Learn Spanish from scratch. Online course "Spanish for Beginners"

Level A1 is Spanish for beginners. If you are starting to learn Spanish from scratch, then you need to start with classes at level A1. Once you've mastered it, you'll be able to do a lot to solve the most important tasks of communicating in Spanish. What exactly? .

With the help of the course, you get a system of Spanish classes according to the program that meets international standards for learning foreign languages, and that's it. necessary materials and exercises in interactive lessons different types which require an average of 120 hours of Spanish lessons to complete.

For your convenience, we have divided level A1 into 2 levels - A1.1 and A1.2. You can go through each of the two stages in three modes:

"Intensive 35" - the plan of 28 days is completed in 35 days; classes take 12-18 hours a week.

"Intensive 56" - the plan of 28 days is completed in 56 days; classes take 7-10 hours a week.

FOREVER - unlimited access; you decide how much time you spend learning Spanish each week.

You can study anytime, anywhere, from any device with Internet access. You do not need to look for a teacher, tutor or courses. Just get started! Not only tasks for memorizing words and grammar rules are waiting for you, but also interesting dialogues, texts, educational series, songs and exercises for them, as well as vocabulary games - everything you need to develop the necessary skills in practice.

If you find a similar Spanish course with Russian-speaking support somewhere, you will get our course for free.

Can you speak Spanish? Our students prove it with their successes. Meet those who started learning a language with us and reached level B1 with the help of the course.

Are you ready now? When will you be ready? Start today, or you risk not starting at all.

Level A1





Vowel sounds and their corresponding letters in writing. Simple and complex consonants and their transmission in writing. Diphthongs and triphthongs. Sinalef. Stress rules. Spanish sentence intonation


Acquaintance. Family. Numerals. Languages ​​and nationalities.


Noun gender. Definite article. Preposition D.E. Spanish personal pronouns. SER, HABLAR, LLAMARSE verbs in the present singular


City (In the city) Work. Plans. Professions. Basic Spanish Verbs


The preposition EN in Spanish. Preposition PARA. Adverbs MUCHO, POCO. Verbs SER, TRABAJAR, ESTUDIAR, ESTAR, VIVIR in the present tense. Types of conjugation of verbs. IR verb. Turnover IR a infinitivo


Talking on the phone. In the bar. What will you do? ¡Menos mal! Times of Day


I (About me). Food. Personal information.


Reflexive verbs. The verb VENIR. The use of the verbs IR and VENIR. Conjugation and use of the verbs SABER and CONOCER. The gender of nouns in Spanish (generalization). Special cases of gender formation of animate nouns.


Personal data. An expression of incomprehension. At passport control. Forms of courtesy. requests and instructions. What will you eat? Congratulations and emotions in Spanish. Spanish cuisine.


How do you look. Face. Cloth. Months and seasons in Spanish. Colors. Adjectives describing appearance.


Intensifiers in Spanish. Must: Tener que infinitivo. Features of the use of articles. Adjectives. Ser and estar with adjectives.


Exclamations. Wish a ver si. Appeals. Introductory words in Spanish. Do you have a temperature? How to compliment in Spain. How to say "beautiful". What does he look like?





Tastes. Dreams. Opportunities. Nouns, phrases with verbs in Spanish.


Verbs gustar, apetecer. The unstressed form of personal pronouns in the dative case of Spanish. The stressed form of personal pronouns in the dative case of Spanish. The verbs poder and querer. Also, no. Tambien y tampoco. Gerund.


Me gustaría… No me apetece nada... How to find out the opinion of the interlocutor and express your own. Polite refusal in Spanish. Polite request and permission in Spanish. Spain. At the restaurant.


Weather. Hotel. Spanish numerals up to 1,000,000. Time. Adverbs of frequency in Spanish


Interrogative pronouns in Spanish. Venir verb. Pronouns are adjectives. Indefinite and negative pronouns and adverbs. Impersonal forms of verbs: hace, hay. Opposition hay, ser, estar. The article lo in Spanish.


Preguntas. Climate of Spain. Let's talk about the price in Spain and not only. Dialogue in the hotel. Annoyance and irritation.


Habits. My house. Days of the week in Spanish. Rooms and furniture. Prepositions of place.


Presente de indicativo. Singular y 3ª Persona Plural Presente de Indicativo. 1ª Persona Singular Pronombres OD. Pronombres posesivos tonicos. Aquí, ahí y allí Repaso del Presente de Indicativo, plural. DESDE, HASTA, A partir DE


Te invitan a casa, ¿qué dices? Surprise, distrust, indifference. Yah? Blimey! Mi dia tipico Tiene muchas manias


Personal care. Diseases. Body parts.


Reflexive verbs. Emotion verbs. Constructions with the verbs TARDAR, SOLER, LLEVAR. Las prepositions. The verb DOLER. Need. Unions of cause and effect. El verbo: forms personales. Los articulos: ground rules the use of articles.


Una mañana normal y corriente. Preguntas y respuestas. Olvidarse y acordarse. Tenemos que ir impecables. Costumbres. Disease symptoms and treatment. How to talk to patients.

After completing the online course A1.1 and A1.2 you will be able to:

  • say hello and goodbye
  • congratulations on holidays and achievements,
  • express desires and requests,
  • meet new people, introduce yourself and your friends,
  • talk about yourself and loved ones, your city and home,
  • order drinks and snacks at the bar,
  • navigate the city and ask for directions,
  • describe appearance and character,
  • talk about your Everyday life and plans, feelings and health, tastes and dreams, weather and habits,
  • book the room you need and communicate with the staff at the hotel,
  • fill out questionnaires and forms with your personal data,
  • name the time and date of the event or ask the interlocutor about them.
  • understand simple written texts, analyze their content, find the necessary information in them, and be able to independently tell or write a short text within the framework of the topics studied
  • the ability to communicate in a foreign language with an interlocutor who (at your request) speaks slower than his usual pace, because in order to understand Spanish who usually speak quickly, more experience is required

Read testimonials from our alumni

Choose an intensive plan

"Intensive 35"
"Intensive 56"

Lesson plan for every day

Curator support

Online lessons

School days according to the plan

Execute Access



"Intensive 35"
"Intensive 56"

Lesson plan for every day

Curator support

Online lessons

School days according to the plan

Execute Access


Access for repetition (only after completing all the lessons of the stage)


* When buying two or more online courses of this level, a 15% discount

"Intensive 35"
A1.1 + A1.2
"Intensive 56"
A1.1 + A1.2
A1.1 + A1.2

Lesson plan for every day

Curator support

Online lessons

School days according to the plan

Execute Access


Access for repetition (only after completing all the lessons of the stage)



1. When can I start exercising?

You can start classes at any time, the main thing is not to postpone the start of classes for a long time. The countdown of the access period starts only from the moment of activation of each of the purchased levels, and not their purchase.

BUT, if a lot of time has passed since the start of the current stream, and the moment of competition with other participants is important to you, then it will be difficult for you to catch up with other participants in the current stream and take first place in the ranking. In this case, it is better to wait for the start of a new stream and only then activate the course. Next starts: April 22, May 20, June 17.

2. How to activate the level and start classes?

After purchasing the desired level of the online course, a tab with its name appears in your personal account. Once you open this tab, you will see the "Create plan" button. The start of your classes and the countdown of the period of access to lessons begins only after you yourself click on this button. If you are afraid that you will click on it by accident, then we will reassure you: after pressing it, you will be asked again “Are you sure you want to start classes?” and only after your repeated consent, the selected stage will be activated.

3. What should I do if I do not have time to pass the stage on time?

you can in your Personal account for an additional fee, extend access to the activated level for 10 days or change your tariff to one that has a longer validity period or provides unlimited access FOREVER.

4. Can I pause my classes?

In the event of a force majeure, you can use the FREEZE option in your Personal Account on the step tab, with which you can suspend access to the step for a while. You are given this opportunity no more than 3 times in one step. The main thing is not to stretch the pause in classes for a long time and do not forget to use the function as soon as the need arises. This option is also useful for those who are on frequent business trips or work on a rotational basis.

5. How do you collect reviews and why should I trust them?

After the participant completes all the lessons of the stage, he is invited to take part in the survey and leave his feedback. When a person leaves a review, he can either agree to its publication or not.
In case of refusal to publish, we use the survey results and feedback only for internal analytics and finalizing the course, taking into account the wishes of users.
If a person has agreed to the publication, then a link is highlighted in his nickname / name. By clicking on this link, you can go to the review page, where you can also see the participant's photo if he uploaded it to the site at will. It also reflects information about how many stages of the course have been completed by him completely at the current moment.
When you have completed a step, you will also be asked to leave your feedback on the site.
If you do not want to do this or do not give us permission to publish, then the site will only display information that you participated in the course and which steps you completed completely. If you want to see how many people have completed at least one stage of the course and get acquainted with their success, click on the link

6. I don't want to compete. Can I remove myself from the ranking of participants?

Yes. To do this, in the Personal Account after creating a lesson plan on the "Settings" tab, check the appropriate box. In this case, only you will see the statistics of your results, and your name will not appear in the ranking.

7. What if I don't want to play the Games?

Intellectual vocabulary games are a great opportunity to repeat words in unusual conditions and excellent exercise for the brain, so many note their effectiveness in memorizing words. But all people are different, and someone does not like the game. Therefore, from the new stream, we will make it possible to refuse games. You just need to click on the "Refuse games" button and they will disappear from your lesson plan. But before you abandon this tool, first try it in action. Not just because we developed them, but for educational purposes.

b) Familiarize yourself with the program (for example, on the Tariffs page you can download PDF step plans) and try to perform in the step you are interested in.

C) Contact the tutor (see question 8. How can I contact the tutor?), tell us about your experience in learning Spanish, the problems you have, as well as the goals and objectives that you set for yourself, and you will find the right step for you.

11. Where can I get speaking practice?

In the course we provide everything so that you can prepare for communication in Spanish. And today many services help to find a carrier interlocutor, and not just one, and for free. To this end, we have prepared two reviews, which, we hope, will help you find not only interlocutors, but also friends, you just need to be active and not be afraid to make contact. If you have studied with us, then you know and can do a lot, and therefore you will definitely cope, you just need to start.

No, you can start whenever you want, even in a day, even in 10 years.

No. In no case. First you activate the first one. When? Whenever you want!
After you deal with it, for example after 35 days, activate the next one.
But then again, you can take a break, or you can start right away.
You make your own decision about this.

16. Are the classes webinars?

Classes are held on the learning platform with the help of interactive lessons with step-by-step explanations and then fixing with the help of special exercises, with instant verification, automatic activation of sound (words, phrases, dialogues and voiced exercises), games and other learning tools. No webinars, since our classes go immediately to practice in order to save the student's time, without water and digressions. If something is unclear, you need advice, a problem has arisen, contact the curator, all issues are resolved and you get additional explanations.

23. How can I start learning Spanish on my own?

Our online course has been specially designed for self-study language, while there is the support of a curator who will answer your questions, if any, give advice, help solve organizational issues. In addition to materials and tools for working with them, we also help a person not to abandon classes, make them a habit, give full plan for every day, so you don't have to think about what to do and when.

24. And if I can’t study, do you return the money?

The short answer is NO, but read on for more details.
Our task is to help you start studying and finish classes at least at one of the stages of the course (but we hope that you will like it and you will not be able to continue). Quite a lot has been done in this course:
If you're not sure if a class is right for you, try trial lessons.
You can start classes any day.
If something unexpected happened, you can always contact the curator, we will discuss and find the best solution for you.
You have the opportunity to study at any time, big variety types of work, and selection of material so that you do not need anything else, just go to the site and do what you need according to the plan with our help.
Plus, you will have the support of a curator who will answer questions and help with advice, and, as mentioned above, will help with organizational issues on the course if you have any problems.
Therefore, we do not return the money, but we will stimulate and push you to study so that you can still do it.
After all, we are doing the course so that people achieve their goals, get results. A lot of effort has gone into this to help you. And you need a decision to study, do not be shy to contact the curator if you have problems, find time for classes, well, and actively study, of course.

Spanish is one of the most beautiful languages modern world. It is spoken by more than 500 million people, it is the official language in 27 countries of the world, and is actively used in more than 50 states. He is also one of official languages such international organizations like the UN, the EU, the African Union, the Organization of African States and a number of others.

The Spaniards traditionally call their language Castilian, because. in addition to the official Spanish, they use 5 more of its dialects and dialects. But when they mention it with other foreign languages, they still call it Spanish.

Spanish is also quite easy to learn, especially if you already know a Romance language. Many sounds are the same as in Russian, there are many similarities with English, and words are pronounced as they are written, unlike, for example, French. Relatively simple grammar provides a chance to master the basics of Spanish in a short time.

Knowing Spanish gives you the opportunity to fully enjoy their rich culture. Learning this language is very interesting, because it will help you touch the work of many brilliant writers, poets, musicians, get acquainted with incendiary salsa, romantic bachata, appreciate famous TV shows and programs in their native language.

Spanish is the language of travelers and businessmen, the language of work and leisure. He will open the door for you wonderful world and help in the study of others.

There are many reasons to learn this wonderful language. And the first question that arises after making such a decision: “Where to start? ".

In learning any foreign language, motivation is the most important thing. You must clearly understand why you are doing this and always remember this. This is perhaps the most important thing.

Also, learning a language should be fun, so it is very important to choose the right technique. For each person it is different. But in no case should you forcefully download information into your memory, because. this will not bring results, but on the contrary, it will only cause negative emotions and rejection.

There are many options for learning Spanish. You can start learning on your own with the help of the Internet, books, friends and acquaintances, or you can use the services of professional teachers - it's up to you.

If you still decide to start learning Spanish on your own, then all the issues of organizing the educational process will fall on you. This will require considerable willpower and self-discipline, but if you can organize yourself, then all efforts will be rewarded with a good result. Do not worry about mistakes, because. they are a natural element of learning. It is only important to analyze and correct them. Learn not to be afraid of mistakes, and then the learning process will be much easier for you.

It is better to start by learning easy and frequently occurring words. It is also useful to memorize whole phrases, as the semantic load of the sentence will help you keep them in your memory for a long time.

There are many different ones to learn Spanish. Particular attention should be paid to Español para continuar - Dyshleva I.A., Español en vivo - Nuzhdina G.A., Spanish language - Oscar Perlin, Spanish Textbook. Practical course for beginners by Rodriguez-Danilevskaya. Many people use special computer program Rosetta Stone, because studying proccess designed in an interesting game form, and a lot of audio materials develop pronunciation and speech technique.

Listening to Spanish songs and watching movies is a good option. This will introduce you closer to the culture of this wonderful country and give you the opportunity to train your ear for the perception of fluent speech. It will be interesting to get acquainted with the series “”. This is an adapted series for beginners to learn a foreign language. He is voiced on different languages, including in Spanish. The characters speak quite slowly, actively and emotionally gesticulate, so you can watch it even with zero level. Another interesting video material is the Polyglot: program. It is designed for beginners and provides a unique opportunity to learn the language right at home behind the monitor screen. The video simulates the situation of a real lesson, and the presenter acts as a teacher. A well-developed teaching methodology allows you to master the basic knowledge of the language in just 16 hours.

It will also be very useful to use the services of various Internet resources that help in learning Spanish. The most popular among them are livemocha.com, busuu.com, online-spain.com, hispaforum.ru, espanol.su. This will dilute the monotonous study, add interest and save you from routine cramming. Also on these sites you can find new friends and like-minded people, talk with people from different countries and get the experience of real communication with native speakers.

All these tips will be useful not only for students Spanish independently, but also for those who decide to study it in courses or with a teacher. Even if you are studying according to an already compiled program, it will never be superfluous to read or watch something interesting in Spanish.

Ideally, the best way to learn Spanish is to travel to the home of this amazing language. You will constantly be able to communicate in Spanish, improve faster colloquial speech and get rid of the accent. Being in Spain, you will quickly master the language, adapt to life in new country and language environment, you will be able to understand and feel the spirit of Spain and its inhabitants. Many language schools offer a range of programs to learn Spanish in Spain. Using their services would be a very reasonable decision, you just need to consider that this step will require a significant amount of time and money from you.

Nowadays, knowledge of foreign languages ​​opens up great opportunities, but today, few people are surprised by English. Spanish will help you in the fastest career growth, useful in and countries Latin America will expand your horizons and open up new horizons.

Learning any foreign language takes time, effort and patience, thank God, now there are a huge number of manuals, educational materials, websites and blogs that make this task easier. By choosing to learn Spanish, you will not only be able to speak the language of 140 million inhabitants of our planet, but also receive various "bonuses" - from a better understanding of English to employment opportunities in a Spanish-speaking country.

The resources below will be useful not only for those who have just started learning the language, but also for those who have already delved into Spanish grammar, vocabulary and phonetics.

The study of the theory and its consolidation.

A popular and interesting blog that highlights the most up-to-date information, various information about Spanish. The resource is divided into several sections: grammar materials, phonetics, vocabulary, training lessons, forum. By registering, you will be able to communicate with the same as you are lovers of the Spanish language and culture.

In addition to educational material, the blog contains useful information about Spanish culture, immigration to this country, sights, holidays in Spain, cooking recipes and others. All articles on the site are constantly updated, which means that the creators of the blog really follow its relevance.

Great site for language learners, and here's why: the project consists of 5 sections: news, exercises, grammar, music and maestro SPOT, all in Spanish, mind you.

News is divided into several categories: world, cultural, travel, health, fashion, etc. You can also choose news based on your level: A, B, C. The exercises include news texts and are divided into levels. Grammar contains articles small size about the Spanish alphabet, morphology, syntax, verbs, etc. The musical part of the resource contains videos and interviews with famous actors and singers. The last section is videos, after watching which it is proposed to complete a series of tasks.

Read the news, complete tasks, leave comments, this portal is another good way to practice your Spanish!

The site, unlike the previous resource, is presented in Russian, which is great for beginners. In the "Spanish Lessons" section, several texts are offered for review, all of them are accompanied by dictionaries, where almost every word from the presented text is translated.

The work of the server is arranged in this way - passing lesson after lesson, the student begins to simultaneously help developers translate various documents, articles and other materials. I.e this project is a mutually beneficial cooperation between its developers and students. Some get free knowledge, while others use it for their own purposes.

Training is carried out in an interesting game form, which helps to quickly memorize words, expressions, build sentences correctly, understand grammar in practice. Mastering the next topic, you are awarded points (lingots) and increase your level accordingly. You can learn more about the popular platform by following the link and starting to practice. A version for mobile applications is available.

The sore for many topic "conjugation of Spanish verbs" ceases to be such if it is given due attention. The portal allows you to view verbs in various persons, numbers, moods and times.

Among the advantages of this resource, one can note the translation of each type of time, a moment that is especially important for beginners; verb conjugation in imperative mood, affirmative and negative forms, conjugation at times. It is very convenient to see the verb in all its forms in one place.

“Everything is clear” is called the next site, this is the goal of its developers, to convey to language learners, grammatical material in an accessible form.

This goal is achieved by performing various grammar exercises, tasks for building dialogues from the above phrases, solving crossword puzzles - all this is on home page site. It is represented by 4 languages, but Russian is not among them yet.

The resource allows you to choose exercises based on the level of your knowledge. It should be noted that the site contains a huge number of tasks and all of them are available for free. There is a "conjugation" of verbs, which we mentioned earlier.

You can consolidate the accumulated knowledge by following the link provided. There are more than 200 different tests and exercises of simple and difficult levels. The site is convenient in that it allows you to start testing your knowledge without the registration process. After passing the test, you can immediately see the results.

The portal also has other useful information for Spanish learners. For example, you will find the tale " gold fish» in Spanish, Spanish jokes and anecdotes, interactive games and crossword puzzles, topics on current topics, an overview is presented teaching aids and tutorials, which can be downloaded immediately.

Another resource to consolidate your knowledge in a playful way. It's actually one of the subsections of the molinodeideas.es site, which is presented entirely in Spanish.

Gomino Labs is a kind of game training through which you can assess your knowledge and improve it, honing your skills in various aspects of the language.

For example, Numara - try to determine the number of words indicated, if you think that the s endings are always plural, you will definitely make mistakes))). Or Separador, which contains whole phrases and sentences that need to be broken down into separate words and prepositions. The portal contains a large number of games, each of which can be customized to your level of knowledge.

Applications for gadgets.

Application Name LIBROS GRATIS ESPAÑ OL speaks for itself: here you will find artistic, historical, classic literature in Spanish, all material is available free of charge. By installing the application on your phone or tablet, you will be able to read books in the original at any convenient time in a convenient place.

And, of course, you can not do without a translator. This application does not take up much space, works quickly and properly, this is confirmed by numerous positive reviews about him. The application allows you to download offline phrasebooks that can be used without an internet connection.

An excellent application for children that will help not only them, but also you to replenish your lexicon. Of course, you are unlikely to reach the conversational level, but this will give impetus to further study of the language. Agree, knowing the words of individual topics, it is easier to navigate in texts and articles. Nice interface, 3 difficulty levels, free access, what else do you need to get started?

Dictionaries and textbooks.

On the main page of the site, you must select the interface language, that is, if you do not have knowledge of the English language, this is not a problem here. The presented interface will be displayed in Russian.

The dictionary is represented by various topics: greeting, home, transport, animals, nature, geography, writing, etc. By choosing a certain one, you will see the corresponding pictures, hovering over them, you will hear their original pronunciation. Ideal option for beginners.

Same server, same dictionary, with the only difference being this option presented for Latin America. The principle of training is no different from the previous one. There is an opportunity to practice listening and speaking. Each picture of each subject has a sound accompaniment.

Listen, repeat and remember!

The non-commercial project was created by one single person - its author Ilya Shvyrev. The site is presented in the form of a textbook-self-study in Spanish (and English) language. A consistent presentation of the material will allow you to delve into the grammar of Spanish not only for beginners. Those who already have certain knowledge can find useful information for themselves, check their knowledge with the help of the proposed test.

The author is engaged in regular replenishment of his project interesting information and exercise. Ilya Shvyrev is the creator of the virtual textbook Cuaderno.ru his experience allows him to effectively and in an accessible manner present educational materials beginners.

Spanish music.

This resource is a real find for lovers and connoisseurs of songs in Spanish. The latest and latest hits are listed in writing in the original language, translated into Russian and with the possibility of free online listening to the song.

The site contains a hit parade indicating the number of weeks in the chart and the rating of musical artists. This will allow you to always be aware of new music. The section "Guess the melody" makes it possible to find out how well you know the works of your favorite singers. The interactive section "Radio" presents free listening to your favorite songs and hits, which are selected personally for you, based on the frequency with which you listen to this radio. You can also leave musical requests.

Musical compositions of this site can be listened to in English, German, French, Italian. Register soon, start enjoying great music, for the translation of which do not forget to thank the authors on the local forum.

Another musical resource that allows you to understand your favorite songs in Spanish. Like the previous portal, translations of several languages ​​are also presented here. The site is updated almost daily. The creation of the site and translations of songs are carried out by real professionals in their field.

Even if you speak Spanish at a high level, this site will be more useful for you. Contests are held on the portal, by taking part in which you can win a prize.

Online Spanish lessons

It is difficult to name another online service that would be so effective, interesting, convenient and useful for beginners. The well-known Russian polyglot Dmitry Petrov explains the basics of the Spanish language in a clear and understandable way in 16 lessons.

The effectiveness of classes is noticed already from the first lessons, in which several people are present. Their knowledge ranges from just one word sombrero to the ability to communicate in other foreign languages.

The resource offers to view all 16 lessons for free or download lesson notes.

Another video resource for learning Spanish, where the lessons are taught by a young teacher Irina Shipilova. For short lessons, which last an average of 10 minutes, Irina manages to talk about grammar, vocabulary in a very original, sometimes even artistic form.

In the last lessons, Irina helps to parse two famous Spanish songs, which undoubtedly motivates them to continue listening to songs and, as a result, learning the language.

The site is represented by videos of 4 categories, from level A1 to B2, the material is presented to the audience in the original, which allows you to check your perception of Spanish by ear.

To avoid problems with understanding speech, a written description of what is happening on the screen is attached to each video. The description is also given in Spanish, which creates an atmosphere of complete immersion in the language.

The topics of the video materials are very different, their duration is no more than 5 minutes. The videos are accompanied by subtitles, for viewing which, however, you will need knowledge of English.


We will not be surprised if your eyes run wide from the presented portals and you do not know where to start.

Each site is useful for both beginners and "advanced" students. And, as in everything, an integrated approach will help to achieve results in learning Spanish: the study of theoretical material, practice in the form of performing exercises and assignments, and practicing skills with a teacher. The latter method involves direct communication with the teacher, who will point out mistakes, correct pronunciation, and clarify difficult points.

Lessons with a person who knows a foreign language perfectly will be so effective that you will be pleasantly surprised by your results.

This resource is an online school for learning foreign languages, including Spanish. Classes are held via Skype with an individual teacher and have the following advantages:

  • personal approach to each student;
  • saving time and Money for transport;
  • the ability to create your own lesson schedule;
  • the opportunity to conduct classes in a place convenient for you;
  • Guaranteed money back, in the absence of results in the 3rd lesson.

And this is not all the advantages of this teaching method. At a free trial lesson, a teacher selected specifically for you will determine the level of your knowledge and draw up an individual program with an emphasis on topics that interest you to a greater extent. organizational moments until payment for lessons.

Upon completion of training, each student is issued, confirming the level of his knowledge. The certificate will become a significant addition to any documentation: presented to a Russian (foreign) employer or to foreign educational institutions.

In you can see useful materials and articles, many of which are written by the teachers of the same site. Blog articles are updated regularly.

A holistic approach to learning will give you the result you need: from basic knowledge up to advanced level. The most difficult moment in learning any language is to start learning it, having overcome the first barrier. Use our recommendations and you will be on your way to success!

LF school warns: language learning is addictive!

Learn foreign languages ​​via Skype at LingvaFlavor School

Do you want to travel to Spain as a tourist? Or maybe you are thinking about moving there for work or study? Do you dream of reading the works of famous writers in the original? Be that as it may, without knowledge, your desires, if they are feasible, then with some difficulties. But it is not necessary to spend money and time on attending special schools in order to learn Spanish from scratch. learn First level language is quite possible on its own. How to start learning Spanish on your own from scratch? Our simple tips will help you:

Listen to original music

Watch movies and series

Learning Spanish on your own from scratch is much easier if the training takes place with the help of films with subtitles. You will not only replenish your vocabulary, but you will also be able to perceive words by ear, and also learn specific intonation. Many original films are available online.

Read books.

Reading adapted literature is a great way to learn Spanish from scratch, learn new grammatical structures, and learn how to use new words. And the adventures of your favorite heroes will make self-study interesting and exciting!

Learning Spanish from scratch: what could be easier?

For convenience, we have created the site "Spanish with a smile", which will help us if we are learning Spanish from scratch. We learn Spanish from scratch on our own in the following sections:

Grammar. This section contains articles to help you learn Spanish from scratch on your own. We tried to cover all the main topics that cause difficulties in studying, and give detailed explanations with examples.

Verb constructions in Spanish.

In Spanish, there is an interesting and very convenient phenomenon called “verb constructions”. They consist of a verb in the personal form + an infinitive, a participle or a gerund. There are quite a few such designs, but today we will focus on the most common ones.

Difference between the verbs saber and conocer in Spanish

The Russian verb KNOW in Spanish corresponds to two whole verbs - saber and conocer.
What is their difference? Let's figure it all out together in this article!

How to replace the verb DECIR in Spanish?

The verb DECIR is one of the 100 most used verbs in Spanish. However, if you constantly use it in speech, then you will sound monotonous and boring. That is why we have collected for you a number of synonymous verbs for the word DECIR, which will make your speech brighter and more expressive.

Tables and diagrams. In this section you will find tables and diagrams for self-study. Use tables and diagrams online or download them to your computer. For the best result, you can print the tables and hang them at home. Then you will memorize grammar rules easily and quickly!

Table of endings of regular verbs I, II and III conjugations in tenses Indicativo

Tests. In this section, we have selected tests on various topics. There are both tests for knowledge of vocabulary and knowledge of grammar. Take the quiz and then test your knowledge on your own with the answers. This is a great way to take control of learning Spanish from scratch on your own.

Words in pictures. This section contains cards with pictures on various topics, with the help of which we independently learn Spanish from scratch online for free. Just download, print and view at your convenience. Words will be remembered quickly and easily!

Useful phrases on topics. In this section, we have collected the most common phrases that will be useful to you in different situations- going to the store, traveling by train, getting to know each other, etc. These phrases will help you explain yourself in any life situation.

15 Ways to Agree in Spanish.

You can just say "Si", that is, "yes", but we offer 15 more options on how to beautifully express your consent.

10 Ways to Say No in Spanish.

We all know that "no" in Spanish sounds like "no". But sometimes simple is not enough. How else to express disagreement or refuse?

We have collected 10 proven phrases for you!

Going on a trip to Spain, it is useful to remember a few words and expressions that will help you, even without knowing the language, to explain yourself in many situations: ask for directions, buy train or plane tickets, deposit things. We hope this selection will make your trip comfortable and allow you to enjoy new experiences without thinking about the little things!

Spanish is a very beautiful language. This is the language of rich history, which is spoken by over 500 million people worldwide. For a person who knows English, Spanish is one of the easiest languages ​​to learn, as both English and Spanish are heavily influenced by Latin. Spanish is even closer to French or Italian, since they belong to the same language group - Romance. For Russian speakers, Spanish has its advantages - for example, the fact that spelling and pronunciation usually match. Yes, learning any language takes time and effort, but the joy of the first real conversation with a Spanish-speaking person will fully justify all the effort! This article will talk about how to learn Spanish easily and with pleasure.


Learning the basics

    Learn the Spanish alphabet. The Spanish alphabet is the Latin alphabet that you are familiar with. It almost completely coincides with English, with the exception of one letter, but the sounds are significantly different. Study of correct pronunciation is very complex and milestone learning, and therefore it is worth starting to learn Spanish from the alphabet. Once you learn the pronunciation of individual letters, it will become much easier to pronounce words and phrases. The following is a list of the pronunciations of the letters of the Spanish alphabet:

    Learn to pronounce letters. When you learn the rules, you will be able to pronounce all the words correctly.

    • ca, co, cu = ka, ko, ku; ce, ci = se, si(or interdental sound closer to English, th in the word "think")
    • ch= h
    • ga, go, gu = ha, go, goo; ge, gi = hee hee
    • h mute: hombre is pronounced like ombre
    • hua, hue, hui, huo = uh, uh, uh, uh
    • ll is pronounced like th. "Calle" is pronounced like kaye
    • m and n at the end of a word, as well as n before c, are pronounced as a nasal sound n in English "think" or French "un"
    • n before v is pronounced like m
    • r at the beginning of a word and rr in the middle of a word are pronounced booming, in other cases - as usual R
    • que, qui = ke, ki
    • v is pronounced like b
    • y is pronounced like And between two consonants and how th in conjunction with vowels.
      Listen to recordings of Spanish speech to understand how these letters sound, and also read.
  1. Remember simple words. The larger your vocabulary, the easier it will be for you to speak Spanish. Learn simple words used in everyday life and you will be surprised at how quickly your vocabulary will start to grow!

    Learn basic conversational phrases. By learning the basics of polite conversation, you can quickly start communicating with Spanish speakers, even if only in English. simple level. Write down a few conversational phrases for daily use and memorize them 5-10 pieces a day. Here's where to start:

    Learn basic grammar rules

    1. Learn the rules of conjugation regular verbs. Verb conjugation is an important part of Spanish grammar. As in Russian, here verbs have a person, number and tense, which can be used to understand who And when performs an action. To learn the Spanish verb conjugation table, you should start with regular verbs in the present tense. Learning regular verbs is easy - they all end in -ar, -er, -ir, and each of them is conjugated depending on the ending. Details are below:

      Learn the conjugation rules for commonly used irregular verbs. Having learned to conjugate regular verbs, move on to irregular ones. These verbs are called irregular because their conjugation pattern differs from that of regular verbs. The reasons for this lie in the history of the Spanish language itself, and it will not be easy to explain them. Some of the most common verbs, including ser (to be), estar (to be), ir (to go), haber (to have), are just plain wrong. Just memorize the forms of these verbs.

      Learn the features of the genus category. In Spanish, as in Russian, all nouns have a gender. There are only two of them: male and female. At the same time, by ear or by spelling it is impossible to determine with certainty what gender the word belongs to, therefore the gender of nouns must be learned by heart along with the words themselves.

      Learn the rules for using certain and not definite article. There are no articles in Russian. English has one definite article (the) and three indefinite articles (a/an/some). There are eight articles in Spanish: four definite and the same number of indefinite ones. The use of this or that article depends on the gender and number of the noun.

      • For example, talking about a cat ( singular, masculine), you need to use the definite article "el" - "el gato". Speaking of cats plural, masculine), you should use the definite article "los" - "los gatos".
      • The definite article will change when it comes to female cats. So, "cat" (singular, feminine gender) requires the use of the definite article "la" - "la gata", and "cats" (plural, feminine), respectively, require the article "las" - "las gatas".
      • four forms indefinite article are used in a similar way. "Un" - masculine, singular; "unos" - masculine, plural; "una" - feminine, singular; "unas" is feminine, plural.

      Dive into the language

      1. Find a native speaker. One of the best ways to improve your language skills is to communicate with a native speaker. Such a person will easily correct your grammatical errors, help with pronunciation, and also introduce you to colloquial phrases which you won't find in the textbook.

        • If you have a Spanish-speaking friend willing to help, then you are very lucky. If there is no such friend, find sites where you can get acquainted with the goal of language practice, or courses that provide classes with native speakers.
        • If you can't find a Spanish-speaking person to chat in real life, chat on Skype. You may even find someone who will agree to teach you Spanish in exchange for Russian lessons.
      2. Try signing up for a course. If you need extra motivation or feel like you'd do better in a more formal setting, enroll in a language school.

        • Look for language schools or courses at local educational institutions.
        • If you are afraid or embarrassed to go to a course alone, ask a friend to sign up with you. This will make it easier and more fun.
      3. Watch movies and cartoons in Spanish. Buy Spanish DVDs with subtitles or watch movies and cartoons online. It's simple and easy way get used to the sound of Spanish speech and to the structure of the language.

        • If you are eager to fight, then after all the simple suggestions, pause and try to repeat what you heard. Perhaps this will make your accent less noticeable.
        • If you can't find anything suitable, ask on the forums or groups dedicated to the Spanish language: people will certainly share their sources.
      4. Listen to Spanish music. This is another great way to surround yourself with Spanish speech. Even if you don't understand all the phrases, try to isolate individual keywords and use them to guess what the song is about.

        • Get a Spanish radio app on your phone so you can listen to it on the go.
        • Download Spanish podcasts to listen to as you run homework or playing sports.
        • Of the good Spanish-speaking performers, it is worth noting Alejandro Sanz, Shakira and Enrique Iglesias.
      5. Learn more about Spanish culture. Language and culture are in a very close relationship, so many expressions and mentality are explained by the peculiarities of the culture of the people. The better you know the Spanish culture, the less problems you will have in the future.

        If possible, go to Spain or another Spanish-speaking country. When you feel confident enough in terms of the language, consider going to a country where Spanish is spoken, because there is no better way to immerse yourself in the language!

        • Remember that each country has its own accent, its own slang, and even words sometimes differ in meaning. In Chile, for example, they speak quite differently than in Mexico, Spain or Argentina.
        • Over time, it will make sense to focus on one branch of Spanish. You will get confused if you constantly go over the meanings of words and pronunciations. However, only 2% of the words differ from the main vocabulary in each country. Aim to explore the remaining 98%.
      6. Don't give up! If you are serious, then the pleasure of mastering a second language will cover all the difficulties. Learning a language is difficult and time-consuming, and it is impossible to fully master it in a day. If that didn’t convince you enough, then know that Spanish is far from the most difficult language:

      • Read, read and read again! This The best way learn the language, since reading covers many aspects of the language: vocabulary, grammar, set expressions, and so on. The more complex the work and the more difficult it is to read, the more useful it is in terms of language learning.
      • Many words in languages ​​derived from Latin (Italian, Spanish, French) are similar to each other. Learn the rules of the so-called language conversion (for example, English word, ending in -ible, is spelled the same in Spanish, but read differently). Thanks to the conversion alone, you can replenish your vocabulary by 2000 words.
      • Practice all four components of language learning i.e. reading, writing, listening and speaking. Make time for them all.
      • You can install a language learning app like Duolingo on your phone.
      • Pay Special attention for pronunciation. Remember that the position of a sound in a word determines how it sounds (for example, "b" and "d" are pronounced differently at the beginning and in the middle of a word). If you have a good ear, paying enough attention to pronunciation can smooth out the accent.
      • Try to find a friend whose native language is Spanish. It will help you understand the intricacies of the language, which are not written in textbooks.
      • To improve your pronunciation as much as possible, sing songs in Spanish. Give preference to songs performed by native speakers. At the same time, do not try to understand the meaning - try to pronounce the words exactly as the singer does. One example of such a song is "Amor Del Bueno" by Caliber 50. If you want, you can find the lyrics and its translation later, focus on the pronunciation first.
      • Complex sentences can be made from simple sentences. For example, "I'm hungry" and "I'm hungry" can be turned into "I want to eat something because I'm hungry."
      • Try using an electronic translator - it will come in handy to check if you understand and speak correctly.
      • Try to write down new words and make sentences with them. If you recognize a word, use it!


      • To teach new language, you need to spend a lot of time and effort. The result in this case is directly proportional to the effort expended. Don't let the lessons get boring - enjoy the process!
      • The only way to learn a new language is to start speaking it. Speak out loud, even if you are talking to yourself. This will help you get a feel for how the language sounds.