Why pink garden hydrangea does not bloom. Factors affecting flowering

Hydrangea or hydrangea (Hydrangea) belongs to the Hydrangea class. AT vivo its growth can be found in countries East Asia, North and South America and also in the Himalayas. It's very beautiful ornamental plant, which has a specific property. Its original inflorescences in those species that are white or cream in color, with the onset of autumn, acquire red, burgundy, raspberry or cherry color. Also, their shade depends on the composition of the soil. If you enrich the soil in the area where the flowers are planted with aluminum sulfate, they will turn blue or blue. And if you water the plants with a solution of potassium permanganate, then the inflorescences will turn pink.

Despite the fact that the hydrangea is the favorite of most gardeners for its beautiful and long flowering, it is quite a capricious plant. At the same time, for various species there are their own rules of care, non-compliance with which leads to the absence of buds. This article answers the question: “Why does not bloom garden hydrangea».

Reasons for the lack of flowering garden hydrangea

There are many reasons for the lack of flowering of garden hydrangea. They can be both general and individual for each species. Therefore, before planting this beautiful flower you need to study its features and rules for caring for it.

Bad place to plant a seedling

Since garden hydrangea is perennial shrub who does not like transplants, then the place for her landing should be chosen in accordance with her preferences. Otherwise, the plant will develop poorly, and flowering may be absent. The main rules for choosing a site for planting garden hydrangeas can be considered as follows:

Hydrangea doesn't like transplants

    • The site should be located so that in the morning it is as illuminated as possible. After lunch, the plants should be in partial shade. If this is not possible, then it is necessary to create additional shading for hydrangeas before flowering in the afternoon. Plants planted on too sunny place, can get in a particularly hot time sunburn, and those that grow in constant shade, bloom weakly.
    • Plants must be protected from winds and drafts that inhibit their development. The best place would be planting near the house, gazebo or other garden buildings.
  • It is not recommended to plant hydrangea near other large shrubs or trees. It is quite moisture-loving, and other plants will actively absorb water, which can lead to a lack of moisture.
  • Hydrangea has a shallow root system. Therefore, if it is part of flower arrangements, it is desirable that its neighbors be flowers whose roots grow deep into. Otherwise, they will not allow the root system of the plant to fully develop.

Hydrangea is demanding on the composition of the soil

Of great importance for garden hydrangea is the composition of the soil, it must have an acidic or slightly acidic reaction. The soil should be nutritious, loose and well-drained. It should not contain lime, which inhibits the development of the plant. Before planting hydrangeas, it is recommended to make deep holes in the dug area and fill them with the following soil mixture:

  • sod land - two parts;
  • humus - two parts;
  • peat - one part;
  • coarse sand - one part.

Too little or too much moisture

hydrangea very moisture-loving plant, so watering for her has importance. It should be carried out weekly, pouring 20 liters of water under each adult bush. If the weather is too hot, then watering is carried out twice a week.

Water should be soft, because. hard adversely affects the condition of the plant. tap water before watering, you need to let it stand for at least five days.

Lack of moisture can lead to wilting of foliage and dropping of buds. Prolonged drought leads to the death of hydrangeas. But do not overfill the soil, you need to let the top layer dry out. Otherwise, rotting of the root system and the development of various diseases may occur.

Adaptation after disembarkation

Planting garden hydrangeas in open ground best done in early autumn. In this case, over the winter, the plant has time to take root well and get used to a new place of growth. Since hydrangea does not tolerate transplantation well, in order for it to quickly take root, several rules should be followed:

It is best to plant hydrangeas in early autumn.

  • When removing the plant from the container, you should save as much as possible a clod of earth so as not to damage the root system.
  • After planting, you need to mulch the soil with peat or sawdust and make additional shelter for the plant.
  • The soil should always be slightly moist, but without overflow.

If new leaves appeared on the hydrangea within a month, then the adaptation was successful. In the future, it is important to properly prepare young plants for wintering in order to keep them until spring.

Hydrangea planted in autumn period, as a rule, blooms the next summer and is more resistant to infection by diseases and pests. Those plants that are planted in the spring bloom only for 2-3 years of growth, since the first summer they take to adapt.

How should the root system develop

Hydrangea is distinguished by a widely branched root system what to consider when boarding

Hydrangea has a shallow, widely branched root system. Therefore, it is desirable that the rest of the plants are planted at a distance of at least one meter from it. In this case, the plant will have enough space and moisture for the full development of the roots, and, consequently, the ground part.

Incorrectly selected fertilizers

Garden hydrangea is primarily valued for its bright, lush and long flowering, which can only be ensured proper feeding. Also, additional nutrition is required because the bushes of the plant grow quite large. Therefore, they quickly absorb useful material from the soil.

Top dressing begins in the spring, using complex mineral fertilizers every two weeks. They can be alternated with organic matter, such as slurry. To do this, manure is diluted with water in a ratio of 100 grams per 10 liters of water. This will ensure the full growth of green mass.

With the onset of flowering, nutrient complexes that do not contain nitrogen, such as superphosphate, are used. This is required in order for the active development of the buds, and not the foliage, to occur. An excess of nitrogen in the soil prevents young shoots from becoming woody, and during wintering they may die.

Fertilizers are applied weekly. This is necessary for the formation of new flower buds. Once a month, you can water the hydrangea with sour-milk drinks (kefir, yogurt, and others).

With the beginning of autumn, fertilization should be stopped so that the plant calmly enters a dormant period. In September, ash can be added to the soil at the rate of 100 grams per square meter. It is also recommended to pour 15 kilograms of manure under each bush. This will become an additional top dressing in the spring and protect the root system during the winter.

Kidneys frozen in winter

Hydrangea blooms on last year's shoots, flower buds on which are laid during the summer and autumn. Therefore, if they freeze in winter, then the flowering of the plant will not occur. In this regard, it is important proper preparation hydrangeas for wintering. First of all, you need to prune in accordance with the type of plant, and then cover it in accordance with the following recommendations:

The reason for the lack of flowering may be frozen buds

  • Low bushes are completely covered with peat and covered with covering material.
  • Heavy boards are laid around young tall plants and nails are driven into them. Then the bushes are rewound with ropes, gently bent down and fixed with nails. After that, they are covered with sawdust, covered with spruce branches. A sheet of iron or other heavy material and then covered with snow.
  • Adult hydrangeas do not bend, so as not to harm the plants. They are simply completely wrapped with covering material and tied with a rope. Around the bushes set metal mesh, dry leaves are poured inside, and outside they are covered with plastic wrap.

Shelter should be removed after the end spring frosts, as they can also damage the kidneys.

Failed shrub pruning

Unsuccessful pruning of a shrub can completely stop flowering.

Pruning hydrangeas must be done correctly. If flower buds are removed during it, the plant will not bloom. In the first two years of growth, it is not recommended to do it at all. Each species has its own terms and methods of pruning bushes.

How to properly prune and prepare for wintering

When pruning garden hydrangeas, the following recommendations should be considered:

  • Large-leaved hydrangea is pruned with the beginning of the autumn period at the end of flowering. In this case, only the removal of inflorescences, remaining buds and dried stems occurs. Pruning of shoots in the fall does not occur, it is done in the spring after the opening of the buds, so as not to harm flowering.
  • Tree hydrangea is pruned in late autumn. Young shoots are shortened so that at least four buds remain on them. This will allow them to develop and bloom well in the spring. Old, dry and damaged stems are removed completely. Since this species is prone to thickening, the crown of the bushes is formed at this time. To do this, cut out excess branches, usually located inside the plants. You also need to remove all the remaining inflorescences.
  • Paniculate and oak-leaved hydrangeas are pruned in spring. In autumn, only inflorescences and buds are removed.
  • petiolate hydrangea cardinally pruned in the spring and, if necessary, in the summer. This is done to form beautiful crown due to the formation of additional side shoots. In the autumn, only the removal of inflorescences, weakened and dried stems is carried out. Also in the fall, the lateral shoots are slightly shortened.

In order for the hydrangea to comfortably overwinter, after pruning is carried out, the plants are covered to protect them from frost.

Diseases and pests

With proper care, hydrangeas form strong bushes that are rarely infected by diseases and pests. If the rules for keeping plants are not observed, they are affected by the following diseases:

Subject to agricultural technology, hydrangea is rarely affected by pests and diseases.

  • Powdery mildew. When it occurs, the foliage is covered with a gray coating, which darkens over time. Then the leaves begin to wither and fall off, and the shoots become covered with burgundy spots.
  • Gray rot. The disease can be recognized by the presence of brown spots on the plant. They grow very quickly, and then the hydrangea dries up.
  • Chlorosis. Foliage begins to discolor, curl and fall off. At the same time, the veins retain a bright green color. Buds and flowers are deformed, change color and crumble.

If signs of these diseases are noticed on hydrangeas, treatment should be started immediately. To do this, remove all affected leaves and parts of the shoots. After that, treat the plants with a fungicide solution and shed the soil on them, as the root system can also be damaged.

Of the pests for hydrangeas can be dangerous spider mites, scale insects, aphids. If they are found on the plant, it should be washed with a solution of green or laundry soap. After that, spray with an infusion of onion, garlic, tobacco or wormwood. If the data folk remedies do not help, you need to treat the hydrangea with an insecticide solution.

Wrong variety selected

When choosing a variety of hydrangea, you need to take into account climatic features.

Hydrangeas have species and varieties with varying degrees frost resistance. Therefore, when choosing a plant, you should consider climatic conditions terrain. Can be bred in warm climates different kinds. For northern latitudes frost-resistant plants are suitable, for example, numerous varieties of hydrangea tree. Heat-loving species without proper care will freeze.

Reasons for the lack of flowering in species and varieties

Since all types and varieties of plants (tree-like, large-leaved, paniculate and others) belong to the same family, the rules for planting and caring for them are no different. Accordingly, the reasons for the lack of flowering are the same for them. The only difference is the pruning rules.

Reasons why garden hydrangea does not bloom for several years

Do not worry if the planted garden hydrangea does not bloom for several years. The fact is that often the first flowering occurs only after 2-3 years of growth. Some varieties of hydrangea paniculata bloom only in the 6th year of cultivation. If, nevertheless, after this time, flowering has not occurred, then it is necessary to reconsider the conditions for the growth of the plant and the rules for caring for it.

Reasons why hydrangea does not bloom indoors

For room hydrangea, grown in compliance with all the rules for care, abundant and long flowering is also characteristic. The reason for his absence may be an incorrectly spent rest period. Therefore, when growing hydrangeas in room conditions the following recommendations should be observed:

  • In autumn, at the end of flowering, it is necessary to remove all inflorescences and dried shoots.
  • Send the plant pot to a dark place where the air temperature is maintained at +10 degrees.
  • Stop fertilizing.
  • Watering is carried out once every two weeks.
  • In early March, the plants are placed in normal growing conditions.

In hydrangeas, for which the above conditions of rest will be observed, lush flowering occurs, which lasts from late spring to early autumn.

Hydrangea is a very showy plant.

Hydrangea is showy plant that will decorate any garden plot. At the same time, it refers to medicinal plants and has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, diuretic, wound healing and cleansing effects. Its high decorativeness made it very popular in landscape design. It is planted in flower beds, lawns, create hedges. With the help of varieties petiole hydrangea do original decor for gazebos and walls. At the same time, it does not require large physical and time costs for its care, the main thing is to know what to do if the hydrangea does not bloom.

FROM correct pruning hydrangeas you can meet in the proposed video clip. Happy viewing!

Hydrangea - popular among gardeners decorative flower. It belongs to the category of capricious cultures. Errors in growing technology lead to a lack of flowers. There are several reasons why the plant does not bloom. It is important to diagnose them correctly, and then eliminate the negative factors.

Features of the cultivation of hydrangea

Hydrangea is grown as climbing liana, small tree or shrub. The plant has many varieties. A variety of shades and shapes allows you to create a unique decorative combination in the flower garden. It is necessary to understand why the hydrangea does not bloom in the spring, when they noticed the absence of buds.

Novice gardeners may encounter such a problem: they bought a ready-made flowering plant in the store, but at home it withered. It is not possible to achieve the appearance of new buds. The reason for this was most likely special means, which stimulate flowering, but greatly deplete the strength of the hydrangea. After treatment, the plant may not form new flowers for several more years.

Advice. In this case, you can help the culture by adding a growth activator.

If you purchase a young specimen and plant it yourself, then it can bloom in the first summer after breeding. However, without proper attention and care, you can be left without flowers even in the second season, if the stalk turned out to be weak and did not get stronger in the first year. And in this case, growth activators help. The drugs allow:

hydrangea bloom

  • strengthen and develop the root system;
  • form stems and branches;
  • ensure green growth.

Feeding hydrangeas: the basis of full flowering

Proper hydrangea fertilizer technology will help grow a plant that can bloom normally. The first top dressing is needed for a flower immediately after it is planted - with a weak solution of organic fertilizer for good adaptation. In the process of growing fertilizers are applied according to a certain scheme.

In early spring, the crop needs a lot of nitrogen. This mix works well:

  • urea - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • potassium sulfate - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 10 l.

Attention! Watering is carried out at the rate of 5 liters per 1 bush.

An alternative is slurry diluted in water (1:10). Later, at the stage of bud formation, the plant is fed with mineral complexes with great content phosphorus and potassium. To further strengthen the bush, pour the root zone and the stem directly with a solution of potassium permanganate. The procedure must be repeated three times. In this case, there should not be situations when the hydrangea does not bloom.

In summer, the shrub must be treated with a complex strengthening agent for flowering crops. Nitrogen during this period should be used carefully. Its excess will lead to the strengthening of greenery and the inflorescences themselves, which will negatively affect the strength of the branches. Total number top dressing in summer months limited to 3 times.

During flowering, gardeners also use non-standard dressings:

  • lactic acid (yogurt, kefir, whey);
  • soaked sour bread.

Advice. In autumn, hydrangeas need to accumulate potassium and phosphorus, so repeat the course of mineral fertilizer application.

How to understand why hydrangea does not bloom

The main reasons for the lack of buds in an adult specimen of hydrangea:

Before experienced gardener the question of flowering hydrangea is not worth it. The main factor in this is the proper care of the plant.

How to make hydrangea bloom: video

Luxurious hats blooming hydrangea can often be seen in our gardens. Grow and domestic types of hydrangeas. Sometimes the owner of the bush, who expects violent flowering from the plant, finds that it does not occur, but only the leaves grow. Let's try to figure out what is the reason and how to fix the situation.

Why garden hydrangea does not bloom

We plant garden hydrangea so that it delights us with its luxurious clusters of inflorescences

If garden hydrangea does not bloom, then among the main reasons may be the following:

  • landing place,
  • freezing of flower buds,
  • bad cut,
  • incorrect soil composition,
  • lack of moisture
  • improperly selected fertilizers.

Place to land

Hydrangeas like to receive morning or evening sun rays, but not less than 6 hours.

Freezing flower buds

Large-leaved hydrangea blooms on the shoots of last year, flower buds are laid in it in the fall. If late autumn or early spring the buds freeze, then it is useless to wait for them to bloom.

Incorrect cropping

Different types of hydrangeas require different pruning.

For the same reason, flowering may not occur if the hydrangea is not pruned correctly in autumn or spring.

Trimming and shaping hydrangeas begin only from the third year of life. Prior to this, pruning of the shrub should not be carried out.

Incorrect soil composition

If a hydrangea bush is planted in an incorrectly prepared soil composition, flowering can also not be expected. The thing is that hydrangeas are necessary acidic soil(4.5–5 pH). If the composition is alkaline, the plant will not only not bloom, but will wither and die.

To acidify the soil for hydrangeas, you can add citric acid in a proportion of 1.5–2 tbsp. without slides for 10 liters. water. And you can do it easier: collect in coniferous forest rotted coniferous litter and sprinkle it under a hydrangea bush.

You can acidify the soil for hydrangeas with citric acid.

lack of moisture

Hydrangea is one of those plants that require abundant watering. Hydrangea bushes should be watered at least twice a week, or even more often, especially if the weather is hot. To preserve moisture, the soil around the bush is best mulched.

Insufficient feeding

A hungry hydrangea may also refuse to bloom.

For hydrangeas to bloom, you need to feed well.

Problem Solving Methods

The very first condition is to determine which type of hydrangea you grow. Many features of care will depend on this. There are several main varieties of the plant: paniculate, tree-like and large-leaved.

Photo gallery: types of hydrangeas

Hydrangea paniculate inflorescences have an elongated shape. panicle-like Tree hydrangea is the most hardy and unpretentious Large-leaved hydrangea can change the color of the inflorescences

Place to land

It is better to plant a hydrangea not in a sunny place, but in a light shade, in an eastern or west side plot, so that the bush was protected from the midday sun by a shadow.

Freezing of the kidneys

To prevent this from happening, large-leaved hydrangea must be covered for the winter.. To do this, you can first wrap the bush with lutrasil or spunbond, and fill it with dry leaves from above, having previously built a wire frame around the bush. Some varieties of this species must be dug up for the winter and stored in the basement.

A wire frame will help to reliably cover large-leaved hydrangea from frost

Two other species - tree and paniculate hydrangeas - are quite frost-resistant, they can do without shelter, it will be enough to mulch with peat, fallen leaves.

trunk circle tree hydrangea it is enough to mulch for the winter with needles or fallen leaves


At large-leaved hydrangea pruning is advised to be done in the spring, while only dry inflorescences need to be pruned, because. flower buds are at the ends of last year's shoots.

Large-leaved hydrangea should be cut carefully, removing only last year's dried inflorescences.

Tree-like and paniculate hydrangeas need to be cut more strongly, because. It blooms on the shoots of the current year. You can do this in the fall, and in early spring. The pruning scheme is as follows: each shoot of this year is cut into 2–4 buds if the branch is growing strongly, and by 1/3 if the shoot is weak.

Proper thinning of the bush will also benefit these species, it contributes to the intensity of flowering. Frozen shoots can be cut to old wood. Remove and shoots growing inside the bush.

Tree and paniculate hydrangeas need to be cut short enough

Video: how to cut hydrangeas correctly


Usually during the season, three top dressings of hydrangeas are carried out. In order for the hydrangea to bloom, at the very beginning of growth, complex fertilizers are applied or fertilizers are combined with organic matter. To obtain abundant flowering required phosphorus and potassium. You can use superphosphate or any other complex fertilizer containing these ingredients. Dosage - 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water.

During the budding period, hydrangeas require potassium-phosphorus top dressing.

Why indoor hydrangea does not bloom

indoors, winter gardens, greenhouses most often grow large-leaved hydrangea.

Home hydrangea loves a bright place and moist air.

If home hydrangea also refuses to bloom, there may be several reasons:

  • plant age,
  • lack of lighting
  • problems with the composition of the soil or its moisture,
  • abrupt change in temperature.

The clod of earth should be moist, and the plant itself must be periodically sprayed with a spray bottle if the air in the room is dry. It is desirable that the water at the same time be well-settled.

A sharp drop in room temperature can cause the buds to fall off.

Hydrangea is one of the most unpretentious plants, which even novice gardeners can grow. If you care why is the hydrangea not blooming, but gives only foliage, we will help to sort out this issue. There are several types of hydrangea, each of which has its own characteristics. With our tips, you can achieve abundant flowering of this plant and decorate your site.

What are the types of flowering hydrangea

Annabelle - the most common type of hydrangea, which is distinguished by large fluffy flowers and grows up to 2 meters.

Paniculata hydrangea tolerates cold well and grows up to 5 meters. Flowers can be red, cream and yellowish.

indoor hydrangea considered one of the most capricious and at the same time the most beautiful flowers. It is able to change color, depending on the composition of the soil.

If you want to decorate the arch in the garden, choose curly hydrangea. Keep in mind that this species does not tolerate cold well.

Reasons why hydrangea does not bloom

If the hydrangea does not produce flowers, but only goes into foliage, it is necessary to determine the reasons why. Although this shrub is unpretentious, it must be properly cut in the spring. Particular attention should be paid to watering, lighting and fertilizer. If you do not feed the soil, then there will be only foliage, not lush flowers. It is important that the plant develops a good root system, otherwise it will be weak and not bloom.

indoor hydrangea

One of the most common reasons why hydrangeas don't bloom and only produce foliage is that vendors may have used flowering stimulants that may keep the plant from blooming for several more years. If your hydrangea does not bloom, but gives only foliage, think about whether it has frozen over in winter. You may need to cover the bush if it is very cold in your area.

After you have figured out the reasons why the hydrangea bush does not bloom, proceed to proper care for her. In any case, flowering can be restored, so do not worry.

How to care for hydrangea

It is very important to carry out timely feeding of the plant. This should be done on average about 4 times a year, in spring and summer period. In early spring, start with organic fertilizers, which will stimulate the growth and flowering of hydrangeas. During the period of active growth of buds, one more top dressing should be carried out, adding, in addition to organic fertilizers, urea and potassium salts. In the summer, apply mineral fertilizers, and then special mixtures for hydrangeas.

When caring for hydrangeas, you need to monitor the humidity of the air. If it is too dry, spray the leaves. Take Special attention watering, as the plant loves moist soil. Hydrangea grows best on clay soils and badly - on sandy ones. If the pH of the earth is acidic, then add sawdust and needles to the soil before planting hydrangeas.

Now you know what to do if the hydrangea does not bloom, but only leaves. you can grow lush flowering bushes and transform your site.

A plant that gardeners are always happy to see on their plots is hydrangea. At least 70 varieties of this plant are known, but only 30 varieties are considered cultivated. In the bulk, garden hydrangea is bushy. Separate types form into trees small sizes. Wild plant species can be seen in North America, parts of China, Korea, Japan, the Himalayan Islands and the Philippines.

For the most part, plants are not demanding for care, but here there are rules that ensure abundant flowering. It often happens that the buds that appear simply fall off, for no particular reason. All this indicates a violation of the techniques for maintaining and caring for the plant. About the reasons for the lack of color and the correct maintenance of plants in more detail below.

plant description

Hydrangea is a plant that belongs to the Hortensia family. Often, plants grow as trees, shrubs, but can be presented in the form of vines. Flowering is collected in a ball, represented by small flowers, have no aroma.

Most gardeners prefer to grow deciduous types of hydrangeas. Such varieties usually begin to bloom in the first month of summer and continue to delight with lush bright color until late autumn. The flower of the plant is a lush large inflorescence. Depending on the species, the inflorescence may be paniculate, corymbose or spherical.

garden hydrangea

In inflorescences, several types of flowers can be combined. The middle part of the flowering consists of small flowers, the rest are located along the edge, they are more visible. A hydrangea flower bouquet can contain various tint colors: cream, white, blue, pink, red and all shades of lilac.

Interesting is the fact that the pH level of the soil can help change the color of the inflorescences. In neutral soil, the plant can bloom in cream, beige and other neutral colors. The earth saturated with alkali gives pink and lilac shades. The increased acidity of the soil can cause the bright blue color of the inflorescences to appear.

Hydrangea does not bloom, what to do

You can often hear from gardeners that garden hydrangea does not bloom, the reasons for which are not known. There are several factors that explain why hydrangeas do not bloom in the garden.

Factors affecting flowering:

  1. The location of shrubs in a shady area and improper pruning - all this does not help the plant of any variety to bloom;
  2. Bad weather is bad for kidney development, which is considered important nuance. This problem more characteristic of plant varieties with big leaf. This is due to the peculiarity of the location of the buds, which are laid on the upper shoots that appeared in the past year. Such flowering determines the full shelter of the shoots on winter time, make it important to save all the flower buds.

Achieving a hydrangea tree to give abundant color is not difficult.

If garden hydrangea does not bloom, what to do:

  • Timely and properly nourish the plant. Hydrangea needs to be fed with organic matter, but it should be remembered that it is useful to apply a limited amount of fertilizer. If you overdo it with fertilizer, lush flowering long periods can be expected unsuccessfully. It is best to fertilize in small quantities, while nitrogen fertilizer should be used once a year - in the spring;
  • Quality soil. Loose, slightly acidic soil is necessary for the full formation of buds and their intensive flowering. It is important to enrich the soil with humus. Soil mulching is another important process for flowering;
  • When planting flowers, you need to remember the love of culture for scattered sunlight. The location of shrubs in shady areas is another reason why hydrangeas do not bloom in the garden. You can make culture happy lush buds in open sunny areas, but such flowering will not last long, due to the rapid burning of the petals. The sprawling crown and foliage of walnuts will not create any special problems in this process;
  • The usefulness of the plant directly depends on the power of the roots. The faster the root system forms, the sooner the first buds with flowers will appear;
  • Proper soil fertilization. Hydrangea does not tolerate heavily fertilized soil, in which case the leaf will grow and strengthen, but the plant itself will definitely not bloom.

To speed up the process of the appearance of inflorescences, you need to fertilize the soil several times according to the scheme:

  1. Apply a nitrogen based fertilizer at the end spring period. Thus, it is possible to improve the vegetation of the crop;
  2. When flowering plants are fertilized in the summer several times. Make a universal mixture for garden plants;
  3. To strengthen the shoots, nourish the plant before the winter cold, the hydrangea is fertilized with the advent of autumn.

Hydrangea does not bloom, what to do

It is impossible to determine exactly when the culture will first begin to produce bright buds. This process is influenced by many factors, such as the composition of the earth and its qualitative characteristics, illumination, and even the frequency and amount of soil moisture. Any deviation can explain why it does not bloom blue hydrangea in the garden. Bringing the desired indicators back to normal should help the appearance of flower buds.

Worth remembering! For the appearance of the first inflorescences, young shrubs with underdeveloped roots and excessive organic fertilizer need several years. In this case, the development and formation of powerful roots is suspended. Compliance with all the rules will contribute to the continuation of flowering culture until the first frost.

How to prepare a plant for the cold

Hydrangea is a heat-loving plant, it does not tolerate cold. Her preparation for winter period should be done before other cultures. Freezing of the kidneys should not be allowed, as this will lead to the absence of beautiful inflorescences. Preparation should begin immediately after flowering.

Already in the fall, the shrubs are freed from the deciduous part, the branches are collected to a heap and covered with any warming material. Next, the bushes need to be tilted slightly to the ground and covered with coniferous branches. You can use any method of hiding. The main thing is to save the plant from frost and not break the branches. The roots can be covered with a large layer of coniferous mulch. When the frosts recede, and spring comes fully, the plant is returned to its normal position and opened.

Pruning is best done in the spring. In preparation for winter, only faded buds are removed. For particularly heat-loving varieties, pruning can be done before sheltering the branches for the winter. It is best to prune the branches before the first buds and leaves appear. When rejuvenating old shrubs, pruning is best done in early spring. In general, you should focus on the characteristics of hydrangea varieties.

Hydrangea varieties

tree hydrangea

Most representatives of the culture are shrubs. Although a tree-like small variety and creepers are also popular. They are characterized by large and small leaves, paniculate or corymbose type of inflorescences. In any case, the inflorescences are located on the tops of the shoots.

tree hydrangea

Representatives of the species are bushes growing up to 150 cm in height. Usually the species is large-leaved, the length of individual leaves can reach 20 cm. sheet plate slightly lowered down, has a heart-shaped notch and notches along the edge. Top part the leaf is green, and the bottom is a bluish hue.

The following varieties are considered bright demanding representatives of the species:

  • White House is a shrub whose height varies from 1 to 1.5 m. It has large thyroid inflorescences;
  • Invincibell Spirit - maximum height - 1.2 m. Large inflorescences consist of sterile flowers. Initially, the color of the buds is bright pink, then it can fade to light pink;
  • Incrediball - characterized by large and lush inflorescences spherical shape, white;
  • Hyes Starburst - low bushes with thin shoots. Often branches break under the weight of large flower buds. Terry flowers, their diameter in some cases reaches 25 cm;
  • Annabelle - has white, sterile inflorescences, up to 20 cm in diameter.

Paniculate view

Main difference paniculate hydrangeas from treelike - inflorescences. The buds consist of a combination of large sterile and small fertile blooms that can grow up to 25 cm in length. During the flowering process, the buds can change color more than once. The foliage of this type of culture is large, may have an ovoid or elliptical shape. Flowering usually falls in the transitional period from June to July.

Popular representatives of the species:

  • Vanilla fraze - can grow up to 2 m in height. Inflorescences have a strawberry-pink color;
  • Phantom - the bushes are distinguished by spreading crowns, it grows at least 2.5 m. The first inflorescences appear in cream shades, then they begin to turn pink;
  • Pinky Winky - maximum height - 1.8 m. The inflorescences are an openwork purple-pink bud;
  • Limelight - at the beginning of flowering, the buds are greenish in color, which at the end radically change color to pink.

Paniculate view

Despite the relatively simple requirements for the content of the culture, there are rules, the observance of which affects the quantity and quality of flowering.

  1. Moderate fertilizer of hydrangeas with mineral and organic (dung mixture, humus) substances is mandatory. You need to fertilize the bushes without fanaticism;
  2. It is worth watering the plant with water with an acidity of not more than 5.6 pH. We must not forget that the culture loves moisture, so the soil should not be allowed to dry out;
  3. Be sure to loosen the ground at least 3 times per season. The depth of loosening should be from 5 cm;
  4. It is best to cut the shoots in the spring, after the buds swell. In order for the bushes to winter well, young shoots are cut to 4 buds. To renew old bushes, they are cut at the root.
