About the plant. We carry out a control and training cycle (CTC)

date of formation and Short story:

Metalworking plant "Metallokonstruktsiya" was founded in February 1979 in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Construction of the USSR as part of the production industrial association "Reinforced Concrete".

In the early 2000s, the enterprise began new era- a period of technical and technological modernization. The plant became the first enterprise in Russia to test its road and bridge railings in a test site for compliance with all required and declared safety and reliability parameters and to receive all relevant certificates and confirmations.

In 2011, the plant implemented two major investment projects: launched the most modern line production of a two-wave beam profile and its own galvanizing plant, which was necessary to ensure a decent quality of the anti-corrosion coating of manufactured products and reduce the share of galvanizing costs in the cost of structures. Today KTC Metallokonstruktsiya is completing the construction of the second hot-dip galvanizing plant.

In 2012 JSC "KTC "Metallokonstruktsiya" was recognized as the "Investor of the Year" and was awarded the title of "Strategic Partner of the Ulyanovsk Region in the Industry".

In 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, Metallokonstruktsiya CTC held the title of economic leader in terms of socio-economic indicators among large industrial enterprises Ulyanovsk region, having received the title of "Leader of the Economy" from the Government of the region in the nomination " Best Organization year" Ulyanovsk region.

In June 2015, after the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin held a meeting with representatives of large industrial enterprises of Russia within the framework of the XIX St. submitted by the Ministry industry and trade of the Russian Federation in the list of enterprises that have a significant impact on industries and trade in Russia.

In the ranking of the socio-economic project "Elite of the Nation", JSC "CTC "Metallokonstruktsiya" in 2016 took the 1st line in the group Russian manufacturers metal structures (according to OKVED code 28.11), having risen by 13 positions over the year, in 2017 - the 2nd line.

Every year the company expands the range of products.

In 2013, the production of lighting poles and prefabricated metal corrugated structures for engineering structures was launched.

In 2016, the plant purchased and launched a line for transverse cutting of metal in order to optimize steel consumption. Also, a line for the production of corrugated structures with a corrugation wave parameter of 200x55mm was purchased and installed.

In the spring of 2016, the production of barrier fences of the well-known Transbarrier brand was transferred to the main production site of KTC Metallokonstruktsia in Ulyanovsk. The capacity of the line allows to produce up to 6.5 km of fences per day.

At the beginning of 2016, production was launched in Kazakhstan (Uralsk).

In 2017, the enterprise mastered the production of multifaceted and lattice poles for power transmission lines.


The plant is equipped with equipment of world leaders in the production of equipment for metalworking. The reliability of the plant as a manufacturer is confirmed by the ISO 9001 certificate, which was first obtained by KTC Metalwork in 2013, and again in 2016, but this time a more well-known and serious certification body was chosen.

The network of branches / representative offices and warehouses of the enterprise includes all big cities Russia (St. Petersburg, Moscow, Ulyanovsk, Voronezh, Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, Simferopol, Yekaterinburg, Surgut, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Khabarovsk, Krasnoyarsk, New Urengoy), a number of countries of the Near Abroad, Germany, Poland, Lithuania. This supports the prompt delivery of manufactured structures not only to the regions of Russia, but also to Poland, Germany, Lithuania, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Uzbekistan. The geography of presence of KTC Metalwork continues to expand.

Nomenclature of manufactured products:

  • metal barrier fences (road and bridge - brands KTC Metalwork and Transbarrier), pedestrian fences, noise screens
  • lighting poles, lighting masts, communication masts, lightning rods, traffic light masts, communication towers
  • prefabricated metal corrugated structures for engineering structures (corrugation parameters 130x32.5mm, 150x50mm, 200x55mm, 381x142mm), solid corrugated pipes
  • multifaceted and lattice towers of power transmission lines (power up to 750 kW)

Since 2013, KTC Metalwork has been supplying products for export on an ongoing basis. In 2015, over 8,000 tons of products were exported, in 2016 - about 13,000 tons, in the first half of 2017 - 6,000 tons.

Intellectual property companies:

The products are patented.

High manufacturability of products and optimal delivery times:

High manufacturability and optimal cost of road and bridge fencing of the enterprise is achieved through the use of unified elements (beams, consoles, fasteners) in the structures. This also helps to reduce the time of their installation and replacement of deformed ones if necessary.

Anti-corrosion treatment:

At the request of the customer, all elements of the fences are coated with an anti-corrosion coating by hot-dip galvanizing, which is one of the most effective. The service life of metal structures of galvanized structures is about 15 years.

KTC Metalwork provides installation/dismantling services for road and bridge barriers. Special mobile brigades, equipped with special equipment, make it possible to comprehensively solve the issue of road improvement.



"I approve"

Chief Engineer

Zainskaya GRES

__________ S.A. Tokmachev

"___" ___________ 2009





"___" ___________20

Chief Engineer

Head of VET

Head of CTC-2

Instructions must be known:

1. Engineering and technical department of KTC-2.

2. Senior driver of KTC-2.

3. Machinist of the KTC-2 power unit.

4. Engineer lineman for boiler equipment KTC - 2.



I. Boiler body control circuit. description of boiler regulators

1.1. Rules for controlling the boiler equipment from the block board………………...... 5

1.2. Short description maintenance of regulators………………………………… 6

1.3. a brief description of automatic regulation

boiler regulators………………………………………………………………………... 6

II. steam-water and gas-air paths of the boiler

2.1. Description of the boiler unit …………………………………………………... 8

2.2. Gas-air path of the boiler………………………………………………………... 13

III. maintenance of the boiler during operation

3.1. General provisions…………………………………………………………..…….. 13

3.2. Procedure for maintenance of the boiler during operation………………........... 14

3.3. The procedure for operating steam pipelines and safety valves……. 17

3.4. Supervision of the operation of the boiler and auxiliary equipment………….. 18

3.5. Boiler maintenance procedure when burning fuel oil………………………….. 19

3.6. The procedure for servicing the boiler, gas pipeline and gas equipment at

gas flaring……………………………………………………………………. ................................................. 23

3.7. Planned shutdown of the boiler body.…………………………………………........ 29

3.8. Order hydraulic test boiler body…………………………. 34

3.9. Water regime……………………………………………………………………….. 35

3.10. Emergency provisions .................................................................. ................................... 36

3.11. Loss of auxiliary voltage…...…………………………………... 42

3.12. The order of operation of the equipment low temperatures outdoor

air………………………………………………………...................... ............... 42

3.13. The procedure for admission to the repair of the boiler body……..…..……………………….... 43

3.14. Safety requirements for the operation of the boiler.................................... 44

3.15. Requirements fire safety when operating the boiler....................... 46

IV. auxiliary equipment gas-air path

4.1. Thrust blowers .............................................................. ............................................... 47

4.2. Power steam heaters (EPK).................................................................. ........ 55

4.3. Regenerative air heater .............................................................. .............. 58


5.1. Characteristics of centrifugal pumps installed in the boiler room

department……………………………………………………………………………….. 65

5.2. Principle of operation centrifugal pump………………………………………... 66

5.3. The procedure for operating the centrifugal pump ................................................. 66

5.4. Safety and fire safety requirements for maintenance

centrifugal pump .................................................................. ...............................................68

VI. device, characteristics, operation of injectors

6.1 Procedure for maintenance of oil injectors GRFM and FUZ-4000 .............................. 69

scroll normative documents for which there are

Quite often it happens when many motorists, operating the batteries installed on their cars, are limited to their periodic recharging and, in best case, replenishing the electrolyte level (on serviced and low-maintenance products), forgetting that in order to maintain the battery in a really operable state and ensure maximum service life, it is required to conduct a full-fledged control and training cycle on the battery at least once a year. It is especially important to carry out such an event on the eve of winter operation, when an unprepared and simply “tortured” battery can fail at the most crucial moment.

General information

In general, the control-training cycle (CTC) is technological operation aimed at restoring battery performance (especially heavily discharged and used ones). As well as assessing their suitability for further exploitation. With regard to practical implementation, the CTC consists in the full charge, discharge and final charge of the battery to the nominal capacity using an external charger.

The following equipment is required for the CTC:

  • Charger;
  • Hydrometer for checking the density of the electrolyte;
  • Load to ensure discharge (a 45-65W low beam lamp is suitable);
  • Device for measuring voltage and current.

First stage CTC (full charge)

Most modern chargers allow you to charge battery in automatic mode and you just need to connect the battery and wait until the charger turns off. However, in any case, it is recommended to make sure that everything went well and that the density of the electrolyte is 1.27-1.28 g / cm3, and the voltage at the terminals is 12.7V.

When using a simpler charger, you will have to apply some knowledge of mathematics, although in this case there is nothing difficult in completing the first stage, the main thing is to know the basic formula and follow a few simple conditions.

With this option, first of all, it is necessary to measure the initial density of the electrolyte (for example, let it be about 1.21 g / cm3, which means that the battery is half discharged).


Do not forget that the charging current should not be more than 1/10 of the battery capacity (in our case, not higher than 6.5A), which means that when setting all the parameters in the original formula, we get next value time required for charging:

t= 2*32.5 Ah/6.5A=10h

It is quite clear that the calculated time may differ from the actual one, which means that the main criterion for the end of the full charge stage will be the achievement of a density of 1.27-1.28 g / cm3 and a voltage of 12.7V (based on measurements made by a hydrometer and a voltmeter).

Stage two (full discharge)

After the battery is completely discharged, it is connected to a device that includes an ammeter, a voltmeter and a powerful rheostat capable of providing the so-called 10-hour current discharge mode, the value of which is about 10% of the main battery capacity (again, for our case it will be 6.5A). If you don’t have such a rheostat, it’s not scary, instead you can take an ordinary car light bulb, the main thing is that it gives a load of about 6.5A (a 65W low beam lamp is perfect or you can take several light bulbs of a smaller rating).

During the discharge process, it is necessary to periodically check the voltage at the battery terminals, and the first measurement is performed at the very beginning of the discharge, and the second after 4 hours. After the voltage reaches 11V, measurements are performed every 15 minutes (or even more often) so as not to miss the end of the discharge. Attention is drawn to the fact that a decrease in the discharge time indicates a deterioration in the characteristics of the battery (if the discharge was 5-6 hours, then in anticipation of cold weather it makes sense to think about purchasing a new battery).

Stage three (final charge)

This one, according to the technology of its implementation, is practically no different from the first one, the only thing to remember is that it should be started as soon as possible (the battery should not be left in a discharged state for a long time). In addition, it will be much more useful if the entire CTC cycle is repeated one or two more times. In any case, after performing such a preventive control and training cycle, you should carefully remove the electrolyte residues from the battery surface, clean the terminals and check the condition of the plugs.

Published: April 27, 2015

Central air conditioners (KTC, KC)

KTC 3A-20;KTC 3A-31.5;KTC 3A-40 TU 4862-001-72093131-04

General information

OKP code 486200


Technical characteristics Productivity on air - 10 thousand m3/hour.

Air conditioning central KTC 3A-200; KTC 3A-250; KTC 3A-125; KTC 3A-160; KTC 3A-63; KTC 3A-80

General information
GOST, TU TU 4862-001-72093131-04
Manufacturers LLC "NPC "Vector-Convent"
Developer LLC "NPC "Vector-Convent"
OKP code 486200


Technical characteristics Productivity on air - 200 thousand m3/hour.

Description An energy-saving air treatment scheme has been winter time(without second heating) with a controlled adiabatic air cooling process in the new BTM heat and mass transfer unit or in the new OKF 1-5 cooling chamber. The air conditioner consists of a set of sections of air handling equipment, the number and design of which is determined for each specific air conditioning system.

Application Designed for year-round technological and comfortable air conditioning, creating and maintaining a microclimate in the premises of industrial, public buildings and agro-industrial complex.
Composition 1 - receiving block of mixers BSE1-5.; 2 - fine filter pocket FK-5, cleaning class F5; 3 - service chamber KO1-5; 4, 5, 6 - heat and mass exchange unit with bimetallic air heaters, irrigation system and drop eliminators; 7 - service chamber; 8 - Connecting block BP1-5; 9 - Fan unit, free pressure 820 Pa, right, housing position 0°; VKE1-5
