What to plant near the pond in the country. Plants for a decorative pond and a garden pond in the country

Water, as a symbol of purity and change in life, has always attracted people. A small pond, near which it is pleasant to spend time, moving away from everyday worries, is a fairly popular element of landscape design. suburban areas. Plants for the pond - a mandatory attribute of the design of the reservoir. Planting beautifully flowering and decorative foliage beauties allows not only to transform the pond, but also to protect it.

Herbaceous plants and shrubs, decorated with delicate and variegated flowers, complement the picturesque composition of natural cozy corner bright strokes and unique aromas.

A pond framed by green compositions always looks natural and elegant at the same time.

However, in addition to their decorative appeal, aquatic pond plants also serve a practical purpose. The leaves of plants located above the water surface slightly shade the water space, thereby preventing the development and intensive growth of algae. Thanks to this, the water can remain clear and clean for a longer period.

In addition, in hot summer days the natural shading of the water surface by foliage allows the sun's rays to scatter, which heat the water.

Shading is especially necessary for water bodies in which fish, frogs, turtles and other amphibians live.

Factors that determine the choice of plants

When choosing plants for a pond in the country, you must adhere to a single decorative idea. This will allow you to create a composition that stands out against the background of other elements of the landscape, at the same time will be in harmony with them.

When planning the placement of green plantings, it is advisable to decide on the main angle, relative to which the composition will look most impressive

Any decorative composition looks elegant and rich if it is created taking into account the planned elements, when low or ground cover plants adorn the foreground, taller plants act as the background.

When planning to equip a recreation area along one of the sides of the reservoir, the plants for this site are chosen low so that they do not block the picturesque landscape and access to the pond.

Plants for reservoirs are selected taking into account the zoning of the latter in depth. In the deepest part of the reservoir, which is mainly located in the center of the pond, deep-water plants are located, closer to the banks and the wetland - shallow-water floating ones. Representatives are located on the shore of the pond flora, which grows comfortably on wet ground, and on a dry shore - less moisture-loving shrubs and flowers.

In what part of the pond is it better to plant?

The middle of a handsome man floating on the water surface is dotted with countless stamens. Lotus prefers to grow on sunny areas reservoir, the depth of which is not less than 40 cm. Its roots are immersed in the ground under water, and the flowers and leaves float freely above the water surface.

Lotus - gentle and amazing beautiful flower, beloved by many gardeners, can rightfully be considered the king of the pond

The middle of a handsome man floating on the water surface is dotted with countless stamens. The lotus prefers to grow in sunny areas of the reservoir, the depth of which is at least 40 cm. Its roots are immersed in the ground under water, and the flowers and leaves float freely above the water surface.

Water lilies can also become an equally effective addition to a plant composition.

There are more than a dozen varieties of these nymphs, and each of them requires certain planting conditions and depth for growth. The water lily is also one of the sun-loving deep-water flowers.

A worthy decoration of the central part of the pond can be brazenia with dark purple inflorescences and silkberry with delicate white miniature flowers.

floating on the surface

Plants of a fresh water body, floating freely on the surface, act not only as a natural "screen" that shade the water surface. They perform an important function, since they absorb organic matter dissolved in water, and thereby regulate the ecological balance.

Among the most picky representatives of this variety of plants include: azole, wolfia, water chestnut, zhrushnik. They feel very comfortable both in sunny areas and in shady places.

A dense lacy carpet woven from tiny azola leaves gives any pond a special mystery. The shades of the carpet can vary from red-brown and deep green with pinkish to bluish-green.

Water chestnut, visually resembling a prickly ball with curved horns, is decorated with a decorative rosette of serrated sheets

Among the beautiful flowering picky floating plants stand out: water paint, hydrocleis, luronium, pemphigus.

The unpretentious vodokras, also called the toad, effectively stands out against the background of other aquatic vegetation with heart-shaped leaves and three-petal flowers. Exot hydrocleis, which has taken root in our latitudes, looks very similar to water paint

These plants should be planted in small quantities. Their leaves should cover no more than half of the surface of the water.

Plants-oxygen generators

Outwardly unattractive oxygen plants serve primarily to clean the reservoir. absorbing carbon dioxide from water and minerals, they deprive the algae of food and thus prevent water pollution.

Among the decorative varieties of plants-oxygenerators, hornwort, pondweed, elodea and urt stand out.

Fluffy hornwort with needle-like leaves prefers shady coastal areas. Spike-shaped inflorescences of pondweed of pink shades are excellent food for the inhabitants of the reservoir. Floating twigs with a metallic sheen of elodea grow so quickly that already in the first year of settling in a pond, the plant is able to create dense thickets. Elodea is picky about lighting and temperature conditions.

When choosing plants for decorating a pond in the coastal zone, the choice can be stopped on such moisture-loving plants as calamus, cattail, reeds.

Among marsh plants decorative forms have a fern, daylily, volzhanka, gravel

Forming a flower garden in the coastal zone, you can play on the contrast of shapes and colors. For example, graceful elongated leaves and unusual flowers irises, contrasting with the golden inflorescences of the bathing suit, look spectacular against the background of an openwork fern. When creating compositions, the main thing is not to overdo it. A harmonious aesthetic composition of plants should decorate the landscape of the site, filling the soul with pleasant emotions from contemplation.

How to plant a pond with plants - video

The pond is not a flower garden, and the overabundance of plants is much more obvious here. So don't buy the whole range. aquatic plants to improve the pond. You need to choose and plant them wisely.

Plant selection rules

Ponds are different: large and small, natural and artificial, with clay or rocky shore, with or without fish. But without which no body of water can do without personal plot- so it is without ornamental aquatic plants.

However, before ennobling the pond with plants, you need to have a good idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow it should look. It is important to consider the main decorative elements in advance, you can even sketch out your "ideal pond" on paper. When you have a well-formed decor idea, you can plant a pond with plants. The main thing in this business is not to overdo it and not turn it into a shop window.

All aquatic plants can be divided into 5 groups:

  • deep sea,
  • oxygenators,
  • floating,
  • shallow water,
  • coastal.

You can read more about which plants are included in these groups. It is desirable that plants from all these groups be present in the pond, since each of them is responsible for certain functions.

If the pond is very small, on the initial stage it will be enough to plant 2-3 aquatic plants in it. Into the big pond it is not recommended to plant more than 5-7 specimens. Moreover, the choice should be made in favor of the most unpretentious perennials. Later, when the pioneer plants take root and get stronger, you can add a few more capricious or even exotic species to them.

Plants for a small pond

Aquatic plants for a small reservoir should also be selected miniature. These should be species whose growth and reproduction can be easily controlled. As a center plant, you can choose marigold she will play small pond the same role that the water lily plays in large ones. From floating plants suitable duckweed or pemphigus. Just remember that duckweed needs to be thinned out from time to time.

Suitable for shallow water small burr or sedge. The last plant also looks good in the coastal zone, as it allows you to visually enlarge the boundaries of the pond. The ideal plant for the shore of a mini-reservoir is coined loosestrife: It can grow into neat yellow-green mats. And the alpine slides look very interesting in the coastal zone.

Plants for a large pond

The Queen of the Big Pond is, of course, water lily. However, among deep-sea plants there are other, no less interesting specimens, for example pondweed And turcha. Suitable for shallow water arrowhead, sedge, cattail And susak umbrella. The latter plant fits especially well in large ponds due to its huge inflorescences. The coast will be decorated Siberian iris or hosts.

Do not plant succulent susak in a small pond - with this plant, it will seem even smaller.

If in the future fish appear in the pond, then it is worth putting a predator from the world of flora in it - pemphigus. She will gladly "eat up" the remains of their food for the fish.

Pond zoning

To make the pond look solid, you need to select plants for it, taking into account the depth. In total, 5 main zones are distinguished in the reservoir:

  • deep water zone,
  • shallow water,
  • swampy area,
  • wet area,
  • coastal zone.

Deep water zone. The deepest part of the pond is intended for planting plants that take root in the soil at the bottom. The selection of deep water plants should be taken very seriously, as they decorate the very center of the pond and are its key elements. Usually those aquatic plants that can grow at a depth of 40 cm to 3 m are planted here.

Those aquatic cultures look best in the center of the pond, the leaves and flowers of which are visible on the surface. The most famous of these plants is the water lily (nymphea, water lily). It is recommended to plant no more than 2 deep water plants per square meter of pond.

It is also desirable to settle in the pond plants that float freely on the surface of the water surface, without fixing themselves in the ground. These include, pistia, duckweed And water hyacinth. If you want these plants not to "clump", but to be in a certain place, they can be fixed using some kind of impromptu "anchor".

Oxygenator plants are also planted in the deep water zone. Most often, these are algae that are completely hidden under water and are able to release oxygen. It is very important to have such plants in the pond in which the fish live. Elodea, hornwort and other oxygenators are also good because underwater animals often find shelter in these underwater thickets.

Shallow water. This zone of the pond is from 10 to 40 cm deep. Plants are planted here, the roots of which are in the water (or in marshy soil), and top part visible on the surface. Grows well in shallow water sedge, cattail And rush.

Wetland zone. This is a site where the water height does not exceed 10 cm. Plants are planted here that are very fond of moist soil ( aquilegia , astilba , loosestrife). But if the water level changes slightly from time to time - it's not scary. most plants marsh zone adapted to this phenomenon.

Wet and coastal zones. These sections of the pond are often combined into one, since it is sometimes difficult to draw a border between them. Moisture-loving garden flowers grow well in moist soil ( calla, iris), which will be able, in which case, to transfer temporary flooding.

The dry site is intended for any garden plants that we are used to seeing in flower beds and flower beds. But the main thing is not to overdo it with them: if you plant too many plants along the shore of the reservoir, then over time they will close the pond. In addition, water in a shaded pond will warm up worse.

Plants of the coastal zone are best placed on one side of the pond. Usually they are planted to a depth of up to 15 cm (planting density - 2-3 pieces per 1 sq.m).

Methods for planting aquatic plants

There are 2 ways to plant aquatic plants in a pond:

  • directly into the ground
  • into containers.

Each of these options has its pros and cons. Find out what they are.

Landing in the ground

Pros. planting plants on permanent place makes it easier to green a pond with a high bank.

Minuses. If you find that you planted the plant in the wrong place, it will take a long time to transplant it. To remove such plants from the pond for the winter, they will have to be dug up and transplanted into containers each time.

Landing features. If you want an effect " wild pond", then the plants should be planted in the reservoir directly into the ground. To do this, a layer of soil about 20-30 cm thick should be laid out on the bottom of the tank (or on the section of the pond intended for planting plants).

The soil for planting aquatic plants requires not too fertile. The ideal substrate is considered to be composed of loamy soil, fine sand (sifted) and peat in a ratio of 7:2:1. If it is not possible to make the soil mixture on your own, you can take the usual purchased soil for aquatic plants, which is easy to find in specialized gardening stores.

It is worth planting aquatic plants in the pond immediately after purchase. Like any other plant, pond species are best planted in cloudy weather - this is how they take root best. After planting, it is recommended to sprinkle the soil surface with a layer of gravel. Then, when filling the pond with water, soil particles will not float to the surface. It will also protect the plant roots from fish.

If you do not want to fill the entire pond with earth, plants can be planted in "film pockets". It's artificial landing pits filled with substrate. The advantage of this planting method is that you yourself can adjust the depth and width of the "island" with the ground (depending on the curtain being planted). In addition, with the help of such planting holes it is easier to limit the growth of aggressive species. Artificial landing pits should also be sprinkled with a layer of gravel.

Planting in containers

Pros. Thanks to container planting, the design of the pond can be constantly changed by rearranging potted plants from one place to another. In addition, it is good to plant species in containers that grow very quickly: planting in pots limits their growth. Plants in containers are easy to remove from the pond and send for wintering - they do not need to be dug up, just get the container with the root system from the pond.

Minuses. Potted soil will deplete over time, so the plants can begin to starve, resulting in poorer blooms. IN small pond containers can be visible to the naked eye and have to be masked. And you also need to know that some fish (for example, carps) love to tear up the ground in baskets with aquatic plants.

Landing features. For container plants, you first need to choose a suitable container. You can use ordinary pots, but as a rule, all kinds of garden containers are used, including plastic baskets. Horticultural centers usually have a large assortment of these slatted containers that are specifically designed for planting pond plants. It is worth choosing boxes with large cells so that the roots of the plants are subsequently well washed with water.

To prevent soil from washing out through large holes, the bottom of the basket container can be covered with a piece of burlap. Next, a small layer of pebbles should be poured on it (to make the container heavier and protect the soil from being washed out). After that, the basket should be half filled with soil for aquatic plants or a substrate of loamy soil, fine sand and peat (7:2:1).

To plant a plant in a prepared container, it must be carefully removed from the container in which it was sold. After transplanting the plant, it must be watered and sprinkled with the rest of the earth. At the same time, the soil should not be heavily compacted. You can protect it from washing out from above with the help of the same pebbles. Pebbles need to be laid in a layer of about 4 cm. After that, the container with the plant can be immersed in the pond.

The sequence of planting aquatic plants in the pond

It is best to plant aquatic plants from early April to mid-July.

  • Deep water plants are placed first in the pond. oxygenators, which need to be planted one bunch per 1 sq.m. If you place plants in containers in the pond, then they should be placed at the same distance from each other.
  • When the water in the pond warms up to a temperature of 18-20 ° C, you can plant your favorite plants in it. water lilies. Also at the same time it is worth starting to run floating plants. They will shade the pond a little while the water lilies are just beginning to open their gorgeous large leaves.
  • When the pond is populated, you can start landing plants on the beach.

Properly planting plants in the pond, you will not only create a beautiful pond, but also save yourself from the hassle in the future. This does not mean that aquatic plants will not need to be looked after at all, but it will be much easier to do so.

April 26, 2011

“Everything should be perfect in a person…”! Do you remember Chekhov? But this rule is valid not only for people, but also, for example, for a summer residence or a garden. Here, too, every corner must be perfect. This time we will bring the country pond to the ideal.

We have already made the reservoir itself, launched fish into it, and now it opens a green water page. We will dedicate it plants for the pond.

You may be surprised, but we will start from the shore. If you correctly make the decor next to the pond, then the pond itself will become for you and your guests unusual place and will favorably emphasize the style and design of the entire site.

If the house and the entire garden are made in modern, high-tech trends, then a classic pool with potted palm trees on the shore will look best here. But such a “resort” option does not go well with fish, and the underwater flora will no longer be out of place.

The Japanese design of the plot will be supported by a gazebo and beautifully flowering coastal plants. Iris is well suited for such a composition. Siberian (Iris sibirica), three-leaf watch (Menyanthes trifoliata) or small daylily (Hemerocallis minor Miller). And not at all to the Japanese yard sprawling wide plants. They give the whole coast a wild look.

But if the house on your site is massive and wooden, then here the wildness of the coastal zone will come in handy. And the whole pond can be turned into a kind of forest lake with reeds, a wooden bridge and wooden sculptures on the shore.

But our observations still show that the owners of the above-described designs summer cottages or country houses rarely boast. In most cases, a garden is a moderately well-groomed place where a play area with a lawn, flower beds with alpine slides, and a corner with a pond coexist at the same time. That's it for such areas most of our advice.

The first rule of landscape designers who are engaged in the design of reservoirs is not to get carried away! This also applies to planting plants in the coastal zone and in the reservoir itself.

If you go too far with the decor of the coast, then already on next year Your pond will be lost in the overgrown jungle. So let's go back to the slogans and rules: less is better, but better!

One of the most advantageous options for decorating the coast is weeping willow, preferably grafted onto a high trunk. Under its spreading branches, ferns and others will take root well. shade tolerant plants which will create an excellent composition. You can replace willow with other perennial large-sized trees, such as spruce, mountain pine, barberry, juniper or thuja.

Blooming mixborders look spectacular with conifers. But you need to take into account that a big tree over the years, it will also grow a large root system, which can damage the waterproofing of the pond and cause many problems. Therefore, if you still decide to decorate the pond with a large size, place it away from the water. And save the reservoir, and you will not close it from the sun. This, by the way, is also very important: regardless of the nature of coastal plantings, they should not completely cover the mirror of the pond with their shadow. A small area of ​​shade above the water is even welcome - this allows the water not to overheat, but completely immersing the pond in the shade is very harmful for all its inhabitants.

Now that the coastal decor has been sorted out, you can go out on the water. First of all, we divide all plants into two large groups - floating and deep sea. The latter must be planted in the ground or special baskets. But floating all this is not required. They exist on the surface of the pond and actively reproduce on their own. In a short time, such plants can close the entire mirror of the reservoir, so from time to time you will have to work with a net and thin out the thickets. It is impossible to allow floating to occupy more than half of the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe reservoir.

The most famous representative of this species is duckweed, familiar to everyone from village ponds and swamps. Now more and more often on garden ponds you can see Eichhornia crassipes, Pistia stratiotes, Azolla fern (Azolla filiculoides) and other plants. Garden centers can now present several dozen species and varieties for a country pond, but we remind you again - do not get carried away! All plants need space and light to thrive, so you have to choose.

The same goes for deep water plants. Their assortment is the richest, but in order to plant everything at once, you will need not a garden pond, but something more similar in size to Lake Baikal. We will talk about the most popular plants in aquatic design a little later, but now we will focus on the general rules for planting deep-water plants.

The best time to populate the pond is from May to August. In some climatic zones or in particular good years this process can be stretched until the beginning of September. The main thing is that the water temperature is high enough.

Before you start planting plants directly, you need to prepare the water. You won’t have to do anything special with it, just if the pond is new and you filled it for the first time, let the water settle for about a week. During this time, it will warm up, and harmful volatile impurities will leave it.

When the water is ready, you can act. In strict accordance with the plan! If you don't have a plan, you'll have to make one. It is this measure that will help you not to overdo it, to clearly understand where and what will grow, and how it will all look in a couple of years. With such a long-term program, you will keep the pond tidy and prevent it from becoming overgrown. By the way, here is one of the main conditions for drawing up a plan - for 1 sq.m. the pond should account for no more than 2 plants.

FROM ready plan on hands we approach directly to landing. And here again you need to make a choice: plant plants directly in the ground or prefer container planting. To make it easier to choose, we will tell you about each method.

When planting in the ground, a soil substrate is poured onto the bottom of the pond. It consists of peat or silty earth, coarse sand and rotted mullein. You need to pour this mixture with a thickness of 5-8 cm. To save money, you can pour fertile soil only at planting sites. For example, in a film pond, recesses can be made in advance and not cover the entire bottom of the reservoir with a useful layer.

When planting, you will not be able to stay dry. You will have to carefully stand on the bottom of the pond and carefully plant each plant individually into the substrate. The sequence here determines the growth - you need to start with the highest. Water lilies are usually planted last. The plants are then mulched with white, sifted sand. Its layer should be no thinner than 2 cm. The sand will interfere with the washing out of the soil, and will serve as a “cushion” for the second gravel mulching layer.

The second option is planting plants in baskets. To be honest, we like this method more. It allows you to periodically update the underwater composition by simply replacing one basket with another, and even with wintering, the issue is easier to solve - together with the container, the plant is taken out of the pond and taken to a warm basement. The main thing is not to let the earth in the baskets dry out.

To fill the baskets use the usual garden soil, without adding the above described substrate. So that the soil is not washed out, the container is lined with burlap from the inside. Before planting a plant, long roots and old leaves are cut off. After planting, the soil in the basket is compacted so that it does not reach the edge of the basket by about 4 cm. The remaining space is covered with gravel. It also protects the soil from being washed away, and the roots of plants from too curious fish who like to dig in the ground and refresh themselves with a vegetable delicacy. Plus, the gravel acts as ballast to keep the basket upright underwater.

After planting the plant, the basket is lowered to the bottom. For this you will need an assistant. You will take the basket from both sides and carefully lower it to the bottom. By the way, so that the basket does not catch the eye, you can hide it in a blockage of large stones.

What we haven't talked about yet is the fresh air". All the inhabitants of the pond (both plants and fish) need oxygen, and it is not always possible to get enough of it from environment. Therefore, oxygen generators must be planted in the pond. They will prevent water pollution, and serve as food for fish. Plants-oxygenerators include water asterisk (Callitriche hermaphroditica), marsh turkey (Hottonia palustris), spiked urt (Myriophyllum spicatum) or dark green hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum). Gardeners are advised to use several types of oxygen generators in one pond at once. They are planted in baskets with clay soil and also covered with gravel on top. The best time for landing is mid-June.

Well, now, as promised, we will tell you more about the most popular and pretty plants for decorating ponds. And let's start with the representatives of the floating family.

As we have already said, the most famous plant from this company is duckweed. But we will not dwell on it separately - it is too well known to all the inhabitants of our country. The only thing to be warned about is that duckweed multiplies monstrously quickly, and gardeners quite deservedly consider it a water weed. Therefore, if you have such an opportunity (and it certainly is), do not plant duckweed in country pond. It will still appear from somewhere, for example, it will be carried by birds.

Continue our story Eichhornia pachypodia, or water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes Solms).

It has shiny, dark green leaves with thickened petioles. Flowers look like orchids in blue, pale lilac or yellow color, they grow above water up to 30 cm. Eichornia blooms in August, but this plant is thermophilic and in cool summers it may not please the owners with flowers at all. Because of the love of warmth, there are also problems with wintering. Before the first frost, the plant must be brought into the house, otherwise it will simply die. For wintering indoors, an aquarium with lighting and water at 15-22 ° C is well suited. Best time for planting eichornia - the month of June.

The next floating hero of our story water paint (Hydrocharis). Its leaves are similar to a water lily, only several times smaller: rounded, heart-shaped carved at the base. Roots with air cavities extend from a short stem. It is thanks to them that the water paint floats. Its flowers are white with yellow pistils and stamens. They fly around quickly, but they are replaced throughout the summer. Above the water, they stand out by 3-5 cm. Vodokras hibernates in the pond. In autumn, all the leaves die off, and the buds sink to the bottom, then, at the beginning of summer, they rise, and a new plant appears from them. A special effect of water paint is that it purifies water well and does not allow algae to grow.

Let's talk about the third swimmer - this is Azolla (Azolla), a small fern native to tropical waters in America. There are two varieties of it carolin azolla (Azolla caroliniana) and fern azolla (Azolla filiculoides).

The first representative is a very small, about 1 cm wide, fern with small pale green leaves that turn red by autumn. It grows very quickly, so it should be grown only in small reservoirs, where it can be thinned out periodically. The second subspecies is almost 10 times larger, and its foliage turns from green to red-brown.

Now let's talk about deep sea plants and the first on our list is aponogeton (Aponogeton). This genus includes almost 25 species that live in Africa, Asia and Australia. The leaves of the aponogeton are oblong with long petioles, the flowers are pink, yellow or white. This plant should be planted in well-lit reservoirs in a container to a depth of 5-50 cm at a fairly high water temperature, about 20 ° C. For the winter, aponogeton tubers are cleaned in a box with damp sand and stored in a warm cellar. You can, of course, leave it to winter in the pond, but for this the reservoir must be deep enough and not freeze to the bottom.

The series of deep decors will continue with the egg capsule (Nuphar). This is a distant relative of the water lily, though not so pretty. The petioles of the leaves of the capsule are of different lengths and it depends on the depth of the pond - the deeper, the longer. The flowers are small and sit on thick peduncles.

The plant prefers clean water bodies, preferably well-lit and heated, and as for the soil, the egg capsule needs peat, humus and clay. The plant hibernates depending on the species. Some rhizomes can easily endure frosts at the bottom of a non-freezing reservoir and sprout again in the spring with young shoots; and non-wintering species will have to be taken to a home aquarium with cool water.

And finally, the queen of ponds is a water lily, she is also a nymph (Nymphaea). It grows from the equator to Scandinavia and this genus has more than three dozen species. All of them are divided into two large groups - winter-hardy and tropical. The latter are very capricious and require an average temperature of 25°C for their growth. Therefore, it is realistic to grow them only in greenhouses. But winter-hardy species are suitable even for the Siberian climate. We will not describe water lilies: firstly, everyone has seen them, and secondly, there are quite a lot of species of this flower and you can write whole books about them, not articles.

What we will talk about is the features of planting, care and wintering.

You can plant nymphs from May to September in stagnant, well-lit ponds. Moreover, they are completely standing, even the presence of a fountain in the pond is a negative factor. In addition to light, the water lily also loves space. Each shoot requires from 0.5 to 4 sq.m of water surface.

You can plant nymphs directly into the ground (if its thickness is about 30 cm), and into a container. Planting depth depends on the variety: 15 cm is enough for dwarfs, and 1 meter is needed for the largest. But most water lilies prefer a depth of 30-60 cm.


How to plant plants in a pond

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Choose a plant Avran Ayr Stork, Crail Armeria Arnica Astra Astragalus Astrantia, Starlet Ledum bergenia thick-leaved Barberry Periwinkle Hippo Colchicum Bekmania Belozor Butterbur Calla Butterfly Beloloz, white willow, white willow Birch Euonymus Berest, hornbeam-leaved elm Blismus, potochnik Bodyak Bolotnica Bolotnitsa, Siberian hawthorn , cassandra Borets Wrestler, aconite Hogweed Hawthorn Bredina, goat willow Cowthorn Elderberry Buzulnik Bukushnik Initial letter Bulavonosets Buldenezh Burachnik Burachok Bukharnik Valerian, moun Cornflower Cornflower Watch Veinik Venus slipper Venus slipper Blossom Loosestrife Heather Veronica Anemone, anemone Veh, hemlock Voldyansky Vespers, aquileganium Catchment , meadowsweet Volovik, anhuza Wolfberry, wolfgrass Volfiya Vorobeynik Voronets Bindweed Elm, elm Vyazel Carnation Geranium, Crail Ginkgo Gircha Gentian Adonis Peas Gorchak, throat Gr ab Grebennik Gubastik Gudaier Goose onion Bifocal spring Elecampane Loosestrife, plakun Sweet clover, burkun Drok Oak Dubrovnik Datura Oregano Hedgehog Hedgehog Spruce Zharnovets Zheltoloz, purple willow Larkspur, delphinium Honeysuckle Joster Hare cabbage St. tea Iris, Iris Viburnum Saxifrage Reeds Oxalis Clover Maple Bluebell, Campanula Crocus, Saffron Nugget Water lily, Nymphaeum Bathing Suit, Trollius Potentilla Flax Hazel, Hazel Alfalfa Poppy Raspberry Daisy Juniper Rejuvenated Soapweed Bluegrass Narcissus Forget-me-not Fescue Stonecrop Primrose, Primula Fir Ivy Ricegrass Fieldgrass Rhododendron Chamomile Pine Arrowhead Susak Thyme, thyme Poplar Shaker Thuja, thuja Violet, viola Hop Cheremukha Chernoklen, Tatar maple Chistets Sage Rosehip Yaskolka

They carry useful functions: they prevent water overheating, saturate it with oxygen, and prevent the development of simple algae. We want to tell you about how to plant plants correctly and what types to choose in order to enjoy the beauty of the reservoir.

Varieties of plants for the pond

Before planting, you need to know which plants can be planted in a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pond:

1. Coastal or "wet" zone. This is a place where water and constantly wet earth get in from time to time. Moisture-loving plants grow well here: marsh iris, loosestrife, forget-me-nots, primroses, marsh belozor.

Iris marsh

2. The depth from the edge of the water to a depth of 10 cm is called a “swamp”. This place is characterized by constant jumps in the water level, so you need to plant unpretentious, stress-resistant plants: loosestrife, euphorbia, calla, cattail.


3. Shallow water zone. It starts at a depth of 10 to 40 cm. This is a place for planting plants, the roots of which must always be in the water: reeds, burdock, susak, orontium, pontederia.


4. The deep-water zone starts from 40 cm. There are three groups of plants that can grow here:

  1. deep water varieties. Their root system develops in the ground, at the bottom of the pond, and flowers and leaves float on the surface of the water. Such plants usually have large leaves, protecting the pond from excessive sun exposure, thereby preventing the growth of green algae. The most popular are nymphea, egg capsule, Schreber's brazenia, nymphaeum, aponogeton. Such plants do not tolerate frost, so they are planted in special containers, and transferred to the underground for the winter.

Brazenia Schreber

Yellow capsule

  1. floating views. The roots of such plants are filamentous, not fixed in the ground, but floating under water. They also protect the pond from direct rays, and the roots are a natural filter, absorbing mineral salts, which are the source of nutrition for green algae. They are planted in small batches so that the coverage area is no more than 50% of the total surface of the pond, as they grow very quickly. Most often, plants are planted that create a beautiful green carpet - azola, globular Wolfia, water lettuce.

water salad

Also flowering species: frog, eichornia, luronium.


  1. Plants-oxygenerators. In appearance, such varieties have an unattractive appearance. Their main task is to saturate the water with oxygen, consuming carbon dioxide and minerals, thereby taking food from green algae. They can grow to coastal zones (hornwort, elodea, urut) or float on the surface (bog, pondweed).




Planting aquatic plants is best done from May to August. There are two ways to plant aquatic plants.

To containers

  1. Choose a plastic container. In size, it should be 2 times larger than the size of the flower, so that there is room for the growth of the root system. The color of the form should be neutral (brown, green, black) so as not to stand out in the pond.
  2. To protect the soil from washing out inside the container, we lay burlap or put a layer of gravel on the bottom. This will protect the plant roots from being eaten by fish and add weight to the pot.
  3. Half fill the pot with ready-made soil for water plants or a mixture of sand, fertile soil, clay and compost. Carefully transfer the plant to a container, fill it with the rest of the earth so that 4 cm of free space remains until the end. Strongly compact the earth is not worth it.
  4. The remaining gap is covered with gravel, for additional protection against washing out.
  5. We place the container in water.

Plants planted in this way can be put away for the winter in the cellar, as well as to regulate the growth of some deep-sea species.

Directly into the ground

  1. We sprinkle the bottom of the pond with a layer of soil 8 cm thick, consisting of a mixture of sand, clay and compost.
  2. We plant plants in the soil, each terrace has its own look.
  3. We fill the roots with river sand, 2-4 cm thick, this will protect the soil layer from erosion.

This method is ineffective, since you will not be able to control the growth of plants, change the design of the compositions and, if necessary, send the plants to “wintering”.

Oxygenerator plant - hornwort can be planted directly in the ground

Secrets of the design of artificial reservoirs

Large plants should not be planted on the shore of a small reservoir. They visually make the size of the pond smaller. best to plant small shrubs, for example, Chastukha plantain or calamus.

Air will be a wonderful decoration of the coastline of small ponds

Before planting, consider how the plants grow. With this in mind, you need to leave an open area so that the entire surface of the reservoir is visible, decorating the coast with stones or creeping plants, for example, swamp St. John's wort.

marsh St. John's wort

For reservoirs correct geometric shape on the shoreline, plant plants that emphasize its symmetry: boxwood, ivy, or small shrubs such as hawthorn and spirea.

Boxwood decorates a French-style pond

If you don’t want to dig pots with plants every 2-3 years and replant them, then you can make the pond a little larger for flora to grow, and plant the flowers themselves directly into the ground (except for those plants that require wintering).

Globular Wolfia

Pond plant care

The main problem of artificial reservoirs are green algae. The more they grow, the more cloudy the water becomes, less oxygen enters, which is important for the normal growth of the flora. Therefore, in the summer, when there is a maximum growth of algae, the filters should be turned on around the clock.

Nymphaeum helps protect the pond from overgrowth of green algae

swamp forget-me-not

The choice of pond plants must be approached responsibly. Many factors must be taken into account: the depth of planting, the degree of growth, you need to know whether these plants are suitable for wintering or they will have to be transplanted. Be sure to ask the consultant about this when you purchase plants. Otherwise, the pond, even with proper care, will turn into a swamp.

Pond plants, or aquatic cultures, are widely used to decorate any artificial pond in the garden, as well as for domestic ponds. In order to choose the right vegetation for a small or fairly voluminous decorative pond in the country, you need to know the basic botanical features such cultures.

Differences and features of aquatic plants for decoration and cleaning the pond

Pond and river ponds are not only an integral element of modern design, but also an indispensable part of the ecological system of reservoirs, necessary to stabilize the balance of the ecosystem. The presence of higher plants that purify the waters of reservoirs is especially important for small and stagnant mini-ponds, as it helps to prevent "blooming" and clouding. Such processes develop especially rapidly in warm and sunny weather, and decaying organic matter, unicellular algae and bacterial flora can make a pond in the yard or on garden plot unusable. For the purpose of purification in this case, some aquatic higher plants are used, which have certain features and features:

  • the foliage of aquatic plants is characterized by a dissected, filamentous form;
  • the stem part is represented by air cavities;
  • the root system is rather poorly developed.

Criteria for choosing plants for an artificial reservoir

If available in the backyard artificial reservoir must be taken into account total area and depth, as well as the characteristics of the surrounding landscape. It is advisable to give preference to the most unpretentious species that do not require special care.

  • ability of decorative culture to survive winter period in a reservoir or soil near it;
  • timing and methods of planting, as well as the durability of vegetation;
  • need for care.

If the pond has a main angle, then the plant composition should be built in such a way that vigorous vegetation does not block the view of the reservoir. It is better to arrange a recreation area with undersized or ground cover crops. At usable area reeds, cow parsnip, cattail, reeds, as well as angelica and rhubarb are used in four square meters. Too small ponds are decorated with arrowhead, calamus, bracken, daylily and ditty. The design of the review part is carried out by undersized cinquefoil, bergenia, marigold and watercress officinalis.

A good result is given by the contrast of long-leaved plants: cattail, calamus, daylily and reed and round-leaved water lily, lotuses, bergenia and ditty. Near-water and water flowers. To ensure all-season flowering, such crops can be placed in decorative containers.

What plants to choose for the pond (video)

Characteristics of the best plants for a pond

Absolutely all varieties and types of aquatic vegetation are representatives of the flora, capable of growing in the water column of not only natural, but also artificial ponds.

aquatic, floating on the surface

The foliage of such an ornamental culture floats on the surface. A characteristic difference is the lack of attachment of the root system in the ground. Surface vegetation protects the water surface and thickness from overheating and is used organic compounds, which prevents the "bloom" of water. Floating plants can grow very quickly, so they need to provide quality care, including pruning and timely removal of excess shoots. A good result is obtained by growing in special floating baskets.

Near-water (coastal)

Perennials of the coastal zone are also very popular in the design of ponds. In order for the vegetation of the reservoir to look interesting and attractive, the coastal area also needs to be properly arranged, as a result of which moisture-loving crops planted on the shore will be a link.

All sorts of decorative elements look organically and very picturesquely on the coastal zone. cereal crops, as well as blooming daylilies and irises, bathing suits, meadowsweet, loosestrife and valerian. Varieties of ferns look incredibly elegant.


Important to remember, that in order not to allow marsh perennials to grow strongly, it is necessary to periodically harass the floor seating.

The qualitative characteristics of water affect the growth and development of flora, so the reservoir must be cleaned regularly. This category includes marsh forget-me-not, Magellanic sedge, burrweed, butterwort, crowberry, vaccinium and marsh violet.


A significant part of such perennials, useful from the point of view of the ecosystem, is in the water, and the flowers are above or below the water. They help prevent water pollution, as well as serve as food and spawning grounds for fish.

Underwater foliage absorbs mineral salts and carbon dioxide. Several plants planted in the spring and summer at the bottom of the pond can significantly improve the appearance and condition of the pond water.

deep sea

root system located in the bottom soil, foliage on the surface of the water, and flowers on the surface or above the water. Some deep-sea cultures can purify water, and their absence can cause uncontrolled reproduction of algae and bacteria.

Most often, such a group of ornamental perennials is represented by a marsh flower or nymphaeum, water lily, yellow capsule, eichhornia, water-color, hornwort and duckweed.

Landing rules and design features of various types of reservoirs

In small water bodies, it is required to plant a couple of plant species of each type, distributing them in small groups:

  • deep-water and floating vegetation should cover no more than half of the entire water surface;
  • it is important to plant aquatic plants according to their adaptability to certain depth indicators;
  • when planting swamps ornamental crops drainage is mandatory.

How to care for plants in a pond (video)

The design of reservoirs may consist of a soil or container method of cultivation and planting, performed in the following sequence:

  • after drying, pour ten centimeters of fertile soil substrate, represented by compost, sand and rotted mullein, to the bottom;
  • coastal tall vegetation should be planted closer to the coast, and deep-sea crops should be planted in the central part;
  • the bottom surface should be sprinkled with a five-centimeter layer of medium-grained river sand, which serves to protect the root system and soil from erosion.

Heat-loving crops in winter, they quite often completely freeze out, so it is advisable to dig them out and move them to storage. No less popular in our country is the container cultivation of aquatic plants, which allows you to move them with the onset of severe cooling in the cellar:

  • for cultivation, a fairly spacious, lattice-type planting tank is used, which allows the root system to actively multiply;
  • it is best to use not brightly colored containers that will be in harmony with the environment;
  • it is recommended to effectively protect the bottom part and walls from washing out of the nutrient substrate with burlap, and sprinkle the soil surface with gravel.

As a rule, all aquatic vegetation is planted from the last decade of spring to mid-summer. The design must be approached very carefully and responsibly.

Appearance reservoir Plants recommended for decoration
geometric ponds Common calamus, three-leaf watch, loosestrife or meadow tea, loosestrife loosestrife or plakun-grass, broad-leaved dichromena, isolepis drooping, iris calamus or water, as well as sedge, syphilitic lobelia, long-leaved buttercup, large mannik and blunt-pointed marsilea are perfect
deep pond When decorating, vigorous reeds, cattail, reeds, buzulnik and Rogersia, as well as undersized bergenia and funkia or flowering plants are used. snake mountaineer and marsh iris
Mini ponds and shallow water Plants such as calla, calamus, sedge or manna are characterized high level unpretentiousness and vitality, therefore they grow well even in conditions of significant fluctuations in water levels, and for some time even in its complete absence
Pond with a decorative fountain For decoration, you can use water hyacinths, dwarf varieties of water lilies. It is recommended to decorate the coastline with a cuff, gravel, chastukha plantain, cuckoo flower, undersized irises, crooked rush or marsh forget-me-nots

Of course, on large reservoirs, you can diversify the design and plant a significant number of plants. spring bloom opens with cinquefoil, marigold and bergenia, after which water lilies, angelica and hogweed bloom, and brown-yellow daylilies, marshmallow and angelica complete the parade of colors. However, even small ponds can look very attractive. Experts advise to combine the cultivation of several types of aquatic and terrestrial plants, which allows you to get the most decorative result.

Plants for the pond: varieties (video)
