It is wrong to think that zero plays a small role. Tree of Good - time to read fairy tales



There lived a king and a queen and were very sad that they had no children. Finally a son was born to the queen, but at that time the king was in a foreign country. The queen did not dare to christen her son without a husband and said:

Until my husband returns, I will call him Zero Nothing.

The king did not come for seven years, so that Zero-Nothing managed to become a handsome, tall boy.

After seven years, the king returned to his homeland and on the way to the house he saw a large river, in the very middle of which the water was spinning like in a funnel. The king considered. "How to get across?" he asked himself.

At that moment a giant approached him and said:

I will carry you; want?

And what will you have to pay for it?

Oh, give me Zero-Nothing.

The king did not know that his son was called that and said:

Okay, and in addition, have my gratitude.

When the king returned home, the queen showed him her son and said that she did not want to baptize the boy without him and added that she decided to call him Zero-Nothing until her husband returned.

The poor king became sad and said:

Oh what have I done! I promised the giant who carried me across the river that I would give him Zero-Nothing.

The king and queen grieved for a long time, finally the queen said: - When the giant comes, we will give him the son of our bird-keeper. He won't notice any difference.

The next day the giant came and demanded that the king keep his promise. The king and queen gave him the poultry-keeper's son; the giant threw the boy on his shoulders and went home. He walked for a long time, finally got tired, sat down to rest on a large stone and said:

I'm tired. What time is it now?

Poor a little boy answered:

At this hour, my mother, the poultry keeper, chooses the eggs for the queen's breakfast.

The giant got angry, returned to the palace, threw the boy into the aviary and demanded that he be given the king's son. This time the gardener's son was sent to him. The giant lifted him onto his shoulders. He walked, walked, finally sat down to rest and said:

I'm tired. What time is it now?

The gardener's son said:

At this time, my mother brings greens to the palace for the queen's dinner.

The giant became furious, ran to the palace, threw the boy on a ridge of cabbage and shouted that he would destroy everything if this time they did not give him a royal son. There was nothing to do, the king and queen had to part with their boy.

When the giant reached the big stone and asked what time it was, Zero-Nothing answered him:

At this time, my father the king is sitting at dinner.

Now they gave me a real one, - the giant said smiling and carried the royal son to his house.

He raised him at home until Zero-Nothing grew up.

The giant had a beautiful, kind pupil, and the king's son became friends with her. Once the giant said to him:

Tomorrow I will give you a job; I have a barn seven miles long and seven miles wide. It's been seven years since it's been cleaned. Tomorrow put him in order; If you don't, I'll roast you for dinner.

The next morning, the giant's pupil brought breakfast young man and saw that he was very sad, because no matter how much he cleaned the barn, his cleaned part was again filled with dirt. The girl smiled, said that she would help him, left the barn and began to call the animals of the field, the animals of the forest, the birds of the air. A minute later, the rustle of many wings was heard in the air, an infinite number of legs and paws pounded on the ground. Animals, small animals and birds set to work and soon carried away everything that was in the barn. When the giant returned, he saw a clean barn, and said:

Shame on the one who helped you, but tomorrow I have a harder task for you. Listen: I have a lake six miles long, six miles deep, six miles wide; drain it tomorrow night, or I'll eat you at dinner.

Early in the morning, Zero-Nothing began to scoop out the lake with buckets, but the water did not decrease and he did not know what to do; then the pupil of the giant called all the fish of the sea, river and lake, ordered them to drink water, and soon they drained the lake to the bottom.

When the giant saw that the deed was done, he became furious and said:

Tomorrow you will have a harder job. I have a tree six miles high. There is not a single knot on it, not a single twig, and at its very top there is a nest in which seven eggs lie; get the eggs and take them downstairs. Only, look, do not break any of them, otherwise I will eat you.

At first, the pupil of the giant did not know how to help the king's son, finally she cut off her fingers, then her toes and made steps from them, along which Zero-Nothing climbed to the top of the tree and safely got the eggs. He also descended safely, but on the ground he broke one egg.

There is nothing to do - you need to run, - said the girl. They did so and ran away. Suddenly they turned around and saw a giant walking behind them.

Trouble, trouble, - the girl screamed, fell to her knees, dropped her head to the ground, began to kiss her and whisper tenderly and plaintively:

Earth, earth, our dear mother, do a miracle, save us.

And a miracle happened: a forest instantly grew out of the ground, dense, dense, full of thorny hawthorn bushes, and while the giant made his way through the thicket, Zero Nothing and his friend managed to run far away.

However, after a while the giant nevertheless overtook them and was already preparing to grab the prince with his huge, terrible hand, but the girl again threw herself on her knees, stretched out her hands to the sky and whispered:

Heaven, heaven, our bright father, do a miracle, save your unfortunate children ...

And a miracle happened: a black shaggy cloud suddenly appeared in the blue sky, and a terrible downpour poured out of it, so frequent, so strong that the giant was confused and did not see where the fugitives ran.

But twenty minutes later the giant overtook them again. Just as he stretched out his gnarled fingers and touched the dress of the king's son, the young girl cried out loudly:

Water, our sister, air, our brother, save us, save us!

Immediately, a terrible whirlwind raged, raising clouds of thick dust and clouds of sand. The grains of sand forced the giant to close his eyes, the dust clogged into his mouth and nose; he rubbed his eyes and sneezed - sneeze yes sneeze ... At the same time, a tiny stream that crossed the road began to seethe; the water in it rose and rushed at the giant in great menacing waves. They picked him up and carried him far, far away, far away.

And Zero-Nothing and the pupil of the giant all ran and ran. And where do you think they ended up? In the kingdom of his father and mother.

Tired, exhausted, they approached the royal palace.

Who are you, unfortunate wanderers, and why have you come? their courtiers asked.

We are the ones who are expected here with joy and hope, - the king's son answered - and we have come to bring joy to saddened hearts.

Enter, - the courtiers answered and let them into the throne room.

She shone all over with gold and silver; her magnificence was reflected in high mirrors, but on the thrones made of carved Ivory, the king and queen sat in black, mourning clothes and sad, deeply sad were their faces.

Why did you come and who are you? asked the king, descending from the steps of the throne.

When you know who I am, you will understand why I came here and brought her. Put your hand on my heart - listen to what it tells you.

The king put his hand on Zero-Nothing's chest and a strange, anxious look appeared on his face.

Your heart is calling me, it beats in time with mine, it tells me something, it is close to me. Oh tell me who are you?

The queen also approached Zero-Nothing and also asked:

Who are you, wanderers, and why do you confuse us with riddles.

Put your hand on my heart, Zero Nothing told her.

As soon as the queen put her hand on his chest, she screamed:

Only the heart of my son can beat like this. It's you, my dear, I recognized you! And she threw herself on his neck and covered his dusty face with gentle kisses.

Clearly, holidays and feasts have begun. The king and queen did not know how to reward the kind, generous pupil of the giant and, finally, married her to their beloved son.


I would call this lesson the Nimbus of sacred Zero.

Unfortunately, many underestimate the significance of the number Zero.

Everything starts from zero, to zero and returns.

A holy place is never empty.

vicious circle,

The cycle of life, there is no beginning without the end but the end without a start.

And many others wise proverbs and sayings can be found about the zero sign.

A sign? Yes, a sign.

For some reason, from the first days of life, we were taught that Zero is Zero, complete nothingness and emptiness. But this is not so, we rise to some heights of the infinite, but what we do not see at the very nose.

I'll start with the simplest. ZERO -0, sort of like a donut hole, but it includes everything you fill it with. To break our idea of ​​zero as nothing, let's imagine zero as some kind of empty space. For clarity, let's take a vessel, for example, a jug.

The jug is empty, there is nothing in it, but the jug itself is of some value for someone. We enter an empty apartment. Into a perfect void. And we begin to fill this void with an interior. in the computer Zero. Are you sure that the person is in the computer Zero, I am personally sure that for this person the computer is absolute zero, so he is not interested in it. Zero or Emptiness is the Great Truth. Which is not visible, but it is. Fill an empty jug with milk, wine, juice, compote. And this jug will be filled with the truth that we fill it with.

Zero is an amplifier and a converter. Of course, it can serve not only as an amplifier, but also as a lowering or even worse destroyer. Everything depends on our content and knowledge of the boundaries.

And let it be Zero, Nothing, but it is nothing of the Infinite.

The sign of the Oval or the Circle, the sign of the Spirit. That is why we often hear such words as how we relate to the world, so the world will treat us. What mood we create, such an environment in life will surround us. then we have. And of course, the jug has a limit, like any empty vessel or container. Zero has a limit. And we also need to know this. This limit is indicated by the number 8 or in a horizontal position by the sign of infinity. Two zeros means the transition of two zeros .Denoting heaven and earth, material and spiritual, an endless transition from one state to another. The cycle of life.

But let's omit the cycle of life for now, this is when the serpent of Greece (the Greek concept of zero) chases forever after its tail, forcing the atmosphere and the spirit of life inside. Zero, as a negative number. Core. Complete silence, where there are no contradictions, no minuses and pluses, and everything is Blissful. Isn't this the Highest beginning of the Absolute Truth? Truth is that which has no polarity, when you cannot answer no, just as you cannot answer yes. And maybe Blessed. That's why many esotericists are now going in the direction and teaching others by filling their souls with positive energies. in the process of solitude or meditation.

Zero is a Mirror. As soon as an object is inside the circle, the Ether begins to react to this object. Moreover, it reflects the essence that entered this sign of the Circle (Oval). Zero is the Divine essence. Which not only surrounds us, but is also in us. Shout in an empty field, forest or in an empty room and you will hear the echo of your own self.

The truth is in us. And our Coexistence in the external environment depends on it. What kind of atmosphere we create, that will surround us. Entry into the void is practiced by Esoterics, Religious people, which is called Meditation.

And only in complete silence and at peace with yourself can you get great insights. A client came to you or you made a map alone. A more productive analysis will be in silence, where there is no interference. The client creates interference. This is a point that has entered a circle or stone thrown into the lake, which creates vibrations around it. It seems to us that the waves go to the shore, but at the same time the waves gather at the point where the stone went down. Of course, if you know how to put up a barrier and enter the void without succumbing to external factors, you and the client are not a hindrance. You do not see him. You must disconnect from him so that his interference external influence you were not interfered with true analysis inner soul his life plan.

So Zero or circle This is a manifestation of Ether. Air or the Sign of the Spirit. And if we see the sign of the sun This is the manifested spirit - the root cause - the Idea, the number 1. The sign in the planets, without a dot in the center - the Sign of the Spirit.

It is traditionally accepted that the number "0" in Europe was introduced by an Arab scholar who adopted it from the Indian currents in 1300 AD

You need to pay attention to signs. For example, the transcription of the letter O (Arabic Ain) means eye, source, essence, forgiveness, a chain of relationships or commandments that control the universe.

Also if you take English transcription Arabic letter Kaf-Q In the Sufi mystical tradition, this is Mount Kaf, a mythical mountain that surrounds the world, a place at the end of the created world, the structure of the universe in accordance with the model of God.

A very interesting interpretation in Sufi mysticism is a block of two letters -LA (Alif-Lam): 2=1=0, this is the formula of truth, which we will consider a little later .. two letters IN the word ALLAH

LA, where L-Vagina, A-Penis, Means - Embrace of two lovers, two lovers who become ONE (in Embrace) and NOTHING during Orgasm.

Again a hint at Zero, like nothing and like Everything. A hint that 0=1=2(0=1=11=111)

In Sanskrit, the earlier use of zero. Oral tradition dates back to 6000 B.C. However, recorded in 1400 and 800 B.C. in algebra began to use 300-400 A.D.

There were several meanings for 0 in Sanskrit.

The letter A is the first sound of the word AUM. The symbol of Vishnu, Brahma, and Shiva. It was also considered a negative particle, and therefore negation, the absence beyond understanding, to go inside, to go into ..., the breath of life, the sound that forms the word 1st kala (mask )

The second 0 was the letter N (short) Symbol of tree branches, knowledge, wisdom, teaching, cosmic consciousness.

Third Zero-0: Ni-Symbolic meaning - Lake, pond with water, many rivers flowing together as one thread

Fourth zero 0, Ks-34 Sanskrit consonant-Symbolic meaning: Spiral, ether, space, junction of letters K + Sh, which is evaluated as zero in the Vedic code, and is interpreted as a separate letter in the chakra system

Thus, if we make the word EYE-AKsAN from these zero letters, we will get the value of the word 000

indian words number varahamihira word

SUNYA =0 Means Empty

Akasa,AMBARA-empty space of Heaven=0


The dot can also be symbolically considered as a zero symbol.

In Hebrew, the letter YOD consists of a dot and a stick, which is similar to the comma sign.

The origins of philosophy date back to 2000 BC

But its final design takes place within the framework of the Tibetan, Buddhist five-fold chakra system.

The forms of the five main TATTVs are OVAL, CIRCLE, TRIANGLE, CRESCENT, SQUARE

We are still interested in the sign of Zero or Circle.

AKASH-form Oval (ETHER or space)

Vayu-CIRCLE (AIR or Wind)

Tejas - triangle - FIRE (or Agni)

APAS - Crescent, - WATER

Pritivi - EARTH. And although these origins lie in Indian philosophy, such schools of hataha, kundalini yoga, their final synthesis occurred within the framework of Tibetan Buddhism.

I would like to note that in this alphabet the vowels had a numerical value of ZERO

The letter A is the last in this alphabet, as in the Greek Alpha and Omega and the numerical value of this letter is 0

What does the numerical value-number by serial number in the alphabet) also equate to the number 30 (Lamed in Hebrew)

Ah is the last letter, the sound on which everything that is said depends, hence the deity, that which existed before everything else, the last, which became the first. The root word in the lower Tibetan chakra is the main entrance or secret place.

And now the promised Tibetan vowels






Zero appeared in written form among the Sumerians 5000 years ago in cuneiform.

Zero meant two sticks = at 45 degrees. They meant the gaps between numbers, and subsequently the degrees of the number or the division of fractions.

Before moving on to practical use Zero in numerology and better understand the essence of this sign-number.

I will finish with a Hebrew zero. Although you can continue to write a lot, but all the information reduces us to one single through different languages of the world, symbols and signs. And I think already on this meager information one can already have an idea about the important influence of zero on us and our life.

The concept of zero is also at the heart of the Kabbalistic symbolism of the Tree of Life.

The number One is preceded by zero, defined by two Kabbalistic formulas.

The first concept of zero was discovered by Ahad when he deciphered the Book of the Law: If the word for "no" or NOTHING, which can be interpreted as the number Zero, is written in reverse order, then it becomes the word GOD, personifying the universe.

Remember the beginning of my lines in this article? Here's more for you.

"As It Comes Back, So It Will Respond"

By whom and how, we have already read above. Either the outer infinite or the deep inner self. I am the highest and I am the lowest.


LA(LO-Hebrew)=none, nothing, digit zero preceding all numbers

AL (EL) = the written word in reverse LA-becomes the root of the words Elohim or Allah and means the power (of God.)

"""Thus the idea, which is beyond our understanding, belongs not to man, but to God. For "there is no God", means "GOD", which is beyond the understanding of man"""

The second concept of Zero suggests that behind the crown of Kether, on the tree of life, there are 18 cloud-like veils of negativity, each indicated by one of the Hebrew letters of the 18-letter formula, describing the apparent action of "ALL out of NOTHING"

The second formula is based on the Hebrew word AIN, which in the literal sense of the word means NOTHING or NOT, and in the Kabbalistic sense, the Void from which everything manifests and into which everything returns.

This sacred formula of 18 denials and veils hides the great being that I am trying to unravel. And it seems to be close to the discovery of ideas.

And you can’t hurry, otherwise you can go into non-existence of eternity.

Eighteen veils of AIN

From Ein (AIN)-Nothing, something arose, known as Kether, or the Crown of 18 covers of negativity (By the way, count at your leisure how many kings and kings of Peak are on the crown.

18 covers are expressed by a letter formula.:

AIN SVP (Ein Sof)

AIN SVP AVR (Ein Sof OR) A transcription of the Hebrew letters V-BAv, which can also be read as "O"

There are three main statements that follow from this formula, each of which represents a stage in the transformation of zero into one.

Ein-Negative Existence-Nothing-Zero

Ein Sof - Infinity - no end - indefinite space

Ein Sof OR-Boundless light-Boundlessness-Basic of possible vibration.

This formula shows that nothing, which, being limitless and infinite, cannot be defined, is concentrated with the help of light into one point, turning into a crown around Kether on the tree of life.

This 18-letter formula contains a kind of trinity of 3-6-9 letters of three words. A kind of numerical harmony

Ein + SOph, or NOTHING, plus-LIMIT is equal to OR, or LIGHT.

If you delve into the formula, then the light, when transformed and deepened into darkness, turns into OVIR-Air.

It is quite likely the Invisible Sephirah 11, to which the 33rd invisible Path goes, and there is that knowledge of Zero. Since the Sephirah Daat symbolizes the disappearance of the Ego, which every master must face when crossing the abyss between Chesed and Bina (Mercy and Reason) on the tree of life

Daath is a crystalline prism placed between the white light of Kether and the derivative colors below the seven Sefirot. Like a ray of light passing through a crystal, giving a rainbow of seven colors

And now closer to the topic or to ....

Practical numerology.

It seems that he wrote a lot, but how much I want to write more. Apparently zero went on a rampage to chase his tail of eternity. But as they say, you need to stop in time or jump off the circle. and not harmful.

To escape, there are two options. Or leave the circle (contour) Or go inside. But in no case does it spin in a round dance of an endless labyrinth, returning to one point. This move is not correct. If there is an entrance, there must be exit. Sometimes it is where the entrance is.

Hence the conclusion. The trinity of truth.

1. You need to be a member of this circle.

2. Be in the center of it. (Dive with your head. Cook in it)

3. Look at this circle from the side.

Only then will the truth be revealed to you.

Truth Physical (Objective)

Truth Subjective

Truth Abstract.

Our whole life is the Trinity, and everything above is just a synthesis of these 3 in one bottle, concluding its 4th basis = 10

So Zero is Zero.

And as we said, even if it is Nothing, it is still NOTHING. It can be a can of mackerel, in the future it will become a pencil case for nails.

And therefore, when in the future we begin to build a matrix. And seeing that some of the cells are empty. Do not say that you are missing something. Moreover, you should not talk about the lack of a screw in your head.

You were born to make a fairy tale come true. And everything you need is given to you from birth. You are that Zero-like a physical shell, hiding in the depths of your soul many options in order to live this life happily.

Naturally, everyone has their own lessons, as we have our own set of tools. But remember!!! Zero this same antenna-transmitting dish.

And therefore, tell someone that he does not have 2k in the matrix, like the energy of the sun, or no 5k, like intuition. He will eat you and make you a complete zero.

Despite the fact that the cell is empty, it is sensitive to that number or number. And as soon as in this empty place an object will appear. This person with -2 ek does not, immediately pounce on you and will eat you up with his gaze and vampire energy. And go into cell number 5. He will immediately begin to show intuition and logic. Although the deeper, the worse. So you need the first impulse and tell yourself to stop.

Is it worth considering zeros in the date of birth.

Well, for example, write

No, it’s not worth it, because even if you don’t write it, it’s already known that it is

We are not Babylon. It is there that the gap between numbers was indicated by zero and placed between cuneiform figures.

But, nevertheless. Zero, this is a Shell that contains something and protects something. It was not for nothing that a circle was drawn in magical actions.

I don’t think that after these lessons you will need it. Since zero or entering the void, the most the best medicine from the evil eye, fatigue, viruses and mood swings. If you hear that they want to jinx you, they curse you, Or they curse you. You need to enter the void. There are two options.

The first Turn into a Jester, reacting to this is nothing more than a joke, pretending that you don’t see anything and don’t understand what it’s all about. If you already felt that you were putting something on yourself, you can go to the shower and wash everything off from yourself. The harder the body, the more raids on it. From here, people cut their nails and flush them down the toilet. Others put candles in a circle, others walk in a circle, illuminating every corner and, at the sight of black smoke, rejoice that they are cleaning their territory.

Well, in general, it’s also necessary. Like ventilating the room, refreshing your thoughts and switching to something else, completely turning off thoughts about what we constantly think about, when walking in a circle, fixating on one thing.

ZERO, this is our knot of life, which we brought from the Past. It has the whole set. To start GAME OVER from scratch. Like the computer in which the Windows suddenly flew from overvoltage. For example, I was lucky. Today, after another surge of energy in the office, I had to reinstall Windows. And even though they promised me that everything would be lost. This did not happen. Required documents preserved. Since I was sure you were the best, even in the absence of what I once needed.

This was good sign before the ZERO lesson. (and it is significant that out of all 12 computers it was mine that flew)

If the computer was rebooted, this is one thing. But if it flew. So it's time to upgrade and not regret what happened.

Everything is profiting. If you do not see the letters on the keys, or they gradually disappear, do not rush to change the keyboard. This will help you with blind typing.

There is no bad without good.

So, the Zero point of reference can be not only the beginning, but also a continuation, but at a higher level.

That's what the Unit is, we'll look at it in the future.

Unit This is the Idea, this is the beginning, but not yet the action.

Geometrically, it is well expressed by a point in a circle.

Remember we said An idea appeared and everything began to revolve around this idea. there will be others.

Therefore, 1tsa, like Zero, can mean the beginning of something new. The center of something that is around you. Or what sits in you. Zero will only reflect your essence.

The first are always the Ideological people among all the chaos.

What is the difference between 1st and 10th?

10-This is a leader and a leader who has achieved his goal, having gone all the steps of knowledge and wisdom from a 0-pawn, 1 an ideological person, 2-directed his idea forward (line) while being able to harmonize and interact in a PAIR, being a stick of two ends, showing Creativity of the number 3 or knowledge of Creation, while being the Organizer or organized, knowing all the boundaries of what is permitted and able to properly plan your day and routine, and all this number 4re,

after which he relies on his intuition and knows how to sell and buy his labor, ready for any changes in the number 5.

Correctly harmonize with any forces of good and evil, seeing beauty and harmony, what is good and what is bad and combine this one in another, to be the family of the entire collective of the number 6

7. Analyze the state of your zero or environment or creation, Deepen or exit immersion in the ease of analysis during the period of visualization and meditation.

8. Correctly balance the material with the spiritual, calculate the debit and credit.

And be able to complete what has been started Will lead an ideological person to a true leader and leader.

If 1 This is the boss or the beginning. When zero is added, 1 becomes the Leader who achieves success with harsh methods. A person no longer only has ideas, but also successfully achieves them.

In Tarot cards, this is the number of Fortune. And fortune is the wheel of life ... today you are at the top, tomorrow you can be at the bottom. And stay on highest point not everyone can. You need to be able to keep the balance of zero-rest.

But we'll be back at 10.

And again we plunge into Zero.

Many numerologists believe that zero in dates means an old soul. Well, I don’t know ... we are all old souls in an updated version. And it’s up to us what to do with it. Zero, this is the bag of our karma that we see behind the shoulders of the Jester hanging on a stick (symbol of the Unit of the New Stage)

Zero in numerology, as such, occurs only when calculating the number of the Shadow or the number of Problems. And it occurs in the code of the Day, which means preloading, moving us to another dimension. The number of the shadow when one number of the period is subtracted from another. birthday)

Let's say you were born on 7.7. or 6.6, or 5.5,4.4....

The first cycle of your life will have a shadow number of 0, it is also called the number of problems or an obstacle, what prevents you from reaching the cycle expressing the addition formula, for example, for those born on July 7.7 + 7 = 14, and on the 6.6th

1+1=2 everyone will have a difference of 0

And since at the beginning we talked about the vessel and filling it. It is clear that this is the number of a universal law that helps us work out this problem. And here not much depends on us, but also on our environment, how we react to it and how it reacts to us. Therefore, everything seems to be relative, but also fixable. The number of Zero in the numbers of the Shadow says, or you will have all the problems in life that you need to gradually work out from Zero, One and up to 9. Or you are completely freed from problems .And you simply don’t have them, but there are tasks or issues that need to be solved gradually. And you can be free from problems. It’s up to you and how you feel about it (mirror effect) Which path you choose, and choose, such he will be. This is a very high responsibility and obligation of your soul, and it will not be easy to bear them. If you want your problems to be money, they will be.

If you want problems in love, you will get it. The choice is always yours - you can live free from the difficulties and struggles that are inevitable for others. Or you can live for your own pleasure, having what you have and gradually getting used to those conditions that are joy. It’s like Entering the water, at first it seems cold and you can run away. Or you can wait a minute and you will immediately become warmer. what in past life you have already worked everything out and now you need to remember everything that you learned.

The keys are erased, the letters are not visible, but the memory remains and we can already type blindly.

Number row 1=0

in the digital row, the number 1 symbolizes the beginning or inclusion.

If we take the absence of light as 0, the emptiness that needs to be filled. And as it turned out, we can fill it with anything, there would be a desire.

That 1 is the Point in the circle, symbolizing the Inclusion.

Or Active Start.

The number 1- symbolizes the return of the set of the circle to the point Or let's call it what I have designated the Return of light to its Active beginning.

There is nothing in the natural world from which something would not come and into what would not turn.

In Symbolism, this is the 1st point and the center of the circle-CORE.

The circle around this point is the same point of radiation and an increase in light - its expansion. Increased several times. But at the same time it is this point.


This is just the infinite energy of achievement and bestowal of the Unity. It also returns to it.

1tsa-Active Beginning, Core, center of the circle.

And since zero can take any form and energy. In the same way, any figure can take on any character of amplification, but nevertheless taking on the characteristic of the ORIGINAL.

I even dare to declare THREE ORIGINAL NUMBERS. Further, these are just Numbers taking configurations of the first three digits. In the future, I will talk about the Multiplication Table not as an analogue of calculation and quick counting, but as a secret Pythagorean table its original appearance. This is one of the Secrets of the Pythagorean school.

It was from this key that Pythagoras invented the multiplication table system.

Since we ran across and suddenly went to 1st, without finishing about Zero. I want to show how a computer works. Oddly enough, it works on a TRIGGER. .Any computer runs on two Numbers

0 means disabled.


Previously, all radios worked on Lamps.

And there was such a device Trigger. The current in the trigger could only go through one light bulb. Or RIGHT or LEFT. a reverse or response pulse comes from the trigger.

The response pulse is given when the RIGHT Lamp turns on and the LEFT Lamp turns on.

Let's track how many pulses will pass in order to get a response pulse. At the same time, let's take the count that with the right light off, we have position 0 (off)

If the right light is on, then we will take it as position 1

So the first position of the left lamp is on, the right one is not. We took it for

Position Zero 0

After the first 1st pulse, position 1 (on)

0-1-First Impulse

After the 2nd Impulse, position 0 and the left lamp lights up again, while the

Response impulse -1-0-2nd Impulse.

It turns out we see Three states and two actions.

1.Off State 0

2.On the right lamps. State of the 1st pulse

3. Turn on the left lamp - response pulse, return to state 0

It turns out that after two pulses we return to position 0. And we will also return there after 4 pulses.

We get into the state of the 1st from the filing of the First Impulse and the Third.

Imagine that we already have more than one trigger, THREE (consisting of two bulbs) I will depict them -00


Response pulse--00-00-00-Impulse

So the initial position of the triggers is 0

Give impulse to the first trigger

00-00-01-(1st pulse)

to turn on the second trigger, you need to submit

Second Impulse 2, then we will get the state

When the 3rd pulse is applied, the Response pulse is turned on, and two lights are already on

00-00-11. At the fourth turn on, the first trigger is reset to zero and the response pulse is turned on, transmitting the input pulse to the second trigger. Status

If you notice, we consider Impulses to be the third value in the duality of the whole world 0 and 1

In this way, all computers work in the binary system of Code Erasure, in general, as well as the whole principle of Primordial Creation. + = or 1 + 2 = 3. Let's write this code for clarity. so as not to hit infinity.

1.Pulse-combination- 000001(One)





6.pulse-combination-000111(number Six-harmony)


8.Pulse -""-001000(eight)


10 pulse-""-001010

So we used 0000 zero, depicting the number 10

Since in our 6-fold trigger

each inclusion of pulses is a number or digit in binary code, where

On such a mini computer.

or write down the number 19.

010011 possible without zero

10011=19=16+2=1 in Binary..

The registration of these depletions takes place in millions of fractions of a second. One can imagine with what speed of depletion our brain and Higher Mind work.

The ancients also knew this account, based on the Zero and the Trinity of the Duality of the world. A world that is indivisible and lives right and left, even and odd. And all this is uniting zero.

This account was made by the ancients without a computer, but on the fingers. In Hebrew, the fingers are called TSABOT, which is translated from Aramian as the Army.

Hebrew Etzba -finger

Hebrew Tsava-army.

Single-root words of the root of the Central Bank

And yet, although we were distracted by the first ... we returned to zero.

So, returning to zero, restarting after one, I want to touch on the Tarot cards a little. Previously, I don’t remember where. If you find the information, I’ll be glad to include it here.

Tarot cards were marked with zeros

000-High Priestess.

We have seen a lot of tarot decks. I could give the idea to computer scientists to create a computer deck of tarot cards.

Where each card would be calculated in binary code system.

As my intuition tells me, this is the hidden meaning of the 22 Arcana and the sacred number 22, by which the world was created.

See how you could write the number 22?!

Zero, as an afterword.

We stopped at 0, as meeting shadows, responses, balances, counteractions in numbers, each numerologist calls it the way he likes or sees it. I like Shadow, Response more. .Everything depends on the vibration of our voice and on the capacity of the space where we "Click".

Many numerologists consider 0 to be similar to 9.

There is something in this. Since 9 includes all numbers from 1 to 9, just like 0 includes everything from 0 to 9 \u003d 10 characters. And therefore 0 for me is a higher sign than 9t and in general its meaning is threefold.

9th is the end of one cycle. BUT it cannot be called the beginning. He is the same transformer that examines us from A to Z to elevate us and take us to a new level:

But not having the memory of the past with us and not taking with us on the road a Bag of experience behind us, which can be, like a load, but also like a handy material, we are nobody in this new life, that is ZERO.

Well, if we are not lazy.

Then 1 becomes 10

If 9 is a transformer, and a terminator, an examiner. Meaning the end of one.

Excuse me dear numerologists.

0 is not 9t, it is higher than it, since it contains the infinity of life, both the beginning and its End. 0 decides where it should be either in front or behind. The concept is also relative, where is the front and where is the back, completely depends on our points coordinates, in relation to something. Or 01 or 10. It all depends on where you look at it from.

Jester or Aleph=0

And the WORLD card = 22

In both maps we see signs of Zero.

The Shadow number 0 or Hail indicates that we are not personally involved in activities to improve people's lives.

people, why they are poor, why they suffer. But at the same time, you are not involved in any way in the emotional and bodily experiences of those who suffer. Thus, this zero nullifies us in relation to others, turning us from 10=1

We need to keep track of opportunities in our lives to selflessly serve others and turn those opportunities into reality.

Selfless service to others assumes as a reward only a sense of satisfaction from what has been done. Since it is our emotions and the invisible energies of our emotions from the empty that fill our Spirit, soul, which is invisible, but it works. It does not work right away, It cannot work right away. We we have already given an echo. We do not immediately receive an echo, but after a few fractions of a second. Happiness directly depends not only on the fact that you are happy, but also on what gives your happiness to others. Give warmth, optimism, and it will constantly support you, even if you suddenly did not receive a proper response to your gift, you may receive the opposite. But do not forget that no one’s mood will break us, if we did it not for the sake of bestowing mood, but for the sake of filling ourselves, albeit not immediately, but later .

It will return to you with a torix or With a Trinity. Therefore, having zero, we came to the conclusion that we not only need to give, but also not to react to our bestowal. Everything should be by itself. Therefore, get rid of prejudices of all kinds. Just think you were not appreciated-Ha, what a small thing. You will return a hundred times, unless of course you are who you say you are and go through life correctly - without returning to where you came from, or without stepping into a rake a second time .. Tips will be incorrect obstacles and sorrows, difficulties and devastation. So you need to tell yourself. That you are wrong about something and you need to change something in yourself. Therefore, the first sign of correctness in our world is to learn to build organic and constructive relationships with people from a wide variety of social strata.

Your motto should be from the Bible. "Make your enemy your friend." No, this is not to turn the cheek, but to make a friend.

There are a lot of people in our life and we are all different. A smile and completely emotional calmness help me personally. It infuriates some. But then they calm down. changing yourself. You will not be able to make a friend out of an enemy if you yourself do not accept part of his conditions, and he is yours. Since no matter how it seems to us that we are different, there is always a part of us and something of which we both consist. Also we can be complementary to each other and give what one of us lacks, and the other of us has in abundance.

There is a language for everything and you just need to talk, taking into account all your minuses and pluses, and knowing these minuses and pluses of the other. At the same time, find a consensus.

A smile will help you with this. Many will not understand why I always smile in such a serious place of work and in such a position.

Well, let them not understand. That’s why I’m always lucky. And those who have more experience than me always have some problems that arise from nowhere and reach big scandals. -everything is decided at the first moment of thinking about a good and excellent mood for solving the issue.

Try to hire a Depressive person. Your business will immediately fall asleep from its vibrations, and if you are not a psychologist or a state of this

depression is hopeless, it’s better to get rid of it. A smile helps. People who are dissatisfied with life and work do not stay long.

Why? ... you will already determine for yourself. Otherwise, it will say that everything I write about ZERO is useless and, in general, you have not learned anything.

So we see 0 in dates of birth

Once in numerology you have studied the meaning of numbers from 1 to 9 including 0. The next step you will need to study is the steps. of numbers 10,20 .... 100.

If 1 - start, leader, independent, loner, then

10 is already the Manager and knows any business from 1 to 9. The leader, leading. Perhaps the Tyrant. everything is included. Control master. And if you are not a Tyrant and do not waste your energy on one person, leaving no energy on another, you can no longer be called a master. You are a simple private who no longer has the strength for anything. Then in in this position, you simply slide down to the vibration of one

If 2 is energy, segment, start of movement, sensitivity, softness, silence, slowness, then the number

20 is feelings multiplied by 10, this is wind and hurricane, these are emotions and quarrels, this is speed, this increased energy and sensitivity, which can both heal and cripple. These are breathing practices that give us energy, these are overtaking or accidents at high speeds. These are the abilities to feel, feel, accept, care. , so as not to empty your energy. These are operations, these are colds, this is a break in relations due to your feelings being overwhelmed with high vibrations of the spirit, after which patience simply bursts, like an overly inflated balloon.

If 3 is knowledge and a connoisseur, then 30 is a clever man and a professor. And since the number 3 is creative and consisting of active 10, sensitive 20. The number 30 is Emotions. Reaction to the action of two opposites.

This is the acquisition of knowledge, but also a loss. Therefore, these are technical breakdowns or the creation of new technologies.

40-if 4 were boundaries and forms, then 40 is pumping up and inflating your boundaries. These are gymnasts and heavyweights. These are athletes and loads. tough, organizers and managers for production process to increase the boundaries. It's like a song sings: Impossible possible - possible ........

Write down the date of birth, where there are zeros.

10.1.1972 - date of birth or date of event

22.4 20.2-code of life or date

12.3 45.6 - place of the second row above.

if you see a zero in the second line of the life code in 5th place, this indicates that everything that you have has passed from the past or you inherited it. And therefore, in this life you will build on this, or rather, you should rely on it .Practice shows that people do not feel this and it is hidden from them, because of this they always act in the wrong direction, especially at the beginning of their life.

456th place of the second line is the past. Moreover, 4th place before pregnancy or a past life

5th place during pregnancy or in the process of transition to this life. 6th place is the beginning of life, which is the end of the past.

Zeros in 456 place mean hereditary acquisition.

If you see a code on a person

16.7 10.1 The number 10 may mean that your parents or grandparents held leadership positions.

20 were healers or herbalists.

30 you have knowledge that should be revealed to you and updated in this life, apparently in that one the time has not yet come to advance your knowledge and skills.

The future or goals in the code of life is the 123rd place of the second line. Everything is simpler here, this is what you should come to. But do not forget that zero not only teaches, but also devastates.

If zero is in the date of birth. He will help you through life and daily in all physical and other contacts.

If zero in the date of the month, well, for example, 10, this will say that you are destined and, in general, this is how you will always be surrounded by people occupying leadership positions or leaders.

The year means the Spirit and in general it is something big, a city, a country, a higher power that will influence you. The number of the collective and the unconscious.

I want to end here, although you can write about zero endlessly. But we will continue if there is interest in zero through other numbers.

Summing up, it should be noted that the Concept of Zero lies in spiritualism, which means the Movement of the SPIRIT., Psychology, which studies the innermost forces of man, the ways of their development and application. It is divided into mediumship, magnetism, hypnotism, psychometry, telepsychia,

telepathy and other things that can be controlled in an invisible way and invisible tools. Do something out of nothing.

Zero we see in the Aura of a person. Zero is the Nimbus over the Deities, which was not immediately accepted in Christianity.

Embrace the immense, Holy place, never empty... all this is about Zero.

Zero for the driver.

how driver to driver, I I can explain on the basis of one detail. An absolute unit is the accumulated energy of a unit by 10, 100,1000 times, after which it gives and includes.

In the car there is such a detail, no matter how strange it may seem, which is called UNIT (Unite)

Based on this property, this is a part of an ordinary spiral that fills itself with heat energy, with a certain unit, after which it gives off this accumulated energy 10 times greater, acting on another part, including it in operation. Thus, the Unit turns on the Cooling Fan, when the motor reaches a certain temperature.

A unit is a capacitor that can fill itself with as much energy as it can hold, after which there is a Recoil, but already a thousand times greater and transferring the action to the inclusion of another intermediate mechanism

If 0, as the sign of the Sun, is an energy store, then

this is the Unit Absolute unit, which is directed to action.

Mars is a sign of Energy, rapidly moving beyond the center into the world of infinity or another world of Limitations - a New Stage of Life or Another World.

It all depends on the properties and desires, which of the units of our zero we want to fill and how much we can contain in ourselves, in order to then move to another state, a higher level.

Well, as we said, the absolute unit or 10 can be anything. From our desire and intention.

Do you want a jug of milk, you will, ahh... do you want a jug of wine? will be too.

The main thing is to be active.

The sign of the Sun and the Unit, which will eventually give out what was accumulated in each sun of man, Mars.

Solving mathematical problems, reading literature or just talking with different people, many people ask themselves the question, what is the correct word - “zero” or “zero”?

In our language, there are words whose spelling you just need to remember. For example, we know to write -o- in the first syllable of the word "milk" and in the second syllable of the word "city", although in both cases we say -a-. There simply cannot be any others in these words. However, in this article we will turn to words that have more complex history. Let's figure out which is correct - "zero" or "zero". The question is interesting.

How did the words “zero” and “zero” appear in Russian?

Before you start talking about how to write - "zero" or "zero", you need to get a little acquainted with the history of these words.

Perhaps, assistance in creating a "window to Europe" is the most famous, but far from the most important merit of Peter the Great. The emperor of the Russian land established shipbuilding in our country, founded St. Petersburg, carried out a language reform and ... introduced the word “zero” into the Russian language. It is known for sure that the mentioned lexemes existed in the Russian language in the 18th century. But in the Old Russian language they, apparently, were not. The account in the Cyrillic system was calculated from one, and the numbers were written using letters. This, of course, does not mean that before Peter the Great there was no concept, which is denoted by the word "zero", but it had a different verbal designation. Ancient Russian mathematicians called and used the word "on" (because the sign "0" resembles the letter "o") or "nothing".

It is most likely that the word denoting the absence of any number came into the Russian language through German and Swedish. Moreover, if “null” came to us from German, then “zero” (“noll”) moved from Swedish to Russian soil. Both versions are derived from lat. "nullus" - "nothing".

Having penetrated into the Russian language, two variants of the new word began to fight for the sphere of influence, but apparently, the very meaning of the lexeme “zero” influenced the fact that the result of this struggle was an unfortunate draw.

The meanings of the words "zero" and "zero"

In modern Russian, the words in question have not one, but several meanings, which are noted in the explanatory dictionary:

1. A number that, when added, does not affect the sum: 2 + 0 = 2.

2. The sign denoting this number, as well as used in numbers that are multiples of ten: 10, 20, ..., 1000, etc.

3. Peren. A person who has achieved nothing in life or in some field of activity: he's a complete noob in math.

At the same time, the explanatory dictionary does not say how to write correctly - “zero” or “zero”, because both forms are normalized. However, differences still exist, and they relate to the scope of the use of these words.

When to Say Zero

You cannot use "null" in the following expressions:

  • Zero without a stick (colloquial expression) - about a person who has no authority or influence. In a business environment, he is zero without a wand.
  • Zero zero- in the exact designation of time and account. Teams finished the first round with a score of zero-zero.
  • Zero Attention(colloquial, joking) - about a person who does not listen to anything, does not take anyone's advice and acts in his own way. We told him a thousand times how to do the right thing, but he is zero attention.

In the above phrases, in the lexeme denoting a number, you must always use the letter -о-.

When to Say Zero

In the following expressions, only the null token must be used:

  • Be zero - about the results of mathematical calculations.
  • be at zero about the weather, air temperature, and colloquial speech- about the period of life when there is no money.
  • Start all over from scratch- start anew, achieve everything on your own.
  • Cut (cut) to zero- cut your hair very short.
  • nullify- to make something completely unimportant, unimportant. He wrote a book for a long time, but then he gave up and reduced all his efforts to zero..

Cases where both options are possible

Now that we have figured out in general, “zero” and “null” are written, and we understand that the use of both words does not contradict the norms of the Russian language, let's see if there are cases when both options are equal.

  • Adjective " null' is used if we are talking about the characteristics of some actions or qualities: zero level, patient zero(the first patient who was diagnosed with the disease), zero class(preparatory). Adjective " zero" is most often used as a term: zero method. Although in the dictionary of the Russian language these two words are still given as stylistically equal.
  • Speaking of an absolutely unsuccessful or unfortunate person, we can think about what is correct - "zero" or "zero". Expression " absolute zero» is used when talking about a person: As a leader, she is an absolute zero. Phrase " absolute zero" is used in cases when it comes to an exact indicator of something: Absolute zero on the Kelvin scale.
  • Diminutive forms " zero" and " null are recognized as equal, although the first option is most common.

Let's summarize. The words "zero" and "null" in modern Russian are normalized. You can find out how it is correct - "zero" or "zero" by analyzing the context of speech. In addition, the lexeme "zero" begins to gradually become obsolete, but still remains in stable expressions.

(Philosophical and humorous parable)
Zero is nothing, something that does not exist. Even geometrically, it cannot be reflected on paper. And since it is impossible to reflect geometrically, that is, it is impossible to draw at least one projection of this nothingness, then, consequently: nothing has boundaries! So nothing is limitless?
But the concept of “zero” as “nothing” is complementary to the concept of “everything”. Since “everything”, like space and the objects and objects in it, has boundaries at infinity, then “nothing” (or zero) has boundaries at infinity.
That is, everywhere beyond infinity there is nothing. What does this mean?
Only that “nothing” exists neither here, where everything is, nor where there is nothing, that is, beyond infinity, which no one has ever seen and will not see, since it is really invisible and can only be represented in words, but not in practice.
But zero (as nothing) exists, existed and will exist!
Where? Where something was, but where it is no longer there, that is, where this something exists in quantity and size equal to zero! That is, this something is now there, in the same place - zero! Thus, there is something from this "something" called "nothing" - zero.
So, “nothing” (or zero) exists wherever it once was in the form of something not zero, and then disappeared from there (or was taken) and remained there in the amount of zero integers and zero fractions, that is, zero.
Thus, the “zero of something real” exists everywhere, at any point in everything, where this real once was and now it is not, but the zero of the real also exists wherever this real does not exist. And this “really non-existent nothingness” (zeroes) is apparently invisible there, since there have been so many different objects at each point in space over billions of years that it is impossible to count, and even more of them have not been there!
That is, a set of zeros (a set of nothing) exists at every point of “everything”, but since the sum of all zeros is equal to zero, then the set of zeros in everything that exists is early zero, that is, at each point there is not a whole lot of things.
So what do we call zero? What is the difference between what was and what is not? Or something non-existent called null?
We will not dwell on a definition that is absolutely unrelated to anything, because we will get zero knowledge from this. Everything in the world is connected with something and allows itself to be described through something.
"Nothing" is not always "zero", just as "zero" is not always nothing. Beautiful zero is essentially the potential of the waters of the oceans and rivers, the potential of the raw earth! Zero meters of ocean level compared to the height of mountains of several thousand meters also exists.
So what is zero? Countdown start? The border with which very, very much begins, even our life?
Indeed, 100 years - one with two zeros (one twice with nothing) - a very important figure! After all, zeros became zeros in their digits only when they added nines with ones, giving the resulting ten as a unit to the highest digit.
That is, each zero in its place is not nothing - it is something, the beginning of the beginnings, which accumulated and transferred to its second zeroing to the elders in weight all its previous tenfold weight (!), At the same time becoming an imperceptible zero, but only for that, to be free to accumulate new units, twos, ..., nines and transfer them to seniors.
Zero in its place is a free point for the beginning of something, which lives for the formation of something existing, not zero! But do not try to multiply something by zero and at the same time try to get something huge - you will get zero.
On that we will decide: let zero be the starting point, the boundary from which very, very much begins, even our life.
And without zero, where to start?
From arithmetic!

(photo - squirrels, seven pieces)

Project business card

Project Manager: Izmailova Elena Anatolievna

GBOU school 390

Institution address: st. Fighting 20

The creative name of the project: "Zero "nothing" or "something"?"

Subject areas: mathematics

Thematic section curriculum:

Number systems

The project corresponds to the school subject:


Age of students: elementary school grade 4-5

Project scenario

    Topic selection

Questioning students to identify the "problem". Questionnaire

    Group project (6 groups) with the choice of responsible person. Project duration is 1 month.

    Collection of information and its processing. Placing a publication onkolomeo.

Creating a map based on Yandex.

    Project design and preparation for defense. Creation by each group of a part for a presentation and a fragment for a wall newspaper on their topic. CreationQRcode for posting on the wall newspaper.

    Final design of the wall newspaper in the process of defending the project



The present study examines the history of the emergence of the number "0" and its transformation into modern system records, basic skills and abilities are fixed through mathematical operations with a number. The answer to the question is given: "Why can't we divide by zero?" by way of proof. The paper presents the areas of application of the number in various fields of science and culture.

Introduction…………………………………………………………………… 4

1 gr. The history of the emergence of the number……………………………………………… 6

2 gr. Basic mathematical operations with the number "0"…………………… 8

3 gr. Why can't you divide by zero? (proof)……………………… 9

4 gr. Secrets of number and human qualities……………………………………. nine

5 gr. Application of number in modern technologies………………………… 10

6 gr. Image of zero in cultural monuments……………………………….11

Conclusion ………………………………………………………………….. 13

List of sources of information used…………………………15


Purpose of the study : justification for the need for expansion logical thinking and the development of memory through an in-depth study of the concept of zero, the consolidation of skills in the application of basic actions with zero, skills in working with the conceptual apparatus and scientific literature.

Work tasks : studying the history of the emergence of the number zero and its transformation into a generally accepted notation throughout the world; knowledge of basic mathematical operations with a number"0"; proof of the prohibition of division by zero; exploration of the mystery of number; theoretical substantiation of the need to form a deeper knowledge about the number; visualization of the main approaches to the study of zero using the programpowerpointto present the results of the study.

Ways of collecting, analyzing and presenting information: to solve the tasks, the literature was studied, materials from the Internet were used, examples were solved, tables were built, formulas were given, the results of the study were presented visually using a presentation.

In solving practical problems educational system For Russia today, more than ever, the problem of the formation of value principles is relevant. The teaching of the subject "Mathematics" in elementary school should be built through the introduction into practice pedagogical technologies, methods for the formation of not only logical thinking and memory, but also spiritual qualities. Numerous studies of scientists indicate that in the crisis conditions of society, the most difficult problems school students experience socialization, which makes the task of forming logical thinking through the search for the formation of value approaches to the study of mathematics the most relevant.

The number zero is one of the most mysterious in everything. number set: it is simultaneously fraught with emptiness and infinity. But not a single calculation can do without this “empty space” today. famous mathematicianO.F. Gulderen notes: “It seems to me that figures have always been used, except direct destination, and to express the relative and individual values ​​of a person. By multiplying the meaning of figures and numbers, "zero" takes pleasure in what benefits them and for this reason does not expect any reward in return. This behavior of "zero" figures is always met with approval. But he thinks that he has no value in himself and only gains importance by being near them. And with this modest behavior, he deserves the exclusive respect of every figure ”(2,3). Like other numbers, "zero" also has one goal: to know the infinite, i.e. not to disappear, to be eternal and gain infinity. But, unfortunately, it cannot reach infinity in any way.For thousands of years, people did without a zero: this figure was unknown to either the Egyptians, or the Romans, or the Greeks, or the ancient Jews.

“In the number zero lies a hint of the indescribable and inexpressible, it contains the boundless and infinite. That is why it has long been feared, hated, and even banned,” writes the American mathematician Charles Seif, author of the book “Biography of the Number Zero” (12.25).

It is known that Roman numerals were invented in Rome. Perhaps the "zero" was invented by the Arabs, but we write in Arabic numerals. Why you can not divide by zero, where this figure is used. To answer all the questions, you need a whole study.

1. The history of the number

Zero is an invented concept. This is one of the greatest achievements of mankind, this is a whole theory that has influenced the history of mankind, because it has made a great contribution to the development of higher mathematics.

From the encyclopedia you can find out that zero can be called zero and that it originated (from Latin word nullus- none) - a digital sign denoting the number zero, as well as a mathematical sign expressing the absence of a value of this bit. This is what is known in school. The digit zero, placed to the right of another digit, increases the numerical value of all digits to the left by a bit.At first, the need for zero was not obvious, because no real value is hidden behind this icon. So - emptiness, nothing! Meanwhile, the whole edifice of modern mathematics is now being built on this "empty place". Attribute a nondescript zero behind any number, and the value of the number will increase by 10 times.

P The first zero in history was invented by Babylonian mathematicians and astronomers. Another 300 years BC. e. scientists of Babylon in their calculations with might and main juggled zero.
Zero in the Babylonians' mind looked quite different from what it is now. He was depicted in the form of two arrows placed obliquely. This means that initially zero was not a number, but only a space character. He did not participate in mathematical operations, but only helped to write down this or that number. So, a three followed by a space turned into thirty. The space was integral part numbers, but not numbers. Adding it to other numbers was impossible.Some researchers suggest that zero was borrowed from the Greeks, who introduced the letter “o” as zero. Others, on the contrary, believe that zero came to India from the east, it was invented on the border of Indian and Chinese cultures.
Regardless of the Babylonians, zero was invented by the Mayan tribes who inhabited Central America. Like the Babylonians, the Mayan zero was not a number, but only a space character and did not participate in the operations of addition, subtraction. And in Greek and Roman numbers, letters and signs were used.
Only among the Indians, for the first time in the history of mankind, zero appears as a mathematical symbol. In India, unlike Greece, they never experienced the horror of the infinite or the emptiness - on the contrary, they bowed before these concepts.

At first, the Indians used a verbal system for notating numbers. Zero, for example, was called by the words "empty", "sky", "hole"; deuce - the words "twins", "eyes", "nostrils", "lips", "wings". For example, the number 102 was transmitted as "moon - hole - wings." Soon, instead of letters, special icons were introduced - numbers.

Before "zero" hit the West, he had come a long way. The Arabs invaded Spain and conquered almost all of its territory. Then they took part of India. There they got acquainted with the number system adopted by the Indians and adopted it. Since then, they began to talk (and talk) about "Arabic numerals".

Recording numbers with the allocation of tens was invented in India around the 5th century. The scientist Aryabhata expounded the decimal system in the treatise devoted to astronomy "Aryabhatiam". A century later, another Indian thinker, Brahmagupta, was already freely operating on the achievements of his predecessors, as well as on the concept of zero. By that time, many peoples had gone far from the primitive counting system with division into “one, two, many”, but before the invention of the number denoting “nothing”, they thought of it only in India. In the 9th century, "Aryabhatiam" translated into Arabic scientist Al-Khwarizmi, and this contributed widespread Indian numeral system. It came to Europe from the Caliphate of Cordoba at the end of the 10th century, and it just so happened that these numbers began to be called Arabic. Arabic numerals did not acquire their current form immediately and are the result of centuries of creativity. different people. The Indians generally wrote them down first with the letters of the Sanskrit alphabet. Arab mathematicians somewhat modified the Indian numerals to suit their writing, and the Europeans have already distorted or completely replaced the outline of all nine digits. Except zero - his manner of depiction has remained unchanged since the invention, as shown in Figure 1.

Fig.1 - Transformation of the notation of numbers into a generally accepted system throughout the world

In subsequent centuries, the value of zero is rapidly increasing. Of course, one problem arises when one tries to treat zero and negative numbers as numbers: how well they are introduced with respect to the arithmetic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. In three fundamental works, the Indian mathematicians Brahmagupta, Mahavira, and Bhaskara attempted to overcome this difficulty.

Real zero is the boundary between the area and region numbers. Zero is unsigned. Sometimes divided into three : positive, and unsigned numbers. In this case, unsigned numbers are a set consisting only of zero. The set of unsigned numbers is closed under the operations of addition and multiplication.

2. Mathematical operations with the number "0"

Zero- This for operation (that is, adding to zero does not change the number). any element of the set to zero gives zero. Dividing by zero is not possible because it results in , - in fact, if the result of dividing the number zero would be some numberb , then we would have on the one hand , on the other hand . The result of division 0:0 could be any numbera, because for everyonea , but since it is believed that the result of division should be singular, then this case is also excluded, but in numerical methods, zero is considered as an infinitesimal value, and not a number, and then the result of dividing any number (value) by 0 will be equal to infinity, 0 or this number itself, depending on additional conditions.

Depending on the set on which the addition operation is defined, zero can have a different nature. Usually they mean real zero, that is, zero in the context of a set real numbers; complex zero; zero- ; . The main mathematical operations with the number "0" are presented in tables 1 and 2.

Table 1 - Examples of mathematical operations for addition and subtraction with the number "0"


Letter entry

Verbal wording

My examples


a + 0 = a

0 + b = b

If one of the two terms is equal to zero, then the sum is equal to the other term.

562 + 0 = 562

0 + 275 = 275


s - 0 = s

If you subtract zero from a number, you get the number from which you subtracted.

375 – 0 = 375

d – d = 0

If the minuend and the subtrahend are zero, then the difference is zero.

743 – 743 = 0

Table 2 - Mathematical operations with the number "0"


Letter entry

Verbal wording



0 x b = 0

d x 0 = 0

C x b x 0 \u003d 0

If one of the factors is equal to zero, then the product is equal to zero.

0 x 312 = 0

933 x 0 = 0

356 x 0 x 2 = 0


0:s= 0

If zero is divided by any other number, then zero is obtained.

0: 7 = 0

3. Why can't you divide by zero?

Division is the inverse of multiplication. That is, dividing the number A by the number B is the search for such a number C, which, when multiplied by the number B, results in the number A. That is: if A: B \u003d C, then B * C \u003d A. Let's see what would happen if it were possible to divide by 0. Suppose we divide the number 10 by 0. We must find a number that, when multiplied by 0, will give 10.
But: 1*0=0, 2*0=0, 3*0=0, ... , 120*0=0, 121*0=0..., Yes, no matter what number you take, anyway, as a result of its multiplication by 0, 0 will remain, there is no way to get 10. That is why it is generally accepted that you cannot divide by zero.

Why can't 0 be 0? After all, 0 * 0 is equal to 0. So, if 0 is divided by 0, it should turn out to be 0! Correctly? That's right, but not really. 1*0 is also zero. And 5 * 0 will be the same zero. So why should zero be divided by zero? After all, arguing in this way, the result can be any number. And mathematicians say that there will be “uncertainty”. And in the school course, it is simply considered:"You can't divide by zero!"

4. Secrets of number and human qualities

People say: "Don't mess with fire!" -

And we say: "Don't mess with zero!"

Zero has hundreds of tricks and pranks in reserve,

We need an eye for him and an eye!

Zero is generally considered a symbol of failure. When it appears in the date of birth, it brings bad luck. Even the tenth month of the year (October), being the 10th, brings bad luck, although to a lesser extent. The appearance of zero in the year of birth also brings bad luck. The combination of zero with another number reduces the influence of that number. People who have a zero in their date of birth must fight more in their lives than those who do not have a zero. The presence of more than one zero in the date of birth - for example, October (tenth month) 10, 1970 (and especially 2000) - forces a lot of work in life.

Zero contains all the numbers from 1 to 9, and when zero connects with these numbers, a special series of numbers develops. For example, when zero is combined with the number 1, a series of numbers from 11 to 19 is formed. The introduction of zero to advance mathematics, general science, and modern technology has led humanity into the computer age. Traditional Western correspondences for this number: infinity, ignorance, infinity, truth, purity, love, alpha and omega. The following are known in Russianproverbs, winged words:

Zero without a stick - worthless.

Zero Attention - complete indifference, indifference on the part of someone to someone or something.

Absolute zero, round zero - a person is insignificant, completely useless in any business.

nullify - to deprive of any meaning, meaning.

Zero is the beginning of all time... But where does it begin? Maybe this is the moment of the creation of the universe? But if there was such a moment, it was a very long time ago, and no one can say exactly how many years have passed since then - except perhaps approximately, with an accuracy of billions of years. And you have to count the years. But since it is not known when the “creation of the world” took place, why not do the same as with distances? Let's choose some significant event, let's say that it happened at the zero moment of time, and the first year will go from it. This is how we do it: we say that the first year of our era began with the birth of Christ, and everything that happened before that was before our era.

5. The use of numbers in modern technologies

AT Firstly, zero takes pride of place on various numerical scales, such as degrees. And now we are constantly operating relative to the zero mark. The temperature is above zero, below zero.

Secondly, without zero, modern computer technology would not exist. And imagine modern life It's just as hard without a computer.

Thirdly, zero is a convenient designation of the beginning of the path. If you are driving on a highway, kilometer posts flash past you: 10 km, 11 km, 12 km ... from what? From the main post office of the city where you left. The distance from the post office to the post office itself is equal to zero - you don’t have to go or go ... On the railways of Russia, all distances are counted from Moscow (except for the Oktyabrskaya railway, where the countdown is from St. Petersburg). So Moscow is zero on the railway map, the point from which everything starts.

Fourth, timing. Round number 0 ends the previous century (BC), and does not begin a new one. And the year 2000 is Last year XX century, and not the first year of the third millennium.

In mathematics: n , zero , zero ; N 0 = 1, at . 0 0 , but ; 0 is and is divided into all integers; 0 (zero ) is defined as 1.In other areas: - control character codeNUL, - spans 0 .

6. Image of zero in cultural monuments

And the point from which distances are measured in Hungary is specially marked. In this place (it is located in the center of Budapest) a monument to zero has been erected - neither more nor less. No other figure has received such honors!

Rice. 2 - Monument in Budapest

In the Danube Biosphere Reserve there is a place called "zero kilometer". This is the name of the place where the Danube flows into the Black Sea and from where the countdown of distances on the river begins. There is even a corresponding monument. Walk a little along the beach next to "zero". At this moment, you are stepping on the youngest land in Europe, which has emerged literally in recent years. And be sure to climb through the "hole" in the commemorative sign. Sly guides claim that an extra zero in your salary is guaranteed.

On the island of Ankudinov, a zero kilometer sign is installed. From here, the length of the Danube, which runs through the lands of ten European states, is counted. Interestingly, the Danube is the only river in the world that is measured not from its sources, but from the delta.

Rice. 2 - Sign "0" on the Danube

Also, this number was honored with a monument in the city of Munich.

Fig. 3 - Monument to the number "0" in Munich

Zero kilometer in Moscow on Red Square.

Rice. 4 - Zero kilometer in Moscow on Red Square.

Walking around Moscow, you can see the bronze sign of the zero kilometer

highways of Russia.

Rice. 5 - Kilometer zero of roads Russian Federation


In our study, we tried to justify the need to expand logical thinking and develop memory through an in-depth study of the concept of zero, consolidated the skills to apply basic actions with zero, gained skills in working with new concepts, scientific literature, and a computer.

We learned that "zero"this is an invented concept. This is one of the greatest achievements of mankind, this is a whole theory that has influenced the history of mankind, because it has made a great contribution to the development of higher mathematics.

Zero came to us from India, and the Persian mathematician Al-Khwarizmi advised us to put an empty circle in the place where “nothing” should be placed.On the tongue ancient india"circle" - "sunya". The Arabs translated this word into their own language, and our zero became known as "sifr". "Sifr" - "number".

Since then, all his brothers and sisters began to be called Arabic name zero. They are all digits now: 0 is a digit, 5 is a digit, and 6 is a digit. We also learned that in the Roman numeral system, the number zero was not used, instead they had letters and dashes.And the word "zero" itself arose later from the Latin word - "nothing".

Oddly enough, “nothing” is the most important number in our counting system! It would seem, emptiness, air - and what a force! The digit zero, placed to the right of another digit, increases the numerical value of all digits to the left by a bit.

From the mathematics course in elementary school, we know mathematical operations with the number "0". With the help of visualization of our examples, we presented them visually on the slides of the presentation.

With the help of the proof, we tried to substantiate the answer to the question: "Why can't we divide by zero?". With the help of additional literature, we learned what secrets this figure holds.

Famous mathematicians and psychologists attribute human qualities to the figure: modesty and generosity. In religion, it is the number of failures when it appears in a person's date of birth. And philosophers give such correspondences for number as love, space, eternity and truth. We have become aware of manyproverbs and winged words. From the point of view of the Russian language Dictionary calls "null" an obsolete word, and "zero" a more modern word.

The value of zero is very high in modern technology: zero takes pride of place on various numerical scales, such as degrees. And now we are constantly operating relative to the zero mark. In science they say zero temperature. Without zero, modern computer technology would not exist. And to imagine modern life without a computer is just as difficult.

Zero is a convenient designation of the beginning of the path. On Russian railways, all distances are counted from Moscow, this is zero on the railway map, the point from which everything starts (except for the Oktyabrskaya railway).

In the time report, the round number 0 ends the previous century (BC), and does not begin a new one. And the year 2000 is the last year of the 20th century, and not the first year of the third millennium. Even the monuments were awarded zero in the city of Munich and in Budapest. No other figure has received such honors!

I hope in high school we will learn even more about this wonderful figure. In conclusion, we would like to quote the poems of O. Emelyanova:

“Numbers all mean something,
Only the unfortunate Zero cries -
He don't mean a thing
It's like he doesn't exist.
Nine does not want to be friends with him,
Eight fools the head
Seven, Six, Five laugh after
And the Four don't care.
Three and Two began to tease.
And zero went to one.
Behind her he stood
And he stopped being nothing.

List of information sources used

    Glazer G.I. History of mathematics at school: 4-6 cells. A guide for teachers. - M.: Enlightenment, 1981, p.80.

    O.F. Gulderen "Secrets of the number zero", magazine "Frontiers", M., No. 10-12, 2007

    Zorkina A.E., Larionov V.V. Mathematics, St. Petersburg. "All", 2008

    M. Koroleva "About zero", " Russian newspaper» May 26, 2006:// kosilova. textdriven. cjm/ people/ studio3/ math/ translation/ zero. htm -electronic version of the bookJ. J. O'Connor, E.F. Robertson "The History of Zero" - excerpts from Charles Seif's book "Biography of Zero".
