Profession - Fireman. Organization and activities of the fire department

Organization of the activities of the State fire service

The organization of the activities of the State Fire Service (fire-technical surveys of territories, buildings and structures, premises, administrative practice of fire inquiry, state statistical accounting of fires) are regulated by legislative normative documents. The heads of organizations should be guided by the main provisions of these documents when organizing the on-site work of those responsible for fire safety of facilities, as well as additional fire fighting units.

In accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law "On Fire Safety", the State Fire Service (hereinafter referred to as the State Fire Service or the Service) is the basis for the functioning of the fire safety system in the Russian Federation and is part of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for civil defense. emergencies and elimination of consequences natural Disasters.

The system of the State Fire Service consists of:

The federal governing body of the State Fire Service is the Main Directorate of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. It has the powers of federal supervision of Russia, is the state customer of fire-technical products, the central certification body.

The head of the GUGPS is ex officio the Chief State Inspector of the Russian Federation for fire supervision.

Its composition includes Special Administration designed to ensure fire safety of high-security facilities of the defense complex, higher authorities state power and closed administrative-territorial formations with vertical subordination of governing bodies.

Territorial and special governing bodies and subdivisions of the State Border Service, includes:

Offices, departments of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

Force control centers and firefighting services;

Squads of the GPS;

fire departments;

Technical service units (production and technical centers, detachments and units);

Regional specialized detachments to extinguish large fires;

Specialized units for extinguishing large fires;

Bases for ensuring mobilization readiness;

Training centers and training points;

Testing fire laboratories;


Centers for fire prevention propaganda and public relations.

State Fire Service

She happens to be integral part forces for ensuring the security of the individual, society and the state and coordinates the activities of other types of fire protection.

The main tasks of the State Fire Service:

Organization of the development and implementation of state measures, regulatory regulation in the field of fire safety;

Implementation of state fire supervision in the Russian Federation;

Organization and implementation in accordance with the established procedure of protection of settlements and enterprises from fires, other works and services in the field of fire safety;

Ensuring and implementing fire extinguishing;

Implementation of financial and logistical support for the activities of governing bodies and divisions of the State Fire Service.

Coordination of activities of other types of fire protection;

Development and organization of the implementation of a unified scientific and technical policy in the field of fire safety;

Implementation of training, retraining and advanced training of personnel for the fire department.

Other tasks for the State Fire Service may be assigned only by federal law.

The system of the State Fire Service includes:

Federal Fire Service;

Fire service of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

The Federal Fire Service includes:

Structural divisions of the central office of the federal body executive power authorized to solve problems in the field of fire safety, managing and coordinating the activities of the federal fire service;

Structural subdivisions of the territorial bodies of the federal executive body authorized to solve problems in the field of fire safety - regional centers for civil defense, emergency situations and elimination of consequences of natural disasters, bodies authorized to solve civil defense tasks and tasks for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

Bodies of the state fire supervision;

Fire-technical, research and educational institutions;

Subdivisions of the federal fire service, created in order to organize the prevention and extinguishing of fires in closed administrative-territorial entities, as well as in especially important and sensitive organizations (special and military units).

The organizational structure, powers, tasks, functions, procedure for the activity of the federal fire service is determined by the Regulations on the federal fire service, approved in the prescribed manner.

The fire service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is created by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Departmental fire protection

In order to ensure fire safety, federal executive authorities and enterprises may create management bodies and divisions of departmental fire protection.

The procedure for the organization, reorganization, liquidation of management bodies and divisions of departmental fire protection, the conditions for the implementation of their activities, the performance of service by personnel are determined by the relevant provisions agreed with the State Fire Service.

If a violation of fire safety requirements is detected that poses a threat of a fire and the safety of people at subordinate enterprises, the departmental fire brigade has the right to suspend, in whole or in part, the operation of an enterprise (separate production), production site, unit, operation of a building, structure, premises, certain types works.

Control over ensuring fire safety during the operation of air, sea, river and railway Vehicle, as well as floating sea and river facilities and structures, is carried out by the relevant federal executive authorities.

Control over ensuring fire safety of diplomatic and consular institutions of the Russian Federation, as well as representative offices of the Russian Federation abroad is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise provided international treaties RF.

Municipal Fire Department

General provisions

NPB 202-96 (82) establish fire safety requirements in the field of organization of the municipal fire service.

The municipal fire service is organized by local governments to prevent and extinguish fires on the territory of the municipality and is financed from the local budget, as well as other sources provided for by law.

The purpose, tasks, procedure for the creation and organization of the activities of the municipal fire department, the procedure for its relationship with other types of fire protection are determined by local governments.

A municipal fire service can be created if the population standard established by the federal law “On Fire Safety” (Article 10) established by the federal law “On Fire Safety” (Article 10) (1 unit of personnel of the State Fire Service per 650 people of the population) is met on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The municipal service is organized in the shaft of voluntary or departmental fire protection and is carried out by units created in the manner established for these types of fire protection.

The subdivision of the municipal fire service (hereinafter referred to as the subdivisions) is part of the fire protection garrison. If involvement in extinguishing fires is carried out on the basis of appropriate plans for attracting forces and means, in the manner prescribed by current legislation, the combat regulations of the fire department and other regulations State fire service.

Private fire department

Private fire protection is created in settlements and organizations.

The creation, reorganization and liquidation of private fire departments are carried out in accordance with Civil Code RF.

The standards for the number and technical equipment of a private fire department are established by its owner independently.

Private fire departments provide services in the field of fire safety on the basis of concluded contracts.

Volunteer Fire Department

Voluntary fire protection is a form of citizens' participation in ensuring primary fire safety measures.

Volunteer firefighter - a citizen who directly participates on a voluntary basis (without conclusion employment contract) in the activities of fire departments to prevent and (or) extinguish fires.

The procedure for registering voluntary firefighters and creating subdivisions (teams, teams) of voluntary fire protection is established by the State Fire Service. Financial and logistical support of units (teams, teams) of voluntary fire protection is carried out at the expense of local budgets, funds of voluntary fire protection organizations on which these units (teams, teams) are created, funds of fire protection associations, donations from citizens and legal entities, as well as other sources of funding.

The maximum number of volunteer firefighters is determined by local governments.

The order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of April 2, 2001 No. 390 “On the Enactment of the Procedure for the Creation of Voluntary Fire Protection Units and the Registration of Volunteer Firefighters” regulates the creation of voluntary fire protection units at municipalities and in organizations, regardless of the presence of units of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation or departmental security, as well as the registration of voluntary firefighters.

Volunteer fire protection units are created in the form of squads and teams that are municipal or facility and are part of the fire safety system of the municipality, respectively.

The squad operates without the use of fire trucks.

The team carries out activities using fire engines.

The number of voluntary fire protection units and their structure is established by the head of the local self-government (organization) in agreement with the head of the State Fire Service unit.

Topic #3

"People's safety organization

on water objects"

The waters are essential component environmental natural environment, renewable, limited and vulnerable natural resource, the basis of life and activity of the peoples living on the territory of the Russian Federation (the human community "EARTH"), ensure the economic, social, environmental well-being of the population, the existence of flora and fauna.

Relations about water bodies on the territory of the Russian Federation are regulated by the "Constitution", "Water Code" and other regulatory legal acts the Russian Federation and its subjects by establishing legal framework use and protection of water bodies.

1. Regulatory regulation use of water bodies

Article 42 of the "Constitution" of the Russian Federation establishes three independent powers: the right to a favorable environment; the right to receive reliable information about her condition; the right to compensation for damage caused to health or property by an environmental offense. The subjects of these rights are citizens of the Russian Federation, stateless persons and foreign citizens located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The environment has either a favorable or a negative impact on the life and activities of people; the health of not only present, but also future generations depends on its condition. A decent human life is possible only in conditions of favorable environment.

Article 58 of the “Constitution” singles out as independent objects of nature protection, the environment and natural resources. Thus, the right of every person to a favorable environment is accompanied by his obligation to preserve nature, the environment, and natural resources. The "Constitution" emphasizes the obligation of citizens not to cause damage to the environment in the possession, use and disposal of land and other natural resources.

By securing the right of everyone to a favorable environment, the state thereby assumes the obligation to ensure this right. In accordance with the Federal Law of January 10, 2002 No. 7-FZ “On Environmental Protection”, relations in the field of interaction between society and nature are regulated. The objects of environmental protection include:

- land, subsoil, soil;

– surface and ground waters;

- forests and other vegetation, animals and other organisms and their genetic fund;

atmospheric air, the ozone layer of the atmosphere and near-Earth space.

Federal Law No. 52-FZ of March 30, 1999 “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population” establishes sanitary and epidemiological requirements for ensuring the safety of the environment for human health, which apply, in particular, to water bodies.

Issues of nature management, environmental protection and ensuring environmental safety, specially protected natural areas are under the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and its subjects

The Federal Law of November 16, 1995 No. 167-FZ "Water Code" of the Russian Federation determines that, in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the water legislation of the Russian Federation is under the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The water legislation of the Russian Federation regulates relations in the field of use and protection of water bodies in order to ensure the rights of citizens to clean water and favorable aquatic environment; maintaining optimal conditions water use; the quality of surface and ground waters in a state that meets sanitary and environmental requirements; protection of water bodies from pollution, clogging and depletion; prevention or elimination harmful effects waters, as well as the conservation of the biological diversity of aquatic ecosystems. The goals of the water legislation of the Russian Federation are implemented on the basis of the principle of sustainable development (balanced development of the economy and improvement of the state of the natural environment).

The object of water relations is a water body or part of it. surface water and lands covered by them and associated with them (the bottom and banks of a water body) are considered as a single water body. The groundwater and containing them rocks are also considered as a single water body. Depending on the physical-geographical, hydro-regime and other features, water bodies are divided into:

– surface water bodies;

– inland sea waters;

- underground water bodies.

Owners, owners and users of land plots adjacent to surface water bodies may use water bodies only for their own needs to the extent that this does not violate the rights and legitimate interests of other persons. They should not interfere with the use of water bodies and their banks by individuals and legal entities of the Russian Federation.

The participants in water relations are the Russian Federation, subjects of the Russian Federation, municipalities and water users. Local self-government bodies participate in water relations on behalf of urban, rural settlements and other municipalities within their competence established by acts defining the status of these bodies.

Water users can be citizens and legal entities to which water objects are provided for use.

A water user-citizen may use water bodies for their own needs or for entrepreneurial activity after obtaining a license for water use.

A water user - a legal entity has the right to use water objects only after obtaining a license for water use.

A water user using water bodies to meet the needs of water consumers is obliged to carry out relevant activities in accordance with a water use license and a contract for the use of a water body.

All water bodies, as well as isolated water bodies (closed reservoirs) that are not in municipal ownership, the property of citizens and legal entities, are federal property.

The property of the Russian Federation (federal property) is:

- surface water bodies, the water areas and basins of which are located on the territories of two or more constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

- underground water bodies located on the territories of two or more constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

- water bodies that are the habitat of anadromous and catadromous fish species;

– transboundary (boundary) water bodies;

– inland sea waters;

– territorial sea of ​​the Russian Federation;

- water bodies that are specially protected natural areas of the federation. meaning or constituting part of these territories;

- water bodies that are part of the territory of resorts or health-improving areas of federal significance;

– other specially protected water bodies of federal significance.

Water bodies are recognized as federal property by the Government of the Russian Federation in agreement with the executive authorities of the relevant constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Persons who are not owners of water bodies may have the following rights to water bodies:

– the right of long-term use;

– the right of short-term use;

– the right of limited use (water easement).

Everyone can use water facilities common use and other water bodies.

The rights to use water bodies are acquired on the basis of a license for water use and a contract for the use of a water body concluded in accordance with it.

Cancellation of a water use license is the basis for terminating the contract for the use of a water body concluded in accordance with it.

After the issuance of a water use license to a citizen or legal entity, the conclusion of an agreement on the use of a water body is mandatory.

Water bodies can be used for the following purposes:

– drinking and household water supply;

– healthcare;

– industry and energy;

– agriculture and forestry;

– hydropower;

– recreation;

– transport and construction;

– fire safety;

- fishing and hunting;

– timber rafting;

– extraction of minerals, peat and sapropel.

General water use is carried out in accordance with the rules for protecting the life of people at water bodies Local governments establish places where water intake for drinking and domestic water supply, bathing, swimming in small-sized floating equipment, watering of livestock are prohibited, and also determine other conditions for general water use at water bodies located in the territories of urban, rural settlements and other municipalities. The population is informed about the prohibition of bathing and other similar conditions for the implementation of general water use through means mass media, special information signs or other means.

The use of individual water bodies or their parts may be limited, suspended or prohibited in order to ensure the protection of the foundations of the constitutional order, the defense of the country and the security of the state, the protection of public health, the natural environment and historical and cultural heritage, the rights and legitimate interests of other persons in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Actions of water users aimed at monopolization and unfair competition are prohibited, as a result of which the rights and legitimate interests of other water users, as well as other citizens and legal entities, are infringed or may be infringed.

Water use licenses, contracts for the use of a water body in accordance with the established procedure are annulled and invalidated if they can lead to the monopolization of water use, entailing a significant violation of the rights and legitimate interests of other water users.

When using water bodies, citizens and legal entities are obliged to carry out production and technological, reclamation, agrotechnical, hydrotechnical, sanitary and other measures that ensure the protection of water bodies. The use of water bodies should be carried out with the minimum possible negative consequences for water objects.

Federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and water users are obliged to take measures to prevent and eliminate the consequences of the harmful effects of water:

- floods, floods and flooding;

– destruction of banks, dams, dikes and other structures;

- swamping and salinization of lands;

– soil erosion, formation of ravines, landslides, mudflows and other phenomena.

In the event of natural disasters and accidents at water bodies, water users are obliged to take part in the implementation of measures to prevent and eliminate the consequences of the harmful effects of water. These activities are carried out in coordination with federal agency executive power in the field of management of the use and protection of the water fund and with local governments.

Federal Law No. 155-FZ of July 31, 1998 “On Inland Sea Waters, the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone of the Russian Federation” establishes the status and legal regime of inland sea waters, the territorial sea and the contiguous zone of the Russian Federation.


... onsituations, then the reverse of the one for which he was preparing. Actonsituations... palpable " material", maybe... actions and program actions, which includes training ... extremely ... educationalmethodical literature on ... Centreon phone... defense ... civil ...

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    The edges " educational-methodicalCentreoncivildefense and emergencysituations"methodicalmaterialsonpreparing to actions in emergencysituations and oncivildefense mountains Krasnodar Topic № 1/1 "Organizational bases civildefense ...

  • Department for Civil Defense of Emergencies and Water Relations of the Krasnodar Territory GK KK "Educational and Methodological Center for Civil Defense and Emergencies"


    ... CIVILDEFENSE, EMERGENCYSITUATIONS AND WATER RELATIONS OF THE KRASNODAR REGION GKU KK " educational-methodicalCentreoncivildefense and emergencysituations"methodical recommendations to the HEAD OF THE MUNICIPALITY ONACTION ...

  • Regulations on the training and consultation center for civil defense and emergency situations


    ... on GOChS. Training UKP staff on Civil Defense and Emergencies and consultants is carried out in the state budget educational institution educational-methodicalCentreoncivildefense and emergencysituations ...

  • Types and main tasks of fire protection
    In accordance with the federal law "On Fire Safety", the fire brigade is a set of management bodies, divisions and organizations created in the prescribed manner, designed to organize the prevention of fires, extinguish them and carry out the rescue operations assigned to them.
    fire protection is divided into the following types:
    state fire service;
    municipal fire department;
    departmental fire protection;
    private fire department;
    volunteer fire department.
    The main tasks of the fire department are:
    organization and implementation of fire prevention;
    rescue of people and property in case of fire;
    organization and implementation of fire extinguishing and rescue operations.
    To actions to prevent, eliminate socio-political, ethnic conflicts and riots, the fire department is not involved.
    The State Fire Service includes:
    federal fire service;
    fire service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
    Municipal fire protection is created by local governments on the territory of municipalities.
    The purpose, tasks, procedure for the creation and organization of the activities of the municipal fire department, the procedure for its relationship with other types of fire protection are determined by local governments.
    Departmental fire protection
    In order to ensure fire safety, federal executive authorities, enterprises of an organization may create management bodies and divisions of departmental fire protection. The procedure for the organization, reorganization, liquidation of management bodies and divisions of departmental fire protection, the conditions for the implementation of their activities, the performance of service by personnel are determined by the relevant provisions agreed with the State Fire Service.
    General requirements to the fire protection of organizations are established by the fire safety standards NPB-201-96. If a violation of fire safety requirements is detected that poses a threat of a fire and the safety of people in subordinate organizations, the departmental fire brigade has the right to suspend, in whole or in part, the work of an organization (separate production), production site, unit, operation of a building, structure, premises, and certain types of work .
    Private fire department
    Private fire protection is created in settlements and organizations. The creation, reorganization and liquidation of private fire departments are carried out in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The standards for the number and technical equipment of a private fire department are established by its owner independently. Private fire departments provide services in the field of fire safety on the basis of concluded contracts.
    Voluntary fire protection is a form of citizens' participation in ensuring primary fire safety measures. Volunteer firefighter - a citizen who directly participates on a voluntary basis (without concluding an employment contract) in the activities of fire departments to prevent and (or) extinguish fires. Participation in voluntary fire protection is a form of social significant works established by local governments of settlements and urban districts.
    2. Financial and logistical support of fire safety services
    The main legislative act that determines the administrative and legal activities of the State Fire Service is the Federal Law of December 21, 1994 N 69-FZ "On Fire Safety". In accordance with the federal law "On Fire Safety" (Article 10), financial support for the activities of the federal fire service, social guarantees and compensation to its personnel is an expenditure obligation of the Russian Federation.
    Financial support for the activities of the divisions of the State Fire Service established by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, social guarantees and compensations to the personnel of these divisions in accordance with the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is an expense obligation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
    Financial provision of primary fire safety measures within the boundaries of the municipality, including voluntary fire protection, in accordance with this Federal Law is an expense obligation of the municipality.
    The material and technical support of the federal fire service is carried out in the manner and according to the standards established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
    Financial and logistical support for the activities of departmental, private and voluntary fire protection, as well as financial support for social guarantees and compensation to their personnel in accordance with this Federal Law, is carried out by their founders at their own expense.

    General information

    The fire protection is the main and largest component of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters.

    Fire departments annually make about 2,000,000 trips, save more than 90,000 people from death and injury, and save over 120 billion rubles of material assets.

    Currently, fire safety activities are regulated by more than 10 federal laws and legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation.

    Training of fire protection specialists is carried out in 7 departmental universities of the state fire service and 21 training center federal fire service. Also, a number of civil and military educational institutions are engaged in training in the specialty "Fire Safety".

    The organization of management in the field of fire safety and the coordination of the activities of fire protection are carried out by the federal executive body authorized to solve problems in the field of fire safety.

    A Brief History of the Fire Department

    During the years of the Great Patriotic War the fire brigade has become a kind of shield protecting military facilities, critical facilities from fire, settlements. In the first months of the war, the main burden of fighting fires that arose during enemy air raids had to be endured by the city's professional fire brigades. Many firefighters fought the enemy in partisan units.

    Writer Nikolai Tikhonov:

    In the most difficult conditions in such hero cities as Leningrad, Stalingrad, Smolensk, Sevastopol, Odessa, firefighters were directly in the battle. They were the kind of troops that brought great help to the Red Army. In the annals of fire glory, hundreds and hundreds of names of heroes are recorded, whose deeds are a lesson for new generations of fire protection.

    Over 31,000 people were awarded orders and medals. It is known about 35 defenders of the Fatherland who before the war worked in the fire brigade or went to the front from the fire brigade, who were awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union. In the first post-war years, they recovered and began production fire fighting equipment Moscow, Gorky, Vargashinsky, Grabovsky, Novotorzhsky automobile plants, Livensky and Zaporozhye plants for the production of motor pumps. A decision was made that marked the beginning of the technical re-equipment of the country's fire department.

    AT 1957 the faculty of fire fighting and safety engineers was opened at high school Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. AT major cities fire test stations were established.

    AT 1958 the fire brigade of the USSR was accepted into the Technical Committee for the Prevention and Fighting of Fires.

    IN USSR since 1966. The management of the fire brigade was carried out by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, which included the State Fire Supervision, which carried out work to prevent fires in buildings and structures under construction and in operation, as well as units of the paramilitary fire brigade and professional fire brigade, which put out fires in cities, at industrial and other facilities National economy. Some ministries and departments (for example, the Ministry of Railways, the Ministry of Forestry, Glavneftesnab) had their own departmental fire protection.

    The paramilitary fire brigade was organized in the cities that are the most important administrative centers of the USSR, as well as at industrial and other facilities that have special importance or increased fire and explosion hazard. Professional fire protection was created in cities, urban-type settlements, district centers, as well as at national economy facilities.

    With 1965 units and subdivisions of the paramilitary fire brigade of Moscow began to be recruited from persons called up for active military service.

    Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR in 1991 formed emergency rescue structures as part of paramilitary fire departments, ensuring the creation of a single fire fighting and emergency rescue service.

    AT 1993 The Fire and Rescue Service of the Ministry of the Interior was transformed into the State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Interior.

    December 21, 1994 The President of the Russian Federation signed the Federal Law "On Fire Safety", according to which the problem of fire safety again became a state issue. Firefighters got the right to issue fire safety standards that duplicate requirements state standards and require certification of any product (such as refrigerators and consumer electronics).

    April 30, 1999 The Decree of the President of the Russian Federation established a professional holiday - "The Day of the Fire Service of Russia".

    According to the Decree of the President of Russia dated November 9, 2001 The State Fire Service was transferred from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to the EMERCOM of Russia.

    As a result of the administrative reform in 2005, the fire service was divided into federal and regional. More than 80,000 people remained in the federal structure, 137,000 people were transferred to the jurisdiction of the regional authorities, and about 70,000 firefighters were kept at the expense of the objects they protect on a contractual basis.

    1. For buildings, structures and structures, the device must be provided:

    1) fire passages and access roads to buildings, structures and structures for fire equipment, special or combined with functional passages and entrances;

    2) outdoor fire escapes and other means of lifting the personnel of fire departments and fire equipment to the floors and roofs of buildings, structures and structures;

    3) fire-fighting water supply, including combined with household or special, dry pipes and fire tanks (reservoirs);

    4) smoke protection systems for the routes of personnel of fire departments inside the building, structure and structure;

    5) individual and collective means of saving people.

    2. In buildings, structures and structures with a height of 10 meters or more from the mark of the surface of the passage of fire trucks to the roof cornice or top outer wall(parapet) exits to the roof from the stairwells directly or through the attic or through the stairs of the 3rd type or through the external fire escapes should be provided.

    3. The number of exits to the roof (but not less than one exit) and their location should be provided depending on the class of functional fire hazard and dimensions of the building, structure and structure:

    1) for every complete and incomplete 100 meters of the length of a building, structure and structure with an attic covering and at least one exit for every complete and incomplete 1000 square meters the area of ​​the roof of a building, structure and structure with a bare roof for buildings of classes F1, F2, F3 and F4;

    2) on fire escapes every 200 meters along the perimeter of buildings, structures and structures of class F5.

    4. It is allowed not to provide:

    1) fire escapes on the main facade of a building, structure and structure, if the width of the building, structure and structure does not exceed 150 meters, and there is a fire-fighting water supply system on the side opposite the main facade;

    2) access to the roof of one-story buildings, structures and structures with a covering area of ​​​​not more than 100 square meters.

    5. In the attics of buildings, structures and structures, with the exception of buildings of class F1.4, exits to the roof, equipped with stationary stairs, through doors, hatches or windows with a size of at least 0.6 x 0.8 meters should be provided.

    6. Exits from staircases to the roof or attic should be provided along flights of stairs with landings before exiting through fire doors 2nd type with a size of at least 0.75 x 1.5 meters. These marches and platforms must be made of non-combustible materials and have a slope of no more than 2: 1 and a width of at least 0.9 meters.

    7. In buildings, structures and structures of classes F1, F2, F3 and F4 with a height of not more than 15 meters, it is allowed to arrange exits to the attic or roof from staircases through type 2 fire hatches measuring 0.6 x 0.8 meters along fixed steel ladders.

    8. On technical floors, including in technical undergrounds and on technical lofts, the height of the passage must be at least 1.8 meters, in attics along the entire building, structure and structure - at least 1.6 meters. The width of these passages must be at least 1.2 meters. In some sections with a length of not more than 2 meters, it is allowed to reduce the height of the passage to 1.2 meters, and the width to 0.9 meters.

    9. In buildings, structures and structures with attics, hatches should be provided in the enclosing structures of the attic sinuses.

    10. In places with a difference in the height of the roof (including for lifting light-aeration lamps to the roof) of more than 1 meter, fire escapes should be provided.

    11. It is allowed not to provide fire escapes with a roof height difference of more than 10 meters, if each roof section with an area of ​​​​more than 100 square meters has its own exit to the roof or the height of the lower roof section does not exceed 10 meters.

    12. To climb to a height of 10 to 20 meters and in places with a difference in roof height from 1 to 20 meters, fire escapes of the P1 type should be used, to climb to a height of more than 20 meters and in places of a difference in roof height of more than 20 meters - fire escapes of the P2 type .

    13. Fire escapes are made of non-combustible materials, are located no closer than 1 meter from windows and must have design, providing the possibility of movement of personnel of fire departments in combat clothing and with additional equipment.

    14. Between flights of stairs and between railings flights of stairs a gap of at least 75 millimeters should be provided.

    15. In each fire compartment of buildings, structures and structures of class F1.1 with a height of more than 10 meters, buildings, structures and structures of class F1.3 with a height of more than 50 meters, buildings, structures and structures of other classes of functional fire hazard with a height of more than 28 meters, underground parking lots with more than two floors should be provided with elevators for transporting fire departments.

    16. In buildings, structures and structures with a roof slope of not more than 12 percent inclusive, a height to the eaves or top of the outer wall (parapet) of more than 10 meters, as well as in buildings, structures and structures with a roof slope of more than 12 percent, a height to the cornice of more than 7 meters, fencing on the roof should be provided in accordance with the fire safety requirements established by this Federal Law. Regardless of the height of the building, these fences should be provided for operated flat roofs, balconies, loggias, outdoor galleries, open outdoor stairs, flights of stairs and platforms.

    17. On the covering of buildings, structures and structures with a floor mark of the upper floor of more than 75 meters, platforms for the transport and rescue cabin of a fire helicopter with a size of at least 5 x 5 meters should be provided. It is prohibited to place antennas, electrical wires, cables above the indicated sites.

    Quick search

    Eg. "Article 45", "Chapter 3", "77"

    The profession of a firefighter is one of the most difficult professions in the world. You can learn to climb a retractable ladder, use a gas mask, move in thick smoke, run, jump, lift weights ... but the most difficult thing is to be ready to risk your life every moment to save someone else.

    At all times, people have faced fires. And at all times they were saved, they were extended a helping hand by those who were nearby. Those who were in trouble were sympathized, empathized. Such an ability to sympathize with a stranger, to perceive someone else's grief as one's own, is characteristic of many people. But for some, to a special extent. So they become professional firefighters, such people form the divisions of the State Fire Service.

    A real firefighter doesn't know what fatigue is, doesn't know the words "I can't". At any time of the day, in any weather, in the heat and hard frost, in any state and mood, he is ready to go into fire and into water. Firefighters have such a thing as a combat crew - this is a team leaving for a fire. The title is very accurate.

    To save and help, this is the goal that firefighters face every day. An extreme situation for them is a regular situation, an ordinary weekday. Human grief is what they see in front of them all the time. According to doctors, each trip to the fire in its own way negative impact on the human body is equivalent to a pre-infarction state.

    A representative of this profession must have a strong psyche, high stress resistance - after all, events develop unpredictably, and not all people can be saved, sometimes they die before our eyes, and this must be experienced.This is where the stress doubles. Often, firefighters are accused of cynicism in relation to someone else's grief, they say there is a corpse lying here, and they are standing two steps away "grinding their teeth" ... You don't know what a firefighter feels who stumbles upon a dead body in smoke, hoping to find living people there? ... understand and forgive, these smiles and this laughter are just a defensive reaction of the body, a response of the psyche to stress (double stress).

    In addition to good physical fitness, in addition to high moral qualities and psychological stability, a modern fire safety specialist must have a broad outlook, deep professional knowledge, not inferior in level and depth to the knowledge of professionals - builders, technologists, designers and other highly qualified specialists.

    The fireman must know the rules of first aid,be able to use rescue equipment know safety precautions, be able to work at height. It is necessary to have excellent health, high stamina, physical strength, because onlystandard firefighter equipment weighs about 20-30 kg, and with it you need to move quickly, maneuver during a fire, climb to the upper floors on foot (since the use of an elevator during a fire is strictly prohibited for safety reasons).

    When an alarm signal is received, the duty guard fighters must put on special clothing (combat gear) in 20-25 seconds, then immediately get into the fire truck and leave, the time for the fire guard to leave should not exceed 40 seconds from the moment the alarm is received by the unit. The lives of many people often depend on how quickly the car arrives at the place of the call.

    Upon arrival, firefighters determine what and where is burning, what actions should be taken, it is in the first minutes of the arrival of firefighters that the outcome of the battle with fire is decided. Perhaps there are already victims or the first arrived forces and means may not be enough, but everything further depends on the RTP (fire extinguishing leader) and the correct and quick actions of the firefighters who arrived first at the call site. It is necessary to deploy hose lines in one and a half to two minutes and connect them to a local water supply source (fire hydrant or put the car on open water), if any, or to the tank. Localization and elimination of a fire can last from several minutes to several days. If the arrived forces to fight the fire are not enough, help is called (additional forces and means by an increased call number). After the fire is extinguished, the head of the fire extinguishing (usually the head of the guard or the commander of the department) must report to his fire department on the radio station about the results of the operation and draw up a fire report, and in addition, take 6-10 pictures of the scene mobile phone and send MMS to central point fire communication of the city of Bratsk.

    After the fire is extinguished, investigators begin to work, who investigate the causes of the fire, look for the perpetrators, if any, confirm the legitimacy of the actions of firefighters if they caused material damage (for example, a room with computers was flooded with water, which as a result deteriorated).

    Well, for the prevention of incidents, there are fire inspectors (inspectors of the State Fire Supervision), who check the safety in various institutions, and also work with the public, conduct conversations with schoolchildren, etc.

    Employees of the GPN work during the day, and firemen on guard work in shifts, if there are no calls, they conduct classes, drills and exercises at protected facilities, develop operational documentation for extinguishing fires.

    It is recommended to master this profession for people who are decisive, courageous, responsible, having a strong character, willpower, clear coordination of movements, quick reactions. There are quite a few contraindications for such work, you just need to have excellent health, here the medical commission is even stricter than the military one.

    Earnings are not very high, but they usually go to work as firefighters not in order to get rich, but because they feel called to this business. Career prospects for a firefighter, as well as for a military man: the growth of ranks, the occupation of commanding positions in the relevant structures.

    In Russia (and probably all over the world) there is a kind of fire fraternity. If a firefighter ends up in another region, in another city and he has any problems, he can safely come to any division of the fire service of this region (city) - and his colleagues will definitely help him.

    The profession of a firefighter is difficult and not grateful, but very noble.

    "... Do you know why we are not very favored, why poets rarely remember us and prose writers do not write books? I thought about this a lot and came to the conclusion: because our work does not bring joy to people, it best case reduces grief. It is not aesthetic, our work, we do not create anything, we do not set records, although we risk our lives, sometimes several times a day. Even our most brilliant victory is a tragedy; Horrors and pain, death and loss, disfigured faces and piles of ruins are associated with us in the minds of people ... "

    Firefighters, by the way, are often offended if they are called firefighters. After all, this word used to mean not fighters with fire, but completely different concepts:

    In the criminal thieves' environment, the word "fireman" has a meaning - a thief who commits theft during fires under the pretext of saving valuables (dictionary of prison-camp-thieves jargon, edited by D.S. Baldaev);

    In pre-revolutionary Russia, "firefighters" were called false fire victims, who pretended to be victims of fire in order to arouse compassion and receive alms or those who set fire to them.
