Russian steam bath. The device of the correct Russian bath

On this page you will find wood-fired saunas in Moscow with fresh photos and current prices. Also in this section of ours you will find reviews of Russian baths in Moscow.

Real Russian banya in Moscow

In Moscow, there are more and more modern spa salons with Hamm, Japanese baths and Finnish saunas. But a real Russian banya is almost a rarity. To be like this, as expected, in a house with a log house, a stove and a samovar. Of course, there are such Russian baths, but for some reason there are not so many of them.

Previously, the Russian banya was of two varieties: “black banya” and “white banya”. Nowadays, black baths are no longer found, but there are still white baths. The black-bath got its name, due to the fact that there is no chimney in such a bath, the smoke is removed through the window. When they melted the bath, everything was in smoke, soot settled on the walls and benches of the steam room. Before steaming, the room was well ventilated, and then proceeded to bath procedures. There was a chimney in the white bath, so the room was not smoky. The modern Russian banya in Moscow is an analogue of the white banya, just improved.

Russian baths in Moscow

Soaring in a Russian bath favorably affects the whole body and general well-being. It's no secret that Russian baths have healing properties. With the help of steam and coronal massage, you can get rid of some diseases of the joints, muscles, and soaring also has a good effect on the respiratory system.

There are a considerable number of excellent baths in Moscow, among them there are Russian baths. Where you will have a pleasant time, enjoy the traditions of bathing art, you will be able to feel the healing power of steam. Russian baths in Moscow will give you an unforgettable vacation.

Russian bath in Moscow prices for services

In Moscow, the prices for renting a bathhouse are very diverse, starting from 500 rubles per hour and ad infinitum. It all depends on where the Russian bath is located, what range of services is provided, whether there are attendants, massage therapists, a cafe or restaurant, and parking. And there are many more nuances on which the price depends. Even the interior plays a big role, the more luxurious the bath is decorated, the higher the rental price will be.

Unfortunately, what is now commonly called a Russian bath is not at all. This is evidenced by stoves, temperatures, and humidity in modern steam rooms. Such a shift occurred after the revolution for faster heating of water. The benefits of the Russian bath have been known since ancient times. It is much more pleasant than the one that is now called Russian, and really helps health. It is worth figuring out what and how, so as not to be mistaken.


What are the features of the Russian bath? In a real steam room, the stove is the main one. It is made of stone and brick and is heated only with firewood. This allows you to evenly heat the steam room up to desired temperature. If we consider the features of the Russian bath and stove, then the heater in the latter should be closed. Water splashes on it in a small amount, and the steam flows in a uniform, non-burning stream.

Bath design

The design of the Russian bath is also unusual. First, in the steam room it is necessary small window, which opens after each exit from it. The heat will not come out through it, but Fresh air comes in. Then the steam room is filled with oxygen, which is so lacking in regular bath. Warming is not required. From him, the bath quickly rots. constantly in water, so it is best to make them from tiles. The shelves in it are installed at the same height, which is equal to 70 centimeters.

The width of each should be a little more than a meter, it is much more convenient to lie on this one. It is better not to arrange the second row of shelves higher, because the attendant will be uncomfortable. If you need to increase the number of seats, it is better to expand the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe steam room. Materials can be different - from standard wood to more modern ones.

Temperature and Humidity

The temperature and humidity regime of the Russian bath is also different from the usual. The most comfortable temperature- 40-70 degrees Celsius. Humidity is 40-70%. Despite the fact that the temperature is much lower than usual, it is quite hot in such a steam room. At the same time, the body does not overheat and does not burn. The body is heated evenly and deeply. Mucous membranes do not suffer from such a temperature, pressure does not rise and the head does not feel dizzy.

Broom in the bath

The Russian bath with a broom also has its own characteristics. Firstly, before use, the broom is not soaked in boiling water. It is soaked in cold water, then heated in a steam room. It is a mistake to think that it will dry out. With this preparation, the leaves of the broom will not lose their useful properties. Whipping with a broom is also not necessary, on the contrary, you need to gently, urging up steam, touch the skin.

These features of the Russian bath distinguish it from not very correct analogues. So, we broke up with the characteristics, now let's talk about its effect on the body

Russian bath: benefits and harms

The bath can be harmful. This statement may shock those who like to take a steam bath. Basically, this harm brings an overabundance. But how to bathe in a Russian bath? You can't do this all the time. It is best to visit the steam room no more than twice a week. Also, visiting the bath with a wet head brings harm. This may lead to overheating. To prevent this from happening, it is worth putting on a woolen or felt hat on a dry head.

A full stomach will lead to bad consequences in the steam room. Do not eat and drink a lot before the bath. Alcohol in the steam room is also superfluous. Intoxication due to heat comes faster and stronger. After visiting the steam room, you also do not need to drink and eat a lot, the effect of it will be worse, and the load on the body will be higher. On an empty stomach, you also can not bathe. The body needs energy to visit a place with an unusual environment.

The benefits of the Russian bath are reflected in all body systems. A visit to the steam room increases vigor, relieves stress and treats diseases. From the very beginning, high temperatures act on the body in the steam room. At this time, blood pressure rises, blood vessels dilate, and the heart rate increases. Begins active selection carbon dioxide. Thus, there is a training of organs. Then profuse sweating begins. Sweat and sebaceous glands begin to work sharply.

The benefit of the Russian bath is that they relax from high temperatures, the tension is relieved. Together with sweat, the release of harmful and toxic substances begins. The benefits of the Russian bath are to cleanse the pores and exfoliate dead skin cells. People who regularly visit such a place suffer less from colds, are more efficient and enduring.

Russian bath: indications and contraindications

Good to visit given place Not only healthy people. There are also indications for this procedure.

  • Bath is the best helper for people prone to colds and viruses. Only after such procedures is it necessary to harden.
  • During a visit to the bath, the body gets rid of toxins, therefore, it is useful for people suffering from excess weight and slagging.
  • Steam relaxes, increases efficiency and endurance. Chronic fatigue - this is an indication for a visit.
  • People who suffer from black spots, acne, cellulite and other cosmetic skin imperfections should go to the bathhouse.

Like any procedure, the Russian bath has its contraindications. You need to familiarize yourself with them before entering the steam room. Because it can lead to very serious consequences:

  • You can not go to the bath for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Weak organs may not withstand the load.
  • With an elevated temperature, it is also contraindicated to visit the steam room. The heat can only make matters worse.
  • With the development of oncological diseases and tumors, high temperatures will accelerate these processes. Therefore, it is better not to bathe in a Russian bath with such a diagnosis.
  • For diseases nervous system it is also undesirable to visit the steam room, as the consequences can be extremely unexpected.
  • During exacerbations of diseases, it is worth postponing a trip to the Russian bath. High humidity and temperature can add discomfort.
  • It is advisable for children, pregnant women and the elderly to carefully approach the visit to the steam room. These categories of people have a weak body, and it is not worth loading it once again.

Sauna or bath

What is the correct name, Russian Now let's look at this issue. differ not only in name, but also in device.

The very first and main difference is humidity. In the Russian bath, the humidity is high, which increases the heat from enough low temperatures. At the same time, sweat evaporates worse and, as it were, soaks and steams the skin. Because of such high humidity it is undesirable to go to the bath with some health problems.

In a sauna, on the contrary, there should be very low humidity. This makes spending time in it easier. There is no hot water vapor. Sweat quickly evaporates from the surface of the body, thereby cooling it. Sauna well cleanses the body of harmful substances and warms up the internal organs, but does not exfoliate dead skin. There is no such thing as a Russian sauna. Under this sign there can be an ordinary sauna or just a bath. Therefore, you should not believe such inscriptions.

Children, the elderly and people suffering from vascular and heart diseases can visit the sauna. The remaining contraindications remain the same as in the Russian bath. Dry air in the sauna will not worsen your health. On the contrary, the sensations from such a soaring will be pleasant, and the discomfort from high temperatures will be completely absent. Brooms in the sauna are also not used, as well as water vapor. But the presence of a pool is not the difference between a sauna and a bath. It can be present and absent in both types, just like other entertainments.

Alcohol and others not so much healthy foods may be present in the bath. But ideally, they shouldn't be. Because a real Russian banya and sauna should be pleasant without everything else. So it is worth visiting such places regularly to improve health and general condition of the body.

A small conclusion

Now you know what a Russian bath is. Benefit and harm are two important topics that we examined in detail in the article. We hope that the information was useful to you.

Hello dear readers! Going to the bathhouse and steam room was very important for a Russian person. It was very important to have special things with you, without which it is not advisable to enter the steam bath.

From the article you will learn many interesting points. What to take with you. How to steam in the bath correctly. What is important to know about the steam room. What health benefits can it bring?

What is good for the skin and body in the steam room. What then, after the steam room. As in Russia they called the steam bath. What doctors say about the steam room. What does bath steam treat? When is a steam bath dangerous?

Steam bath in Russia, do you know what it was called before? maybe in the villages and now it is called that. And they called her like this - movnya, vlaznya, mov, soap. Slavic peoples the Russian steam bath was known already in the fifth or sixth centuries.

It was allowed to build baths for everyone who had enough land for this. Baths were heated once a week on Saturdays. At that time, all people, regardless of age and gender, washed and steamed together.

In one thousand seven hundred and forty-three it was forbidden to bathe and bathe all together. The German scientist Olearius, who traveled in the seventeenth century in Muscovy, wrote this:

« Russians can endure very intense heat and soar until they are no longer able to stay in a steam bath. They jump out into the street, douse themselves cold water or wallow in the snow, and then back to the bath».

The doctor of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, the Portuguese Sanchez, also wrote about the Russian steam bath, and when he left Russia, he decided to open Russian steam baths in Europe and contributed to this.

Getting ready for the bath and steam room

If you want to go to the bath, you must first treat the body well, especially the intimate parts and legs. If you have your own bath, this can be done at home, and if you go to a public bath, then this can be done in the soap department.

When preparing for a bath and a steam room, it is very important after you wash yourself, be sure to wipe yourself dry with a towel. If you enter the steam room dry, your body temperature will rise faster and sweating will begin. Do not wet your hair.

Pay special attention to the hands and feet before visiting the steam room. Be sure to warm them up. hot water if they are cold. People who regularly visit the Russian steam bath, before going there, prepare steam for the heater and a broom. They also prepare special masks.

How to steam in the bath

After entering the steam room, to get used to the heat, sit for a few minutes on the bottom shelf. In the steam room, in order for the blood to circulate properly, it is better to lie down and not sit. Then the heat will act on the body evenly.

Also, in the supine position, all the muscles will relax and they can be steamed very well. If there is not enough space in your bath, you can sit on a shelf and put your feet on it. After steaming, sit for three minutes, and then get up and go.

How it is steamed in the bath and how much is in it is purely individual. Everything depends on your health. Everything has great importance, even mental state.

Often athletes and overweight people go to the steam room in order to lose weight. I want to say that not everyone who comes to the steam room for the first time immediately starts to sweat. The process of sweating can improve later, when the mechanisms of thermoregulation return to normal.

How to steam in the bath with a broom

If you want to take a steam bath with a broom, prepare it in advance, then visiting the steam room will be more effective. First, rinse the dry broom under a warm shower, and then hot water.

Then shake it off and put it in a plastic bag. Approximately six to seven hours before the bath, this must be done. In the bath, it must be steamed again in hot water. Rinse your hair with the water in which you steamed the broom. This infusion removes dandruff and strengthens hair.

And since it is steamed in the bath with a broom:

Entering the steam room, first lie down on the bottom shelf in order to get used to the heat, then go out and rest for fifteen minutes and twenty. At this time, it is very useful to drink a cup of tea with lemon, herbs or jam in small sips and return to the steam room. First, raise the broom up so that it warms up from the high temperature.

It’s good if a partner will soar for you, because it’s difficult to do it yourself. Start stroking with the leafy part of the broom. Start at your feet and slowly work your way up your calves, then your thighs, across your back and neck, and back. Repeat this up to three times.

Then put a broom on the lower back and press it for three seconds to those places where it hurts. Then with the end of the broom light fast stitching movements. It is these movements that are considered the main process of soaring.

Start with the back, then the calves and end with the feet. After that, run a broom over the stomach, lightly stroking. If you have a partner soaring, you first need to do these procedures while lying on your back, and then on your stomach.

Then start whipping. Just do not whip with a broom under the knees. Finish the procedure with a broom with light stroking movements. In the steam room, try to breathe through your nose. So you learned how to steam in the bath with a broom.

Microclimate in the steam room

You can create the microclimate in the steam room yourself - both dry and wet. It will depend on how much water you pour on the heater. The main thing is to understand the important points for yourself.

What are these moments:

1. Although the air temperature may be the same, but in a dry climate where the humidity is relatively low, you will experience less stress on the body than in humid conditions.

2. The heat load acts on the body the stronger and faster, the higher the humidity. This is especially felt by the cardiovascular and endocrine systems and respiratory organs.

It is very important to remember that the microclimate in the steam room can have not only healing and therapeutic effects, but also cause stress and negative changes in the body.

It is very dangerous for health if you combine too low humidity with too high (less than 10% to 100%). The more people in the steam room, the faster the atmosphere in the steam room becomes heavy.

Since the air is gradually saturated with sweat fumes and carbon dioxide, it harms human body. Therefore, it is imperative to ventilate the steam room, then the microclimate in it will be what the body needs.

Scientists have established what should be taken into account by a novice bather. It is very important to remember one thing: in the bath you can not take alcoholic drinks and foods that are hard to digest. Only with the right behavior in the bath there is a pleasant feeling of cheerfulness and freshness.

What is important to know about the steam bath

To avoid danger to life, as much as possible allowable temperature warming up internal organs should be thirty-eight - thirty-eight and nine degrees Celsius.

When you warm yourself intensely, the skin temperature rises to forty, forty-four degrees. Because of this, she turns very red and may even burn.

  • Be sure to dose heat load. At the same time, take into account everything - the state of health, age and your gender.
  • dehydration of the body in no case do not allow

This is what is important to know about the steam bath so that it does not harm you, but benefits you.

After the steam room

As usual, every person who has steamed well in a steam room wants to cool down. Of course, you can do this, but only correctly, so as not to harm your health.

For example, you can catch a cold if you do not cool properly. Experienced vapers already know how to do it, but beginners need to be more careful and take into account not only their state of health but also completeness.

What does he say centuries of experience Russian people:

This experience says that the most The best way cooling is fresh air. It used to be that way. After a good steam, they immediately went out into the air, dived into a pond or river, or rolled in the snow if it was winter.

Many people do this now too. Those who, for some reason, cannot do this after the steam room, can simply go outside and take a few breaths, walk on the grass if it is summer. If you are a seasoned person, you can walk in the snow in winter.

You can cool off after the steam room in the shower or pour cold water from a basin or bucket. If you have a swimming pool and the water temperature is not more than ten degrees Celsius.

What is important to remember:

If you are a core person, cooling in this way is not recommended due to the stress that these methods have. Hypertensive patients also need to be careful. When immersed in cold water, blood pressure rises very quickly.

Cool down until you want to warm up again. If your feet become cold, be sure to warm them in a basin with warm water. Procedures in the steam room and cooling can usually be repeated twice. Amateurs do this up to five times.

Relax after a steam room in the relaxation room. Relax, lie down on the couch or sit in an armchair. If you have lost a lot of fluids, drink water, juices, kvass and other non-alcoholic drinks.

Well, it seems that's all, my knowledge of the Russian steam bath has been exhausted. I really hope that the information given in the article will be useful to you. If you have your own information about the steam room, share it in the comments.

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Be healthy and happy.

Video - Russian steam room

What does a Russian steam bath look like? First of all, it is a bathhouse endowed with a traditional air-steam environment, which has such independent parameters as humidity from 40-45 to 60-65% and air temperature from 70-80 to 80-90 C, measured at the level of the upper shelf of the steam room. To achieve these indicators, first of all, a heat source is used - a stove-heater, and a vaporization system consisting of stones heated in the stove.
Steam is the head of everything.
Evaporation of water occurs when it passes from a liquid state of aggregation to a gaseous state, forming steam. Due to this transformation, the humidity of the air of the Russian bath increases.
In conditions normal moisture vapor is in a dissociative state, which is characterized by a uniform distribution of the air-water mixture. If this balance is disturbed, water droplets hanging in the air make the steam heavy, in other words, fog is formed. Artificial creation of humidity in the bath should occur at the maximum degree of steam dissociation.
Watering the stones heated in the upper closed compartment of the stove helps to artificially humidify the air of the Russian bath. Experts believe that a steam room using only this method of steam generation can be called a Russian bath.
It is generally accepted that before the first bucket of water, the temperature of dry air should be about 40 C. Depending on the degree of wetting of the stones with water, it rises to its "brand" indicator. Consequently, the Russian bath is provided with its own microclimate without the use of a remote control. The whole task passes into the hands of the master bath attendant responsible for watering the stones. He must be able to combine the volume of water poured onto the heater with the position of the ventilation damper. It should be noted that with its birth, the Russian bath obliges the people's experience, heat engineering science, which explains its recipes, the art of process control.

The Russian steam bath was a vital need for a Russian person, it was not only a means of maintaining cleanliness of the body, hygiene, but also served as a universal cure for all diseases. Bath for the Russian people was a source of true pleasure, relaxation for the soul and body, bodily and even moral purification and improvement.

The most popular is the traditional log Russian steam bath. Whole logs "breathe" and the bathhouse practically does not require ventilation. Ventilation occurs as if automatically, since a sufficient amount of air penetrates and exits through the logs. Yet ventilation holes in the bath should be provided in order to quickly cool the bath after use.

In the steam room, in order to exclude tar emission, the walls are sheathed with high-quality clapboard made of hardwood. This is mainly aspen or linden, less often alder, maple. It is believed that aspen is a tree that absorbs energy, i.e. while a person is steaming in an "aspen" bath, aspen, as it were, draws all illnesses upon itself. Linden, on the contrary, is considered an energy donor - you take a steam bath and at the same time "recharge" the body. Nothing compares to the smell of linden in a heated Russian steam bath, especially in a newly built one.

In a Russian steam bath, the source of air heating is a stove-heater, which is heated by gas, coal or wood, and the source of steam is red-hot stones, on which a small amount of water is poured. In baths of this type, the air temperature can reach one hundred degrees, and humidity 10-20 percent. In traditional Russian steam baths, they are steamed with wet steam with a moisture content of up to 60-70% at a temperature of 50-60 degrees and without fail with a broom.

In the Russian steam bath, steam is made by throwing water on the stones in the stove. The higher the temperature of the stones, the drier and hotter the steam at the same time. The word "dry" here is understood not as the readings of a hygrometer, but as a pleasant feeling of warm, but not burning, inhaled air. In order to keep the hottest stones at the initial cool temperature of the steam room, the stones are heated in a closed volume of the furnace and a door is necessarily made that opens only for the period of throwing water. Thus, the maximum difference between the air temperature and the temperature of the stones, the maximum "dry" water vapor - these are the main signs of a good Russian steam bath.


When visiting a Russian steam bath, you must follow simple rules:
1. Remove all jewelry, watches, glasses.
2. In no case should you drink alcoholic beverages.
3. Don't smoke and move less.
4. You can steam in the bath no less than an hour or two after eating.
5. Before you start steaming, you need to wash yourself in the shower, wipe yourself dry with a towel, then enter the steam room.
6. The shelves can be very hot, so take a towel or a saddle with you. The towel is spread out on a shelf and lies down.
7. The first entry into the steam room should last no more than five to seven minutes. It is necessary to cover your head with a hat, if it is difficult to endure the heat, moisten it with cool water. This is followed by a ten- or twenty-minute rest, during which you need to drink tea in small sips to sweat.
8. The second entry into the steam room can be increased by two to three minutes. Now you can actively use a broom in the steam room. To hold it on your hands, it is better to wear woolen mittens. Then again comes rest. You can also take a contrast shower.
9. The third entry into the steam room. During this visit, it is advisable to steam well with a broom. Further rest, contrast shower, swimming pool.
10. The number of visits to the steam room can be any - it is important that the total time that the steam room takes you does not exceed total 35 minutes. However, the normal number of visits to the steam room is considered to be no more than three.
11. If lethargy is felt, breathing is difficult, dizziness appears, heart palpitations appear, you must immediately stop soaring and go out into the dressing room.
12. After a Russian steam bath, thirst is felt. You can quench it with kvass, lemonade, mineral water, juices or fruits. It is good to drink strong tea. You should beware of very cold drinks, cold beer, milk.


In the Russian steam bath, brooms are traditionally used. Different brooms have a different effect on the body. At colds birch helps. It has a disinfecting effect, dilates the bronchi, so it is recommended for smokers. Oak, on the contrary, prevents sweating, is useful for oily skin(makes it matte and elastic), is able to capture more heat and bring it to the body. It is recommended to use for various pains. Currant broom is used more to create aroma in the steam room. They also use brooms made of linden, cherry, alder, walnut, eucalyptus, juniper and many others, but the most common are birch and oak.

A broom is a highlight of the Russian steam bath. The process of working with a broom is one of the types of special massage, quite laborious and with many tricks - cunning and at first glance inconspicuous. With such a massage, as much hot air as possible is captured from above and falls on the person in a wave. When steaming, do not wet the broom, it must be dry. It is better to use a broom and massage on the second and third visits to the steam room.

It is more convenient to take a steam bath in a Russian steam bath together. The best position is lying down, because in this case all parts of the body experience the same temperature, and this facilitates thermoregulation. The lying position also allows you to relax your muscles as much as possible. In addition, in the supine position, the pulse, as you know, slows down, therefore, the load on cardiovascular system decreases. If it is not possible to lie down, you need to steam while sitting, and your legs should not hang down, they should be put on a bench.

The partner with light strokes with two brooms passes over the entire body. The next method of soaring is fastening. Then they proceed to the main technique - whipping in combination with a broom compress. They start from the back, slightly raise the brooms, capturing hot air with them, and make 2-3 light whips on the latissimus dorsi muscles. After that, the brooms are pressed to the back for two or three seconds. After the compress, brooms are placed on the lower back and at the same time spread them apart to the head and legs. This technique is called stretching, it is recommended for various pains in the lumbar region, after which the person feels much better. Stretching is carried out 4-5 times and ends with strokes. The soaring procedure ends with rubbing, which is performed as follows: they take a broom in one hand, and with the palm of the other, slightly pressing on the leafy part, they rub the body in all directions, and the limbs along.


Another one distinguishing feature Russian steam baths - a huge number and variety of used medicinal and aromatic products that enhance its therapeutic, healing effect. Oils and tinctures are used to steam a broom or to spray on stones. They contribute to the removal of toxins and other decay products from the body, strengthen the protective functions of the body as a whole, increase immunity, and have a beneficial effect on the skin, respiratory organs and musculoskeletal system.

Tinctures for the Russian steam bath are prepared as follows. A mixture of plants (or only one) at the rate of 100 grams per 10 liters is poured into enamel pan, pour boiling water and put on strong fire. As soon as the “brew” boils, the heat is reduced to a minimum and the pan is covered with a rag on top. Under such conditions, the infusion is simmered for about 1 hour, then it is allowed to cool without opening the lid. After that, the cold infusion is filtered through cheesecloth, bottled, tightly corked and stored in a dark, cool place. You can store for two months.

Each infusion has its own effect on the human body:
1. Mint improves mood, has a beneficial effect on the heart.
2. Oregano treats diseases of the upper respiratory tract and nervous system.
3. Black currant leaves will help with colds, strengthen the body after the flu.
4. Mustard will eliminate the cold in its early stages.
5. Linden will speed up the process of sweating.
6. It is good to let eucalyptus breathe for children suffering from sinusitis, frontal sinusitis. It cleans the nasopharynx well.

Various other flavors are also available:
1. From kvass and beer, the bread spirit will reign in the steam room: add 50 grams of bread kvass or beer to 3 liters of boiling water.
2. From mustard - spicy mustard spirit - a prophylactic against colds. To do this, add a teaspoon of dry, well-done mustard.
3. "Delicious" is steam from water to which a tablespoon of finely ground coffee is added.
4. You can add half a teaspoon of honey, or 5 drops of eucalyptus oil, or 7-10 drops of menthol to a bowl of hot water. All these aromas improve mood, favorably affect the nervous system, heart, blood vessels.
5. Coniferous extract in the Russian steam bath is used as a sedative for disorders of the nervous system, for physical and mental overwork.
6. If you fall asleep badly and often wake up, then try to take a steam bath with thyme infusion. A hypnotic effect will also have a visit to the steam room of mint or orange oil.
7. And if you need the opposite effect, then a bath with the smell of jasmine will help here, it excites brain activity, no worse than caffeine. But it is advisable to use tonic infusions and oils in the morning.

In a Russian steam bath, you can drive out any cold and even flu with a "horrible" steam. This is done as follows: green horseradish leaves, fresh or dried, are soaked in hot water, steamed for half an hour, and then this infused water is drained through a rag so that the leaf does not get into it. And this "horseradish" water is put into the oven after drying. Smell! Fucking spirit! It's already breathtaking! It smells like a clearing, the sky, horseradish and something else, which makes the soul thaw and rejoice, rejoice endlessly.

Antiseptic infusion contains equal proportions of mint, sage, thyme, eucalyptus leaf. Usually it is insisted before preparing a bath and is often used first to clean and disinfect the room, and at the same time the bather himself. Healing aromas combined with heat kill almost all bacteria on the skin and in the upper respiratory tract. Even with subsequent cooling, microbes will not be able to infiltrate the body.

The soothing infusion contains equal amounts of thyme, oregano, chamomile, birch buds, green spruce needles.

Tonic infusion, which includes poplar buds (1 part), flower baskets of common tansy (2 parts), bison leaves (1 part). The aroma of such a cocktail will improve your well-being.

Mix for Russian steam bath "Antiseptic": 3-7 drops essential oil lemon, 5-6 drops of eucalyptus essential oil, eucalyptus, 1-3 drops of nutmeg oil, 4-5 drops of chamomile, 5-9 drops of tea tree.

Mixture for Russian steam bath "Against Cellulite": 5-10 drops of orange essential oil, 3-4 drops of Litsea-cubeb, 4-5 drops of lime, 5-10 drops of cypress, 3-4 drops of lemongrass, 5-10 drops of juniper.

Mix for the Russian steam bath bath "Relax": 3-4 drops of bergamot essential oil, 4-5 drops of cypress essential oil, 2-3 drops of lemon balm oil, 6-7 drops of petite grain, 2-3 drops of sandalwood, 4- 5 drops of sage.


The great benefit of the Russian steam bath is that it promotes increased sweating. Together with sweat, all toxins leave the body, the pores on the surface of the skin expand and all dirt and salts are removed from them. High temperature contributes to the exfoliation of the upper dead layer of cells, and the skin begins to breathe freely. In addition, the blood flow through the vessels is accelerated, metabolism improves, as a result of which harmful substances are derived not only from the surface of the body, but also from the internal organs.

People who constantly bathe in the Russian steam bath are much less likely to get sick, as the bath significantly strengthens the immune system. The alternation of high and cold temperatures increases the elasticity of blood vessels. The load on the cardiovascular system strengthens the heart muscle, thereby reducing the likelihood of a heart attack. The bath will help you restore the body, put it in order. And after that, you can again enjoy life, receiving only pleasure from it.

The benefit of the Russian steam bath is to increase the heart rate and improve metabolism. The bath leads to excellent physical shape without the work of muscles. It gives almost the same metabolic results as with exercise. The bath perfectly relieves tension and stress, relaxes aching and tired muscles, promotes a calm and deep sleep.

Under the influence of the Russian steam bath, the functions of sweat and sebaceous glands improve, skin vessels expand, blood flow accelerates, venous stasis is eliminated, the skin becomes elastic and elastic. Cosmetologists say that for women, a bath procedure will replace dozens of cosmetic products. Steam smoothes wrinkles, the skin acquires a pleasant healthy color. The bath perfectly cleanses and rejuvenates the skin. After several regular visits, the skin will be healthy and elastic. In addition, the bath is great for getting rid of goose bumps.

In the Russian steam bath, the skin is cleansed of acne. AT adolescence a bath can help to cope with problems such as acne and all kinds of inflammatory nodules and abscesses both on the face and on the whole body. And in general, it should be noted that it is improving general form skin, its color becomes more healthy and even, age spots disappear. Subsequently, perspiration decreases, and sweat does not have such a strong odor.


The Russian steam bath has a warming effect on the body, so it is recommended to visit it for colds accompanied by cough and runny nose. It helps to quickly get rid of these symptoms. More than anything, the flu is not afraid of ultra-modern antibiotics, but of the most ordinary bath with its miraculous steam and whisk.

Visit a Russian steam bath (unless, of course, there is a high temperature), take a steam bath with a broom, which is so wonderfully fragrant in summer and the sun, evoking the brightest memories, and your flu will instantly disappear. And what can we say about a banal runny nose! In the steam room you feel how the hot air, saturated with birch and eucalyptus spirit, clears both your nose and throat. Truly excellent inhalation! Without complex devices and much more pleasant than the procedures in the clinic.

Patients with pulmonary diseases, people who have had pneumonia in the recent past, and heavy smokers are generally advised to visit the Russian steam bath as often as possible. When a person inhales the dry hot air of the steam room, the lungs have to work harder, moisture exchange increases and all toxins and harmful microorganisms that accumulate in the lungs will be removed from the body. Bronchitis, even some forms of pneumonia, are treated more easily if the patient goes to the bath at the same time.

In people suffering from diabetes, the metabolism of carbohydrates in the body worsens, for them the best option would be to visit a Russian steam bath from a bar, it contributes to the establishment of metabolic processes. When a person is well steamed, the body is cleansed of toxins, the skin gets rid of impurities, the metabolism in the body improves. But do not forget that there are contraindications, for example, if a person diabetes loses a lot of weight, in no case should he go to the bathhouse.

Treatment in a Russian steam bath for sciatica is a classic of medicine. From Roman baths to Russian baths, doctors of antiquity everywhere noted the positive effect of good warmth on a cold lower back. bath together with plentiful drink and some drugs facilitates the discharge small stones from the kidneys, ureters and bladder.

The Russian steam bath perfectly stimulates the activity of the entire cardiovascular system, the pulse increases to 150 beats per minute in 20 minutes of therapy. As a result, blood circulation increases, while blood pressure itself does not rise due to the fact that the heat well expands even the smallest skin blood vessels, which provide an excellent path for blood flow. The capillaries expand, allowing the bloodstream to carry more nutrients into the skin, thus improving its overall condition.

Modern medicine has already accumulated sufficient experience in the use of the Russian steam bath for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Patients are given one important advice, which must be followed strictly: do not raise the temperature in the steam room above 80-90 ° C, and after leaving it, you must take warm shower. But rubbing with snow, diving into an ice hole and an ice shower for cores is absolutely contraindicated. By following all the tips correctly, you will get a fresh look and a good burst of energy.

With joint diseases, nothing can help you as effectively as a broom collected from nettle leaves, and with a serious approach and regular use, you can say goodbye to these ailments forever. A nettle broom in a Russian steam bath will help to warm up the muscles and joints as deeply as various massages, rubbing and physiotherapy cannot do.

Skillful use of a nettle broom in a Russian steam bath can even cure a man of some types of impotence. This method does not require any material or physical costs from you. No, you do not need to whip yourself with a broom from such an aggressive grass in a causal place. But if you give Special attention lumbar back, as well as heels, believe me, there will be much more sense than swallowing an incredible amount medicines and food additives.

It is better not to pat the lower back, but to stroke it, while not forgetting to periodically warm up the broom in the upper, hottest layers of air. And the heels will have to be beaten, and the stronger the impact you can withstand, the better result you will see later. This procedure should not be delayed and repeated too often. Once every two weeks is enough for the functions to gradually recover. As soon as the first positive result of treatment comes, you should leave the procedures for a while, that is next time address to a nettle not earlier, than in 3 4 weeks. It must be said that the Russian steam bath helps with impotence most often in those cases when it was acquired due to frequent and long general hypothermia of the body.

Vegetovascular dystonia, with its headaches, dizziness, fainting, excessive sweating and other non-fatal, but unpleasant symptoms, it also responds well to treatment in a Russian steam bath. From heat to cold, from the steam room to the pool and back - the vessels are being trained, temperature changes are gradually becoming familiar. You just need to start small: 5 minutes in the steam room, 2 in the pool, half an hour in the dressing room, and only then slowly increase the time, but so that the "marble skin" is short-lived. Gradually, this demonstrative symptom of dystonia will come later, become weaker, and then disappear altogether.

If your skin began to resemble orange peel, that is, tubercles and pits appeared on it, know that insidious cellulite has not bypassed you with its attention. Russian steam bath is one of the most effective means in the fight against this disease. Causes of cellulite formation: fat and water accumulate in the body, connective tissues slagged by those substances that did not come out through the intestines or pores, a sedentary lifestyle, vigorous activity female hormones such as estrogen and progestogen promote the deposition of fat and water.

You need to fight cellulite with the help of sports exercises, massage, special anti-cellulite cosmetics, a Russian steam bath and appropriate nutrition. Of course, with the help of one bath, getting rid of cellulite is quite problematic. But do not forget that profuse sweating is a very important part of the anti-cellulite course. When sweating, toxins and liquid are removed through the pores. Gradually, the skin is smoothed and gets rid of friability and tuberosity.

The Russian steam bath also helps to restore the normal appearance after drinking a lot of alcohol, even after several days of fun feasts.

Those who want to lose weight can also safely go to the Russian steam bath, as in the steam room up to one and a half liters of fluid is removed from the body, and body fat is also reduced. The procedure in the bath for those who want to lose weight is as follows: first you need to stay in the steam room for 8 minutes, after which, wrapped in a towel, but not cold, sit in the dressing room without taking any liquid, then you will sweat well. For the best effect, repeat these steps several times and the extra pounds will leave you. If you add a visit to the Russian steam bath proper nutrition and it will become your habit, soon you will notice weight loss.


People suffering from chronic cardiovascular diseases or who have recently had any acute illness should consult their doctor before joining the bathing procedure. Children under eight years old can visit the Russian steam bath only under the supervision of adults and with special care: at the slightest sign of deterioration in health (weakness, an unpleasant feeling of heat), the steam room should be immediately left and take a cool shower. This also applies to adults, especially the physically poorly developed, the elderly.

Each person is unique and individual, so a regular visit to the Russian steam bath alone can help cure the most serious illnesses, with which it is strictly forbidden to visit her, and other people, on the contrary, only get worse.

A visit to the steam room in the following cases can result in serious complications and even death: chronic diseases heart disease, recent myocardial infarction, pregnancy, signs of epilepsy, sexual diseases, diseases of the skin, eyes, ears, as well as alcohol intoxication. All these cases are associated with a significant weakening of the immune system and increased vulnerability of the body to external influences. You can simply not cope with the stress on the body.
