aspect- equipment. It must be powerful enough to deal with dirt in a matter of minutes, but without damaging the car body. The most popular option is a tunnel wash, in which the car moves like a tunnel, undergoing successive treatment with different brushes. However, in this case, the brushes can scratch the body, and not all drivers come to such enterprises often. Moreover, tunnel equipment is not cheap, and if a businessman is faced with the urgent question of how much it costs to open a budget-type car wash, it is better to choose conventional equipment with high-pressure cleaners - it can be used manually. In fact, these are ordinary hoses that give a strong pressure of water and at the same time take care of the body.

Is it profitable to open a car wash for a beginner?

Absolutely yes! Unless, of course, he has a clear work plan. A budding entrepreneur should:

  1. Decide how many cars he could serve at the same time (you can start with 1-2 cars)
  2. Choose the target audience - you can wash Cars, or you can target minibuses or trucks (the size of the room and the specifics of the equipment will depend on this)
  3. Where and how will he take water for washing (there must be an uninterrupted water supply and sewerage system in the room)
  4. What services will he offer - you can simply wash the car body, or you can also offer customers an engine wash, interior treatment, dry cleaning, etc.

And, of course, when thinking about how to open a car wash, you must first take care of registering an enterprise - without the appropriate documents and checks (sanitary station, environmental service and local authorities will check the operation of the sewerage and water treatment system at the car wash, the safety of its location for the environment and local population, features of wastewater disposal, etc.) will not work. Moreover, before you open a car wash, you also need to invite employees of the fire inspectorate and traffic police - they sign acts that the enterprise will work in accordance with all standards.

What investments will be needed?

Washing is a rather expensive type of business. One of the biggest expenses is the cost of the premises, which can cost from 400 thousand to 1 million rubles. It all depends on the area where the enterprise is located, its size and the characteristics of the sewage system. This amount will also include the full paperwork for it, as well as the costs of coordinating the work of the sink with all services.

Other expenses will also be rather big. Here's what it takes to open a car wash:

It will be possible to save on water by installing a recycling system: it allows you to clean and reuse wastewater. However, whether it is profitable to open a car wash under such conditions must be decided individually, because the cleaning equipment itself can be quite expensive.

As for the income side, a simple washing of one car can cost about 200 rubles, and it will be possible to earn at least 4 thousand per day (if there are 20 clients). After the rain, their number will increase. Thus, the monthly revenue will be at least 120 thousand rubles, but on average it reaches 200-300 thousand or more. Depending on how much it costs to open a car wash in a given area, it will be possible to recoup the initial costs in just 1.5-2 years. Sometimes this period is a little longer, but by increasing the number of services, you can achieve great results much faster than previously anticipated.

Due to the fact that the number of cars in cities is constantly and steadily increasing, the demand for car-related services is growing. This applies to service stations, gas stations and car washes. But wouldn't it be a mistake to try to take a place in this niche, and how much income will a car wash bring to the owner?

Benefits of a car wash

Despite the fact that opening a car wash comes with certain difficulties, this business is not only profitable, but also pays off relatively quickly. In part, this business is profitable because many car owners are willing to pay for car washes and wash the car in the yard today. own house- it is long, hard and unprofitable.

In addition, Russian realities are such that the quality of roads, constant rainfall and dampness in many regions of Russia do not allow keeping a car clean for more than a few days. Interestingly, even with such a large demand, there are still not enough offers, and each new car wash, with the right actions of the owner, will certainly become a profitable business.

Thus, this business has the following advantages:

  • High demand for car washes almost at any time of the year;
  • Business profitability;
  • No significant competition.

The prospects of any car wash also depend on less significant factors, such as focusing on a certain category of consumers, the ability to service both domestic cars and expensive foreign cars, additional services for customers and the level of service.

Residents of single-industry towns are interested in: besides this?

Is there a profitable business minimum investment? What knowledge and skills are needed for this? We are on the subject.

car wash franchise

Theoretically, there will be enough space for a car wash, a minimum set of equipment, detergents and several washers. However, this option will only work in small towns, where the population simply has no choice. Currently, when opening your own car wash, it would be better to use a franchise.

The definition of the term “franchise” is very broad and covers a whole range of activities and actions, but in general, a franchise is a reimbursable right to commercial use of a trademark and / or business system. In this case, the owner of the rights (the franchisor) transfers them for a fee to the using party (the franchisee).

Today, there are several companies operating in Russia that are ready to cooperate with entrepreneurs and transfer the rights to their business schemes and trade marks. These companies provide franchises for mobile car washes, the demand for which is constantly growing. All of them differ in the terms and size of the franchise payment, but three projects can be called the most interesting for beginners.

Franchise "Mobile car wash"

This project has been running since 2010. The peculiarity of the way the company works is that the client does not come to the car wash: the washers themselves will arrive at a predetermined place to provide services. The company's working methods do not involve the use of water - for this, special chemicals are used, as a result of which no dirt and puddles remain at the car wash site. In addition, one of the activities of the "Mobile Wash" is the creation of stationary small posts at various parking lots, next to shopping centers, not far from cinemas.

Franchise "Fast and Shine"

When buying a FastandShine franchise, the car wash owner receives ready business plan and business decisions that relate to opening a car wash and effective engagement clients. The company operates in 60 cities of Russia.

LuxCarwash Franchise

This is another opportunity to organize a mobile car wash, which, according to rough calculations, will cost eight times cheaper than a stationary box.

Franchises "Autolandia" and "Autoreality" as an alternative to a car wash

A huge number of cars on the territory of our vast country requires a large number of burglar alarm and other related products for cars.

In 2012, the Avtolandia franchise was registered, since then more than 25 partners from Russia and Kazakhstan have joined us and together we have created an extensive network of online stores that sell radar detectors, video recorders, navigators and much more.

A feature of this enterprise can be safely called not large cash injections for the promotion of their own business. For 50 thousand rubles, the franchisor will provide the buyer with complete information on organizing a business, help launch your online store and provide and, for a start, provide a certain amount of the necessary goods.

The franchisee will feel constant support from the franchisee, and he can also count on his comprehensive assistance in resolving any issues that have arisen.

The temptation of this proposal is as follows: the possibility of obtaining quick profits with minimal investment, combining with any other type of activity, you can do this work for several hours a day.

A big part of the popularity of the Autolandia franchise is its online focus. And this means that you do not have to look for premises for your business, hire staff to work, train them and pay salaries. On all this you will save. The owner himself will control all production, from the purchase of goods to its sale. In this case, you do not need special knowledge and preparedness.

The following fact speaks about the payback: more than 10 franchise enterprises of this brand have already been opened.

Demand for auto parts never falls, and in times of crisis, on the contrary, is growing, since there is not always enough money to buy new cars, and old periodic ones need to be replaced.

Motorists increasingly prefer to buy spare parts on their own, without contacting service centers. Franchise "Autoreality" makes it possible to sell spare parts from famous companies, the buyer chooses the brand himself and receives the rights to sell its products in his city. This direction is considered quite new, doing business does not require special skills, knowledge and big investments, and profit is guaranteed from the first days of operation of the enterprise. The franchise involves four options for cooperation, three of which are online trading with the provision of a website, one is a regular store.

Types of car washes

Choosing the type of car wash is a very important point that needs to be considered at the planning stage. The volume of cash investments, the demand for car wash services and profits depend on this. All car washes are divided into several types:

  • manual;
  • Automatic;
  • Mobile.

Mobile car washes- the least common category today, however, given that such a business will require relatively little money, and the tools and equipment used make it possible to wash a car quickly and very efficiently, mobile car washes can be considered a promising direction.

Manual car washes in turn are divided into non-contact and contact. In the first case, water and detergents are supplied by equipment, and the worker controls the process without taking direct part in it.

Contact sinks- the most common and least expensive type. In this case, a person washes the car, and despite the fact that it is very advantageous view sinks for owners and inexpensive way for clients, manual contacts are gradually losing their relevance. Manual application of detergents with a sponge with inaccurate actions can lead to damage to the body, moreover, in terms of time, washing a car in this way is inferior to other types.

Automatic car washes are also divided into two types: portal and tunnel. In the portal car wash, an automated arched structure moves along the car, which cleans the body either with the help of brushes or using a high-pressure system.

In tunnel-type car washes, everything happens a little differently: a car moves past the washing units on a special conveyor belt. In this case, you can also save on employees: for the operation of the sink, two people are enough to control the process. However, you will have to invest a lot of money in the construction of a separate room, since it is not always possible to find a suitable one.

What do you need to open a car wash?

Theoretically, opening a car wash is not so difficult if you clearly follow the instructions and soberly assess your capabilities (including financial ones). How to start opening a car wash? First of all, you will have to find a place and find out the amount of rent for it. This amount always depends on the specific situation.
But the most important and very first actions of the future car wash owner are obtaining a resolution from the city administration and submitting a letter of petition. This means that representatives of the administration should not have any complaints about opening a car wash in the selected area.

A lot of time can pass from the time of filing the application, and you should not waste it: in these few weeks you need to prepare and submit to the city administration a sketch of your project, coordinate it with municipal architects, SES and the fire service, and after that you can safely wait for a preliminary consent from administration.

After that, all the documents received for opening a car wash, along with a letter addressed to the mayor, must be re-submitted to the city administration, and after the final consent, it is possible to design or build a building for washing.

On the this stage the final project is being developed, which is sent for examination by the SES, coordinated with the labor protection service and the nature protection service, approved by the fire inspectorate and city architects.

Final stage - state examination, which approves the project and issues a certificate for construction.

car wash requirements

During the operation of the car wash, sewage is discharged into the city sewer, and the owner of the car wash must conclude with municipal enterprise water supply and sewerage facilities (WSS) the relevant agreement.

WSS under the terms of the contract establishes regulatory requirements for the opening of a car wash on the composition of wastewater. In simple terms, WSS regulates the amount and composition of wastewater: the volume must not exceed the amount specified in the contract and must not contain toxic and environmentally hazardous chemicals.

Also, do not forget that the sink must be equipped with water treatment equipment to purify the incoming water. These are inexpensive and compact units with which there are no particular difficulties.

Place for a car wash

The payback of such a business depends on the choice of a place for a car wash. While car washes are generally cost-effective, the choice should be made with due care. For example, in residential areas there may be fewer customers, but the monthly rent will not hit the pocket of the car wash owner even in the “off season”.

A car wash in upscale areas may have higher rents, and in such places (usually the city center), the administration is very reluctant to keep car washes. But even if you find a suitable site with high traffic near the center, you can be sure of constant volumes work. In addition, residents of elite areas very often own expensive cars, they can afford regular maintenance of their car and often order a range of additional services.

A separate building for a car wash does not have to be built from scratch: you can find inexpensive options with finished building, but when building your own building, it is very important to choose a place where not only many cars pass by, but also where customers can freely drive up, regardless of traffic congestion.

Building or renting a box

Opening your own car wash always involves a choice: build a separate building in accordance with your requirements or rent a box and try to adapt yourself to the proposed conditions?

The answer to this question is unequivocal. For businesses like car washes, the best option there will be construction of their own boxes, but not everyone has such a large sufficient capital to invest part of it in construction.

If you work for the future, you can choose already ready-made version, however, in this case, the choice of a place must be approached very carefully: the very low cost of rent in the first place should not pleasantly surprise, but immediately alert. It is possible that low price associated with poor location.

How to choose car wash equipment?

What equipment is needed? Any modern car wash should have:

  • hot water pressure washer and hot water pressure washer (average cost $3,000);
  • Compressor (cost about $250);
  • Washing vacuum cleaner (from 400 to 550 dollars);
  • Waste water treatment systems (from $5,000);
  • Consumables in the form of detergents (about $300 per month).

Usually, the cost of professional equipment depends on the manufacturer, but in this case, the choice of the car wash owner is small and it will not be possible to save much. The main suppliers to the Russian market today are Karcher, Carebridge, California Kleindiest, Weidner and other smaller manufacturers in Spain, Germany and Italy.

However, a good car wash is not only equipment, but also separate zones for staff and clients. This will attract new customers through good service, make the work of your employees more comfortable, which means that the car wash will bring more profit.

For the staff, a rest room, a room in which the cash desk and the administrator's office will be located should be provided. The conditions in these rooms should not be the most luxurious: everything should be equipped for productive work, but nothing more.

In the case of premises for clients, it will not work to be limited to “Spartan” conditions: it has long been proven that at the same prices for a product or service, the client will almost always choose the offer where it will be comfortable and convenient for him to wait for his order or his turn.

A comfortable sofa and chairs for clients, a TV or a standard set of magazines in the waiting room is good, but you can go further and provide the client with the opportunity to eat, drink coffee or warm up in winter.

To do this, it is not necessary to invest in a large extension for a cafe-bar: it is enough to provide a room in which, in addition to a small sofa, you can place three or four small small tables, a cooler with hot and cold water and a small selection of snacks.


Recruitment for a car wash is the last thing you need to do after all the issues related to the construction and purchase of equipment have been resolved. However, this simple task also requires a responsible approach.

To become a car wash, no education or special skills are required: such employees are easy to train. However, candidates for this position must meet certain requirements:

  • Learnability;
  • Good physical form;
  • Minimal car knowledge;
  • Friendliness and attentiveness towards customers;
  • Responsibility.

Many car washes operate around the clock, in which case the washer has to put forward such an additional requirement as the ability to work at night.

Basic and additional car wash services

Additional services do not mean selling hot tea to customers, but procedures related directly to car washing. And in this case, it is necessary to be prepared for the fact that the staff will have to be additionally trained and, most likely, the salary of the washers will be increased. It is obvious that the motivation of a washer to learn how to wash the engine, use anti-sweat and anti-rain products will depend on the level of salary, and additional services for the owner of a car wash are, first of all, an opportunity to attract new customers.

You should not think that in most car washes only external body washing is performed: the range of services is very wide, and the main thing is to be able to attract customers to such services and make the right offer.

Many modern car washes (especially in big cities) offer their customers a whole range of additional services. Listed below are just a few of them:

  • Blackening of wheels and bumpers;
  • Washing the engine with detergent;
  • Flushing the radiator;
  • Application of protective wax;
  • abrasive polishing;
  • Cleaning plastic in the cabin;
  • Removing holograms.

How much does it cost to open a car wash and what is the payback?

When the building for the car wash is approved and built, the equipment is purchased and installed, and the staff is dressed in new branded overalls, it is too early to talk about the success of the business. Should I open a car wash? Yes, it is profitable to open a car wash, but every entrepreneur knows that in the best case, and with sufficient initial capital, the new company will work at least “at zero” for the first time, and sometimes expenses can even significantly exceed income.

But this is the beauty of car washes as a business: such services are in great demand and there are very few specific features, so if everything was done correctly at the creation stage, the business will develop and generate income.

Much depends on the initial capital, and if large loans were taken to create a car wash, the process may be delayed, but it will not stop. How much does the equipment cost? All equipment will cost about 300,000 rubles. Consumables (at the rate of 30 cars per day) will cost $300 per month, if we add to this the cost of building boxes of 2,700,000 rubles, it turns out that the cost of opening a car wash is 3,000,000 rubles.

But this is in the event that the boxes were actually built: if the premises are rented, all expenses in the first month (including staff salaries) will amount to about half a million rubles. But simple mathematical calculations show that the income per month with an average visit of 30 vehicles per day will be 300,000 rubles.

So after paying wages, deducting taxes, and paying rent, the car wash owner is still a profit. Naturally, you should take into account the so-called “off season”: in summer, revenue is significantly reduced, since the streets are clean, and most potential customers are on vacation. But even in this case, summer losses are generally compensated for by large volumes of work in the autumn-spring period.

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The number of cars in our country is growing even despite the outbreak of the crisis. This means that any business related to cars will be guaranteed to bring good profit. One such type of business is a car wash. Let's figure it out how to open a car wash from scratch, what is needed for this and what is its profitability.


A car wash is a profitable and stable business that brings a steady income. In order to organize it, you do not need experience or any skills. The car wash is not seasonal business, although some decrease in the number of customers can be observed in the summer. In summer, customers often order expensive procedures (cleaning the interior, engine), so total amount income does not fall.

Car wash is a profitable and promising business

How to start?

The first step is to study the market in your city and make at least exemplary business plan. It should take into account the following factors:

  1. Location.
  2. Studying the demand for services.
  3. The average income level of prospective clients.
  4. The total cost of renting the site and building.
  5. The cost of building a car wash in the absence of an alternative.
  6. Equipment purchase costs.
  7. Mandatory monthly expenses (wages, utility bills, taxes).

Based on this information, it is already possible to make some calculations and think about opening.


Now let's list what documents are needed to open a car wash In your city. First of all, you will need to register with the nearest tax office. You can become an individual entrepreneur or open an LLC. There is no particular difference between these forms of ownership, except that as the owner of an LLC, you will be able to sign a contract for servicing the fleet of other companies.

Then you will need:

  1. Contact the city council and get permission from them to open a car wash.
  2. In the case of a new building, you will need to contact the local design organization, which will create an appropriate project for you, taking into account the requirements of the law.
  3. Issue permits to open at the sanitary station and fire inspection.
  4. Obtain permits from the Department of Environmental Protection.
  5. Get an act on the ground.

Market research

After the business plan is drawn up, it is necessary to assess the level of competition and select a good place to open a car wash. Find out if there are car washes in the area, what services they provide, what price range they offer. Try to identify their shortcomings and think about what you would add or change in the work.

Prefabricated car wash - a great alternative to a stationary one

Think over your list of services. The competition in this market is quite strong, so you need to somehow stand out from the crowd. Offer your customers not only washing the body, but also the engine, dry cleaning the interior, polishing, grouting scratches. Be sure to equip a rest room where the visitor can drink coffee or watch TV while washing.

Note:car washes that allow the driver to wash the car himself have proven themselves well. The client pays for the time spent in the box and for the consumption of detergents, while using your equipment.

The location for washing is best chosen in the following places:

  1. In a sleeping area.
  2. In the business center of the city (near offices).
  3. Near major highways with high traffic.
  4. Close to service stations, gas stations, car parks.

Build or rent?

If you have enough start-up capital to build, then it is better to build a building than to rent it and remodel it. Now many construction companies offer turnkey solutions from metal structures and a sandwich at quite reasonable prices. But What does it take to open a car wash? by building it from scratch? You will have to take the land on a long-term lease and obtain a building permit. Of the benefits - free architecture (you can choose your own right amount and the size of the outbuildings), as well as the lack of rent.

If the starting capital is not enough for the construction, then rent the building. This will significantly reduce the level of investment, but you will have to pay 50-70 thousand rubles per room per month.

Types of car washes

Washers are automatic and “manual”. The most promising are automatic car washes, which allow you to service a large number of vehicles in a minimum time. Automatic car washes are divided into two types:

  1. Tunnel.
  2. Portal.

Portal car wash - a practical and inexpensive solution

In a tunnel car wash, the car is installed on a special conveyor belt and automatically moves around the box, leaving the other side completely washed. In a portal car wash, the car is driven into the box and washed with three brushes: two vertical and one horizontal. Brushes move in space, qualitatively washing all the dirt. The portal sink is very compact - it fits well into any room. The washing process in automatic car washes is usually 2-3 times faster than in manual car washes, so you can serve more customers in a working day and save on staff.

Note:modern automatic car washes are completely safe for the car. But it is necessary to monitor the condition of the equipment and service it in time.

The most practical is considered a portal sink. Its advantages:

  1. Mobile sizes.
  2. Absolute versatility.
  3. The speed of work is 12 cars per hour.
  4. Minimum staffing.

Modern portal car wash can be contactless - all dirt is removed not with brushes, but with special nozzles through which water is supplied under high pressure.

Tunnel car washes require a “tunnel” up to 35 meters long. It is capable of processing up to 20 cars per hour - as soon as the first car moves 4-5 meters deep, you can drive the second one onto the belt.

Building types

Car washes can be divided into stationary and prefabricated. Stationary car washes are usually attached to complexes: service stations, spare parts stores, tire fitting. All necessary communications are brought to them and a building permit is obtained.

Car wash goes well with tire fitting and service stations

Prefabricated will require a permit from the Department of Architecture. To do this, you will need to provide:

  1. Patent IP or LLC.
  2. Certificate or lease agreement for the land.
  3. Car wash project with its appearance.

You will also need to connect the building to engineering networks and get permission to open with firefighters.
