Diet for facial skin: recommendations for making a diet for different types of cosmetic defects. What to eat for oily skin? Diet for oily skin What can you eat with oily skin

Those who think that beautiful and healthy skin is the result of skin care and all kinds of procedures are mistaken. In order for the skin to always be fresh, beautiful and healthy, it is very important to eat right. Nutrition for oily skin of the face and acne should be special, and which one, we will tell further.

There are a number of products that cause constant sweating on the skin of the face. These include: various spices, sausages, especially with fat, fatty meat, butter. Spicy foods, as well as fried and excessively salty foods cause severe irritation of the sebaceous glands and, as a result, the skin of the face will constantly “shine” with a coating of fat and sweat.
Also, products that are undesirable for people with problematic and oily skin include flour products, chocolate (no matter what), coffee and sweets.

How to eat with oily skin, what foods to eat more often than others? All kinds of vegetables, salads based on them, boiled fish, dairy products and buckwheat should form the basis of nutrition. You should not use sour cream, you yourself understand why. Fruits, black bread, all this should also be included in the diet.

Of course, nutrition alone, even the most correct one, cannot solve problems with oily skin. Yes, proper nutrition for problem skin on the face largely depends on the diet of a woman, but there are times when an examination by some doctors is required. What are these experts? The examination should be carried out by a gastroenterologist, dermatologist, allergist and cosmetologist. Very often, skin ailments are the result of any skin or gastrointestinal disease. And, as a rule, a sluggish chronic disease. Oddly enough, but diseases of the liver, stomach and gallbladder also appear on the skin, it becomes oily.

It is after examinations and consultations with specialists that you should create your own, individual menu. All people are different and although there is only one problem - oily skin on the face, it can be caused by various reasons.

What to eat with oily skin to reduce the secretion of fat through the sweat glands? To increase the overall tone and immunity of the body, vitamin C is extremely important. It should only be taken into account that foods containing it should be consumed raw. Cooking, frying and drying is not worth it, since vitamin C is completely decomposed during heat treatment, and it is simply useless to consume such products. Vitamin C is primarily oranges, cabbage, apples, apricots, persimmons, peaches, black currants, etc. Vitamin C is not present in meat, milk and other animal foods.
Vitamin E is extremely important for the skin, it is responsible for the degree of fat content of the skin and its moisture content. Also, vitamin E helps to heal small cuts, scars, promotes blood clotting.

Vitamin E is widely distributed in various vegetable oils, liver, egg yolk. Wheat, milk, various seeds and nuts, leafy green vegetables also contain a fair amount of this vitamin, which is extremely important for oily skin.
Vitamins B2 and B6 promote healthy skin and freshness. To maintain sufficient levels of vitamins B2 and B6, you need to include beans, beans, lentils, tomatoes, eggs, beef, dried apricots and other dried fruits in your diet.

Whole grains contain essential nutrients for our body. They also digest better than regular grains, and you get more fiber, protein, and antioxidants than processed grains like white flour.

Whole grains also have a low glycemic index, meaning they have little to no effect on your blood sugar levels. To reduce your sugar intake, try replacing processed breads, cereals, and snacks with their whole grain options.

When buying ready-made bread, pasta, or cereal, make sure the main ingredient is a whole grain, such as whole wheat, barley, or oats.

Fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of antioxidants, as well as vitamin A. Vitamin A has properties that are characteristic of retinoid-based drugs, which are made from vitamin A, which cleanses pores and relieves inflammation.

The highest content of vitamin A can be found in the following fruits and vegetables: apricots, tangerines, mangoes, papaya, lettuce, broccoli, pumpkin and carrots. Carrot juice, like other freshly squeezed juices, has the same properties.

Vegetable oils, such as canola, olive or safflower oil, are heart-friendly and contain vitamin E, which is considered an antioxidant. People with oily skin are advised to replace animal fats such as butter and full-fat cheese with vegetable oil to get rid of skin problems.

Animal fats can exacerbate existing inflammation as well as excessive fat production, increasing the risk of clogged pores and acne.

Salmon, albacore tuna, herring, lake trout, flounder, halibut, sardines are a rich source of protein, the mineral zinc and omega-3 fatty acids. Zinc plays an important role in our immunity as well as wound healing, and it can also help reduce acne symptoms.

A diet high in omega-3 fatty acids and low in meat and processed foods has been shown to reduce oily skin.

For best results, replace fatty meats with baked, fried, grilled, or steamed fish.

Grapefruit has wonderful properties. The high fiber and water content means it fills you up while being low in calories and easy to digest.

Eat a diet dominated by raw, whole foods to improve the appearance and condition of your skin. The diet of the owner of oily skin should include fresh products, homemade juices, soft drinks, raw almond milk, soaked nuts, seaweed, coconut milk, sprouted grains, extra virgin olive oil, herbs and vegetables.

These foods are high in fiber, so they improve digestion and cleanse your body.

If you drink water throughout the day, you will prevent dehydration, and your skin will become healthy and look great.

Replace sweetened, carbonated, and prepared drinks with water. Many of them contain sugar, syrups, additives, and flavorings that add calories and are neither healthy nor nutritious.

Fatty meats such as pork and lamb are high in saturated fats, which lead to obesity, heart disease, and inflammation.

Many people tend to eat too many inflammatory foods and very few anti-inflammatory foods such as salmon, mackerel, albacore tuna and other types of fish.

It is recommended to cut down on fatty meats and include fish in your diet for healthier, more balanced skin. For maximum benefit, it is recommended to cook fish with minimal use of fats: bake, fry over a fire, simmer.

A person needs only 1,500 mg of salt per day, the amount found in a teaspoon of table salt. On average, people consume about 2300 and 4700 mg daily. High salt content in the diet can adversely affect the condition of your skin.

Salty snacks such as chips, crackers, and french fries often contain trans fats that cause inflammation. Trans fats can also make oily skin worse.

  • The diet should be rich in proteins, but limit sugar, drinks and salt;
  • Eat plenty of green vegetables and fresh fruits;
  • It is necessary to take vitamins, iron and other trace elements;

Even a slight lack of vitamin B2 can cause oily skin. Yeast, wheat germ and organic meat are sources of vitamin B5 and B2.

Other sources of vitamin B2 include whole grains, beans, nuts, and royal jelly. Buckwheat, beans and rice perfectly saturate the body with iron and rejuvenate the skin.

Drink plenty of quality water to hydrate your skin and flush out toxins.

Reduce the amount of dietary fat you eat. Avoid pork and fried or spicy foods. Do not consume animal fats, which, moreover, have undergone heat treatment, no matter during the production or preparation of the dish.

If you still need oil, say, to dress a salad, then use sunflower or cold-pressed olive oil.

Eliminate carbonated drinks and alcohol from your diet. Avoid sugar, chocolate and unhealthy foods.

Do you apply the best matting cream, and after a couple of hours your face appears greasy? Do not rush to blame your cosmetic product for this, it is better to remember what you ate for dinner.

Oily skin can be a source of many problems: large pores, blackheads, pimples, permanent shine. The sebaceous glands of such skin are overactive and produce much more fat than they need. And fatty foods, in turn, only stimulate this production. Roughly speaking, excess fat in food can easily make your forehead shine. Is it possible to reduce sebum secretion through diet? Definitely.

  • heredity
  • improper diet (red meat, fatty dairy products, hydrogenated oils, sugar, alcohol)
  • hormonal changes (eg, during adolescence, or as a result of pregnancy, menopause, contraception)
  • low-quality cosmetics, dirt, unfavorable environment
  • seasonal changes (air humidity and hot weather)
  • stress, sleep disorders, diseases of internal organs

Hormonal changes leading to oily skin are a problem that almost every teenager faces, but adults are not immune from this either. In general, skin becomes drier with age. Pregnancy and menopause can trigger increased activity of the sebaceous glands.
Many people have skin that is only oily in places. This is called combination skin.

The main advantage of oily skin is that it ages more slowly, at least visually. But she needs special and constant care. Avoid "hard" products that provoke increased sebum secretion and deplete the skin. Such products can cause a phenomenon known as “reactive seborrhea”, when the sebaceous glands begin to work literally to wear and tear to compensate for the loss of sebum. You can read more about oily skin care in our material.

The optimal diet for oily skin is protein-rich foods with a minimum of sugar and salt, as well as greens, fresh fruits and vegetables.

Even a small deficiency of vitamin B2 can cause increased sebum secretion. Enter into your diet brewer's yeast, wheat germ, beans, nuts, royal jelly. And buckwheat, whole rice and black beans will help replenish the necessary amount of iron, which is also necessary to restore the fat balance of the hydrolipidic mantle of the skin.

Reduce the amount of fat in your diet. First of all, it is worth giving up pork, fried (especially deep-fried) and richly seasoned with oil. Refuse to the maximum from animal fats or vegetable oils that have been cooked.

Radically - don't cook with butter. If a little oil is needed, for example for dressing salads, use olive oil. And of course - forget the mayonnaise.

Change your diet: low-fat yogurt instead of whole milk yogurts, baked fish instead of grilled chicken, dressing salads with vegetable oil instead of mayonnaise. And be sure to give up "junk food": as a rule, such food is prepared with extremely unhealthy fats and is very harmful to the body as a whole.

Make it a rule for yourself: if vegetables and fruits can be eaten raw, avoiding any cooking, eat them raw. If it is possible not to fill vegetables with oil and salt, do not do it. Spinach, kale, lettuce, arugula, celery and leeks are a great basis for a diet that can help control oily skin and still taste delicious.

Antioxidant-rich foods can help you quickly fix oily skin with a diet. First of all, they include:

  • carrots, apricots and other orange vegetables and fruits;
  • spinach, lettuce and other green leafy vegetables;
  • tomatoes;
  • blueberry;
  • beans, peas, lentils;
  • nuts.

This citrus deserves to be considered separately due to its truly extraordinary properties. A few slices of grapefruit - and in the shortest possible time you get the required amount of calories, fluids and trace elements, and the high content of vitamin C will help remove excess fat from your body. The yellow or orange hue of its peel is evidence of the presence of antioxidants in the peel, which prevent the aging process of cells and activate regeneration.

Avoid drinks containing sweeteners, flavors and artificial additives, as well as alcohol. If you really “want a holiday”, choose a quality dry wine. Clean drinking water and green tea, rich in antioxidants, are the drinks that promote the beauty and health of the skin.

And remember: you should not focus on any specific miraculous products that can normalize the condition of oily skin. Instead, focus on the principles of healthy eating in general. And the reward for you will be excellent health, excellent immunity - and beautiful skin.

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What to eat for oily skin? Diet for oily skin

Oily skin is a concern for many. The constant struggle with shine and acne brings a lot of inconvenience. This most often affects boys and girls during puberty. The intense work of the sebaceous glands clogs the already enlarged pores, provoking the appearance of acne and blackheads. But it's not just young people who are concerned. According to statistics, more than 12% of adult women struggle with oily skin.

To determine if you have oily skin, you need to conduct the following experiment. Wash your face thoroughly and pat dry. Touch the mirror to your nose, cheeks and forehead. If you find oily marks on the mirror, do not be upset. This type of skin has its own Benefits:

Due to the active work of the sebaceous glands, a special film that protects the skin from the adverse effects of the environment;

Oily skin is not as prone to moisture loss as dry or normal skin, so can better preserve youth and stay wrinkle-free longer.

Diet for oily skin

Improper nutrition significantly worsens the condition of the skin. Many products lead to increased work of the sebaceous glands. What to eat for oily skin?It is necessary to saturate the body with additional vitamins and drink plenty of water. To normalize the production of sebum, oily skin diet should includefresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, freshly squeezed juices.

Having figured out what to eat with oily skin, let's talk about what is not recommended to eat.Top Tip: Eliminate Simple Carbohydrates. Try to reduce the consumption of sugar, jam, sweets, cakes as much as possible. It is these products that contribute to the aggravation of oily skin and provoke the appearance of acne. Avoid caffeine and don't overindulge in protein foods.

How to take care of oily skin?

The answer to the question of how to get rid of oily skin does not exist. More precisely, it is impossible to get rid of it. But a variety of care methods are known to reduce its fat content and prevent acne:

  1. Cleansing. Make-up remover milk, facial wash and mild soap with a neutral pH must be present in your "arsenal".
  2. Moisturizing. Even the most oily skin needs the use of special moisturizers.
  3. exfoliation. Quickly get rid of the habit of "squeezing" or "picking out" that leads to scarring and the spread of acne. To fight acne, use gentle exfoliating products.
  4. Makeup. Throw away powder or foundation. By clogging the pores, they contribute to the active formation of blackheads and acne. But how to get rid of oily sheen? Use products with special light textures and a mattifying effect that allow the skin to breathe.

We clean the face

Cleansing is what will help with oily skin. When you wash your face in the morning and in the evening, do not forget about the gel and a special brush for deep cleansing of the face. If there is inflammation on the skin, then after washing, lightly blot it with a towel and slightly treat with toilet water with a low alcohol content. This will have a disinfecting effect. It's great if you have a lotion with zinc oxide or salicylic acid in your cosmetic bag. This tool has antibacterial properties, removes excess sebum and helps narrow pores.

Exfoliating peels can be used no more than 3 times a week. They help to avoid clogging of pores and remove dead skin particles from the surface of the skin. Peeling gels based on nettle extract are considered excellent anti-inflammatory agents and are good at preventing acne. After the procedure, apply a hydrogel on the skin - a light emulsion that has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Pamper your face sometimes steam baths. This is a great remedy for oily skin. Cleanse your face and apply eye cream to your eyelids. Place a handful of sage or chamomile flowers in a small bowl and pour 2 liters of boiling water over it. Lower your head above the water and cover yourself with a towel. Let your skin "breathe" for about 10 minutes. Rinse your face with cool water with a drop of lemon juice and gently pat dry with a tissue. This procedure will help to narrow the pores, refresh the skin and make it smooth.

Masks for oily skin

Masks are considered ideal means to improve complexion and relieve inflammation:

  1. Fat-free kefir has a drying effect. It is applied to the skin with a cotton swab, held for 15 minutes and washed off with warm water.
  2. To narrow the pores, whipped protein with lemon zest is well suited. The mask is applied for 10-15 minutes and washed off with warm water.
  3. For cleansing, a mixture of warm milk, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 20 grams of yeast is used. The procedure time is 15 minutes.
  4. A mask of boric acid and cucumber perfectly cleanses and refreshes the skin. Add boric acid in a ratio of 1:6 to a cucumber grated on a fine grater and hold for 10 minutes.

Owners of oily skin should carefully select not only care products, but also decorative cosmetics. So that the makeup does not float during the day and looks neat, it should be applied according to all the rules. Taking care of problematic skin is not difficult at all. Several useful procedures, a simple diet - oily skin is normalized and will delight with its radiance. And the main advice: in order for the skin to become your advantage, and not a disadvantage, take care of it regularly, properly and do not be lazy, then you will be on top.

The face is an open book in which you can read about habits, character traits, nutrition, lifestyle. Lack of nutrients or excessive consumption of processed foods or fast food have an extremely negative effect on the skin. But this feature can be useful. For example, a properly selected diet for oily skin can significantly improve its condition, up to a complete recovery.

Oily skin: diet

Nutrition for oily skin of the face should consist of vegetables, fruits, cereals, lean fish or meat. It is strictly forbidden to eat fatty, spicy and smoked foods. You also need to minimize all products that are prepared by fermentation, and easily digestible carbohydrates. Treats can be replaced with fruits and dried fruits, you just have to avoid bananas. The maximum amount of vegetables should be added to the diet. Nutrition for oily skin must necessarily include white cabbage, greens, onions, lettuce.

A diet for oily skin with the production of excess fat should be made without meat products, it is better to replace them with soy products.

Diet for dry skin

Products containing a large amount of fat have a negative effect on the condition of dry skin: lard, chicken ham, pork. Also, you do not need to use mayonnaise and sauces prepared on its basis. A diet based on a large number of salads seasoned with vegetable oils will have a beneficial effect on the face: olive, sunflower, linseed, corn. White cabbage and soy dishes will also benefit. With peeling, you can often add mashed potatoes with milk to the diet. Moreover, it will be useful not only when used inside, but also as a mask.

What foods are good for sensitive skin

It is definitely worth excluding smoked meats, eggs, garlic, onions, alcohol and dishes with an abundance of spices from the diet. Nutrition should be based on low-fat dairy products and seafood. From dairy products, it is most often worth using cottage cheese and kefir. From seafood daily, the menu should include fresh fish, boiled (steam) or baked. The diet should contain about 50% of fruits or vegetables, if this figure is lower, then bran should be added to the main dishes, but not more than 3 tablespoons per day.

Diet for people with combination skin

In this case, it is most difficult to make a diet, because the nutritional recommendations for oily facial skin differ from dry skin, so you need to include products that suit different areas. First of all, it is necessary to determine which cosmetic defects are of most concern. If it is shine in some areas, like on oily skin, the diet should be based on vegetables and cereals. It is definitely worth excluding fried, smoked and simple carbohydrates.

Acne, oily skin and diet

It is widely believed that acne can only be on oily skin, but this is not entirely true. Blockage of pores and an inflammatory process can occur on any type of skin, although on oily, of course, more often. Therefore, you need to choose a diet based on this. It is important to note that with acne, steaming and hot compresses are harmful. From the diet you need to remove all rich products, canned food and smoked meats.

If no diet helps to get rid of problems with the face, you should go to a dermatologist who will try to find the cause of the appearance of cosmetic defects.

Diet for oily and problem skin, proper nutrition for acne, acne, acne- questions that girls and guys often ask.

Restrictions in nutrition, selection of the right products, adherence to the regime - all this “heals” from the inside, improves metabolic processes, hormonal levels.

Proper nutrition for problematic facial skin: what do you have to give up?

If you are concerned about nutrition for problematic facial skin, then you will have to cross out the much-loved “harm” from their shopping list.

In the "forbidden list" are:

A separate item is soda. This is not only Coca-Cola, but also other drinks containing a high concentration of sugar.

Some dermatologists recommend give up milk and dairy products. But this is discussed individually, depending on the characteristics of a particular organism.

Now you understand that the diet for oily skin should be strict, and all nutrition will have to be taken under control.

But what can you eat? How to properly build a lifestyle and nutrition? What foods can definitely be included in the diet? Let's try to figure it out next.

Diet for oily and problem skin: what can you eat?

You might think that diet for oily and problematic skin is very strict. A huge list of foods that you eat every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner, in the "forbidden list"!

Do not worry. In fact, you have hundreds of other (more useful!) Substances and elements at your disposal. You just need to choose the right ones.

So, in the list of "allowed food" you can include the following:

Skin loves water. Therefore, nutritionists, dermatologists and cosmetologists recommend drinking at least 2.5 liters per day. This has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, as well as the whole body.

Now it remains only to find professional solutions to combat red and whiteheads, blackheads, pimples and other "troubles". Specialists offer 5 main ways to deal with the disease.

Which diet to choose: Japanese, "weekly", Pegano? Let's figure it out!

Diet for 7 days. Get rid of problematic skin in 1 week

Here you have complete freedom: you can choose how you will combine steamed fish, vegetables, chicken breasts (white meat), fruits and berries.

A sample menu for the day looks like this:

  • breakfast: 1 boiled egg + cottage cheese + berries (blueberries, raspberries, blackberries). Instead of coffee, we make compote from grapes or apples;
  • dinner: chicken broth + 150 grams of vegetables + 100 grams of boiled chicken breast. We replace tea with a glass of tomato juice;
  • dinner: buckwheat porridge on water (without adding oil and sugar!) + vegetable salad.

Diet for oily skin of the face is observed for 7 days. For lunch, you can alternate fish, chicken, not very fatty veal.

Worth taking for dinner legumes, corn, rice, cereals. Breakfast from time to time can be supplemented with oatmeal.

If after a week's diet, blackheads and pimples have become less noticeable, you can continue.

The main thing is not to break loose, not to run after 7 days from the start of the McDonald's diet, not to devour sweets in cosmic quantities.

We fight acne using the Pegano method. How and why?

Pegano - American specialist and nutritionist, who came up with a diet to combat skin diseases and psoriasis. This diet is also suitable for problem skin.

The American offers 2 stages:

  1. We eat only fruits for 3 days + we do enemas every day.
  2. At the second stage, we form the menu based on the following principle: 70% vegetables and 30% meat or fish.

Some doctors believe that just such a diet should be followed not only to combat black dots, acne, blackheads and other skin problems.

"Japanese" diet - the secret of snow-white "porcelain" skin

They say that this method and diet is the key to the beauty of Japanese girls(they are known all over the world for their "porcelain skin"). Perhaps this method will help you get rid of blackheads, pimples, acne.

The Japanese diet for oily skin looks like this:

  • morning: a cup of green tea + a slice of wholemeal bread;
  • dinner: coleslaw + fish or chicken;
  • dinner: a glass of kefir + vegetables.

Duration of the diet - from 1 week. If there is an effect, continue, add other foods, make the diet more varied. But do not “break down” immediately on meat, flour, sweets or fast food!

"Week on buckwheat": every day with porridge

Proper nutrition for problem skin recommended for 7-14 days. All this time, buckwheat should be present in the diet.

An approximate diet menu for acne in adolescents and adults may look like this:

If desired, you can do afternoon snack of vegetable or fruit juice. We do not buy it in the store, but we do it ourselves (for this we use fresh vegetables or fruits).

"Efficiency + speed": diet for 5 days

The hallmark of this diet is speed. In just 5-7 days you will get the result. The diet has been proven to be ideal for acne, blackheads, pimples, whiteheads and redheads.

The sequence of actions looks like this:

The result is a complete cleansing of the body., gastrointestinal tract, tissues and cells. Your skin will become clearer, obvious redness, inflammation will disappear, red and white acne will disappear.

Bonus for those who read to the end. 4 delicious recipes

A diet for problematic facial skin is not always unleavened lunches, breakfasts or dinners! A selection of fresh dishes once again proves this.

Proper nutrition(for problematic skin, for problems with the figure, overweight, high cholesterol and other problems) - guarantee of well-being.

TOP 3 facts from the article!

  1. For acne, acne and pimples you need to be careful with sweet, flour and bakery products, with fried and fast food.
  2. It is desirable to set a certain power supply, stick to it for a long time. You can not drastically change the mode for and the number of products.
  3. Recommended for acne and acne vegetables, fruits, chicken meat, fish, buckwheat and oatmeal, flattering and garden berries.

Every woman tries to take care of her skin to keep it smooth and supple. However, what is right and good in dry skin care may not be safe for owners of oily skin.

Ideally, a competent cosmetologist should draw up a facial skin care program - only a specialist doctor can see all the features of the skin structure and select products for a particular person. But there are general rules of care for each type of skin, the observance of which will help maintain beauty and attractiveness. Today we will talk about oily skin care.

Oily skin: how to recognize it?

The skin has a greasy sheen; sebum is visible on a napkin when you try to wipe your face.

Oily skin has a porous structure visible to the eye, which makes it look rough and resembles the skin of an orange.

On such skin, as a rule, there are signs of acne - black dots representing pores clogged with sebum and dead cells, as well as inflamed nodules - blackheads.

An additional, but optional sign of oily skin is increased greasiness of the hair and a tendency to form visible scales - seborrhea.

For oily skin, the most problematic places on the face are the nose, forehead and chin: it is this localization that brings the most trouble to owners of oily and so-called combination skin, when the skin is oily on the middle part of the face, and dry or normal on the cheeks.

Oily skin should not be taken as a curse of fate: with certain difficulties at the age of 15-25, such skin can become the key to youthfulness later - it ages more slowly, retains elasticity longer, wrinkles appear on it much later.

We will build a description of oily skin care based on the steps adopted by cosmetologists for any skin type:

1. purification - removal of impurities;

2. toning - refreshment, narrowing of pores, activation of recovery processes;

3. hydration - saturation of the skin with moisture;

4. protection - implies the prevention of the adverse effects of the environment on the skin;

5. nutrition - enrichment of the skin with nutrients, vitamins and trace elements.


Cleansing is perhaps the most important step in keeping oily skin in good condition. However, the right approach is very important here: repeated washing with simple soap will not work in any way - such cleansing can only become an undesirable stimulus for increased sebum secretion. Cosmetics with a high concentration of alcohol will not work either - alcohol, although it has a pronounced degreasing property, still leads to the same increase in the function of the sebaceous glands, which means an even more intense oily sheen and the formation of new clogged pores with subsequent inflammation.

Oily skin cleansing tips

1. For washing, use warm or even cool water: too high a temperature of the water increases the secretion of sebum.

2. When washing, use special soft foams or gels designed for oily skin.

3. If you have inflamed comedones, choose a cleanser with antibacterial ingredients.

4. Washing products should not be alkaline: the optimum pH should not exceed 4.5 (slightly acidic). The required “sourness” is often obtained by introducing herbal supplements into the product in the form of extracts and oils of lemon, tea tree or basil.

5. You can use homemade products - for example, washing with sour milk or kefir. Apply them on your face with cotton pads and rinse with water. Such procedures have an additional whitening effect and will help to cope with the problem of age spots.

6. Do not forget about deep cleansing - peeling. Peeling consists in the use of fine-grained compositions that help to remove not only impurities, but also a layer of dead cells. Deep cleansing using scrubs should be carried out 2-3 times a week - the product is applied to the skin and a gentle massage is performed for 1-2 minutes. Exfoliating more frequently can damage the delicate top layer of the skin and create additional problems.

For the peeling procedure, you can choose a product from ready-made cosmetic products, or you can cook it yourself.

A mixture of salt and ground natural (insoluble!) coffee: cleanses the skin, reduces the number of black spots, in addition, this composition has a mild drying effect.

Sugar scrub. To prepare it, you need to mix regular or brown sugar with milk or a cleanser.

Lemon + salt: used in the absence of severe inflammation and is prepared by mixing equal parts of salt and fresh lemon juice.

Clay: can be used as a scrub and as a mask. For oily skin, black or brown clay is usually used; green clay is great for skin with enlarged pores. To prepare a scrub, the clay of the chosen type is mixed with water or an unsweetened fermented milk product (kefir, yogurt, bifidok) until the consistency of sour cream is obtained.

Dried Black Bread Scrub: Helps tidy up skin with inflammatory rashes. Dry rye bread is ground in a coffee grinder and diluted with milk to a state of gruel.

Hercules flakes: oatmeal should be ground and diluted with water or kefir.

Blackhead Removal

In addition to simple cleansing, oily skin, which, as a rule, is “decorated” with various manifestations of acne, needs cleaning of clogged pores. It is recommended to do this no more than 1-2 times a week. Since pores are easier to clean on steamed skin, this procedure is usually resorted to after taking a hot bath. To remove blackheads and clogged pores, wrap your finger with gauze or a cosmetic tissue and gently squeeze out the contents of the pores. After the procedure, it is desirable to treat the skin with a disinfectant composition.


After cleansing the skin, proceed to its toning. Various tonics designed for oily skin remove the remnants of cleansing compounds, give a feeling of freshness, tighten pores, have a disinfectant property, and also reduce sebum secretion. Many tonics can be used on their own, without pre-cleaning, for example, in the middle of the day to refresh the face. In addition to ready-made tonics for oily skin, you can also prepare home-made formulations.

A decoction of chamomile and vodka, mixed in equal proportions.

Decoctions of sage and coltsfoot.

A mixture of lemon juice, boric alcohol and mint decoction (can be dry) in a ratio of 1:2:4.

Cosmetic ice: with cubes of such ice it is very pleasant and useful to massage the skin of the face. To prepare cosmetic ice, sage and St. John's wort are brewed with boiling water, left to infuse. After an hour, the resulting suspension should be filtered, cooled and mixed with semi-dry white wine. The finished composition is poured into molds for ice and frozen.


The loss of water adversely affects any type of skin - it fades, loses firmness, elasticity, and is poorly restored. The function of moisturizing oily skin is usually performed by a day and night cream, as well as a variety of masks that have a nourishing effect at the same time. Owners of oily skin should carefully select moisturizers - their texture should be light, with a minimum amount of fat.

Special masks are suitable for moisturizing, which are left on the face for 15-20 minutes 1-2 times a week. Regardless of their composition, masks are applied only to cleansed skin, and a large amount of warm water is used to wash them off. Do not forget that after washing, you need to dry the skin gently, using a soft towel and not rubbing your face.

Homemade moisturizing masks for oily skin

We clean one grapefruit, mix the resulting pulp with egg yolk - the moisturizing composition is ready.

We mix cottage cheese (preferably low-fat) and honey in equal proportions and apply on the face.

Tomatoes are a great moisturizer. You can use tomato slices or mash them, and add a little starch for thickness.

Take equal amounts of plantain greens, horsetail and young "non-biting" nettles, chop them and mix with lemon juice.

For 1 raw egg white, take 1 teaspoon of honey and lemon juice, add 3 tablespoons of natural yogurt. Used as a mask for oily skin.

Aloe juice can be used alone and mixed with kefir.

Oily skin protection

Oily skin needs protection from many adverse external factors - dust, wind, sun, frost. Usually, day creams have protective properties, as well as decorative cosmetics for the skin - foundation and powder. Even if you do not work in a hazardous industry, your face and hands are daily exposed to urban dust, so do not neglect day creams and powders, which form a thin protective film on the skin surface.

In the category of protective creams, there are also special formulations - for example, well-known sunscreens. Intensive exposure to sunlight adversely affects the condition of oily skin, so creams with SPF protection of different levels (depending on climate) should be in the arsenal of any owner of skin with increased greasiness. It is very convenient to use sunscreen day and foundation creams, as well as powder with an SPF factor - such cosmetics are no longer a rarity in our stores and can significantly facilitate the process of skin care.

When choosing a day cream, be sure to take into account the season - for example, on frosty days, owners of oily skin should stop using watery gels and creams - freezing right on the face, they can seriously damage the skin and cause inflammation and peeling.

How to apply day cream?

Day cream should be applied to the skin before using decorative cosmetics: apply a small amount of cream on the skin of the face and wait 2-3 minutes - if the skin has a greasy appearance, then the excess cream can be gently blotted with a napkin. There is also such an interesting technique: after applying the cream, the skin is gently wiped with a swab moistened with tea leaves or acidified water (lotion) - when a feeling of coolness appears, wipe the face dry and start applying foundation and (or) powder.

Oily skin nutrition

And, of course, oily skin needs nutrition - without vitamins, essential minerals and specific proteins, the skin loses its ability to recover and turns into thin, wrinkled parchment.

The main remedy for nourishing oily skin is special creams with low fat content. In addition to them, be sure to use nourishing masks that you can prepare yourself from simple products. Here are some easy recipes.

Equal proportions of lemon juice and cream: this mask nourishes the skin, saturates it with vitamins and inhibits fat secretion.

Raspberries with a small amount of rice flour - apply on face, wash off after 15 minutes.

Hercules: used to prepare a nourishing mask that removes excess oil from the skin. To prepare a mask mixture, oatmeal is mixed with egg white.

Prepare an infusion of calendula - to do this, brew the flowers with boiling water and let stand. Moisten cotton pads with infusion and apply them on the face for 10-15 minutes. Such a mask will not only enrich your skin with vitamins, but also help relieve irritation, and also prevent the formation of new inflammatory comedones.

A fresh yeast mask is a source of B vitamins and a real cure for acne. To prepare the mask, you need to dilute the yeast with milk (fresh or sour) until a creamy consistency is obtained and add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide.

General nutrition for those with oily skin

Nutrition also affects the condition of the skin, so if you want to get even, smooth skin without acne, you need to not only carefully care for your skin, but eat right. We are not talking about some overly strict restrictions, but still it is worth adhering to the basic rules.

1. Limit the intake of refined carbohydrates contained in sugar, jam, honey, white pastries.

2. When cooking, try to use less fat: bake, boil, steam, use utensils with non-stick coating - so you can cook tasty and with minimal fat. However, in no case exclude vegetable oil - it is the basis for the production of many important substances in the body and a solvent for a number of vitamins.

3. Build your diet on unrefined carbohydrates - various cereals, wholemeal pastries.

4. Eat more vegetables and fruits.

5. Do not forget about proteins, which are the basis for building any body tissue, including skin. In order for the skin to be able to quickly and fully recover from damage, you should eat at least 70-80 g of protein per day.

Take care of your skin, take care of yourself and be positive - this is the secret of beauty and youth for many years to come!
