Garden waste: how peels, shells and husks will save your garden. Orange peels - benefits for the garden, features of application in the country How to spray orange peels

Greetings, dear visitor!

This post as you may have guessed, there will be another remedy that ants do not like. I give a guarantee, if it were not for the pictures below, then it would be impossible to guess the first time. Although, maybe someone already uses the skins of the citrus family for these purposes.

Actually, I was going to use ground skins against slugs, but decided to try on ants as well. Peppers have not yet been planted in open ground, and it is impossible to check the effect of skins on gastropods "friends". Therefore, last night (May 3) I sprinkled this drug inside a birch log.

Well, and after such a result, I threw a pinch of these skins on all the anthills that I found and under the bushes with currants.

Now, I want to tell the background why I decided to use citrus skins ...

You understand, when we peel a tangerine, an orange, a grapefruit or something else, then inadvertently splashes from squeezed skins can get into the eyes. So? Happenes! And the eye starts to tingle. Then I decided to try this property (pinching) on ​​slugs. No, I'm not going to run after every slug or snail and splash them in their eyes, but sprinkle thin layer around the planted seedlings is possible.

They crawl with their belly then perhaps pinching their belly will discourage them from approaching the stems of the peppers. Well, as long as there are no peppers, then you can try on other insects.

Now, actually about harvesting and threshing skins.

See what I did. After the next eating of an orange, tangerine, etc., I simply put the skins on a newspaper in the apartment and after a week they were already dry. So I got this package.

Then, I decided to grind them in a coffee grinder. We had an ancient coffee grinder and I thought that coffee beans are much harder in terms of hardness, which means that the skins will be ground in flight. But it wasn't there.

Some skins stuck under the knife and slowed down the threshing. I had to constantly open the lid of the coffee grinder and pull out or straighten these stuck skins. In short, "hemorrhoids", and the winding of the coffee grinder motor began to smell. I cut these skins a little and thought how to get by with "little blood"?

Then I decided to do it easier.

I took an ordinary meat grinder screwed it to ironing board, sat on the sofa in front of the TV and did two things at once - watched TV and "meat-chopped" dry skins. It was a little harder than with the grinder, but quieter (the grinder motor makes a lot of noise).

And so in a couple of hours, I got two containers of cottage cheese tightly packed from this package.

And upon completion Throughout this procedure, I got the impression that it would not be easier not to dry the skins until completely dry, but to pass dried or fresh skins through a meat grinder? See what happens.

It will be necessary make less effort to rotate the meat grinder handle. So, if you have to get tired, then not so much (although I'm not tired, but this is for women). Then, this scrolled mass can also be spread out on a newspaper or a rag on the floor of the room to dry it.

You understand dear visitor, it is impossible to put the wet mass in a sealed container, because the mold will not take long to wait, but we need natural product. So, this option for harvesting ground skins, I think, is easier than scrolling dry ones.

Although you may try this and that. As you like it and it will be easier, do it. Winter is long and during this period you can thresh so much that it will remain for sale (just kidding). But seriously, in winter, without any problems, slowly and slowly, prepare some other “lotions” to scare away bad insects from our plants. One has only to think and see what kind of food waste is suitable as a "bait" or "repeller".

How long the citrus “scarecrow” will act on the ants, I don’t know. Perhaps it will be different for everyone, as it was with the action of millet - it worked for someone, but not for someone.

About peppers and citrus crumb will tell you later, in the summer. How it will actually be, I don’t know, but the result will be whatever. And based on the result, we will draw conclusions with you.

If you have experience use of citrus peels from the bad inhabitants of the dacha, share.

That's all, keep in touch!

Sergey Dyakov.

Orange peel is used not only in several areas: cooking and cosmetology. The rinds of this tropical product are becoming increasingly popular in the horticultural industry due to their exceptional qualities.

A large number of gardeners doubt useful properties orange peels, but in fact, this waste is on a par with onions and even mineral fertilizers.

In the shells is large quantity vitamins (C, E, A), rather than in the pulp. Also, the peel is rich in nutritious oils and various flavonoid substances. It contains a sufficient amount of sodium, calcium and phosphorus, which are indispensable for plants. Sodium is a substance that increases the frost-resistant properties of plants. It turns out that orange peel is a real treasure that should not be thrown away.

The use of cows can be carried out in various forms: either simply dried, or crushed and soaked.

Orange peels - very useful product. Now let's discuss their harm. If you use this fertilizer in small quantities, then there will be no harm to the plants. It must be remembered that all citrus fruits will very strongly acidify the soil, all this can negatively affect the soil biota. History knows one experiment that was carried out on the lands of Guanacaste. About twelve tons of orange peels were thrown out, covering about 3 hectares.

After some time, the territory became alive, grass began to grow. Fifteen years later, the forest began to grow. Using orange peels to recreate nutritional properties soil is very reasonable. But this is not their last useful ability.

How can such a fertilizer be used in suburban areas?


The predominant number of gardeners use orange residues as fertilizer for the soil. For achievement maximum benefit, they are buried in the ground to a depth of five centimeters, after which the most powerful saturation of the soil with nitrogen occurs.

Also, the peel can be put in compost pit, to achieve rapid processing of the latter by bacteria, it must be finely chopped. Orange peel will become food for bacteria, and also, will fence off from harmful insects.

The oranges you keep on the counter are being processed by special means to prevent rot. If such orange peels fall into the soil, there will be no harm. The gradual decomposition will begin.

Set up for pest control

Limonene is a substance found in oranges. It is deadly for insects. In cases where plants have been attacked by harmful insects, it is necessary to treat them with a special infusion. Orange peels obtained from three fruits must be poured with one liter hot water and put in a dark place for a week. After that, the leaves should be processed.

Repellent properties of citrus peels

Orange peel is a remedy for fighting ants. To achieve this, you need to finely chop three to four oranges and add one cup of water. You can water the anthill and ant paths with the final raster. The effect will be noticeable, but not long-lasting.

The whole cat family is alien to the sharp smells of citrus fruits. Therefore, orange peels can be used against them. You can lay the crusts on the paths or dig them in a bit. There is another remedy: you can pour the beds around the perimeter with an infusion of orange peels.

Orange peels do not scare away all animals and insects, they even attract some. Insects such as butterflies flock at the sight of an orange. A carelessly left plate of oranges can attract dozens of butterflies.

Using orange peels in a country house

The peels obtained from oranges can be used as fuel for the stove. They burn for a very long time and naturally, while exuding a pleasant smell. Also, you can spread it around the house, a pleasant aroma is provided to you.

If you are constantly bothered by insects such as mosquitoes, then you can rub the skin with orange peels, insects will not fly up to you anymore. This method is not recommended if you have allergies.

To get a pleasant smell in the country barn or toilet, you can prepare a simple air freshener. Peel from two oranges, cinnamon, vanilla, two tablespoons of vinegar - all this must be poured with one and a half liters of water and bring the mixture to a boil. The final mixture can be poured into jars.

Preparation of orange peel

Any citrus fruit is sold in the store all year round. But to get the desired result, it is necessary to properly dry the peel. For this, an oven or a battery is suitable. The battery method is very time consuming.

The resulting dry peels will need to be placed in a paper bag, then in glass jar. Already in the first days of the summer season, you can grind the workpiece and sprinkle it on the ground for better nutrition. Thus, orange peels are far from being a useless product. They will become an indispensable fertilizer, just like any other citrus fruit.

Important! If you have already used orange peels on your site, then please write in the comments what effect you got and how exactly you used it. We will be grateful if you share your experience with us.

Cooking and cosmetology are not the only areas where orange peel is successfully used. In horticulture and horticulture, this food waste is becoming more and more famous due to its invaluable properties.

Some summer residents doubt whether it is worth using orange peels in the garden, whether it is too troublesome, whether it will give the expected effect. Meanwhile, similar folk remedy may well stand on a par with onions and garlic in terms of versatility and useful qualities. And in terms of nutritional value, it is not inferior to mineral supplements.

Orange peels - benefits and harms

The peel of an orange contains more vitamins A, C, E than its pulp is rich in essential oils, flavonoids (plant pigments) and pectin substances. It contains a lot of potassium and phosphorus, which are vital for plants, as well as sodium, which is involved in cellular metabolism and increases the winter hardiness of plants. A real storehouse of usefulness, which should not be thrown into the trash!

You can use the peels in fresh and dried form, in the form of infusions and crushed substance.

What are the benefits of orange peels, we figured it out. As for the harm: for the soil and plants, the use of zest in reasonable quantities is absolutely safe. But remember, any citrus fruits acidify the soil, which can adversely affect the soil microflora. Although there has been one amazing experiment in history. To the territory Guanacaste, one of the objects world heritage UNESCO, unloaded 12 tons of orange peels, which were left over from the juice production. In total, they covered 3 hectares of low-fertility soil.

After a while, the soil “came to life”, grass appeared on it. And after 15 years, the entire territory was densely overgrown with greenery, which became a real sensation! Therefore, the use of orange peels to restore and nourish the soil is fully justified. But this is not their only ability.

Now let's take a closer look at how you can use orange peels in the country.

orange peels as fertilizer

Most often, orange peel is used to feed plants and improve soil fertility. To do this, it is buried in the ground, like banana skins, to a depth of 5 cm. The crust saturates the soil with nitrogenous compounds and improves plant germination.

If you throw away the peel from citrus fruits, then only in the compost! Here it will bring a double benefit: it will become a breeding ground for microflora and scare away from a bunch of insects. To make the peel decompose faster, wash it and finely chop it.

Store-bought oranges are coated with special antimicrobial agents, so even in compost, mold will not appear on the peels. Before entering the soil, these substances will completely decompose and will not cause any harm.

Orange peel infusion for pest control

Orange peel is a deadly poison for some pests. And all thanks to the content in it of a special substance - limonene, which violates protective covering insects and lead to their death.

If the plants are affected by spider mites, thrips, aphids, spray the plantings with an infusion of orange peels. To do this, peel 2-3 oranges, chop the peel and pour 1 liter warm water. Insist in a dark place for a week. Then strain, add 2 liters of water and 1 tbsp. l. liquid soap. Handle the leaves on both sides.

From thrips and aphids, 2-3 will be required, from spider mite– 5-6 treatments with a weekly interval between sprayings. Houseplants can be wiped with a cloth soaked in infusion.

And here are a few more healthy recipes from pests:

  • 100 g of dried crusts pour 1 liter of water and let it brew in a dark place for 3-4 days; spray the plants without diluting the infusion with water;
  • Soak 1 kg of crusts briefly in water, then pass through a meat grinder; put the mixture in three-liter jar and fill with warm water. Let it brew for 5 days in a dark place, strain. To use, dilute 100 ml of infusion in 10 liters of water and add 40 g of soap.

Orange peels in the garden to repel ants and cats

Orange peel is an excellent natural repellant that will help repel harmful insects. It is especially effective in the fight against ants. To do this, completely chop three medium fruits in a blender, add one glass of water and pour the ant paths with the resulting slurry. You can water the anthill with such a composition. After a while, the insects will be forced to go into more appropriate place. The only disadvantage of this method: fragility. Therefore, it is worth thinking about additional protection against ants.

Cats do not like strong smells, so orange peels can also be used to scare away the local furry fauna. Lay wet peel on the beds or dig in places where you most often see cats. Such a remedy is also effective: brew the crusts in boiling water and pour all the beds along the perimeter with the resulting water.

You drank tea with lemon in the morning, but where did you put the peel, threw it away? In winter, we use a lot of citrus fruits: tangerines, oranges, lemons, how to use citrus peel in the country for the benefit of our plants. I already wrote about. Let's look at another alternative to chemistry, a natural product that we usually send to the bin as a way to save money and an effective tool in caring for plants.

How to use citrus peel in the country

1 citrus peel for compost

Citrus peels can be composted and are an excellent source of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Adding them to your compost is another way to make it nutritious. Before sending citrus peels to compost heap be sure to chop them into small pieces to speed up the composting process. As an added bonus, citrus peels also protect the compost from certain animals and insects that are attracted to the smell of decaying waste. Citruses repel them with their smell.

2 Natural pest repellent

If your plants are suffering from insect pests and you want to avoid the use of chemical pesticides, then you can try to repel their attacks with citrus peels. Chop citrus peels around the affected plant, or make a hole in the peel and apply it to the stem or trunk near the infected area. Citrus peel, of course, cannot be as effective tool like using chemical pesticides, but it's more natural and organic.

3 Repellent from dogs and cats

If you have a dog or a cat, then for sure you have had cases when they lay on the bed with young shoots and ruined half of the future crop. To stop pets from visiting your vegetable garden and garden, try using citrus peels. Most cats and dogs hate the smell of citrus peels. You just need to mix small pieces of citrus peel with coffee grounds and scatter them around your plants. The combination of these two scents will keep pets from visiting your garden, keep pests away, and the zest will fertilize your plants afterwards.

4 Citrus peels for flavor

Have citrus peels thrown into the fireplace, then you can enjoy the pleasant aroma of citrus fruits. You can get this fresh citrus scent if you don't have a fireplace or stove. Place fresh crusts in open containers on radiators. There will be a pleasant aroma in the room. By the way, this is how I dry these crusts throughout the winter, then I put them in a linen bag. In a bag, they can be crushed or even trampled on, so the dry crusts will be crushed and will occupy less space for storage. They lie in my shoe box in the bedroom, waiting for spring when I take them to the country., And there is always a slight aroma of citrus.

5 Lemon peel for plant nutrition

Leftover lemon peels can be used to acidify the soil. For example, azaleas and blueberries love acidic soil. You just need to dry the citrus peel and grind them into powder. Sprinkle the powder on the soil and mix. This will naturally increase the acidity of the soil (remember that lowering the pH of the soil depends on the amount of citrus peel powder you use). As an added bonus, it also adds some important micro and macro nutrients to the soil.

6 Citrus peel for ants

Ants can be dangerous to the garden. They take away on plants and protect aphids from attack. ladybugs and other predators to provide their own honeydew supply, and ants can damage plants by disturbing the soil around plant roots. If you want to get rid of ants, you can use citrus peels. This is a non-toxic and organic ant repellant that is harmless to humans and other animals and is sure to keep ants away from your garden. Here's how to make this ant repellant.

1 Chop the lemon, lime, orange peels into small pieces. Use any combination of citrus fruits, or just one kind.

2 Pour the chopped rinds into the jar to fill it halfway. Fill the jar with water and close the lid. Keep the jar in a cool, dark place for three to five days until the skin turns pale and the water turns colored.

3 Strain the citrus extract through a sieve into a bowl to remove the spent crusts (they can then be thrown into the compost). Pour the extract back into the jar and add a teaspoon of molasses and dishwashing liquid. Close the lid on the jar and shake the contents to mix.

4 Pour the contents of the jar over the places where the ants accumulate. The citrus oil will kill the ants, and the sweet smell of the molasses will lure other ants into a death trap.

7 Citrus peels as a mosquito repellent

In the country, we often suffer from mosquito bites. Mosquitoes hate the smell of citrus peels. If you want to get rid of insects, you can rub citrus peels on your skin to repel them. You can also use the grated peel around your porch as a mosquito repellent.

8 Citrus peel as a small seedling container

The most ineffective piece of advice I've found on the internet about using citrus peels. This is the use of crusts as a container for seedlings. If you often make lemon or orange juice, bake pies out of them, then you can try these containers for use by making a hole for drainage from the bottom. Then the plant, together with the container, can be planted in the ground. But, it seems to me that such a container is not suitable for every plant, as it has an acidic reaction. If the room is humid, then the crust, in my opinion, can become moldy. And, probably, it will be difficult for the roots to break this container already in the ground, however, it can be torn with your hands or with a pruner.

How to prepare citrus peel for use in the country

We eat a lot of citrus fruits in autumn, winter, spring, and country chores occur at the end of spring and summer. How to prepare citrus peels, how to save them for the summer.
First, I dry the crusts on radiators throughout the winter, laying them out in open containers or pallets. After they dry, I collect them in a box or linen bag. Then they can be crushed by kneading with your hands or in a food processor. In the combine, you can get different fractions: from fine crumbs to dust. The crushed peel does not take up much space, it is better to store it in a shoe box.

Discussion: 5 comments

    I noticed that the dog leaves when I peel citrus fruits in the kitchen. I didn't know they smelled like that though.
    As for the peel as a pot, original) Maybe there is a point in this? Type beneficial vitamins and minerals?


    1. It seems to me that it can get moldy, but you can try, for example, for violets, it will be just what you need, they love sour.

    I was taught to put peels in flower pots- from midges. Only for some reason it didn’t scare away my midges at all 🙁


    1. And it doesn’t drive away my midges, it mushroom mosquito. Need to take off upper layer soil, pour sand or perlite, and it is better to water through the pan. Midges lay their eggs almost on the surface of the earth, and the larvae in the ground develop in a wet one. If you water through the pan, then the top layer will be dry. And if sand is poured on top, then it also dries quickly, and under it the earth remains wet.

    I don't have cats, but the homeless people shlendrai. I got a lot of skins from tangerines, so I'll scare everyone)))


Alternative ways to enrich the soil and control pests in your garden.


Although citrus peels are not so valuable as fertilizer but as a deterrent pests gardens and orchards is not even a bad tool.

Peels from oranges, tangerines or lemons, dried or fresh, pour boiling water (a handful of peels per 1 liter of boiling water), leave for about 12 hours, and then strain.

This infusion is good spray plants for the prevention of spider mite and aphids. Such a fragrant shower is perceived extremely gratefully by plants.


To disinfect the top layer of soil and feed it with microelements, sometimes spray with an infusion of onion peel .

Take 10 liters of boiling water and 200 grams (well, or 20 grams per 1 liter) of onion peel, pour over the peel and let it brew for 12 hours. Then strain the infusion and spray the soil and plants.

onion peel contains quercetin, which has bacteriostatic activity and kills pathogenic flora in the soil, at the same time feeding it with micro and macro elements.

Plants they simply come to life after such spraying, and at the same time they get rid of such misfortune as aphid.


Eggshell improves soil structure and reduces it acidity. With application to the soil eggshell the soil is less exposed acidification.

egg shell from raw eggs you need to rinse, dry, grind into powder, add to compost and you can fertilize the ground.

For seedling feeding this recipe would work: eggshell from 10-11 raw eggs, rinse well, dry, crush and pour boiling water in 3 liter jar. After 4 days, with regular stirring, an excellent top dressing for seedlings is ready. Peppers and eggplant are especially fond of this top dressing.


The use of dormant tea and coffee grounds makes the soil lighter, neutralize alkaline soil, fertilize her and play the role mulch.

For seedling feeding prepare such an infusion: pour a glass of sleeping tea hot water and let it brew for 5 days, remembering to stir regularly. Then strain the infusion and feed the plants with it.


After peeling potatoes, rich in micro and macro elements remain potato peelings. They can be immediately buried in the ground or laid in compost.

Highly loves starch beauty-currant. If it doesn't bother you, then dig under currant bush potato peelings, and when the time comes you will harvest good harvest berries.

The only negative: the nightshade family should not be fed with potato peelings. They have enough joint diseases. But onion, cabbage and pumpkin - they will only be happy! But, before using potato peels, pour boiling water over, just in case.
