Fire safety training order. Training in fire-technical minimum and fire safety

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Comments on the draft order of the EMERCOM of Russia
"On approval of the Procedure for training measures fire safety persons,
carrying out labor or official activity in organizations"

Currently, training in fire safety measures as part of an additional vocational education and conducting briefings (hereinafter referred to as training) in organizations is a complex and capacious process, in most cases it is formal in nature and creates certain administrative problems in organizations.
In order to reduce corruption, optimize administrative procedures and eliminate formalism in training, it is proposed in the regulatory legal documents on fire safety to revise and simplify the existing training procedure, based on the interests and specifics of the organization’s work, and not on the interests of institutions that provide services for training the population in fire safety measures. security.
The head of the organization should be given more rights, not responsibilities in this area, and use the system of electronic (distance) learning more widely.
If Article 25 of Federal Law No. 69-FZ determines the procedure and terms for training employees of organizations in fire safety measures by the Russian Emergencies Ministry, then why should paragraph 3 of the Rules fire regime in Russian Federation Is it the responsibility of the head of the organization?
In this regard, it is proposed to establish the following order (principle) of training:
1. When hiring an organization, an employee must undergo only an introductory fire safety briefing according to the program recommended by the Russian Emergencies Ministry and developed by the head of the organization based on the specifics of its fire hazard.
In the process of briefing, it is enough for the employee to familiarize himself with the organizational and administrative documents on fire safety and the Instruction on fire safety measures in the organization and sign in the familiarization sheet or in employment contract prescribe the phrase: “I have familiarized myself with the requirements of fire safety in the organization and undertake to comply with them.”
2. Abolish primary briefing at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled and targeted briefings. AT last resort, install them only for fire-explosive objects.
These briefings, as a rule, are of a formal nature. For example, in an organization with 50, 100 or more employees, it is impossible to properly complete all the briefings!!! Only the preparation of lists takes a significant part of the working time.
Instead of briefings, with the exception of fire and explosion hazardous facilities (if necessary or once a year), relevant information should be prepared with the familiarization of interested employees in the familiarization sheet, and a work permit is issued for fire hazardous work.
3. To exclude, on the basis of paragraphs 1 and 2, the maintenance of the Fire Safety Briefing Log, since it is impossible to identify the signature of the instructing and the instructed without a handwriting examination (anyone can sign it).
4. Exclude the practical part of the training, since no one can oblige an employee to put out a fire, the main thing is to evacuate in a timely manner (by using fire extinguishers, means of self-rescue, warning and internal fire water supply, it is enough theoretical course evacuation training and drills).
5. Eliminate disagreements between Art. 25 (paragraph 4) of Federal Law No. 69 and clause 3 of the PPR (paragraph 3), and the procedure for training fire safety measures in an organization is fully assigned to its head, based on recommendations (and not binding documents) Ministry of Emergency Situations.
6. Grant the right to the head of the organization to use the opportunity to conduct training and testing of employees of the organization by means of a distance (electronic) training system, according to programs developed by the EMERCOM of Russia and (or) the head of the organization based on the specifics of the fire hazard of the facility. The fact of passing distance learning should be recorded automatically by the account (electronic signature) under which the employee works.
Distance learning data must be recorded in an appropriate database and stored on a permanent basis, and presented when required.
In organizations that do not have the possibility of distance learning or the employee does not know how to use a computer, record the data on hard copy(protocol).
7. Legislatively impose on the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia the organization and conduct of training in fire safety measures in budget institutions(high-risk facilities), as well as in organizations that massively use the labor of people with disabilities directly in these organizations, including conducting evacuation drills.
8. To oblige only managers or chief specialists of facilities of significant and medium risk, as well as those responsible for fire safety of such organizations, to undergo training in PTM at least once every three years.
Other categories of objects and their employees must be trained in PTM by decision of the head of the organization.
9. Grant the right to the head of an organization that has a fire safety unit to train its employees on the job at least once every three years in the manner prescribed by the organization. The preventive staff of these units should be trained on an off-duty basis at least once every five years (since they have a professional education).
10. Eliminate mandatory training of PTM for workers involved in the installation, maintenance and repair of fire safety equipment for buildings and structures, as well as those performing gas and electric welding, as they receive the necessary knowledge of industrial safety during advanced training, as well as in the direction of labor protection, electrical and safety engineering. For example, Building company or a steel structure factory with 30-50 welders who must undergo training on an off-the-job basis: once every six months on fire safety; once a quarter on safety and labor protection; once a quarter on electrical safety, plus advanced training. WHEN TO WORK?!!!
11. To exclude from the draft Order the terms “Programme for advanced training” and “additional professional education program”.
According to Article 12 of the Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 "On Education in the Russian Federation", the study of a minimum of fire and technical knowledge does not apply to the implementation of additional professional education programs, since it does not improve the qualifications of a worker, employee, specialist and does not aim professional retraining. For example, a doctor responsible for the MI of an operating room in a hospital should upgrade his qualifications as a physician, not as an MI.

How is training regulated and how often should managers and specialists be trained?

Federal Law No. 69-FZ of December 21, 1994 requires that everyone on the territory of the Russian Federation be trained in fire safety measures. And according to clause 3 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2012 N 390, it is possible to be allowed to work only after passing such training. The procedure and terms for its implementation are defined in the NPB "Training in fire safety measures for employees of organizations."

There are two main types of training:

  • (it can be introductory, primary, repeated, unscheduled, targeted);

If briefings are mandatory for all employees, including when hiring, then the minimum should be known to managers, specialists, as well as persons who are responsible for fire safety in the company. By decision of the management, other employees may also undergo regular retraining, for example, members of permanent commissions for testing knowledge at service personnel enterprises, labor protection specialists (paragraph 36 of the order).

According to NPB 645 "Training in fire safety measures", the minimum knowledge is not updated annually. Representatives of other organizations can undergo retraining once every three years. Generally exempted from it (in the presence of a continuous five-year experience):

  • employees of companies that have the qualification of an engineer (technician) of fire safety;
  • teachers of such discipline;
  • employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and its divisions.

Employees and management can be trained both on and off the job. But usually a minimum is taught in the training centers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, in specialized educational institutions, at the enterprise itself. If the organization's activities are related to explosive substances or technologies, then its representatives should be trained in centers where polygons are equipped that take into account the specifics of production.

What is included in the training program

The Ministry of Emergency Situations emphasizes that companies should only agree on specially designed minimum training programs. The structure and content of the briefings are approved by enterprises without control by the territorial bodies of the department.

At the same time, exemplary programs for some areas of activity are presented in Appendix 3 of the NPB "Training in fire safety measures for employees of organizations." Here you can find thematic plans and model training programs for responsible persons:

  • in offices and at agricultural facilities;
  • in residential buildings, hospitals and educational institutions;
  • in theatrical and entertainment and cultural and educational institutions;
  • in shops, cafes and warehouses;
  • in hazardous industries.

In most cases, the programs are similar. During the theoretical part, employees are taught the basics of legislation, they are told about the dangers of production, they are explained what means of protection are available at the enterprise, how to evacuate people. The practical part is obligatory when it is necessary to work with fire extinguishers, to acquaint with the evacuation routes in the organization.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations emphasizes that the minimum can be trained remotely. However, this method is admissible only in relation to the theoretical part. For the practical part, it is not suitable.

Responsibility for failure

Training and testing the knowledge of subordinates is the responsibility of the enterprise management. This is controlled by the fire authorities.

To what extent the requirement for briefings is fulfilled, controllers will learn from the entries in a special log book, which should be in every enterprise. Its form is presented in Appendix 1 of the NPB, and it looks like this:

As for the minimum training, at the end of it a certificate is issued, which indicates the date of retraining. Here's what it looks like:

For failure to complete training for business entities, a fine is provided for under Part 1 of Art. 20.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Officials in this case, a penalty in the amount of 6 to 15 thousand rubles is threatened, individual entrepreneurs - from 20 to 30 thousand rubles, and the organization may be fined 150-200 thousand rubles.

  • Special program for training fire safety measures for employees of JSC Rosseti
  • Topic 1. The main regulatory documents governing the requirements of fire safety. Fire safety system.
  • Topic 2. Organizational measures to ensure fire safety in buildings and premises with a massive stay of people.
  • Topic 3. Fire safety measures in buildings and premises with a mass stay of people.
  • Topic 4. Primary fire extinguishing equipment, automatic fire alarm and fire extinguishing installations. Actions in the event of a fire, call the fire brigade.
  • Topic 5. Practical lesson.
  • Topic 1. Main normative legal acts and normative documents in the field of fire safety. General provisions for ensuring fire safety at subsidiaries and affiliates.
  • Topic 3. Basic requirements for the organization of personnel training. Basic documentation on fire safety.
  • Topic 4. Creation of a fire safety system in subsidiaries. Basic fire safety requirements at the facilities esk. Territory maintenance. Maintenance of buildings and structures.
  • Topic 5. Fire danger of buildings with mass stay of people (administrative, office buildings). Fire safety requirements for escape routes.
  • Topic 6. Compliance with fire safety requirements at power grid facilities. Checking the compliance of electrical equipment with the zone class, category and explosive mixture group.
  • Topic 8. Fire safety in the repair and reconstruction of technological equipment. Fire safety measures during fire hazardous work.
  • Topic 9. Actions of personnel in case of fire. The procedure for organizing fire extinguishing at the equipment of power facilities under voltage up to 0.4 kV. Providing first aid to fire victims.
  • Topic 10. Practical session
  • Topic 1. The main regulatory documents governing the requirements of fire safety.
  • Topic 2. Organizational measures to ensure the fire safety of bases, warehouses and other facilities for warehouse purposes.
  • Topic 3. Requirements for fire safety rules for the operation of warehouses.
  • Topic 4. Primary fire extinguishing equipment, fire fighting equipment. Fire protection installations.
  • Topic 5. Procedure in case of fire.
  • Topic 6. Practical lesson.
  • Topic 1. The main regulatory documents governing the requirements of fire safety during hot work.
  • Topic 1. The main regulatory documents governing the requirements of fire safety during fire hazardous work.
  • Topic 2. The main causes of fires during fire hazardous work and measures to prevent them.
  • Topic 3. The main types of fire hazardous work and compliance with fire safety requirements during their implementation.
  • Topic 4. General information about the fire protection of organizations.
  • Topic 5. Procedure in case of fire.
  • Topic 6. Practical lesson.
  • Topic 1. The main regulatory legal acts and documents regulating the requirements of fire safety in the Russian Federation.
  • Topic 2. General information about combustion and fire development. Concepts about the combustion process of various substances and materials.
  • Topic 3. Fire safety measures during fire hazardous work, during the operation and storage of substances and materials, vehicles and special equipment.
  • Topic 4. Fire safety requirements for the evacuation of vehicles and special equipment.
  • Topic 5. General information about fire protection systems. Primary fire extinguishing means and fire water supply. General technical requirements.
  • Topic 6. Actions of personnel in case of fire.
  • Topic 7. Practical lesson.
  • Logbook of introductory briefing on fire safety
  • Fire safety briefing log at the workplace
  • The procedure for organizing and conducting fire fighting drills in the electric grid complex of JSC Rosseti
  • Register of fire fighting trainings ____________________________________________ (district, facility and joint)
  • Structure of fire safety management in JSC Rosseti
  • Regulations on the fire and technical commission
  • Regulations on the organization and holding of the Review - competition for the best fire condition
  • Basic requirements for the preparation of instructions on fire safety measures for the facilities of the esco JSC "Rosseti"
  • The procedure for drawing up fire extinguishing plans and operational cards for personnel actions in case of fire
  • Operational card number 1
  • The procedure for organizing and carrying out fire-retardant treatment of equipment, buildings and structures of objects of the ESCO JSC "Rosseti".
  • Technical and commercial comparison of OKP
  • Recommended composition of the project for the production of works (PPP) for fire protection of building structures
  • Surveys of hidden works on fire protection of building structures
  • Commission decision.
  • Acceptance of completed fire protection works
  • Work permit for conducting hot work (work of increased danger) not related to work in existing electrical installations
  • Contents and use of primary fire extinguishing equipment at the facilities of ESCO JSC "Rosseti"
  • Standards for the acquisition of primary fire extinguishing equipment for facilities of esc JSC "Rosseti"
  • Standards for the acquisition of primary fire extinguishing equipment.
  • Log for monitoring the state of primary fire extinguishing equipment
  • Sample operating certificate for a fire extinguisher
  • Journal of accounting and maintenance of fire extinguishers
  • Tactical and technical characteristics of the main types of fire extinguishers
  • Requirements for the installation and maintenance of fire water supply networks at the facilities of the esco JSC "Rosseti"
  • Water supply of water supply networks.
  • Water consumption for fire extinguishing depending on the height of the compact part of the jet and the diameter of the spray
  • Types of maintenance work for equipment that is part of the fire water supply system
  • Form of permission to extinguish a fire on disconnected power equipment
  • Form of permission to extinguish a fire on power equipment energized up to 0.4 kV
  • Special program for training fire safety measures for employees of JSC Rosseti

      General provisions

        Training in the field of fire safety at Russian Grids is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, fire safety norms and rules.

        A special fire safety training program (hereinafter referred to as the Program) was developed on the basis of the Fire Safety Standards “Training Fire Safety Measures for Employees of Organizations” and is one of the main types of fire safety training for JSC Russian Grids personnel.

        The program determines the list of categories of personnel of JSC Russian Grids, subsidiaries and grandchildren of the electric grid complex of JSC Russian Grids (hereinafter referred to as SDCs), subject to on-the-job training, types and topics of fire and technical minimum training classes.

      Organization and order of training

        The main types of fire safety training for employees of subsidiaries and dependent companies are fire-fighting briefing and the study of a minimum of fire-technical knowledge.

        Fire safety briefing is carried out in order to bring to the attention of employees of subsidiaries and dependent companies the basic requirements of fire safety, to study the fire hazard of technological processes of production and equipment, means fire protection and their actions in the event of a fire.

        According to the nature and time of conducting, fire safety briefing is divided into: introductory, primary at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled and targeted.

        Introductory briefing on fire safety for newly hired, regardless of their education and length of service, as well as business travelers, students and students who arrived for industrial training and practice.

    Conducting an introductory briefing should be recorded in a special journal with the obligatory signature of the instructed and instructing. It is allowed to conduct an introductory fire safety briefing together with a water safety briefing.

        In order to maintain the required level and deepen knowledge, the following should be carried out in the future:

        1. Periodic checks of knowledge of the personnel in the terms established for them.

          Special briefings, the subject of which necessarily includes fire safety issues, including:

          1. Initial briefing at the workplace is carried out with all newly hired employees from among the administrative and technical, operational, operational and repair, maintenance and support personnel directly involved in the organization and operation of equipment, buildings (structures), transferred from one unit to another, seconded to the enterprise, students and pupils, as well as with employees performing new work for them.

            Repeated briefing for all administrative-technical, operational, operational-repair, maintenance and support personnel directly involved in the organization and operation of equipment, buildings (structures) - at least once a month.

    Repeated briefing is carried out individually or with a group of workers serving the same type of equipment and within the limits of a common workplace, according to the list of fire safety issues planned for each month. This list should include questions from the initial briefing program, taking into account the elaboration of all questions of the program within every 6 months.

            Unscheduled briefing for all personnel is carried out before the commissioning of new or when reconstructing old equipment, changing the production process, receiving directives or new regulatory documents, after interruptions in work for more than one month, accidents and fires.

    When registering an unscheduled briefing, the reason that caused it to be held is indicated.

            Targeted fire safety briefing is carried out when performing one-time work related to increased fire hazard(welding and other hot work); in the aftermath of accidents, natural disasters and catastrophes; in the production of work for which a work permit is issued, in the production of hot work in explosive industries; during excursions, including during mass events with students in subsidiaries and affiliates; when preparing for the organization of events with mass stay people (board meetings, meetings, conferences, meetings, etc.), with more than 50 participants.

          In order to learn correct, independent and quick actions in the event of a possible fire and interaction with fire departments, fire drills must be conducted with the relevant personnel in accordance with the requirements of the current regulatory documents of Russian Grids on fire safety.

    When conducting fire drills, methods and methods for shutting down electrical installations located in the zone of a simulated fire should be especially worked out.

          The fire safety training of managers, specialists and employees of subsidiaries and dependent companies in accordance with this program is carried out within a month after being hired and with subsequent frequency at least once every three years after the last training, and managers, specialists and employees of organizations associated with fire and explosion hazard production, once a year.

        Managers, specialists and employees of SDCs of JSC Russian Grids are trained in the fire-technical minimum in the amount of knowledge of the requirements of regulatory legal acts and regulatory documents regulating the fire safety requirements established by this program.

        The Program includes issues of the fire regime, the fire hazard of the technological process, as well as techniques and actions in the event of a fire, which allow developing practical skills in localizing and eliminating fires in the initial stage of tanning, saving lives, health of people and property in case of fire.

        According to the “Rules for working with personnel in organizations of the electric power industry in the Russian Federation”, approved by order of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia dated February 19, 2000 No. 49, the following categories of workers undergo on-the-job training in the fire-technical minimum:

      managerial staff and specialists;

      support staff;

      other specialists, employees, workers.

        Fire safety training of SDC employees under this Program is carried out by managers and specialists responsible for fire safety and conducting training under special fire safety and technical minimum programs who have been trained off-duty in specialized organizations licensed for this type of activity, including at the FGU VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia and the Academy of the State Fire Service of the EMERCOM of Russia or their branches.

    It is allowed to conduct training by managers and specialists who have passed the knowledge test under the programs of the fire-technical minimum in a higher organization, the members of the commission of which have been trained in specialized organizations licensed for this type of activity. The right to train fire safety measures for such employees should be granted and reflected in the knowledge test protocol, and admission to self-training of personnel should be issued by the relevant organizational and administrative document of the SDE.

        This Program defines employees undergoing training in the fire-technical minimum, which are divided into the following categories:

        1. Managers and specialists responsible for fire safety in structural divisions of office buildings ( administrative buildings, control buildings) JSC Russian Grids and SDCs.

          Managers and specialists responsible for ensuring fire safety in structural divisions industrial premises, buildings (structures) of subsidiaries and affiliates.

          Workers performing fire hazardous work (painting, soldering, work with adhesives, mastics, bitumen and other combustible materials).

          Persons responsible for the fire safety of bases, warehouses and other warehouse facilities (storekeeper, warehouse manager, housekeeping manager, etc.).

          Specialists, workers and employees undergoing training by the decision of the head of the SDE:

          1. Management staff and specialists:

      engineering and technical personnel of the structural subdivisions of the executive office of the branch of the SDC and production departments of the branch.

            Support staff:

            Other specialists, employees, workers:

      Topics and content of classes.

        Topics and content of classestraining in fire-technical minimum for managers and specialists responsible for fire safety in structural subdivisions of office buildings (administrative buildings, control buildings) of JSC Russian Grids and SDEs.

          Lesson topics.

    Topic name

    The main regulatory documents regulating the requirements of fire safety. Fire safety system.

    Organizational measures to ensure fire safety in buildings and premises with a massive stay of people.

    Fire safety measures in buildings and premises with mass stay of people.

    Automatic means of detecting, notifying and extinguishing fires, primary means of extinguishing fires, actions in the event of a fire, calling the fire brigade.

    Practical lesson.


    10 hours

    According to paragraph 3 of the Rules of the fire regime in the Russian Federation: “Persons are allowed to work at the facility only after they have completed training in fire safety measures.

    Training of persons in fire safety measures is carried out by conducting fire-fighting briefings and conducting classes according to fire-technical minimum programs.

    Procedure and timing fire safety briefing and passing the fire-technical minimum are determined by the head of the organization. Training in fire safety measures is carried out in accordance with normative documents on fire safety.

    Cost and terms of fire safety training

    No. p / pDevelopment periodPrice
    1. Heads and responsible for fire safety of consumer service organizations7-14 hours2500 rub.
    2. Heads of departments of organizations7-14 hours2500 rub.
    3. Electric and gas welders7-14 hours2500 rub.
    4. Managers and responsible for fire safety of residential buildings7-14 hours2500 rub.
    5. Managers and responsible for fire safety in institutions (offices)7-14 hours2500 rub.
    6. Ground vehicle drivers7-14 hours2500 rub.
    7. preschool teachers7-14 hours2500 rub.
    8. Heads and responsible for fire safety of medical organizations7-14 hours2500 rub.
    9. Heads and responsible for fire safety of theatrical and entertainment and cultural and educational institutions7-14 hours2500 rub.
    10. Heads and responsible for fire safety of trade organizations and Catering, bases, warehouses7-14 hours2500 rub.
    11. Managers and responsible for fire safety of newly built and reconstructed facilities7-14 hours2500 rub.
    12. Heads of fire hazardous industries7-14 hours2500 rub.
    13. Workers in the performance of construction, installation and restoration work7-14 hours2500 rub.
    14. Workers performing fire hazardous work7-14 hours2500 rub.
    15. Managers and responsible for fire safety of agricultural organizations7-14 hours2500 rub.

    The fire-technical minimum course consists of three sections:

    1. Fire prevention. The main task of fire prevention is to prevent the occurrence of a fire.
    2. Fire tactics. Learn how to act in a fire.
    3. Practical lesson. Ability to use basic fire fighting equipment.

    Purpose of the course- acquisition by managers and specialists of organizations of the minimum or required level of knowledge in the field of fire safety, aimed at developing and implementing a set of measures to prevent fires, and in case of occurrence, to successfully eliminate them.

    Categories of students of the course on fire safety

    Curriculum for fire-technical minimum

    No. p / pNAME OF SECTIONS AND TOPICSNumber of hours
    1. Fire safety requirements for buildings and premises4
    2. Technical means of fire extinguishing, fire-fighting equipment2
    3. Actions in case of fire2
    4. Practical lesson4
    Total:14 hours

    Advantages of ANO DPO "Integrated expert center of labor protection"

    ANO DPO "KETSOT" is a reliable and responsible organization, among the advantages of which it is worth highlighting the following:

    • We have been in the service market since 1998. Thanks to this rich experience, we are able to offer our clients high-quality training that fully meets modern standards.
    • We cooperate with FGBOU DPO Moscow Training Center of the FPS. Some of our specialists were in the service of the fire brigade.
    • We attract to educational process active employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
    • The teaching and expert staff of ANO DPO "KETSOT" is highly qualified and regularly improves it by taking special courses and programs.
    • Necessary adjustments are constantly made to the training programs in accordance with the Legislation.
    • Our center creates the most convenient training conditions for its clients: we can complete the required course with a minimum interruption from work. If the situation requires it, we will prepare a personal schedule for the customer. It is also possible to organize on-site training.
    • ANO DPO "KETSOT" is located in the very center of the capital.
    • We have a flexible pricing policy that is beneficial for regular customers.

    How to pass fire safety training and get a PTM certificate?

    1. Fill out an application on the website with the obligatory indication of the details of the company and feedback.
    2. You will be sent an invoice for payment and a draft contract for the provision of services.
    3. After the payment for the service, you need to contact one of our specialists by phone and clarify the date and time of the classes.
    4. At the end of the training, you will be asked to take a test, the results of which (in the case of successful completion) will be issued a certificate of the established form.

    Form of study

    The form of education is full-time (with a break from work), it is possible for a teacher to visit the Customer. Partially distance learning is possible - the Customer is provided with materials for self-training, after which the student passes the test.

    Educational literature

    Educational literature is issued on electronic media upon completion of training.

    Photos of PTM training at ANO DPO "KETSOT"

    Fire and technical minimum training schedule

    Fire safety is of paramount importance in Everyday life each person. Unfortunately, according to the latest statistics in the Russian Federation, the number of deaths during fires is not decreasing, despite all the measures taken by legislative bodies at all levels.

    The declaration of fire safety, inspections of enterprises for compliance with the norms and requirements of fire safety rules, contribute to an increase in the level of fire safety, but, as you know, “Fire is easier to prevent than to extinguish,” and here the question arises of training the population and employees of organizations in the basics of fire safety in programs of fire-technical minimum.

    The admission to work of persons who have not undergone fire-fighting briefing, and training in fire-technical minimum programs (FTM) leads to disastrous consequences, since untrained people violate the rules and regulations of fire safety: they litter the premises and evacuation routes with combustible materials and foreign objects, close evacuation lock the doors, install blind metal bars on the windows, allow smoking in places not designated for this. Also, the most common violations include: the absence or malfunction of automatic fire alarm, insufficiency or absence primary funds fire extinguishers, and the inability to use them.

    Citizens not armed with at least minimal knowledge during a fire behave inappropriately, panic, do not promptly inform the fire brigade about the detected fire, but try to eliminate it on their own, wasting precious time.

    In 2007, fire safety standards “Training fire safety measures for employees of organizations” were developed and put into effect, an appendix to the order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation No. 645 of December 12, 2007.

    According to paragraph 4, the main types of training in the field of fire safety are fire-fighting briefings and the study of a minimum of fire-technical knowledge.

    In our center, classes are taught by teachers of the Moscow training center Federal fire service EMERCOM of Russia, with extensive experience in this field. We invite employers, as well as persons responsible for ensuring fire safety in organizations, to take fire-technical minimum courses.

    In each company, regardless of the number of staff and occupation, it is necessary to conduct fire safety training for employees of organizations. Along with this, it is necessary to have a plan for protection when faced with a fire. In the order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated December 12, 2007 No. 645 “On approval of fire safety standards for employees of organizations”, there is a special setting for training employees and the time for conducting a conversation with a specific type of company personnel.

    Who gives instructions on protection in the company

    Usually, the person who owns the organization (i.e. the administration) is responsible for fire safety, as well as training and supervision, even if there is a fire inspector or a responsible person among the employees. It is worth noting that none of the employees of this company has the right to take action and even be at the enterprise itself without having been instructed on fire protection.

    The responsibility for ensuring safety by all members of the company and the responsibility for ensuring safety also lies with the owner of the company. He is also responsible for the order of execution, the time when training should be carried out, and carries out full control over it. This training is regulated established documents in accordance with paragraph 3 of the "Rules for the fire regime in the Russian Federation".

    How to organize training for employees

    AT federal law No. 69 it is written that it is necessary to train personnel in accordance with curricula which can only be approved federal agency executive power authorized in the field of fire safety. This is required in order for an employee who has changed his place of work, position, or for any other reason to have transferred to another company, to know the basics of fire and be brought to the uniform requirements of the region.

    The manager of the company is obliged to monitor the implementation of standards fire brigade from subordinates and be responsible for their non-compliance. Therefore, the training of personnel is considered an important component of production as a whole.

    Types of briefings

    Instructions are divided into several types:

    • introductory;
    • primary;
    • repeated;
    • unscheduled;
    • target.

    Introductory briefing is performed with new employees, regardless of length of service, qualifications, and even position. In addition, staff who have a temporary position, seconded employees and trainees are trained. Most often, this kind of conversation is conducted by an occupational safety engineer. After listening to this briefing, each employee signs in the register. It supervises the conduct of fire safety briefings.

    Those who, for whatever reason, do not pass induction training, should not start work.

    Initial briefing is sometimes referred to as on-the-job briefing. It is conducted with each new employee or with those who have already listened to it in the same company, but in a different department. In addition, employees who perform their duties for the first time, those who are seconded, those who work temporarily, and other workers who are on the territory of the company, trainees and students who come to study are trained.

    A person who is responsible for fire safety personnel in this department. He trains each worker individually using hands-on demonstrations and demonstrations.

    With large quantity people, this briefing is carried out when employees work on the same type of equipment or have a common workplace. At the same time, even after passing the initial briefing, the employee is not allowed to work independently, since he is obliged to undergo an internship, its duration varies from 2 shifts to 14 under the guidance of a responsible employee who was appointed by order or order.

    The exception is sometimes the presence of work experience of more than 3 years in this specialty. Next, a test of theoretical knowledge is carried out, after which it becomes clear whether it is worth allowing this person to independent work or not.

    Repeated briefing is carried out for absolutely all employees of the company, regardless of their position, working time, diploma and method of work performed. Such a knowledge test is usually carried out 2 times a year. It is carried out with each person personally or with a number of people who maintain the same equipment within the entire department. The interview is necessary in order to test the knowledge of the employees and to make the progress of the work to eliminate the fire clearer.

    Unscheduled briefing is carried out when the safety rules have changed. In addition, an unplanned conversation is affected by the replacement technological process, the introduction of new products and materials or other factors that affect fire condition premises.

    Sometimes such a conversation is held if fire safety requirements were violated, which led to a fire. They talk with the staff from the state fire control in order to identify the staff's weak knowledge, when informing about accidents and fires in the same industries. Another reason is the transition of employees to work with increased fire danger for more than 1 month.

    It is carried out by the head of work, and the essence of informing is determined specific situation which was the reason for its implementation. Targeted briefing is carried out if the employee with whom they are talking has not yet encountered the performance of these one-time jobs. It is also necessary in the liquidation of the disaster, natural disaster or accidents. Often they are trained in such work, where special documentation and permits are required, during excursions to the organization in order to organize security on its territory. The supervisor usually talks, who later records the report in the briefing log.

    When it is necessary to organize fire safety training sessions for company employees, it is worth taking into account their professional orientation, degree of responsibility for fire safety, preparedness in this matter, the ability to use fire extinguishing equipment and the moral and psychological qualities of the employee.

    The list of the main issues of fire safety briefing is given in Appendix 2 to paragraph 14 of the Appendix to the Order of the Ministry emergencies of Russia dated December 12, 2007 No. 645 “On approval of fire safety standards”.
