How to do distance learning. Organization of distance learning via the Internet

for teachers

educational institutions

Organization of distance learning


modern ICT

g. o. Novokuibyshevsk, 2009

Published by decision of the Editorial Board of the "Resource Center" of the city of. Novokuibyshevsk.

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Organization of distance learning using modern ICT: Guidelines for teachers of educational institutions. - Mr. o. Novokuibyshevsk, 2009 - 32 pages.

Where it is methodically justified, sound, animations, graphic inserts, video sequences, etc. are included in hypertext, however, it must be remembered that excessive visibility reduces the material absorption rate.

The training material should be available to the cadet, if possible, in several forms, for example: via the Internet, on a CD, in printed form.

In general, the following content components are included in the structure of the material:

    actual training material, including the necessary illustrations; instructions for its development; questions and training tasks; control tasks and explanations for their implementation.

As practice shows, when building a distance course, the most effective multimedia presentation of educational information.

It is known from psychology that the result of one's own work causes certain positive emotions, which give rise to additional motivation for learning. It is also known that for better assimilation of the material, each person develops individual methods of work and memorization.

A multimedia course based on the use of modern network technologies allows the cadet to illustrate the text being studied at his own discretion, making it more personal (to select the content in accordance with his individual needs, to choose and fix in the text the ways that are most effective for him personally). Multimedia elements create additional conducive to the perception and memorization of the material. It becomes possible to use the student's subconscious reactions, for example, summing up or issuing a task in each lecture of the course can be preceded by a certain sound (melody), setting the cadet to a certain type of work.

In addition, a multimedia course can be used repeatedly and multifunctionally: a part of a course or lecture can form an independent fragment of a lesson for repetition or control without additional efforts of the teacher. The course can be based not only on an extended model of a textbook (text), but also on an extended model of a lecture-process (“presentation”), which also creates additional opportunities for managing and self-managing cognitive processes.

Recently, the means of “3D technologies” on the Internet, three-dimensional volumes, which are an improved electronic model not a book page (like a Web page), but a room, a museum hall, a city square, etc. 3D objects have the effect of presence: you can choose the viewing angle of objects, you can move from one object to another, etc. 3D - the model in terms of organizing distance education can be considered as a further improvement in the ways of representing educational material, significantly stimulating cognitive interest. The expansion of virtual possibilities and the introduction of the principles inherent in hypertext into such a model make it possible to successfully use it for educational purposes.

4. Organization of distance learning process

When organizing distance education, direct participants in this process play a huge role - both students and teachers, coordinators of distance courses, consultants and curators of study groups. All of them use the possibilities of the Internet to solve specific pedagogical problems. Moreover, if it is quite enough for a trainee to simply master the Internet at the user level, then certain knowledge and skills are required from teachers and curators to organize the work of cadets in a telecommunications environment within the framework of the set didactic tasks:

    knowledge of the purpose, design features and functioning of the telecommunications environment; knowledge of the conditions of storage and transmission of information within the network; knowledge of the main network information resources and features of working with them; knowledge of the peculiarities of organizing and conducting telecommunication projects; knowledge of the features of organizing and conducting thematic teleconferences; knowledge methodological foundations organizing the work of the teacher and students in the network; knowledge of the basic rules of user behavior in the network, the basics of telecommunications etiquette; ability to work with e-mail, telecommunications, network information services; the ability to select and process information received over the network; the ability to search for information on the network; the ability to prepare information for transmission over a network using text editor, graphic editor and necessary utilities; the ability to organize, develop and conduct a network training project, a thematic teleconference.

To create an uninterrupted learning environment, the interaction of its components at three levels is necessary:

    the level of management elements at which the interaction of the structural divisions of the organization responsible for the organization and planning of training courses, the development of training materials and the provision of them to cadets takes place; the level at which the interaction of participants in the educational process takes place: teachers, cadets, coordinators; the level of delivery elements, including various telecommunication means of delivering educational information and teaching aids from the leading organization to the student, as well as means of delivering reporting materials and examination papers from the cadet to the teacher.

To successfully manage the process of distance education, it is advisable to use various memos, cadet class schedules, guides and explanations that will help cadets plan their working time, orient themselves in educational materials and successfully complete training in compliance with all deadlines.

It is very important to calculate the optimal duration of the training course, as its effectiveness is reduced if the duration is too long. With the modular construction of courses, it makes sense to first include less short-term modules in the plan, then large ones, and finally short ones again.

The organization of distance education requires the involvement of specialists of various professions: managers and course organizers, pedagogical coordinators and curators, teachers, highly qualified methodologists for the development of educational materials, technical specialists and system operators involved in the technical support of the educational process.

Particular attention should be paid to the teachers-curators and teachers-coordinators, where it is important to provide feedback and organize communication between the participants of the training. They must be highly qualified in the field of teaching, be proficient in learning theory, be able to create and manage the educational environment, be able to manage the structure of the training course, know pedagogical technologies and telecommunications, be able to present educational material (it is interesting to present new material, ask questions, conduct a lesson and organize feedback), be able to communicate with cadets.

The teacher-curator provides communication between students and teachers and course authors, as well as promptly answers questions about the course, monitors the timeliness of submission of reporting materials. The teacher-coordinator supports students in the field, i.e. on the basis of regional center, which is associated with the parent organization. He acts simultaneously in several persons: as a secretary, an administrator, a technical consultant and as a teacher-adviser. He must be able to organize individual group training, solve technical problems, instruct cadets, evaluate and control their work, and maintain course documentation.

Technical specialists (they can be not only engineers, but also methodologists or administrators who understand the peculiarities of the network technologies used) solve technical problems as soon as possible, provide the necessary advice or technical assistance to needy participants in distance education to work with technology.

Each of the participants in the process can interact with other specialists and with each other. Interaction between participants is the key to any educational program.

Cadets work most of the time on their own. If they have a desire to ask a question to a teacher or partner, then they need to make some efforts (compose the text of the question, send it by e-mail and wait for a response). On the one hand, this makes the cadet more thoughtful about the material, think over the wording of questions, on the other hand, this can lead to carelessness in work, if for some reason the cadet does not want to ask questions, leaves the problem unresolved, thereby allowing a certain gap in his knowledge. Therefore, course programs should maximally stimulate interactive interaction between cadets and teachers, between cadets themselves, as well as between cadets and educational material to improve the quality of training and motivation. The organization can help group work cadets, frequent exchange of questions and answers, project work etc.

Providing feedback between the cadet and the teacher allows you to constantly monitor the activities of the cadets, the problems that they have. The feedback mechanism is aimed at checking the fulfillment of goals and objectives for each stage of training. Feedback can be carried out in any form, including in the form of control testing (initial, intermediate, final), discussions, teleconferences. To do this, you can use various questionnaires and tests, for answers to which cadets just need to enter an answer in the required line of the form or select the correct answer from several proposed options, and then send it by e-mail.

In the process of distance education, it is very important to organize a prompt response of teachers to the questions of cadets. Computer telecommunications create all the necessary conditions for this, providing prompt transmission of information by e-mail or organizing consultations within the framework of a teleconference.

With distance education, the participants in this process do not see each other, unless, of course, videoconferencing is used, communication occurs, as a rule, in a verbal form. Therefore, the learning process can be personalized by introducing participants to each other so that communication is lively, personal.

The teacher's functions are reduced to monitoring the learning process for the assigned tasks, advising cadets on problematic issues, organizing and conducting discussions on the issue under study, as well as monitoring the level of assimilation of educational material.

The information flow that occurs between the teacher and the cadet, carried out using telecommunications, is two-way - part of the information goes from the teacher to the cadet, and the other - from the cadet to the teacher. If a group of cadets interacting with the teacher is formed in the process of learning, then the information flow forms several more directions: from the teacher to the whole group, from the whole group to the teacher, from the cadet to the group, from the group to the cadet, etc.

Some authors (V. Dombrachev, V. Kuleshev, E. Polat) single out constant (“static”) and variable (“dynamic”) components in the information flow of distance learning. They refer to the permanent components of materials transmitted to students simultaneously before the start of training and at long time such as basic textbooks and tutorials, educational plans, recommendations for studying educational material, questions for self-control, etc.

The variable component includes educational materials and correspondence transmitted from the teacher to students and back in the learning process, for example, the teacher's comments on the student's answers to control questions, recommendations for studying the material, the student's answers, coursework materials, etc.

To implement such a process that is complex in terms of the dynamics of information flows, training tools based on modern information technologies are required. At the same time, traditional means can also be widely used:

    educational books, manuals, reference books, didactic materials on a printed basis; audio recordings; video recordings; natural didactic aids; computer programs for educational purposes.

The same teaching aids, but in electronic form (as a rule, archives), can be stored on the network server and used by the trainee in the process of work.

Along with the “classical” construction of a distance course, telecommunications projects can also be used in the practice of distance education. Students can take part in projects both individually, being included in a project developed by a group of colleagues, geographically separated and supervised by the coordinator of the educational sector, and a group led by their teacher. The activity of trainees within the framework of projects is most effective if it is preceded by a certain systematic training course that prepares the trainee for participation in a telecommunications project.

In distance education, the following types of projects can be distinguished:

Research . Such projects are characterized by the presence of clearly defined goals that are relevant and significant for the participants, a well-thought-out and justified structure, the wide use of an arsenal of research methods, the use scientific methods processing and presentation of results. At the same time, the principle of accessibility and content of research methods is put at the forefront. The topics of research projects should reflect the most pressing problems in the development of the subject area, take into account their significance for the development of research skills of cadets.

Gaming . In such projects, the role-playing game becomes the main content, when participants (cadets) take on certain roles for business imitation and resolution of fictional or real professional situations. Game projects, in our opinion, should be preceded by the participation of cadets in research projects in order to deeply master the factual material, which is the basis for conducting role-playing games.

Practice-oriented. Peculiarity of this type projects consists in the preliminary setting of a clear, significant for the cadet, practical result, expressed in material form: preparation of a magazine, newspaper, anthology, video film, computer program, multimedia products, etc. The development and implementation of this type of project requires detail in the elaboration of the structure, the definition of the functions of the participants, intermediate and final results. This type of project is characterized by tighter control by the project coordinator and author.

Creative . Their peculiarity lies in the fact that they do not have a predetermined and detailed structure. In a creative project, the teacher (coordinator) determines only the general parameters and indicates the best ways to solve problems. A necessary condition for creative projects is a clear statement of the planned result, which is significant for the cadets. The specificity of such a project involves intensive work of cadets with primary sources, with documents and materials, often contradictory, not containing ready-made answers. Creative projects stimulate the maximum activation of the cognitive activity of students, contribute to the effective development of skills and abilities to work with documents and materials, the ability to analyze them, draw conclusions and generalizations.

A detailed methodology for using projects within the framework of distance education has not yet been developed either in the methodological literature or in practice.

In conclusion, it should be noted that this lecture only introduces the phenomenon of distance education. Teaching the technological foundations of organizing distance education requires, at a minimum, mastering the following methods:

    goal-setting and development of learning criteria; planning and selection of training content, development of methodological apparatus; online representation of educational material; choice of forms of network interaction between the teacher and students; the formation of criteria-oriented tools for monitoring the assimilation of the material and the development of procedures for their application.

5. Basic technologies of distance learning.

The distance education system should create the most creative and logical information environment around the participants in the educational process (administration, teachers and students), convenient for a quick and well-structured exchange of educational, methodological and administrative information that constitutes the content of the learning process.

Distance learning uses various information and communication technologies (most often a combination of various technologies). Modern distance education technologies streamline the process of managing the education system, optimize the assimilation of knowledge through the formation of a specialized information environment that is convenient for a person who habitually uses the Internet to obtain information and interpersonal communications.

The Internet as a whole is an almost ideal technical medium for distance education. But it must be remembered that any training requires a certain organizational and informational support. You need to have the following structures:

support for the design of educational material;

delivery of educational material to students;

Support for "reference" materials;

· consultations;

knowledge control;

Organization of communication between listeners.

By Internet technologies in general, we mean distance learning technology based on the use of global and local computer networks to provide students with access to educational information resources and to form a set of methodological, organizational, technical and software tools for implementing and managing the educational process, regardless of its location. subjects. It is the use of Internet technologies that makes it possible to most fully realize the potential of distance education.

When introducing Internet technologies into the system of distance education, it is necessary to single out two directions for the implementation of this process:

1. Management of the educational process, which is carried out by an educational institution;

2. Technological support for the functioning of the information system, which is carried out by a specialized service - provider.

Under the technological support of Internet technologies for distance education, we mean the provision of information and communication services for access to software and hardware resources, as well as technological support for all users. Here we can distinguish two options for technological support.

The first is the placement of distance education software on a server connected to the Internet, thus, in addition to educational tasks, an educational institution should also deal with special technical tasks for server maintenance.

The second option is to use external source in the organization of distance education. Outsourcing services (outsourcing from English - the use of an external source) are provided by distance learning service providers. In relation to the university, this means that all distance education software operates on powerful servers of a specialized provider company. All participants in the educational process perform their functions by accessing servers via the Internet, using the appropriate interfaces. Outwardly, this is no different from visiting sites on the Internet that has become customary, except that in the case of distance education, the entrance to the personal pages of participants is made after entering a login and password. Outsourcing is the most economical for universities - no costs for maintaining server equipment, system administration.

By method of obtaining educational information are distinguished: synchronous educational systems (systems on-line, in real time), asynchronous systems (systems off-line) and mixed systems.

Synchronous systems involve simultaneous participation in the process of training sessions of the trainees and the teacher. Such systems include: various web-chats, web-telephony, interactive TV, teleconferences NetMeeting, Telnet. For conducting remote lessons, it is most convenient and easy to use web chats, especially for group lessons.

Asynchronous systems do not require the simultaneous participation of students and the teacher. The student himself chooses the time and plan of classes. Such systems in distance education include courses based on printed materials, audio / video cassettes, floppy disks, CD-ROMs, e-mail, web pages, FTP, web forums (electronic bulletin board), Guest books, Teleconferences (subscription to newsgroups).

mixed systems, which use elements of both synchronous and asynchronous systems.

By technical basis of transmission data, the following forms of distance learning can be distinguished:

§ means of audio graphics (interactive whiteboards, as well as educational films, radio, television);

§ through interactive WebTV and video conferences;

§ Through newsgroups Usenet, IRC.

§ through e-mail and mailing lists (lists);

§ through web pages;

§ via chat, web-forum and guest book.

Recently, the Internet has been actively replacing other forms of distance learning. This is due to three things:

1) The technical development of Internet technologies, which allow you to simulate any training model;

2) Easy to connect to the Internet,

3) Relatively low connection cost.

The following factors and conditions are important for obtaining optimal results of distance learning:

Availability of a modern computer base and good access to the Internet for potential distance students,

availability of good educational resources and experience of distance education among distance teachers,

good preparation of distance lessons,

availability of trained local coordinators,

Regular remote learning

moral and material incentives remote activity.

Optimal results of a distance lesson can be obtained when:

1. A highly informative, understandable, well-illustrated learning resource and its local version have been carefully designed.

2. Students are well prepared and have a good command of the proposed material.

3. Communication between a teacher and students via the Internet is carried out without failures and by all available means.

For this it is necessary :

create a hypertext structure, thereby combining the theoretical material of the subject into a visually presented, logical structure.

create a software package that allows students to independently control the quality and completeness of learning;

create a set of test tasks that allow the teacher to assess the completeness of the assimilation of theoretical knowledge.

It is very important in the process of conducting a distance lesson to receive some educational products, for example, in the form of an increment in the knowledge and skills of a student, or (better) in the form of a created educational document.

So, the role of distance technologies in improving the effectiveness of vocational education is certainly great. Distance learning based on Internet technologies is a modern universal form of education. It is focused on the individual needs of trainees and their specialization. Distance learning provides an opportunity for everyone to continuously improve their professional level, taking into account individual features. In the process of such training, the student independently masters a certain part of the time. teaching materials in an interactive mode, is tested, performs tests under the guidance of a teacher and interacts with other students of the "virtual" study group.

By creating an automated learning system based on modern information and telecommunication technologies and reducing unit costs per student in comparison with traditional education systems, the distance education system makes it possible to provide a fundamentally new level of education accessibility while maintaining its quality. And although in distance learning the student and the teacher are spatially separated from each other, they are, nevertheless, in constant interaction, organized with the help of special methods of building a training course, forms of control, communication methods based on the use of Internet technologies.

Forms of distance learning

Distance learning, carried out with the help of computer telecommunications, has the following forms of classes.

Chat classes- training sessions carried out using chat technologies. Chat classes are held synchronously, that is, all participants have simultaneous access to the chat. Within the framework of many distance learning institutions, there is a chat school, in which, with the help of chat rooms, the activities of distance teachers and students are organized.

Web lessons- remote lessons, conferences, seminars, business games, laboratory work, workshops and other forms of training sessions conducted using telecommunications and other features of the World Wide Web.

For web classes, specialized educational web forums are used - a form of user work on a specific topic or problem with the help of entries left on one of the sites with the corresponding program installed on it.

Web forums differ from chat classes in the possibility of longer (multi-day) work and the asynchronous nature of the interaction between students and teachers.

Teleconferences- conducted, as a rule, on the basis of mailing lists using e-mail. Educational teleconferencing is characterized by the achievement of educational objectives.

virtual classroom

virtual classroom is the user core of the educational IT environment and is a complex distributed system. It usually includes infrastructural software and technical components that virtually unite the workplaces of the teacher and students into a study group operating on a network (local or global). An example of a Virtual Classroom is the Internet service KMExpert - a knowledge assessment system that allows you to perform on-line testing, certification and training of employees of organizations and Internet users. KMExpert maintains a self-populated Knowledge Base containing training and control tests from various areas of knowledge and expert knowledge assessment results for these tests.

Examples of organization of distance learning:

Click here to learn more about distance education options.:

http://scholar. urc. *****:8002/courses/Technology/index. html

http://www. *****/

http://www. edu. *****/library/main. html

http://www. sdo. *****/des01.html *****/

http://dlc. miem. *****/

http://ido. *****/


"Fundamentals of distance learning", tutorial. Andreev in distance learning. Teaching aid. - M.: VU, 1997. The concept of creation and development of a unified system of distance education in Russia. Goskomvuz RF, M., 1995. "Distance learning: organizational and pedagogical aspects" INFO, No. 3, 1996 "Distance learning" / Textbook, ed. . - M.: Humanit. ed. VLADOS center, 1998 "Conceptual model of distance education" // Trimester - 1996, № 1 Shukshina of distance education using Internet technologies: article, Krasnoyarsk State University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia 2008. Polat and practice of distance learning: Proc. allowance for students. higher ped. textbook establishments / , ; Ed. . - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 200c.


Create, carefully work out the content of the distance course. It is important to ensure a good visual representation of the material. Set goals, form modules (blocks) for presenting material, problematic tasks (questions), draw conclusions from each module. Ensure the alternation of theory with practice. Compose the text in such a way that it is presented concisely, clearly, its structure is logical, the location is adequate to visual perception.

Consider how the organization of the joint activities of the teacher and students will be. This question is the most important, since the concepts of e-learning include, first of all, joint activity and the student, albeit from each other. This activity is aimed at mastering new information, i.e. on the content of training, and its types can be different: webinars, comments on posts or events, private messages, etc. In addition, training is focused on learning, this specificity must be taken into account.

Pay attention to the system through which the training will be. It can be compared to a virtual classroom, which has conditions for downloading a course, communicating with students, managing them. Here you can use free or rented systems and customize them to your needs, or purchase paid systems that will be customized by the developer for you. In the system, with the help of content filling, a learning environment is created: you upload your presentations, documents, and also create forums, blogs, tests, links to additional sources.

Complete groups. If you organize your personal distance learning, then the optimal number of people in the first group is no more than 10. If you have trained specialists, then proceed from the level of the training program and your potential capabilities (personnel, technical, organizational, etc.).


  • Personal distance learning system. Or how can a coach make money in a crisis?

The effectiveness of any process depends on its organization. This thesis is also relevant in relation to such a process as training. So that you do not have to complain about excessive fatigue or muscle pain, so that you are not bothered by too slow growth of results or their absence at all, organize your training process correctly.

You will need

  • - training program;
  • - a small towel;
  • - a bottle of drinking water;
  • - the right diet, focused on the time of playing sports.


Muscles need at least 48 hours to recover and process the received load. Therefore, daily workouts are not just unnecessary, they are harmful. Do strength exercises three times a week and arrange an extra one or two for yourself. It can be skiing at an average pace, swimming or cycling.

Never start workout immediately with a heavy load. Warming up is a must, no matter what sport you do. In order for the muscles to “wake up”, the tendons and ligaments to become elastic, it is enough to spend 10 minutes on a treadmill or an exercise bike. Jumping rope is a great way to warm up.

Once you choose an exercise program, don't stick to it. Change it at least once every six weeks. This will help not only make your workouts more interesting, but also more actively involve all muscle groups in the work.

The topic of online learning is regularly raised on Habré. But the problem of organizing distance education is also relevant for business, and on a scale that is a thousand times greater than the needs of an ordinary student. Imagine, for example, the tasks of a chain of clothing stores that has more than 200 outlets in Russia: when a new line of clothing is released, it is necessary to train the directors of branches throughout the country - how to sell it, what techniques to use, how best to place it in stores, what trends to tell sellers and etc. Full-time education- it is long, logistically difficult and, as a result, expensive. However, it is not for me to tell you about the advantages of online. In this review, we will tell you about modern Russian online and boxed services for organizing online corporate training.

Let's start with some terminology: Russian legislation The concept of distance learning has existed since 1992. However, the concept of e-learning is still not in it, so there is a slight discrepancy in concepts that is usual for such situations. We will use the UNESCO definition: "E-learning is learning with the help of the Internet and multimedia." The classification of e-learning solutions is as follows:

Let's go in order:

Initially, the system developed exclusively as a boxed version (and the boxed version makes up most of the sales now), but recently SaaS offers have appeared, which, nevertheless, is used for the most part to demonstrate the capabilities of the same boxed software.

The disadvantages of the WebTutor system are high cost; long process of system implementation (from 3-6 months); inconvenient interface; weak customization of the service, requiring additional costs from the client side; complex system of unloading reports; the main module does not include the ability to conduct web conferences (a Websoft virtual class costs from 6900 rubles), etc.

The pricing of the boxed version does not depend on the number of users, but is determined only by the list of required modules. The cost of the SaaS version depends on the number of users, the required modules and the subscription period (75,000-115,000 rubles for six months when renting the basic system configuration). There is also a SaaS version of the system with limited administration capabilities (from 4900 rubles per month).

  • eLearning Server, iWebinar by HyperMethod
eLearning Server is designed to organize a full cycle of distance and blended learning (including course preparation, testing and assessment of students, materials management, etc.). iWebinar is a real-time Internet video conferencing tool that can be integrated with training center, created on the basis of eLearning Server. All presented products are supplied only in the boxed version.
  • Distance learning system "Prometheus" of the company "Virtual Technologies in Education"
LMS "Prometheus" is an exclusively boxed software product that allows you to organize the process of distance learning (using the functions of content management, testing, planning the educational process, etc.). When purchasing LMS "Prometheus", the customer pays for the purchase of a license for the server, the number of users is not limited.

Of course, there are also free options for boxed solutions. This:

Open source boxed services

The most popular is the long-known Moodle service, on the basis of which any company can deploy its own elearning solution.

We will continue to talk about the use of moodle in the future, since this is really the most popular platform in the world. But we want to note that many, preferring moodle due to the fact that it is free, do not think about indirect costs - such as their own technical support, the work of their specialists in setting up and finishing the service. And this is actually a lot of money and a lot of time.

  • Moodle by Moodle Pty LTD
This is freeware software, the development and addition of functionality of which is carried out by programmers on a voluntary basis, as well as employees of the developer company, which receives income from official partners involved in installing and supporting the system. The system is translated into Russian and has over 600 connections in Russia. The functionality of the system includes a standard set of modules that provide management of distance learning (creation of courses, export / import of grades and texts, course reports, etc.). By type, this is a boxed solution that requires the installation of special software.

Services without Russian-speaking support

In a separate category, we single out foreign services. The world leaders in the field of online conferences have an unconditional advantage in the market in terms of sophistication of applications, the breadth of functionality, the size of the client base, however, the lack of a Russian-language interface and support in Russian makes them of little use for the domestic market - this is rather an option for international companies with compulsory English at all levels.
  • WebEx, Cisco Systems MeetingPlace
Over three million users. The system integrates the ability to conduct surveys and testing during communication sessions. Voice communication is made using VOIP technology or using a telephone bridge. It is technically possible to have up to 5,000 users at a time, standard solutions only available for up to 3,000 (WebEx Events Center), 1,000 (WebEx Training Center), and 500 users (WebEx Meeting Center). Recently, WebEx has been offered exclusively as a service from 1,500 rubles. per month for 25 users. There is a specialized training solution - WebEx Training Center - with the ability to manage content, conduct tests, track progress, etc. The key drawback of the solution is the lack of an interface in Russian.
  • GoToMeeting, GoToWebinar, GoToTraining by Citrix Online
Three variants of the product are offered, differing in functionality and the maximum number of users. GoToMeeting - up to 15 participants, the possibility of interactive interaction during the conference is significantly limited. Cost from $49 per month (1500 rubles) GoToWebinar - up to 1000 participants, focused on holding mass events. Cost from $99 per month (3000 rubles) GoToTraining - up to 200 participants, the closest solution to the system being developed, focused on educational processes. In addition to the webinar capabilities, it offers functionality for storing materials, conducting tests, etc. The cost is from $149 per month (3500 rubles). On the Russian market this product is not presented and does not have an interface in Russian. Add tags

Modern conditions of the information society, the development of telecommunications taking place in Russia require different approaches, methods and technologies, and especially in such an important area as education. Over the past three decades, the use of modern technical means has become a global phenomenon of educational and information culture, which has changed the approach to education in many countries of the world. In our country, only in the last decade, information educational technologies have received intensive development, but have already confidently begun to win their place in the educational process, along with traditional forms of education. Among them, we are increasingly talking about distance learning, one of the freest and easiest methods of learning.



Organization of distance learning in chemistry.

Tatyanina Oksana Rafikovna,

Chemistry teacher, Lyceum No. 15 of the city of Saratov

Modern conditions of the information society, the development of telecommunications taking place in Russia require different approaches, methods and technologies, and especially in such an important area as education. Over the past three decades, the use of modern technical means has become a global phenomenon of educational and information culture, which has changed the approach to education in many countries of the world. In our country, only in the last decade, information educational technologies have received intensive development, but they have already confidently begun to win their place in the educational process along with traditional forms of education. Among them, we are increasingly talking about distance learning, one of the freest and easiest methods of learning. The development of distance education is recognized as one of the key areas of the main educational programs of UNESCO "Education for All", "Education for Life", "Education without Borders".
Distance learning is a method of organizing the learning process based on the use of modern information and telecommunication technologies that allow learning at a distance without direct contact between the teacher and the student. The technology of distance learning lies in the fact that training and control over the assimilation of the material takes place with the help of computer network Internet using on-line and off-line technologies.

The need for such a method of teaching chemistry is due to various factors, among which are:

  1. the need for interactive interaction between students and teachers;
  2. work with children who are disabled or frequently ill;
  3. with correspondence (external) form of education;
  4. implementation of projects and research work;
  5. work with gifted children (individual additional tasks of a higher level);
  6. exciting tasks for the purpose of repetition (crossword puzzles, puzzles, etc.).

Distance learning technologies allow solving a number of significant pedagogical tasks:

  1. creation of educational space;
  2. formation of students' cognitive independence and activity;
  3. development of critical thinking, tolerance, readiness to constructively discuss different points of view.

Distance learning is based on the use of computers and a telecommunications network. Computer means of communication remove the problems of distances and make communication between teacher and student more efficient. Modern means information technologies make it possible to use various forms of material presentation in teaching: verbal and figurative (sound, graphics, video, animation). In the process of conducting distance learning, the following are used:

  1. e-mail (with the help of e-mail, communication between the teacher and the student can be established: sending out educational tasks and material, questions from the teacher and to the teacher, tracking the history of correspondence);
  2. teleconferences (they allow you to: organize a general discussion among students on educational topics; conduct under the guidance of a teacher who forms the topic of discussion, monitors the content of messages coming to the conference; view incoming messages; send your own letters (messages), thus taking part in discussion)
  3. data transfer (FTR server services);
  4. hypertext environments (WWW - servers where the teacher can place educational materials that will be organized in the form of hypertext. Hypertext allows you to structure the material, link links (hyperlinks) sections of educational material that clarify and complement each other. In WWW documents, you can place not only textual, but also graphic, as well as sound and video information);
  5. resources of the global Internet network (resources of the global WWW-network, organized in the form of hypertext, can be used in the learning process as a rich illustrative and reference material);
  6. videoconferencing.

However, the prospects of this type of training are obvious: a teacher can give lectures or conduct classes with students “live”, while having the opportunity to communicate with students. This practice is very popular in Europe and the USA, where the technical problems of videoconferencing over telecommunication channels have been solved).

One of the promising directions for the development of distance education is the interaction of the ideas of information technology and advanced pedagogical technologies. Today, we cannot consider learning only as a process of transferring knowledge from a teacher to a student, as a procedure for developing necessary knowledge and skills, although, of course, the mentioned elements of the educational process are not completely denied. Distance education is easily integrated into the most simple educational course in terms of the level of applied pedagogical approaches.
In remote mode, you can send educational materials. At the same time, it is possible to transmit not only text information, but also video materials via telecommunication channels. It is also not difficult to control the level of assimilation of educational material through a system of tests and control questions for students. For these purposes, you can use the system of computer testing and results processing. At the same time, elements of distance learning can be successfully applied in innovative forms of development-oriented education. creativity students.

Modern means of telecommunications in distance education provide an interactive way of learning. The student is given the opportunity to communicate
and the teacher - to correct and control his work. The student can choose his own pace of studying the material (can work on an individual program, consistent with the general program of the course, which is very important in secondary educational institutions with increased level education: specialized schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, etc.).
Due to the interactive style of communication and operational communication in distance learning, it is possible to individualize the learning process. The teacher, depending on the situation, can quickly respond to student requests, apply flexible, individual technique teaching, offer him additional, student-oriented blocks of educational materials. The time allotted for consultations with the teacher is sometimes not enough, so it is very convenient for the student and the teacher to communicate and resolve emerging issues via the Internet.
But distance learning requires such qualities as responsibility, the ability to plan time, independence in the performance of work, etc. - everything that is required from an adult. Therefore, parents must be involved in the learning process. Moreover, the participation of these adults does not require technical, professional knowledge and skills. They should show a deep interest in the activities of the child, talk with him about his activities, encourage him not to miss school time, not to give up in the face of difficulties, to rejoice in his successes. Using distance learning in school, you can achieve good results.
Information Technology are of great importance not only in the educational process (in the classroom, in methodological work), but also in extracurricular work:

  1. use distance profile training;
  2. create creative work, portfolio, develop a web page;
  3. participate in remote competitions and projects;
  4. create a student page in a school magazine (for students and teachers);
  5. study at distance courses;
  6. use to prepare for the unified state exam (USE).

Undoubtedly, distance education has its advantages. It helps:

  1. learn from people handicapped having individual features and extraordinary features;
  2. decide psychological problems students;
  3. remove temporal and spatial constraints and problems;
  4. correctly assess and calculate their strength, organize their activities;
  5. expand the communicative sphere of students and teachers;
  6. to show their ability to create, to realize the need to fantasize, invent, create.

One of the promising areas can be considered the development of distance learning by school teachers. However, it must be borne in mind that distance learning involves a careful selection of educational material, its coordination with state standard the content of education and the requirements for entrance examinations to universities, multi-level structural organization educational material. Methods of distance learning of chemistry were developed as training courses. The theoretical block includes not only a solid and compact presentation of the topic, but also a list of used literature, tips, examples of problem solving. This material is on the pages of the site constantly during the entire study period. This assumes two ways of student work: active and introductory. Introductory training assumes that anyone can go to the site to copy and print the proposed material and use it for further study. Active learning is based on the organization of communication "Teacher - Student", the implementation of the proposed tasks and sending them by e-mail for verification. Participation in testing is voluntary, you just need to register, indicating your name, class. It should be noted that the questions in the tests are distributed by difficulty levels and become more difficult from test to test. However, some duplication of some questions is provided in order to consolidate knowledge and skills in solving problems. Tests are designed for 45-60 minutes of work, which is important in conditions of student overload. The student sends his work by e-mail with the test number and answer options. After their appropriate processing by the teacher, the test results will be noted in the electronic journal. The pace of passing tests depends on the desire of the student himself, and the possibility of "connecting" the student to learning at any time is also provided. In any case, the student will receive the processed result of their activities and the amount of accumulated points as they progress through the topics of this training course.

Distance learning is no longer a novelty for us. World practice states the pedagogical and economic feasibility of integrating distance and full-time forms of education for the senior secondary school and for senior classes. This is a forecast for the development of the school of the future. With this learning model, students can choose a number of subjects or sections of the program, or certain types activities to study, perform remotely at a convenient time for them

List of sources used:

Gusev D.A. Notes on the Benefits of Distance Learning

Polat E.S., Moiseeva M.V., Petrov A.E. Pedagogical technologies distance learning / Ed. E.S. Polat. - M., "Academy", 2006

Weindorf-Sysoeva M.E. Pedagogy in the virtual educational environment: Anthology. M.: MGOU, 2006. - 167 p.

How to organize a remote business? Shestakova Ekaterina Vladimirovna

1.4. Distance learning

1.4. Distance learning

Distance learning is the interaction of a teacher and students with each other at a distance, reflecting all the inherent learning process components (goals, content, methods, organizational forms, learning tools) and implemented by specific means of Internet technologies or other means that provide for interactivity.

Distance learning can be divided into the following types:

Skype training;

Training through webinars;

Education through the provision of online materials in written form: educational textbooks, notebooks, tests, etc.;

Chat classes - training sessions carried out using chat technologies. Chat classes are held synchronously, that is, all participants have simultaneous access to the chat;

Teleconference - is carried out, as a rule, on the basis of mailing lists using e-mail. Educational teleconferencing is characterized by the achievement of educational objectives. There are also forms of distance learning, when educational materials are sent by mail to the regions. The benefits of distance learning are

the following:

Firstly, distance learning is in great demand by many segments of the population. Distance learning is preferred by those who cannot spend a lot of time at work attending various courses and improving their skills. In addition, distance learning is very suitable for young mothers who spend a lot of time with their children. Also, distance learning allows people with disabilities to receive education, as well as those who live in remote areas of the country;

Secondly, distance learning is designed for different age groups. Today you can find additional education programs for children, for example, creativity, fine arts, teaching foreign languages. In addition, today there are such types of related services, such as, for example, preparation for the Olympiads. Schoolchildren of grades 1-11, students and adults, both individually and in groups, can participate in distance olympiads, quizzes, tournaments and competitions. One of the conditions for participation is the availability of a computer and the ability to access the Internet. The local organizer (teacher, teacher, parent) determines the number of participants and sends an application to the organizers of the Olympiad. As a rule, such tests are paid, but there are also free events. In addition, various kinds of courses are very popular today. personal growth, advanced training courses: according to accounting, landscape design, modeling;

Thirdly, in addition to distance learning, other services may be provided, such as writing essays or consultations. With distance learning, the amount of independent work of students is large, so it is necessary to organize for them constant support from teachers. This support consists of providing advice;

Fourthly, distance learning has gained popularity because its cost is much lower than conventional courses.

It should be noted that educational services are licensed. In this regard, they can only be provided by companies that have the appropriate license. Such companies enter into a contract for the provision educational services.

The parties to the contract for the provision of paid educational services are (clause 2 of the Rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 15, 2013 No. 706):

Customer - an individual and (or) legal entity intending to order or ordering paid educational services for themselves or other persons on the basis of an agreement;

Contractor - an organization (individual entrepreneur) that carries out educational activities and provides paid educational services.

The Contractor is obliged before the conclusion of the contract and during the period of its validity to provide the customer with reliable information about himself and about the paid educational services provided, which ensures the possibility of their correct choice (clauses 9, 10 of the Rules).

So, the contractor is obliged to bring to the attention of the customer the company name of his organization, its location (address), information on state registration and educational programs, as well as information on the license to carry out educational activities and state accreditation (clause 1, article 9 of the Law of February 7, 1992 No. 2300-1; Part 2, Article 55 of the Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ).

The information specified in the contract for the provision of paid educational services must correspond to the information posted on the official website of the educational organization on the Internet on the date of conclusion of the contract (clause 4, article 54 of the Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ).

Thus, an agreement on the provision of paid educational services is concluded in a simple written form and must contain the following information (clause 12 of the Rules):

Full name and company name (if any) of the performer, full name individual entrepreneur;

The location or place of residence of the performer;

Name or full name, phone number and location (residence) of the customer;

Information about the representative (if any) of the customer and (or) the contractor, including documents certifying his authority;

Full name, place of residence and phone number of the student, if the student is not a customer under the contract;

Rights, duties and responsibilities of the contractor, customer and student;

The full cost of educational services, the procedure for their payment;

Information about the license to carry out educational activities;

Type, level and (or) focus of the educational program (part of the educational program of a certain level, type and (or) focus);

Form of study;

Terms of development of the educational program (duration of training);

Type of document (if any) issued after successful completion of the educational program (part of the educational program);

The procedure for changing and terminating the contract;

Other necessary information related to the specifics of the paid educational services provided. But what if you do not have the appropriate license? In this case, consulting services can be provided.

The algorithm for providing distance learning is as follows:

1. To provide educational services, you must obtain an appropriate license. Otherwise, it will be either consulting or related services.

2. Create your own site or place courses on popular sites.

3. Create your own training courses. Create, carefully work out the content of the distance course. It is important to ensure a good visual representation of the material. Set goals, form modules (blocks) for presenting material, problematic tasks (questions), draw conclusions from each module. Ensure the alternation of theory with practice. Compose the text in such a way that it is presented concisely, clearly, its structure is logical, the location is adequate to visual perception.

4. Find your niche of individuals who want to take distance learning.

5. Involve interesting lecturers to deliver the training. If you organize your personal distance learning, then the optimal number of people in the first group should be no more than ten. If you have a team of trained specialists, then proceed from the level of the training program and your potential capabilities (personnel, technical, organizational, etc.).

1. If you want to organize educational courses, then you need to pay attention that the implementation of educational activities requires obtaining a license (clause 40, part 1, article 12 of the Law on Licensing, part 1, article 91 of the Law on Education).

Licensing of educational activities is carried out by types of education, levels of education, by professions, specialties, areas of training (for vocational education), subspecies additional education(part 1 of article 91 of the Law on Education).

Educational activities include the provision of services for the implementation of educational programs according to the list:

1) basic general educational programs preschool education;

2) basic general education programs of primary general education;

3) basic general education programs of basic general education;

4) basic general education programs of secondary general education;

5) basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education - training programs for skilled workers, employees;

6) basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education - training programs for mid-level specialists;

7) basic professional educational programs higher education– undergraduate programs;

8) basic professional educational programs of higher education - specialist's degree programs;

9) the main professional educational programs of higher education - master's programs;

10) the main professional educational programs of higher education - programs for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (adjuncture);

11) basic professional educational programs of higher education - residency programs;

12) the main professional educational programs of higher education - programs of assistantship-internship;

13) basic vocational training programs - vocational training programs for the professions of workers, positions of employees;

14) basic vocational training programs - retraining programs for workers, employees;

15) basic vocational training programs - advanced training programs for workers, employees;

16) additional general education programs - additional general developmental programs.

2. For the provision of educational services, it is necessary to conclude an agreement in which to determine the scope of services provided.

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