Clivia care at home breeding signs and superstitions. Major pests, diseases and common problems

Clivia - evergreen tropical plant from the Amaryllis family. It can be found in light forests South Africa and as a houseplant all over the world. Beautiful dark green leaves and delicate flowers, similar to small lilies, have an amazing charm. Flowering occurs with enviable regularity, but even without it, a shock of long leaves is very beautiful. Thanks to this, clivia is very popular with flower growers. In addition, it is very unpretentious and easy to care for.

Botanical description

Clivia is an evergreen perennial with a branched, superficial rhizome. Unlike many members of the Amaryllis family, the plant does not have a bulb. However, it cannot be called a full-fledged rhizome.

Large fleshy leaves closely adjacent to each other. They grow in the same plane oppositely. Although the plant does not have a stem as such, a small thickened shoot is formed from a bunch of foliage. The height of room clivia is about 40-60 cm. The xiphoid dark green leaves with a shiny surface are quite elastic. They can bend easily. Length sheet plate is 40-75 cm, and the width is 5-8 cm. The edge of the sheet is narrowed, and the side surface is smooth. Sometimes the leaflets have a shallow recess along the central vein. Annually 5-6 leaves are added to the outlet.

The flowering period of clivia falls on February-March. A ribbed peduncle 20-40 cm long appears from the center of the leaf rosette. Up to 30 buds bloom at its top, collected in an umbrella inflorescence with a diameter of 15-20 cm. Flowers in the form of bells with six petals bloom in turn and delight the owners for up to three weeks. Their petals are colored red, orange or pink color. In the center are long stamens and an ovary. Flowering is accompanied by the release of aroma of varying intensity. It captures a mixture of notes of vanilla, nutmeg, rose and grass. After pollination, the fruit ripens - a fleshy berry.

Types of clivia

Clivia is not very diverse. The genus combines only 3 varieties.

Clivia gardena. Long, belt-shaped leaves grow up to 50 cm in height. Their smooth dark green surface is covered with parallel embossed stripes. The leaf edge is pointed. Small red bells bloom on an upright cylindrical peduncle. They are collected in umbrella inflorescences up to 15 buds. Flowers bloom in winter.

clivia gardena

Belt-like dense leaves of dark green color grow up to 70 cm in length. Red-orange flowers with a yellow core are collected in a lush umbrella. It contains up to 20 buds. Flowering occurs at the beginning of spring. It is this species that is very popular in home floriculture and has become the basis for decorative varieties.

A more compact variety grows to a height of about 30 cm. It forms a dense rosette of xiphoid leaves with a pointed edge. On a dense fleshy peduncle 30-50 cm long, 40-60 flowers can bloom. Smaller bell-shaped buds with a small tube are salmon or reddish in color. Each petal is crowned with a greenish pointed tip. Its length is about 2 cm.

Reproduction features

Clivia can be propagated by seeds or vegetatively. Even self-grown and harvested seeds give a good harvest. Before sowing, planting material is soaked for a day in warm water. Swollen seeds are distributed in boxes with sandy-peat soil. You can add a little sod land and perlite. Crops are produced in grooves to a depth of 2 cm. The container is covered with a film and kept under diffused lighting and a temperature of +20 ... + 25 ° C. Regularly moisten the soil and remove condensation.

Shoots appear in 1-1.5 months. Plants with two leaves gently dive into separate pots filled with a mixture of leaf humus, soddy and clay soil. Seedlings develop rather slowly. Flowering should be expected after the fifth year of life.

Amateur flower growers are more likely to propagate clivia vegetatively. Especially since mature plant give birth regularly. During transplantation, the plant should be carefully removed from the pot and partially freed from the soil. The lateral processes (children) are carefully separated. For normal development, they must have 4 or more leaflets. Plants are planted in small pots with adult clivia soil. At first, watering is carried out less often, and the air temperature is slightly increased. Flowering is expected from 3-4 years.

Care Secrets

The clivia flower has an undemanding character. However, there is a big difference between a plant that is forced to survive and a full-blooded, flowering specimen. To get the latter, you need to make a little effort.

Lighting. Clivia needs a room with bright diffused light. Direct rays cause burns and damage leaves. The flower can be kept on the east or west window sill, and also placed in the back of the south room. With a lack of light, clivia stops blooming.

Temperature. The plant develops best at a temperature of + 20 ... + 25 ° C. On hot days, the room should be regularly ventilated, but the flower should not be left in a draft. In winter, it is important to provide a period of rest. To do this, the clivia is transferred to a cooler room with a temperature of + 12 ... + 14 ° C. After a few months of this content, a flower arrow appears. This means that it is time to return the clivia to warm room(+18…+20°C).

Humidity. The plant is not demanding on air humidity and easily adapts to any conditions. Smooth leaves should be regularly dusted or bathed. Soft water is used so that no lime stains remain.

Watering. It is not necessary to over-moisten the clivia soil. Watering should be moderate, without stagnant water. In winter, they are reduced even more. The plant should be watered most abundantly during the period of budding and flowering. Water is used well purified, warmer than room temperature.

Fertilizer. With the advent of buds, clivia is fed twice a month with a mineral complex with a low nitrogen content. At the end of summer, feeding is stopped.

Transfer. The rhizome of the clivia is very tender. It is susceptible to any damage that results in disease and lack of flowering. Therefore, transplantation is carried out only when emergency when the roots begin to peek out of the pot. The flower feels good in a tight container. Drainage material is poured at the bottom (expanded clay, pebbles, shards). The transplant itself is carried out by the transshipment method. Empty space in the pot is filled soil mixture composed as follows:

  • sod land (2 parts);
  • leaf ground (2 parts);
  • river sand (1 part).

Clivia bloom

Healthy plants annually throw out a peduncle with a bunch delicate flowers. Often several arrows appear on the bush at once. If the clivia does not bloom, care must be adjusted. Be sure to provide a rest period with cool content. The rest of the time you need more intense lighting. When a flower arrow appeared, you should not change the conditions of detention and move the plants, otherwise the buds may fall off without blooming. An increase in the temperature of the water for irrigation helps to accelerate the development of the peduncle and the flowers themselves.

Sometimes a stressful situation helps to stimulate the appearance of flowers. The flower is placed in a dark and cool room for several days. Even when all the flowers have faded, watering and fertilizing continue until the end of summer. As a result, flowering may repeat.

Clivia is popular with floriculture lovers. It is easy to grow even for beginner gardeners. But in order to achieve flowering, you need to know the intricacies of caring for Clivia at home and transferring it to a dormant state.

Clivia belongs to the Amaryllis family. But it differs from the usual lilies in that instead of bulbs it has a rhizome. Leaves growing from the ground form a pseudostem resembling a basket. Long, dense leaves of dark green color are located on both sides, tightly adjacent to each other from below and resemble a pigtail. The height of the flower and the length of the leaves depends on the variety.

Even without flowers, a well-groomed plant decorates the room. Children are formed by processes from the main root. At the same time, for their separation, it is necessary to separate the rhizome by cutting off the baby. During flowering, an inflorescence of buds is formed on the peduncle, the number of which can reach 60 pieces. The flowers look like large bells of red or bright orange color. The plant blooms for a month, when dying buds are replaced by new ones. Usually flowering occurs in February, after a dormant period.

Origin and distribution in nature

In Europe, the plant appeared in the nineteenth century in England, when it was brought from South Africa. And the flower, according to legend, got its name "Clivia" after it bloomed at the house of the Duchess Charlotte Clive. Because before that, the flower was grown as a beautiful deciduous plant.

It has another name - Cape Lily. After all, the habitat is the Cape region, Natal in the south African continent. Among the natives, it is used to treat snake bites, which is explained by the presence of poisonous substances in the rhizome and stems.

When growing in an apartment, care should be taken when transplanting.

After flowering, the popularity of the flower began to expand, and it reached Russia under the name meerkat lily that defines its color.

Clivia varieties

In the wild, there are several types of clivia, growing from swampy lowlands to rocky highlands. In Europe, new species were imported by the military, who served in southern Africa.

Clivia noble (nobilis)

Appeared on the European continent in 1828. It has a small height, rarely exceeding thirty centimeters. The dark green leaves taper towards the ends, reaching forty centimeters in length and up to six in width. A peduncle up to 50 centimeters high ends with an inflorescence, on which about fifty flowers of a slightly curved shape bloom, drooping down. The predominant color is orange with a carrot tint or pale red.

Photo Clivia Cinnabar (Miniata)

It has its second name - Clivia "Miniata". It was brought to Europe in 1850 from the province of Natal, where it has a wide habitat. The variety grows in the lowlands of the coastal regions, in the mountains, where it was found among the rocks at an altitude of 800 meters. The leaves are similar in shape to the noble clivia, tapering towards the edge. The plant reaches a height of half a meter. Flowers are arranged in an umbrella inflorescence, diverging radially in all directions. Large flowers of red or orange, which gradually turns into a yellow throat, grow up to three centimeters. The number of flowers in the inflorescence ranges from ten to twenty pieces.

Clivia Gardena (Gardenii)

Appeared in Europe also in the middle of the nineteenth century. She was brought by Major Robert Garden, so she received his name. At home, it grows in the province of Natal, in shady mountain forests. It is distinguished from other species by lighter leaves, bright green in color. A notable difference is the tuft at the bottom of the leaves, which forms a false stem. Leaves can grow from thirty-five to ninety centimeters. The height of the plant does not exceed half a meter. On a high peduncle, which usually appears in February, bloom narrow flowers. Their number is from ten to sixteen flowers. It differs from other types of plants in shade tolerance.

It is a variety of clivia miniata. It was found in the forests of South Africa at the end of the 19th century. The plant got its name for unusual flowers. yellow color with a cream shade and yellow berries-seeds.

It was opened quite recently, at the beginning of the twenty-first century. It differs from other species both externally and in habitat. It grows in the arid regions of southern Africa, is characterized by increased resistance to lack of moisture, the scorching sun and light frosts. Its leaves have a white stripe in the center, and closer to the base, the leaves have a maroon hue. The plant has not yet received such a high distribution as other species, but the attention of flower growers has already attracted.

Based on plants from the wild, many new cultivars of clivia have been bred. They are distinguished by an unusual color, which in cultivars varies from snow-white, pastel color to lemon yellow.

Plant transplant

Clivia refers to plants that do not like unnecessary anxiety. Therefore, its transplantation is carried out only as needed. Mature plants are transplanted when the roots strongly protrude from the surface. This is about once every two or three years. Young flowers can be replanted annually. Plants older than ten years are not recommended to be transplanted, only renewed upper layer earth.

Pot suitable for Clivia

When choosing a pot, you need to remember a couple of nuances:

  • do not take a pot of a much larger diameter, otherwise you will have to wait several years for flowering until the roots fill the space of the pot. The pot is selected two to three centimeters larger than the previous one (in diameter).
  • The pot should be in the shape of a cylinder, without narrowing down. This is due to the peculiarities of the rhizome growing down, and not in breadth.

It is possible to transplant a plant only after the end of the flowering period. When transplanting, the transshipment method is used in order to minimally injure the rhizome. If the transplant is carried out with the separation of children, then the incision sites must be sprinkled with powdered activated carbon and air dry.

At the bottom of the new pot, drainage must be poured with a layer of about two centimeters. As a drainage, you can take expanded clay, pebbles, small pieces of brick. A small layer of earth is poured over the drainage. Clivia roots are carefully placed on top, sprinkled gently with earth. Care must be taken not to fill up the growing point from which the leaves depart. It is better if it rises slightly above the soil.

As a soil, it is necessary to choose a light, loose mixture with a slightly acidic reaction. When preparing the soil yourself, it is recommended to take soil from the garden, peat and sand in a ratio of 2: 1: 1. For looseness of the soil, you can add charcoal, vermiculite, crushed tree bark. You can buy ready-mixed flower shops. Suitable for clivia ready soil for orchids, in which the plant feels great.

How to care for clivia at home

Although the flower does not belong to capricious plants, a number of conditions must be observed when caring for clivia. In terms of illumination, windows to the east and west sides are most suitable for it. There is not enough light on the north side, and a lot of sun on the south window in summer. You can place a flower on south side, but be sure to provide shading from direct sunlight. Clivia feels good on the balcony.

Summer comfortable temperature for it is considered in the range of 20-25 degrees. But in the hot summer, she has to withstand higher air temperatures.

Watering and feeding

Cape lily does not like excessive moisture, so excess water in the pot can lead to root rot. You can water the clivia after the soil in the pot has completely dried. The rest of the water is poured out of the pan. Water must be settled, without the presence of chlorine. The temperature of the water for irrigation should be several degrees higher than the surrounding air. In winter, watering is reduced to two times a month.

Clivia leaves respond well to spraying, but care must be taken that water does not remain in the rosette of leaves, otherwise rotting may begin. Spraying can be replaced by rubbing the leaves with a damp washcloth.

The plant needs fertilizing. It is better to take ready complex fertilizers, top dressing which is carried out during the growth period once every two weeks. Mineral fertilizers can be alternated with organic. During the dormant period, stop fertilizing.

Important! Please note that nitrogen fertilizers contribute to the growth of green mass, and potash fertilizers - flowering. Therefore, in summer, top dressing is chosen with a predominance of nitrogen fertilizers. After the appearance of the peduncle, the clivia is fed with potash fertilizers until the end of flowering.

rest period

Clivia belongs to plants that need to create a dormant period. This refers to the intricacies of growing clivia at home. In September, stop feeding the plants, significantly reduce watering. The duration of the dormant period depends on the age of the flower. Young plants need rest for two months. The older the flower, the longer the rest should be.

In order for the plant to thank you with abundant flowering, it needs to provide temperature conditions during the dormant period. The temperature should be between 12-14 degrees Celsius. A short-term decrease to seven degrees is allowed. The dormant period ends with the appearance of the peduncle. Reduce watering during the dormant period, watering only when wilting of the leaves is noticed.

flowering period

After the appearance of the peduncle, the pot is placed in a warm room with a temperature of about twenty degrees.

Important! The peduncle must grow up to 10 cm before being exposed to heat.

To make the clivia bloom at home, increase watering during the flowering period, fertilize with potash fertilizers.

Clivia blooms for a month, when faded buds are replaced by blossoming ones. After transfer to warm place until the end of flowering, the pot must not be turned, much less rearranged. After the end of flowering, watering is again reduced until active growth begins. The peduncle is cut off after complete drying.

care mistakes

Even experienced florist there are flaws in care, especially those associated with watering and lighting. Outwardly, this is manifested by drying, rotting of the leaves and darkening of the tips. Also, flower growers often wonder why the clivia does not bloom. Here are the main causes and measures to eliminate the problems of growing clivia in the table.

signsCausesCorrective action
Leaves turn yellow and dienatural process -
Excessive hydration- Transplant the plant into a new soil, removing rotten roots;
- water in moderation.
Lack of fertilizerDuring flowering, fertilize twice a month.
When growing seeds, the leaves turn yellow due to a lack of nutrients,
which are used for seed maturation.
Remove fruits
Flower dormancy - transplanting, moving or draftsMove the pot only as a last resort
Brown spots on leavesSunburnsRemove the plant from direct sunlight, shade with a curtain
Pale leaf colorMineral deficiencyCarry out fertilizing
The leaves are rottingExcessive watering. When spraying, water stagnation formed in the rosette of leaves.Watering is stopped until the soil dries
Brown ends of leavesExcess moistureReduce watering, remove water from the pan

Diseases and pests

Clivia is resistant to diseases, sometimes it is attacked by scale insects and mealybugs.

Shchitovka (shield aphid)Dark spots on the leavesWash the leaves with a soapy, soapy-tobacco solution, then spray with an insecticide. A 0.15% solution of Actellik is recommended (1-2 ml of the product should be diluted in a liter of water).
MealybugReminds white cotton on the leavesWipe the leaves with a damp soapy swab. If this method does not help, then it is necessary to treat the flower with an insecticide. Processing is carried out every week until the cure.
RotThe leaves turn yellow, the plant begins to dieThe reason is root rot. Damaged roots are removed, sections must be sprinkled with activated charcoal. The plant is transplanted into a new soil.
fungal diseasesRusty stripes along the length of the leafTreat with fungicide according to instructions.


Reproduction of Clivia at home is done in two ways - by children or seeds. It is easier to separate the children during the transplantation of an adult plant. With this method of reproduction, you can get a flowering plant in the second or third year, if you do not make a mistake with the size of the pot. Otherwise, you will have to wait until the roots fill the pot.

Reproduction by children

Clivia babies at different stages of growth

Reproduction of clivia by children is carried out in the following order:

  • When transplanting, the extracted roots are carefully separated with a sharp knife.
  • All sections are sprinkled with crushed activated carbon, left to dry for half an hour.
  • In the meantime, prepare new pots for children and an adult plant
  • After planting, pots with children are placed in a warm, bright place, watered a little

The procedure for growing clivia from seeds

Reproduction by seeds will not give a quick result. But if you wish, you can try to grow a clivia plantation. Seeds can be bought in specialized stores or obtained from your copy. To do this, pollinate a flowering plant with a brush. It is worth warning that the cultivation of seeds depletes the plant, because the maturation of pilaf lasts nine months until the fruits become red and soft.

  • The collected seeds are sown immediately, until they have lost their germination.
  • Dry seeds are soaked in water on a damp cloth for a day until they swell.
  • Prepare a container with an earthen mixture composed of:
    • peat and perlite with equal shares;
    • peat, sand and sod land.
  • Prepared seeds are planted at a distance of about two centimeters, slightly deepening into the ground.
  • A box of seeds is covered with a film or jars
  • Ventilate the greenhouse daily for 10 minutes, moisturizing as needed
  • After the formation of the leaf, they are transplanted (dive) into small pots with a mixture of humus, hardwood and clay soil in a ratio of 1: 1: 1
  • Young seedlings need annual replanting

Saplings from seeds begin to bloom in 4-6 years.


If you perform simple rules caring for clivia, then she will thank you with a lush annual flowering. Watching a flowering plant in winter days brings great joy, uplifting.

When choosing fertilizers for top dressing, give preference to specialized fertilizers. Although any fertilizer is suitable for flowering plants. The main thing is that it does not contain a large number of, which will slow down the main flowering and prevent the possible re-blooming of clivia. A good result is the alternation of liquid organics and a complete mineral complex. For the normal development of the plant, two per month is enough from the beginning of the growing season (out of dormancy) until the end of summer - the beginning of autumn.

As for, for clivia it is insignificant. You can limit yourself to simply wiping the leaves with a damp sponge. And even then, it is more of a hygienic procedure.

Clivia bloom

The first flowering of clivia grown from seed. The plant is four and a half years old.

It usually occurs at the end of winter - spring. Although there are not rare exceptions. The timing of flowering clivia may shift depending on the conditions of detention, age, size and condition of the plant. Mature and well-groomed plants often bloom again, after a certain period of time. The main thing to remember if you want to get a beautiful and abundant flowering clivia - provide the plant for this period with good lighting, regular watering and an appropriate temperature.

Important! After the plant has come out of dormancy and you have moved it to a bright, warm place, its various movements, including the rotation of the pot, are unacceptable.

Care after flowering

Clivia flowering is relatively long. It can last up to a month. After its completion, you can safely transfer the flower to Fresh air in light shade. At the same time, you can carry out a transplant, separation of children. Often the question arises - What to do with the peduncle? Cut the clivia flower stalk or not? My advice is don't rush. The peduncle is essentially a modified leaf and it plays a role in the life of the plant. It is also likely that the clivia will bear fruit and you will want to let it ripen in order to get seeds suitable for propagation. At the same time, you will have to cut the peduncle anyway, but the plant itself will tell you when it is better to do it. Gradually, it will begin to turn yellow and dry out. Usually, with the onset of wintering, the peduncle can be removed.

Clivia transplant

This flower does not like transplants. Therefore, it is better not to disturb him unnecessarily. In adult plants, this need arises most often when the roots no longer fit in the old pot and begin to break through the drainage holes. But even in this case, it is advisable to limit yourself to a more spacious pot. Usually, the need for a clivia transplant occurs every three years. Young plants in the first years of life are transplanted more often. This is due to the more intensive development of the root system and the whole plant as a whole. Be very careful when transplanting. Try not to damage the roots of the flower. Any damage to the clivia root system can lead to its decay and death of the plant. If the spine is still damaged, be sure to immediately sprinkle it with crushed activated charcoal.

This is what the root system of clivia looks like after cleaning from the ground. It remains only to remove a couple - three damaged roots, and you can plant in a new pot.

Note! Clivia does not like spacious dishes. Therefore, the next pot for transplanting, pick up only slightly larger than the previous one. In a spacious pot, it will not bloom well.

The composition of the land suitable for clivia is quite simple and it is quite possible to cook it yourself at home. It is enough to mix in equal parts soddy soil, leafy soil and sand. For young plants, you can slightly increase the sand content in the mixture, or even better, replace it with or. Before transplanting (transferring) into a new pot, be sure to pour a layer of drainage material.

Important! Make sure that the entire lower part of the leaves remains above the ground. Otherwise, there is a high probability of their decay.

Reproduction of clivia

This can be done in two ways: by seeds and by separating the baby. True, for this it is necessary to have either a seed or a baby.

Reproduction by seeds

Often, the clivia fruit is tied up on its own, without third-party intervention. But in order to be guaranteed to get a fruit, it will be necessary to carry out cross pollination flowers. The ripening of the fetus is quite long, it can last up to nine months. When the berries become quite soft, this will be a sign of maturity.

Keep in mind! Fruiting depletes the plant. So don't overuse it.

The seeds, cleared of pulp, are planted in a light mixture of sand (or perlite) and grassroots peat. The seed is deepened to a centimeter depth and placed under a transparent cap ( glass jar, for example). Care for the planted seed is the same as for or ordinary flower and vegetable seeds. Depending on the conditions, seedlings may appear in a month and a half. When the first true leaf appears, young clivia can be planted in a small pot with permanent soil. As the flower develops, transplant it into another, larger dish. After three years, on the fourth, you can try to stimulate flowering. To do this, with the onset of autumn, stop watering and place the flower for two months in a cool place. If the clivia does not bloom, it's okay. So it's not time yet.

Reproduction by children

A year after flowering and transplantation, clivia gave birth to a baby. Accordingly, she is now in her sixth year.

This is an easier way, although it requires extreme care and caution. And the flowering of such clivia comes much earlier. But first you need to wait until the plant gives a baby and it reaches a sufficient size. A clivia baby suitable for separation should have at least four leaves. She withdraws from mother plant after the end of flowering simultaneously with the transplant. The separated baby is planted in a small pot filled with a very light substrate. Often, clean sand or perlite is used for this. The biggest danger that awaits young clivia at this stage is waterlogging. Therefore, try to water it very moderately. When the plant grows up and its roots get stronger, it can be transplanted into a more nutritious, but not particularly heavy soil. Clivia propagated in this way may well bloom in two to three years.

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Once I saw an amateur winter bloom clivia in the photo, home care of any complexity will not stop you from acquiring a miracle. A relative of the hippeastrums, it does not have a bulb and does not need a dormant period. Herbaceous plant does not require special care, blooms in winter. AT home interior cultivate beautiful clivia and cinnabar clivia.

Features of keeping and caring for clivia at home

The large leaves are oblong and leather-like. They come out of the root, tightly clasping each other, forming a rosette. The crown is a flower arrow with a lot of flowers, similar to lilies collected in a single bouquet. Clivia blooms in winter, some varieties throw out a secondary arrow in summer.

With sufficient care at home, the flower is beautiful and fragrant. Flowering time is 20-25 days.

The plant in the milky juice contains the poison lycorine! Accidental ingestion of juice can cause severe paralysis in children and pets. The lower the body weight, the greater the consequences of poisoning.

Agrotechnics of clivia

At good care behind the clivia, she will create a rosette of leaves and throw out a peduncle with large quantity bells. For this to happen, you need to groom and undead the flower.

You need to place the clivia so that nothing but a light openwork shading blocks the light. For this, a stand is made near the windows. If there is not enough light, the leaves are crushed, the clivia will refuse to bloom. The size in height and the number of bells in the bouquet directly depend on the conditions of the flower.

In summer, it is undesirable to keep the plant on the windowsill also because it needs a temperature of 17-20 degrees for the appearance of a peduncle. Comfortable for a flower is 19-25 degrees.

The dormant period of clivia begins after flowering, care at this time is special. An artificial restriction will allow the plant to mobilize forces to release a new peduncle. Each time, you need to reduce watering, temperature, and do not fertilize for several weeks until a new arrow appears on the plant. After that create comfortable conditions for development. With an arrow length of 15-17 cm, the plant is watered warm water but increase watering gradually. It is from the arrow that the peduncle will subsequently move forward.

When caring for clivia at home, it is very important to organize proper watering and plant fertilizer. Water for irrigation is settled for several days, during the dormant period, moisture is scarce, and later during the month the flow rate is increased gradually, using only warm water. The root is fleshy, the probability of decay is high. Therefore, watering is moderate, only when the top layer of the earth dries out. Drainage should work well, preventing stagnation of water in the pot.

Top dressing is applied twice a month, during the period of intensive vegetation, in summer. In this case, a balance should be maintained between dressings that stimulate flowering and leaf mass gain.

If the foliage grows violently, then flowering will be weak and short-lived. Need to find golden mean for the clivia flower when caring for at home. Usually alternate organic liquid fertilizers and formulations for flowering indoor plants. For each flower, the dosage is selected according to appearance plants.

They also enter a dormant period gradually, reducing watering during the month.

Transplantation, reproduction of clivia

First of all, you need to choose suitable soil. It is simple, sod land, leaf humus are mixed in equal proportions and sand is added with a fifth of the composition. Clivia should be transplanted by gently transferring to a prepared bed in a larger container. At the same time, the drainage layer should be at least 4 cm, the soil on the sides is poured carefully, compacted by light shaking. If the roots are damaged during transplantation, they begin to rot in the soil.

Most often, clivia is propagated by children from the mother plant during transplantation. They grow from the sides. Those plants that have already formed 4-6 leaves are ready for independent life. They are carefully separated and seated in a small container in the composition of sand and leaf humus. In two years, the plant should bloom.

When leaving at home, the clivia is seated by children, as in the photo.

You can get young seedlings from seeds obtained at home or purchased. For propagation, seeds are taken from a soft ripe berry. Sowing lead to the school. Shoots appear in a month and a half. Seedlings are planted in separate cups after the appearance of true leaves.

Diseases and pests of clivia and their control

Any plant disease is caused by deviations in the conditions of detention. Therefore, at the first signs, it is necessary to conduct an analysis, compare the life of the plant with the recommended care for clivia.

Thus, the gradual yellowing of the lower leaves is a physiologically inevitable factor. Aging leaves must be removed. But if there is massive yellowing, it could be:

  • improper watering;
  • irregular feeding;
  • depletion of a plant in which fruits ripen;
  • moving the flower to a new place.

When overflowing, root rot can occur and the plant must be transplanted immediately. Cut the roots to healthy tissue and disinfect the plant, and change the soil. This is also indicated by the dried tips of the leaves.

The plant does not bloom most often due to the warm content during the dormant period. And underdeveloped flower stalks are obtained for the same reason. Another reason for the lack of color on a recently transplanted plant may be the extra volume of the pot. Therefore, a transplant is done only when the roots climb into the drainage hole and are visible from above.

The leaf plate is covered with dry spots from the rays of the sun, directly falling on the leaf.

But it is much worse if red stripes appear on the leaves. This is the work of the fungus, the causative agent of the disease stagonosporosis. Amaryllid bulbous disease, but occurs in clivia. The fungus reproduces planting material. Control measures - treatment with copper fungicides.

Fungicides must also be treated when the leaf blade begins to dry out from the edge along the entire length.

Usually scale insects or mealybugs. Wiping with a soap-alcohol solution will save you from scale insects. The smell of kerosene is detrimental to worms. And if there are a lot of pests, you will have to use Actellik.

Here are some simple tricks for caring for clivia will help preserve the beauty of the plant.

Clivia care at home - video

Homemade clivia flower is one of those that require the most careful care. Otherwise, the plant will refuse to bloom, and in fact it is his bright inflorescences and are the main virtue of culture. During flowering, clivia attracts attention, however, it occurs only once a year, and re-blooming of the petals until the next season cannot be caused by any effort.

Clivia (Clivia) belongs to the Amaryllis family. Homeland - South Africa. The genus includes four species.

This is familiar to many lovers of indoor floriculture bulbous plant. External Description clivia resembles a daylily: it has the same long, narrow leaves, having a dark green color, and the same long flower-bearing arrow, crowned with a marvelous inflorescence consisting of several bright orange flowers, similar to lilies.

What does a clivia look like when it's in bloom?

Clivia is a beautifully flowering perennial evergreen, stemless herbaceous plant. The leaves of the clivia are leathery, belt-like, up to 50 cm long. The peduncle appears in early spring from the axils of the leaves, an umbrella inflorescence develops on it, consisting of 10-12 flowers, 5-8 cm in diameter. The color of the flowers can be orange, red, yellow or cream.

As you can see in the photo, clivia flowers are collected in a multi-flowered umbrella:

It blooms in spring, but with good care it can bloom again - in summer.

Flower growers who grow clivia need to be patient, because this plant is valuable precisely for its flowering, and you can see it only once a year. No matter how much effort you put in, it will not be possible to cause flowering the second time in a year.

Clivia flowers look like little gramophones. It's not only beautiful plant, it has a kind and disposable soft "character". Starting from long, belt-like leaves to a delicate scarlet petal, it radiates love, inclines towards love - light, pleasant, not attached. Love and kindness - this is clivia.

It is easy to relax next to her. At the same time, being distracted from heavy thoughts and oppressive life problems, you are saturated with vibrations of kindness. Therefore, this plant can essentially be kept everywhere, but it is best, of course, in bedrooms, children's rooms and recreation areas.

In the office, clivia may not always be useful. It can persuade an employee not to perform production plan, not to dip into the atmosphere of a business environment, but, on the contrary, to incline to light love flirting. Imagine the head of an institution, furnished on all sides with pots of clivia. Of course, a frivolous and pretty secretary should appear nearby, shooting with her eyes.

One comforts. Since the clivia is not energetically strong, therefore, its influence on the boss will not be so significant and dangerous for work, as well as for his family relationships.

Clivia cinnabar and matte red (with photo)

In indoor floriculture, the following types are most often used:

clivia nobilis (C. nobilis)

clivia gardena (C. gardenii)

cinnabar clivia

clivia orange (C. miniata)

Clivia cinnabar.

Large belt-like opposite leaves, often more than 5 cm wide and 50-60 cm long, tightly embrace each other, forming a kind of fan, giving the plant a decorative effect. In spring or early summer, a flower arrow up to 50 cm tall develops among the leaves, carrying a lush multi-flowered umbrella.

Look at the photo - in cinnabar clivia, large inflorescences consist of 10-20 small funnel-shaped orange or yellow flowers:

They do not bloom immediately, but gradually, so the flowering of the plant is long, several weeks. Known garden form with white or yellow longitudinal stripes on the leaves.

Clivia matte red.

Often in room conditions matte red clivia is grown - a herbaceous plant with a fleshy rhizome and leathery leaves 20 to 40 cm long, dark green in color, arranged symmetrically.

Large (up to 5 cm in diameter) orange or pink-red flowers are located on a low, flat peduncle. The shape resembles bells, which are collected in inflorescences in the form of umbrellas. This variety of clivia blooms throughout the spring.

Growing clivia: care and reproduction at home (with video)

Clivia comes from South Africa, where it grows under the canopy of trees in impenetrable forests. Hence, probably, her desire to grow on the windows that face the north side. In such conditions - coolness and dim sun - clivia will show you all its splendor, will bloom profusely and for a long time.

Clivia - shade plant, does not tolerate sunlight. But for successful flowering, a bright place is needed. In winter, it must be kept in a cool room with a temperature of 8-15 ° C. With the appearance of peduncles (10 cm), the plant is transferred to a warm room.

When caring for clivia at home in the warm season, you should install the plant at open window or on the balcony and shade from direct sunlight. During the flowering period, it should be placed closer to the light.

When caring for a clivia plant high humidity air is not required.

The substrate is clay, soddy and leafy earth with the addition of bone meal (2:2:1).

In summer, the plant should be watered abundantly, in the fall it should be reduced and watered rarely, however, not allowing the earthen clod to dry out. In winter, especially if the room temperature is low, you can stop watering.

During the dormant period, it is best to simply spray the clivia with water: this amount of moisture will be enough for it.

Feed the plant in summer and spring twice a month with complex fertilizer.

When growing and caring for clivia at home, a plant is transplanted extremely rarely - once every three years. Pots should be small, then the plant blooms longer and more abundantly. The vessel should be slightly larger than the root system of the plant. And the transplant itself is best done in the spring.

For planting, you need to prepare a mixture consisting of equal parts of clay-turf, leafy soil and sand. In the event that the roots crawl out of the bottom holes of the pot, transshipment should be made. Try not to be naked root system and timely add soil to upper part containers.

Watch the plant, cut dried leaves and a faded arrow in time, and then it will always look attractive.

The only thing that clivia does not like is any kind of anxiety. During the period of tying buds and during flowering, the pot does not need to be turned or rearranged to another place. Do not repot the plant until the roots start to come out of the pot. Transplantation is carried out only after the end of flowering.

If the plant begins to turn yellow, lower the air temperature and sprinkle the leaves.

If foliage has lost its sheen, increase watering.

If the stem begins to rot, then you are too carried away with watering. Do not water the plant until the surface of the earth is dry.

If your plant does not bloom well or flowers are few and small, feed it.

Reproduction of clivia at home is carried out by dividing the rhizome during transplantation. Perhaps offspring, which must be separated from old plants after flowering and rooted at a temperature of 16-18 ° C. Offspring must have at least four leaves. It can also be propagated by seeds, but in this case the plant will bloom after many years.

Clivia is a beautifully flowering, unpretentious plant that is resistant to major diseases. Most often affected by scale insects and thrips.

Watch the video "Care for clivia at home", which shows all the basic agricultural practices:
