Painting wooden furniture with your own hands. All you need to know about painting old furniture What paint is used to paint wood furniture

Fashion for retro and classics is back, so old cabinets, chests of drawers and other items home interior back in trend.

Despite the simplicity and lack of catchy elements, the furniture that we inherited from our grandmothers remains strong and of high quality. The only unpleasant moment is a shabby and unpresentable appearance.

Painting furniture made of wood will help to correct this shortcoming. If you follow certain rules You can deal with this task on your own. Even after the work is done old wardrobe will look like designer thing, made to order.

Preparation of materials and tools

Regardless of how a DIY masterpiece turns out, some materials and tools will be required. To paint wooden furniture you may need:

  • LKM. Paint can be purchased in cans or cans;
  • varnish or stain. Protective coating, matte or glossy, your choice;
  • primer and putty are necessary to prepare wood for staining;
  • plastic film or newspaper will come in handy to cover glass, fixed fittings and other structural elements;
  • sandpaper. It is better to stock up on several types with different grain sizes, which will be required to remove the old coating and eliminate base defects;
  • auxiliary materials, such as a spatula, a container for diluting paint, a solvent;
  • brushes (narrow and wide), rubber roller;
  • respirator, rubber gloves, protective goggles.

Having prepared everything you need, you can move on. And the first step in painting furniture at home is choosing the right paint.

Secrets of the right choice of paint

There are quite a few coloring compositions on the market, but not all products from the presented range are suitable for repainting furniture. Even paints specially designed for this have their own characteristics and characteristics, and knowledge of these nuances helps home master do right choice. To color wooden furniture, we recommend paying attention to the following types of paints.

water emulsion. The composition does not have a specific smell, so it is ideal for a bedroom or a children's room. The paint dries quickly, has excellent adhesion to any surface, is in an affordable price segment. However, the water emulsion is extremely dependent on the humidity of the environment, so it is not suitable for kitchen furniture and bathrooms.

acrylic paint- the right choice if you decide to paint wooden furniture in White color. This is a quick-drying composition that penetrates deep into the surface to be painted, so you can do without preliminary priming. The paint has antiseptic properties, does not support the spread of open fire. The only drawback is that the products of this series are only available in white, so tinting will be required to give the furniture a different shade.

Latex. The advantages of this option are the washable surface and neutrality to any external environment. Such paints are usually used for furniture, affected negative factors. For example, with the composition you can paint a cabinet in the bathroom or process a wooden table in the hall, on which it constantly falls sunlight. The disadvantages include the high cost of the material.

Silicone . It is made on the basis of acrylic and silicone, resistant to moisture, has a high penetrating power. The composition is recommended for painting furniture in kitchens and bathrooms. disadvantage this material also is the price.

Furniture disassembly

This is an optional condition, but coloring individual elements will greatly simplify the task. In addition, old furniture natural wood usually massive, so it is extremely difficult to turn over and move it when assembled.

So, the furniture is completely disassembled, with the exception of non-removable fittings and elements that will be difficult to install back. These parts are covered with masking tape or polyethylene film. It is better to paint furniture on the balcony or in a separate room: any paint has a smell, albeit mildly expressed.

Removing the old coating

It was mentioned above that surface cleaning is a key step in painting wooden furniture. This operation is performed in two ways:

  • chemical;
  • thermal.

In the first case, we are talking about the use special means, such as solvents or other analogues. The composition is evenly applied to all surfaces, destroying the old coating. Giving preference to this technique, do not forget about the means personal protection. Moreover, the composition includes chemically active substances that can damage the structure of wood.

In this regard, thermal cleaning looks more practical and safer. For this, a building hair dryer is used. Under the influence of warm air, the old paint softens and is easily removed from the wood with a spatula or sandpaper.

Priming and puttying

After removing the old coating, the surfaces for painting are treated with coarse-grained sandpaper. If the furniture is old and has surface damage, these defects are eliminated with putty. When the applied composition is completely dry, the furniture is primed. This stage is necessary to increase the adhesion of the base and the coloring composition.


The paint is applied evenly over the entire surface. First, protruding parts are processed with a brush, the main surface is passed with a roller.

Note! To achieve the expected effect, the paint is applied in at least 2 layers, but this is an optional condition.

The number of layers can be different, the direction of applying paint can be alternated. It is important to bear in mind that the final layer always lies in the direction of the wood fibers. To simplify the task, staining can be carried out using an airbrush or spray the dye from aerosol cans.

When the paint dries, the surface is additionally varnished: matte or transparent (at the discretion of the master). This nuance will help create additional protective covering will give the surface a finished and aesthetic appearance.

How to deal with varnish

Almost all old furniture was produced in a polished form and covered with several layers of varnish. Removing such a coating is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Here you can use a mechanical or chemical method.

In the first case, a spatula is used, which is used to peel off the lacquered coating from wood in layers, hard-to-reach areas are processed with a flat screwdriver. To simplify the task, you can use a grinder or coarse sandpaper.

The second option involves the use of special washes, which are ideal for removing multilayer coatings. The product is prepared in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, applied to the surface of the furniture and left for 2-3 hours. Then the furniture is cleaned with a spatula or sandpaper. The remains of the wash are removed with a weakly concentrated acetic solution.

Decoration options

Painted furniture should be organically combined with other items. interior design: wallpaper, flooring, ceiling decoration. The most practical and versatile in this regard is the white color, which is suitable for any finish. A light color palette is chosen in cases where the emphasis is on furniture. Dark tones more suitable for the bedroom or children's room, creating a cozy and calm atmosphere.

It looks interesting artificially aged wood furniture. To achieve an antique effect, the surfaces are painted with dark and light paint so that the first layer shines through top coat. As an alternative individual elements processed with sandpaper or rubbed with dark wax.

Over time, the old furnishings in the house get bored, and the owners have a desire to change the furniture. But if in this moment there is not enough money to buy it, as an option for updating the interior, you can simply repaint the old furniture in new colors. And if you stick technological process, updated old furniture will please the owners for a much smaller amount than they would have to spend on acquiring a new one. How to repaint old furniture in order to spend as little effort and materials as possible?

If over time any piece of furniture is outdated and lost its attractive appearance, and there is no money to buy a new one - do not despair. Old furniture can be simply painted.

First, prepare necessary tools and materials:

  • grinder with nozzles;
  • sandpaper;
  • primer and putty;
  • paint, varnish, stain;
  • roller and brushes;
  • paint tray;
  • masking tape;
  • personal protective equipment: goggles, protective gloves, respirator (if necessary).

Secondly, prepare the furniture:

To level the surface of the old cabinet, use a grinder.

  1. If the cabinet is undamaged, the surface is not glossy, then you can proceed immediately, without preparation.
  2. If the walls of kitchen furniture or an old cabinet are polished, have cracks, dents or other mechanical damage, then such surfaces must be prepared. For convenience, the furniture is dismantled, all locks, handles, accessories are removed. Then scrape off everything that is not needed. After that grinder(optimally suitable eccentric) remove the old paintwork. At the same time, it is necessary to replace the nozzles as they wear out, and so that they are less clogged with dust, it is recommended to connect the grinder to a vacuum cleaner. Mechanical damage is putty. After that, grinding is carried out (in the absence of a machine, grinding will have to be done manually), dust is carefully removed and primed to save paint and varnish consumption and block the release of various unpleasant substances from the furniture. Especially important is the priming of porous surfaces, such as chipboard. Then proceed directly to staining.
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Furniture is an important component of the organization of the space of any room, so a lot of attention is paid to its selection, manufacture and placement. As a rule, inexpensive furniture is made of chipboard - a material prone to scratches and chips during operation. Sometimes the furniture goes out of line with other interior details when performing cosmetic repairs rooms, such as changing the color of walls or flooring.

In order for chipboard furniture to blend well with surrounding objects, look modern and creative, its surface can be repainted. The process is not difficult, so all work is done by hand. The furniture restored in this way will last a long time, and its appearance will become different from the standard facades of budget cabinets and chests of drawers.

Tool selection

There are several ways to paint old products yourself. The most high-quality coating without streaks and sags is provided with the help of an airbrush, however, at home, this method is far from always acceptable. In order to repaint the furniture at home, you will need the following tools:

1. grinder;

2. fine sandpaper;

3. putty for wood products;

4. foam roller or wide brush for flat surfaces;

5. narrow brush to paint the ends;

6. primer;

7. coloring compositions of the desired colors and types;

8. masking tape;

9. personal protective equipment (respirator, gloves, goggles).

paints and varnishes

Achieving the desired result is ensured by the use of dyes of various qualities. Restoring the protective layer and updating the gloss on the facade of the furniture is done using a colorless varnish. To correct or change color solution it is necessary to paint the old furniture with an opaque suspension.

According to their composition, all paints are divided into two main groups: with organic and aqueous solvent. To create a hard and durable coating, chipboard can be painted with solvent-based enamel (for example, Tex, Dulux, Dufa Hochglanzlack). However, the drying process is accompanied by the release of toxic fumes and a strong odor, which is not always acceptable in a residential apartment.

The best option for do-it-yourself furniture restoration is an acrylic mixture on water based(known trade marks Beckers, Sadolin Aqua, Feidal). This type of coating combines good adhesion to wooden surfaces, strength, water-repellent properties and color retention throughout the entire period of operation. Absence harmful secretions is an important advantage of aqueous formulations that allow you to paint furniture facades at home on your own.

Surface preparation instructions

It is possible to qualitatively paint laminated furniture only if it is carefully carried out. preparatory work. Experts recommend pre-treatment as follows:

1. Carefully dismantle all interfering elements from the surface to be repainted: handles, locks, overhead strips;

2. Treat chipboard with fine-grained sandpaper to create a slight roughness and grout small scratches;

3. Prime the treated surface with a wood compound (acrylic primers Galamix, Teknos Woodex and others are suitable). The shade of the primer is selected to match the solution with which it is subsequently planned to paint the chipboard (especially if the coating is white);

4. scratches, chips and other defects on the chipboard must be leveled with putty, and then reapply the primer;

5. Immediately before painting the prepared surface, it should be additionally degreased with alcohol.

Painting work

Chipboard can be repainted with a roller or brush. The roller provides more economical consumption and even distribution of paint on a flat surface. In order to paint the cabinet with your own hands in the presence of a decorative relief, you will have to use paint brush. In both cases, to obtain a uniform coating, painting must be done in unidirectional movements. The finishing layer is applied along the long side of the furniture facade.

To ensure good adhesion, the prepared surface must be free of any contamination. Qualitatively paint the front side of the chipboard will come out in two passes. The second layer lies on the completely dried first. The curing time of water-based paint is about half an hour. During drying, it is not recommended to open doors and windows in the room.

If desired, the furniture is painted, combining different colors in accordance with common idea interior. To demarcate areas with different shades on the surface of furniture made of laminated chipboard, you should use a special masking tape, which, after performing its functions, can be easily removed without damaging the coating. The border that separates different colors, can be additionally painted or trimmed with polyurethane molding.

The combination of shades achieves a change in the visual perception of space: in order to lighten the dark corner of the room, you can repaint the furniture located in it in white. The transitions of tones between the walls of the room and the elements of furniture can be both smooth and contrasting, depending on the style of the interior.

Refresh or Refresh old interior restoration of old, sometimes shabby and cracked furniture will help. Almost everyone has such furniture, inherited from their grandmother, which is a pity to throw it away.

And it is worth gathering dust in the country or in the garage. In this article we will look at how to properly and how to paint old furniture.

Old chest of drawers cleaned for painting

Before painting old furniture, it must be carefully prepared. So that in the future she will please her updated appearance for a long time.

There are two ways to clean the surface:

  • Chemical is the use of special chemicals. They are selected depending on the type of previous coating. Do not forget about safety precautions, be sure to wear gloves before work.
  • Thermal is the use of hot air or steam. Building hair dryer soften old paint on furniture and remove with a scraper and clean with sandpaper.

What you need to work

Some tools you will need when painting furniture

Before starting painting old furniture it is worth immediately preparing the tools and other improvised means that will be needed in the process:

  • Paint in cans or cans.
  • Lacquer, matte or glossy.
  • Putty and primer.
  • Newspapers or film.
  • Gloves and goggles.
  • Respirator or gauze bandage.
  • Sandpaper of different grits.
  • Masking tape.
  • Rubber spatula.
  • Paint tray, one or more.
  • Water and detergent.
  • Roller and brushes.
  • Rags.

Having prepared everything in advance, you can not break away from the workflow.

Advice! It is better to buy a new brush for painting and, when choosing, carefully check the villi so that they do not pop out. In the worst case, the surface of the furniture will not be uniform and smooth.

Choice of finishing materials

Different types of finishing materials


  • To paint old furniture, we need more than just paint.
  • You also need to purchase a primer, preferably the same shade as the paint. So we will apply fewer layers of paint to the product.
  • Putty may be needed if the surface has deep cracks, scratches and chips.
  • And it would be nice to cover the updated furniture with varnish, for its longer use and spectacular appearance.

Choosing a paint

Of the variety of paints for furniture, water-based paints are best suited.

These include thixotropic and acrylic paints:

  • acrylic paint– easy to apply, dries quickly and does not have a strong pungent odor.
  • Thixotropic paint- a dense consistency that does not leave streaks and after drying it looks like plastic.

Important! When buying paint, you need to pay attention to what it is intended for. Some types are used for garden furniture, this is not suitable for home use.

Choosing a varnish

Lacquers are diverse in their properties and chemical composition.

For home furniture suitable for the following types:

  • Water based varnish– suitable for any surfaces, does not smell and is not toxic, but dries for a long time.
  • Nitrolac- used for small parts and wears out quickly.
  • Shellac lacquer- the most popular, creates the perfect gloss, durable, but it has a rather high price.
  • Polyurethane varnish– wear-resistant, good contact with wood. Diluted with solvent before use.

Painting process

Painting old furniture with your own hands at home is not very difficult. The main thing is to know exactly what you want and prepare in advance.

Step by step coloring instructions:

  1. First, let's analyze the piece of furniture that we will update. We remove the doors, pull out the drawers and unscrew the handles and locks. We seal surfaces that cannot be removed, glass and mirrors.
  2. Next, as it should, wash it, for this in a basin with warm water let's dissolve a little detergent. After washing, you need to let it dry.
  3. We put on a gauze bandage and goggles so that the dust does not clog and does not settle on the mucous surfaces.
  4. We clean the surface with fine-grained sandpaper and prime it. If there are deep cracks or scratches, they must be filled with a rubber spatula.
  5. We prime again, it is worth choosing an acrylic primer for the future color of the furniture. This will allow you to apply fewer layers of paint. After drying, go over the surface with sandpaper again.
  6. We remove dust and dirt residues with a vacuum cleaner or a dry brush. From a damp rag, dust and small particles will clog back into cracks and crevices.
  7. Do not forget to cover the floor and nearby objects so as not to stain them with paint, especially if we are working with a spray can.
  8. Do not forget to open the windows, as you need to work with paint in a well-ventilated area. Make sure that small insects do not fly nearby, they can get into a fresh coat of paint and have to be redone.
  9. Wear gloves to protect your hands from paint contamination. Do not forget that you need to paint in the old home clothes, which is not a pity to spoil.
  10. If we paint with a spray can, it must be shaken before use. We apply paint from a distance of about 30 centimeters, with smooth movements and as thick as possible, in order to avoid streaks.
  11. If the paint is in cans, use the paint tray. With a roller, paint wide surfaces, corners and small details with a brush.
  12. We wait for the paint to dry completely and apply a new layer. For an even and rich color, two to three layers are usually applied.
  13. After all the paint has dried, apply an acrylic glossy or matte varnish. This will make the product wear-resistant and give the paint a beautiful and deep color.
  14. Now we can remove the masking tape and protective film from protected surfaces. Before using new furniture, at least eight hours should pass.

In the video in this article you can see the process of preparing and painting old furniture.

Painting furniture from different materials

Whatever material the furniture is made of, the process of preparing it for painting and painting itself is practically the same. There is also no difference in finishing materials used for this.

Of course, each material has its own distinctive little things, taking into account which we will get high-quality painted, updated furniture.

Painting MDF furniture

To begin with, the surface must be cleaned and degreased, then rubbed with coarse sandpaper and applied with an acrylic primer. It will fill all the pores of the panel, and the paint will lie evenly. The paint can be applied with a spray can or spray gun, brush or roller. If a second coat of paint is needed, wait for the first coat to dry completely before applying the next one.

If the painting of the old furniture was successful and the coating is perfectly even, it can be additionally varnished. This will not only give an elegant shine to the product, but also increase the durability and wear resistance of the coating. For a more even and shiny surface, the varnish should be applied in several layers, waiting for each of them to dry.

Important! It is necessary to varnish only a perfectly smooth surface, since varnishing will highlight all the roughness and smudges.

If suddenly the product could not be painted without flaws, it does not matter, you can combine several different colors, they will hide the bumps. Defects, drawings or painting are also well masked. Overhead glued pictures will also look good.

Painting furniture from chipboard

Having cleaned and degreased all surfaces, we putty them and rub them properly with sandpaper until the hand feels a smooth surface. Paint for old chipboard furniture is used acrylic, oil or alkyd.

If, after the first layer of paint has dried, roughness is found, they can be cleaned with fine-grained sandpaper. After letting the paint dry, you can apply the next layer.

Advice! Painting old furniture can be more than just paint, now big choice varnishes. It's not only good protection surface from dirt, fungus and moisture, but also a spectacular appearance.

Types of varnishes that are used for painting:

  • Alkyd.
  • Oil.
  • Alcoholic.
  • Epoxy.
  • Nitrocellulose.
  • Polyurethane.

Varnishes are good because they make the surface more resistant and hard. If you choose paint, then acrylic is perfect. It is easy to use, just diluted with water, it is stable and dries quickly, it has a less strong smell.

Painting natural wood furniture

Natural wood is most often simply varnished, but if the old furniture has already been previously painted, then it is better to cover it with paint again.

The principles of preparing old furniture for painting are almost the same as for products made from other materials. A distinctive feature of a tree is a phenomenon called "pile up". This is when wet compositions are applied to it, for example, stain, enamel or varnish. It is not difficult to eliminate this effect, it is only necessary after the first primer to grind the surface with very fine sandpaper.

Types of painting furniture made of natural wood:

  • Toning- painting with preservation of the visible structure of the tree.
  • solid painting- This is the usual coloring.
  • Varnishing- varnished surface.

If we want to achieve a clear pattern of wood, it is best to take stain for staining. Its large assortment includes a rich range of shades of natural wood.

In this article we will talk about the styles in which you can decorate an apartment, materials and suitable staining techniques.

You will find out what materials are typical for scandinavian style, what paint can be used to paint furniture, what accessories fit organically into Provencal interior and much more.

Styles and techniques

Preparing to repair an apartment and a house forces you to answer a number of questions, many of which can be confusing. Making choices and making important decisions is easier if you understand what to focus on, what you want to see in your home, and what absolutely will not work.

Minimalism and Scandinavian style

Lots of light and little detail functional furniture and simple lines are the main features of these trends in interior design. Used in design natural materials: wood, stone, ceramics, glass - or their high-quality imitation.

Monochrome color combinations: pastel shades contrast with dark details.

What kind of paint to paint furniture to fit a minimalist setting depends on the color of the walls. Items made of natural wood fit best into such an interior, and to protect their surface and give the desired shade, you can use varnish or wax. Available products made from wood derivatives do not contradict the design concept. What paint can be used to paint chipboard furniture if it does not fit into color scheme? Select the desired shade in our catalog.

Boho and eclecticism

The complete opposite of the black and white minimalist interior is the boho style. Honored here bright colours, many details and accessories, diversity and freedom in the choice of materials. Boho style allows you to combine the incongruous, express yourself and create comfort from the little things. Vintage or aged interior items, an abundance of flowers, ethnic prints, ornaments and handmade gizmos - everything can be harmoniously combined in such an environment.

You can artistically age furniture, for example, using Shabby paint, and create gilding - spectacular. Your own taste will tell you what paint to paint the furniture. We will tell you more about the choice of coating in the section “Techniques and materials”


Inspired by the decoration of houses in Greek and Italian coastal cities, mediterranean style tends to simplicity, natural colors and textures.

Calm bright hues make up the main palette of colors: olive and lemon yellow in combination with terracotta, shades of blue and white. Multi-colored tiles and ornaments are often found, but do not visually overload the room. Semicircular doors and window openings, arches - distinctive features mediterranean style.

In such interiors, laconic and squat furniture in natural shades or stylized antique is used. What paint to repaint the furniture? Take the overall color scheme as a basis and pick up a few colors that will become the main ones in the design. You can create a vintage effect with Shabby paint, and a geometric pattern is more convenient with Perfect paint.

Moroccan exotic

The clash of cultures and traditions gave the world an eclectic Moroccan style. It harmoniously combines African, Arabic and Mediterranean motifs. Red-orange colors, heavy fabrics and carpets, niches, traditional ornaments and carvings, mosaics and forged details are the main elements of the Moroccan setting.

How and what paint to paint wooden furniture? You can use bright colors from the Perfect line, create layered textures with Shabby, or simulate inlay with effect paint.


Former factories and warehouses in New York were reborn into galleries and art spaces, thereby giving rise to different directions. industrial style, including lofts. Roughly machined, simply painted concrete and brick walls, high ceilings, a lot of light and space - the basis for the design of such premises.

Provence and Victorian

Provence style is the spirit of the old French province, a combination of sophistication and rustic simplicity. Character traits the furnishings of a Provencal house are natural materials and soothing pastel colors. Surfaces and furniture seem to be slightly sun-bleached, aged over time, but not lost their former beauty.

Vintage or specially aged furnishings fit into the Victorian shabby chic decor. Nostalgia for a bygone era delicate shades and light floral motifs, artistic carelessness and an abundance of cute little details. What paint to paint the furniture in white so that it fits into such an interior depends on your tasks: if you just need to change the color without extra effort, the Perfect line is suitable, and it is more convenient to create a multi-layered texture and a vintage effect with Shabby paint.

Techniques and materials

In this section, we will talk about the methods and techniques of staining, about which style this or that method is suitable for, what paint is best for painting wooden furniture, and what is suitable for other materials.

Instead of buying a new set, you can paint the furniture yourself, but with what paint. It is much cheaper, you can involve the whole family in repairs and create comfort in the house with your own hands.

What should be the ideal interior paint:


Materials for internal works should not be harmful either during painting or during the use of painted products. Paints and varnishes made on the basis of solvents and drying oil emit volatile organic substances, are toxic and flammable. It is better to refuse them when working indoors or strictly follow safety precautions, use protective equipment and thoroughly ventilate.

Our store offers water-based paints and varnishes, which are made from natural ingredients. They are safe and environment They are odorless and do not cause allergies. They are suitable for painting children's furniture and toys, and can also be used by people with special sensitivities.


How opaque the paint is and is able to cover the previous color. When repainting furniture, this quality becomes very important, the consumption of materials and the final result depend on it.

Surface compatible

“What paint to paint furniture made of laminated chipboard?” - some surfaces are almost unpaintable, this is a real headache for those who decide to repair.

Our paint is designed for the most difficult materials, so it adheres to any surface: wood and its derivatives, glossy and lacquered surfaces, plastic and ceramics, stone, brick and many others.

Easy to use

Removing the old coating and preparing the product for painting is the most time-consuming and tedious part of painting work. Our materials in most cases do not require special pre-treatment of the surface. It is only necessary to clean and degrease it, and in the case of glossy ones, lightly sand it with sandpaper to remove the shine.


The coating must withstand mechanical stress and be resistant to water and detergents.

Leaves the possibility of repainting

It happens that the furniture is accidentally scratched or left a dent, or maybe the color is just tired and it's time for a change. It should always be possible to restore and renew coverage.

What paint to paint wooden furniture, and what - plastic

Paint based on milk casein fits perfectly on wood, both unpainted and on what has already been varnished or other coloring composition.

For painting for the first time, you will need to clean the product from household dirt and dry it. If you need to quickly and effortlessly update the color wooden product, then Perfect paint will do. It combines primer, saturated color and durable finish. If the goal is to create layered textures and vintage effects, then Shabby paint will do.

What paint to paint chipboard furniture

Particleboard, plywood and MDF are difficult to paint. The special formula of our materials adheres firmly to such surfaces and allows you not to remove the old coating. Effect paints can be used to create an original coloration with a pearly sheen or imitation of gold and silver.

What paint to paint veneered furniture

Materials and painting technology for veneer furniture is the same as for wood or chipboard. The varnished surface will need to be lightly sanded for better adhesion, then cleaned and degreased. Other products do not require any special treatment other than cleaning.


Paint for plastic furniture should be thick, so do not dilute it with water. Before painting, sand the product and then clean it. The first layer will be the primer.


The materials presented in our catalog are also suitable for painting wrought iron and metal furniture. The metal surface must be primed and then painted.

Staining techniques

vintage effects

Artistically aged pieces of furniture fit into the interior in the Provencal style, look harmoniously in the Mediterranean setting and, of course, go well with boho and eclectic decor.

Working process:

  • First of all, remove the fittings and cover the parts that should not be painted.
  • Before applying each new layer of paint, the previous one must dry completely.
  • The easiest way to give furniture a vintage look is to paint matte paint, cover with dark wax and walk lightly with sandpaper to create scuffs.
  • You can use contrasting colors: first cover the product with a darker shade, and on top with a light one. sandpaper, with a dry brush or a damp sponge to make scuffs. They naturally look where they would have appeared from old age: around handles, on the corners and bends of furniture.
  • Wax or varnish is used as a top coat to protect the surface.

Ornaments and patterns

Mediterranean and Moroccan interior suggests patterns and repetitive motifs, boho embraces anything that fits in well, and laconic graphic ornament complements a minimalist or industrial design.

Simple patterns, such as stripes, diamonds or zigzags, are made using masking tape. More complex patterns can be drawn and made on your own, or you can use ready-made stencils. Make sure the base coat is completely dry before applying the ornament.

You have something to focus on when updating an apartment, and you know what paint to paint furniture made of chipboard, wood and other materials.
