Materials for attestation of a speech therapist at the home of a baby essay. Essay of the teacher - speech therapist Shadrina Elena Olegovna "500 lines about yourself"

"In this world, what makes us rich is

Not what we get

And what we give away

Biger Henry Ward.

Kindergarten is a special world where you need to be interesting and useful for the people around you, give your children your energy, knowledge, and ability to learn new things.

Here, each child is unique and inimitable in its manifestation and development. Working with children is very interesting. Only the most persistent, patient, courageous, sincere, responsible, kind, enterprising, creative and amazing people live in this country.

"Our special duty is that if anyone especially needs our help, we must make every effort to help that person." These words, as well as possible, reveal the essence of my profession. I am constantly driven by the desire to help every child. For me, my profession is not only work, it is the space of my self-realization. Coming to work, and just talking with children, I open my heart to them, discuss with them topics that concern them, sincerely answer their questions. "Work - The best way enjoy life”, I. Kant claimed. And I share his point of view. “Who has never been a child will never be an adult” (Ch. Chaplin) - I have the opportunity to “be a child again”, but at the same time remain an adult. How can you help your child find their place in life? Most efficient technologies preschool education, the socialization of a preschool child is based on the unique possibilities of the game. I am guided in my work by M. Montessori's idea that a child learns easily when he does not notice that he is being taught.

My work is not limited to working with children, I include parents in the correctional process, I act as a partner, mentor, consultant, assistant in our joint work. Active participation of parents in correctional and developmental educational process, allows you to significantly increase work efficiency and create a single space for speech development. It's nice to talk to parents who want to get from you practical advice for joint activities with children at home, which will undoubtedly help their children overcome certain difficulties in speech development. I am glad when the results of the work are seen not only by me, but also by my parents.

Creating conditions for the correction of speech disorders in children, I try to make the environment attractive and comfortable, where each object carries a semantic load, aesthetic pleasure and, of course, a fairy tale, mystery or riddle. This is the only way to captivate, interest the child. "Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity." (V.A. Sukhomlinsky) The child himself takes part in creating a favorable environment, bringing his favorite toys, DIY toys, prints of his "Jolly Hands", drawings made by him or together with mom and dad. And then the environment becomes close and dear to the child, because next to him is a piece of his home. Our classes begin with a mutual greeting, a smile, an affectionate word, and it is very pleasant to see the smiles of children in response and wide-open eyes in anticipation of something new and interesting. According to the apt expression of V. Soloukhin - "the soul chills and turns to stone without a smile." To be interesting for children, I prepare for each lesson, think over game techniques, plots, select didactic material using internet resources.

Information technologies help me to be “on the same wavelength” with the child, to create various situations of communication. Specialized speech therapy computer program"Games for Tigers" computer games: "Learning to speak correctly" .... From the interest of the child, I extend the "thread" to his abilities. The first success, and then many victories inspire the child and me, contribute to strong desire achieve good results. At each lesson I try to maintain a friendly atmosphere so that children feel free and comfortable. I try to help the child open up, instill in him the confidence that we will overcome all difficulties with him. Indeed, in the hands of a speech therapist, the most valuable value is a child, his development and prospects.

A speech therapist teacher is a teacher who can combine an artist, musician, designer, diplomat, psychologist. You can go on and on. Children are happy to be drawn into a theatrical performance, in which they begin to hear and understand the word, confirming the idea of ​​J. Korczak that children are "artists, dreamers and poets, and researchers and artists." Identifying speech and music, even Aristotle wrote: "Speech that is pleasant to the ear is a kind of music." Designer - because the speech therapist creates convenience, beauty, which is conducive to communication with the child.

The personality of the teacher-speech therapist plays a big role in correctional work. When you give a lot to your children, you receive a lot from them. Children, while studying, are happy to communicate with me, rejoice in their successes and achievements, share various information with me, go to classes with a desire and play with pleasure all the games offered. So for every child, I am not just a source of information, but also the creator of a positive emotional mood.

The skill of a speech therapist teacher is not an accidental success, not lucky find, but systematic, painstaking search and work, not infrequently rough, everyday, filled with anxious thoughts, discoveries and failures. What will be tomorrow? Tomorrow will be a new day, where the eyes of my “preschoolers” will look at me again. And I will strive to put into practice my ideas and plans, constantly improve my own educational level, my pedagogical skills.

Today my profession is in high demand. A speech therapist teacher is a humane profession that harmoniously combines the mercy of medicine, the wisdom of pedagogy and the insight of psychology.

The realization that children came to me with speech defects, and left with competent and beautiful speech, acquired new knowledge, skills, communication skills that will help them in life and when studying at school, fills my heart with joy, pride for myself, for my kindergarten, for the fact that I knowingly chose my professional path. Every day I enjoy the process of work, I give myself to my favorite work with all my heart, I devote my free time to it.

My profession is very interesting, every day, together with the children, I experience a feeling of joy, compassion, and other important emotions. I feel useful. Benefiting is a great blessing!

“What is the most important thing in my life?

Without hesitation, I answer - love for children.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

Essay "I am a speech pathologist"

Presentation on the topic: “Vocation- teacher speech therapist. ”

Torba Elvira Faridovna MADOU CRR d/s No. 17

Reflections on the topic "I - teacher speech therapist» - this is an occasion to look at your profession from the outside, to try to comprehend its importance for yourself, significance for other people. In my case, the profession chose me. From teacher to speech pathologist. Teaching your child the right way, beautiful speech, learning in a fun and engaging way, to give an opportunity to believe in oneself, to understand that any child is talented and successful - this, in my opinion, is the main task of a creative teacher.

Why do I love my profession? For the fact that it gives me the opportunity every day to come into contact with the world of childhood, for the uniqueness and unpredictability of every day. Giving children a piece of your heart, the warmth of your soul, with a sense of deep satisfaction I confess: "I'm in my place".All my knowledge, all my spiritual strength for them. Each time, feeling an incredible sense of joy for the success of children, I am convinced that the profession chosen is important, necessary, necessary!

I love my job. It gives me the opportunity to help children learn right, pronounce the sounds of native speech. Every day, in contact with the world of childhood, I contribute to the future of children. This gives a perspective for successful learning to read, write, and in life in general, because beautiful, pure speech - essential condition comprehensive development of children preschool age which is the purpose of my work.

Kindergarten is an island of joy, where each child is unique and inimitable, where the world of kindness, the world of health is just as important as the world of knowledge.

Teacher- a speech therapist must certainly be enthusiastic, have something of his own, special, behind his soul. Perhaps that is why my pupils are pleased with their successes, they are engaged with interest. This means that I am not just a carrier and transmitter of information, but also a creator of an emotional mood. I start all classes with a smile, and there is no greater joy for me than to see children's eyes wide open, to realize that the biggest and most significant thing in the world is being laid here.

Every day my little friends sit with me in front of the mirror to learn to speak correctly. Self-doubt, complexes make children become isolated. How scary baby nku: "What if I don't have anything? succeed Here on the first plan: to help, caress, sympathize. A speech therapy lesson is not only a school for teaching and raising a child, but also a kind look, affectionate speech, the charm of a teacher who inspires them with confidence that everything succeed.

Creating the conditions for mastering speech, I do not forget about the attractive environment, each object in which carries a semantic load, aesthetic pleasure and, of course, a secret or a riddle. For this, there is a specially equipped office, more like a room in which there is no place for strict style. Everything in it: wallpapers, curtains, toys, furniture is imbued with the warmth and comfort of home, "friendly" a world where the child does not feel constrained, squeezed.

My work allows me to feel like a magician - to give children and their parents, a kind of "recovery". And every teacher will understand me t: we live in our pupils. A speech pathologist must love his job. I think this is the main and basic condition for successful activity. In my opinion, in the hands of a speech therapist, the most precious value is children, their development and prospects.

At the core of my pedagogical activity lies individual approach to every child. Yes. they are all different, each of them is unique, each of them has its own palette of moods and emotions. The main components of my pedagogical philosophy are faith in the child, acceptance and understanding of his amazing soul, his actions, his expectations, as well as satisfaction of one of his most important needs - the need for love and approval.

The joy of cooperation with parents, the creation of an atmosphere of mutual understanding of like-minded people, emotional involvement with each other - all this is necessary for the favorable development of the child's personality. Speech therapy classes for moms and dads are no less important than for children. As active participants, they "recharge" energy, draw knowledge on how to emotionally communicate with the child. Building relationships with parents, I am guided by principle: "A parent is not a guest, but a full member of the kindergarten team".

Seeing the result of the work, the emotions of the children, I realized that teacher speech therapist is the best profession for me and my favorite! It is my choice! This is my way!

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Teacher - speech therapist, not an easy job

Teach children how to speak beautifully!

You give with all your heart

Are you ready to devote your life to it!

These are not just lines of poetry! These are the thoughts and feelings of a person who loves his job. Everyone is talented in their own way, but finding this talent is not easy. Who to be? This question arises sooner or later before each person. One becomes a poet or musician, another a physicist, a third a geologist, a fourth a surgeon, a fifth a teacher. It is probably difficult to choose that unique profession, to which you will then give years of your life. My path to the profession began in childhood, I liked the way announcers conduct programs, how actors play their roles in the theater. I sat in front of the mirror and spoke various texts. As a result, these hobbies resulted in my profession. Analyzing all this, one can once again be convinced of how important our childhood hobbies are, how sharply they affect the dreams of a future profession.

In 2006, I entered the Volgograd State Social Pedagogical University as a teacher-psychologist.

After graduating from the university, I came to work as a teacher in the kindergarten "Topolek".

Listening to the speech of children who had difficulty pronouncing sounds, I wanted to help them pronounce words,This is what helped me decide on my profession as a speech therapist.

It turned out that this was not an easy task, studying the literature on speech therapy: I began to understand the methods, techniques, techniques for setting sounds, and most importantly, to see violations in the speech of children.

And I entered the Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis at the Faculty of Special Defectological Education, specializing in speech therapy.

Once again, I made sure right choice my profession, how interesting and informative it is to gain knowledge and experience in speech therapy.

Every trip to book store ended with the acquisition of books, albums, speech therapy manuals.

I study and work as a teacher-speech therapist in a kindergarten.

Kindergarten is a special world where you need to be interesting and useful for the people around you, give your children your energy, knowledge, and ability to learn new things. Here, each child is unique and inimitable in its manifestation and development. I am engaged in the correction of sound pronunciation disorders, the development of proper speech breathing, the development of phonemic processes, the enrichment of vocabulary, and the improvement of coherent speech of children. In my work I use game methods, a variety of visual material, diagrams for making sentences and stories, exercises for the development of general and fine motor skills.

me like young specialist every day there are questions about how to interest a child, to captivate, how to make the first steps into the world of knowledge easy and memorable, how to make children want to come to classes with a speech therapist with a smile? To be interesting to children, I think over game techniques, plots, select bright didactic material, use modern technical means training, Internet resources. Creative approach stimulates the development of children, their interests, encourages independence.

So that each lesson is not like the previous one, I include “light fluffs”, “funny pencils”, “funny tongues” in the work. There are interesting characters in the classes, such as "smart hare", "smart hedgehog", "cunning fox", who captivate and lure children with their interesting games. To relieve fatigue, I spend physical education minutes (we show how the trees rustle, the grass rustles), finger games. To correct sound pronunciation, we hiss like snakes, buzz like bugs, ring like mosquitoes, etc.

Thinking about my profession, I look at myself from the outside.

I think that I have the qualities inherent in a teacher: the need for communication, the ability to put myself in the place of a child, expressive clear speech, mobility, creative activity.

As V.O. Klyuchevsky writes, “To be a good teacher You have to love what you teach and love those you teach.”

How many great people spoke on the topic of speech, language; how many proverbs and sayings are composed:

Good speech and a pleasure to listen to.

A person is recognized by speech.

good speech sweeter than honey.

The experience of my speech therapy activity is only three years, during this time I managed not only to replenish the subject-developing environment of the speech center with manuals, literature, but also to replenish my family with the birth of my third child. Without staying on maternity leave, I went to work three months later. And again life began to boil at the logopoint.

In worksleading researchersR. E. Levina,T.B. FilichevoyI understood the importance of didactic games in speech therapy work and started making them.

Didactic educational games help me firmly, fix the set sound in a short time. I developed the project Didactic games in the process of automating and differentiating the set sounds” and implementing it in my work with children and parents. In the process of project activities, I made a variety of games:"Speech therapy beads", "Snails", "Count", "Speech therapy puzzles", "Domino", "Magic rain", "Help build a fence".

My profession is very entertaining, every day I feel joy with my children. I feel useful. Benefiting is a great blessing!Only by working in one bundle: speech therapist + parents, I consider it possible to achieve maximum results. Parents always listen to my advice. They know that a whole mechanism has been put into operation, consisting of links: a speech therapist teacher - educators - parents.The educators are not on the sidelines, they are the link in the correctional process, they help to fix the set sound in the children's speech.If at least one link falls out, then the work to eliminate defects is significantly delayed.

Hurrying to work, my heart overflows with a tremulous expectation of meeting with the children whom my parents have entrusted to me, and embraces an indefinite vague state of excitement and joy.A swarm of thoughts swirls in my head: can I cope? Will I justify the hopes and obligations placed on me? Can I help kids make friends with these difficult sounds? After all, some will need to be taught to “hiss”, others to “whistle”, and someone to “roar”.

The end result in the work of a speech therapist is a clean, competent, correct speech of the child. I am advancing towards it, satisfied with small victories: Misha has a sound set - good! Sveta introduced sound into speech - excellent! I rejoice like a child, I get physically tangible pleasure from every victory. And the highest reward for me is when my pupils learn to speak beautifully, to express their thoughts correctly. So that speech murmurs like a stream, which, ultimately, connects with the ocean of high thoughts, ideas, and a unique personality. What happiness you feel when you hear grammatically and the correct speech of the children whom you taught, with whom you went through all the difficulties and achieved what you wanted.

You must believe in your own strength and the strength of those whose eyes look at you with hope every day!

It is very interesting for me to work with children: each child is unique and unrepeatable in its manifestation and development. Coming to work, talking with the children, I ask how they are doing, what did they do on the weekends, where did they go? Children are happy to share their impressions and tell interesting stories. My desire is to help every child to open up, to instill confidence in him, to make him feel his self-worth. I see in the eyes of the child a keen interest, to learn something new, yet unknown. The main thing is that this interest does not fade away.

I think the most important thing in professional activity educators, teachers, speech therapists, not only professional, but also their human qualities, because children are drawn to a kind and caring person, and only in this way can a teacher achieve good results.

Mountains of read literature, open classes, refresher courses, seminars, methodical associations everything works for the efficiency and coherence of the correctional process.

AT modern conditions I want to single out ICT as an indisputable assistant in working with children. Competent application information technologies, helps to present information for the child in a more accessible, modern format. And also in working with parents, it is not uncommon to use Skype, at a time convenient for parents, you can consult, show the necessary difficult exercise. AT social networks reset the necessary texts, homework. These techniques help to work more closely with parents and be on the same wavelength with them.

Every day our children need help, love, attention and support. We all rejoice, it is not known who is more me or the child. Hurray, the sound was born, at the end - the difficult sound was won!

For me, the most important thing is that the little man believed in his strengths and capabilities. Parents and teachers rejoice at the victory, because we are all as a single link in pedagogical process, are busy with one important thing - the upbringing, education, development of children.After all, children deserve respect, trust and friendship, that we are pleased to be with them in this clear atmosphere of affectionate sensations, cheerful laughter, first vigorous efforts and surprise, pure, bright and sweet joys, that this work is lively, fruitful and beautiful.

And it's a new day again! New meetings, new curious eyes, grateful looks of the kids who shout to you - Good morning!

patience and creativity

Perseverance and victory

Here is the main thing

In the work of a speech therapist!

The work of a speech therapist in preschool educational organization is complex and responsible, which is due, firstly, to the need to correct hard-to-remove speech defects, and secondly, there are significant differences in the specifics of the activities of a speech therapist and all other employees of preschool educational institutions. In addition, changing educational realities leave their mark.

Speech therapy is built on interaction with children who have certain developmental difficulties, which imposes on the speech therapist additional responsibility and increased psychological stress. Classes with children are predominantly individual in nature, which allows you to completely individualize the approach to each child, but this requires the speech therapist himself to have high professional skills that allow you to determine the characteristics and needs of children and use this knowledge in your teaching practice. Therefore, a speech therapist must be well versed not only in pedagogy and his highly specialized field, but also in child psychology, which can cause great difficulties. One of the main problems that speech therapists face is understanding the needs of the child, combined with their inefficient reflection in practical activities. In other words, many speech therapists understand what a child needs, but are not fully able to adapt educational process according to his needs and requirements. It happens by different reasons- due to the prevailing patterns in work, a large number of children in need of speech correction, insufficient experience of a speech therapist. There is only one way to overcome this problem - this is the constant improvement of its professional competence, which can be done by reading specialized literature, participating in lectures and master classes, communicating with fellow speech therapists. However, specific professional culture speech therapist is the ability to analyze and summarize the parameters of speech and mental development of the child. At the same time, it must be remembered that the success of children in school largely depends on the quality of education received in preschool educational institutions. In the event that children have speech disorders, then the speech therapist should provide all possible assistance in their correction, which is a manifestation of one of the basic tasks of preschool education, namely the initial socialization of the child. Setting the right speech should be carried out at an early age, as this affects the entire future life of the child.

Unlike ordinary educators who conduct group classes, the results of speech therapy classes are individualized and directly affect the quality of life of the child, because poorly functioning speech generates big number problems, such as insecurity, difficulty in expressing one's thoughts. If the existing violations are not corrected in time, this can adversely affect the entire future life of the child. In this regard, a speech therapist must have such personal qualities as a developed sense of responsibility, the ability to establish fruitful interaction with each child, goodwill, optimism, and the desire for professional and personal development.

As mentioned earlier, there are certain differences between a speech therapist and other employees of preschool educational institutions. I would not want to seem incorrect, but I will say that speech therapists, as a rule, experience more emotional stress than other teachers. If the teacher conducting group classes has great freedom in choosing the forms and methods of teaching, can switch from one type of activity to another during the lesson, apply various technologies, then speech therapists, due to the specifics of their work, should focus on specific children and their speech disorders. In addition, due to the specificity of the profession of a speech therapist, other preschool teachers can not always help with advice, therefore, if difficulties arise, speech therapists must either resolve them on their own or establish contacts with speech therapists from other organizations, which takes time and effort. In my opinion, speech therapists should actively participate in professional communication with other preschool teachers in order to get to know children from the other side and develop internal connections, since the full development of students is possible only with the integrated work of everything teaching staff. However, if narrowly professional questions arise, then in order to find an answer, it is necessary to look for sources of information and experience not only inside the preschool educational institution, but also outside.

Of course, the work of a speech therapist is affected by organizational and structural changes and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. In my opinion, the preschool educational institution lacks continuity with the school and other organizations. Establishing links with sports sections and art schools has great potential, for admission to which children could be prepared even within the walls of the preschool educational institution. This is also the case with the school - preschool is not a place where parents can just leave the child while they are at work - this is an independent stage of education that lays the foundation for schooling. In order to prepare children for school and achieve all the goals and objectives set in the Federal State Educational Standard, the coordinated work of all teachers of the organization is necessary, which, unfortunately, not every teacher understands. Speech therapists strongly feel the need to actively involve a large number of people in the speech therapy process, for which they work with parents, explaining to them the benefits of independent homework with children, communicate with teachers about the educational successes and difficulties of children, and try to introduce innovative technologies. Of course, use the entire arsenal possible actions difficult, since we are all human and have a limited amount of time, but a sense of professional duty allows us to always move forward. The work of a speech therapist is special, only those people who are interested in it and who are not indifferent to the results of their work go to it. The concept of inclusive education, which is developing in Russia, contributes to the inclusion of the largest number of people in the speech therapy process. educational environment, which takes into account individual characteristics children by each teacher within the framework of their classes.

Separately, I want to say about the improvement of qualifications. The work of a speech therapist depends both on the specifics of speech therapy and on organizational and structural issues, so all advanced training courses should have a combined content that resonates with the practical activities of a speech therapist. It should also be noted that for speech therapists (as, indeed, for all other workers), master classes are important, scientific activity, however, this should be done insofar as it contributes to the growth of everyday professionalism. The speech therapist must himself be aware of what means and forms he needs for development, and harmoniously combine them. The main indicator of the effectiveness of the work is the success of the pupils, the achievement of which should be carried out in the first place.

The work of a speech therapist in a preschool educational institution is associated with a large number complexities, the solution of which is a difficult task. At first glance, it may seem that the numerous measures that need to be taken to improve the quality of work are listed only for pathos in order to meet a number of formal criteria, but this is not so. At the everyday level, all theoretical calculations acquire practical significance - this happens casually and manifests itself in reading fresh literature on speech therapy and psychology, in timely familiarization with updated requirements, in the systematic introduction of new technologies, in communication with other teachers. For example, in order to simply fill in the DOW web page (if it exists, which is highly desirable) speech therapy exercises to familiarize parents of children with them, you need to master a large number of technologies and be able to teach material in desired form. All experienced speech therapists in one form or another are engaged in self-development, they have an objective need to transfer accumulated knowledge. Those speech therapists who have just entered the profession actively get acquainted with its practical features. Thus, all processes associated with professional development are ongoing and take place throughout the entire professional activity, reflecting both the educational reality and the professional needs of the speech therapist himself. Each profession has its own difficulties and pitfalls, and in order to become a good specialist, needed long years hard work. Fortunately, communication with children more than compensates for all the routine moments.

Essay "I am a teacher"

Author: Agafonova Irina Anatolyevna, teacher-speech therapist
Place of work: MKS (K) OU boarding school of the V type No. 13, Izhevsk
Description of work: I bring to your attention an essay-reasoning on the topic "I am a teacher". The material will be useful for teachers, class teachers, educators of boarding schools, high school students, students of pedagogical universities.

Essay "I am a teacher"

"No conqueror can change the essence of the masses, not a single statesman ... But a teacher can do more than conquerors and heads of state. Teachers can create a new imagination and release the latent powers of humanity."
N. Roerich

What is the role of the teacher in modern world? I often think about this question.
We live in a rapidly developing world that dictates its own rules of conduct. Find yourself in it the hardest task. Modern young man offers a wide range of application possibilities own forces and skills. Help him decide right choice, to find the work of a lifetime, perhaps this is the mission of a teacher. To help find the truth, and not to present it "on a silver platter." “To teach not thoughts, but to think,” said Immanuel Kant. I believe this is very true. The school should teach children to think creatively, and not force them to memorize facts that are easy to find and copy from various sources.
Modern modernization of education is aimed at personal orientation of the content of education and its renewal, individualization of education.
One of the areas of student-centered learning is project activity schoolchildren, where necessary condition is teamwork. Teamwork, in a team requires a person to be able to express their thoughts, to convey their ideas to everyone.
I work at a speech school as a teacher-speech therapist, “I teach the word”, I work with children with severe speech disorders. Children come to me who speak poorly, with general underdevelopment of speech, who have a medical diagnosis associated with an organic lesion of the central nervous system in whom all components of speech activity are impaired: pronunciation, phonemic, lexical and grammatical. Vocabulary these children are very small. When at the initial examination of speech it turns out that the chair does not have four legs, but four "legs", or the sofa does not have a seat, but a "tummy", I understand that there is a lot of work for teachers, medical specialists, parents and the child himself on the way to the ability to correctly express their thoughts, to learning how to work in a team. My task is, little by little, step by step, to go through the difficult path from staging sounds to an independent, detailed statement, to prepare students for mastering school educational programs. And what a joy it is, how happy the eyes of a child shine when we manage to “start the engine”, learn how to pronounce sounds correctly, not confuse them in words, and correctly build sentences! A child “grows wings” when he can express his opinion, say what he thought and dreamed about. And the thought warms me: “I am also involved in the fact that Andryusha “growled”, and Tanya already writes without errors and switched to a public school.” This is the first step towards working in a team.
How did I get into pedagogy? Probably no coincidence. I liked to play with my younger sister, study with her, learn letters, read books at night - these are my first pedagogical experiences and, I must say, very successful: my sister began to read fluently early. I was very proud of her success. All my school years, I firmly knew what I would be when I grew up. And I wanted to become an educator and after school I entered the pedagogical school at the preschool department. Years of study flew by in a blink of an eye. I especially liked teaching practice, close communication with children. Working in a kindergarten, I saw how difficult it is for children with speech disorders. They were closed, unsure of themselves, irritable, touchy, as a result of which they had difficulties in communicating with others. These children could not fully express their desires, explain, ask, establish contacts with their peers. I really wanted to help such children, so my admission to the pedagogical institute at the Faculty of Speech Therapy as a teacher-speech therapist was quite conscious.
Teacher, lecturer, educator, mentor, educator, guru, tutor ... As soon as representatives are not named teaching profession, but the mission entrusted to him - to educate a worthy citizen who is able to socialize in society and benefit his homeland - is very, very difficult.
When I came to school, I was very proud of myself, because I am a guide to the world of knowledge. I wanted to work, create, instill in students faith in themselves, faith in people and teach them to speak, speak and speak ... But at the same time I asked myself the question: can I cope with such a huge responsibility entrusted to me?
I work with "special" children. These children have less compensatory possibilities to adapt to outside world, and here my task is to liberate the child, help him accept himself as he is, feel unique, significant in a team, team, society.
A student comes to me speech therapy lesson. He should not feel any internal resistance, he should understand that he needs it. It is necessary to win over the child to himself, to make him see me as a person who wants to help him. Once I brought out for myself three simple rules:
Only love for children and faith in them will bring the desired results;
The lesson will be successful if it is interesting for the child;
The student should feel comfortable and comfortable in class.
When I take on a lesson a little man, cut off from home, who lives for a whole week in a boarding school without parental care, I must behave like a mother, do not skimp on attention, kind words, affection, warmth, cordiality. The child will definitely open up if he feels a sincere and kind attitude towards himself. And even though there is not much time allotted for the lesson, I will definitely listen to him, console him, rejoice in his successes, and give advice. And there is no doubt that he gained knowledge in my class, because he, Olezhka, the “lazy person”, tells me that he no longer confuses the sounds S and Sh, because he invented and wrote down many words with these letters, proudly showing a notebook with homework.
In group classes with younger students, I return to my childhood. How great it is to relive the intricacies of Russian folk tales, to hear how children explain why they like this or that character. Good children's stories relieve anxiety and build confidence in children. Experiencing together with the heroes of fairy tales, the child learns to rejoice or empathize, learns kindness, understands that evil is always punishable. This is how children learn to be kinder to each other, more condescending, to help those who are in trouble and need help. A folk tale conveys in an accessible form to consciousness junior schoolchildren moral values ​​common to all peoples, fosters love for people, animals and nature.
When high school students come to me seeking self-affirmation, I often hear from them questions that do not have a clear answer. Yes ... so the children grew up, the old ones were left behind good tales… Unfortunately, in our difficult time, when everything is measured material goods, most of the children give a high assessment to the values ​​of a social nature, such as a fast and successful career, business, wealth, well-being. And such moral values ​​as honor, dignity, decency, conscience, pity, mercy receive a much lower assessment ...
But it's not all bad, I tell myself. I work with wonderful people - teachers with a capital letter. There are no random, indifferent people among them. Often I see how former graduates come to their native school to see former class teachers, teachers, tutors and talk to them. And no amount of money in the world can buy this warm, trusting attitude and gratitude!
There is always something to discuss with high school students, something to think about, something to argue about. For example, the case that recently happened to Ilya. He helped his grandmother cross the road. It would seem that the most ordinary situation, but the reaction of the grandmother was very surprised and upset him. She offered Ilyusha money and, shedding tears, said: “Thank you, I thought that there were no good people left.”
How cruel is our modern world... Unselfishness, kindness, conscience... We have something to think about with children. I try to encourage them to independently search for an answer, I teach them to argue their thoughts, prove, listen to the opinions of others and not be afraid to change their own.
Working with children, I understood the meaning of Michel Montaigne's saying: "It takes more intelligence to teach another than to teach yourself." I agree with this statement, so I try to improve myself: I get acquainted with new discoveries in correctional pedagogy; I use new innovative technologies(ICT, Internet resources); I expand and modernize the means of correctional and speech therapy work. Professor V.M.Lizinsky is right: “A teacher is a person who studies all his life, only in this case he acquires the right to teach.”
I return to the question again and again: “What is it - the role of the teacher in the modern world?” From the position of a person, a teacher, a speech therapist, a mother of a student, I understand that teaching, educating, conveying to the child the awareness of the need to acquire knowledge is, of course, an integral part of all pedagogy. But in today's world, when we are increasingly confronted with misunderstanding, indifference, hatred and anger of people towards each other, I believe that the primary mission of a teacher should be to educate moral and moral character in children.
And who, if not the school and not we, teachers, will educate children in kindness and faith in goodness? In my opinion, this world lacks kindness, and above all, the teacher should not remain indifferent to this problem.
My profession has its own specifics of work. Children with disabilities, with severe speech disorders. How hard it is sometimes. Corrective work is very difficult, slow. But not only my pupils are learning, together with them I myself am learning endurance, kindness, patience, responsiveness, understanding. I have the main thing - patience, optimism and love for children. The desired result will not be soon, but gradually, in small steps from day to day, we are diligently moving towards it. And how nice it is to see the successes of children achieved by hard, painstaking work, to hear words of gratitude from parents, to inspire students who come to practice with me. I am a speech pathologist. I say these words with a sense of pride, I help people become happier!
