What flowers can be planted in spring in open ground? We grow flower seedlings on our own.

For a gardener, spring begins much earlier than for a simple layman. Because he, like no one else, closely follows the calendar and waits for the moment when it will be possible to carefully lower the first seed into the still sleepy earth...

In the beginning there was... a seed

Did you like the flower on the package in the store? Great, take the bag in your hands and find on the back of the "sell by ...". It is desirable that there be an imprint of the date of the end of this year, and even better, of the future. It is very important! Otherwise, if the seeds are "expired", all efforts will go to waste. After making sure that everything is in order with the expiration date, it would be nice to study the conditions under which the flower you have chosen needs. And compare with those that you can offer him on your land.

For example, if your flower bed is in shaded parts of the site - look at balsam, levkoy, lobelia, mignonette, tobacco, etc. If you do not have the opportunity to water the plantings every day, give preference to drought-resistant letniki. These are amaranth, marigolds, verbena, helichrysum, gomphrena, cochia, lobelia, nasturtium, petunia, salvia, scabiosa, statice, tobacco, phlox, celosia, zinnia, etc.

What working equipment will be needed:

Container for seedlings and picks
The soil
Watering can
And, of course, the seeds of annual flowers.

Where to sow?

You will need seedling boxes 8 cm deep. Now available in various stores huge selection containers for seedlings (plastic cassettes, peat pots, pill containers, mini-greenhouses, etc.) for every taste, color and budget.

If you do not want to spend money on the purchase of special containers, you can use containers from products (ice cream, cakes, confectionery and even juice and milk bags). Yogurt cups are great for growing seedlings without subsequent picking. Important detail: dishes from dairy products must be thoroughly rinsed before use soda solution. Then it is necessary to make drainage holes in it. Poke a few holes with a sharp object (such as a knife or screwdriver). Now homemade dishes for seedlings are ready and can be filled.

What to sow?

In the same store where you bought the container, the soil is probably sold. There are many packages, but we carefully read the names on the packages. We find a package marked "For seedlings of vegetable and flower crops." It contains a mixture based on peat with humus and sand. This is what you need.

How to prepare the soil?

The purchased soil is desirable, although not necessary, to be processed before sowing. To do this, prepare a hot strong solution of potassium permanganate: in a two-liter bottle with hot water pour potassium permanganate crystals. Let them dissolve completely. The solution should be thick purple. Pour the soil into the seedling boxes and spill it there with the newly made solution. Let the water drain, and the earth cool and dry.

But before you deal with the soil directly, fill the bottom of the tank with a drainage hole with fine expanded clay with a layer of 10 mm. Please note that the earth should not be poured to the very edges of the container, but in such a way that the planted seeds can be sprinkled and watered. The soil must be compacted (compressed) along the edges of the container so that the soil, drying out, does not lag behind the walls of the container.

Experienced flower growers, before starting work, be sure to look into the lunar calendar. And, making sure that today is the right day, they start sowing or other manipulations with plants. Experienced people confirm that when the phases of the moon are taken into account, the seedlings are friendly, the seedlings do not suffer from diseases, the seedlings are well received after transplantation, and the flowering is unusually lush and spectacular.

How does the calendar work? On the day of the new moon, a few days before and after landing is not performed. Everything that grows up (if the purpose of planting is the aerial parts of the plant - this just applies to flowers) is planted during the growing moon, immediately after the new moon. And everything that grows down is planted during the waning moon (suddenly you want to plant a carrot or other root crop). In fact, it's easier to buy moon calendar(it costs within 20 rubles) and follow his recommendations.

How to sow?

Usually, seeds are sown randomly from a bag. Very small seeds are not covered with earth, and larger ones are sprinkled with a layer of earth approximately equal to the thickness of the seed. Then the container with the sown seeds is irrigated with a spray bottle to prevent soil erosion.

Lobelia, petunia and other very small seeds are more convenient to sow if you mix flower seeds with dry clean fine river sand 1: 6 or the contents of a drunk tea bag.

Seeds do not need light to germinate. Therefore, before the emergence of seedlings, crops do not have to be kept on the windowsill. The exception is purslane, cochia, lobelia and the seeds of some other plants that germinate in the light. At this crucial moment, the seeds need moisture. To achieve the greenhouse effect, we cover containers with crops cling film or pack the container in plastic bag. When condensation forms, remove the cover, shake off the drops (at this time the substrate is ventilated) and cover again.

With the advent of seedlings, we rearrange the crops to the light, best of all on the windowsill. But make sure that there are no sudden changes in temperature - the seedlings suffer greatly from this.

Even if you plant only two or three types of plants, do not rely on memory, sign the names of the flowers sown in this container on the container or on special labels.

In order to prevent it is important:

  • do not sow the seeds too thickly,
  • periodically ventilate seedlings,
  • do not flood: the substrate must be constantly moist, but not wet,
  • provide good lighting
  • maintain the temperature in the room no more than 15-20 degrees Celsius.

Compliance with these simple agrotechnical conditions contribute to the full development and formation of seedlings. In the event of a disease, knowledgeable flower growers recommend treating seedlings with phytosporin. For those who strive to avoid "chemistry" in everything, you can use the powder from eggshell. Among experienced gardeners, he is famous for his unique ability to deal with this scourge of seedlings - the black leg. It is easy to prepare the powder: grind the washed and well-dried shells into powder. Then completely cover the area affected by the black leg. Also, crushed shells can be sprinkled on top of crops to prevent the disease.

What water to water?

Seedlings should be watered in the morning and in no case at night. With "night" watering, it will stretch out, will grow weak and more prone to disease.

Some gardeners prefer settled water at room temperature. Others water the seedlings with cold water drawn from a "hot" tap, believing that in hot water less chlorine. There are those who buy water to water their seedlings. But, at first glance, there is a consensus on this a simple question, flower growers do not.

"Dry" mode of cultivation require the following crops: aster, marigold, levkoy, snapdragon, petunia, purslane, Drummond's phlox and zinnia. They tolerate dry air and some drying of the substrate. They need to be watered in the morning on sunny days only when the topsoil dries, but with deep wetting of the entire topsoil.

Wet growing regime require dahlia, lobelia, nasturtium, fragrant tobacco. Dry air and the drying up of an earthen coma have a detrimental effect on them.

What to feed the seedlings?

When the sprout has a second pair of true leaves, you can begin to "feed" the seedlings. Fertilizer should be watered once a week. Knowledgeable flower growers dilute the complete mineral fertilizer at least twice as weakly as recommended in the instructions. Fertilizers are not so easy. By and large, seedlings of unpretentious letniki will grow well without additional feeding. Plants that require the introduction of additional mineral and organic fertilizers, "feed" strictly taking into account the peculiarities of agricultural technology of a particular type.

When and how to plant in separate pots?

Transplanting seedlings during growth from one container to another with cutting off the tip of the root is called picking. Its purpose is to provide plants large area nutrition and get a more powerful root system. When picking, you should separate part of the seedlings from the rest with a clod of earth, then separate one seedling and cut off too long a root. Next, make a recess in the soil of the picking pot and, pushing the root of the seedling deep into the soil, sprinkle the root with earth, compacting it. It is important to keep the sprouts from falling off during the first watering. And be sure to keep the pickled seedlings cool for the first couple of days, avoiding direct sunlight on it.

When to plant seedlings in the ground?

Until a certain point, the seedlings were in greenhouse conditions in the literal and figurative sense. It is clear that seedlings "spoiled" by such care and attention are not adapted to survive in harsh conditions. unprotected ground. Will have to heat it up. 10-12 days before the expected date of relocation of flowers to open ground limit watering. If possible, put pots with seedlings "on the street" - on outdoor balcony, out the window. And one fine day, you will have to leave them altogether for an "overnight stay on the street." Do not worry, these Spartan tests will only benefit the young, but the early ones. Let's not forget that return frosts in middle lane May be until June 10th. It is until this day that it is undesirable to plant seedlings of heat-loving flowers. We don't want all our hard work to go down the drain in one night!

But some cold-resistant crops can still be planted in May. For example, violas. Remember, it is they who, back in April, are the first to appear on city flower beds. Also withstands frosts down to -4C carnation Shabo, sweet pea, levkoy, cinerraria.

And one more "but": seedlings cannot be planted in the ground in a flower bed, but can be in hanging baskets. Therefore, petunia, lobelia and verbena may be released before their neighbors on the windowsill.

It is desirable to plant seedlings in cloudy weather or in the evening. Why? So that the bright summer sun does not burn, though hardened, but still insufficiently adapted to the full daylight hours of the plant.

How to plant in the ground?

Prepare the soil in advance in a flower bed or garden bed: dig up, free from weed roots, water. If the soil is poor, apply fertilizer. On the acidic soils lime must be added (200-300 g / m 2).

If the seedlings are in picking cups, moderately moisten the ground in them before moving. Then make a hole in the soil of the future flower bed with a scoop. Remove a plant with an earthy clod from a glass (trying not to destroy it!) And place it in the hole. Press the earth well around the frightened "settler" and water it. It is advisable to create a shade for seedlings in the first days - for example, cover with lutrasil. This will contribute to better plant survival.

Some crops during transplantation can be deepened by 2-5 cm. This is especially true for seedlings stretched out due to lack of light or improper watering. So, feel free to immerse overgrown marigolds, amaranths and zinnias into the ground by 5 cm. But there are plants that cannot stand deepening. For example, fragrant tobacco, forming a basal rosette of leaves.

Each plant has a lot of its agrotechnical subtleties, nuances and features of cultivation. But, I really hope that this scheme for growing seedlings will help novice growers, who the author was several years ago, take their first steps more confidently. The table shows brief data on annual crops, which are usually sown in March.

Names annual plants

Sowing time for seedlings

Seedling timing

picking dates

Terms of landing in the ground



February - early March

After 10-15 days

Late May - early June

At the seedling stage, susceptibility to the disease "black leg". Long flowering


February - early March

After 10-15 days

In May

At the seedling stage, susceptibility to the disease "black leg". Long flowering, fragrance


Early March

After 10-15 days

In the phase of two true leaves

In May

Frost-resistant, prefers moist soils, easily tolerates transplanting even in flowering state

decorative cabbage


After 4-7 days

When 5-6 true leaves appear

In May

Cold-resistant, "kachan" is formed by the end of August

castor oil


After 8-14 days

In the phase of two true leaves

Late May - early June

Do not rush to plant flowers in the ground, they can suffer from frost and sun.

For the successful planting of seedlings of annuals in open ground, three points must be taken into account first of all. flower crops have different cold resistance, that is, the ability to tolerate spring return frosts. It is she who determines the timing of planting seedlings.

In the first half of May, it is already possible to plant the most cold-resistant flowers in open ground: levkoy, Shabo carnation, cineraria, sweet peas. They can tolerate short-term frosts down to -4C without shelter.

All seedlings grown in protected ground need pre-hardening. Otherwise, falling under direct sunlight, pampered plants will get severe burns and may die. Hardening lasts 12-14 days, during which the seedlings are taken out to the balcony, open terrace or garden.

First, the plants are left in the sun for 1-2 hours in the morning, and the rest of the time they are shaded with a non-woven covering material or moved to the shade. Gradually, the duration of exposure to the sun is increased, and at the end of hardening, the plants are left in the garden for a full day. In the early days, seedlings must be protected from strong wind. With the threat of frost, seedlings are brought indoors for the night.

In the second half of May, most of the annuals are planted (except for the most heat-loving ones): Houston ageratum, petunia, asters, cochia, purslane, lobelia, verbena, gazania, helipterum, cleoma, Chinese cloves, marigolds, fragrant tobacco, Snapdragon, perilla, salvia, rudbeckia.

pay attention to right choice sites, soil preparation, planting techniques and post-plant care.

Planting density depends both on the type of plant, its height and bushiness, and on the type of planting (group, border, flower garden, garden bed). Usually the lowest and creeping plants planted quite densely, at a distance of 10-15 cm, medium - after 20-25 cm, and the highest - 30-50 cm.

If organic fertilizers and lime were not used in the previous two years, then in medium loamy garden soil add a bucket of humus or compost ( fresh manure annuals cannot stand) and 200 g of lime or ash per 1 m 2. Mix the fertilizer with the soil with a pitchfork to the entire depth of the treated layer.

In the very last days of May - the first days of June, it is time to plant the most heat-loving plants: amaranth, ever-flowering and tuberous begonias, balsam, annual dahlias, coleus, cellosia.

When planting, add an additional 3-5 g of complete mineral fertilizer to the wells when planting. Doses can be adjusted - the larger the future plants, the more food they will need. Be sure to stir mineral fertilizers with earth.

It is necessary to plant a plant a little deeper than it grew, usually 1-2 cm. After planting, the soil is watered, if necessary, mulched.

Preparation for the process of growing flowers in own garden it is best to start in the winter, so that in the future the flowers will grow stronger and bloom faster. There is nothing complicated in this matter, but still some of the knowledge contained in this article may be useful to you.

What flowers are grown through seedlings

Before proceeding with the process of growing flower seedlings at home, it is necessary to determine which flowers can be propagated in this way. It can be annuals, biennials, and even. For sowing, they are usually chosen, which have a fairly long period and earlier flowering, as for other flower seedlings, then, in principle, you can choose any plant that tolerates further transplantation well.

Frequent guests on balconies and window sills are mainly:, reseda, , and many others.

Did you know? The ancient Egyptians were the first to think of growing flowers. This happened over 4000 years ago.

Basic growing rules

Growing healthy, strong flower seedlings with a well-developed root system can not only experienced gardener but also just a diligent amateur. In order for everything to work out as it should, you just need to follow the basic simple rules of growing.

Seed selection

The most important, most significant mistake when growing seedlings is the purchase of low-quality, spoiled seeds - after all, the final result will depend on their quality.

Important! You should not save when buying seeds, because stinginess can lead to best case to weak seedlings, at worstThey may not germinate at all. Therefore, stock up on high-quality planting material only in trusted places and from trusted manufacturers.

Determining the capacity for landing

Pots will always be the best container for sowing flower seeds in a house or apartment, because when planting in boxes, you have to pick seedlings in the future, and the seedlings themselves in the “potted” version are less susceptible to injury and infection with rot. Of course, if we talk about in large numbers planting material and about large garden plans, then plastic cassettes with pallets, glasses or the same boxes will be more relevant.

Important! It is better not to use cardboard containers for seedlings, especially those in which dairy products were stored. The fact is that they are treated with special evaporating substances that are capable of inhibiting barely emerging seedlings.

The best containers for planting seeds are rightfully peat pots.- they are made from environmentally friendly pure material and provide the necessary moisture and air exchange in the soil zone in which it should be located root system. The main advantage of these pots is that the grown seedlings can be planted in the ground directly in them, without injuring the still rather weak roots.
BUT for germination small plants fit well peat tablets - they are able to swell when soaked and turn into an interesting cup filled with peat substrate. However, ordinary seedling boxes and plastic glasses are also good, but with the condition that there are drainage holes and trays for excess liquid in the bottoms.

Soil preparation

The main requirements for the preparation of the soil in which the seeds will germinate are its moisture-air permeability, as well as moderate nutritional value. For some it is preferable to buy immediately ready ground in a specialized store, but, as the practice of many gardeners has shown, it is better to choose and prepare the soil yourself in order to avoid various falsifications and low-quality impurities.
The composition of soil mixtures may differ slightly from each other, but, as a rule, they mainly consist of garden or turf soil, sand, and, of course,.

Let's look at each ingredient individually:

  1. Sod land can be prepared in a simple way, but it is extremely long in terms of the waiting time for the finished soil. It is necessary to remove a 5-cm layer of turf in the meadow, turn its strips down with grass and lay them on top of each other in heaps, and only after 1 or 2 years, after the grass has completely rotted, will you get excellent nutrient soil.
  2. Instead of soddy soil, it is much easier to use leafy soil. To do this, just take it off upper layer from under deciduous trees either take from or ridges.
  3. Humus for the mixture should be taken well-rotted, no longer containing bad smell and quite loose.
  4. Sand is usually taken coarse-grained and clean, mostly of the river type.
  5. Peat for soil should be chosen loose, milled and lowland - it has dense structure and quite dark.

Also, when preparing the soil for seedlings, components such as chalk, lime and will not interfere. All these ingredients must be mixed in the proportions you need, pinching them off with special shovels or buckets. The mixture is then well mixed and sieved on a garden screen.

Planting material processing

Such preparatory stage before planting, as a treatment of planting material, it is necessary for the seedlings to be healthy and strong. Selected viable medium and large seeds must be well disinfected and all preventive measures should be carried out. possible diseases. To do this, they are first placed in a solution of potassium permanganate and soaked for 12 hours. Next, the seedlings should be soaked in a special growth stimulator, in order, in particular, to develop resistance to adverse conditions in them.
The procedure will not be superfluous. To carry it out, the seeds should be soaked for 12 hours at room temperature, and then place them in the refrigerator (also for 12 hours), then remove and keep warm. Thus, the plant is initially prepared for temperature changes.

Choosing a place to grow

The main rule for growing flowering plants- this is the germination of seeds in a dark place. The position of the containers must be changed already when the first shoots appear - they must be put in a well-lit area. It is clear that at the end winter period natural light will not be enough, so here special fluorescent ones can come to the aid of gardeners. Fluorescent lamps are also suitable for this, but they should be included in daytime then the seedlings will keep the balance of day and night.
The best option to choose right place there will still be a mini-greenhouse, but it takes up a lot of space, so you can try using improvised means. For example, cover containers with seedlings with glass, and after germination, build an imitation (a piece of polyethylene is stretched between two pieces of wire).

Sowing flowers for seedlings

The main thing in the question of how to grow seedlings of flowers from seeds at home will, of course, be the sowing process itself. Before planting, the soil must be moistened in such a way as to completely forget about watering until the seedlings germinate. Further, the process itself is divided into such manipulations:

  1. If containers small size, holes or grooves are made in them.
  2. Small seeds are usually poured onto the surface of the soil, large ones are laid out in holes and lightly sprinkled with earth, the distance between them should be kept at least 3 cm.
  3. Next, the planted seeds in containers are covered plastic wrap, it is necessary to save high level humidity. But excess moisture is also not very good, so when it accumulates under the film or in a bag of abundant drops, the structure must be ventilated by turning the film over to the other side.

plant care

Already after the emergence of seedlings, the selected flowers need proper and regular care. First of all, seedlings need to be provided with a cool and bright place, but without direct sunlight. Further, the following steps are included in the process of caring for plants.

annual flowers - plants that are planted for one season (often spring or summer), and dug up after flowering stops. Perennial plants, after experiencing flowering, are sent for storage, and then again deepened into open ground.

The advantage of planting annual flowers in the ground

An annual plant, as noted experienced growers, comfortable fit and further cultivation. Many say that they have not experienced such relief in caring for plants for a long time, because they do not have to think about how to save flowers before planting next season.

For beginners, planting annual flowers in the ground is a great opportunity to try your hand at gardening, on personal experience experience the growing process, understand what mistakes were made and correct them next year.

The timing of planting annual flowers in the ground varies depending on the rules for caring for plants, their preferences and weather conditions in your planting area, so be guided by the specific variety of annuals.

According to general parameters, annual flowers should be planted in the ground with mid-spring, more often by the end of May, in rare cases, in early summer. The planting time is also affected by the form of planting annual flowers - seeds in the ground or germinated seedlings.

The ideal option is planting seedlings in regions with unfavorable weather conditions or seeds in open ground, the variety of which allows planting.

What annual flowers are suitable for planting in open ground:

  • Lavater
  • Mattiola
  • blue cornflower
  • Helipterum
  • Akroklinum
  • Calendula
  • Godetia
  • Iberis
  • Venidium
  • Dimofoteka

choose annual flower(flowers) to your taste, create interesting compositions or try your hand at one variety. The listed plants are planted in open ground in the first half of May.

A little later, such annuals are recommended to be planted.:chrysanthemums, amaranths, marigolds, zinnias, coleus, celosia. It is believed that growing these annual flowers in the open field is not special work. However, they are afraid of night frosts or temperature changes, so the planting process should be carried out when the threat to their health has passed.

Kosmeya and lavatera - annual flowers in the ground

In today's article, we decided to dwell in more detail on two popular plants - lavater and kosmeya. Every passer-by noticed flowerbeds with these annual flowers, and summer residents are familiar with their names firsthand.

Cosmea is grown anywhere. This plant reaches 60 cm in height minimum. It has a delicate color and a real mix of shades: from pink to rich burgundy.

Lavatera is a bright representative of annual flowers. It is planted under the same conditions as the cameo. It blooms from the end of June until the beginning of autumn, keeping large in diameter, but very delicate in color, pink inflorescences. They can also have a red tint, depending on the type of lavatera.

Having planted these or any other annual flowers in the ground, you definitely will not regret your choice. In anticipation of the spring-summer season, we wish all gardeners good luck!

Taking up the cultivation of seedlings of flowers from mid-January, seedlings should be provided with good illumination, as this gives a good impetus to the development of sprouts and the healthy state of the plant as a whole. Flower seedlings grown from seeds using the following methods.

Annuals with long growing season grown through seedlings, as they simply do not have time to bloom if they are sown immediately in open ground.

Heat-loving plants are also more reliable to grow seedlings, then, when the threat of return frosts has passed, plant them in the garden. These include: marigolds, hybrid gazania, cultural dahlia, Waller's balsam, balsam balsam, garden petunia, silver celosia, elegant zinnia, all types of nasturtium.

Some of the listed garden crops (marigolds, nasturtium, zinnia) can be sown in the ground, but then you need to cover the seedlings with non-woven material.

Planting time for seedlings...

In the last days of January - including February, you can begin to sow seeds for seedlings of the most early cultures: Shabo carnations and evergreen begonias. Tuberous is recommended to be sown even earlier - last days December to mid-January. In this case, the plant will bloom in the same year and have time to form tubers.

If it is not possible to provide constant illumination, then you can move the planting to the end of February - the beginning of March, even if these are the seeds of the most "long-playing" flowers. Otherwise, you will get elongated weak plants, which are unlikely for the most part to survive until the happy moment of transplanting into the ground.

In February, a rather large group of flowers is sown for seedlings - New Guinea and Waller's balsam, fuchsia, zonal pelargonium, ampelous pelargonium, cineraria, statice, viola, sponge, salvia, lobelia, tigridia, passionflower, etc.

Pelargonium is usually sown in February to be planted in early June. Last season sowed 20-23.01, bloomed after 24.05. It is better to plant grown seedlings in small pots - flowering will be more abundant in them.

From sowing to flowering, petunias take about 3-3.5 months, this culture blooms until frost. You can start sowing from the end of February or in March. Shoots appear in 7-12 days.

Mass sowing of one-year-olds most often begins only in March, which is associated with a short growing season.

In March, most annuals are sown for seedlings: asters, primroses, petunias, purslane, drummond phloxes, Chinese carnations, hybrid verbena, annual dahlias, milkweed fringed, snapdragons, anemones, levkoy, kupena, cumin (immortelle), delphinium, daisies , sage, calceolaria, castor bean and from those that were not planted earlier.

In the last decade of March, you can sow ageratum, alissum, arctotis, gazania, coleus, helichrysum, sweet pea, cochia, lobelia, levkoy, perilla, salvia, fragrant tobacco and some other annual flowers, as well as most perennials.

In April, heat-loving and fast-growing flowers are sown for seedlings, which quickly sprout and develop - zinnia, iberis, amaranth, marigolds, nasturtium, balsam balsam, annual chrysanthemum.

It often happens that when sown at home, some seeds do not germinate well or at all, but when sown in a greenhouse, they will sprout amazingly! In the greenhouse, you can grow wonderful seedlings of zinnia, ageratum, marigolds, balsams, iberis, phlox, godetia and some other types of flyers.

Sowing of many annuals, which we plant directly in open ground, in flower beds, flower boxes, falls on April-May (phlox, asters, nasturtium, marigolds, amaranth, decorative sunflowers, annual chrysanthemums).

Which annuals have small seeds?

Fits good seedling method growing for flowers with very small seeds - ageratum, begonia, fragrant tobacco, bluebell, lobelia, snapdragon, mimulus, petunia, purslane ...

The seedlings of these flowers are very thin and weak, easily die in the open field, so seedlings are a guaranteed way to grow beautiful flowers.

When buying seeds, be sure to pay attention to the expiration date, study the information on planting on the bag ...

If small seeds need good lighting for seedlings, then large ones with a hard shell develop slowly and do not need light until seedlings appear. But, after the sprouts appear, you should move them to a bright place.

How to sow flower seeds?

After filling the seedling boxes with a nutrient mixture, pour a hot pink solution of potassium permanganate. It is undesirable to apply any fertilizer, as flower seedlings often suffer from excess salts.

Do not forget about the drainage holes so that excess liquid leaves the container. When the soil is slightly dry, start sowing seeds.

Sow seeds in rows at a short distance from each other, slightly pressed into the ground, falling asleep thin layer soil. The exception is plants whose small seeds germinate in the light. In any case, do not embed them too deep into the ground. After sowing, the soil is carefully moistened using a spray gun and covered with glass or a transparent film.

So, the seedlings have sprouted, and in the amount that you planted! As soon as these seedlings grow up that you can take them with your fingers, the picking stage begins.

Carnations Shabo - cultivation of flower seedlings.

A large selection of seed mixtures will allow you to get flowers of the most interesting colors. You can plant until mid-February. 150 days after planting, flowering will begin, which will continue until frost. And shoots appear after 5-6 days.

Seeds of cloves are sown in rows, sprinkled with sifted earth on top and carefully sprayed from a spray bottle. Cover the box with polyethylene. Shake off the condensation as it fogs up. Shoots will appear in 7-10 days at a temperature of 23-25 ​​degrees.

Remove the film and place the box closer to the light. As the seedlings grow, add earth to the stems of the plants, as young carnation seedlings are weak and fragile.

After the first pick, I keep the boxes with seedlings at a temperature of 12 degrees. During the second, I pinch the seedlings in order to get more lush bushes. I plant seedlings in open ground only in the second half of May at a distance of 20 cm from each other.

Growing begonia seedlings...

On sale you can often find granular seeds, which, of course, is much more convenient when planting. Optimum temperature for germination 20-22°C. At this temperature, seedlings appear in 10-14 days. Watering should be done carefully from the sprayer, avoiding waterlogging.

Seeds of ever-flowering begonias are among the first to be sown, you can start sowing as early as possible until mid-January. Very small seeds are not sprinkled with soil, it is enough to evenly distribute them over the surface. Planting containers are covered with glass.

Tuberous ampelous begonia can also be grown from seeds. To obtain blooming begonias summer, you need to sow them in January. Before sowing, dusty begonia seeds are best mixed with fine washed and dried sand. Sow scattered. Then, without closing, moisten the ground with crops from a spray bottle. Close the container with glass. Wipe the surface as it fogs up.

We grow primrose - seedlings of flowers.

Primrose seeds are sent to the refrigerator for freezing for a month, and in March we plant them in containers.

Primrose, as well as petunia, is sown on the surface of the earth, without sprinkling, in plastic containers with lids, thanks to which a moist environment and enough light are maintained for crops, make sure that the sun's rays do not fall on the crops.

Grow seedlings using the same technology as petunias. Seedlings must be handled very carefully - very weak roots!

Growing seedlings of petunia seeds.

A few days before sowing, water the soil with Fitosporin-M for prevention from the black leg. If the petunia seeds are coated, spread evenly at a distance of 1-1.5 cm and press them to the soil for better contact.

Sowing ordinary petunia seeds takes place not by planting them in the soil, but by distributing them over the surface. You can mix the seeds with a small amount river sand, do not sprinkle with earth. Close the container with a lid creating a greenhouse effect. Temperature regime in containers 20-22°C.

Open the lid of the container from petunia crops in order to remove condensate from it. As for ventilation, in no case should you change the temperature and humidity so drastically. Watch the soil so that it is not dry, however, do not allow waterlogging. When the petunia seedlings grow up, you can gradually accustom it to the open air.

After the growth of a real leaflet, the seedlings dive at a distance of 3 cm from each other. The plant tolerates picking and transplanting easily. I plant in a flower garden after the threat of night cold has passed.

When growing aster seedlings, the temperature contrast helps the seeds germinate faster.

In March - early April, I begin to sow seeds annual asters. From sowing to the beginning of flowering, 90-140 days pass. Early-flowering varieties are sown later.

I practically do not sprinkle seeds slightly pressed into the surface of moist soil. Having covered the crops from drying out, I put a box with them in a bright place for germination. This technique greatly increases their germination (after 5-6 days). When the first two true leaves appear, the seedlings can dive. As a rule, this happens on the 10th day after sowing the seeds.

Sometimes I use a different method of sowing asters: I sprinkle the seeds spread over the surface of the earth with snow (1 cm layer). That's it - the snow melts and pulls the aster seeds into the ground. With this sowing, an imitation of asters sowing occurs in the fall before winter.

Temperature contrast allows seeds to germinate faster. I sow the aster on the surface of the earth. I put the crops overnight in the refrigerator, during the day I put them in warm place- and so on several times until the seeds hatch. Then I lay them out in pots, sprinkle with earth and water.

At first glance, with this method, there seem to be a lot of “troubles”, but then you don’t need to plant the seedlings (although the aster is not afraid of transplanting), and the percentage of survival from such a planting is higher.
