White conspiracy to love a man for clothes. Husband's home plot for love through red threads

There is an opinion among the people that love itself comes and sets off, and it is impossible to influence it in any way. Completely wrong position. And she is not sweet to the Higher Forces.

They send a feeling to a person for happiness, and not for unimaginable torments. And since such a gift has come to you, then the possibilities for its realization are attached.

But we don't always know about them. Illiteracy seems to be to blame.

There is no point in speculating about why "civilization" decided to abandon magic. After all, it's her own business. We do not want to save the world, but we want to do good for ourselves.

That is why the topic: “The conspiracy of a loved one: for water, for food, for salt, for clothes, for hair” became of interest. So we will be enlightened, without disturbing others. Let them believe in what is dearer to them.

How to read the conspiracy of a loved one: for water, for food, for salt, for clothes, for hair

Any magic words do not work by themselves. They need to be properly filled.

When you try to influence the carrier, the program is introduced into it. It consists of the words of the conspiracy, emotions and energy of the "magician". It is important that everything is correct, harmonious.

Here is a rough list of requirements for what you will do:

  • read clearly, pronouncing every word, even the sound. You can whisper, just do not swallow the "parts of the formula", otherwise nothing will come of it;
  • Be sure to get rid of negative thoughts. Any of your thought-form jumps on the move into a magical formula.

If you are offended or upset, then postpone the ritual. It is carried out only (exclusively) in a good mood. It is recommended for Orthodox to pray in order to be cleansed.

Well, if the food came out from under your hand, that is, you cooked it yourself. This enhances the effect of the ritual. But you can also talk about a purchased product.

You also need a linen bag, in which incense is carried. Sprinkle some on left palm and say:

“I’ll salt, I’ll change my life. The food will be salty, and your soul (name) is full. Full of unearthly love. My image will reign there! Amen!"

The white powder is poured into a bag and worn near the heart. This salt should be put on a loved one. Only he can use it. Otherwise, you might get yourself in trouble.

Once in the body of another person, the product will disrupt his energy. That is, you can cause damage, for which you will have to answer. Follow it!

More often, salt, spoken in this way, is poured into the pocket of a loved one. He will still touch her with his hand, but more is not necessary.

Conspiracy of a loved one for clothes

You will need . It is preferable to choose according to two parameters: to wear close to the body, the second - often.

It is ideal to choose scarves or hats. They are washed less often, which means that the energy of the conspiracy will not be erased. And they touch the naked body next to the central chakras.

By the way, if you want to cause physical passion, then speak cowards. You will be surprised by the effect.

You need something for the night. After that, it will need to be returned. Build an altar in the room.

To do this, the table is covered with a red cloth, two candles and a mirror are placed in the middle. Put the thing in front of the reflective surface. Light the candles.

Say while stroking the object:

“God, I'm sorry! I’ll get up in the morning, walk around the yard, cross over with a cross, and pray. I will go out into the open field, where the Son of God sits on the throne, alone in my soul. As Jesus suffers and mourns for his people, so His servant (name) suffer for me, wanting to get a wife! The Lord burns with pure love, but endows His servant (name). It teaches you to burn with compassion, to create a race, and to hug me! Amen!"

Conspiracy of a loved one on hair

Such a ritual is already closer to a love spell. Hair can speak cleanly, without changing the energy of the “victim”, only living ones, those on his head, can be used.

For this person, stroke and repeat:

“How the Mother of God loved her son, bequeathed to everyone, but forgot the topic! You (name) remember Mother's lesson! So that he was for the future! She wished you well, therefore she gave me to you! Do not be stubborn, do not twist, submit to the will of God and fall in love with me in an instant! Amen!"

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Most Full description in all details - a strong love spell on the clothes of a loved one with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

At all times, clothing has played a huge role in human life. Since any thing that touches the body bears a clear energy trace of the owner, therefore clothing items are often used as magical attributes in various magical rites.

As a rule, rituals with the use of clothes are very simple and are often performed independently at home. It is important to remember that the ritual should use a piece of clothing that is currently being worn by the object of the love spell. For example, a love spell on clothes with a winter hat will be absolutely ineffective if it is carried out in the summer. It is best to use casual clothes.

Ritual options for clothes

A very popular ritual is a rite with which you can bewitch a guy or girl. Moreover, this effect is equally effective for bewitching both a guy and a girl. In the ceremony, it will be necessary to use, in addition to the thing of the chosen one or the chosen one, spring or well water. Tap water cannot be used for magical effects.

Ritual with spring water

A love spell on clothes should be done late at night. At this time, there is a high probability that the object of the love spell is sleeping, so it is less susceptible to resistance from external influences. To enhance the effectiveness of the rite, as an attribute, you should use a thing that your chosen one or chosen one most recently wore. Having retired to a separate room, you need to light candles.

Sprinkle a piece of clothing with prepared water, and taking it in your hands, pronounce the following conspiracy:

A love spell on clothes must be read thirteen times and all this time continue to sprinkle the item of clothing with water. After that, the thing must be dried and given to a loved one. It would be optimal if the chosen one wears this piece of clothing the next day.

Ritual for nettles

Another popular love spell is an impact aimed at attracting the attention of a husband. Indeed, very often in life there are situations when, after years life, the husband begins to inattentively treat his wife and even look to the side. As an additional attribute in the rite, you will need to use nettles, which should be plucked on the day of the ritual. If it is not possible to do this, then the pharmacy fee can also be used, but only in this case the effectiveness of the ritual will be significantly reduced.

At midnight, it is necessary to retire in a separate room, and wrap the husband’s thing prepared for the ceremony in nettle leaves. At the same time, you need to imagine that you are not wrapping a piece of clothing, but directly the body of your husband.

It is important to imagine what unpleasant feelings he is experiencing, and say these words:

The next day, the husband must put on the charmed clothes, and the nettle used in the ceremony must be burned after that.

Effective love spell on clothes

A person's clothes are material things that can be used for magical rites. Very often it is used to bewitch a beloved boyfriend or husband. A love spell on clothes is used to attract attention and inspire a person that only you are a faithful life partner for him.

Human psychology is designed in such a way that it cannot fully exist without a loved one. Love makes girls want a handsome guy and get him as a husband in the future. Young men in turn seek love beautiful girl beautiful soul and body. However, it often happens that a person falls in love with someone who does not feel any sympathy for him at all.

When love is unrequited, a love spell is an alternative way out. Love magic can work wonders by bringing together loving girl and an unloving guy, or vice versa. A love spell on clothes will help with this. It is recommended to use it when you are completely sure that you want to stay with this person for life. Otherwise, the consequences can be sad for both people.

Required paraphernalia

A love spell where you need to use clothes requires important details to perform the ritual. A love spell necessarily requires clothes that the desired person often wears. It is important that the clothing attribute be used by him in the present period. A love spell will be useless if you take a scarf and apply it in a ritual in the summer. Consequences and result will be zero.

It is advisable to take clothes from the everyday wardrobe of the desired person. This must be done invisibly to him. This will help to avoid negative consequences and long explanations. The love spell also requires a thread of 15 centimeters. Instead, you can take a button or other detail that fits well with clothes. The final details will be:

Right time

It is worth keeping in mind that the magic is in different time can bring different consequences and results. The maximum activity can be observed at night or in the evening. Accordingly, the minimum result will be obtained in the morning or afternoon. Midnight is optimal time for a love spell of a husband with the help of clothes. To achieve success in the love spell of your beloved husband, you should:

  • to be completely alone in the room;
  • be sober;
  • be in a good mood;
  • the only source of light should always be a candle.

Necessary actions

The first step is to put all the items of the ritual on a flat and smooth surface. It could be the floor or the table. Place the photo card face down. Light the wick and wait for enough wax to melt. A thread or button is pressed into the melted wax. The selected part must be securely fixed. A little more wax is applied on top. The spell is accompanied by the following text:

“Come to me my chosen one (name of a loved one or husband) as (the subject you have chosen) stuck to my photo. Turn your attention to me and be with me always.

Consequences and final stage

When the wax has completely hardened, the detail is removed from it. Needed within an hour given element sew into clothes. Then put the clothes in the closet and wait for the person to take and put them on.

The consequences of a love spell can be observed almost immediately after a person puts on clothes. Within an hour, he can pay attention to you and show interest. It is not worth counting on the fact that strong love will arise. However, you need to be an optimist. The interest shown to you can develop into true and strong love in the future.

How to read a love spell on a loved one

Clothing is something without which it is impossible to imagine the existence of a person. Clothing is in direct contact with the body of its owner, therefore it absorbs its energy well, leaving its energy trace on itself.

It is for this reason that the things that a person wears often act as props for various magical love spells on the things and clothes of a loved one. Through things, a person can convey both positive and negative program due to close contact with the body magical effect quickly gives the desired result.

Features of the ceremony

This love ritual is considered one of the simplest and allows you to quickly arouse sympathy in a person of interest and get his attention. Most often, a love spell on clothes is used in an already established couple, when the relationship is undergoing a difficult period (treason, cooling of feelings, quarrels and conflicts, lack of attention, the appearance of a rival (rival), etc.)

A love spell on a loved one does not require special skills, and is considered one of the safest. As a rule, it is done late at night (more often at midnight). But this is by no means a sign that the ritual belongs to black magic - such a condition is necessary so that the bewitched person cannot provide energy resistance to magical effects.

At night, a person sleeps, he is relaxed and powerless before the action of the rite. And he also takes off his clothes at this time, so the main props of the ritual are easiest to get at this very moment. love ritual on a thing is characterized by a rather mild effect on the object and is more like an energy binding than a love spell in the full sense of the word.

It is advisable to do a magical rite during the growing month, so that its effect grows in a positive direction. Special requirements apply to the clothing itself:

  • it must correspond to the current season;
  • it is advisable for the ceremony to choose a thing that the bewitched loves and puts on with pleasure;
  • the thing cannot be washed before the ritual, since washing will wash away the energy trace of the owner, and the ritual will not work. It is impossible to wash even after the rite has been performed - it is necessary that the bewitched must put on this clothes. It is best if this happens on the same day that the ritual was performed;
  • if it is not possible to get the thing of the person you want to bewitch, buy a thing that he will definitely like and will be actively worn, make a love spell for a new thing and give it to your chosen one.

It should be remembered that such methods are characterized by a short-term effect. With the first wash, the conspiracy will lose its power.

One more thing important condition : when bewitching your chosen one with the help of his thing, you must be firmly convinced that you will not stop loving him and want to spend the rest of your life with him. Otherwise, the ritual may have a deplorable effect on both of you.

Three ways to charm

To sew on a loved one

cook thing to be cast on, - belonging to the chosen one or intended for him as a gift. Also prepare sewing accessories(needle, thread, buttons, etc.).

The meaning of the love spell is that on the selected subject you will need to make several stitches. It does not matter how this will be achieved: by altering or sewing on buttons, by applying embroidery, etc. But this must be done in such a way that the fruits of your actions are not conspicuous - as if it were so. AT last resort, you can just sew a few stitches with a needle and thread to match the clothes, in some inconspicuous place.

Before the ritual, sit for 15 minutes with eyes closed, relax, discard all extraneous thoughts and concentrate on the desired goal. Take your clothes and start needlework, wielding a needle and thread. In the process of all work, speak a conspiracy:

“I sew and sew, my beloved (name of the chosen one), I attach to myself. Like a thread behind a needle, so my dear follow me. I will open my dear heart, I will put it there: my beloved eyes, my unforgettable beauty, strong love for me and inescapable longing for me. In the heart of the sweet with a needle-key I will lock them forever. Strong, strong is my stitch, heart (name of the chosen one) to the castle."

Calculate the length of the thread so that after your needlework there is a segment that is enough to tie around your wrist or ankle, to make something like a bracelet. Wear the thread on yourself for at least 3 days. If it does not last less than 3 days (it breaks), this is a signal that the love spell failed. Burn the bracelet after use, and give the charmed thing or give it to your chosen one.

For a gift

The love spell is read on the clothes that will be presented to the chosen one. At the same time, it is imperative that you have a firm belief that the new thing will be worn by your loved one, and not by someone else, otherwise serious difficulties may arise. Conspiracy text:

“The sun saturates the shirt, the darling puts it on, absorbs my love into himself. He loves me alone, he desires me alone, and he will only be with me.

Clothes are spoken at night, in the morning (before lunch) of the same day they are presented to the bewitched.

To return the husband to the family

A ritual for those wives whose husband found a mistress on the side and intends to leave the family, but has not yet taken his clothes. The wife should speak one of his things, which her faithful will certainly take with him. You also need to know the name of the opponent. You need to speak the subject at night. Text:

“Come back for clothes, turn around yourself and you, (name of spouse), come back to me. Get away, (name of mistress) - lover, get away, you won’t get it. Amen".

See the video for another way with a personal item:

Modern love practices

Magical rites have long been used by man to solve various problems, to overcome life's troubles and attract all sorts of benefits. Love magic today is the most popular direction in esotericism, since troubles in personal life can lead any person to despair, because of which he will seek help anywhere.

Mankind knows a great variety of various love spells, some of them can harm the target, can deprive a person of will and make him a slave to the conjurer. Fortunately, such rituals are quite complex and extremely dangerous, they will certainly have a negative impact on the performer, if the slightest mistake is made.

But not all love magic harmful and dangerous, there are many simple rituals that are not capable of harming a person. With their help, you can attract the attention of a loved one, they do not deprive the will and do not harm the target. This category includes many simple love spells on the clothes of a loved one.

A love spell with a lover's clothes is considered quite simple, but there are some secrets here that allow you to achieve greater effectiveness from the ongoing magical actions. The main thing in such rituals is the clothing itself. For achievement positive result only worn items of clothing should be used so that they retain the energy of the person to whom the love spell is directed.

For love magic to work as strongly as possible, you should use only clothes that match the following rules:

- choose clothes that the object of your desires has been using for a long time;

- it is better to use the subject's favorite things that he wears as often as possible;

- the closer the clothes are worn to the skin, the more energy of a person it retains, therefore, underwear is used in many rituals;

- in some ceremonies, clothes are used, which are subsequently given to targets, things created by with my own hands artist, which allows you to establish a fairly powerful energy connection between two people, at the same time, a lot of effort should be made to create such a thing, because your loved one must definitely like it.

How to make a love spell on clothes

To perform a simple ritual, in addition to a piece of clothing, you will also need two candles, nettle leaves, black thread and blessed water from the church. The ceremony should be started immediately after midnight during the growing moon.

First you need to cover the table with a clean, light tablecloth, place candles on its surface and light them. After that, a prepared piece of clothing is placed on the table and nettle leaves are wrapped in it. At this time, you need to say the words three times:

“As the nettle burns the skin strongly, so let the heart of the servant of God (name) burn longing for me, the servant of God (name). Amen".

After reading the words, you need to wash yourself with illuminated water, but do not wipe your face so that drops fall on the clothes of the target. Now we read the following line:

“As your clothes, the servant of God (name) catches drops from my face, so you will catch my words, but look for the look of my eyes. Amen".

At the end of the ritual, two pieces should be torn off from the black thread. The first thread must be tied to the clothes of the beloved, and the second - to your own. right leg. During this, we read the words three times:

"Here's your thread, and here's my thread."

The thread on the leg is not tightly tied, you do not need to tie several knots, it is enough if it just keeps. You need to go to bed with a thread, if in the morning it is not on your leg, then the ritual has worked and in the near future you should expect the first results, which usually manifest themselves in the fact that your lover will begin to seek communication and meeting with you.

This ritual is able to form a stable energy connection between you and your beloved.

A simple ritual with clothes

This ritual is not demanding on the environment, but for its maximum strength, a few minutes of preparation should be taken. Turn off the light in the room, sit in comfortable armchair close your eyes and try to relax. Throw everything out of your head, get rid of your worries and anxieties, because they can harm, and concentrate on the purpose of the ritual.

After that, you can proceed to active actions. During the ceremony, you will need to modify the item of clothing, you can tear off the button and sew it on again, if there are buttons, you can just make a few stitches, the main thing here is the plot that is read in the process. Conspiracy words:

“I sew (name), I sew, I alter the clothes of my beloved (name). As I change clothes, so I attach my beloved to me. As the thread follows the needle, so my dear will follow me. I will open the heart of my beloved, I will put my beloved eyes there, my unforgettable braid, inescapable longing for me and strong love. With a needle I will lock them in the heart of a sweetheart. My stitch will be strong, strong, I close my words to the castle. May it be so".

Calculate the thread so that after completing all the steps, there is enough thread left on the needle so that you can tie it around your wrist. The thread must be worn continuously for three days. If such a “bracelet” breaks earlier, then the ritual failed and should be redone. After three days, the thread from the hand must be burned. Clothes after a love spell are returned to the beloved.

Love spell with clothes. How to return a loved one to the family.

Who are we in this world without our soulmate? Love magic exists in order to regain our only one, if we are not able to do this in the usual way. A plot on clothes is one of the most popular ways of non-contact influence on another person, which even the most inexperienced admirer of magical witchcraft can use.

The role of clothing in magical rituals

Clothing, like everything around us, has the ability to give and absorb energy. Being in close contact with a person, clothing retains his strong energy footprint. This relationship is often used to perform all sorts of magical rituals.

Rites in which personal items are used are carried out without the direct participation of the bewitched. They, as a rule, do not pose a threat to life and health and are quite safe.

But don't underestimate the value of magic. The energy potential of a personal item is equivalent to a photograph or even a drop of blood. Depending on the energy of the magician, the "charge" of clothes, the type magical rite, you can only correct events, or you can change fate.

Preparation for the ritual

Love spells are best done at sunrise, i.e. early morning, unlike lapels, for which the optimal time is midnight.

Before you start any ceremony, clearly formulate your desire. Think, do you really need this person? Is anger, envy, or some other undesirable feeling driving your actions? And most importantly, will your act reflect very badly on others, for example, children?

Before the magical ritual, stock up on support from above. Say the appeal: “Nicholas, you are God's helper. In the field, in the house, on the road and on the road, in heaven and on earth: intercede and save me from all evil.

Types of love spells with clothes

main attribute magic love spell stands for a thing that a loved one wears or will wear. It is very important that this piece of clothing is really to the liking of its owner. Do not share your plans with other people and do not lose faith in your abilities and strengths. Depending on the situation, the goal, the savvy of the magician, several different love spells are distinguished with the help of clothes.

Magic spell on clothes

When you need to attract the attention of a certain person or return your husband's former love, love magic comes to the rescue. For uncomplicated but effective rite would need:

  • · Clothing. Choose the item your loved one is currently wearing.
  • · Needle and thread about 20 cm.
  • · Button. Choose the right one or just tear off the existing one to sew on later.
  • · Own photo (performer).
  • Church candle and matches.

Make sure that in the room where the ritual will take place, there are no lights, no sound, no strangers present, turn off the equipment, including the phone. During the ceremony, you must have good location spirit. No need to be sad, angry, feel any negative emotions.


  1. 1. Place your photo face down on the ritual table. Prepare a button and a needle and thread, light a candle.
  2. 2. Drip the wax on the back of the photo and press the button there. Drip the wax on top of the button. During these actions, sentence love plot:
  3. 3. After the wax has cooled, separate it from the button. Sew the button to the clothes.
  4. 4. Hang the charmed thing in the closet. As soon as your man dresses her, the conspiracy will work.

love plot

“Come to me my chosen one (his name), like a button stuck to my photo. Turn your attention to me and be with me always.

Love spell of a needlewoman

This love spell with clothes is more suitable for couples who have known each other for a long time or, even better, live together. Choose a thing that the cute one wears with pleasure, regularly and closer to the body. The ideal option is underwear.

To perform the rite, one must master the basic skills of needlework. It is enough to make a couple of inconspicuous stitches, sew on a button, or you can embroider a simple pattern or sew on an appliqué, depending on your desire.

1. Choose a time when no one will disturb you. Take everything you need for needlework, clothes. First you need to learn a love plot.

2. Relax, discard disturbing thoughts, imagine the image of a loved one. Take a thread with a needle, a charmed thing and get to work. During needlework, read the words of the conspiracy.

3. At the end of the work, calculate the thread so that there is a piece the size of a bracelet.

4. Tie the remaining thread around your arm and wear it for three days. If the thread breaks earlier, it means that the ceremony failed.

5. Before donating, place the prepared garment under your pillow overnight. Try to have your man sleep with you that night.

love plot

“I sew, I sew, I attach my beloved “his name” to myself.

Like a thread behind a needle, so my dear is behind me.

I will open my dear heart, put it there:

My beloved eyes, my unforgettable beauty,

Love for me is strong, longing for me is inescapable.

With a needle-key I will lock them forever in the heart of a sweetheart.

Strong, strong is my stitch, the heart "his name" is locked.

Gift for a loved one

To perform the ritual, you need a clear conviction that the thing you “speak” will be worn by the one to whom it was intended.

It is best to use the impending holiday event to explain the relevance of the gift, and give your loved one a practical item to replenish his wardrobe. In the ritual, it is allowed to use not a new, but belonging to him, thing. The main thing is that it does not fall into the wrong hands. Otherwise, unforeseen difficulties may arise.

On the eve of the gift, at midnight, read over the thing magical conspiracy. No one should know about your intentions.

“The sun will saturate the shirt, the darling puts it on, absorbs my love into himself. He loves me alone, wants me alone, and will only be with me.

How to get your husband back?

If the husband leaves for another, but you want to return him without fail, try to make sure that he forgets some thing from the wardrobe. It should be such an item of clothing for which he will definitely return.

On the night before his arrival, cast a spell over his thing. “Come back for clothes, turn around yourself, you come back to me“ husband’s name ”. Disappear "the name of the rival" homemaker, perish, you won't get it, amen.

Love spell on grave land

Rites in the cemetery are categorized dangerous rituals. They are quite effective, but can cause irreparable harm, both to the bewitched, and to the performer himself. For those who have no idea about magic, it is better not to use this method.

There are many conspiracies in the cemetery. Here is one of them:

You need to come to the cemetery at night and find three graves of people with similar names of your lover. Take a handful of earth from each grave and scatter it on the path between the fences.

Put on a pile of scattered earth, the thing of your chosen one and read the spell 9 times:

“Do not wear hats to the dead “name of the chosen one”, and to the living Servant of God “name of the chosen one” without me, the Servant of God “name of the performer”, do not walk the earth. Amen".

A little about magic

Despite the existing negative attitude towards magic, one should not deny the fact that they have been using magical techniques since time immemorial. It is not known how each of us was touched by this magic. And in most cases, stories about the monstrous impact of a love potion are greatly exaggerated.

Many ancient rites, such as divination and divination with the help of cards, solitaire, jumping over a fire, in order to perform magical witchcraft, and much more, later turned into ordinary fun and do not cause any superstition and fear.

But not always. There are love spells that can completely subjugate the will of a person, zombify him. This strong magic and is subject to magicians, with a strong energy potential, possessing knowledge of subtle bodies and the laws of magic.

At all times, clothing has played a huge role in human life. Since any thing that touches the body bears a clear energy trace of the owner, therefore clothing items are often used as magical attributes in various magical rites.

As a rule, rituals with the use of clothes are very simple and are often performed independently at home. It is important to remember that the ritual should use a piece of clothing that is currently being worn by the object of the love spell. For example, a love spell on clothes with a winter hat will be absolutely ineffective if it is carried out in the summer. It is best to use casual clothes.

Ritual options for clothes

A very popular ritual is a rite with which you can bewitch a guy or girl. Moreover, this effect is equally effective for bewitching both a guy and a girl. In the ceremony, it will be necessary to use, in addition to the thing of the chosen one or the chosen one, spring or well water. Tap water cannot be used for magical effects.

Ritual with spring water

A love spell on clothes should be done late at night. At this time, there is a high probability that the object of the love spell is sleeping, so it is less susceptible to resistance from external influences. To enhance the effectiveness of the rite, as an attribute, you should use a thing that your chosen one or chosen one most recently wore. Having retired to a separate room, you need to light candles.

Sprinkle a piece of clothing with prepared water, and taking it in your hands, pronounce the following conspiracy:

“As my tears watered your clothes, my dear (name of the chosen one), so your heart will suffer for me ( given name) and do not know peace. Day and night, toiling, trying to connect with me. And not for a moment or an hour, and not for a month or a year, but for a lifetime. Pure natural water will help us to connect with him forever. The water will go to the sky, and the heart will press against the heart. Amen".

A love spell on clothes must be read thirteen times and all this time continue to sprinkle the item of clothing with water. After that, the thing must be dried and given to a loved one. It would be optimal if the chosen one wears this piece of clothing the next day.

Another popular love spell is an impact aimed at attracting the attention of a husband. Indeed, very often in life there are situations when, after many years of life, the husband begins to inattentively treat his wife and even look to the side. As an additional attribute in the rite, you will need to use nettles, which should be plucked on the day of the ritual. If it is not possible to do this, then the pharmacy fee can also be used, but only in this case the effectiveness of the ritual will be significantly reduced.

At midnight, it is necessary to retire in a separate room, and wrap the husband’s thing prepared for the ceremony in nettle leaves. At the same time, you need to imagine that you are not wrapping a piece of clothing, but directly the body of your husband.

It is important to imagine what unpleasant feelings he is experiencing, and say these words:

“As much as the nettle burns the body of my beloved husband (name of the spouse), so his soul for me (proper name) will greatly yearn. The heart yearns so that the blood in its veins freezes. His unbearable longing pushes him to his native home. Nettles are always stinging and they can’t get rid of their leaves, so my dear one can’t get rid of her suffering far away. He will calm down as soon as he is next to me. Amen".

The next day, the husband must put on the charmed clothes, and the nettle used in the ceremony must be burned after that.

Magic bindings or love spells are a special topic in the field of magic. First, to such rituals, both people and magicians themselves have a rather different attitude. Someone believes that such magic is a dark program, since it is based on the transformation of consciousness in order to direct thoughts and desires to one person, not always destined by fate. And this attitude is correct. Someone else thinks love magic love spells with a positive impact. Since these rituals are aimed at finding happiness with a loved one. And they are right too. My personal attitude to the magic of such a plan is unequivocal: if you want to be happy, you should not be modest in choosing methods.

Love binding, she is a love spell - this is a magical effect on a person

What is a love bond

Before I talk about love attachments and give you some effective rituals, I want to tell ignorant people what a love attachment is, or a plot for love. Love binding, she is a prisushka and she is also a love spell - this is a magical effect on a person, in order to attract him into your life, to bind him to yourself as a loved one, lover, husband. As my practice shows, women turn to such magic more often than men. But even among the representatives of the strong half of humanity there are those who wish to find love in this way. that is, to bind the girl to him with magic.

I want to mention the fact that sometimes such a binding is needed already family woman. If the husband is susceptible to temptations and does not miss a single skirt, you need to try to tie him to yourself and limit his thoughts and desires only to his wife. This will save the family from disintegration, which means that such a dryer is good magic.

strong binding

So it was judged that a strong impact is always negative, that is, as they say black magic.

graveyard anchor

All rituals in which there is a graveyard as a venue, or magical tools taken from the graveyard, this refers to dark programs. Such programs are the strongest and most durable. But at the same time, the most dangerous. What a magician who accepts an order for divination involving a churchyard or dead tools should know is that powerful protection and a lot of inner strength including willpower.

How to prepare for the ritual

Preparation for the ritual occupies an important niche in the work of an experienced magician practitioner. During the preparation period, the magician cleanses his soul and draws energy from the outside, accumulating it in himself. This build-up of power makes it possible to resist the influence of dark entities that always follow the graveyard tools and are present at dark rituals. As an experienced practitioner, I advise beginners to follow a number of rules in the preparation process:

  • fast for three days;
  • refrain from sexual, carnal relationships during the preparation period;
  • donate to the temple;
  • scatter seeds for God's creatures;
  • pray to your saint;
  • distribute charity.

It is very important in the process of preparation not to swear and not to take even light layouts or rituals, all magical actions, even light ones, “squander” your strength.

Before the ritual of a love spell, you should carefully prepare

How to conduct a ritual

Do not forget that rituals that are aimed at influencing a man are carried out strictly in men's days, and we conduct women's rituals strictly on women's days.

It is necessary to follow the rules of the ritual very carefully:

  1. On the chosen men's day, come to church for matins, endure the entire service.
  2. When the service is over, buy two church candles. Pay with a large bill, and immediately donate the change to the temple, saying to yourself:

    "I give you a deposit!"

  3. Put one purchased candle for the repose of the one you bewitch, the second for health. And immediately order a prayer for the health of this man, and magpie.
  4. Now you need to go to the nearest cemetery from the temple. There, on the churchyard, look for three graves with the name of the bewitched man. From each of the three graves, take a handful of earth and hide it in a red scarf. Do not forget to leave nickels at the graves as a way of ransoming the soul of the deceased.
  5. When you collect land, tie the scarf tightly crosswise.
  6. Throw the exit from the graveyard gate behind you, but onto the territory of the cemetery land a handful of coins and say:

    "Paid off!"

  7. Now you need to find a wasteland that is pierced by winds from all sides. Stand in the center, put a scarf with earth from the churchyard in front of you, carefully untie it and open the earth to the wind.
  8. With every gust of wind, cast a spell:

    "Like a hat already dead not to wear, so the living (name) cannot live on earth without me (your name). How dead more not to walk, and living (name) without me (your name) does not exist. So it was, is and will be. Amen".

  9. It is best if a gust of wind picks up a handkerchief and sweeps the ground in one fell swoop. So the ritual will gain more power.

Ritual for a strong binding

I myself have not yet used such a ritual. In my practice, there were no such clients who would wish to make such a dryer. But in magical sources and on the forums of magicians, they call such a ritual, they say that it can be used to bewitch a man forever. By the way, this ritual is a great way to bewitch married man. Before offering you this method, I examined in detail all the information available in the sources and I must say that there is no question of a misfire. This the conspiracy acts on the subconscious of a man with terrible power. The bewitched himself does not understand how it happens that all his thoughts and paths lead in one direction, to the one who ordered the love spell.

How to prepare for the ritual

The difficulty here is that the preparation for the ritual should be done not only by the magician, but also by the customer. Here everything is the same as in the first method. That is: fasting, sacrifice to the temple, prayer to your saint. But both the customer and the magician must do this. If at least one ignores the preparatory moments, the ritual will have no power.

How to conduct a ritual

  1. On Men's Day, go to church and buy a candle, don't take change, or just donate it to the temple right away.
  2. AT this option you will also need to visit the old churchyard, but it is advisable to choose a windless day. Or take a protective cap for the candle with you.
  3. On the graveyard we are looking for an old abandoned grave. Preferably with the name of the one to whom the binding is made. But this is ideal, but in principle the main thing is that the burial place is old and abandoned by people.
  4. When you find a grave, light a candle, close it from the wind.
  5. With a burning candle in your hands, go around the grave three times, saying the following spell:

    "I'm walking along dead city, I see coffins-graves, I ask, I pray from the dead: get up, well done, get up, girls, and take the young man (name) from all living people - from beautiful and ugly, from red and from white, from beautiful eyes and vowel smiles. So that only his little legs would go towards me and his white hands would reach out. So that life is not sweet to him (name) without me, so that the birds do not sing and the sun does not shine. Tie, sisters, tie, brothers, him to me with invisible fetters, but tangible for ever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen"

  6. When you go through this three times and say a conspiracy three times, put out the candle and hide it in the bushes closest to the grave. You will need it to repeat the ritual on the ninth and fortieth day.

It is very important to do repetitions on the ninth and fortieth day at the same time as the ritual was performed for the first time.

For the ritual you need a church candle

Ritual of eternal love spell by photo

Magic that uses the image of a person is only as effective as rituals that use blood. About magic on blood and about a love spell on monthly blood we will talk later, and now I will offer you a simple but effective love spell on ph. This is one of the most effective drying options.

What is needed for the ritual

To perform the ritual, you will need to prepare:

  • a fresh photo of the one you want to bewitch;
  • church candle;
  • saucer with water;
  • empty saucer.

How to conduct a ritual

  1. Cover the table with a white tablecloth.
  2. Place a candle in the center of the table, light it.
  3. Now we put a saucer with water in front of the candle, so that the fire of the candle is reflected in it.
  4. We put an empty saucer next to it.
  5. We put a photo of the victim of the love spell in front of the saucer, tilting it slightly above the water so that the light of the candle falls on the photo, reflected in the water.

“As I am a slave (your name) I miss and yearn for a cordial friend (name), so let him yearn and miss me. Let the honey bliss spread in it every minute only at the thought of me, a slave (your name). So be it. Amen".

  1. When you read the plot, you need to put the photo on the second dish, pick up a candle and set fire to the photo.
  2. We set fire to the photo as many times, until only ashes remain from it.
  3. When the photo burns out, the ashes from the dish must be blown into the wind. And after him let the water off the dish. Let the candle burn itself out.
  4. From the moment the candle goes out, the love spell will take effect and you can count on you to have managed to bind the victim to yourself.

Eternal love spell on blood

Blood love spells were known to our great-grandmothers. The ancient sources of magical sciences say that the effectiveness of bloody rituals is that the blood is a kind of sacrifice. Initially, all love spells on blood are divided into two types: pure and impure. Pure love spells on blood mean pure blood, that is, blood from the body, from a finger from a palm, etc. But impure love spells on blood are love spells that are made on monthly secretions. I would not advise using monthly blood in magic, as it is not entirely ethical. And the effect of such a ritual can exceed all your expectations and not always pleasant. In the course of my practice, I observed girls and women who came with a request to untie and turn away from them a man whom they themselves had tied up for monthly blood. Such love spells are removed hard and not always successfully.

I will make a reservation separately that many sources indicate that a love spell on blood gives a person the effect of a zombie. And the second horror story says that after a love spell, the victim changes dramatically, that is, a man becomes disgusting for the woman who has bewitched him, he starts drinking, or becomes addicted to drugs, etc. In fact, everything is not so. It is a matter of this kind that, having bewitched a man, a woman loses that very feeling of fear of losing him, and he becomes uninteresting to her as an object of love and desire. It is the knowledge that this is a person with her power of love spell in itself rejects her from him. Everyone wants true love, and a love spell is suggestive. And the victim's addiction to alcohol or drugs, like depression or aggression, is actually just innate character traits. certain person, it's just that we all want perfect love, and bewitched love does not happen like that. These are nuances, but important, sometimes it is easier to bind than to untie.

All the most powerful rituals are associated with blood, and love spells are no exception.

Love spell on the soul on blood

Before performing the ritual, you will need to prepare certain magical tools.

What you need for the ritual:

  • two thin black candles (you can just paint two church candles gouache);
  • 5 white candles;
  • a thin needle (I advise you to use a needle from the syringe package, it is safer);
  • sharp knife;
  • liquid alcohol.

How and when to perform the ritual

Such a ritual is performed on a men's day, during the period of the first days of the growing moon from sunset to midnight. To prepare for the ritual, it will be necessary as always, that is, fasting and reading a prayer.

The ritual itself is carried out as follows:

  1. Free the room from the carpet, you need free space in the middle of the room.
  2. On the floor you need to draw a five-pointed star pentagram and enclose it in a circle. For each ray of the star, put one thick white candle.
  3. Now take the black candles prepared in advance, heat them up a little and make something out of them, like a doll, it will be a volt. When you create, imagine that this is the person you want to bind to yourself.
  4. Now you need to light candles on the pentagram, and place a flat dish with liquid alcohol in the center of the star.
  5. Next, pierce your finger with a needle, and paint your volt with blood, saying: My blood, and your love.
  6. Approach the dish with alcohol and set it on fire. When the flame rises, put the volt directly into the dish, let the fire burn it and melt the wax, mixing it with the blood. In the process, speak a conspiracy:

    “How my blood is tormented in a hot flame, and you are also the Servant of God (name) tormented by love for me.”

  7. Repeat these words until the alcohol is gone.
  8. Wait until the volt cools down a bit, take it from the dish and hide it away from prying eyes. All traces of witchcraft must be thoroughly washed off, the cinders of the candles should be thrown into the fire or into the stove, a needle should be sent there, and the alcohol dish should be washed with hot water.

From this moment, the ritual will begin its action and you can count on having managed to bind the victim to yourself forever.

Love spell on menstrual blood

The simplest, but at the same time the most terrible and impure love spell is the application of menstrual blood. This ritual is made as simple as shelling pears, and you can bind a person to yourself forever. Add some of your own to food or drink. menstrual blood pronouncing a spell:

“I give you my blood and I will take your soul for myself. Now you are mine in body and soul and mind and deed. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Now you just need to treat your loved one with this dish and the love spell will take effect.

Analyzing everything that my magical practice presents to me, I’ll say: you can make prisushki, and you can read a black conspiracy for love, and you can also bewitch a married or free man forever, but you need to carefully weigh everything before that. Might not be worth using. eternal love spell, it may be more profitable for you to apply first simple ways bindings, a love plot for attraction, or a plot for passion, which act weaker, but are also removed more easily if something happens.
