What mortar is fireclay bricks placed on.

The construction of heat-resistant structures, such as stoves or fireplaces, is often not complete without the use of fireclay clay or bricks made on its basis. Knowing what properties fireclay clay has, how to dilute it and what to mix it with, you will become the most real master in this business!

Chamotte clay - a synthesis of natural and human

Chamotte - borrowed from French a word that has recently been resounding with renewed vigor. Tired of unnatural frills and plastic gloss, people tend to natural materials among which chamotte occupies a prominent place. However, without human intervention, it is not possible to obtain such material - special white kaolin clay must be fired in rotary kilns at a temperature of about one and a half thousand degrees Celsius, since it is in such extreme conditions it completely loses its plasticity, loses all the water associated with its molecules.

Thanks to this, fireclay acquires properties close to those of stone. The resulting pieces of fireclay are crushed in special mills and already in this form go on sale in the form of building dry masses or are used for the production of fireclay bricks. It should be noted that not only builders, but also designers are not indifferent to fireclay. Chamotte clay has some inexplicable restrained beauty, a special texture, a natural spirit, thanks to which things made from this material are able to decorate even the most refined interior, so this method of application is not at all uncommon. In a creative environment, fireclay clay is used to make ceramic dishes, tiles, figurines.

Builders, in turn, try to use textured chamotte not only for cladding surfaces, affected high temperatures (all the same fireplaces and stoves), but even for the facades of houses!

Chamotte clay in construction stores It is also found under the name kaolin - the essence of this does not change. The color of this material ranges from creamy white to grey-brown. Fireclay is actively used both for creating a mortar for laying bricks, for mixing brick mortars, and for plastering. When buying, make sure that the clay is not stale on the shelves long time- otherwise, she could lose her properties, because the stores do not always withstand the conditions she needs. Prolonged exposure to moist air can completely ruin fireclay, just like it happens with cement. Using such material is more expensive.

Chamotte clay - how to breed and what to mix with?

To say that this material is easy to work with will not be entirely correct - many beginners using fireclay complain that it cracks and crumbles on its basis, and the laying on the fireclay solution is not firmly held. It should be remembered that during firing, clay almost completely loses its plastic properties, and our task, when mixing the solution, is to at least partially restore these characteristics to it or give them to the solution using other components, for example, special glue or ordinary quartz sand.

How to breed and with what to mix fireclay clay - step by step diagram

Step 1: We insist the powder on the water

To prepare a solution of fireclay clay for plaster, we need a pack of fireclay powder. Pour the powder into a container, gradually adding water until the powder is completely covered with water. Before diluting the final solution, fireclay clay should be infused for at least three days.

Step 2: Making the final knead

After we have stood the right time, stir the resulting mixture again, if necessary, adding a little quartz sand and water, if necessary. If the solution turns out to be liquid, you can sprinkle more powder, dilute too thick with additional water. By its consistency, the ready-to-use solution should resemble sour cream - with such a density, it will not drain from the surface and will stick well to the wall.

Of course, you can also purchase a composition for instant mixing - it does not need to be infused for three days, but it also costs more. In any case, PVA building glue should be added to the resulting composition; it does not hurt to reinforce such a solution with crushed fiberglass. For plastering with such a solution, special skills are not needed - just prepare large and small spatulas in advance and evenly apply the solution to the surface.

Step 3: Prepare the Surface

Based on the reduced plastic properties of fireclay, it is imperative that the surface that you want to plaster be provided with a mesh, and to improve adhesion, go through a good primer. Insofar as we are talking most often about plastering stoves and fireplaces, then the primer should be heat-resistant, and the mesh should be metal. In this case, you compensate for the plasticity of fireclay and achieve the highest fire resistance of the plaster.

Preparing a solution of fireclay clay for laying bricks

To get, you can’t use the first crushed fireclay that comes across. Chamotte clay, like cement, has its own brands. The characteristics of this material depend both on the size of the fraction obtained by grinding the crumb or powder, and on the degree of refractoriness. In addition to the fraction, you need to understand how the material was obtained - it can be either crushed briquettes, specially fired for this, or crushed kaolin brick, rejected in production. The second case is quite easy to determine - the bag should be marked "Y", indicating the "utilization" origin of the material. Fireclay solution based on it cannot be used in critical work.

The best solution for masonry is fireclay clay from one part of kaolin and two parts of fireclay sand with a fraction of not more than 0.5 millimeters.

Another option, more complex, is to mix 1 part of kaolin clay, the same amount of blue clay and 4 parts of fireclay sand. Why fireclay sand? Conventional quartz filler tends to expand at high temperatures, which in turn can lead to unwanted cracks in the masonry itself, especially when it comes to extreme temperatures that form inside the furnace. river sand is also unsuitable, as it does not create sufficient adhesion to other components. For higher strength, Portland cement is sometimes added to such compositions, however, such a fireclay solution will somewhat reduce its refractory qualities - the maximum heating threshold will be about 1550 °.

It is most correct to combine the use of fireclay clay with fireclay bricks. The thing is that they will have the same expansion coefficient when exposed to heat, and this, in turn, contributes to a greater strength of the entire structure. Laying red brick or any of these considerations is not entirely correct, although this option is not excluded if the stove is not used often and does not bring it to extreme temperatures. And yet it is better to put an ordinary brick on an ordinary mortar prepared according to classic recipe: for one part of clay from 3 to 5 parts of sand (depending on the fat content of the first component) and one part of cement.

The mortar for refractory bricks must be kneaded according to certain rules, depends on the quality brickwork. The construction of Russian stoves, fireplaces, barbecues and other remains one of the most popular types of construction. It is impossible to imagine it without the use of refractory (chamotte) bricks.

With such an abundance of objects, there is still no alternative to using fireclay bricks. This wonderful material is made from the so-called ground powder of refractory clay, kaolin and fireclay powder. The result is a material with very interesting properties:

  1. Increased resistance to low temperatures;
  2. Immunity to the action of aggressive alkalis and acids;
  3. Withstands heating up to 1500 degrees without self-destruction.

Such superior performance requires the use of an appropriate adhesive solution having such characteristics.
It is not surprising that fireclay is also used to prepare such a solution.

The substance is obtained from white kaolin clay, which is previously subjected to high temperature treatment. After that, the material acquires the characteristics of a stone, it is crushed, obtaining fireclay clay. Description of chamotte clay. In stores, fireclay clay is found in the form of a dry building mass, which is added to various building masonry and plaster mortars.

Specifications and properties. When buying this material, you should look very carefully at the expiration date. This is important, since fireclay clay long-term storage loses its properties. Dry mixtures are made from fireclay clay for the preparation of plaster and masonry mortars, and the creation of refractory bricks. Chamotte clay makes the solution very capricious. Inexperienced builders often face big problems when making refractory masonry: it is quite fragile, and the plaster cracks and falls off badly.

To avoid such problems, kaolin clay needs to regain the plasticity lost during firing. This can be done in two ways: by adding special glue, or ordinary sand.

Preparation of mortar for laying fireclay bricks

Laying of refractory bricks is carried out exclusively with the use of sand-clay mortar, and in some cases without it at all.
To prepare the solution, you can use both the ready-made mixture purchased in the store, and prepare it on their own. The so-called fireclay mortar is made in the form of a dry, finely ground refractory powder. This finished semi-finished product, which, when water is added after thorough mixing, turns into a ready-made mixture for laying fireclay bricks.

Sand with a grain size of not more than 2.5 mm is suitable for the solution.

With an industrial mixer, or something similar, the mixture is brought to the consistency of homemade sour cream. After the solution is ready, it is allowed to brew for an hour, after which it is thoroughly stirred again. To give the mixture a fortress, you can add a little Portland cement to it. The main criterion for the quality of the mixture is the proximity of its refractory characteristics to the identical characteristics of the refractory bricks that will be laid on it.

The procedure is fundamentally no different from the traditional preparation of the solution. There is only a row necessary action. Ground clay should be soaked in water for 3 days, periodically it must be mixed. After that, the clay should be rubbed through a sieve, and then the sifted sand should be added. Ideal Ratio parts - 1 part clay to 6 parts sand. Mix the components in a dry state, and then add water.

Despite the apparent ease of use of fireclay mortar, the quality of masonry using such a mortar may be unacceptable in terms of shrinkage.

An alternative to a mortar can be a masonry mix prepared by oneself.

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Do-it-yourself refractory mortar

When preparing the solution, it is necessary to strictly take into account the proportions.

For the preparation and laying of the refractory mortar, the following set of materials and tools will be needed:

  • ground refractory clay;
  • fireclay sand;
  • water;
  • cement;
  • salt;
  • glue;
  • bucket;
  • sieve;
  • putty knife;
  • Master OK;
  • building level;
  • slats;
  • nails;
  • cord.

Water should be added little by little so as not to skip the stage when the solution reaches the consistency of sour cream. In order for the mortar for laying fireclay bricks to be more durable, it is necessary to add 100-150 grams of salt per bucket to it ready solution, a handful of cement or liquid glue.

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The procedure for laying fireclay bricks

The beginning of the masonry process should be a thorough markup. The so-called dry laying will be an excellent help, when bricks are picked up, adjusted to each other and the size of the gap between the bricks is set. At the end of dry laying, the bricks are removed in the order in which they appear in the trial laying. Do not forget that the seam must be closed with the top brick, which will provide the masonry with greater reliability. Special attention should be given to the quality of the jointing, in order to avoid problems after completion of work.

The quality of the preparation of the solution directly affects the thickness of the seam of the refractory masonry. Accordingly, the seams according to this indicator are divided into four groups:

  • Category 1 - joint thickness less than 1 mm;
  • Category 2 - the seam is 2 mm;
  • Category 3 - the seam is 3 mm;
  • Category 4 - the seam is thicker than 3 mm.

The masonry category is determined temperature conditions masonry use. The higher the planned temperature, the thinner the seam should be, and the more thoroughly the solution is mixed. Means for checking the quality of refractory brickwork. The first step is to control the category of the seam. To do this, use a special probe with a width of 15 mm and a thickness equal to the thickness of the seam. Such a probe should not penetrate into the seam to a depth of more than 20 mm.

Not a single masonry is complete without tapping each brick with a trowel's handle. This ultimately leads to uneven masonry. The defect must be corrected while the solution is sufficiently fresh. To ensure even horizontal laying and the same width of the seams, ordering rails are used. A thin, durable cord is attached to them, which sets the correct styling parameters.

Each next layer is exposed along a cord stretched on nails inserted into a fresh seam. At each stage of the process, you should carefully monitor the uniformity of the distribution of the mortar between the bricks. Uneven distribution significantly impairs the performance of the refractory masonry. As in the case of conventional masonry, the brick should be moistened abundantly. Otherwise, the brick will actively suck out water from the solution, thereby greatly degrading its performance.

The best result will be if the bricks are held for some time in a container with water before laying. This procedure will clean the material of dust and saturate it with water. Laying refractory bricks using a properly prepared mortar is not an easy process, but if everything is done according to the rules, your stove or fireplace will please the eye with beauty, and the body with blessed warmth for many years.

Conventional solutions are not designed for temperature changes, as a result of which they crack and quickly crumble. The refractory mixture for furnaces is distinguished by its strength, resistance to high temperatures, and durability. A simple solution almost does not stick together with the smooth surface of the furnace and areas made of metal. Refractory mixtures, on the contrary, perfectly adhere to all surfaces and are convenient for working with furnaces.

Types of plaster

Refractory plaster for stoves and fireplaces is divided into two types: simple and complex. The simple composition includes two components, for example, for a Russian stove, as a rule, clay and sand are used. A complex plaster consists of three ingredients, and sometimes more:

  • asbestos, clay, sand;
  • sand, clay, cement, asbestos;
  • sand, fiberglass, lime, gypsum.

At high temperatures, asbestos begins to release toxic substances, for this reason it is replaced in refractory solutions with fibrous reinforcing additives.

Properties of refractory mortars

To make it easier to understand why heat-resistant mixtures are used in the construction of stoves and fireplaces, you need to consider their properties:

Ready refractory mixes

Market today building materials surprises with a variety of refractory products. The most popular of them, which received a lot of good reviews:

  1. There are three types of heat-resistant mixtures produced by this company:
  • smooth;
  • simulated;
  • for tiled surfaces.

When using a simulated one, it is realistic to get a textured surface on which any pattern can be applied. The smooth surface is perfect for painting the stove.

  1. "Terracotta". The dry mixture consists of clay and fine fireclay sand and refractory additives. The mortar is intended for ceramic and fireclay bricks and is able to withstand temperatures up to 200 ºC.
  2. "Pechnik". It includes:
  • lime;
  • sand;
  • gypsum;
  • asbestos;
  • cement;
  • clay;
  • mineral supplements.

The mixture withstands temperatures up to 600 ºC. The only negative side is asbestos, which is part of the composition, which is not an environmentally friendly product.

  1. Plitonite-SuperFireplace Fireproof. This mixture consists of refractory fibers and an adhesive base, resistant to high temperatures during the use of the furnace does not crack.

Ready-made dry mixes are popular and, according to reviews about them, are practically devoid of drawbacks, but their cost is not cheap.

Preparing the mixture

If you want to save money on building a stove or fireplace, you can not purchase expensive materials, but prepare the solution yourself.

Simple Blend

An ordinary mortar can be prepared from sifted sand, which must be moved with clay. After that, you need to add the required amount of water and eat until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The proportions of sand and clay depend on the fat content of the second component. If the clay is greasy, add three parts of sand. To determine the fat content of clay, put a small piece of it at the bottom of a bucket and fill it with water, stirring constantly, until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Next, immerse any board in the resulting mixture. If the board is covered with clay with a layer of 1 mm, then it is non-greasy. The thicker layer says otherwise.

Complex solution

Complex mixtures consist of different components, which are selected depending on which part of the fireplace they will be applied to. To facilitate the preparation, it is advisable to use a construction mixer.

Mix No. 1. Composition:

  • clay - 1 hour;
  • lime - 1 hour;
  • sand - 2 hours;
  • reinforcing additives - 1/10 parts.

To prepare the solution, you need to sift all the components and mix them dry. Then add water and stir until smooth.

No. 2. Composition:

  • clay - 1 hour;
  • sand - 2 hours;
  • cement - 1 hour;
  • reinforcing additive - 1/10 part.

To prepare, you also need to mix clay and sand, add water and stir until smooth. Then it is necessary to add cement and add a reinforcing additive, add water and mix until a thick homogeneous mass.

No. 3. Composition:

  • gypsum - 1 hour;
  • sand - 1 hour;
  • lime - 2 hours;
  • reinforcing additive - 2/10 parts.

After sifting the components, dry mix the lime, sand and reinforcing additive. Further required
Podimo pour the mixture with water and bring to a homogeneous state, add gypsum and stir again until a thick solution.

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When building a Russian stove, barbecue, barbecue or a noble fireplace, you can’t do without refractory (fireclay) bricks. This wonderful heat-resistant brick, indispensable for laying and lining furnace fireboxes, is made from high-quality ground refractory clay (kaolin) and fireclay powder. It is extremely resistant to low winter temperatures, immune to harmful alkalis and acids. Without loss of strength, it can withstand heating up to 1500-1600 degrees. It is slightly rough to the touch, and you can feel its granular structure with your fingertips. The refractory brick weighs about 3 kg, the standard size, like the red one, is 250x120x65 mm.

Fireclay bricks are made from high quality refractory clay and fireclay powder. It is resistant to low winter temperatures, and can withstand heating up to 1500-1600 C.

It is difficult to cut fireclay bricks; a grinder with a diamond disc is used when working.

Unlike red, refractory brick does not require soaking, however, before laying it, the surface should be cleaned of dirt and dust with a brush. The thickness of the masonry joint for refractory bricks should not exceed 3 mm.

How to choose the right fireclay brick

The brick for the oven should be smooth, without cracks, scratches, dents and whitish spots, correct form. The standard brick size is 230x114x65.

The color of refractory bricks varies from creamy sand, almost white, to light brown. The richer and darker the color, the better brick suitable for laying the firebox of the furnace.

The brick must be neat, even, without scratches and cracks, without dents and whitish spots of efflorescence, of the correct shape, standard sizes. When tapped, a good brick makes a sonorous sound with a metallic note. When struck with a hammer or chisel, it does not crumble, but breaks up into large pieces.

Under no circumstances should unbaked bricks be used for laying the oven, since it is very fragile and porous, does not tolerate frost well and quickly absorbs moisture. Such a brick has pale, mustard hues and sounds muffled when struck. The burnt brick turns black right up to the very core, charred and melted. Such a brick is called iron ore. It becomes very resistant to external influences and is therefore well suited for arranging sewers or building foundations, but not for a furnace.

When purchasing a brick, pay attention to the markings. This is necessary so as not to confuse it with other types of bricks that are completely unsuitable for masonry - for example, acid-resistant, with which fireclay is quite similar in appearance and color. Fireclay bricks must be marked with the letter "Ш".

Fireclay bricks must be marked with the letter Sh.

In the vast majority of cases, fireclay bricks are used exclusively for laying and lining the firebox. Nevertheless, it is quite acceptable to make fireplaces and stoves entirely from refractory bricks, especially in cases where the design qualities of red brick are not satisfied. Fireclay bricks are beautiful, reliable, durable, easily tiled or ceramic tiles. In addition, its good geometry greatly simplifies the laying process. However, you should consider your financial capabilities, since refractory bricks are much more expensive than red ones.

Now that we have chosen a suitable brick, we can begin to prepare a solution for it.

How to prepare mortar for refractory bricks

It should be remembered that red brick is placed on red clay, and refractory brick is placed on refractory, and nothing else.

The mortar for laying fireclay bricks is prepared from a ready-made dry mix - fireclay mortar.

You can cook with your own hands or take a ready-made dry mixture, the so-called fireclay mortar. In any case, pure, better rainwater, not oily, without impurities, with a minimum salt content. For 100 bricks, we need 3 buckets of self-mixed mortar, or about 40 kg of dry mix. Therefore, before mixing or purchasing mixtures, carefully check the order of your oven again.

Ready-made dry refractory mixture, i.e. fireclay mortar, works according to the well-known principle “just add water”. Water is added until the refractory mortar reaches the consistency of thick sour cream. It is mixed with a mixer or an electric drill, with significant volumes - with a concrete mixer (mix for at least 5 minutes). After mixing, the solution is left for an hour, after which it is mixed again. For strength, the addition of Portland cement is recommended in an amount of approximately 15% of the initial amount of dry mix. Everything is ready, you can lay refractory bricks.

However, although the use of a ready mix saves time and effort, masonry with mortar shrinks quite a lot and is less durable than a mortar mixed with refractory clay with the addition of fireclay sand. Therefore, it is preferable to mix the solution yourself.

Chamotte clay is soaked for 10-12 hours and periodically mixed.

For this, a pack of ground refractory clay (white kaolin clay) is taken and soaked for at least 12 hours, and preferably for 2-3 days. If there is no kaolin, blue Cambrian is acceptable. The water should cover the entire clay. From time to time, the soaked clay needs to be mixed. Then the clay is carefully rubbed through a sieve with 3 * 3 mm cells. Pay attention to the smell of clay. It usually doesn't smell. Cutting, bad smell indicates that it contains organic additives. After the clay is well soaked and rubbed, sand is added.

It is unacceptable to lay quartz sand, as well as granite or marble chips. Ideally, fireclay sand is used (small battle of defective fireclay bricks). In the absence of fireclay sand, it is permissible to use mountain sand, without third-party impurities or silt. First you need to sift the sand through a fine sieve. The optimal proportions of refractory clay and fireclay sand are 1:2.

Getting great results

After adding the sand, water is gradually and carefully added and mixed until the solution reaches a homogeneous, thick, creamy consistency. According to the precepts of experienced stove-makers, you can check the readiness of the mixture by scooping it up with a trowel. The mixture should not stick to the trowel or drain from it, but slowly slide off metal surface leaving almost no marks on it.

A good refractory mortar retains plasticity, does not delaminate, while remaining very durable. It does not contain large lumps of clay or clots. When pressed with a brick, it completely fills the irregularities of the masonry and ensures smooth movement of the brick through the mortar.

A high-quality solution does not require any third-party additives. However, if you doubt the strength, you can add table salt(approximately 100-150 g per bucket) or cement grade 150 (half a master, again per bucket). But it should be remembered that the addition of cement reduces the maintainability of brickwork, and the addition of salt is fraught with the appearance of whitish stains - efflorescence. To increase plasticity, a slight addition of liquid glass is allowed, approximately 1-3% of the volume of the mixture.

When mixing solutions from clay, safety precautions should be observed, make sure that nails or glass fragments do not accidentally get there.

The invention relates to the field of metallurgy, can be used in the lining of high-temperature metallurgical furnaces with a working temperature of 800-1700C. Aluminum boron phosphate concentrate (ABPC) is used as a binding component of the masonry mortar. In industry, ABFC is used as a component in the production of refractory bricks and molds (moulds). Aluminoborophosphate concentrate (ABFC) is diluted with water to a density of 1.35-1.38 g/cm 3 . The composition of the masonry mortar, wt.%: chamotte mortar MSH-31 - 64-68, aluminoborophosphate concentrate - 29-33, hardener MgOSiO 2 - 3. When using the invention, an increase in the service life of the lining is provided. 2 s. p. f-ly, 1 tab.

The invention relates to the field of metallurgy and can be used in the lining of high-temperature metallurgical furnaces with an operating temperature of 800-1700C. , designed to bind standard refractory products (bricks, blocks) into a single thermal-protective array of a metallurgical furnace (hereinafter referred to as "lining"). There is a method for preparing a cement-based refractory mullite-silica masonry mortar for repairing the lining of metallurgical furnaces, for example, shaft, rotary, mixers and others ( Gavrish D.I., etc. Refractory production, reference book, volume 1, M., “Metallurgy”, 1965, pp. 552-559; institute of refractories, Yekaterinb urg) using the following ingredients, wt.%: fireclay mortar with Al 2 O 3 content - 28-38% grade MSH-31 GOST 6137-8 70 portland cement grade 400 GOST-10178-85 28 liquid glass, density 1.37 g/cm 2 (over 100%) GOST 13078-81 20magnesium-containing salt 2Liquid glass is preliminarily diluted with water to a density of 1.36-1.40 g/cm2. 1-3 minutes, pour liquid glass with a density of 1.37 g / cm3 and mix for 3-5 minutes. the beginning of setting is not earlier than two hours, the shelf life of the measuring solution is no more than three hours, the temperature for preparing and using the solution is at least 5 ° C. When used, the finished measuring solution must be liquid or semi-liquid consistency. The laying of linings on mullite-silica mortar is carried out by applying them to the contact surfaces of products using a trowel. The thickness of the laying seam should not exceed 2 mm. The disadvantage of this method is the low service life of linings - up to 2 months. With prolonged exposure to temperatures above 500-600C, cement dehydration occurs, the phase composition changes, and the binder that cements the filler grains weakens. The seam is loosened, which leads to the destruction of the lining. There is also a method for preparing masonry mortars (Kopeikin V.A. ., “Metallurgy”, 1996, pp. 154-159) using sodium polyphosphate - Na (PO 3) n (GOST 20291-80). Their density is 2.48 g / cm 2, melting point 619C. According to its properties, a refractory masonry mortar based on sodium polyphosphate must meet the following requirements: - appearance- homogeneous, well-mixed mass without lumps and foreign inclusions; - viability (suitability for application after preparation on the surface of a refractory product) - at least 4 hours. with a density of 1.35 g / cm 3 (kg / l). The consumption of the solution per 1 m of masonry, depending on its composition, is 190-240 kg. The required amount of sodium polyphosphate is specified by a test batch, depending on the purpose of the solution and its consistency, as well as on the dispersion, porosity and moisture content of the fillers. The preparation of the masonry mortar for lining work is carried out as follows: process water with a temperature of 10-50C with stirring. To prepare the solution, the consumption of sodium polyphosphate with a recommended density of 1.35 g / cm 3 is 540 kg per 1 m 3 of water. The preparation of a phosphate refractory solution is carried out in a mechanical mortar mixer. The materials are loaded in the following order: - 1/2 hour of a dilute solution of sodium polyphosphate is poured into the mortar mixer; - 1/2 hour of the required amount of powdered fillers is poured and mixing is carried out until a homogeneous mass is obtained. In the same sequence, the remaining amount of binder and fillers is introduced. The mass is mixed for 10-15 minutes. The consistency of the solution can be adjusted during operation, depending on the convenience of applying the solution to refractory products and on the thickness of the seam. and thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The service life of furnaces lined with sodium polyphosphate is much higher than the service life of the above analogues. this method preparation of a solution based on sodium polyphosphate is the need to introduce an additional operation - the dissolution of solid, glassy sodium polyphosphate in water, which increases the time for preparing the solution for work, the need to use additional equipment, increases the cost of energy at a higher cost of sodium polyphosphate compared to the proposed binding component. In addition, alkali metal phosphates in aqueous solutions are partially subjected to hydrolysis. The objective of the invention is to eliminate the indicated disadvantages of the analog and prototype methods, to increase the service life of the lining of metallurgical furnaces. The technical result of the invention is to increase the durability of the lining of metallurgical furnaces due to the use of phosphate masonry mortar binders: aluminum boron phosphate concentrate (ABPC). Phosphate binders are homogeneous systems obtained by dissolving oxide compounds in phosphoric acid. It is proposed to use aluminum boron phosphate concentrate (ABPC) as a binder (TU 113-08-606-87). In industry, ABFC is used as a component in the production of refractory bricks and molds (moulds).
Real specifications apply to aluminoborphosphate concentrate used as a binder in metallurgical production in the manufacture of foundry molds and cores, in the production of refractory products, in the production of dyes in the production of roofing tiles and colored roofing material. MSH-31 grade (or other filler if there are instructions for use). The hardener for the masonry mortar based on ABFC can be double salt MgOSiO 2 in the amount of 3% of the total volume of the solution. The composition of the refractory phosphate masonry mortar, wt.%: fireclay mortar MS -31 64-68 solution of aluminum boron phosphate concentrate with a density of (1.35-1.38 g/cm ,59-1.60 g / cm 3, dilute with water with a temperature not lower than + 5C to a density of 1.35-1.38 g / cm 3 (1-0.7 volumes of water are needed for 1 volume of concentrate). The preparation of a refractory phosphate solution is carried out in a mechanical mortar mixer. 50% of the prepared (diluted) solution of aluminoborophosphate is poured into the mortar mixer. Then 50% of the amount of powdered fillers is added and mixing is carried out until a homogeneous mass is obtained. In the same sequence, the remaining amount of binder (aluminoborophosphate solution) and powdered fillers are introduced. The consistency of the solution is determined by a cone (StroyTsNIL) weighing 100 g. The immersion depth of the cone should be 4.5-5.5 divisions.


1. A method for preparing a refractory masonry mortar, including mixing the filler, binder solution and hardener with water, characterized in that fireclay mortar MSH-31 is used as a filler, an aluminoborophosphate concentrate is used as a binder, and MgOSiO 2 double salt is used as a hardener. 2. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that the filler is used in the amount of 64-68%, the binder solution - in the amount of 29-33%, the hardener - in the amount of 3%. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that the aluminoborophosphate concentrate is diluted with water to a density of 1.35-1.38 g/cm 3 .

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