Useful links for self-study of the Slovak language.

Our online service is a tutorial and simulator for those who need to learn the Slovak language from scratch. In this review, we will talk about distinctive features, but first, very briefly about the Slovak language itself and about its study by Russian-speaking people.

When talking to potential clients about the benefits of Slovakia, immigration support professionals often downplay the difficulty of learning a language. In fact, in terms of complexity for foreigners, it is not much inferior to Russian - it has almost the same variety of verbs and case forms, the number of exceptions to the rules, not the easiest phonetics.

But it is still much easier for a Russian-speaking person to learn the Slovak language than, for example, for a native speaker of English. Slovak and Russian belong to the same language group. They have a lot similar words and coincidences in grammar, which, of course, must be taken into account and used in the study. But there are also many similar words that have a different meaning than in Russian. In such cases, it can be difficult to get rid of their perception of the usual Russian meaning. It will take effort and development of the correct pronunciation.

In general, anyone who wants to speak Slovak correctly, without distorting the language and without mixing it with Russian or Ukrainian, will need systematic classes. Those who hope that in the Slovak language environment the language will be learned “by itself”, they usually speak with errors that they themselves do not notice. Well, the progress made in mastering the language will certainly be appreciated, including those on whom the success of the plans depends. Proper use of even a modest lexicon and correct pronunciation indicate that a person has certain abilities and qualities that are useful not only in studies, but also in work, in business, they speak of a general cultural level. Conversely, glib but illiterate speech usually evokes a condescending attitude that well-mannered people simply do not show.

Any language can be learned in different ways, or a combination of them. Including using free Internet resources. There are resources of this kind for learning the Slovak language, although not in such a huge amount as for English. The most convenient of them, in our opinion, is a free online textbook on (link on the left in full version our site). There are also free or almost free mobile applications, whose creators earn not on the provision of basic services, but on the sale of advertising and data on consumer behavior of users. Therefore, most of these applications are just phrasebooks with voiced words and phrases. In addition, when choosing a method, one must keep in mind that it is not so easy to properly organize the process of independent language learning using such resources, and not everyone has enough skill, perseverance, and desire for this. Otherwise, language schools, courses, tutors would have been left without clients long ago.

Now about the features of our online service. It was created on the software platform of the service for students English language(link on the left or menu item in mobile version site). This is a simplified version that is designed to be used on a tablet or smartphone. Nevertheless, the main methodological principles and many advantages of the basic platform are preserved here. Let's list what exactly they are.

This is an online self-taught simulator that allows you to learn vocabulary and practical grammar at the same time as developing and consolidating all the necessary skills (understanding the language in the text and by ear, spelling, correct pronunciation, colloquial speech). But before continuing the description of its advantages, we recall once again that the service is intended only for language learners from scratch or almost from scratch. The passage of the program is not from the very beginning and in random order is not available.

Unlike some colleagues, we cannot promise that the desired result can be achieved quite easily and quickly. Unfortunately, a person who came out of early childhood, it is unrealistic to master a foreign language at a decent level and in a relatively short time without some minimum of cramming and training. When teaching with a teacher or in courses, this usually has to be done additionally during after hours, and when learning a language on your own, you need to properly organize the whole process yourself and force yourself to study regularly.

Learning the same language with the help of our service does not require anything from the user, except for the regular "mechanical" performance of exercises according to a given program. In particular, it will not require a separate memorization of the translation of words and phrases, the use of any dictionaries and other aids. In this sense, it's "all inclusive". The rules and exceptions to the rules that are explained during training on the simulator will not need to be memorized the first time, repeated and tried to remember when doing the exercises. In the comments to the new lexical material, the simulator simply recalls the rules that are relevant to this material, until it is no longer necessary. And the program of repetitions of the material in different exercises provides a gradual, but strong practical assimilation of the rules and exceptions without their preliminary memorization in a theoretical form. Terminology, generalizations, logic, of course, are used, but only when it is possible to reinforce it. concrete examples from already understood vocabulary. All this facilitates the study of the language and those people who have already lost the habit of learning.

The methodology is based on the use natural properties human memory and the synergy of various memorization mechanisms. Almost everything that is in various advertised methods of learning languages ​​is present here in one form or another. The material is repeated in exercises of various types according to graphs with increasing intervals. It is well known that this is how it is most effectively fixed in long-term memory. Vocabulary is memorized in the process of reading and listening to educational phrases. Such phrases contain, along with the new learned word, only already familiar words and have a clear construction, therefore they are understandable without translation. However, they are provided with hidden clues in case something is forgotten. And translation exercises from Slovak into Russian and vice versa are deliberately excluded. They impede the development of the skill of direct understanding of the meaning of phrases (without mental translation of words into Russian and a delay in recall). It is with this skill that the development of the ability to think in the target language begins, without which fluency in it is impossible.

Many words similar to Russian are put into circulation in a simplified manner, which saves considerable time and effort. They are spent on fixing the material that really requires it.

The program consists of exercises different types, providing not only memorization of vocabulary, but also the development of all language skills. The exercises are grouped into seven groups, which are repeated cyclically. It is desirable to pass each complete training cycle, if not during one session (training), then at least within one day. We use the word "training" rather than "lesson" because it more accurately reflects the essence of the process. Each workout usually takes a total of approximately 1.5 hours, but sometimes more, especially if the exercises are done slowly. The minimum number of repetitions in each exercise is set by the program, the maximum is not limited. Regular classes with an average load (10-20 cycles per month) are much more effective than classes with many days of breaks or, conversely, at an excessively high pace. Apart from the planned classes, additional listening to a selection of audio recordings from the last completed cycle is always available, which is very useful for better consolidating the skill of understanding speech by ear.

Groups of exercises are sometimes preceded by prefaces, and comments with explanations are added as the exercises progress, to ensure understanding of the methods used, to create the right mood. Some groups of exercises are not present from the very first cycle, but are added later, as the prefaces to them warn about.

The service differs from other online language resources in the order of learning vocabulary. After the formation of the most elementary vocabulary, first of all, the vocabulary that can be used in informal everyday communication with someone, or at least "with oneself" is mastered. This is vocabulary that makes it possible to get used to expressing one's thoughts in Slovak, without spending a specially allotted time on this, but along the way, in the course of any ordinary classes. In particular, it is very useful to use the words and phrases of the active vocabulary formed on the service to mentally designate and describe the surrounding objects, objects, people, what is happening, your actions, intentions, desires, assessments, attitude towards something or someone, exchange of phrases with an imaginary interlocutor, etc. etc. It is even better if there is an opportunity to use the mastered vocabulary in real communication with those who speak Slovak or are also studying it. For example, in a family that is preparing for immigration.

Such an "incubation" period at the initial stage of learning a language helps to get used to expressing one's thoughts in it and to gain sufficient confidence to move on to using it in "external" contacts. We do not consider it appropriate to start the study of vocabulary with phrases, from which phrasebooks for foreigners are compiled. Of course, mastering phrases for communication in " external environment" the program provides, but a little later, after the necessary basic training. Well, the vocabulary "to communicate with oneself" is the basis for any real communication. In general, the program corresponds to the resource programs recommended by the Migration Information Center, but is additionally adapted for the step-by-step integration described in the dedicated The specificity of the service makes it possible to explain and illustrate some features of vocabulary and grammar at earlier stages than is done in textbooks.

The practical use of the language after mastering a certain minimum and as you progress through the program will become more and more accessible. It should become an integral part of the self-learning process. This is the only way to not lose, but on the contrary, to activate the knowledge and skills acquired on the service. And it is best to practice in real communication, combining "useful with useful", and reading, listening, watching in the Slovak language is exactly what is interesting and practically necessary in itself.

This is especially true for those who are looking for work in Slovakia in order to stay in this country. For such people, being isolated in a circle of Russian or Ukrainian speakers is a dead end. And the transition to direct communication with employers in the Slovak language, on the contrary, can be a breakthrough both in mastering the language and in solving the problem of employment. At a certain stage of training, the service program provides for the development of vocabulary for self-acquisition information and communication with employers, officials, etc. on issues related to work, study, finances, residence permits, etc. This will allow those who have long-term plans in Slovakia to solve all the most important issues personally, without intermediaries. After passing 60 training cycles interactive step-by-step instruction in Slovak self-training documents for a residence permit (employment or individual entrepreneur + family reunification), which is updated with changes in the legal framework and taking into account practice.

Note that a service intended for adults may also be suitable for adolescents who do not have an overly developed so-called. clip thinking and who are able to independently assimilate the material in text form. And in young children, the mechanisms of development foreign language work differently. Getting into a new language environment, they adapt much faster than adults, although it is rarely possible to completely avoid problems and difficulties. But parents who learn the language with the help of our service will be able to give their children the most elementary preliminary training and thereby greatly facilitate the initial stage of adaptation.

Let's talk about reading. The accumulation of sufficient vocabulary will allow you to read everything really useful and interesting in Slovak without much difficulty. Of course, you will need an online or software dictionary, but when a significant part of the text is understandable, you will not have to refer to it very often. Independent reading of non-adapted texts will be very useful for better assimilation familiar vocabulary, understanding all the nuances of the language and expanding the passive vocabulary. A passive reserve is something that is well understood (if not by ear, then at least in the text), but which is not required to be fluent for active use. Passive lexicon, necessary for a comfortable existence of a person in the Slovak language environment, is much wider than his ordinary vocabulary. Well, the vocabulary that is most in demand in specific conditions is gradually moving from passive reserve to active.

The service is not free, but the price is very affordable. Payment is made periodically - for every ten actually completed training cycles. This makes it possible to go through the first 10 cycles without prepayment, and then decide whether to continue classes for paid basis. This is different from most other paid options, where with the help of tempting advertising, demos, "discounts" the user is persuaded to purchase the entire product or prepaid service package. Actual information payment information is available in the "Conditions and Contacts" section. The tariff may vary slightly depending on the market situation, but the services of a "robot-tutor" will always be an order of magnitude cheaper than the online services of live tutors. Recall that the simulator also gives complete freedom in planning classes and eliminates homework, without which language learning under the guidance of teachers is indispensable.

The service is optimized for use on mobile devices (with a touch screen). One of the reasons for this decision is the ease of installation of the Slovak keyboard, which is necessary for writing exercises. It is also possible to use the service on a PC, but less convenient.

To start using the service on a tablet or smartphone, you need to register an address Email, which is used on this mobile device. A link will be sent to it for automatic authorization on the user's personal page. Registration on the site means unconditional acceptance of all the terms of the User Agreement, which can be found in the "Terms and Contacts" section. If the email address has already been registered, you can order a link for a new authorization from here. Additional Information

More about the Slovak language

Wikipedia: "Slovak language (self-names: slovenský jazyk (inf.), slovenčina, slovenská reč) is the language of Slovaks, one of Slavic languages. close Czech language, with which it unites into a Czech-Slovak subgroup within the framework of the West Slavic group of languages. It is the official language of the Slovak Republic and one of 24 official languages European Union. It is distributed mainly in Slovakia, but Slovak speakers also live in the Czech Republic, Serbia, Hungary, Romania, Austria, Croatia, Canada, USA, Australia, Ukraine and other countries. In a number of Central and of Eastern Europe, in which Slovaks are usually settled compactly, Slovak has the status of a regional language. ..."

Benefits of learning a language online

Learning any foreign language, including Slovak, online has serious advantages over traditional methods. This not only allows the language learner to independently plan the schedule and time of classes, regardless of the teacher or educational institution. The functionality of our service allows you to automate the routine process of cramming and training the skills that make up fluency in the Slovak language. The service eliminates the need to constantly think about what, when and how many times to repeat during language learning classes.

Useful links for learners of the Slovak language

Slovak-Russian/Russian-Slovak online dictionary

Today I want to answer you the most frequently asked question about Slovakia: “How did we learn the Slovak language?” So if you're interested, keep watching.

I'll start with how you can learn the Slovak language. This is possible with the help of individual lessons with a private tutor or via Skype. There may also be some dictionaries and phrasebooks, websites, mobile applications. There may also be communication with a native speaker, perhaps you have friends who know Slovak. So, my girlfriend knows Polish, and I could communicate with her.

How did we teach him? We had some attempts to study in Ukraine. My husband found a bunch of some series and films with captions. It was all strange, because the films were still Soviet times and not very interesting. We found the only more or less modern series, and then, Slovakia was not yet in the European Union there. It was a series of professionals, which had two episodes with Russian subtitles. So you snatch out individual phrases, and watching these series later, when we were already more or less familiar with the language, we realized that we understood many phrases differently. In general, it is very difficult to connect the text written in the credits with what they say. Now I understand that it was a stupid pastime, but we tried to learn something. Then I installed the app on my Fabulo phone. This is very good app, which has many languages, not just Slovak. I recommended this app to my friends, but unfortunately now it has become paid. At the time of my study, it was free, while there were many categories of words, you learn to write correctly, perceive by ear, insert the right word into a sentence, it is pronounced in the application, then you enter these words yourself, that is, this is a very practical application, thanks to which, you correctly remember the word in all its manifestations. The application is paid, but, it seems to me, it is cheaper than private lessons. So maybe someone will find it useful.

Arriving here, I went to free language courses at the migration center, which last only 3 months. There is a great teacher, who is visited even by those who emigrate here to study through language schools. That is, people go to language schools and there, because this is a 3-month course in which basic grammar is laid. There is an elementary course, and there is an advanced course, and even people who have lived here for several years go there, just to chat.

Getting to know the locals will affect how quickly you fit into the environment. We were extremely lucky with this, I, in my opinion, even talked about it, that when we came here, we met our neighbors. In this way we learned the language, and this is the most The best way his study. Because in books or applications there are words and expressions that have not been used in life for a long time. It is with the locals that you will understand 100% the difference between one word and another. At some point, I abandoned all these courses, simply because I understood that it was useless. Now I want to go there again, to see how meaningful these courses are for me, I need to improve my grammar. To the question: "How quickly did you learn the language?", I will answer: "We have not learned it yet." It is impossible to learn a language 100%, it seems to me that we even learn our native language every day, learn some new words and their meanings. It is also impossible to learn a foreign language in six months. It can be mastered to a conversational level. In this sense, we mastered the language in about six months, after three months we were already at some basic level. Six months is the period during which we have already begun to calmly express ourselves, but still there is no feeling that I know Slovak. I can speak it, but I'm not 100% sure of my knowledge.

I also want to say that there are sites and resources where you can get some basic knowledge on a free basis. There is such a well-known site and application speakASAP, there are some basic lessons. Also some good sites I found later, there are good online translators because through Google translate it is impossible to translate. He translates from Russian into English, and then from English into Slovak. It turns out porridge, not at all what it should be. I see that it translates incorrectly. There is also a book known to all immigrants as "Krizom krazom". It can be downloaded from the Internet and used to practice. This is a Slovak-English book, but I think that on early stages it won't be hard for anyone. I will leave all links to resources in the infobox, take a look there.

I answered this question as completely as I could. If you still have questions, ask them, please, I will try to answer. To everyone who found this video at least a little useful, put your finger up, I will be very pleased, and I will know that such videos are needed. Subscribe to my channel so you don't miss the next video. Thanks everyone for watching! Bye Bye!

The Slovak language is state language Slovakia. It is used for communication, official documentation is compiled on it. Education in this country is also 90% built in the Slovak language, except for teaching in English or other foreign languages. For citizens of other countries, education in the Slovak language is provided free of charge. This rule applies to all foreigners without exception.

Therefore, if you decide to get an education in Slovakia, we advise you to immediately learn the Slovak language. The advantages of knowing Slovak are undeniable:

  • the language is part of the Slavic language group, so it has many common features with Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian languages;
  • makes it possible to get free education in Slovakia;
  • makes it possible to integrate into the Slovak society.

Slovak language for university studies

Student, after completing the program BUT:« Preparation for admission to a university to study in the Slovak language”, will be able to communicate in Slovak at level B2, which meets the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR). Knowledge of the Slovak language opens up the opportunity to study free of charge in the Slovak language in public universities Slovakia. Diplomas obtained in Slovak universities have a worthy position, which provides significant advantages in subsequent work abroad.

Many people dream of having quality education in Europe. Slovakia is becoming popular for Russian-speaking citizens, as it is an opportunity to receive higher education in a mentally close country: the languages ​​and cultural characteristics of our countries are largely similar. At the same time, Slovakia provides favorable conditions for life and study.

Characteristics of the program A: "Preparation for admission to a university to study in the Slovak language"

  • Course duration: 10 months, from September to June.
  • Minimum age: from 16 years old.
  • Number of students in a group: 5 - 12.
  • Intensity of classes: 28 - 30 hours per week.
  • Price: 3898 € / 10 months.

In addition, you will be able to enter certain Slovak universities on the basis of a competition of certificates, which will save you from having to pass tedious exams. This will help save not only energy, but also time. However, knowledge of Slovak is necessary condition obtaining quality knowledge.

If you have already received higher education in your home country at the bachelor's or specialist level, you can safely continue your studies in the Slovak master's or doctoral studies. Slovak courses in Bratislava will help you enter any of the universities in the country, for example:

As a student of our language school's intensive courses (minimum 25 hours per week), you can apply for a national visa for the duration of the course.

Slovak language for admission to a Slovak school

Slovak legislation does not create difficulties for entering or continuing education in primary schools. Your child will be accepted to any school in their area of ​​residence without further questions and even without knowledge of the language they are committed to teaching. However, if he already has a certificate of primary school education and thinks about continuing his studies in high school or a gymnasium in Slovakia, tangible difficulties will arise here. He will have to understand the Slovak language and communicate in it. How to act in such a situation? How to organize quick preparation child to school? Here language courses according to the program will come to your aid. B: "Preparing a student for school to study in the Slovak language".

Our goal is to prepare the student, as if he had received an education in Slovak. The training focuses on the practical features of the Slovak language for schoolchildren, especially on spelling (spelling), vocabulary (vocabulary), as well as reading comprehension.

Characteristics of the program B: "Preparing a student for school for teaching in the Slovak language"

    Minimum age: from 15 years old.

    Number of students in a group: individually or in a group of 3 - 5.

    Duration: minimum 6 months.

    Intensity of classes: 4 academic hours of the Slovak language per week, the possibility of teaching special subjects.

    Price: 3.80 € / 1 academic hour.

    Time: by agreement with the client.

We do not cooperate with certain schools, since the choice of an educational institution depends on the place of residence, the bias (sports, languages, mathematics, etc.) or the IQ of the student. In any situation, qualified employees of our company will help you with enrolling in the school you are interested in (program B). .

Slovak language for life

If you decide to find a job in Slovakia, you will need basic knowledge of the Slovak language for normal communication and life. Therefore, our specialists have prepared a Slovak language program for foreigners for everyday communication. We offer intensive (daily for six months - program C) and less intensive course (evening course three times a week for two academic hours - program D). Studying on an intensive course will allow you not only to quickly and effectively improve your level of proficiency in the Slovak language, but will provide you with the opportunity to obtain a national visa for the period of study.

Characteristics of the program C: "Slovak language for everyday communication - intensive course"

    Number of students in a group: 5 -12.

    Duration: minimum 5 months.

    Intensity of classes: daily for 5 academic hours.

    Price: 1899 € / 5 months, 3699 € / 10 months.

    Time: 25 hours per week.

Characteristics of the program D: "Slovak language for everyday communication - semi-intensive course"

    Minimum age: from 15 years old.

    Price: 210 € / 3 months.

Slovak for business

If you are serious about doing entrepreneurial activity in Slovakia, you can do it much faster and more efficiently if you complete the Slovak language study program for business communication under the program F: "Slovak language for business communication - semi-intensive course".

Characteristics of the program F: "Slovak language for business communication - semi-intensive course"

    Minimum age: from 15 years old.

    Number of students in a group: 5 - 12.

    Duration: at least 3 months.

    Intensity of classes: 2 hours twice a week.

    Price: 210 € / 3 months.

    Class start time: 09:00, 13:00, 17:00, 18:00.

Characteristics of program E:Slovak language for foreign doctors

Purpose of the training program

The iCan language school offers training in Slovak for foreign doctors. Opens in September 2017 professional course for doctors who plan to continue their medical practice in the Slovak Republic and are preparing for an additional professional exam for doctors.

The target audience

1. for doctors who are in Slovakia (full-time training)

2. for doctors who are not in Slovakia (distance learning - via Skype).

2. Intensity of classes: from Monday to Friday

4. Period: 09/18/2017 - 12/19/2017

5. Price: 1699 €.

2. Period: 01/10/2018 - 03/31/2018

3. Number of students in a group: from 5

4. Includes 10 specialized topics, such as hospital and medical equipment, medical history, anamnesis, health status and examination of the patient, symptoms of diseases, treatment, surgical and postoperative care, medications, diseases, etc. The duration of the study of one topic takes about one week.

5. The final lecture is devoted to the laws governing medical and pharmaceutical care in the Slovak Republic.

7. Price: 499 €.


  • qualified and experienced teachers of the Slovak language with many years of experience and knowledge in the field of teaching foreigners,
  • lectures by specialists on health issues and medical care in Slovakia,
  • individual approach.

People's visa

A foreign doctor has the right to obtain a national visa for the period of study in case full-time training in both parts of the course (6 months). At the same time, the intensity of training should be at least 25 hours per week. If the student takes part only in the second part of the course (duration - 90 days), stay in Slovakia is possible:

  • based on a visa
  • without visas, if the student is traveling from a country whose citizens are not entitled to visa-free crossing the border of the SR.


The cost of distance learning (via Skype) is negotiated with each interested person individually, according to the number of participants and the level of language proficiency.

distance form learning - skype

This form of study is suitable for those who, for one reason or another, cannot use the benefits of studying in a language environment in Slovakia. The distance learning program for foreign doctors is the same as for the full-time form, including the use of the same training materials. Only, this form is calculated large quantity self-learning by students. Skype tuition fees are listed below.

Learning SlovakSkype

One academic hour individual lessons

One academic hour in a group of 2 people, price per person

One academic hour in a group of 3 people, price for each

Four-week individual course, three times a week

Four-week course in a group of 2, three times a week, price per person

Four-week course in a group of 3, three times a week, price per person

Discount for 3-month course

Discount for 6-month course

One academic hour = 45 minutes

The SlovakiaInvest company, which is our long-term partner and the undisputed leader in the field of opening companies for foreign citizens, can help in establishing a company. Training courses for foreigners for business provide an opportunity to obtain a national visa in Slovakia for the duration of study.

If you decide to learn Slovak from scratch, that is, the choice is to teach it in specialized courses in a group with a teacher or on your own online for beginners. Now there are a lot of resources on the Internet that offer the possibility of self-learning Slovak from scratch.

Each video lesson is available online, all words and phrases are clearly explained, allowing you to access it anywhere and anytime from your laptop, tablet or smartphone.

First of all, it is important to immediately decide on the following key questions:

First, why do you need Slovak?

Will you communicate with friends from abroad or business partners? Perhaps you just want to read interesting texts and watch films in Slovak, or do you have enough knowledge at the household level? Or are you planning to go abroad? Decide what you need and what level of Slovak is your goal.

Second, how much of your own time can you dedicate to learning Slovak?

It is very important that Slovak lessons become your habit and you enjoy them. After all, if you study the language like at school - once / twice a week, during which you can just be present, then there will be no effect. If you stop classes for a while, then you can lose part of the progress made in the study. Everything is simple here - the more you practice and make efforts, the stronger the effect. And vice versa.

Thirdly, what level of Slovak do you speak?

You can find out on our website. After passing the online test, you will be able to determine your level of knowledge of the Slovak language.

The course of learning the Slovak language online from scratch for beginners is made in this way so you can learn modern Slovak. At the same time, grammatical rules are presented in comparison with the Russian language. Each separate video lesson of the Slovak language online from the cycle Slovak in 7 lessons consists of examples so that you can learn the basics of phonetics, spelling, morphology and syntax in the Slovak language. At the same time, the emphasis is on verbs and their conjugations aimed at developing speech and expanding vocabulary. You will learn how to communicate correctly in Slovak in order to avoid misunderstandings and "traps" that you may fall into while communicating in the country.

Slovak language online from scratch for beginners who did not learn it at school, and therefore do not even have basic knowledge at all. We have prepared for you an online course of seven video lessons on the way to basic knowledge of the Slovak language. It will be useful not only for those who want to learn the Slovak language from scratch, but also for those who want to improve their knowledge - just start watching the course video.

Interactive exercises allow you to instantly see the result, so you can quickly improve your knowledge of the Slovak language.

Easily choose the way to study: stationary using a PC or from anywhere thanks to our modern online course learning Slovak for beginners. Expand your vocabulary or master exceptions to the rules with the help of our site, which you can always use without registration.

We would like to draw your attention to: when learning a foreign language on your own, many problems can arise, since not everyone fully understands the principles of the functioning of the language, its grammar, small problems with pronunciation. After you have learned the alphabet, familiarized yourself with the principles of constructing sentences and at least revised the times used, we recommend enrolling in language courses. You can learn grammar on your own, but in the courses, applicants get much more conversational practice, and group classes are more interesting than self-study.

12 theses how to learn the Slovak language online from scratch for beginners

  1. You need to learn the right words correctly. studying new language always means learning new words, lots of new words. But in order to learn a new language, you don't have to learn all the words in a row. For example, you actually know a lot of words in your native language, but you don't use all of them. With the Slovak language, the situation is the same: to speak it, you do not need to learn all the words. For example, in the Slovak language, 64% of the written text includes only about 300 words. These are the words that Slovaks use more often than others.
  2. Learn related words. If you already know at least a few words of the Slovak language, then it is virtually impossible to start from scratch. Related words are "true friends" of words in your native language that have the same or similar meaning. Many words have words with a common root. Search related words - good method for learning the Slovak language. In addition, it is much easier to start learning with familiar words than with completely unfamiliar ones.
  3. Language courses in Slovakia. The air of the country will make you speak a new language. You need to plunge into the Slovak language, you can and should listen to it everywhere, starting from public places, cinemas, shops, bars, restaurants and make useful contacts with native speakers. The largest number communication can be obtained from them.
  4. Practice your pronunciation. The next step is to communicate with native speakers. In general, if the goal of learning the Slovak language is to communicate in it, then this item should be one of the first. If you are starting to learn Slovak, it will take a little time to learn the basic words and review what you already know, and then you should immediately start talking. Finding a native speaker for conversations is not difficult for informal communication or just interlocutors.
  5. Use all available resources. These can be online films in Slovak, online radio, theaters, etc.
  6. Adults are easier to learn foreign languages ​​than children. At first glance it seems like a paradox. After all, children of foreigners studying in Slovak schools speak in a few months. But adults have a large supply of resources for learning the Slovak language, so it remains only to remove doubts about their own abilities and an incorrect assessment of their potential. Unlike children, adults intuitively understand the rules. So don't give up.
  7. Expand your vocabulary with associations. Constant repetition is not enough. Despite the fact that a frequently repeated word may be minted in your memory. However, for words that are difficult to remember, associations can be used. For example, come up with a short funny story, which will be associated with this word or associations to words.
  8. May you enjoy your mistakes. More than half of the world's population knows more than one language. That is, monolingualism is a matter of culture, not genetics (for example, the inability to learn languages). Therefore, if adults fail in learning languages, then the problem is in the learning system. Having studied all the rules of the language, you will not learn the language itself. However, in the education system, language learning is often laid down in this way. Once you learn a language, you need to use it. Native speakers are sympathetic to those who learn their language and do not get angry because of mistakes.
  9. Set reasonable goals. Another mistake in the approach to learning a foreign language is the lack of a specific and reasonable goal. To help determine the goal can be classified according to the level of language proficiency. A is beginner, B is intermediate, and C is advanced. Each of the levels has two sublevels: weak (1) and increased (2).
  10. From conversational (B1) to perfection (C2). To constantly improve your level of the language and learn to speak it fluently in three months, you need to constantly train. Slovak should be spoken for at least an hour a day, preferably by choosing various themes to learn new words. Move from B1 to B2 a short time quite difficult and you will make many mistakes, but this is your progress.
  11. Learn to speak without an accent. At level C2, you know the language as well as a native speaker. But you may still have an accent, or you may make mistakes. This may depend on your accent and intonation, or on your level of social and cultural integration. Video will help with accent and pronunciation online lessons Slovak language who are learning correct pronunciation, you can imitate the manner of speaking native speakers.
  12. Become a polyglot. If your goal is to learn multiple languages, it's best to start with one language. At least until you reach an intermediate level and can speak this language confidently. Only then move on to learning another language. Although you can make significant progress in a few months, it takes constant practice to be able to use the language you have learned for a lifetime. But there is also good news: if you learn to speak Slovak fluently, this language will stay with you for life.

Slovak vs. Russian Ukrainian. Almost everyone who decides to move to another country asks himself the questions “will I be able to learn the language?”, “how long will it take?”, “how much will it cost?”, if there are children, then “how will my children study at school in a foreign language?" I will try to shed some light on these issues in today's post. These issues worried me a lot. Fortunately, with the Slovak language, everything turned out to be much easier. Why? The Slovak language is very similar to Russian and Ukrainian. So similar that even without knowing the language at all, listening to the speech, you begin to understand the essence literally from the first days of communication. Judge for yourself.
(by the way, a very good resource for listening to the Slovak language. Good diction and literary speech).

Dobrý deň ! - [good afternoon] - good afternoon!

Ďakujem! - [weak] - thank you!

Who je to? - [someone] - who is this?

Ulica - [street] - street

Ruka - [hand] - hand

Kniha - [book] - book

Cho je nove? - [what is new] - what's new?

There are incidents, of course. For example, in Slovak OVOCIE [ about vots’e] are fruits, not vegetables, čerstvý [h e rstvi] - not stale, but fresh. But voňa [in about nya] means aroma, not stink, as one would like to assume. And the inscription in the photo below is not at all an attempt to shame you. POZOR! DETI translates as "Attention! Children".

Attention! Children

And Svet voňy is not at all what you thought:

Or here are other interesting phrases:

Si úžasný - [si terrible] - You are wonderful!

Pekná voňa - [pekna stink] - Wonderful smell (not stink :))

Voňavka - [stink] - spirits

Rýchlik - [richlik] - fast train

Comprehension problems are extremely rare. Many Slovaks know Russian - they studied it at school. And if you do not talk, then they are able to understand you.

We are Nicholas II! Features of the language. There are several features of the Slovak language that are unusual for Russian and Ukrainian speakers.

So, when you speak Slovak, you get the impression that you are talking about yourself in plural. For example, "ja čitam" (I read), "hovorím" (I speak), "myslim" (I think), "učim" (I teach). As my friend aptly said, "I'm getting used to talking about myself like a queen."

And further. You can forget that “it is not written separately with verbs”, but the particle “-sya” is merged. In Slovak, everything is exactly the opposite. Like this:

Neu čime sa v škole - [do not study at school] - we do not study at school.

Slovak textbooks. There are three most popular textbooks on the Slovak language that I came across:

  1. Križom kražom. Renata Kamenarova. Slovak publishing house. This textbook is often used by teachers in courses in Slovakia. Mostly designed for spoken Slovak, a moderate amount of grammar rules. There is a CD with useful dialogues.
  2. Slovenčina pre cudzincov. Tomaš Dratva, Viktoria Buznova. Slovak publishing house. Very similar to the first tutorial. There is a CD with useful dialogues.
  3. S. Pakhomova, Ya. Dzhoganik. Slovak. Svidnik-Uzhgorod 2010. Ukrainian edition of Uzhgorod University. For university students. The main emphasis on grammar, monumentality is felt. There is a CD with useful dialogues.

The first two textbooks are built on the principles of English language editions: bright, colorful, cheerful. The third is academic. Each of them, I think, can be easily found on the Internet. If not, please contact. I'll help.

I can also recommend a free website for learning Slovak

Lessons with teachers. Individual lesson with a teacher costs 10 EUR / hour. This is the standard, but you can find cheaper (we managed for 5 euros / hour). If you want to start studying before, you can study via Skype.

And now attention!

In Kosice and Bratislava there are free conversation courses Slovak language twice a week for an hour and a half. Admission is free, in a group of 5-12 people. Provide educational materials. The courses focus on conversational skills in demanded topics: communication in the store, in public transport, at the station, at the airport, at the doctor's. Basic grammar is given.

These courses are organized by the European Integration Foundation
third country immigrants.

Again. Absolutely free. There is no need to sign up or present any documents. Just come, sit down and study. Like this!

Personal experience. As a family, we started learning Slovak six months before immigration using the mentioned textbook Slovenčina pre cudzincov. Since there is always not enough time, I could only allocate 15-20 minutes a day for learning the language. We just took and the whole family sat on the sofa and did exercises together, learned words and listened to CDs. Such a family mini-group for learning Slovak. They also made it a habit to listen to Slovak on a CD in the car. And it actually made sense!

I did not speak freely because of this, but I could express myself tolerably. Yes, and understanding the beginning of the Slovaks is quite acceptable.

After the move, the children studied with the teacher for a month and a half, 1 hour a day, 6 days a week. This was more than enough to settle into the school in the first month of attendance. For another three months, the children continued to study with a tutor twice a week. And six months later, both were fluent in Slovak with both friends and teachers, answered at the blackboard, perceived by ear educational material with full understanding, they wrote in Slovak from dictation and even got good semi-annual marks in the Slovak language (and the same in other subjects).

The conclusion I drew from own experience, - children, once in the language environment, adapt very quickly, much faster than adults. So, in this regard, if you suddenly decide to move, you do not need to worry much. The kids will do it!

If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them. And don't forget to subscribe to the blog about Slovakia to be the first to know about new articles!

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