Projects. Project activities in kindergarten

Organization of project activities of children in senior group on this topic: " Magic world theater"

Project author: Ivanova Elena Vladimirovna, teacher of the 1st qualification category
MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 34", Ivanovo

Project type: creative and cognitive;
Project duration: long-term (January-May)
Project participants: children of the senior group, their parents, educators, artists and employees of the Ivanovo Drama Theater.
Project relevance:
After viewing in kindergarten fairy tale, shown by the artists of the Ivanovo Drama Theater, it turned out that many children had never been to the theater. They have no idea what it is, who works there, what it is for.
Those guys who were in the theater with their parents spoke enthusiastically about the fairy tale they had seen, but could not tell anything about the theater itself. The preschool children expressed a desire to learn more about him. This is how the idea of ​​creating the project “Magic World of Theater” arose.
Problem: Children have not developed an interest in the world of theater.
The reasons:
1. Children with their families do not attend the theater or do so rarely.
2. Not enough time is spent in the family talking about the theater.
3. Parents' misunderstanding of the importance of theatrical activities for the development of the child.
4. Interest in the theater is replaced by watching TV and playing computer games.
Objective of the project: Formation in children and their parents of interest in the theater and modern theatrical activities, the development of artistic abilities in children.
Tasks of the priority educational field: "Cognitive development":
To form children's ideas about the theater, its types, about the people who work in the theater, about the artists;
Show the importance and necessity of each profession in the theater;
Expand the horizons of children.
Develop children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation;
Tasks of OO in integration:"Artistic and aesthetic development":
Awaken interest in the theater in children and parents;
To instill in children primary skills in the field of theatrical art (use of facial expressions, gestures, voice);
To promote the development of creative activity of children.
Stimulate the development of creative, search activity, independence of children;
Involve children and parents in joint design - activities for modeling costume elements, scenery, attributes.
"Social and communicative development":
Arouse in children an interest in the theater, a desire to participate in theatrical activities;
To interest parents in visiting the theater with their children;
To fix the rules of conduct during a tour of the theater, when visiting performances;
To fix the rules of safe behavior on the way to the theater;
To form positive relationships between children in the process of joint activities;
"Speech development":
Activate and improve vocabulary, grammatical structure speech, sound pronunciation, coherent speech skills, melodic and intonation side of speech, tempo, expressiveness of speech.
Nurture a culture speech communication, self-respect, conscious attitude to their activities;
"Physical development":
help increase motor activity aimed at the development of coordination of movements, the development of large and fine motor skills;
Expected results:
1. Children's interest in theatrical culture will expand.
2. The knowledge of children about the history of the theater, its types, and the professions of people working in the theater will be enriched.
3. The creative abilities of children will be revealed.
4. The horizons will expand and the vocabulary of children will be enriched.
5. Parents will be interested in visiting the theater with their children.
Project products:
Creation of an objective environment conducive to the development of theatrical culture in children;
Theatrical performance based on Russian folk tale"Kolobok".
Prerequisites learning activities: personal- the ability to evaluate their own activities and their capabilities; communicative- the ability to listen and answer questions, ask for help, express gratitude; participate in joint activities; cognitive- the ability to work according to a given algorithm; regulatory- the ability to act according to the model and given rule; the ability to listen to an adult and follow his instructions;
Equipment for the teacher: laptop, camera, video camera, music center, TV, DVD, video and audio materials, internet.
Equipment for children: different types table theaters, materials for productive activities (art activities, applications, modeling), thematic sets and toys for role-playing games, masks, costumes, attributes for theatricalization.

Forms and methods of project organization
- Pedagogical observations.
- Conversations.
- Consultations for parents (individual and group).
- Joint organized activities.
- Registration of information for parents in the reception.
- Creative workshops (with children, with parents, individual, group).
- Workshops for parents on making attributes, costumes
- Theatrical activities (performances, skits)
- Games
- Reading fiction
- Listening to audio stories
- Excursion to the Ivanovo Drama Theatre;
- Viewing visiting performances in the preschool educational institution, performances in the Ivanovo Drama Theater.

Interaction with the families of pupils:
1. Help in replenishing the theater corner in the group;
2. Trips to the theater for performances with children;
3. Organization of excursions to the world behind the scenes of the Ivanovo Drama Theatre;
4. Joint labor activity for the production of attributes and costumes for theatricalization of the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man";
5. Consultative and educational work;

The main stages of the project:
1. Preparatory stage:
Goal setting:
1. Determine the purpose and objectives of the project, form the interest of parents in creating conditions for its implementation.
2. Study and create an information base on the project.
3. Draw up a project plan, distribute responsibilities between project participants, arouse children's interest in the project topic.
4. Organize parents to help conduct this project involve them in the process of problem solving.

2. Main stage:
Organization of work on the project:
1. Create a developing environment on this topic (To stimulate the development of creative, search activity, independence of children)
2. Select and make costumes, attributes for staging a fairy tale (Create conditions for the formation of interest in theatrical art).
3. Selection of information, literature, additional material (To develop a steady interest in theatrical and gaming activities).
4. Organize a tour of the Ivanovo Drama Theater (invite parents to cooperate).

Implementation of the project in different types of activities, taking into account the integration of educational areas:
1. Use dramatization games during GCD for the development of speech and music lessons;
2. Use dramatization games when reading fiction;
3. Develop coherent speech through theatrical activities.
4. During organized labor activities, make attributes for theatrical productions.

Viewing presentations about the history of the theater and theatrical costume "How the theater arose", "The history of theatrical costume" (Continue to develop a steady interest in theatrical and play activities)
Making attributes, costumes, masks for theatrical activities based on the Russian folk tale "Gingerbread Man" (Inviting children and parents to joint design activities to model costume elements, scenery, attributes.)
Playing out fairy tales using different types of theater (To consolidate children's ideas about various types of puppet theater, be able to distinguish and name them)
Role-playing games with children "Theater", "Family", "Artists are preparing for the performance" (Expand children's ideas about the surrounding reality)
Conversations:“What should an actor be like?”, “Who helps the actors?”, “How to behave in the theater” (Expand children's ideas about the surrounding reality. Repeat the rules of behavior in the theater)
Conversation What are theater props for? "What is scenery?" (Planning the activities of children to create scenery, attributes for fairy tales and the role-playing game "Theater")
Conversations with theater actors about their profession, master classes for children

Making props, posters, tickets for role-playing games and for showing the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" (Organization of joint activities in the form of a creative workshop)
Story based games fairy tales and poetry. Staging fairy tales (encourage the manifestation of independence and creativity in solving game situations; nurture friendships between children
Dramatization games(To form in children an emotional-figurative perception of works through artistic description images, develop imagination; develop emotional expressiveness of speech)
Expression Games, on the development of facial expressions (to develop facial movements, the ability to show emotional condition facial expressions, gestures)
Listening to audio stories performed by honored artists (To develop the ability to listen carefully to fairy tales, to catch the various intonations of the actors' voices, to recognize the heroes of fairy tales by ear)
creative workshop for the manufacture of crafts based on fairy tales, drawings, applications

Excursion to the requisite room of the Ivanovo Drama Theater (Introduce children to the theatrical backstage, the professions of people working in the theater; introduce the rules of conduct in public places)

Trips to the theater dramas of Ivanovo for performances (formation of interest in theatrical art)

3. The final stage: Project presentation
1. Prepare for the show a theatrical performance based on the Russian folk tale "Gingerbread Man" (Support the desire of children to actively participate in holidays and entertainment, using the skills acquired in joint and independent activities.).
2. A photo report about the tour of the theater, made in the form of a wall newspaper (an opportunity to share your impressions, talk about what you saw).

Natalia Kashaeva
Project activity in the senior group. Project "My family"

I. Information card project

Full title project: "My A family»

Kashaeva N. S. - educator

Duration project: long term (November-May)

Type of project: cognitive - research, creative

Members project:



Children's age: 5-6 years

A problem that is significant for children, which is aimed at solving project:

What is the meaning family in life?

Target project:

Studying the history of your families through a deeper and more solid development of the topic "My a family» ; increasing the role of family values ​​in the development of the child's personality.

Tasks project:

For kids.

1. Educational:

a) to form in children ideas about family, about family traditions, family relations, about the distribution of family responsibilities.

b) expand and consolidate ideas about people (features appearance, gender differences, knowledge of names, surnames of parents, grandparents, professional activities of family members).

c) to attach to the process of cognition.

d) stimulate interest in the proposed activities.

2. Educational:

a) develop cognitive interest children to an existing problem;

b) develop the cognitive-search activity of children.

c) develop speech skills:

Share Information (dialogic speech)

Talk about yourself, about your family(monologic, connected speech)

3. Nurturers:

a) cultivate respect and love for family and friends;

b) to cultivate respect for the work of members families.

For educators.

1. Conduct research work with children on the topic "My a family» .

2. Create a subject-developing environment that promotes the development of children's interest in the topic project.

3. Create conditions that stimulate the development of search and creative children's activities.

4. Organize a joint activity children and parents on the topic project.

For parents:

b) expand knowledge about age features children.

c) to form family values ​​(establishment in family rules, norms of behavior, customs, traditions)

a) improve the interaction between an adult and a child.

Form of the final event project: leisure.

Name of the event project: "It's good to have a family»

Products project:

For children (portraits families, model "My house", homemade book "The meaning of my names families» , photo album "My a family» , photo album "Profession of my parents", photo album "traditions of my families» )

For parents (greeting cards for the holidays, greeting wall newspapers, photo album "My a family» )

Expected results for project

- for kids: have an idea of ​​themselves, their own belonging and the belonging of other people to certain sex; about the composition families, family relationships and relationships, the distribution of family responsibilities, family traditions; learn how to make a model of their family tree, respect their family and peers.

- for parents: improve the pedagogical culture of parents; acquisition by parents basic knowledge about the age and individual characteristics of children, about the ways of relationships with the child at home and in society; establish trusting and partnership relations with children;

III. Planning (system web) on project

"My a family»

Cognitive research activity

(studies of objects of the surrounding world and experimentation with them)

1. Excursions to the places of work of parents in order to get acquainted with the profession of parents 2. Consideration of plot paintings: "My a family» ,"Mom's Birthday", "With dad to the store", "Trip to the cottage".

3. Learning cycle:

"Compound families» « A family» , "My Parents' Work", "My family is my joy» , "Who do I live with", "If family together, then the soul is in place ".

4. Experimental games: "Guess by touch", "Who is higher, who is lower"(height measurement, "Sunny Bunny"(who caresses, what caresses, "Guess by voice", "Warm, cold hands", "How to warm your hands"., "Hear the beat of the heart"(when stronger "Word-emotion", “How many steps from the d / s to the house?”, (counting with mom, dad) "Guess Whose Shadow".

5 .. Games - exercises for FEMP: "How many members families, "Who older, "Which one?", "Who is higher?", "What is behind the house, in front of the house", "Find the same"(shape, color, size, "Find your way home"(maze, "Find differences similarities of a girl, a boy, etc.", "Who's hiding?", “Find which toys are equally divided, etc.”

6. Games for the development of sound pronunciation and learning diplomas: How is the baby crying?, “How to scream in the forest if you are lost?”

Reading and dividing into parts of the simplest words "Mom, dad, etc. "Children's Names", "Find the sound in the word" (beginning, end, middle).

8. Compiling stories from personal experience on the topic "Family holidays". "How do we rest family» , "Hello my mommy", “Grandma has a lot of trouble with us”. Reading fiction (perception of fiction and folklore)

1. Reading works; S. Kaputikyan "My grandmother", V. Chernaya "Good granddaughter", E. Uspensky "If I were a girl", E. Blaginina "Let's sit in silence", V. Oseeva "Sons", A. Kymytval "Grandma's song about the fidget", S. Baruzdin "Mom's Job" as well as works by N. Nosov, A. Barto, S. Marshak, K. Ushinsky, V. Oseeva. S. Marshak "That's how absent-minded",L. Mtzur "Little Raccoon", C. Perrault "Red Riding Hood" Discussion of the material read.

2. Memorizing poems by E. Uspensky "If I were a girl", L. Kvitko "Grandma's Hands", G. Vieru "Don't stop me from working", E. Blaginina "That's it mom", Ya. Akim "My kindred". and others.

3. Riddles on the topic: « A family» , "Native home", "Kindergarten".

4. Learning proverbs and sayings about family.

Communicative activity

(communication and interaction with adults and peers)

1. Game situations during the morning reception:

"Who do I look like?", "Me and my name", "My a family» . "Who are relatives, friends, neighbors". "How to please loved ones", Why does mom go to bed late, "For what would I be praised at home"

2. Communication on the topic: "Who do I live with", "It's good in our garden...", "My dad, mom, grandma, grandpa", "Mom's, grandmother's hands", "My room", "My favourite hobby» , "My best friend» , "What I like to do in kindergarten and at home", "What I want to be".

3. Communication games: "I'm growing...", "Call it sweetly", "Let's let the name go to the wind", "Happy birthday".

4. Dramatizations "Mommy's Tale".

5. Conversations: "Members' favorite vacation families» , How do I help at home?, "Names, patronymics, surnames and their meaning", "home address, apartment, my room", "Our home holiday» , "Day off with mom and dad", "My grandmother and grandfather" "The traditions of our families»

gaming activity

(role-playing games, games with rules and other types of games)

1. Didactic games: "What is good, what is bad?", "My good deeds» , "How we live in kindergarten", "My a family my ancestry", "I give gifts", "My name", "My room", "Find Items", "Whose kids?", "Who to be", "Who needs what to work".

2. Role-playing games: "House", « A family» , "Kindergarten", "Who works in kindergarten?", "Profession of my parents", "Birthday". "Visiting Grandma", "Daddy's Holiday", "Mom's birthday"

3. Dramatization games based on fairy tales; V. Oseeva "Regular old woman» . pictorial activity

(drawing, modeling, application)

1. Drawing on a theme: "Family holidays", "Who do I live with", "Portraits of members families» , "Genealogical tree families» , "My a family» .

2. Application; "Postcard for Mom", Flowers as a gift", greeting card for dad on Defender of the Fatherland Day.

3. Modeling; "Let's Bake a Cake for Mom", "Beautiful saucer for sister".

4. Joint drawing by children newspapers: "My dad is a soldier", "My mommy"

Motor activity

(mastering the basic movements0

1. Finger gymnastics « A family» and etc.

2. Physical culture leisure and entertainment.

Productive activity(construction from different material, including constructors, modules, paper, natural and other materials,

1. Productive activity: "My dream house", « country house» (wooden constructor, "Homework".

2. Plane modeling - drawing up plots from a mosaic on a family theme.

3. Exhibition design: "My a family» , "The creative workshop of my families»

4. Stand design "My dad is a soldier", "My mommy".

Labor activity

self-service and elementary household work (indoors and outdoors,

1. Collective work in group"We are helpers". "Good Deeds Day".

2. "Labor landing" with children and parents "Ice City".

3. Registration of the site with parents.

4. Acquaintance with the work of adults. Musical activity

(perception and understanding of the meaning of musical works, singing, musical and rhythmic movements, playing children's musical instruments)

Learning songs and dances for the holidays

Regime moments

(integration of different types activities)

1. Ways to organize individual characteristics children “I invite you to wash the hands of blue-eyed, brown-eyed, etc.” (hair color, lip shape, clothing, etc.)

"Girls first, then boys".

Reading nursery rhymes, an artistic word about the need to observe the rules of personal hygiene.

"Peer Example"

Examination of the poster “Culture of behavior at the table, reading thin. the words “Sit evenly at the table, do not put your elbows on the table”.

The game "Cleanest table" (winners are placed on the table with an incentive matryoshka).

Poster "Hygiene and health".

Exercise game "Help a peer".

2. Conversations: "Rules of safe behavior", "It junk food» , "Microbes and Soap".

Conversation "AT healthy body- healthy mind

3. Didactic games: "Dangerous - not dangerous", "Good and bad food".

4. Together with the children, develop the rules of cleanliness.

5. A conversation about the correct behavior in the prevention of colds.

6. Situational conversation with children about caring for their own health and the health of others.

7. Situational conversation about the rules of personal hygiene.

Forms of interaction with family and social partners

1. Questionnaire: « Pedagogical Opportunities parents"

2. Test "What kind of parents are you".

3. Thematic consultations: “Labor education of the child in family» , "Introducing children to folk traditions» , "Strong family is strong Russia» , "Acquaintance of the child with the history families» , "Education by Love", "How to create a family tree of your families", "Family traditions"

5. Album design "Me and my a family» .

6. Conducting joint musical - sports holidays: "Autumn Festival", "Visiting Santa Claus", "Day families»

8. Co-creation of children with parents: craft exhibition "Gifts of Autumn"(from natural material, "Winter opening day", "Spring is coming - spring way",

10. Participation in the photo contest "My mommy".

11. Co-creation of children and parents in the design of exhibitions of drawings, in compilation with the theme of family.

12. Master class for parents "Let's try to make our own family tree"

13. Exhibition of family research projects"Genealogical tree families» .

16. Entertainment "My mommy"

17. By the day family entertainment"It's good to have a family»

18. Parent meetings: « Family and kindergarten. Role families in the upbringing of preschoolers, “Healthy children are healthy a family» .

– development of a project implementation plan;

- selection of methodological literature for the implementation of the project;

- selection of visual and didactic material; fiction, reproductions of paintings, illustrations; organization of the developing environment in the group.

Stage II: Main

1. Getting to know the profession of assistant educator

Conversation "What does the assistant educator do?". Supervision of the work of the assistant educator.

The story of the assistant teacher about his profession, its importance and the need for kindergarten

D / s: “What is needed for the work of an assistant educator?”,

“Who needs what for work?”, “Let's dress the doll for a walk”

Examination of illustrations about the work of an assistant educator.

A tour of the kindergarten groups, acquaintance with the assistants of educators

Conversation "Objects - helpers".

Reading and retelling of the story “Helpers” by N. Kalinina, I. Deemyanov “I am now big”, A. Kuznetsova “Who can”, E. Grudanov “Our nanny”

Looking at dishes. Drawing "Decorate a tea cup and plate"

Plot- role-playing game"Kindergarten"

Modeling "Dishes"

Application "Cups large and small", " beautiful apron for the nanny", "Let's help put the plates on the table"

Labor: table setting with an assistant teacher, watering flowers, wet cleaning

2. Acquaintance with the profession of a nurse

Examination of illustrations about the work of a nurse

Excursion to the medical office.

A nurse's story about her profession, its importance and necessity in kindergarten. Display of "objects - assistants".

Conversation "If you are sick"

Did. games: "What a nurse needs for work", "Do's and Don'ts", "What should be in the first aid kit"

Role-playing game "Hospital", "Puppet Doctor"

Cognition (FEMP): Score medical instruments. Vitamin count.

Safety: "Dangerous drugs", "Be careful when walking"

Reading fiction: A. Barto "We are with Tamara", "Glasses", O. Emelyanova "Doctor", "Tiger", K. Chukovsky "Aibolit", Lika Razumova "Doctor", I. Tokmanova "I'm sad, I'm sitting sick"

Application "Vitamins for Irinka"

Construction "Hospital for dolls"

3. Acquaintance with the profession of a cook

Conversation "Profession - cook". Examining illustrations.

Excursion to the catering department. Getting to know the chefs

A cook's story about his profession. Looking at dishes in the kitchen.

Examination of objects - assistants: meat grinder, colander, ladle.

Modeling "Treat for a doll", "Fruits and vegetables for a cook", "Cup and saucer"

Application "Canning vegetables"

Drawing "Vegetables and fruits" "Let's cook borscht and compote", "Guess the taste", "Cook's accessories"

Reading fiction: O. Emelyanova "Cook", S. Belyaeva "Thanks to the cooks", V. Miryasova "Poem about the cook", Lika Razumova "Cook"

Board - printed game "Who to be?"

Labor: cooking fruit salad with the children

Safety: "Beware of electrical appliances", "How to handle a knife"

4. Acquaintance with the profession of a janitor

Conversation "The work of the janitor." Considering the illustrations "The work of the janitor in different time of the year"

Watching the work of the janitor during walks

Acquaintance with the janitor. The janitor's story about his profession. Acquaintance with the working inventory of the janitor, its purpose

Labor: clearing the path from snow, sprinkling the path with sand "Janitor's working tools", "What's what" .

Application "Shovel and rake for the janitor"

Safety "Caution, ice!"

Reading fiction: S. Sevrikova "About the janitor", Lika Razumova "Janitor", proverbs and sayings about work

5. Acquaintance with the profession of a housekeeper

A conversation about the profession of a housekeeper. Considering illustrations.

Excursion to the cabinet of the castellan. Getting to know her.

The story of the housekeeper about his profession.

Labor: folding clean linen together, ironing it "Rewind all the threads into a ball", "Insert the thread into the needle"

Drawing "Beautiful handkerchief"

Application "Decorate mom's dress", "Costume for a clown"

Manual labor "Flowers for kindergarten employees"

Theatrical games "Do as I do", "Show a fairy-tale hero"

Reading fiction: P. Sinyavsky "Kastelyansha", K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr".

Stage III - Final

Production of the album "Employees of the kindergarten through the eyes of children"

lyudmila kumalagova

The psychophysiological system of a child, in comparison with an adult, is in a state of formation, and has not yet reached its full development. Many processes are mobile and unstable. Hence the different reactions of children and adults to the same traffic situations.

Here are a few reasons that affect the number of road traffic accidents involving children and adolescents.

1. Transition roadway parts in an undisclosed location

2. Unexpected exit due to vehicle, buildings, trees.

3. Transition roadway parts outside the pedestrian crossing.

4. Being on roadway parts of a child under 7 years of age unaccompanied by adults

5. Disobedience to regulatory signals

6. Game on roadway

It is necessary to give children the opportunity to see all the dangers on the road, to be aware of them; form an appropriate model of behavior, instill skills safe behavior on the roads.

Target project:

to create conditions for enriching children with knowledge of mandatory behavior on the road in various traffic situations, to promote the formation of the correct model of behavior through various forms and types activities.

1. To replenish and consolidate the knowledge of children of traffic rules, road signs, to give an idea of ​​​​the work of traffic police inspectors.

2. Develop children's orientation skills in road transport traffic signals and road signs.

3. Develop the ability to apply the acquired knowledge and share it with others.

4. Cultivate respect for one's life and health, respect for all participants traffic.

5. Intensify work to promote compliance with traffic rules among parents.

Members project

children senior group, educators and parents;

Predicted results.

Children: socially adapted to the conditions of the surrounding reality; are aware of the importance of observing the rules of the road, know how to use them; have an understanding of the value of life;

Parents: increasing the knowledge of parents on traffic rules; manifestation of the activity of parents in the educational process;

teacher: Improving professional skills.

Implementation project.

Preparatory stage:


Examining a publication in thumbnails by topic "Road safety»

Compose thematic plan for working with children (road safety)

Make a plan for working with parents;

1. Collection of information: - Analysis of the problem.

Selection of methodological literature on the topic "Road safety»


2. Development project.

main stage

Target: instill a culture of pedestrian behavior, enrich children with knowledge of the rules safe behavior on the road, propagate the rules security on the roads among parents, to enrich the subject-developing environment, to accumulate experience.

1. Development of GCD abstracts in educational areas

2. Create problem situations, solve contentious issues on this topic.

3. Acquaintance with the rules of conduct on the road.

4. Selection of children's fiction on the topic « Safety» memorization of poems, rhymes.

5. Getting to know the basics road signs for pedestrians and their purpose.

6. Production and purchase of games, visual aids.

7. Making a layout of a city street

8. Working with parents:

Parent survey

Conducting individual interviews.

Parent meeting “Measures for the prevention of child road traffic injuries”

Advice for parents.

Reminders for parents

"Teaching children to estimate the speed of cars", "Teaching to Anticipate Hidden Dangers"

Open display of GCD "School of Pedestrian Sciences".

Speech at the teachers' council: "Compliance elementary rules traffic by children senior group».

Conversations with children:

1. « Safe Behavior on the street» .

2. “All the guys need to know how to walk down the street.

3. "How not to get lost".

4. "How to behave in transport".

5. "Pedestrian Culture".

6. "How drivers work".

7. "Where cars are repaired".

8. What should a driver know and be able to do?.

Role-playing games:



"Emergency" (01,02,03)

"Medical examination of drivers";

Outdoor games

"Rushing like a train"





"Find a Pair"

"Young Pedestrian"

"Road to Kindergarten",

"Put the signs in shape",

"Road signs", "Who controls what",

"Road Lotto", "Can-can't",

"Where the Cars Go", "Cars","Train".

GCD for educational areas:

1. "Cognitive Development" - "Transport", "On the streets of the city". "School of Pedestrian Sciences"

2. "Artistic artistic and aesthetic development"-

"Machines - special transport".(candle drawing)

"At the Crossroads"(collective collage)

3. - "How did I go to kindergarten?"

4. "Social and communicative development" - "How did I go to kindergarten?"

Watching by public transport, behind the road, the movement of cars in rainy weather.

other forms of work.

Quiz What do we know about transportation?

Evening of riddles

memorizing poems about security with the involvement of parents.

Reading fiction literature:

"Magic Ball"(T. A. Shorygina,

“How inseparable friends crossed the road (A. Ivanov,

"Martha and Chichi Go to the Park"(T. A. Shorygina,

"How Stobed ​​Swinged on a Swing"(D. Orlova,

"Laws of streets and roads"(I. Seryakov,

Poetic works:

"Uncle Styopa is a policeman"(S. Mikhalkov,

"If…"(O. Bedarev,

"Look, guard"(Y. Pishumov,

"Most best transition» (Y. Pishumov,

"How the boys crossed the street"(N. Kalinina,

"New rules of conduct for educated children (G, Shalaeva, O. Zhuravleva)

The final stage.

Quiz for kids and parents "Dangers on the Road". Presentation project at the teachers' council

Relevance: Several centuries ago, people did not know what cloth was and therefore walked in skins. Such clothes were not comfortable and did not keep warm, primitive people killed animals, they sewed clothes from it, the fabric was used in various types of industry. AT modern world There are many fabrics, both artificial and natural, different. And we became interested in what tissues exist, their properties and purpose, which tissue is more useful for humans.

Hypothesis: For fabric to be useful, it must be used for its intended purpose.

Target: To form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bchildren about the origin of clothing, its purpose.


1. Introduce children to various types clothing, its purpose, what materials it is made of.

2. To form the ability of design-figurative thinking.

3. To form the ability to establish causal relationships, prove, draw conclusions.

4. Develop the first skills of competent, safe interaction in everyday life.

Expected result.

  • Interest in experiments, development of thinking, attention;
  • The manifestation of independence in children;
  • Ability to independently go to a given goal, draw conclusions from experience;
  • Development of creative abilities.

Stages of work:

Preparatory stage:

  • Conducting conversations with children and parents about this topic.
  • Preparation of material for the implementation of the project.

Main stage:

  • Lesson "Grandma's Magic Chest"
  • Reading fiction "How a shirt grew in the field" K.D. Ushinsky.
  • Experiments and experiments (type, properties of fabric)
  • Didactic games ("Mom's helpers", "Clothes store")
  • Role-playing game "Cutters"
  • Crafts "Magic Pens", application "Gift for Mom".

The final stage:

  • Quiz "World of fabric"
  • Dance "Handkerchief"

Project description:

main stage

  • Lesson "Grandma's Magic Chest" (The history of the appearance of clothing, its purpose)

Surprise moment: a postman comes to the group and brings a letter and a parcel from Capa's grandmother. The teacher reads the letter and offers to go on a journey “the past of clothes”, after which he invites the children to sit in a clearing (on a rug) and listen to a story about the origin of the fabric (using multimedia presentation, slide show).

When did the first clothes appear?

Scientists believe that even in the Stone Age, people fled from frost and cold, making clothes for themselves from the skins of a dead animal. primitive people weaved the fibers of nettle, flax, began to create a fabric - a thin canvas. This fabric was very rough, uncomfortable. Our planet has evolved, and fabric craftsmen have used different technologies clothing became more comfortable and practical. Around the 5th century BC, the first weaving device appears, it was wooden frame on which the threads were fixed and the fabric was woven. The weaver wove transverse threads into the threads fixed on the frame with the help of a shuttle. The work on creating a woven fabric took a large number of time was very laborious, but the canvas turned out to be dense and thick. This fabric has been used in great demand. Over time, looms improved. They made bed linen, clothes, towels. A person also began to decorate his home, namely, he could make it beautiful with the help of fabric. Steel produced curtains, furniture upholstery, tablecloths.

Physical education "Clothes"

Oh, the clothes got dirty

We didn't take care of her.

Treat her carelessly

Crumpled, dirty in the dust.

We need to save her.

And put in order

Pour water into a bowl,

We pour the powder

All clothes soaked

Rub the stains thoroughly

We wash, we rinse,

Let's squeeze it, shake it

And then easily and deftly

We'll hang everything on ropes.

While clothes are drying

We jump, we circle.

Determine the type and purpose of the fabric.

The teacher distributes samples of cotton fabric to the children. The cotton plant is used to grow cotton fabric. Cotton grows in hot countries. The fruit of cotton looks like a box that is filled with cotton, people take cotton out of the boxes and send it to refineries, where it is combed with special brushes. Cotton wool - this is specially cleaned cotton (children examine cotton wool under a magnifying glass). Now the threads are spun by special spinning machines in spinning mills. Knitwear is a knitted fabric that is made from different threads: linen, wool, cotton. The teacher asks the children to look at each other's clothes and determine who is wearing knitted and who is wearing cotton clothes.

The teacher distributes samples of woolen fabric to the children.

Wool is made from animal hair. What animals give wool? (sheep, camels, rabbits, llamas, dogs). AT certain time they are shorn. Sheared lambs are allowed to roam the meadow to grow wool. Sheared wool is combed, threads are spun on special machines, dye, knit things. What does wool feel like? (fluffy, thick, light, warm)

The teacher distributes silk to the children.

Silk is produced in China, the silkworm caterpillar turns into a chrysalis in a special cocoon. She weaves this cocoon from a silk thread produced by her glands. Cocoons are collected by people and treated with steam, then soaked and unwound on special machines. So a person receives a silk thread.

All these fabrics are natural, they are made from what is in nature. Also, people came up with artificial fabrics. They are designed to improve the properties of the fabric. What things are made of artificial fabric? (jackets, jeans, t-shirts)

Who works with fabric? (seamstress) Who is a seamstress? (a worker in sewing, making something out of fabric). There are many names in this craft (shoemaker, fashion designer, designer)

What is made of fabric? (clothes, shoes, curtains, armchairs, hats)

The teacher offers to consider the group and find different types of fabric.

  • Reading fiction "How a shirt grew in the field" K.D. Ushinsky.

Tanechka saw how her father scattered small grains across the field, and asks

What are you doing, baby?

I sow lenok, daughter; your shirt will grow. Tanya thought she had never seen shirts grow in the field. A few weeks later, a strip of land was covered with green silky grass. Tanya's mother and sisters came to weed the strip and every time they said to the girl:

- Do you have a nice shirt?

A few more weeks passed: the grass rose, and blue flowers appeared on it. “Brother Vasya has such eyes,” thought Tanya, “but I haven’t seen shirts like that on anyone. When the flowers fell, green heads appeared in their place. When the heads dried up and turned brown, the mother and sisters pulled out all the flax by the roots, tied up the sheaves and put them on the field to dry. When the flax dried up, they began to cut off its heads, and then drown it in the river and press it down with stones so that it would not float up. Tanya looked sadly as her shirt was drowned. The sisters said again to Tanya:

- Nice shirt you have.

After two weeks they took the flax out of the river, dried it and began to beat it with a board on the threshing floor, then with a ruffle in the yard, so that a fire flew from the poor flax in all directions. After that, they began to scratch the flax with an iron comb until it became soft and silky.

“Your shirt will be nice,” the sisters said again to Tanya.

Tanya thought: “Where is the shirt here?” It looks like Vasya’s hair, not a shirt.” The winter evenings have arrived. The Tanya sisters put flax on combs and began to spin threads from it.

Winter passed, spring and summer, autumn came. The father installed the cross in the hut, pulled the warp over them and began to weave. A shuttle ran between the threads, and then Tanya saw that a canvas was coming out of the threads. When the canvas was ready, they began to freeze it in the cold, spread it on the snow, in the spring they spread it on the grass in the sun and sprinkled it with water. The gray canvas became white as a stone. Winter came, the mother cut out shirts from canvas, the sisters began to sew shirts, and for Christmas they put on new white shirts for Tanya and Vasya.

Story Talk:

Tell me guys, did you like the story?

What did the father do first? (sowed seeds)

And when the flowers fell, what did Tanya's sisters and mother do? (They tore out the flax and put it in sheaves to dry)

When the flax dried up, where was it sunk? (in a river)

Did he drown? (no, they got him later and began to clean and beat him)

What did he become after that? (soft)

What did they do to him in the winter? (twisted threads)

And what did you do with thread? (Canvas)

What is canvas? (this is the fabric from which shirts are sewn)

This is how clothes were sewn for a very long and laborious time. Now fabrics are made in a factory, and on automatic machines, they are sold ready-made, and not only white, as in the story, but also different colors and colours. Where do we buy fabric, clothes now? (in the shop)

  • Experiences and experiments

Today, guys, we will conduct experiments and experiments with fabric. We have material (on the children's tables): cotton, fur, denim, chintz, gauze, water plates, glue, a bowl of soapy water for washing, glue, magnifying glass. What do you think can be done with a piece of cloth? (crush, cut, tear)

Experience #1

Children glue two pieces of fabric, sew, wash a dirty piece, cut with scissors, wrinkle.

Conclusion: fabric properties - it is sewn, glued, cut, torn, wrinkled.

Experience #2

Children drip water on different shreds.

Conclusion: some fabrics absorb water, while others do not (cotton, raincoat fabric).

Experience #3

With the help of a magnifying glass, children examine the interweaving of threads in a wet patch and a dry one.

Conclusion: In a fabric that has been wet, the threads are intertwined less often, and in a dry shred more often.

Experience No. 4

Children take a piece of cloth and a piece of paper. Two children are holding the fabric, and the third is trying to tear. Another child rips paper.

Conclusion: fabric is stronger than paper, the paper is torn, but the fabric is not.

Experience No. 5

Children take cotton and fur and blow on them.

Conclusion: Fur is heavier and more difficult to budge than cotton.

Experience No. 6

Children take chintz, cotton, tulle, denim and try to cut them with scissors.

Conclusion: the thinner the fabric, the easier it is to cut with scissors.

Children are divided into two teams. Each team has different items on the table, from which you need to choose those that are needed for sewing (fabric, scissors, thread, needle, thimble). The team that completes the task the fastest wins.

  • Didactic game "Clothes store"

Children are given different types of fabrics, one team selects summer outfits, the other winter outfits, the third team selects autumn outfits. Whose team will quickly and correctly select the outfits, she won.

  • Role-playing game "Cutters"
  • Crafts "Magic Pens"
  • Volume application "Gift for mom"

The final stage:

  • Quiz "World of fabric"

The captains of the two teams are selected, on the table of each team there are shreds of fabric, whoever takes the shred first answers the question.

Quiz questions:

Who is a furrier? (master who sews clothes from fur)

What does a dressmaker do? (sews clothes)

What natural fabrics do you know? (wool, cotton, fur)

What are fabrics made from animal hair called? (woolen)

Is wool a natural or man-made material? (natural)

Where does silk come from? (produced by its silkworm)

If the fabric gets wet, how are the threads intertwined? (threads intertwine less often)

Which is heavier: fur or cotton? (fur)

Which fabric is easier to cut? (tulle, cotton, chintz)

What is the canvas made on? (on machines)


They are usually for sewing

And I saw them at the hedgehog

I am on a pine tree, on a Christmas tree

And are they called? (needles)

Where will rest the tail

A hole will become later (awl)

We can do a lot

Cut, cut, and cut

Do not play with dreams children:

We can punish. (scissors)

Competition "Determine the type of fabric to the touch with eyes closed»

Children are divided into two teams, blindfolded in turn, they approach the table, feel the fabric and name the type of fabric.

Competition "Find what I will describe"

The teacher describes one or another type of fabric, the children must find it on the table and name it.

  • Dance "Handkerchiefs"
  • Presentation: Clothing and its purpose.