Accident. Accident, Zoshchenko's story

This mystical story was told to me by a friend who used to work in the forensics department. I will narrate in the first person.
It was a typical August day. I received a message about a man who died when a roof beam fell on him. I arrived at the place where the accident happened. It was a huge two-story house. He looked not exactly new, but not too old either. The victim was a man in his thirties. In the attic he had a workshop where he made all sorts of crafts. The beams were a little rotten. Oil painting: a man worked in a “workshop” and then a rotten beam collapsed on him. It seemed that there was nothing suspicious in his death, if not for one detail ... The beam was sawn. I realized that things were not clean here, and someone “helped” him to die. Strangely, at the crime scene, we did not find any fingerprints, except for the victim himself, nor sawdust, in general - no evidence. Well done, I thought, someone must have had a motive. The victim had a wife in her twenties. I asked her about her late husband, she told me that he inherited this estate from his father, now deceased, and he transferred it to her. I also learned an important detail that only in the event of the death of the owner of the estate, it passes to another owner. There is already a suspect ... The hostess offered us tea, we agreed. During the tea party, I bowed to sleep. What I saw in my mind was very strange. I dreamed of the same deceased man who was in the attic. There he reached for one of the beams and took out a little book. I woke up from a roar in the attic and, together with my partners and his wife, ran there. There was no one there, only the same book that I saw in a dream was lying around. I opened it and began to read. It was his diary. There I found very interesting parts of the text (literal text).
“The day before yesterday I met my best school friend. He disappeared when we were 16 years old. At the meeting, he carried some kind of nonsense that I had disgraced him at the whole school, took my girlfriend away and that he would take revenge on me. I did not understand what he was talking about ... What a shame? What a Girl?..
Between me and my wife there are no more feelings. I don’t love her, it seems she me too… I found out that I have a sister, I think I’ll transfer my house to her… I saw my “friend” under my windows… Is he really going to take revenge on me for something?.. ”
Another suspect turned up, I think it's definitely one of the two. We found a "friend" of the victim. I asked him about the deceased man, he said that he did not wish him anything bad, he just wanted to scare him, to joke, so to speak. I don’t know if we can believe his words… I came home and passed out instantly. I again had a dream, but this time more strange: the wife of the victim is talking to some man, giving him money. Then he saws the beam when the husband is not at home. The victim is sitting in the attic, drawing some kind of plan and a beam collapses on him ... I woke up in a sweat, it was morning, I called my partners and said that I knew who the killer was. We went to the house of the wife of the deceased, I said that I knew everything and offered to help if she told me who that man was. His wife gave him his address, but we did not find him alive. He hanged himself, leaving behind a note that read:
“I can’t live like this anymore… He comes to me every night… I don’t want to…”
The whole story is true, there is something mystical in it. No wonder all these dreams... No wonder...

8 Write a story about an accident that happened to you or something you heard and draw pictures for it.

I was swimming in the sea last summer at my grandmother's seaside village. The water was cool and clear and I could see colorful fish swimming around me.

What I didn't see were the sea urchins. As I was swimming towards the beach, I saw a beach ball coming towards me. I put my feet down to steady myself. I dodged the ball, but I felt a sharp pain in my left foot.

I sat on the beach and examined my foot. A spine was in it. I called out to my sister who was tanning a few meters away. She immediately emptied a small pink cosmetics bag. She took out a pair of tweezers and pinched my foot where the spine was. I screamed because I was not expecting any pain, but I immediately felt better.

I looked up at my sister. She was grinning, “Doctor Tina to the rescue. anytime.” And she put her things back in her small pink bag.

I went swimming in the sea last summer in the coastal village where my grandmother lives. The water was cool and clear and I could see colorful fish swimming around.

What I didn't see were sea urchins. While I was swimming towards the beach, I saw a beach ball flying towards me. I lowered my leg to keep my balance. I dodged the ball, but I felt a sharp pain in my left leg.

I sat on the beach and examined my leg. It had a needle in it. I called my sister, who was sunbathing a couple of meters from me. She immediately emptied her little pink make-up bag. She pulled out a pair of tweezers and pinched me where the needle was. I screamed because I didn't expect it to hurt, but I immediately felt better.

I looked at my sister. She smirked, “Doctor Tina will save you. Anytime". And she put her things back into her little pink purse.

8 Write a story about an accident you had, or one you have heard about, and draw pictures to go with it.

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Arthur Gray
I removed the crown on a dangerous tree. The trunk was practically parallel to the ground. Height is about 24-26 feet (7-8 meters). I'm sitting on the trunk. Tied. Tied and sawn-off crown. When the cut off crown falls, I cut the descent rope. The tree is lightened by 200-300 kilos. What does the tree do in this case? That's right, trying to straighten up. The amplitude of my galloping astride the maple trunk was about a meter. Lots of things to remember :-)

I will also share funny stories on the trees:

1. The simplest oak is 40 centimeters in diameter. I climb about 7 meters, fasten the rope and rappel down it. I'm flying in about a meter. When landing, I discover the reason - the whole tree broke at the root. I decide to roll onto my back, which I do while waiting for the tree to fall from above. It didn’t get enough, it lay like a crown on a distant fence. Moral: tap and sniff out every, even a very solid-looking tree.
2. A horned tree starting to dry at the top. I get into a fork, cut one horn from below, cut from above. It falls away classically, flies, sticks its end into the ground, falls and hits the trunk with a butt. A dry top 20 cm x 4 m, broken off from the impact, flies two centimeters from the ear. It happens.

Here's what happened to me this winter:
I hang on a pine tree - I take it apart piece by piece. Everything is as it should be - a “slice” from the side of the fall, and only then the main one washed down. But I did not notice that the chain on the b / p was weakened and at the moment of separation the log grabbed the saw by the chain, pulled it out of my hands and rushed down. Bottom line: the strap on the Nordvent harness was torn, on which the rope to the saw went, the saw fell from a height of ~ 15 m and stuck into a snowdrift. I'm unharmed myself.

Vladimir, Moscow

Here's what happened to me recently:
We sawed a tree in Saltykovka. Suddenly, in the midst of work, the cops come, put us and the owner in a car and take us to their station.
On the way, they explain to us that it is forbidden to cut trees even on your own site without permission. Referring to some documents...
Result: 20 minimum wages! 2000 r.
Maybe someone knows something about this topic.

Sergey, Moscow

I heard this story about the administrative fine. However, to us, promalpam, what? It should be the problems of the owner of the site - to get permission to cut the tree. In the local forestry or village council or somewhere else. Well, if they call and ask - they say - do you need permission to cut down a living tree - you must honestly answer what you need. :-)

Vadim, Moscow

The dude was removing the tree piece by piece. He strapped himself to the trunk with his mustache and sits on the trunk almost at the top, sawing off a piece above him. And I forgot to do the sawing from the opposite side. And so he sawed the trunk almost to the end, the log that was above him split off and began to fall forward, pulling his mustache. The dude threw the saw, rested his arms and legs against the tree, but the log is more powerful. In general, he tore his mustache. Then, however, he almost fell back from the tree, but managed to grab the trunk. The conclusion is clear. It is necessary to file from the back side and have good ends.

Vadim, Moscow

Anatoly Romashin passed away

The artist died without having time to complete his theater

ON TUESDAY evening at his dacha in Pushkino, at the age of 70, Anatoly Vladimirovich Romashin tragically died. The theater and film actor, the legendary Nicholas II from Elema Klimov's "Agony", a teacher at VGIK, Romashin, in recent years, has become seriously interested in the construction of his dacha near Moscow, independently developed the project and interior details. Following the example of Stanislavsky, he planned to arrange a summer theater there. As the artist repeatedly stated in an interview, "the audience in our district is more than enough, the entire Pushkinsky district is the only cinema with one show a week, and I have a course at VGIK, and my colleagues will agree ... So we will put on performances."

As the correspondent of Segodnya was told in the Pushkino prosecutor's office, on that ill-fated Tuesday, Anatoly Romashin arrived at the dacha with a chainsaw - right on the site there was a shrunken pine tree, which the owner had been planning to uproot for a long time, but everyone did not reach his hands. The tree was huge - 80 cm in diameter at the cut point. This time, taking advantage of the absence of his wife and little son, Anatoly Romashin and his assistant undertook to cut it down. Somewhere around 5 pm, they tied a rope to the top of the tree, which, according to the plan, the assistant was supposed to direct the falling pine tree in the right direction. And Romashin himself took up the chainsaw. When the pine swayed, the assistant, apparently unable to cope with the task, shouted: "Go away!". But Romashin unexpectedly found himself on the side where the tree had fallen. From his injury, the artist died almost instantly. To avoid tragedy, a small thing was missing - to cut down a tree from the side into which it was intended to be felled.

Anatoly Romashin will be buried on August 11 at the Vagankovsky cemetery. The editors of "Today" expresses sincere condolences to the family, friends and relatives of the artist.

Recently, dear comrades, I lived in a rest home.

The house is excellent. And everything is great there. No defects are visible. So, apart from a feeling of gratitude, nothing arises in the heart of a vacationer.

Nevertheless, if you please listen to a little funny story related to this holiday home.

I must say that this house is located outside the city, in the forest. And it was built quite recently - this fall.

About five years ago, such a house would have been built on a living thread. And now the architect has done his best and built the house fundamentally, beautifully and, we would even say, artistically. And this is very good.

Not without columns, of course. But since we have such a love for Greek art, let there be columns. Moreover, here the architect brought out a few columns - only two columns. And in addition, from a distance they can be mistaken for two pines. So what kind of conversation can there be - they stand and do not ask for food.

But that's not the point.

Here you look at this house, and you like everything - the heart rejoices and the soul rests. But then your gaze glides over the windows of the lower floor, and suddenly you notice some kind of abnormality. You were expecting to see beautiful modern mirror glass, and suddenly you see window frames in which either twelve or sixteen small glasses are inserted.

You again look in bewilderment at all six windows of the facade. Yes, there are tiny glasses set into magnificent oak frames.

You decide that the engineer at the end of the construction got a little crazy and made such a farce. And on this you calm down, especially since many vacationers, it turns out, liked these windows the most. For some vacationers, it reminded some kind of teremok in the forest and something else so fabulous.

But then one fine morning, when I went out into the garden, one of the local employees came up to me and said this:

Listen, I can tell you a story. And then it will be clear to you why we have such awkward windows. Only a request, if you write, do not write what kind of holiday home it is, otherwise they will laugh around, and we would not want this.

I say:

- Tell me. It must be interesting.

And so he told the following story.

This house was completed in autumn. And since October, the first batch of vacationers was expected.

In September, the last little things were feverishly put in order. Already screwed the hooks to the doors, nailed the latches and latches. They hung pictures and curtains.

Everything was ready to receive dear guests. And the only stop was behind the windows. The entire façade, where large windows were supposed to be, was not glazed.

And in the yard autumn, dampness. True, the windows are boarded up with shields, but this is not an option.

The director of the house wrote tearful statements here and there, so that the glasses would be sent as soon as possible, but everything was to no avail.

The director ran early in the morning to the warehouse and begged, begged, shouted and cursed. He said the business was dying. A couple more weeks and it would be a disaster if he didn't get the glass.

But at the warehouse they shrugged their shoulders and said that glasses for them were expected, but had not yet been received. And there is nothing to shout and curse here: this will not help the cause. In addition to them, one more construction is waiting for the glasses and does not worry.

The director waved to Moscow in a panic. But there he was told that the glass had been sent.

The director returned. Rushed back to the warehouse. But the warehouse again calmly answered:

- While your glasses are not there yet. And when they arrive, we'll let you know.

The director threw a uniform tantrum in the warehouse. He shouted that he was being cut, that his heart - a citizen and a public figure - could not stand such torture, that there were only nine days left, that, finally, all the vouchers had been sold, and that the vacationers were probably already packing their suitcases to go here on vacation. The warehouse responded again:

Your cries are in vain. Since there are no glasses, the warehouse cannot fulfill the order. Calm your nerves.

With sadness, the director returned home. The foreman and workers consoled him as best they could. They said they could wait a couple more days. That glass is important to insert at least three days before the arrival of vacationers. That in three days the putty will dry up and the room will warm up.

But the director was inconsolable.

Two days later, in the evening, when there are only six days left before the arrival of vacationers, the foreman runs to the director and says this:

The meanness of the warehouse manager is indescribable. Glass is in stock. They have four cases of glass in the mud behind the barn. These boxes were seen by my nephew, who received drying oil today. Probably, these glasses are intended for other construction. And here we bite our elbows.

Director says:

“That warehouse manager has always disgusted me. Couldn't he, the bastard, have given me these glasses meant for someone out there, I don't know? After all, I visited him today, and he did not even want to talk to me.

The foreman says:

“There is only one thing left for us to do: steal these glasses from the warehouse. And when our glasses arrive, let the manager give them to the construction with which he fusses and for which he saves these glasses. It will be fair. Director says:

It's fair, but not safe. The warehouse manager will come running here, see his glasses and raise the hull.

The foreman says:

“And we will take these glasses and cut them into smaller components. And no one in the world will know.

Director says:

- The situation is hopeless. I have to agree. Okay, take the glass, cut it.

And at night the foreman with his nephew and the director himself with his wife climbed over the fence of the warehouse and carried out two boxes of glasses.

Feverish work went on all night and morning. The glazier cut glass. The carpenter was planing new crossbars for the frames. And the foreman himself painted these crossbars. By noon everything was ready. And suddenly a pale warehouse manager comes running and says this to the foreman:

“Yesterday, in the evening, we received glasses for you, and at night someone stole these glasses. What to do now, I have no idea.

The foreman says:

“Oh, what a pity that these glasses were stolen from you. It's also good that we settled down: we got some glasses on the side. And then the elbows would bite.

The warehouse manager looked suspiciously at the glazed frames, but, seeing that some small glass was inserted there, he went home.

However, the matter soon unraveled. The director and foreman received a disciplinary sanction, and in addition they began to deduct from their salaries for damaged glass. And, apparently, in two or three months they will insert new glasses at the expense of the director and foreman.

The manager of the warehouse, who had scarcely greeted the director even before this accident, ceased to greet him altogether. But the director spits on it from a tall tree.
