Czech Ukrainian dictionary online. Czech

One of the West Slavic languages ​​included in the list of common languages ​​of the EU is Czech. This factor, as well as the number of the population that speaks it, exceeding 10.6,000,000 people, speaks of the need to have an online translator from Czech into Russian at hand. Distinguished by specific morphology and grammar, Czech is quite difficult to self-translate, so more and more people prefer an online translator. The Czech-Russian direction in translation allows you to transform a set of symbols that are incomprehensible at first glance into an understandable Russian text.

An online Czech translator from "website" simplifies the translation process as much as possible. Incredibly quickly, accurately, and most importantly for free, the source text will acquire meaning and clarity. When performing machine translation, an online Czech translator may have a certain amount of error. But given the presence of a number of other advantages, small adjustments will not become an obstacle to solving the language problem. Easily, simply and fascinatingly, misunderstandings between interlocutors from different countries, tourists and local residents or business partners will disappear.

4.32/5 (total:191)

The mission of the online translator is to make all languages ​​more understandable, the ways to get online translation are simple and easy. So that everyone can translate text into any language in minutes, from any portable device. We will be very happy to "erase" the difficulties of translating German, French, Spanish, English, Chinese, Arabic and other languages. Let's understand each other better!

Being the best mobile translator for us means:
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Translation Memory

Glosbe dictionaries are unique. On Glosbe you can check not only translations into language Czech or Ukrainian: we also provide examples of usage, by showing dozens of examples of translated sentences containing translated phrase. This is called "translation memory" and is very useful for translators. You can see not only the translation of a word, but also how it behaves in a sentence. Our translation memories come mostly from parallel corpora that have been made by humans. Such translation of sentences is a very useful addition to dictionaries.


We currently have 43,835 phrases translated. We currently have 5729350 sentence translations


Help us in creating the largest Czech-Ukrainian dictionary online. Just sign in and add a new translation. Glosbe is a unified project and anyone can add (or remove) translations. This makes our dictionary Czech Ukrainian real, as it is created by native speakers who use the language every day. You can also be sure that any mistake in the dictionary will be corrected quickly, so you can rely on our data. If you find a bug or you can add new data, please do so. Thousands of people will be grateful for this.

You should know that Glosbe is not filled with words, but with ideas about what these words mean. Thanks to this, by adding one new translation, dozens of new translations are created! Help us develop Glosbe dictionaries and you will see how your knowledge helps people around the world.

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CZECH- CZECH, oh, oh. 1. see Czechs. 2. Relating to the Czechs, their language, national character, way of life, culture, as well as the Czech Republic, its territory, internal structure, history; such as the Czechs, as in the Czech Republic. Ch. language (West Slavic group ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

Czech- Po nočním lovu a úmorné cestě teprv teď jim nastávalo to nejhorší: do krve se hrdlili zvučnou a v divokých rytmech zpívanou španělštinou s překupníky a hokynáři o pár desítek pesos, které jim tihle drobní vykořisťovatelé stůj co stůj chtěli… … Key to languages ​​of the world according to scripts

Czech- adj. 1. Relating to the Czech Republic, the Czechs, associated with them. 2. Peculiar to the Czechs, characteristic of them and of the Czech Republic. 3. Belonging to the Czech Republic, Czechs. 4. Created, derived, etc. in the Czech Republic or Czechs. Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

Czech- Czech, Czech, Czech, Czech, Czech, Czech, Czech, Czech, Czech, Czech, Czech, Czech, Czech, Czech, Czech, Czech, Czech, Czech, Czech, Czech, Czech, Czech, Czech, Czech, Czech , Czech,… … Word forms

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Czech- see Czechs ... encyclopedic Dictionary

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  • Czech in 30 Days, Novak Jan, "Czech in 30 Days" is a great helper for those who want to learn Czech easily and quickly. The tutorial consists of three parts. A brief grammar introduces the features of Czech writing, ... Category: Other languages Series: Foreign in 30 days Publisher: AST, Buy for 247 rubles
  • Czech in 30 Days, Novak J., "Czech in 30 Days" is a great helper for those who want to learn Czech easily and quickly. The tutorial consists of three parts. A brief grammar introduces the features of Czech writing, ... Category:

Our translation agency also employs specialists in the Czech Republic, for whom translation from Czech into Russian (Ukrainian) and translation from Russian (Ukrainian) into Czech has long become the main profession.

What do we know about the Czech Republic? Beer, the brave soldier Schweik, Prague, Karlovy Vary, Skoda and hockey. For most of us, this list is limited to the stock of knowledge about a country related to us in language and culture.

But economists know otherwise. The Republic is one of the most important European trade and economic partners of Ukraine. The trade turnover between our country and the Czech Republic is quite considerable: in 2017 it grew by 30% and reached 1.7 billion US dollars. Our agency is constantly working on translations from Russian into Czech and from Czech into Russian of a large number of documents, contracts, memorandums and agreements.

For example, the main part of Ukrainian imports from the Czech Republic, more than 57%, falls on the share of machinery, equipment and vehicles. Not surprisingly, such a flow of goods is accompanied by a huge amount of documentation, which needs to be translated from Russian (Ukrainian) into Czech and back translated from Czech into Russian (Ukrainian).

The Czech Republic is also one of the most popular tourist destinations for Ukrainians, so many travel agencies turn to us when they need translation of business correspondence, travel brochures, texts of travel websites, financial and legal documentation.

Often, our translation company sends with such groups of guide-interpreters who help our tourists communicate with the local population. Long gone are the days when the inhabitants of Ukraine could easily agree in Russian in the Czech Republic, where under socialism it was compulsory to study the Russian language, both in schools and universities. The new generations of Czechs mostly speak German - the number one foreign language in the Czech Republic - or English. But still, a person who is able to interpret from Russian into Czech and from Czech into Russian turns out to be quite useful on such trips.

Cultural ties between our countries have long-standing traditions that have not been interrupted even in the most difficult, transitional years for art and culture. Ukrainian and Russian theatre, classical music, cinema, ballet, opera, literature, and fine arts are very popular in the Czech Republic. To hold even one art exhibition or museum exhibition abroad, in addition to business correspondence, which is mainly in English, first of all, a bilingual catalog is compiled, which requires translation from Russian into Czech and vice versa.

Also required are translations of the package of insurance documents, the most important inventories of exported / imported items, a bilingual description of the route of the exhibition, if it is mobile. And this is just one show. It is not difficult to imagine how much translation from Russian into Czech or from Czech into Russian is required for a theater with a troupe of several dozen people, scenery, props, stage equipment, going on tour.

Professionals from the April translation agency are able to provide any volume of high-quality translations, including the highest aerobatics for any major events (concerts, presentations, celebrations, conferences, performances).
