Organization of a speech therapy examination in the practice of a school speech therapist. Diagnosis of writing disorders in primary school students

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Head of RMPK
Shilova Tatyana Grigorievna
teacher - defectologist
Trembach Irina Alexandrovna
educational psychologist
Valiakhmetova Elena Ramilyevna

When determining the nature of a speech disorder in school-age children, the same wording of the speech therapy conclusion is recommended as for preschool children. In cases where schoolchildren have reading and writing impairments, after determining the type of oral speech impairment, violations are entered in the speech therapy report. writing(a form of dyslexia and/or dysgraphia).

Children with intact intelligence

The conclusions state:

1. Disorders of oral speech (if any)

2. Violations of written speech (dysgraphia, dyslexia, types according to R.I. Lalayeva).

  • 1 semester - Difficulties in mastering writing and reading.
  • 2 half-year - Violations of the processes of formation of reading and writing.
  • 1st half-year - Violations of the processes of formation of reading and writing.
  • 2 semesters - Dysgraphia, dyslexia.
  • General underdevelopment of speech III level. Difficulties in learning to read and write.
  • Unsharply expressed general underdevelopment of speech. Violations of the formation of reading and writing
  • Lexico-grammatical underdevelopment of speech. Dyslexia; dysgraphia (types of dyslexia, dysgraphia).
  • If there are no specific violations of written speech, but there are errors due to ignorance of the rules of the Russian language, then the diagnosis indicates “dysorphography”.
  • Children with mental retardation

    To indicate the lack of formation of speech as a system, in mentally retarded children, other formulations of the speech therapy conclusion are recommended.

    1. Violations of oral speech:

  • Systemic underdevelopment of speech (indicate the degree: light, medium, heavy).
  • 2. Violations of written speech (see schoolchildren with the norm of intelligence).

    Approximate wording of speech therapy conclusions:

  • Severe systemic underdevelopment of speech. Dysarthria. Difficulties in learning to read and write.
  • Systemic underdevelopment of speech of an average degree with mental retardation. complex shape dysgraphia (acoustic dysgraphia, dysgraphia due to violations of language analysis and synthesis).
  • Systemic underdevelopment of speech of a mild degree with mental retardation; mechanical dyslalia. Agrammatical dyslexia and dysgraphia.
  • Children with bilingualism

    1. Violations of oral speech.

    2. Violations of written speech: (difficulties in mastering reading and writing, violation of the process of formation of reading and writing, reading and writing disorders due to bilingualism).

    Information prepared by: Mikhailova N.V. - teacher-speech therapist RMPK

    Literature: Fundamentals of the theory and practice of speech therapy / Ed. R.E. Levina. - M., 1968./; Volkova L.S., "Speech therapy", M "Enlightenment"; R.I. Lalaeva, L.B. Venediktov. Reading and writing impairment junior schoolchildren. Teaching aid. St. Petersburg, 2004; A.B. Yastrebova, T.B. Bessonova Instructive-methodical letter on the work of a speech therapist teacher at a secondary school. Moscow, 1996.

    News and announcements

    The procedure for speech therapy examination of children at the PMPK

    Sections: speech therapy

    The procedure for examining a child in a psychological-medical-pedagogical commission (hereinafter referred to as PMPK) has features that distinguish it from the procedures for independent consultative receptions of children by specific specialists (doctors, psychologists, teachers). Examination of a child in the PMPK cannot be a mechanical sum of examinations of specific specialists with the inevitable duplication of some stages of the examination and is a qualitatively unique technology. The PMPK works as a single "team" of specialists who jointly plan the examination of the child and formulate a joint conclusion. Such an approach requires combining the principle of activity of independent highly professional experts with the ability to make a single coordinated decision. The final decision is formulated as a collegial conclusion with recommendations contained therein.

    The procedure for examining a child in the PMPK requires the simultaneous participation of all specialists in the form of observation-discussion. All specialists ARE observers of the successive stages of examination of the child by each of the "scheduled" specialists. This technology makes it possible to save time and improve the quality of the survey.

    Special requirements are placed on the technology of decision-making based on the results of the examination of the child in the event of conflicting opinions about the diagnosis and recommendations. In such cases, compromise decisions are made in favor of the child. We are talking about diagnostic periods of training, psychological and medical and social support, dynamic monitoring by PMPK specialists in the process of repeated examinations. At this stage, the child is always recommended conditions that suggest a wider "zone of proximal development" according to one (easier and more promising) of the differentiated diagnoses.

    The results of the examination of the child are discussed in the form of a brief meeting of all PMPK specialists. Parents (legal representatives) and the child are not present. Each specialist reports his opinion on the child, offers recommendations, expresses an opinion on the prognosis of his development. The submitted conclusions are agreed upon, a collegial conclusion of the PMPK is drawn up, and systematized into recommendations.

    The addressee of the PMPK collegiate conclusion is the head educational institution to which the child is sent.

    The head of the educational institution informs the members of the psychological-medical-pedagogical council (hereinafter PMPK), other specialists of the educational institution who will work directly with the child, about the collegiate conclusion, monitors the implementation of the recommendations of the PMPK.

    Accompaniment of children and adolescents to the PMPK is carried out either through communication with the accompaniment service of the institution, which can be in the form of a PMPK, or directly with parents (legal representatives) (if the child is not studying (not being brought up) in an educational institution).

    Accompaniment of children and adolescents with developmental disabilities staying in healthcare, social protection or law enforcement institutions is carried out by employees of these institutions.

    Accompanying children and adolescents who are not covered by educational institutions, but who have been examined by the PMPK on the initiative or with the consent of their parents (legal representatives), is carried out directly through the parents (legal representatives). After examination in PMPK. resolving diagnostic issues and developing recommendations, parents (legal representatives) are informed about the desirability of re-applying to the PMPK in order to monitor the dynamics of the child's development and possible adjustment of the recommendations. The term for re-applying to the PMPK is always individual and corresponds to psychological, pedagogical and medical and social indications; basically, a re-examination takes place six months or a year after the initial one.

    I would like to pay close attention and give some recommendations in conducting a speech therapy examination in the conditions of PMPK.

    Logopedic examination at PMPK.

    Features of speech disorders.

    In the system of a comprehensive examination of children of primary school age in the PMPK, one of the central places is the assessment of the speech development of the child.

    It is known that speech is almost always an indicator of one or another deviation in the overall picture of the neuropsychic state of the child.

    Speech therapy examination is, first of all, the definition of speech disorders proper, which can act selectively against the background of normal intelligence and intact sensory functions (auditory and visual). In these cases, the most common disorder is the underdevelopment of the phonetic-phonemic level of speech function (FFNR), the underdevelopment of lexico-grammatical categories (OHR), or a combination of these disorders. A disastrous violation of the pronunciation side of speech can manifest itself in varying degrees: single defects in sound pronunciation ( dyslalia), massive articulation disorders ( dysarthria), less rough, but persistent sound distortion ( erased dysarthria). A separate speech diagnosis is open rhinolalia- a pathological change in the timbre of the voice and a distorted pronunciation of speech sounds that occurs when the soft palate, when pronouncing speech sounds, lags far behind rear wall pharynx, leaving a significant gap (shortening of the soft palate, paralysis and paresis of the soft palate) or with mechanical defects of the hard and soft palate, when a significant part of the air enters the nasal cavity. The term "hyperrinolalia" is sometimes used as a synonym. All these articulation disorders, as a rule, are accompanied by defects in phonemic processes (perception of sounds similar in acoustic-articulatory features, phonemic analysis and synthesis). Violations of the lexical and grammatical structure are manifested in the form of poor vocabulary, agrammatisms, difficulties in word formation and inflection, in the unformedness of coherent monologue speech (text formation). Lexico-grammatical disorders can be relatively independent or combined with violations of the phonetic-phonemic structure of speech.

    A speech disorder is stuttering- as a speech disorder, which is characterized by frequent repetition or prolongation of sounds or syllables or words; or frequent stops or indecision in speech, breaking its rhythmic flow (violation of the pace and rhythm of speech).

    The main reason why younger students go to a speech therapy center when general education schools ah or at children's city clinics, consists in difficulties not in oral, but in writing: reading disorders ( dyslexia) and letters ( dysgraphia and dysorphography).

    Examination of schoolchildren with reading and writing disorders involves a detailed study of oral speech (phonemic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical side), which, as a rule, has certain deviations.

    Dysorphography (this is a persistent violation in mastering spelling knowledge, skills and abilities) stands out as an independent disorder that can be combined with dysgraphia, or can manifest itself independently.

    One of the tasks is to diagnose complex borderline violations, when there is a decrease in intellectual activity in varying degrees(mental retardation, mental retardation, lower limit of normal). Intellectual decline can also be combined with sensory impairment (hearing or visual impairment).

    In such cases, speech disorders are included in the syndrome of the underlying neuropsychiatric disease. The main task of a speech therapist- to determine the degree of speech disorders and their nature in each of these syndromes. So characteristic of schoolchildren is a fairly uniform violation of both the phonetic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical structure of speech, due to the underlying disease (mental retardation). The speech of school-age children with mental retardation or with socio-pedagogical neglect is accompanied by characteristic features lexical and grammatical structure (difficulties in word formation and selection of antonyms and synonyms, difficulties in understanding lexical and grammatical constructions, insufficient formation of coherent speech).

    The features of the speech function of each child are compared with the indicators of examinations of other specialists: medical psychologists and psychiatrists, neuropathologists, teachers-defectologists (oligophrenopedagogues, typhoid and deaf teachers).

    The final diagnosis for each child includes: the level of intellectual development (or cognitive activity), neuropsychiatric disorders and a detailed speech diagnosis.

    I. Purpose (complaints of parents and child).

    II. Acquaintance with pedagogical documentation.

    III. Clarification of obstetric anamnesis and anamnesis of child development (motor, speech, mental).

    Particular attention is paid to:

  • pre-speech vocalizations (cooing, cooing);
  • the appearance and nature of babble, the first words, phrases;
  • the quality of the first words, phrases (the presence of violations syllabic structure, agrammatisms, incorrect pronunciation).
  • IV. An objective study of the child.

    1. Establishing emotional contact with the child, creating the right attitude to the examination: identifying the interests of the child, his favorite activities, games, features of the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe environment.

    2. The study of non-verbal functions: the study of psychomotor, Ozeretsky's tests (counting fingers, a test for finger gnosis by imitation, by verbal instruction), the presence of perseverations, sticking, slipping, pronounced slowness.

    3. Successive abilities: repetition of the digital series in forward and reverse order, sound series according to rhythm, series according to sensory standards.

    4. The study of subject gnosis (along the contour, along the dotted line, against a noisy background, with missing elements).

    5. Study of letter gnosis and praxis (along the contour, along the dotted line, against a noisy background, with missing elements).

    6. The study of thinking (the layout of a series of plot pictures, identifying cause-and-effect relationships, determining the level of semantic integrity of the story).

    7. The study of impressive speech:

  • understanding of connected speech;
  • understanding sentences:
  • understanding of various grammatical forms (prepositional-case constructions, differentiation of singular and plural nouns, verbs, differentiation of verbs with various prefixes, etc.);
  • understanding of words (opposite in meaning).
  • 8. Study of phonemic processes.

    a) Phonemic analysis:

  • highlighting the sound against the background of the word;
  • extracting a sound from a word;
  • determining the place of a sound in a word in relation to other sounds;
  • determining the number of sounds in a word;
  • differentiation of sounds according to oppositions (sonority-deafness, softness-hardness, whistling-hissing, etc.).
  • b) Phonemic synthesis:

  • composing words from sequentially given sounds;
  • composing words from sounds given in a broken sequence.
  • c) Phonemic representations:

  • come up with a word for a certain sound.
  • 9. The study of expressive speech.

    a) The structure and mobility of the articulatory apparatus, the study of oral praxis. Mark movement parameters:

  • tone;
  • activity;
  • volume of movement;
  • execution accuracy;
  • duration;
  • replacement of one movement by another;
  • additional and superfluous movements (synkenesias).
  • b) The state of sound pronunciation:

  • isolated option;
  • in syllables: open, closed, with a confluence of consonants;
  • in words;
  • in speech;
  • pronunciation of words of different syllabic structure.
  • There is a reduction in the number of syllables, simplification of syllables, assimilation of syllables, rearrangement of syllables.

    c) Study of the vocabulary of the language:

  • independent addition by the child of the thematic series;
  • selection of synonyms, antonyms, related words;
  • identification of common categorical names.
    • compliance of the dictionary with the age norm;
    • the presence in the dictionary of verbs, adverbs, adjectives, pronouns, nouns;
    • word accuracy.
    • With motor alalia, note the difference between active and passive vocabulary.

      d) Examination of the grammatical structure of speech. Mark:

    • the nature of the sentences used (single-word, two-word and more);
    • the nature of the use of prepositional-case constructions;
    • inflection function state:
      • transformation of the singular number of nouns into the plural in the nominative case;
      • formation of the form of the genitive hope of nouns in the singular and plural;
      • agreement with numbers;
      • state of the word-formation function:
        • formation of nouns with the help of diminutive suffixes;
        • formation of adjectives (relative, qualitative, possessive);
        • formation of names of young animals;
        • formation of verbs with the help of prefixes.
      • 10. The state of coherent speech (reproduction of a familiar fairy tale, compiling a story based on a series of plot pictures, etc.).

      • logical sequence in the presentation of events;
      • the nature of agrammatism;
      • vocabulary features.
      • 11. The study of the dynamic characteristics of speech (tempo, intonational expressiveness; the presence of scanned speech; hesitation, stumbling, stuttering).

        V. The state of writing.

        1. Status of writing skill:

      • analyze the submitted written work in school notebooks;
      • reveal the skills of sound analysis and synthesis:
      • note the features of sound analysis and synthesis;
      • note the features of auditory-speech memory;
      • check the auditory differentiation of phonemes;
      • state of dynamic praxis;
      • determine the leading hand (tests by A. R. Luria for left-handedness and hidden left-handedness);
      • analyze different types of writing activities (copying, dictation, independent writing);
      • note the features of handwriting;
      • note the nature of dysgraphic and spelling errors.

      2. Status of reading skill:

    • the ability to correctly show printed and capital letters;
    • the ability to correctly name letters;
    • reading syllables, words, sentences, text. Note the nature of the errors (substitutions, distortions, omissions, permutations of letters, semantic substitutions);
    • note the nature of reading (letter-by-letter, syllable-by-syllable, continuous, expressive);
    • develop reading comprehension;
    • note the child's attitude to reading (likes or does not like to read independently).
    • VI. Logopedic conclusion (speech diagnosis: the degree and nature of the violation of oral and written speech).

      Necessary materials for speech therapy examination.

      I. Material for the study of the phonetic aspect of speech.

    • Object pictures containing sound in different positions in a word (at the beginning, in the middle, at the end).
    • Speech material (words, phrases, sentences, texts containing various sounds).
    • II. Material for the study of the phonemic aspect of speech.

    1. Pictures and speech material to determine the ability to differentiate sounds according to oppositions: sonority-deafness, hardness-softness, whistling-hissing, etc.). Material for the study of vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech. Subject mi plot pictures on lexical topics.
    2. Pictures depicting actions.
    3. Pictures depicting a different number of objects (table - tables, sofa - sofas, etc.).
    4. Pictures depicting homogeneous objects that differ in some way (size, height, width, etc.).
    5. IV. Material for the study of the state of coherent speech.

    6. Story pictures.
    7. Series of plot pictures (2,3,4,5) for different age groups.
    8. V. Material for the study of language analysis and synthesis.

    9. Speech material (sentences, words of various sound-syllabic structures).
    10. Subject and plot pictures.

    VI. Material for the study of the state of writing.

  • Texts for reading (various complexity).
  • Syllabic tables.
  • Letters.
  • Texts of dictations and presentations.
  • Printed and handwritten texts for cheating.
  • Sample conclusion on the results of a speech therapy examination.

    On the commission is Danis R., a third grade student of a public school with learning and communication difficulties, accompanied by his father in the direction of the school administration. school.

    From history. A boy from III pregnancy, which proceeded with the threat of interruption. During pregnancy - moderate oxygen deficiency. Childbirth II, for a period of 7 months, weight - 2120, height - 44 cm. The condition from birth is severe. Grew and developed with a delay. Walking since 2 years old. The first words appeared by the age of 1.5, phrasal speech - from 3 years. At the age of 2, he suffered a traumatic brain injury. He was examined in the hospital, received anticonvulsant treatment. Kindergarten did not visit. Before school, sound pronunciation was corrected in a polyclinic. At the time of entering the school, he read words, counted within 10, knew numbers, wrote in block letters. Difficulties in learning began in the second half of the 1st grade. At present, the material on the Russian language, reading, and mathematics has not been assimilated, and does not work in the classroom.

    During the examination. The boy is not sociable. Phrasal speech. Vocabulary is poor. Produces elementary generalizations ("vegetables", "dishes", "fruits", "furniture", transport - "cars", "pets", wild animals - "forest, mountain, live in Africa", poultry - "animals" ). Selects simple antonyms, not always accurately using words (wide - "small"). Difficulties in the selection of synonyms, cognate words.

    I made up the story on a series of plot pictures on my own, common phrases, cause-and-effect relationships are established with the help of a speech therapist.

    In speech, he often uses verbs, nouns, pronouns, less often - adjectives and adverbs.

    Practical methods of word formation and inflection do not know enough. Makes mistakes when converting the singular of nouns into the plural in the nominative case (ear - "ears", chair - "chairs", stump - "stumps", etc.), when forming the genitive form of nouns in the singular and plural (ear - “ush”, window - “windows”, pen - “feathers”, etc.), when forming the names of young animals (“horses”, “sheep”, etc.).

    Sound pronunciation without defects. The syllabic structure of the words is preserved. Phonemic processes are formed insufficiently. Weakly differentiates oppositional phonemes (t-d, k-g, p-b, s-z). It is difficult to come up with a word for a given sound. Sounds against the background of the word highlights, makes mistakes in determining the number of sounds in the word and the place of the sound in relation to other sounds. Synthesizes words from 5-6 sounds.

    There are many spelling and specific errors in written works: substitutions of letters according to acoustic (s-ts, k-x, etc.) and optical similarity (n-t, b-d, i-y), omission of vowels and consonants, agrammatisms. The Russian language program is poorly mastered, it is difficult to explain orthograms.

    Reads in whole words difficult cases- by syllables, at a very fast pace, monotonously, with a large number of errors. With slower reading, there are no errors. Read understands, retelling is difficult, only with the help of questions.

    The boy has a weak speech and auditory memory. Visual-spatial representations are formed insufficiently. It is difficult to determine the left and right sides.

    Conclusion. Lexico-grammatical, phonemic underdevelopment of speech. Mixed dysgraphia.


    Logopedic examination of schoolchildren with mental retardation

    Currently, about one and a half million children in Russian Federation belong to the category of children with handicapped health and need special education. Mentally retarded children among them make up about 2%, children with speech disorders more than 3%.

    The speech organization of a person is one of the most important functions at the present stage of development of society. In children with mental retardation, as a result of an organic lesion of the cerebral cortex, as well as disorders of all mental activity, the possibilities of mastering speech are limited. A general impairment of intellectual activity is very often complicated by the underdevelopment of speech-auditory and speech-motor analyzers, which leads to great difficulties in mastering not only oral, but also, as a result, written speech.

    The relevance and significance of the problem of writing disorders in younger schoolchildren with mental retardation is due to the fact that writing disorders in this category of children are noted much more often than in children with normal intelligence. The symptomatology of dysgraphia in mentally retarded junior schoolchildren is characterized by a significant number and variety of errors in writing, the complexity of mechanisms, manifests itself in a combination of various forms of dysgraphia and significantly complicates the whole process. schooling.

    In studies devoted to the issues of symptoms, mechanisms, types of dysgraphia, general methodological approaches, directions, content and methods for correcting various types of writing disorders have been developed (L.V. Venediktova, A.N. Kornev, R.I. Lalaeva, I.N. Sadovnikova, T.A. Fotekova, M.E. Khvattsev and others).

    Despite the fact that the available studies have summarized the data characterizing the writing characteristics of such children, the possibility of using a neuropsychological approach in the correction of acoustic dysgraphia remains insufficiently studied to date. There is no variety of methods and techniques that expand the possibilities of speech therapy work in the correction of writing disorders, programs and guidelines for the interaction of teachers in the process of correctional work using neuropsychological techniques. Thus, the need to include neuropsychological techniques in the work of a teacher primary school, speech therapist, music teacher and physical education teacher to eliminate acoustic dysgraphia in children with mental retardation determined the relevance of this research topic.

    The problem of the study is to increase the effectiveness of correctional and speech therapy work to eliminate acoustic dysgraphia in younger schoolchildren with mental retardation.

    The purpose of the study is to develop a program of interaction between teachers on the basis of a neuropsychological approach to correct acoustic dysgraphia in younger schoolchildren with mental retardation.

    Object of study: writing disorders in junior schoolchildren with mental retardation.

    Subject of study: the interaction of teachers in the process of organization and content of work on the correction of acoustic dysgraphia in younger schoolchildren with mental retardation from the perspective of a neuropsychological approach.

    Research hypothesis: correctional and speech therapy work to eliminate acoustic dysgraphia in a special (correctional) school of the VIII type can be optimized taking into account a set of organizational and methodological conditions: the organization of purposeful, systematic work in this direction, including the interaction of a primary school teacher, speech therapist, teacher music and physical education teachers; introduction to educational process neuropsychological techniques; readiness of teachers to implement the neuropsychological approach.

    In accordance with the goal, the following research objectives were identified:

    1. Conduct a theoretical analysis of the literature on the research problem.

    2. Select and adapt a series of methods aimed at identifying writing disorders in primary school students with mental retardation.

    3. To determine and scientifically substantiate the content of the program of interaction between teachers for the correction of acoustic dysgraphia in younger students with mental retardation based on a neuropsychological approach.

    4. Confirm the effectiveness of the proposed program.

    The study was carried out in three stages. At the first stage, theoretical sources on the research problem were studied; the scientific and theoretical foundations are determined and the content of the methodology of the ascertaining experiment is selected.

    Based on the analysis of medical and pedagogical documentation, the selection of children of primary school age (9-11 years 6 months) with a mild degree of mental retardation in the amount of 21 people and their speech therapy examination of oral and written speech was carried out.

    At the second stage, the features of the sensorimotor level of speech and writing in younger schoolchildren with mental retardation were studied in the process of performing written tasks. Based on the results of the experiment, a program of interaction between teachers for the correction of acoustic dysgraphia in younger schoolchildren with mental retardation was developed.

    At the third stage, a formative experiment was carried out and the effectiveness of the proposed program of interaction between teachers for the correction of acoustic dysgraphia in younger schoolchildren with mental retardation was revealed. The results of the study were introduced into the practice of teaching and educating students of a special (correctional) educational school VIII view of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

    A large number of studies have been devoted to the problem of writing disorders in primary school students. The interest of scientists in writing disorders is due to their high prevalence among students not only of special (correctional) schools, but also of general education schools. According to A.N. Kornev, writing disorders are detected in 6-7% of students in general education schools, 18-20% of students in a special correctional school for children with speech disorders, and in students of a special correctional school for mentally retarded children, this figure is 35-40%. According to other researchers, the number of children in the lower grades of a special correctional school for mentally retarded children with dysgraphia is more than 60%.

    The writing process is a complex process that requires high level the development of speech and non-speech functions, among which the main ones are auditory differentiation of sounds, correct pronunciation, the formation of the lexical and grammatical side of speech, linguistic and visual analysis and synthesis, spatial representations. Of great importance is also the formation of such mental functions as memory, attention, emotional-volitional sphere, as well as the state of vision and hearing. Violations of these functions can contribute to the emergence of difficulties in mastering the letter, called dysgraphia.

    I.N. Sadovnikova defines dysgraphia as “a partial writing disorder (in younger students - difficulties in mastering written language), the main symptom of which is the presence of persistent specific errors, the occurrence of which in secondary school students is not associated with either a decrease in intellectual development or severe hearing and vision impairments. , nor with the irregularity of schooling".

    A.N. Kornev calls dysgraphia a persistent inability to master writing skills according to the rules of graphics, despite a sufficient level of intellectual and speech development and the absence of gross visual and hearing impairments.

    Most often in the literature one can find the definition of dysgraphia proposed by R.I. Lalaeva and L.V. Venediktova: "Dysgraphia is a partial violation of the writing process, manifested in persistent, repetitive errors due to the lack of formation of higher mental functions involved in the writing process."

    The study of various sources showed that dysgraphia is studied by specialists from different fields of knowledge, including speech therapists (M.E. Khvattsev, O.A. Tokareva, I.N. Sadovnikova, etc.), doctors (A.N. Kornev, etc.) , neuropsychologists (L.S. Tsvetkova, T.V. Akhutina, A.L. Sirotyuk, etc.). This confirms the fact that dysgraphia is a serious pathology that significantly complicates the process of teaching a child, requiring early diagnosis and special corrective action, especially when it comes to children with mental retardation.

    In the course of the ascertaining experiment, a speech therapy examination of the oral and written speech of primary school students of the special (correctional) school of the VIII type No. 2 in Dzerzhinsk was carried out in order to identify dysgraphia and organize a corrective impact aimed at overcoming it. This study was conducted among students in grades 2-3. In total, the experimental participation covered 21 students aged 9-11 years with a diagnosis of mild mental retardation, of which 7 were girls and 14 were boys.

    The first stage of the study was the study of the PMPK protocols and anamnestic data of children. This analysis revealed that the prenatal, perinatal, postnatal periods in all the studied children proceeded with deviations. During pregnancy, 66.6% of mothers experienced severe toxicosis, 4.76% of mothers had an infectious disease, 47.6% of people drank alcohol and smoked during pregnancy, 19.04% of mothers were diagnosed with somatic diseases. Frequent colds and infectious diseases were diagnosed in all children studied at an early age. In anamnesis, 100% of children have an organic lesion of the central nervous system resulting in a decrease in intelligence. Previously, their psychomotor and speech development proceeded with a delay. All examined schoolchildren have underdevelopment of higher forms of cognitive activity, superficiality of thinking, immaturity of the emotional-volitional sphere. According to the conclusion of the speech therapist, all students have a systemic underdevelopment of speech with a predominance of inferiority in the semantic side of speech.

    The speech tests of express diagnostics by T.A. Fotekova. The speech material was adapted taking into account the characteristics and level of speech development of the examined schoolchildren, the evaluation criteria were adjusted. The methodology had a test character, consisted of a series of tasks that included oral and written performance. The point-level system for calculating the results of diagnostics made it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the examination of speech and writing. The points scored during the survey were converted by dividing by the maximum possible score for a given series into a relative value. The resulting percentage reflected the quality of the technique and corresponded to different levels success - high, pronounced, medium, low.

    During the survey, younger students with mental retardation were offered several series of tasks to study the sensorimotor level of speech and writing. When presented with tasks aimed at identifying the sensorimotor level of speech, it was found that all children with mental retardation have impaired sound pronunciation. These violations in 90.47% of cases were characterized by phonemic disorders. Children significantly more often replaced sounds in syllables, words, phrases and sentences. Moreover, the replacements did not have a constant value. The presence of a sound substitution at the beginning of a word did not correspond to a sound substitution in position - at the end of a word. All this testified to violations of phonemic hearing in younger students with mental retardation. Determining the violation in children from the standpoint of the brain organization, one can state the presence of underdevelopment in their temporal regions of the left hemisphere, where speech-auditory gnosis and phonemic perception are localized. The inability of children to repeat syllables and words at the motor level gave grounds to speak about the presence of disorders on the part of the premotor parts of the cerebral cortex of the left hemisphere, which are responsible for "kinetic chains", i.e. switching from one phoneme to another.

    Thus, when examining younger schoolchildren with mental retardation of the sensorimotor level of speech, underdevelopment of the temporal and posterior frontal sections of the left hemisphere of the brain was revealed.

    The second part of the survey included diagnostics of written speech to identify the prevailing types of disorders. During the survey, the available written work of children was studied, and it was also proposed to complete written tasks in order to be able to see the process of their implementation and the degree of difficulties children had.

    An analysis of the mistakes made showed that all the subjects had signs of acoustic dysgraphia, which was expressed in the replacement of letters corresponding to phonetically close sounds (table - "shtol", grass - "tlava", skis - "lysh"), in the incorrect designation of the softness of consonants in writing in a consequence of a violation of the auditory differentiation of hard and soft sounds (“letter”, “pesemo”, “lizhy”), in the replacement of vowels even in a stressed position, especially acoustically and articulatory similar (cloud - “point”, forest - “foxes”), omissions letters (table - “stl”, bird - “pick”, “horse -“ horse ”, bunny - “zachi”, astronaut - “kosnat”). Errors were also observed, indicating a violation of analysis and synthesis, which manifested themselves in the continuous spelling of words (near the Christmas tree - “uelki”, “oeke”). Some children had errors in the form of distortions of the graphic image of the letter, in the mirror spelling of letters, which indicates a diffuse violation of the brain organization - temporal zones (acoustic property errors), frontal regions (errors at the level of analysis and synthesis), occipital zones (errors in the form of distortions of the graphic image of the letter).

    Thus, based on the results of the ascertaining experiment, it can be concluded that all the examined younger schoolchildren with mental retardation have mixed forms of dysgraphia, while the predominant number of errors is associated with acoustic dysgraphia.

    Based on the results of the ascertaining experiment and taking into account the analysis of literary sources, organizational and methodological conditions were determined that ensure the effectiveness of correctional work by students of a special (correctional) school for the mentally retarded: the organization of purposeful, systematic work on the correction of acoustic dysgraphia, including the interaction of a primary school teacher, teacher speech therapist, music teacher and physical education teacher, the introduction of neuropsychological techniques into the educational process, the gradual development of cognitive interest in the course of correctional speech therapy work, the readiness of teachers to implement the neuropsychological approach.

    The implementation of the identified conditions required the definition of the stages of correctional work in a special (correctional) school of the VIII type, the definition of the specific tasks of each stage. In accordance with this, our study identified three stages of correctional and speech therapy work:

    the first is preparatory, aimed at the accumulation by students of sensory-motor experience, emotional impressions, the development of cognitive interest, for teachers to determine the techniques of neuropsychological support;

    the second is the main one, aimed at the development of phonemic perception, the development of cognitive interest, the integration in the correctional work of a primary school teacher, a speech therapist, a music teacher and a physical education teacher;

    the third stage was aimed at expanding and deepening the phonemic representations of mentally retarded students at the level of syllable, word, phrase and sentence using neuropsychological techniques.

    The conducted experimental study confirmed the hypothesis put forward that correctional and speech therapy work to eliminate acoustic dysgraphia in a special (correctional) school of the VIII type can be optimized taking into account a set of organizational and methodological conditions: the organization of purposeful, systematic work in this direction, including the interaction of a teacher of primary classes, a speech therapist, a music teacher and a physical education teacher; introduction of neuropsychological techniques into the educational process; readiness of teachers to implement the neuropsychological approach.

    The teaching aid includes detailed guidelines for conducting a methodological examination of younger schoolchildren with dysorphography, a complete (speech) examination card, including the texts of all diagnostic materials, divided into years of schooling. This includes exercises on the study of the sensory-perceptual level of speech perception, language analysis and synthesis of sentences, a detailed history, and others. An exemplary questionnaire for parents is given. Samples of a detailed speech therapy conclusion are also given.

    The manual offers a system of work on the development of coherent speech of younger schoolchildren with general speech underdevelopment (OHP) and mental retardation (MPD) that has proven its effectiveness at the third stage of correctional work.
    Based on the practical experience of the author, a teacher-speech therapist of a comprehensive school, the presented material was collected and systematized. It includes planning and notes speech therapy classes, material for consolidating and controlling knowledge, riddles, crossword puzzles, symbolic schemes, demonstration subject and plot pictures, series of paintings.
    The manual is intended for speech therapists, teachers of primary classes of mass and special schools of type V and VII, students of faculties of correctional pedagogy.

    The book offers a variety of tasks, exciting exercises and games that will not only help teach a child to pronounce all the sounds of the Russian language well, but will also help expand vocabulary, form grammatical and syntactic skills and develop speech and auditory attention and memory.
    All tasks can be completed by children at home under the guidance of adults, for whom the book contains guidelines.

    The book presents schemes for examining children with severe speech disorders, reveals a methodology for studying speech and non-speech functions. As an additional diagnostic material for obtaining information about the development of fine motor skills, mental functions, phonemic representations, about the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper, it is proposed to use products children's creativity. Games, tasks, exercises, illustrations are selected in the book taking into account the age and structure of the child's speech defect, as well as taking into account the gradual complication of the material. Approximate formulations of the logopedic conclusion are given. The book is addressed to speech therapists, students of defectological faculties, students of institutions of additional professional education.

    Picture material is included in the teaching kit. As part of the kit, the Syllabic Structure of the Word: Examination and Formation in Children with Speech Underdevelopment. Teaching aid" and "Album for the examination and pronunciation of words of varying structural complexity." The content of the teaching aid reflects the materials of the study of non-speech processes that are significant for the formation of the syllabic structure of the word: optical-spatial orientation, rhythmic and dynamic organization of movements and actions, serial-sequential processing of information. Addressed to speech therapists and teachers of special preschool institutions, parents and tutors in home schooling.

    This speech therapy manual is intended to automate whistling, hissing and sonorous sounds in preschoolers and younger students who have deficiencies in sound pronunciation.
    Using the materials of this album, speech therapists will have the opportunity to conduct integrated classes both to consolidate the pronunciation skills of a particular sound and to develop speech, which will increase the effectiveness of speech therapy.
    Speech and illustrative material, selected for each sound, is grouped according to lexical topics, which will allow, along with the automation of sound pronunciation, to carry out work to enrich the dictionary, the grammatical structure of speech. Each activity brings together common topic, which allows you to expand and systematize the child's ideas about the world around.

    Fotekova T.D. Test method for diagnosing oral speech of younger schoolchildren. - M., 2006 (Bib-ka of a practicing speech therapist)
    The proposed method is designed to identify the features of the speech development of children of primary school age: qualitative and quantitative assessment of the violation, obtaining and analyzing the structure of the defect in the speech profile, the structure of the defect.
    Two variants of the technique are proposed: express diagnostics and in-depth examination. A scoring system has been developed for assessing the fulfillment of the tasks of the methodology. The manual is addressed to speech therapists, psychologists, defectologists, teachers.

    Methodical development



    Speech therapist Gogichaeva A. T.

    Explanatory note to the examination of the speech of children in grades 1 - 4

    Increasing the efficiency and quality of teaching students in general education schools involves the timely identification, prevention and elimination of shortcomings in oral and written speech that some of them have.

    Target carrying out this technique is to identify the characteristics of the oral and written speech of the child, the nature of speech disorders, to give recommendations and a development prognosis.

    During the examination, it is necessary to maintain a positive attitude in contact with the child. Any comments or assessments by a speech therapist are strictly not allowed, addressed not only to parents, but also to colleagues.

    The examination of the level of speech development is carried out according to the following parameters:

    • the state of the articulatory apparatus and sound pronunciation
    • vocabulary state
    • the state of the grammatical structure of speech
    • state of connected speech
    • formation of phonemic processes
    • development of written language.

    Analysis of oral speech disorders should be considered from the standpoint of the systemic structure of speech activity and taking into account the principle of development

    Establishment in the process of surveying the level of formation of language means allows you to determine:

    A) is the speech defect limited only by the unformed pronunciation;

    B) whether it extends to the entire sound side of speech (sound pronunciation and phonemic processes);

    C) whether the defect covers the main components of the speech system (the sound side of speech and the lexico-grammatical structure).

    Comparison of the nature of pronunciation shortcomings with the level of development of phonemic processes, vocabulary, grammatical structure allows us to clarify the role of pronunciation defects in the overall picture of oral speech impairment. So, if pronunciation flaws appear only in the form of a distorted pronunciation of individual (or several) sounds, then in the vast majority of cases this indicates an isolated phonetic defect. This means that by school age, for a number of reasons, this child did not have time to adapt the articulation pattern to the pronunciation of certain sounds in the phonetic system of the language of which he is a native speaker. The formation of phonemic processes is not delayed; on their basis, spontaneous prerequisites for mastering the analysis and synthesis of sound composition develop in a timely manner. In the future, the child freely masters writing and reading and fully assimilates the curriculum as a whole.

    A different approach should be taken to diagnosing pronunciation deficiencies in cases where they manifest themselves mainly in the form of mixing and replacing various oppositional sounds (according to acoustic and articulatory features). Since this type of pronunciation disorder is an indicator of the underdevelopment of phonemic processes, the level of their formation must be revealed in children. Such children slowly and with certain problems form spontaneous prerequisites for the analysis and synthesis of the sound composition of the word, which seriously complicates learning to read and write, and then the native language as a whole.

    The process of writing is normally carried out on the basis of sufficient level the formation of certain speech and non-speech functions: auditory differentiation of sounds, their correct pronunciation, language analysis and synthesis, the formation of the lexical and grammatical side of speech, visual analysis and synthesis, spatial representations. The lack of formation of any of these functions can cause a violation of the process of mastering writing, dysgraphia.

    Dysgraphia (writing disorder) is a significant percentage among other speech disorders found in students in public schools. It is a serious obstacle in the acquisition of literacy by students. early stages learning, and later - in mastering the grammar of the native language. In the process of examination, it is necessary to take into account not only what the child does not yet own, but also the opportunities available to him.

    Some teachers consider dysgraphic errors to be ridiculous, caused by the personal qualities of students: inability to listen to the teacher's explanation, inattention when writing, careless attitude to work, etc. In fact, such errors are based on more serious reasons: the lack of formation of the phonetic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical aspects of speech. So, omissions of vowels and consonants - “trva”, “tava” instead of grass; permutations of letters in the word - “tko” instead of who; "onko" instead of window; permutations and dropping out of syllables - “kokrodil”, “krodil” instead of crocodile; the appearance of extra letters or syllables in the word - “tarava” instead of grass, “motorcycle”, “monotsikil” instead of motorcycle; omission of letters or syllables in the word - "o" - instead of he, "red" instead of red, "many" instead of many, etc. due to the lack of formation of phonemic perception and the analysis and synthesis of the word associated with it.

    The lack of formation of phonemic hearing leads to the fact that students do not distinguish between the phonemes of their native language. In writing, this is expressed in the form of mixing and replacing letters, for example: “hog” instead of a hedgehog, “trupochka” instead of a tube, “crusty” instead of bitter, “cones” instead of drying, “saber” instead of a heron, “pyaynik” instead of a teapot and etc., as well as the inability to correctly apply certain grammatical habits when writing. So, some students do not feel the stressed vowel and therefore find it difficult to determine the unstressed and in the selection of the test word, make mistakes in the selection of the test word for stunning consonants. Even having chosen the correct test word, the child makes a mistake: "pillars" instead of pillars, "young" instead of a skirt. Knowing the rules doesn't help them. There are many mistakes in writing prepositions, prefixes and conjunctions.

    The lag in the development of the lexico-grammatical side of speech leads to agrammatism. In writing, this is expressed in the form of improper coordination and management. various parts speech. Students are not able to coordinate adjectives with nouns in gender, number and case and nouns with numerals in number, for example: I don’t have a red dress, five porcini mushrooms; choose wrong case forms nouns in phrases verb + noun, for example: let's go from the basket, sledding. Children do not feel the intonation and semantic legitimacy of the sentence, therefore they cannot correctly mark the boundary of the sentence in writing, as a result, they do not correctly put a full stop at the end of the sentence and write a capital letter at the beginning.

    The poverty of the vocabulary, the inability to express one's thoughts in the form of a common sentence, the misunderstanding of cause-and-effect relationships leads to the fact that students at later stages of education are not able to write presentations and essays.

    One of the main tasks of a speech therapist is to correctly determine the causes underlying the violation of writing, since the methods and duration of corrective work depend on this.

    All identified errors in the letter must be carefully analyzed.

    It is also necessary to separate true dysgraphia from incorrect writing, caused by a number of reasons, but not due to speech underdevelopment. These reasons include the following: insufficient assimilation of the school curriculum in the Russian language, pedagogical neglect, the influence of bilingualism.

    It is necessary to study the errors in various types written work: copying, writing from dictation, creative work.

    Until now, there is no common understanding at what age or at what stage of schooling, as well as at what degree of manifestation of the disorder, the presence of dysgraphia can be diagnosed in a child. Therefore, the separation of the concepts of “difficulties in mastering writing” and “dysgraphia” is understood as a persistent violation in the child of the process of implementing writing at the stage of schooling, when the possession of the “technique” of writing is considered complete, more correctly.

    Essential for the diagnosis of dysgraphia is its differentiation from the perspective of the development of the defect, proposed by S.F. Ivanenko (1984). The author identified the following four groups of writing disorders, taking into account the age of children, the stage of literacy training, the severity of violations and the specifics of their manifestations

    1. Difficulties in mastering writing.

    Indicators: fuzzy knowledge of the letters of the alphabet; difficulties in translating a sound into a letter and vice versa, when translating a printed grapheme into a written one; difficulties sound-letter analysis and synthesis; reading individual syllables with clearly learned printed characters; writing under the dictation of individual letters. It is diagnosed in the first half of the first year of study.

    2. Violations of the formation of the writing process.

    Indicators: mixing written and block letters on various grounds;

    Difficulties in retaining and reproducing the semantic alphabetic row; difficulty in merging letters into syllables and merging syllables into a word; copying with letters printed text already carried out, but independent writing is in the process of formation. Typical mistakes in writing: writing words without vowels, merging several words or splitting them. It is diagnosed in the second half of the first and the beginning of the second year of study.

    3. Dysgraphia.

    Indicators : persistent errors of the same or different types. It is diagnosed in the second half of the second year of study.

    4. Dysorphography.

    Indicators : inability to apply spelling rules according to school language in writing school curriculum for the corresponding period of study; a large number of spelling errors in written works. Diagnosed in the third year of study.

    The examination is carried out individually, in a traditional form, taking into account program requirements.

    The duration of the diagnosis is 20 - 30 minutes. Survey data are entered in the conclusion form, to which samples of written work are attached.

    Logopedic examination of oral and written speech

    younger students.

    (1 - 4 grades)

    1. Anatomical structure of the articulatory apparatus.

    Note the presence and nature of anomalies in the structure.

    Lips (thick, thin, cleft, scarred)

    Teeth (sparse, crooked, small, outside the jaw arch, missing teeth).

    Bite (prognathia, progenia, open lateral, open anterior)

    Hard palate (high narrow, flat, cleft, shortened)

    Tongue (massive, small, with a shortened hyoid ligament)

    Deviations in the structure of the articulatory apparatus are detected visually, i.e. a speech therapist examines parts of the articulatory apparatus from the outside and inside.

    II. Speech motor skills.

    The state of the mimic muscles.


    • Raise eyebrows up ("surprise")
    • Puff out cheeks ("fatty")
    • Draw in cheeks ("skinny")

    The state of articulatory motility(performing imitation movements)

    Lips - "smile", "tube".

    Tongue - wide, narrow, up - down, "pendulum"

    Mark the following movement parameters:

    The presence or absence of movement;

    tone ( normal voltage, lethargy, overexertion).

    Volume of movement (full, incomplete)

    The ability to switch from one movement to another.

    Movement substitutions

    Additional and extra movements (synkenesia)

    The presence of tremor, hypersalivation, deviations of the tip of the tongue.

    Smoothness of non-speech and speech breathing, duration of speech exhalation.

    Volume (normal, quiet, excessively loud)

    Presence or absence of nasal connotation

    Gloss modulation (presence or absence of monotony)

    IV. Features of the dynamic side of speech (in the presence of phrasal speech).

    Tempo (normal, fast, slow)

    The correct use of pauses.

    The use of the main types of intonation (narrative, interrogative, incentive)

    V. The state of sound pronunciation and the syllabic structure of the word.

    1. Determine the nature of the violation of the pronunciation of speech sounds: absence, replacement, confusion, deduction, articulation.

    Examination technique:the child is invited to repeat words and phrases reflected after the speech therapist.

    An approximate list of words, phrases and sentences:

    K - X: refrigerator, kitchen, hamster. Katya is in the kitchen.

    L ' - Y: Ilya and Yulia are walking along the alley. Swans fly south. Yulia is watering a lily from a watering can.

    S - W: Sashenka has six pieces of glass. Sasha is walking along the highway. The driver stepped off the footboard.

    The sun on the window. Sasha dries dry.

    W - F: spin, deserve, tremble. Zoya has a yellow umbrella. Iron shovel. Useful animal.

    S - S '- H: Sonechka, net, part, handbag, I study, I spin, I roll.

    The mast is up. Sonya has seeds.

    T' - H: teacher, bird, first aid kit, flows, be silent, scream.

    H - C: student, teacher, swinging, it turns out, chick, clinic, ends.

    H - W: thicket, cleaner, brush, watchmaker, student, bored, cheeks.

    S - C: knitting needle, titmouse, stairs, stage, sugar bowl, caterpillar.

    W - S: laughing, strengthen, tail, sowing.

    L - R: Lara, piano, ballerina, talkative, juggler, won, marmalade, mirror, folding bed.

    R - R': Roma paints the frame with paint. Rita cooks rice.

    It is fixed how correctly the child pronounces sounds.

    2. Examination of the syllabic structure of the word.

    Survey methodology: the child is invited to repeat the words reflected behind the speech therapist:

    bear apricots aquarium

    door avenue demonstration

    tram tablecloth crossroads

    camel swallow tv

    sugar bowl brushwood adjuster

    VI. Vocabulary research.

    Active Dictionary

    Target : identification of the volume of the active dictionary.

    1. Subject dictionary.

    A) Naming objects from pictures: “What is this?”;(p.11 - 12)

    Suggested material:

    Cabbage, notebook, vegetables, pen, radish, book, clove, saucer, glass, kettle, plate, pencil, ruler, garden bed, zucchini, plant.

    Service, window sill, frame, window leaf, elbow, glass, eyelashes, knee, eyebrows.

    b) Describe in one word:

    Plane, bus, tram...

    Raspberries, blueberries, cranberries…

    Autumn winter spring Summer…

    Artist, doctor, pilot...

    C) Choose the appropriate noun for these adjectives and verbs:

    Dry... shining...

    Narrow… writes…

    Wet… send…

    Joyful… crawling…

    Straight... jump...

    Dexterous... bows...

    2. Verb dictionary:

    a) Who is doing what?

    Door... postman...

    Lightning... hairdresser...

    Wind… seamstress…

    Leaves... pilot...

    Rain... cook...

    Brook... artist...

    b) "Who is screaming?"

    Cat... chicken...

    Cow... goose...

    Dog... crow...

    Horse... mosquito...

    The level of vocabulary development is fixed.

    3. "Say the other way around"

    The task : Finish the sentences:

    1 - 2 class 3 - 4 class

    Plasticine is soft, and the stone ... Plasticine is soft, and the stone ...

    The coal is black, and the snow ... The pillow is soft, and the board ...

    Tanya draws well, and Zina ... They cook thick porridge or ...

    The sofa is soft, and the bench ... The forest can be thick or ...

    Volodya is polite, and Sasha ... Strawberries are small, and the club

    In the conclusions, the child's ability to select words with the opposite meaning is noted.

    VII. The state of the grammatical structure of speech.

    Target : study of the possibility of distinguishing meaning on the basis of grammatical meanings words.

    1. Inflection.

    a) the use of nouns in the nominative case of the singular and plural:

    “One is a table, and if there are many, then we say that these are tables.”

    Suggested material:

    Table - ... tables chair - ... chairs

    Ear - ... ears tree - ... trees

    Sleeve - ... sleeves window - ... windows

    Mouth - ... mouths forehead - ... foreheads

    Eye - ... eyes of a lion - ... lions

    Leaf - ... leaves stump - ... stumps

    b) The use of the genitive plural form of nouns.

    "Many things?"

    House - ... houses kitten - ... kittens

    Doll - ... dolls pine - ... pines

    Beetle - ... beetles stump - ... stumps

    Wood - ...trees envelope - ...envelopes

    Key - ... keys bucket - ... buckets

    2. Word formation.

    a) The formation of nouns with a diminutive suffix.

    "Say kindly"

    Spoon - ... apple spoon - ... apple tree

    Carpet - ... rug sheet - ... leaf

    Bed - ... bed, bed sparrow - ... sparrow

    Bucket - ... bucket, bucket blanket - ... blanket

    b) ● Education relative adjectives from nouns.

    "What is it made of?"

    Down pillow - down pillow

    A lump of snow - ...

    Plum juice…

    Carrot juice...

    Silk dress - …

    Wool mittens - …

    Education possessive adjectives from nouns. "Whose? Whose? Whose?"

    Mom's bag - mom's bag

    Grandma's jacket - ... grandmother's jacket

    Cow head - ... cow head

    Fox hole - ... fox hole

    Hare tail - ... hare tail

    Dog hair - ... dog hair

    Cat whiskers - ... cat whiskers

    Bird's beak - ... bird's beak

    The conclusions differ in the presence and nature of agrammatisms.

    3. Understanding of logical and grammatical constructions.

    Answer the questions:

    • Masha is older than Yulia, which of the girls is younger?
    • Olya is lighter than Katya, which of the girls is darker?
    • The dishes were washed by my mother's daughter. Who washed the dishes?
    • The boy is saved by the girl. Who saved who?
    • Mom is wearing a daughter's sweater. Who is left without a sweater?
    • The guys went into the forest as soon as the rain stopped. Were they in the forest before the rain or after?

    The accessibility of understanding such structures is analyzed.

    VIII. The state of connected speech.

    It is proposed to compose a story based on a series of pictures united by a single plot.

    Target: identifying the possibilities of compiling a coherent story based on a series of pictures united by a single plot, and establishing a connection between the events reflected in these pictures.

    Survey methodology: plot pictures are laid out in front of the child, they are offered to consider them, put them in order and compose a story.

    Equipment: a series of pictures with a sequential deployment of the plot.

    Grade 1 - "Girl's Morning" (p. 14) Grade 2 - "Fire»; (p16)

    3 - 4 classes - "Snowman", "Corn";(pp.15-16)

    In the conclusions, note the understanding of a complex line, the coherence and meaningfulness of compiling a story, the possibility of choosing a name for this plot, the presence and nature of agrammatisms, the level of development of coherent speech.

    IX. The state of phonemic processes(phonemic hearing, analysis, synthesis).

    1. Phonemic hearing.

    Target: checking auditory perception and the ability to reproduce syllabic rows in a given sequence.

    Survey methodology: The child is asked to repeat the following syllables:



    Sa - sha - for - zha

    Sa-za-ca - for

    The execution of the task is recorded in accordance with the instructions.

    2. Language analysis, synthesis;(p.13)

    Target : checking the level of formation of phonemic hearing and the ability to perform sound analysis of a word.

    a) phonemic analysis and synthesis.

    Say the word according to the first sounds of the pictures

    ship, window, hare, orange: [k] + [a] + [s] + [a]

    snowman, bus, scissors, whale, needle: [s] + [a] + [n] + [k] + [and].

    • What is the last sound in the words:

    poppy, pencil, finger

    • Name 2 sounds in words:

    stork, house, hand.

    B) syllabic analysis, synthesis.

    • Determine the number of syllables in the words:

    elephant, wall, hammer.

    C) analysis of the composition of the proposal

    • Determine the number, sequence and place of words in a sentence.

    Autumn has come.

    It often rains in autumn.

    An old man with a large basket came out of the forest.

    The child's ability to produce language analysis, synthesis is fixed.

    X. Study of the process of writing.

    Written works in workbooks and control notebooks are analyzed.

    If necessary, a letter under dictation (auditory dictation) is given to clarify violations.

    Grade 2 _ "Walk".

    Here is a big forest. A river behind the forest. There are many flowers around the river. A butterfly sat on a flower. Zoya catches her with a net. Zhenya is looking for mushrooms. Sasha and Yasha found a hedgehog. Grisha caught a pike.

    Grade 3 "Autumn".

    Autumn came. A cold wind began to blow. It rains more often. There are large puddles on the porch. The flowers in the flower bed withered. Leaves are falling from the trees. The water in the river darkened. Zoya and Sasha go to the forest. There they look for mushrooms.

    Grade 4 "Autumn".

    Gray and cold autumn. It rains more often. The wind is howling in the field. Sensitive silence in the autumn forest. Leaves fell to the ground withered. Only sometimes you can find a small flag on a bare branch. This is the last leaf. Gloomy clouds float above the earth. It's about to snow.

    In the conclusions, we note the nature of the writing process, i.e. whether the child can immediately write the word phonetically correctly or pronounce it, whether he makes corrections (crosses out, rereads and corrects again) or cannot and does not try to find mistakes at all.

    We pay special attention to specific errors:

    1. specific phonetic substitutions (lack of distinction between sounds belonging to one or different groups, distinguished by subtle acoustic-articulatory features).
    2. violation of the syllabic structure of the word (omission of individual letters and whole syllables, rearrangement of letters or syllables, separate spelling parts of one word and continuous spelling words).
    3. grammatical errors (omission or incorrect use of prepositions, function words, case endings, incorrect agreement of words, errors in management).
    4. graphic (optical). These are replacements of letters by graphic similarity.

    Based on the results of the examination, a speech therapy conclusion is issued, in which the state of the oral and written speech of the child is analyzed. this stage development, recommendations are given for the correction and development of the child's speech.


    1. Bessonova T.P., Gribova O.E. Didactic material for the examination of children's speech. - "Arkti", 1997

    2. Volkova G.A. Methods of psychological and logopedic examination of children with speech disorders. - St. Petersburg, 2003

    3. Voronova A.P. Writing disorders in children (guidelines) .- SPb., 1994

    4. Voronova A.P. Diagnosis, prevention and correction of writing in children with speech disorders // Scientific and methodological journal Logopedia No. 1, 2004

    5. Efimenkova L.N. Correction of oral and written speech of primary school students. M., 2003

    6. Kornev A.N. Reading and writing disorders in children.-SPb., 1997

    7. Lalaeva R.I., Venediktova L.V. Reading and writing disorders in younger students. - St. Petersburg, 2004

    8. Loginova E.V. Writing violations. Features of their manifestation and correction in younger schoolchildren with mental retardation. - St. Petersburg, 2004

    9. Speech therapy. Proc. for stud. defectol. facts ped. universities / Ed. Volkovoy L.S. Shakhovskoy S.N. –M., 1998

    10. Milostivenko L.G. Guidelines to prevent reading and writing errors in children; from work experience, textbook.-SPb., 1995

    11. Psychological-medical-pedagogical examination of the child. / set slave. mat-ov, ed. Semago M.M.

    12. Semago N.Ya., Semago M.M. Theory and practice of assessing the mental development of the child. Preschool and primary school age. - St. Petersburg, Rech, 2005

    13. Semago N.Ya., Semago M.M. Problem children. Fundamentals of diagnostic and corrective work of a psychologist. M., 2003

    14. Spirova L.F., Yastrebova A.V. Teacher about children with speech disorders. M., 1985

    15. Spirova L.F., Yastrebova A.V. Differential approach to the manifestations of writing and reading disorders among students of secondary schools // scientific and methodological journal Defectology No. 5, 1988

    16. Uzorova O.V., Nefedova E.A. A practical guide to the development of children's speech for primary and high school. M., 2001

    17. Usanova O.N. Children with mental development problems. - M., 1995

    19. Shevchenko S.G. An integrated approach to the diagnosis, correction of children with learning difficulties // Scientific and methodological journal Defectology No. 1, 1995

    Almost all Russian and foreign researchers of the problem of dysgraphia and dyslexia agree that writing and reading disorders are based on set of dysfunctions: insufficient formation of speech, manual skill, bodily scheme and sense of rhythm. As an important factor, the difficulty of analyzing and reproducing an exact spatial and temporal sequence is noted. Professor Ananiev B.G. also points to the connection between errors in reading and writing in some younger schoolchildren and difficulties in spatial discrimination.
    This or that degree of violation of writing and reading is predetermined by the level of formation of oral speech.

    If a defect in oral speech is limited by the lack of formation of its sound side, then reading and writing disorders are due to phonetic-phonemic or only phonemic insufficiency. In these cases, the most typical mistakes are substitutions and mixtures of consonant letters denoting the sounds of various opposition groups.

    As for reading and writing disorders in children with OHP, along with errors reflecting the unformedness of the sound side of speech, they also have errors associated with the unformed lexical and grammatical means of the language.

    There are a number of methods for diagnosing written speech. Before listing the main tasks, I want to remind you that during the examination, the speech therapist should pay attention to the nature of the writing process: whether the child writes down the presented word at once or pronounces it several times, selects desired sound and the corresponding letter, what difficulties it experiences, etc.
    The examination of the letter can be carried out both collectively and individually. Do not make corrections or comments as you read.

    So, the examination of the letter includes:

    1. Writing off:

    a) from a handwritten text;
    b) from printed text;
    c) complicated by tasks of a logical or grammatical nature
    (for example: in a sentence about birds, underline the word
    consisting of 3 syllables).

    2. Auditory dictation.

    In addition to the usual conduct of dictation with visual self-control (proposed by Sadovnikova), this type of dictation corresponds to the principle of interaction between analyzers participating in the act of writing.
    It is carried out as follows: after the students write the dictation, the text of the dictation written on the board opens for a few minutes, and the children are invited to find their mistakes and correct them with colored pencils. Pencils are used to distinguish errors corrected during visual self-examination from
    amendments made during the writing of the dictation, and from subsequent corrections by the speech therapist. When evaluating the work, the speech therapist must take into account both the total number of errors made and the number of errors corrected independently.

    3. Self-writing.

    These include tasks like:
    - give captions to subject pictures (words);
    - give captions to plot pictures (sentences);
    - writing a presentation or essay.

    Grade 2
    Linked to the program material. It was taken into account that the following topics were studied in the 1st grade: a sentence, a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence and in proper names, combinations of zhi - shi, cha - cha, chu - shu, -ь- to indicate the softness of consonants.
    Speech therapy tasks: to check how paired consonants, optically and kinetically similar letters, are differentiated.

    Children love to walk in the grove. There are oaks and maples. Fluffy squirrels jump on the branches. A spotted woodpecker is chiseling a trunk. A hedgehog rustles in the grass. The tits sat on the top of the oak and chirped loudly. Bright sunspots glide through the foliage.

    Grade 3
    Added and distributed proposals, because. topics have already been studied: “Unstressed vowels checked by stress”, “Paired voiced and deaf consonants”, “Dividing -b- sign", "Difficult words".

    In the grove.
    My friends like to walk in the grove. There are birches, oaks and maples. Fluffy squirrels jump on the branches. The spotted woodpecker pecks hard bark with its sharp beak. A hedgehog rustles in the grass. Tits in a friendly flock sat on the top of an oak tree and chirped loudly.

    The old maple tree has an anthill. It is interesting to observe its industrious tenants. A light breeze rustles the leaves. Bright sun spots lie on the grass.


    4th grade.

    Funny phrases.
    The mouse hid under the hill and quietly gnaws at the crust. Hemp has five mushrooms again. Varya's mittens were gone on the boulevard. They threw bananas to a funny monkey. Thirty-three striped piglets have thirty-three tails hanging. I need a mouse for dinner. Teapot with a lid, a lid with a knob. In the grove of grass stirring, we will pick up sorrel. Little Lucy was scared by the geese. A wise mole leads a water pipe to a hole in the garden. Kind grandmother Marina has a compote of apples and raspberries.

    Diagnosis of reading disorders begins with a study conducted on the album of optical samples developed by the staff of the Department of Speech Therapy of the Russian State Pedagogical University. Herzen and including:

    Knowledge of letters (printed and handwritten);
    - recognition of letters in complicated conditions: unfinished, depicted by a dotted line, incorrectly placed in space, written in different
    fonts, mirrored, "noisy", etc.;
    - recognition of letters superimposed on each other (according to the type of Popelreiter figures);
    - recognition of letters similar in style, given in pairs or in alphabetic
    - construction of letters from separate elements.

    The method of A.N. Kornev is based on a comprehensive approach to the diagnosis of reading disorders and includes a clinical-dynamic approach. encephalographic, neuropsychological and psychological studies. The author of the methodology proceeds from the fact that the most important factor dyslexia is the difficulty in finding a starting point in space and time, as well as in analyzing and reproducing the exact spatial and temporal sequence.

    This technique includes the following tasks:

    Row speaking (for example, listing the seasons or days of the week in order);
    - rhythm reproduction (pencil strikes on the table);
    - test "Fist - rib - palm";
    - test "Repetition of numbers" (first you need to reproduce the named series of numbers, for example 4-4-4-7 - start from 2 and bring up to 5), then the named numbers are asked to be called in reverse order. For example: 5 - 7 - 4, and the child should say 4-7-5).

    The 1st part of this test characterizes auditory-speech memory, the 2nd part - operative memory)
    - to test visual perception and hand-eye coordination, you can
    use tasks for drawing figures, letters, isographs (table).

    On examination read states It is useful to use the following tasks:
    - search for a given word (table);
    - reading a number of words similar in structure, similar in sound (table);
    - reading words with the need to restore them:

    FL ... G ... (I, a) K...B...N... (a, i, a);

    Reading text with one or more letters missing ("Broken
    - finally, reading a regular text (preferably a narrative one).

    Performance is evaluated according to three criteria:
    - for first-graders - method, speed, correctness of reading;
    - for students in grades 2, 3 - speed, correctness and understanding of the meaning

    In conclusion, I want to remind you that the identified reading deficiencies are compared with the data of the examination of writing and speaking. This will make it possible to determine in each specific case what exactly is prevailing in the picture of a speech defect: whether the child has a lack of lexical and grammatical means of the language or underdevelopment of the sound side of speech and, above all, phonemic processes.

    Olga Nikolaevna Danilovskaya
    mathematic teacher
    highest qualification category
    MOU "S (K) OSHI No. 4"
    city ​​of Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk region

    Methodologyspeech therapy examination of children

    In the system of a comprehensive examination of children of primary school age, one of the central places in the diagnosis is the assessment of speech development, since speech is almost always an indicator of one or another deviation in the overall picture of the child's neuropsychic state.
    Speech therapy examination involves, first of all, the definition of speech disorders that manifest themselves both in oral and written speech, which is reflected in the success of mastering the program material in the Russian language and reading. The teacher asks the speech therapist to find out the reason for the student's school failure. The speech of students with developmental disabilities is accompanied by characteristic violations of sound pronunciation, features of the lexical and grammatical structure (difficulties in word formation, selection of synonyms, antonyms, difficulties in understanding lexical and grammatical structures, insufficient formation of coherent speech), unformed phonemic processes.
    Features of speech function are compared with the indicators of a doctor, teacher-defectologist, teacher-psychologist. The speech therapy conclusion is made taking into account the data of all specialists teaching the child. Logopedic examination is carried out according to a certain scheme. Based on the data obtained after the study of speech development, the structure of the defect is determined, a speech therapy conclusion is made, and ways of corrective work are outlined.

    Scheme of a speech therapy examination of a child

    1. Collection of anamnestic data.
    • the nature of the course of pregnancy
    • nature of labor activity
    • data of the early development of the child (when he began to hold his head, crawl, roll over on his stomach, stand, walk, when his teeth climbed)
    • speech development (cooing, babble, animation complex, first word, sentence, phrase)
    2. Examination of general motor skills.
    • static (Romberg's position)
    • dynamic exercises (the ability to switch from one movement to another)
    3. Examination of fine motor skills.
    • statics (exercises "ring", "bunnies", "goat", "cow")
    • dynamic exercises
    4. Examination of articulatory motility.
    • statics (exercises "shovel", "cup", "mushroom")
    • dynamic exercises (exercises "swing", "watch")
    5. The state of the organs of articulation.
    • lips
    • teeth
    • sky
    • language
    • lower jaw
    • hypoglossal ligament
    6. Examination of the prosodic aspect of speech.
    • rate of speech
    • rhythm of speech
    • smoothness
    • pitch and power of voice
    • timbre
    7. Examination of sound pronunciation.
    • work with an album (picture material)
    8. Examination of phonemic hearing.
    • repetition of syllables
    • selection of a given sound from a series of sounds
    9. Examination of the syllabic structure of the word.
    • different types of syllables (open syllable ma-tu-ro, closed or-um-as, syllable with a confluence of consonants stra-arm-bars)
    • words with different content of syllables: 1 syllable - stump, poppy, house; 2 syllables - lamp, magnifying glass, anchor; 3 syllables - basket, car)
    • compound words: thermometer, cyclist, excavator, TV transmitter
    10. Examination of the skill of sound analysis (sound - syllable - word - sentence).
    • determine the place of a sound in a number of sounds, a number of syllables, in a word, in a sentence
    • make a word from syllables (for, ko - goat)
    • come up with a word with a given consonant, vowel sound
    • come up with a sentence with a given word, make a graphic scheme of a word, sentence
    11. Examination of the dictionary (subject pictures).
    • active dictionary
    • passive vocabulary
    • identification of the lexical stock of words of different parts of speech (noun, adjective, verb, adverb, preposition, numeral):
    noun: I'll throw you a ball and ask you WHAT? or who? and you come up with a word that would answer this question (WHAT? - ball, day, stone, house, broom, window. WHO? - man, bear, elephant, crane, rook.) and return the ball to me. Which word is superfluous (day, night, evening, sleep, apple)?
    adjective(what?): I will give you a word that denotes an object, and you name its sign: a ball, a table, a nest, a sky, a pen, a bird.
    adverb(do how?): Let's figure out how to perform an action (speak loudly, write carefully, study conscientiously, eat slowly).
    pretext: Insert the missing word: flower (on) the window, dog (from) paper, chair (at) the table.
    numeral: I will name the number, and you summarize the word as if we were talking about the number of the month (six is ​​the sixth, twenty is the twentieth, one is the first).

    12. Examination of the grammatical structure of speech.

    • examination of the ability to change words with the help of endings, prefixes, suffixes, change by numbers and cases
    • - connect the parts into a word (you, rides; for, ran; for, gon; with, did)
    • - form such a word so that it becomes possible to reduce a large object, make it small: a ball - a ball, a chair - a high chair, a stump - a stump, a nail - a carnation
    • compound word formation
    • - combine two words into one: goes everywhere - an all-terrain vehicle, steam carries - a steam locomotive
    • fill in the missing words in the text
    • deformed sentence
    • compiling a story, retelling, text
    13. Reading survey.
    • knowledge of letters
    • knowledge and reading of syllables
    • word reading
    • reading sentences
    14. Examination of the letter.
    • auditory dictation
    - individual letters
    - individual syllables
    - words
    - suggestions
    • copying from printed text, from written text (translation of printed letters into written ones)
    • self-writing
    • analysis of written works.

    List of methods of speech therapy examination

    I. Material for the study of the phonetic aspect of speech.
    • subject pictures containing sound in different positions (at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of a word)
    • speech material (words, phrases, sentences, texts containing different sounds)
    II. Material for the study of the phonemic aspect of speech.
    • pictures and speech material to determine the ability to differentiate sounds according to oppositions: sonority - deafness, hardness - softness, whistling - hissing
    III. Material for the study of vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech.
    • pictures depicting the actions of people and animals
    • pictures depicting homogeneous objects that differ in some way (size, height, width, number)
    IV. Material for the study of the state of coherent speech.
    • plot pictures
    • series of plot pictures (2-5) for different age groups
    V. Material for the study of language analysis and synthesis.
    • speech material (sentences, words, different sound-syllabic structure)
    • sentences and plot pictures
    VI. Material for the study of the state of writing.
    • reading texts of varying complexity
    • syllable tables
    • letters
    • texts of dictations and sentences
    • printed and handwritten texts for copying
    1. Lalaeva R.I., Venediktova L.V. Diagnosis and correction of reading and writing disorders in younger students: Educational and methodological manual. - St. Petersburg: Soyuz Publishing House, 2001. - 224 p.; ill.
    2. Repina Z.A. Neuropsychological study of children with severe speech defects: Textbook Ural.state.ped.un. - Ekaterinburg. 1995.
    3. Bessonova T.P., Gribova O.E. Didactic material for the examination of children's speech. Ch.P: Sound side, grammatical structure, vocabulary, written and connected speech. - M.: ARKTI, 1997. - 64 p., color. tables.
    4. Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. Express examination of sound pronunciation in children of preschool and primary school age. A guide for speech therapists. - M .: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2001. - 16 p., color insert.