Interactive teaching methods in preschool educational institutions: effective technologies. Interactive forms and methods of working with preschool children

GCD organization construct using interactive, health-saving and ICT technologies.

Topic: Journey to the Snow Queen's castle.

Age group: older

Form of organization: group, subgroup, pair, individual, use of mutual verification.

Target: development of the integrative qualities of the personality of the pupils of the senior group through the game-journey: curiosity, interest in research cognitive activity.


  • Tutorials:

Expand ideas about the properties of ice;

Learn how to make a blurry transparent iridescent color in a new way of drawing ("wet").

  • Developing:

Develop communication skills in children, self-esteem and self-control skills;

Develop speech, mental activity.

  • Educational:

To foster a sense of solidarity, to find common solutions together;

Cultivate self-confidence, responsibility for the result of collective activity.

Applied pedagogical technologies: interactive technologies:"Carousel", "Knowledge Tree", "Interview", health-saving, problem-based learning technology.

The planned results of the formation of target guidelines for the pupils of the group:

  • Show initiative and independence in various activities;
  • Actively interact with peers;
  • Use speech to express their thoughts, feelings and desires;
  • are able to make their own decisions, relying on their knowledge and skills in various activities;
  • evaluate the results of their activities, draw conclusions.

Preliminary work:conversations about the properties of water and ice, experimental activities with ice, reading and watching the fairy tale by G.Kh. Andersen "The Snow Queen", learning and using interactive technologies.

Equipment: presentation to the NOD "Journey to the Snow Queen's castle", magic wand; puzzles depicting a castle and a castle; "Pebbles" - floor checkers with numbers from 1 to 10; a tree with a set of cards for the interactive game "Tree of Knowledge", blue and red signal cards - 3 pieces each; cards for an interactive game "Carousel"; a piece of blue-blue ice; paints, wax crayons, brushes, water, napkins, sheets with castle silhouettes; indoor blooming flower; microphone; emoticons - funny and sad.

Activity progress:

1. Motivation for activity

Purpose: to include children in activities at a personally meaningful level.

Educator: Guys, let's say hello and smile. Look, our smiles make today brighter and warmer. Did you find anything on the way to kindergarten? I lost all the leaves from the letter, and I don’t know what we are going to do now. And that's all that's left(pulls out puzzle pieces). Will you help me? Then split into two teams and try to solve puzzles.

(Children collect puzzles)

Educator: H then did you succeed?

Children: Castle and castle.

(castle and castle on the tables)

Educator: What surprised you? What interesting things have you noticed? What is the question?

Children: The drawings are different, but the names are the same.

2. Setting research goals.

Educator: Guys, I still do not understand what we are going to do today. Wait, there is something else in the envelope, I didn’t notice at first (takes out a magic wand, makes a wave and the Snow Queen appears on the screen).

Slide 1 - a picture of the Snow Queen.

Educator: (says the words for the Snow Queen).Hello dear guys! You probably recognized me, I'm the Snow Queen. You know that in a fairy tale I am cold, arrogant, indifferent. But the kindness of the little girl Gerda warmed Kai's heart and melted my icy heart. Now I have become different - kind and gentle. And my castle is colorless, icy. I don't know how to turn it into a beautiful, joyful castle. I will be very grateful to you if you come to visit me and come up with something.

caregiver . So what's the name of our adventure today guys? What castle are you talking about? Are you ready to help the Snow Queen?

Children: Children's answers.

Educator. First, we need to get to the Snow Queen's castle. Remember how many obstacles Gerda had to overcome before getting into the castle. And we have a difficult road ahead of us. You are ready?

Children: Ready!

3. Active inclusion of children in activities.

Slide 2 is a picture of the river.

Educator: Look, guys, we have a not very deep river in front of us, but still we need to cross to its other edge. How do you think we can do this?

Children : Swim, go around, build a bridge.

Educator: I think the best suggestion is to build a bridge. Look, just here are the big stones. Maybe we can build a bridge out of them?

Children: Yes.

caregiver : Then take one stone at a time. Guys, it turns out that the stones are not simple, each of them has a number. What do you think these numbers are for?

Children: To build a bridge, the stones must be laid out in order.

Teacher: Then let's go!

(Children lay out stones from 1 to 10 and cross the river along them).

Educator: Now let's move on.

Close your eyes, dream a little

The breeze picked us up, moved us to a magical forest.

Slide 3 - "Magic Forest"

Educator: Guys, we found ourselves in a magical forest, and in front of us is a wonderful tree of Knowledge, on which task cards hang

(Interactive technology "Knowledge Tree", work in pairs).

Educator. Guys, you should break into pairs (remember the rules for working in pairs: work together, give in to each other, do not quarrel, complete the task together, having agreed). Pluck from the tree only that card, which depicts an object mentioned in the fairy tale "The Snow Queen". Next, you must agree on the subject (make friends) with the words one, one, one. The word one lives on the horns of a deer, the word one lives on an owl, and one on a tree. After the task is completed, you must change places and check each other (if the task is completed correctly, raise a blue signal card, if you find an error - red).

(Children complete the task, perform mutual verification, prove the correctness of the task)

Slide 4 - a clearing of researchers, which depicts a piece of ice.

Educator: Let's go further on the road. Look, before us is a clearing of young explorers. And what object are we going to explore today?

Interactive technology "Carousel", work in pairs.

Children: Ice.

caregiver : Why ice? How do you think?

Children: Because the Snow Queen's castle is made of ice.

Educator: Get on the carousel

(children form two circles: internal and external, and run in a circle to the music of "Carousel")

With the help of cards, children ask each other questions about the properties of ice and change places with each other.

caregiver : What did we do in this clearing?

Children: Fixed the properties of ice.

Slide 5 - flower meadow

caregiver . Our journey continues. Look, before us is a wonderful flower meadow, where butterflies flutter. Let's take a break and turn into butterflies.

Gymnastics for the eyes "Butterflies"

Slept flower

(Close your eyes, relax, massage your eyelids, pressing lightly on them clockwise and counterclockwise.)

And suddenly woke up

(Blink eyes.)

I didn't want to sleep anymore

(Raise your hands up (inhale). Look at your hands.)

Startled, stretched

(Arms bent to the sides (exhale).

Soared up and flew.

(Shake brushes, look left and right.)

Educator: Let's go further on the road. And here is the castle of the Snow Queen.

Slide 6 - The Snow Queen's Castle

Educator: Guys, what is the Snow Queen's castle made of:

Children: From ice.

caregiver : Look, we have a piece of ice from the Snow Queen's castle.

(Pulls out a piece of blue-blue ice(use of problem-based learning technology).

Educator. Look carefully where one color ends and another begins, i.e. are the borders of the colors visible?

Children: No.

Educator: Colors “blur”, “flow” into each other, do not have clear boundaries. Therefore, the castle seems translucent, blurry. Can we draw such a castle - translucent with fuzzy borders?

Children: Probably not.

caregiver : So what do we need to do to get out of the difficulty?

Children: Find out, ask.

caregiver : How to find out what you don't know, but really want to know?

Children: Ask the parents, the teacher.

Educator: And what is more interesting, to ask someone who knows or to guess for yourself? Let's remember the algorithm for solving a problem situation.


1. Listen carefully to the problem.

2. Think carefully.

3. Express your idea.

4. You can't laugh at other people's ideas.

5. Listen carefully to all ideas.

6. Choose the most suitable one.

Educator: How do you think, how can a blurry drawing be obtained, in which the colors blur, become not very bright, but delicate, translucent?

Children : And let's try with wax crayons.

Or maybe gouache?

And I think you just need to wet the paper, because the ice consists of water.

Educator: Guys, let's check each version and execute on paper the way you say.

(children check all the proposed versions).

caregiver : And now let's see who got a blurry picture.

Children: The one who soaked the paper with water.

Educator: So what needs to be done to get a transparent drawing?

Children: You just need to wet it with water.

caregiver : Great, guys! You yourself have discovered a new way of drawing, which is called "wet painting" by artists.

Educator: And what colors will we paint the castle with?

Children: Yellow, blue, pink, green.

caregiver : Of course, the Queen's castle is dull, gloomy, inconspicuous. Let's make it bright, festive, beautiful. Get to work.

(Children draw castles using the “wet” method)

Slide 6 - The Snow Queen appears on the screen

The Snow Queen:Thank you guys so much! I really like the new look of my castle. I also prepared a gift for you. Wave your magic wand and you will receive my gift.

(surprise moment: the teacher makes a wave of a magic wand and a spring flower appears in a pot).

4. Reflection.

Educator: Guys, look what a wonderful flower the queen gave us, put it in a group and take care of it. Oh, we didn’t even notice how we ended up in our kindergarten. Guys, let's remember what happened to you during the trip? And the game "Journalist" will help us with this. Which of you wants to interview the participants of the trip?

Interactive technology "Interview"

Correspondent (child):Where have you been today? What have you learned? Where did the difficulties arise? What did you like the most about your trip?

caregiver : Guys who liked our trip, raise funny emoticons, and who were bored - sad.

Inna Kovalenko

“We live in an era when the distance from the craziest fantasies to absolutely real reality is shrinking with incredible speed,” M. Gorky once wrote. And now, in the age of continuous computerization, in the age when technique stepped far forward, the words of M. Gorky: “You can’t go anywhere in the carriage of the past…”

Every year modern interactive technologies are becoming more and more dense in our lives, so the use of a computer has become quite common, and the current generation of children from birth falls into a very rich information environment. The first toys of modern children are TV remotes, DVD players, CDs and DVDs, mobile phones, and only then dolls, cars and didactic games. Currently, most Russian families already have a home computer, and maybe more than one, and children from birth watch their parents spend several hours a day on it. In addition, children see that on the monitor you can observe that they are the most at this age. attracts: pictures with children and animals, cartoons, video clips, etc. As practice shows, forbid children to approach technology is useless, always attracts exactly what is prohibited. Interactive The methodology is based on learning by doing and through actions: a person better remembers and assimilates what he does with his own hands. The main condition for the development of the personality of a child in preschool age is communication. Therefore, the task of the teacher is to specifically organize this activity, creating within it an atmosphere of cooperation, mutual trust - children with each other, children and adults. To solve this problem, the teacher can use interactive technologies.

Usage interactive technologies and teaching methods in a modern kindergarten characterizes the professional competence of a preschool teacher,

Interactive- means the ability to interact or is in the mode of conversation, dialogue with something (e.g. computer) or anyone (human). Consequently, interactive learning is, first of all, interactive learning, built on the interaction of children with the learning environment, the educational environment, which serves as an area of ​​mastered experience, during which the interaction between the teacher and the pupil is carried out.

educational process based on interactive learning, is organized in such a way that almost all children are involved in the process of cognition, they have the opportunity to understand and reflect on what they know and think. In the process of mastering the educational material, preschoolers carry out joint activities, which means that everyone contributes to the work, there is an exchange of experience, knowledge and skills. Moreover, this happens in a friendly atmosphere and with mutual support from each other.

One of the goals interactive learning is to create comfortable learning conditions, such that the student feels his success, his intellectual viability which makes the whole learning process productive and efficient. Interactive activity involves dialogue communication, as it entails mutual assistance, mutual understanding and attracts to solve problems in joint ways.

Organization interactive learning can take many forms. For example, an individual form involves the independent solution of the task set by each child; paired form, used to solve tasks in pairs; in a group approach, children are divided into subgroups; if the task is performed by all participants at the same time, this form is called collective or frontal; and the most complex form interactive learning is planetary. In the planetary form, a group of participants receives a common task, for example, to develop a project; is divided into subgroups, each of which develops its own project, then voices its version of the project; after that, the best ideas are selected, which make up the overall project. The main goal of the teacher is to apply this or that computer program, taking into account the specific conditions of the educational process, to use its content for the development of memory, thinking, imagination, speech in each individual child. It is on pedagogical skill that depends on how unobtrusively and imperceptibly you can revive the educational process, expand and consolidate the experience gained by children. The use of computer engineering and information technology It also makes it possible to increase the motivation of children for classes, to teach them cooperation and new forms of communication with each other and teachers, to form a conscious assessment by the child of his achievements, to maintain a positive emotional state of the child in the process of classes, to increase the effectiveness of corrective work.

Benefits of using interactive technologies in the educational process, preschool educational institutions are undeniable and are confirmed by their own practical experience:

presenting information on a computer screen or on a projection screen in a playful way causes great interest;

carries a figurative type of information understandable to preschoolers;

movements, sound, animation attract the attention of the child for a long time;

stimulates the cognitive activity of children;

provides an opportunity for individualization of training;

in the process of their activities at the computer, the preschooler gains self-confidence;

allows you to simulate life situations that cannot be seen in everyday life.

It can be concluded that in the implementation of educational tasks and the content of educational areas today, it is simply necessary to introduce interactive technologies when organizing participants in the educational process.

At the present time of the rapid development of information and communication technologies, there is a need to modernize the content and structure of all areas of preschool education. This is reflected in the new educational standards. It was the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards, their introduction that became the impetus for the introduction of interactive learning and interactive technologies in the work of preschool institutions. The article reveals the essence of interactive learning and presents interactive technologies.




At the present time of the rapid development of information and communication technologies, there is a need to modernize the content and structure of all areas of preschool education. This is reflected in the new educational standards. It was the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards, their introduction that became the impetus for the introduction of interactive learning and interactive technologies in the work of preschool institutions.

First, you need to understand what is "interactive learning"?

In pedagogy, there are several models of learning:

1) passive - the student acts as an "object" of learning (listens and looks)

2) active - the student acts as the "subject" of learning (independent work, creative tasks)

3) interactive - inter (mutual), act (act). The concept of interactive learning is “a type of information exchange of students with the surrounding information environment”. The learning process is carried out in conditions of constant, active interaction of all students. The student and the teacher are equal subjects of learning.

The use of interactive technologies makes it possible to move from an explanatory-illustrated way of teaching to an activity-based one, in which the child takes an active part in this activity.

Term "interactive technologies"can be considered in two senses: technologies built on interaction with a computer and through a computer and organized interaction directly between children and a teacher without using a computer.

The introduction of computer technology in a new and entertaining form for preschoolers helps to solve the problems of speech, mathematical, environmental, aesthetic development, and also helps to develop memory, imagination, creativity, spatial orientation skills, logical and abstract thinking. The use of an interactive learning model excludes the dominance of any participant in the educational process or any idea.

The use of interactive technologies in the educational process of a preschool educational institution implies the presence of interactive equipment.These are computers, interactive whiteboards, multimedia equipment and much more.In addition to equipping the institution with this equipment, it is also necessary to have trained teaching staff who are able to combine traditional teaching methods and modern interactive technologies.

The teacher should not only be able to use a computer and modern multimedia equipment, but also create their own educational resources, widely use them in their pedagogical activities.

Consider the second direction of interactive learning - this is an organized interaction directly between children and a teacher without using a computer. There are a huge number of such interactive learning technologies. Each teacher can independently come up with new forms of work with children.

The introduction of interactive technologies in work with children is carried out gradually, taking into account the age characteristics of preschoolers.

II junior group- work in pairs, round dance;

middle group - work in pairs, round dance, chain, carousel;

Senior group - work in pairs, round dance, chain, carousel, interviews, work in small groups (triples), aquarium;

preschool group- work in pairs, a round dance, a chain, a carousel, an interview, work in small groups (triples), an aquarium, a large circle, a tree of knowledge.

Let's describe each technology.

"Pair work"

Children learn to interact with each other, pairing up at will. Working in pairs, children improve their ability to negotiate, consistently, and work together. Interactive learning in pairs helps to develop the skills of cooperation in a situation of chamber communication.

"Round dance"

At the initial stage, the adult is the leader, because. children cannot complete the task on their own. The teacher, with the help of the subject, teaches children to perform the task in turn, thereby educating them in such qualities as the ability to listen to answers and not interrupt each other. Interactive technology "Round dance" contributes to the formation of initial skills of voluntary behavior in preschool children.


The interactive technology "Chain" helps the beginning of the formation of the ability to work in a team in preschool children. The basis of this technology is the consistent solution of one problem by each participant. The presence of a common goal, one common result creates an atmosphere of empathy and mutual assistance, makes you communicate with each other, offer options for solving the task.


This technology is being introduced to organize work in pairs. It is the dynamic couple that has great communicative potential, and this

stimulates communication between children. Interactive technology "Carousel" forms in the child such moral and volitional qualities as mutual assistance, cooperation skills.


At the stage of consolidating or generalizing knowledge, summing up the results of the work, the interactive technology "Interview" is used. Thanks to the use of this technology, children actively develop dialogical speech, which encourages them to interact "adult-child", "child-child".

"Work in small groups" (triples)

In the interactive learning mode, preference is given to groups of preschoolers of three people. The use of group work technology "in triplets" makes it possible for all children to work in class. The guys learn to evaluate their work, the work of a friend, to communicate, to help each other. The principle of cooperation in the learning process becomes the leading one.


"Aquarium" - a form of dialogue when the guys are invited to discuss the problem "in the face of the public." The Aquarium interactive technology consists in the fact that several children act out the situation in a circle, while the rest observe and analyze. What gives this reception to preschoolers? The opportunity to see your peers from the outside, to see how they communicate, how they react to someone else's thought, how they settle a brewing conflict, how they argue their thought.

"Great Circle"

Big circle technology is a technology that allows each child to speak and develop communication skills, establish cause-and-effect relationships, draw conclusions from the information received and solve the problem.

"Knowledge Tree"

For the successful mastering of communicative activity by a child, the technology "Knowledge Tree" is being introduced. It develops communication skills, the ability to negotiate, solve common problems. Leaflets - pictures or diagrams are compiled by the teacher and hangs them on a tree in advance. Children agree, unite in small groups, complete the task, and one child talks about how they completed the task, and the children listen, analyze and evaluate.

Case technologies

Case technologies include: the method of situational analysis (the method of analyzing specific situations, situational tasks and exercises; case stages; case illustrations; photo cases); incident method; method of situational role-playing games; method of parsing business correspondence; game design; discussion method. The essence of case technologies is the analysis of a problem situation. Analysis, as a logical operation of thinking, contributes to the child's speech development, "since speech is a form of existence of thinking, there is unity between speech and thinking" (S.L. Rubinshtein). In the process of mastering case technologies, children: learn to receive the necessary information in communication; the ability to correlate their aspirations with the interests of others; learn to prove their point of view, argue the answer, formulate a question, participate in the discussion; learn to defend their point of view; ability to accept help.

Case technologies form the skills of children's communicative influence: the formation of teamwork skills in children takes place; ability to communicate with adults and peers; develops the ability to adequately respond to emerging conflict situations; the relationship with the life and play of the child is ensured; learn to apply independently, without the help of an adult, the acquired knowledge in real life without difficulty.

In conclusion, we can say that interactive technologies allow us to successfully solve problems: develop free communication with adults and children; develop all components of oral speech of children; contribute to the practical mastery of the pupils of the norms of speech.

The use of interactive technologies in direct educational activities relieves the nervous load of preschoolers, makes it possible to change their forms of activity, switch attention to the topics of the lesson.

Thus, interactive learning is undoubtedly an interesting, creative, promising area of ​​pedagogy. It helps to realize all the possibilities of preschool children, taking into account their psychological capabilities. The use of interactive technology makes it possible to enrich children's knowledge and ideas about the world around them, about relationships with peers and adults, encourages children to actively interact in the system of social relations.

  • correct definition of the topic of the lesson, careful selection of program content and tasks;
  • inclusion of the previous experience of children in the educational process (using the method of apperception);
  • a thoughtful combination of individual and group forms of work with children, changing the types of activities of preschoolers;
  • the use of interactive teaching methods, the activation of the mental activity of children at all stages of the lesson;
  • the presence of high professional qualities of the educator, which will ensure creative cooperation and interaction;
  • the presence of a meaningful gaming subject-developing environment, rich didactic material;
  • obligatory consideration of the age and individual characteristics of children, their creative abilities.

Interactive technologies in teaching preschoolers

Interactive technologies means to interact, communicate with someone; this is a special form of organizing cognitive and communicative activity in which all participants (each freely interacts with everyone, participates in an equal discussion of the problem).

Interactivity develops a child's responsibility, self-criticism, develops creativity, teaches to correctly and adequately assess their strengths, to see "white spots" in their knowledge. The main element of an interactive lesson is dialogue.

During interactive learning, children actively communicate, argue, disagree with the interlocutor, prove their opinion.

One of the main conditions for conducting a lesson in a preschool educational institution is the use of interactive teaching methods, the activation of the mental activity of children at all stages of the lesson.

Interactive methods of teaching and interacting with children

Interactive teaching methods are ways of purposeful interaction between an adult and children that provide optimal conditions for their development.

Interactive learning for preschoolers is a specific form of organizing educational activities, the purpose of which is to provide comfortable conditions for interaction, in which each child feels his success and, performing certain intellectual work, achieves high performance.

Interactive teaching methods provide learning that enables children in pairs, microgroups or small groups to work through learning material by talking, arguing and discussing different points of view.

Interactive methods of teaching and developing the speech of preschoolers

Microphone- a method of work, during which the children, together with the teacher, form a circle and, passing each other an imitated or toy microphone, express their thoughts on a given topic.

For example, a child takes a microphone, talks about himself in a few sentences, and passes the microphone to another child.

All statements of children are accepted, approved, but not discussed.

Debate- a method of work in which children stand in a circle, express their thoughts on a given topic, passing the microphone to each other, but the statements are discussed: children ask each other questions, answer them, looking for a way to solve the problem.

(For example, Serezha is in a bad mood, so the children suggest ways to cheer up or eliminate the problem that affected the boy’s mood).

together- a method of work in which children form working pairs and perform the proposed task, for example, take turns describing a picture.

Chain- a method of work during which children discuss tasks and make their proposals in a simulated chain. For example, they compose a fairy tale according to a table in which the course of a future fairy tale is presented in drawings or in conditional marks.

Another way to use this method: the first child names an object, the second one names its property, the third one names an object with the same properties.

For example, carrots - sweet carrots - sugar is sweet - white sugar - snow is white ... etc.

Snowball- a method of work in which children are united in small groups and discuss a problematic issue or perform a common task, agreeing on a clear sequence of actions for each member of the group.

For example, they build a house, where they agree in advance on the sequence of actions of each member of the team and on the color with which this or that child will work.

Synthesis of thoughts- a method of work in which children are united in small groups, performing a certain task, for example, a drawing on a piece of paper.

When one group draws, it transfers the drawing to another group, whose members finalize the completed task. Upon completion of the work, they make up a general story about what was completed and why.

Circle of Ideas- interactive teaching methods, when each child or each group performs one task, for example, compose a fairy tale in a new way, discuss it, then make suggestions or ideas (for example, how else can you finish the fairy tale so that Kolobok stays alive; how to help Kolobok outwit the fox etc).

General project- a method of work, during which children are combined into several groups (3-4).

The groups are given different tasks, each of which focuses on a different aspect of the same problem, such as drawing and talking about their favorite winter activities.

Each group presents its own “project” – the collective work “Winter Entertainment” and discusses it together.

Associative flower- a method of work in which children are combined into several groups to solve a common problem: the “middle” of a flower is fixed on the board with the image of a certain concept, for example, “toys”, “flowers”, “fruits”, “animals”.

Each group selects association words or association pictures that are pasted around this concept. The winner is the team that creates the largest flower (with the most matching pictures-associations or words-associations).

"Decision Tree"- a method of work that includes several stages:

  1. Choosing a problem that does not have an unambiguous solution, for example, "What does a tree need to be happy?".
  2. Considering a diagram in which the rectangle is the "trunk" (which indicates this problem), the straight lines are the "branches" (the ways to solve it), and the circles are the "leaves" (the solution to the problem).
  3. Problem solving: children in subgroups agree, discuss and draw, for example, a butterfly, a bird, and the like, placing them on the “decision tree” and explaining their choice.

Multi-channel activity method- a method of working with children, during which various analyzers are necessarily involved: vision, hearing, touch, taste, smell.

For example, when examining a picture, it is advisable to use the following sequence: highlighting the objects depicted in the picture; representation of objects through perceptions by various analyzers.

After considering all the objects depicted in the picture, it is worth setting the children creative tasks:

  • "listen" to the sounds of the picture through the "headphones";
  • conduct virtual dialogues on behalf of the depicted characters;
  • feel the "aroma" of the flowers depicted in the picture;
  • "to go beyond the depicted";
  • mentally touch the picture, determine what its surface is (warm, cold), what weather (windy, rainy, sunny, hot, frosty) and the like.

For example, when considering the painting A Walk in the Woods, ask the following questions: What do you think the girls are talking about? Consider the bark of trees, what is it?

Listen to the sounds of leaves rustling, magpies chirping, etc.

Discussion is a method of collective discussion of some complex issue. All participants in the educational process are actively involved in the discussion, all children are actively involved.

"Discussion" from English is what is subject to discussion, dispute.

At the end of the discussion, a single collective solution to the problem, problem or recommendation is formulated. Questions (tasks) must be proposed no more than five.

They should be formulated in such a way that it is possible to express different views on the problem raised.

Children learn to express their own opinion: “I think…”, “I think…”, “In my opinion…”, “I agree, but…”, “I disagree because…”.

"Brainstorming (Brainstorming)"- one of the methods that contributes to the development of creativity of both the child and the adult. This method is useful when discussing complex problems or issues.

Time is given for individual reflection on the problem (even up to 10 minutes), and after a while additional information is collected about the decision.

Children participating in brainstorming must express all possible (and logically impossible) options for solving a problem that need to be listened to and the only correct decision to be made.

Quiz- method-cognitive game, which consists of speech tasks and answers to topics from various branches of knowledge. It expands the general cognitive and speech development of children. Questions are selected taking into account the age, program requirements and the level of knowledge of children.

Conversation-dialogue- a method aimed at the complicity of children with the one who speaks. During the lesson with the submission of knowledge, consolidation of the material, the teacher poses accompanying questions to the children, in order to check their understanding of the information presented.

Modeling- a method of interaction between an adult and children to solve a problem. The situation is modeled by the educator specifically.

"What? Where? When?"- an active method, during the use of which cooperation, creative problem solving, mutual exchange of opinions, one's own knowledge and skills, and the like prevail.

"Pros and cons"- a method of working with children, during which children are invited to solve the problem from two sides: for and against. For example, the task is to tell why you like winter (the argument is “for”) and why you don’t like winter (the argument is “against”).

foresight- a method of working with children, during which it is proposed to "predict" possible solutions to the problem.

For example, invite children to name all the autumn months, tell what they expect from each month. Later, imagine yourself in the place of one of the months and talk about your predictions: “I am the first month of autumn - September. I am a very warm month. All the children love me because they start going to school…”.

The next child continues to talk about this very month (work in pairs).

“What would happen if…?”- a method of work during which children are invited to think and express their assumptions, for example: “What would happen if all the trees on Earth disappeared?”, “What would happen if predatory animals in fairy tales became vegetarians?” etc.

imaginary picture- a method of work during which the children are invited to stand in a circle and each child in turn describe an imaginary picture (the first child is given a blank sheet of paper with a picture as if painted, then he passes the sheet with a mental picture to another participant in the game, and he continues the mental description).

“What can you do…?”- a method of work, during which children learn to realize the polyfunctional properties of objects. For example: “Imagine another way to use a pencil? (as a pointer, conductor's baton, thermometer, wand, etc.).

Example: “There lived a grandfather and a woman. And they had a dog Zhuk. And Zhuk brought them a bone, not a simple one, but a sugar one. Baba cooked it, cooked it, and did not cook it. Grandfather cooked, cooked and did not cook. The cat jumped, overturned the bowler hat, took the bone and carried it away. The grandfather laughs, the woman laughs, and the Beetle barks merrily: "I'll bring you another bone, but not sugar, but a simple one, so that it can be cooked quickly."

Other Interactive Teaching Methods

In addition to the above interactive teaching methods for preschoolers, the following are actively used in the practice of work: creative tasks, work in small groups, educational games (role-playing and business games, simulation games, competition games (senior preschool age), intellectual warm-ups, work with visual videos and audio materials, thematic dialogues, analysis of life situations and the like.

Thus, interactive learning in the classroom (including integrated ones) takes place: in pairs (2 children), in microgroups (3-4 children), in small groups (5-6 children) together with the teacher.

When evaluating the statements of children, one should not use the word “correct”, but say: “interesting”, “unusual”, “good”, “excellent”, “original”, which stimulates children to further statements.

Worth remembering! When a preschool child politely sits on a chair, looks at you and just listens, he is not learning.

Insufficient use of interactive methods

Unfortunately, interactive teaching methods are not yet sufficiently used in working with preschoolers. There are some reasons for this (according to A. Kononko):

  • the habit of many educators to use explanatory-illustrative, monologic methods in their work, to show conformity, unquestioningly obey the requirements and principles of others;
  • mistrust of a certain part of teachers to innovative dialogue methods, fears of them;
  • lack of experience in their effective application, active self-determination, making responsible decisions, providing benefits to someone (something);
  • fear of looking in the eyes of others as a "black sheep", funny, helpless, inept;
  • low self-esteem, excessive anxiety of teachers;
  • a tendency to be overly critical;
  • inability to quickly switch, adapt to new conditions and requirements;
  • unformed pedagogical reflection, the ability to objectively evaluate oneself, correlate one's capabilities, desires with the requirements of the time.

The need to introduce interactive methods into the educational process is obvious, because:

  • today, more than ever, the requirements for pupils are increasing;
  • there is a differentiation and individualization of the education of preschool children;
  • the requirements for the quality of preschool education are changing, its assessment not only of the level of knowledge preparedness, but also of the elementary life competence of preschool graduates, their ability to apply knowledge in their own lives, constantly update and enrich them.
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    Methodical development of a master class for teachers of preschool educational organizations
    "Interactive technology "Carousel" as a method of social and communicative development of preschool children using LEGO-constructor"
    Purpose: creation of conditions for increasing the level of professional competence of teachers and parental competence in a kindergarten and family in the process of active game interaction in mastering the interactive technology "Carousel" using a LEGO constructor.
    To acquaint teachers with the methodological features of the Carousel technology in preschool educational institutions;
    To acquaint parents with the use of LEGO constructor in kindergarten and at home;
    3. To form teachers' ability to apply interactive technology in order to develop communication skills in children;
    4. Motivate teachers to self-development and advanced training, openness in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Distance Education and the standard of the teacher.
    5. Analyze the feasibility of using the "Carousel" technology as a means of developing communication skills.
    Equipment: LEGO sets, tables, chairs according to the number of participants, stickers, presentation of work experience, sheet of paper, pencils, markers, color signals, questionnaire.
    Master class progress.
    I. Presentation of work experience.
    Good afternoon dear colleagues. My name is Nekrasova Iraida Pavlovna, educator 1 HF category MBDOU kindergarten No. 5.
    I present to your attention the experience of work on the topic "Social and communicative development of children of senior preschool age in a preschool educational institution and family."
    The formation of the social and communicative development of preschoolers at the pedagogical level is determined by the order of society for the upbringing of a developed personality of the child.
    A sufficient level of formation of social and communication skills, being one of the necessary components of a child's readiness for learning, provides him with the opportunity to successfully master the school curriculum.
    Society constantly feels the need for creative individuals who are able to act actively, think outside the box, find original solutions to any life problems, who can verbally and non-verbally, competently and boldly express their thoughts. What is reflected in the regulatory documents presented on the slide.
    All this actualizes the search for real sources of the formation of social and communicative skills of preschoolers.
    The main task of preschool teachers is to choose methods and forms of organizing work with children, innovative pedagogical technologies that optimally correspond to the goal of personality development.
    The diagram presented on the slide reflects a study of the socio-communicative development of children aged 5-6 years of kindergarten 5 at the beginning of the 2015-2016 academic year. As you can see, the ability of 5-6 year old children to negotiate with each other during the game, to perceive a loss without resentment, to understand the emotions of other children is formed at a low and average level.
    These abilities are key to children's readiness for schooling.
    An analysis of the diagnostics of social and communicative development made it possible to determine the main problem.
    The working hypothesis of our activity was the assumption that the project method of teaching is a flexible model for organizing the educational process. Being a municipal resource center and implementing a long-term project "LEGO technologies in the development of preschool age in a kindergarten and family", including short-term projects with the participation of all subjects of educational relations and social partners, which will allow building a system of work aimed at developing social and communication skills for preschoolers in compliance with GEF DO.
    To date, we have drawn up a plan, concluded agreements with social partners, and purchased a LEGO constructor. Children and parents became participants in festivals at the municipal level: "The world in the palm of your hand: parade of military equipment", "Summer in a basket", the festival of technical creativity "Step into the Future".
    Our observations allow us to conclude that participation in festivals, classes in LEGO design on the basis of the Palace of Children of Creativity and Youth, joint design at family clubs and play activities in all age groups of the kindergarten contribute to an increase in the level of development of social and communicative skills of students, children develop the ability to listen and hear a partner, coordinate their actions with a partner of equal and older age and social status, adequately perceive the essence of interaction, and overcome conflict situations. It's nice to see while participating in the Step into the Future technical creativity festival that our children can agree on a joint building, change it, explore and test it with children of different ages and from different kindergartens and schools.
    The work done, advanced training, self-education allowed me to take part in a professional competition.
    II. Search, problem solving, problems.
    And today I invite you, together with me, to take part in determining the feasibility of using the interactive technology "Carousel" as a method of social and communicative development of preschool children using the LEGO constructor.
    This technology involves the formation of two rings: internal and external. The inner ring is children standing motionless, facing the outer circle, and the outer ring is children moving in a circle after a certain period of time. All children are given an educational task in the form of a legend, a story where they need to solve this problem. Thus, they perform a number of creative tasks while talking enthusiastically, sharing their opinions, and coming to a common decision. The game is dynamic and efficient.
    Now you need to determine the place at the table in accordance with the sticker you have chosen.
    Red sticker - child, yellow - parent, green - teacher. Members of our game, take your seats.
    III. Motivation for activity.
    We received SMS. “Dear children, parents and teachers, our family has recently moved to a new apartment. Our Solnechny district is a new building, shops, a hospital, a school, a kindergarten have already appeared in it. But our kids are bored. What should appear in our neighborhood to make their life more interesting? (I would like to tell you that little Vanya loves to swing on the swing, and Verochka loves animals very much.) We would like to address our proposals to the mayor of the city. Help us plan activities for our children. Sincerely, the Ivanov family.
    - Let's help the Ivanov family. Each group must choose a leader. These will be my assistants. They sit in the center of the circle.
    - The rest of the groups move clockwise to another table at the sound signal.
    IV. Activity planning.
    Joint discussion of the solution of the problem, problem. Work in mobile groups.
    - At the first stage, you need to think over the project and sketch it on paper. You have 5 minutes for this. The ringing of the bell invites you to move to another group.
    - At the next stage, using the LEGO constructor, you need to create a project that must meet the following parameters.
    1. Originality;
    2. Multifunctional:
    3. Strength.
    You have 7 minutes to do this. The ringing of the bell will invite you to move to another group.
    - At the final stage, you need to present the project created by your comrades. You have 5 minutes for this.
    - We invite you to the presentation of projects.
    V. Reflection.
    Express your opinion from the position of the child, parent and teacher on the effectiveness of this technology in the submitted questionnaire.
    I want to hear the opinions of children, parents, teachers.
    For feedback, in our Solnechny microdistrict there is a traffic light on which you can stick your sticker.
    Green light - our meeting seemed interesting to you,
    Yellow light if you would like this technology with other educators and parents.
    Red light - you have not learned anything new.
    VI. Conclusion.
    I offer you a booklet on working with this technology!
    1. Ability to conduct a constructive dialogue:
    - the ability to listen to a partner and adequately understand the meaning of his statement;
    - the ability to find contradictions and weaknesses in the partner's reasoning and subject them to constructive discussion;
    - the ability to translate one's own idea into a logical form
    a harmonious generalizing judgment, accessible to the perception of others.
    2. Adequacy of orientation in the communicative space:
    - the ability to construct the image of "I" on the basis of coordination
    own and other people's ideas about themselves;
    - the ability to create an "image of a partner" in communication;
    - the ability to adequately perceive the essence of a particular interaction.
    3. Competence in modeling the act of interpersonal interaction:
    - the ability to find a topic and plan the course of the upcoming communication;
    - the ability to design adequate means of communication and implement them in practice;
    - the ability to avoid possible conflicts in communication and the emotional and psychological stress associated with them.
    What do you think, what indicators of communicative readiness for schooling and signs of their manifestation will be formed in children with the use of interactive technology "Carousel"?
    "+" quality is shown
    "-" does not appear

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