Stone in the interior: a frozen moment (24 photos). Design ideas with decorative stone in the interior of the apartment

A new fashionable material in the decoration - an artificial stone. Its use is relevant both for public institutions and for home interiors. artificial stone for interior decoration widely distributed due to high decorative qualities, ease of installation.

Material Features

At first, artificial stone was available only for public institutions, then, thanks to high competition, decoration with it became available to the private sector. Gypsum, acrylic, quartz stones are produced for interior decoration.

Gypsum is an environmentally friendly, inexpensive material that creates additional noise and heat insulation. Gypsum stone is light, easy to install, but very fragile. Maybe homemade, in the presence of special forms. To do this, gypsum dough is kneaded with the addition of a colorant, poured into a mold and dried for three days. But such a process is long, not always expedient, especially since the price of the material is affordable.

Acrylic - differs from the previous one in that it is not afraid of moisture, does not absorb dust, pollution, is not afraid of shock, has a smooth surface that is afraid of abrasive cleaners. Also lightweight, environmentally friendly, non-combustible material. This finish is more expensive.

Quartz - the most durable, practical, but expensive. Its advantage is resistance to temperature changes, that is, it can be used in a sauna or at cooker. A unique natural pattern is obtained through the use of marble, granite and quartz chips in the manufacture. Visually, the two materials differ slightly, but by touch you can distinguish plastic from stone.

Decorative stone for interior wall decoration is available in different design. Possible imitation of brick, marble, sandstone, granite, bassoon. The use of natural material can be not only not affordable, but impractical due to the loss of space, installation features. Natural material - heavy, irregular shape, voluminous, it is difficult to lay out, stick. But its cost is much higher than imitation.

A special type is a flexible stone. It is a thin strip natural stone glued to the fabric base using polymers and sand chips. decorative properties superior to competitors due to the variety of color combinations. The following advantages: lightness, flexibility, strength, incombustibility, heat resistance, ease of installation.

Mounting Features

Stone wall decoration requires pre-training surfaces: cleaning from protrusions, greasy spots, leveling, priming with concrete contact.

Leveling the surface is possible with drywall or plaster. The use of drywall allows you to create intricate designs that, when combined with decorative stone create unique interior. Such a design solution is valid only for spacious rooms. Artificial stone does not require a perfectly flat surface for gluing, so you can skip the step of puttying the walls after plastering. Such training will cost much less.

For installation of a decorative stone it is necessary tile adhesive. Using a notched trowel, the mixture is applied to the prepared surface and to finishing material, the elements are leveled and aligned one by one. The presence of a paint mesh between the layers improves adhesion and structural strength. You need to pay attention to the recommended types of masonry when buying material at stands with samples.

The seams between the elements can be of different widths or completely absent, depending on personal wishes, design features. The presence of seams is insignificant, but it saves material consumption; with a strong contrast, they can be covered with tiled grout to match. Detailed video instruction link

Use in the interior

Today, artificial stone looks organically in any interior of an apartment, it can be a bedroom, kitchen, hall, corridor. Design fantasy is limitless, introducing a fashionable novelty into a project of any style.

In the kitchen

Artificial stone in the interior of the kitchen is not uncommon, but rather a pattern. It can decorate a doorway, wall, corners or act as an apron. If you want to make an apron from this material, you need to choose the right type: gypsum is not suitable for this, it absorbs moisture too well, even when processed.

Therefore, it is worth choosing an acrylic or quartz analogue. Acrylic stone becomes soft when heated, so it must be covered with heat-resistant glass in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe stove. The surface can be glossy or matte, any desired color. It looks especially impressive when the countertop with an apron is made of the same material, this solution allows you to remove borders and expand the space. The advantage of acrylic stone is its lightness, integrity, ease of reshaping, susceptibility to cutting, drilling.

Quartz stone is not afraid of moisture or temperature. It is impact resistant and can be cut. It can be made in the form of a large whole sheet or any other size. The color scale and a form of products is very various. Due to its unique characteristics, such an apron does not need protection.

In the corridor

Artificial stone in the interior of the hallway is very current view finishes. If such a design is not available, they resort to using wallpaper under a stone, but the effect of such a replacement is not at all the same. All types of stone are suitable for the design of the hallway. But it is possible to use acrylic and quartz alloys is not advisable because of the high cost of the material.

The entrance hall, where the entire entrance part is finished with artificial stone, divides the corridor into zones. But the right tones wash away clear boundaries, create smooth transition without cutting space, without visual reduction of the area.

Finishing only the door with stone is relevant for smaller rooms. This design decision does not require special costs, but brings an element of luxury and modernity. This option looks very organic.

In the same way, you can decorate the rest of the doors, a mirror, an arch. Get a corridor in the same style. And the combination of brown, yellow colors, the use of decorative plaster of a suitable texture, as in the photo, give an additional feeling of majesty.

In the bedroom

Usage artificial stone for the interior of the bedroom may seem strange. It is a cold material that does not match the warmth and comfort of this special space. But decorating one wall can create the necessary contrast, emphasize the tenderness of the interior or the severity and charisma of the owner. It is necessary to beat the presence of a decorative stone competently, otherwise it will not turn out to be a complete interior, but scraps.

Here is such a very cozy bedroom decorated with artificial stone. dim beige color, yellow lighting, simplicity in forms create a classic room with a very calm and cozy atmosphere.

A similar, but more minimalistic option, emphasizing the severity and concentration of the owner only on the most important. This is evidenced by the shape of the artificial stone and color combination in the interior.

Artificial stone in the interior of the apartment is appropriate for the grunge style, but you need to be able to choose the right shape and color for the finish.

In the room

A modern grunge or loft style hall is not possible without decorating with artificial stone. Appropriate interior items and wallpapers are used to maintain the style.

But even in classic style you can correctly enter a decorative stone. The combination of colors makes the interior complete and nothing seems superfluous here. Even minimal decoration with stone gives the room a special touch.

The loft style is perfectly complemented by wall decor to match the carpet and the wall next to it. It turns out a selection from total area recreation and communication areas. Brown color diluted to avoid dullness bright accents and is complemented by a light background of the rest of the room.

In this option, a black wall of decorative stone complements the style of a minimalist, but modern interior and creates a background for comfortable TV viewing. With the help of such extravagant design, the atmosphere of a cinema is created.


A huge number of interesting design solutions have already been implemented, and how many unusual desires are in every consumer. The manufacturer comes up with more and more modern interesting materials for interior decoration. The use of artificial stone for interior wall decoration quickly spread and became very relevant due to the desire to stand out and the promotion of naturalism. Originality and individuality are always in fashion - when choosing the design of your home, do not be afraid to experiment with your fantasies.

Wood, stone, brick, clay are traditional materials for the construction of residential buildings. Having migrated from the exterior to the interior, they are also used for interior decoration. Thanks to the development technological processes, creating all sorts of shades, sizes and textures for decor, artificial stone in the interior has become a favorite technique for interior designers, and a variety of masonry - strong accents that make the living space individual. The use of an artificial analogue of natural stone allows you to maintain the interior of the house in a wide variety of styles from Empire, as an imitation of ancient Greek, to any variation of modern minimalism.

Varieties of artificial stone

According to the tasks that need to be solved with the use of finishes made of artificial stone material, the following varieties are used:

Type of stone Artificial molding artificial concrete artificial gypsum
NameAcrylic composite material

Cast marble


wild stone

Pebble, cobblestone

Cast plaster
Application areaKitchen worktops

Bathroom sink stand

fireplace shelves

window sills

Fireplace portals

Horizontal surfaces dining tables, bedside tables, chests of drawers, coffee tables

Fireplace portals

Protruding parts of internal chimneys

Wall surfaces (partially or completely)

Decoration of arches, entrance portals

Volumetric molded stone blocks

Elements of decoration in the style of classicism


Ceiling sockets

Wall bas-reliefs

Wall vignettes


Unlike natural stone, its artificial version has significant advantages:

  • It weighs less, which means that it can be attached to lighter structures;
  • Requires low consumption of glue;
  • A wide range of sizes and a tint palette are presented, which makes it easier to choose options for the intended interior.

When finishing surfaces with artificial stone material important element, carrying an additional decorative function, becomes a grout. According to the color ratio, it can:

  • maintain the main tone;
  • be lighter than the main tone;
  • be darker than the main tone.

The width of the joint filled with grout is determined according to the dimensions of the stone fragments and varies from 3 to 15 mm.

The first option is used when it is necessary to make masonry the background of the interior. The second - if, which is the center of the room.

The third option is depressed seams that limit protruding fragments with their depth. It is used when using the material under the "wild" stone, to highlight the masonry, to emphasize the complex stone texture.

Stone decor in the interior

Types and color options of artificial stone find their application inside different rooms Houses. Concrete decorative stone in the interior of the living room is used for wall decoration, large vertical surfaces. The larger the masonry space, the larger the stone fragments, the more advantageous the final result looks.

Fireplace portals and chimneys of chalet cottages, decorated with imitation of buta, leaving through the second light to ceiling beams, look like a finished work of the master. And rare inclusions of strips of stone on the central wall of the living room are the work of an amateur.

The fashion for openings trimmed with small pieces of brick is a thing of the past. Today, following the style means using large arrays of artificial stone.

Decorative stone in the interior, organically absorbed country style, occurs when finishing small vertical surfaces: columns, bases of the bar counter, kitchen island. The classical masonry looks impressive, the decoration of the arches with a wide beam-like masonry, the reproduction of the naturally chaotic arrangement of wild stone.

However, do not forget that even chaos is subject to the laws of harmony. Therefore, before performing the work, it is necessary to make a sketch, lay out the stone on a horizontal surface and accurately transfer it to the object being decorated.

If in the loft style, then it should be remembered that the loft is the factory workshops of old factories converted into housing. Brick unplastered walls - the legacy of manufacturers who saved on interior decoration, which became " calling card» of this style. The loft requires dark red "aged" brick or its imitation of artificial stone on all walls of a large open space.

Hallway: "cave age" or modernity

Inside this room, it is worth using decorative stone in the interior when decorating walls, laying out one or more surfaces with it, or, decorating a large space of the entrance area, place free-standing boulders, cobblestones that ideally support ethno or minimalism style.

Also interesting, but time-consuming technique, is the device at the base of the floor of shallow channels. These channels are filled with artificial "pebbles", or laid out with decorative stone like a cobblestone or pavement.

flush with fine finish floor channels close tempered glass, also used, make out a transparent "window" with a metal frame. The light coming from the floor of the hallway makes it unusual, brings a touch of mystery.

White bedroom in stone: peace, comfort and healthy sleep

The ideal tone of the stone in the interior of the bedroom is white, milky, reminiscent of a light textile design, forged details painted in light colors, patina on light furniture.

Decorating the bedroom with artificial bricks in soothing colors will provide psychological comfort. Dark, rich colors can create an intriguing atmosphere, especially if the stay in this space is short, but for a good rest, a bright, neutrally decorated room is needed.

At one of the walls of the bedroom rustic or scandinavian style it is possible by mounting a suitable size and decorating it with decorative stone masonry.

It is easy to decorate the interior space of a niche with overall candles, matched to match or in contrast to the overall finish, install an electric analogue of the hearth or a biofireplace there. Having conceived a similar element, you will provide yourself with cozy evenings and the safe warm light of a live fire.

Stone decor in extreme conditions: kitchen and bathroom

The use of artificial stone for decorating the walls of rooms with high humidity or sharp fluctuations in temperature (bathroom and kitchen) requires a special approach and some precautions.

Although artificial stone has higher strength and performance characteristics compared to natural types of granite or marble, it is still subject to the damaging effects of water, high temperatures, and hot steam.

Therefore, if the desire to have a wall of artificial brick large in the kitchen, it is better not to place it next to the stove so as not to waste time removing grease stains, or treat it with special protective compounds(varnishes, water repellents).

If you use a stone in the interior of the bathroom, then its use implies the presence of volumetric space, because. room small size, lined with stone fragments, will seem even smaller and cramped.

If the dimensions of the bathroom allow, then it is quite justified to use masonry, large format slabs for styles that embody the 20th and 21st centuries, or relief inserts, sculptures that turn the room into antique baths.

Small forms using decorative stone

Flowing water adds a special zest to the interior of the relaxation space: light murmuring sounds soothe, set in a creative way, harmonize the inner state of mind of a person, and the smallest water vapor humidifies the dry air. Therefore, the device of a home fountain can not only decorate the room, but also improve the health of the inhabitants.

When decorating a wall with an artificial stone fountain, it is necessary to supplement the design with glass vertical surface through which streams of water flow.

A visually transparent obstruction is not visible, but it is easier to keep it clean, because. from long contact with water, lime streaks form on the stone surface. Glass will protect the masonry from moisture, prevent the destruction of the structure, but the general appearance will not suffer - the house will be real, not.

Reading time ≈ 4 minutes

There are many variations on how to make your home unique. Some use redevelopment to achieve this goal, while others are looking for interesting ideas. At the same time, both those and others are ready to go to all sorts of rearrangements, changes in order to achieve the desired. But everything is simple and ingenious nearby. Take a look at the decorative stone, it is he who is able to give the interior of the room a uniqueness.

Let's weigh all the pros and all the cons

Many people think that decorative stone is only suitable for exterior finish. There is some truth in this, but it all depends on which particular stone in question. After all, there is simply a colossal difference between rude and heavy material and refined, framed, light, created by the latest technologies decorative decoration.

To create interiors in an apartment, of course, use the second option. It has a number distinctive features, which allows decorative stone to act as the most popular material for wall decoration in both private houses and small apartments. Its main task is to decorate the interior, make it stylish, beautiful, modern. With the help of this material, you can create an incredible and amazing atmosphere of the Middle Ages. It is important to note that such a space will never look gray and inconspicuous, it will change even if the area covered is small.

How are decorative stones used in the interior of an apartment?

The answer here is simple - always in different ways. There are no prohibitions or restrictions here. This is where the versatility lies. this material. It always looks modern, gives its style, complements and decorates the room. Today, more and more often, decorative stone is used in the interior of the kitchen, hallway, living room, bedroom (see photo).

Designers claim that it has magical powers, because it always and everywhere looks beautiful and appropriate. It is especially good if it is combined with other finishes. The only thing that can make the interior a little gloomy and gloomy is to completely cover the walls with artificial stone. Therefore, it is advisable to use it as a supplement, and not as a base. We present to your attention photos that very harmoniously present ideas of how decorative stone can be used in the interior.

remember, that beautiful interior, in which a decorative stone is used can be incomparable only if it is used correctly. And visual beauty is based on three criteria.

Color and shape

The color and shape of the stone are of primary importance, as they create the desired visual effect. If the whole style of the room matches light colors, then you should select a decorative stone in the interior one shade darker. This will narrow the space and harmoniously highlight the desired zones or sections of the interior. Regarding the shape - here, most often they use rectangular or square elements. On the market, there are any geometric figures which gives you the opportunity to experiment.

Correctly placed accents

It is unacceptable that a decorative stone becomes a central element of the interior of a room. This is possible only if you purposefully highlight a fireplace or a TV, or maybe a separate wall. According to the rules, you need to use artificial stone in fragments, as in the photo, which will make the interior cozy and rich.

Material quality

Remember about safety, because very often unscrupulous manufacturers can violate production technologies. Therefore, ask in advance how the decorative stone is of high quality and safe. Sometimes you can even require certificates, because in the case of low-quality products, it not only poses a danger, but also has an ugly appearance, can quickly lose brightness, change color.

Artificial stone is one of the few materials obtained with the help of modern technologies, but bearing the stamp of past eras. Correct use artificial stone in the interior of the living room, as in the photo, introduces an element of some negligence and incompleteness into the room. Emphasizes the personality of the owner, his taste and individuality.

The use of artificial stone and its properties

And although the artificial material only imitates natural stone, but in terms of characteristics it is no worse than the natural counterpart. Perfectly repeating the structure of the original, its color, shape, size, this option is used in the decoration of various premises, including the living room.

Note! Artificial material will advantageously look over and in alliance with other facing options. It is combined with ceramics, vinyl wallpaper, plaster, wood. Suitable for plaster moldings and forged forms.

According to its characteristics, artificial stone is similar to natural counterparts, but it is lighter in weight, easier to transport and install. Because of a large number types and colors has various options for use in the decoration of the facade of buildings and interior decoration rooms.

The artificial stone used in interior decoration has the following qualities:

  1. Durability. The service life of such a cladding is several decades;
  2. Ease of installation. The flat surface of the wrong side allows you to stick it like a regular tile on any material;
  3. Resistance to temperature extremes, which is used in the decoration of natural and artificial fireplaces;
  4. Easy care and no special treatment requirements. It is enough to occasionally wipe the surface with a damp cloth and a mild detergent;
  5. Acceptable thickness of artificial stone (about 2 cm) allows you not to cut the space of the room.

living room finishing options

Charisma and brutality, severity and majesty - this is what characterizes living rooms with stone trim. Which design option to take as a basis depends on the wishes of the owners. Designers suggest using one of these projects:

  • lining of arches and doorways, corners in the living room. Can be used to fill the entire surface or apply individual inclusions. In addition to the aesthetic side, such a solution also has a purely practical meaning: the vulnerable surface of the walls is protected from scratches and other mechanical influences;

  • Stone trim on one of the walls. The rest are pasted over with wallpaper or painted to match. Against the background of such a surface, a modern thin TV will look spectacular;

  • Filling with stone shallow niches, shelves, in the upper parts of which spotlights will be mounted. Such illuminated elements bring a sense of mystery and fairy tale to the living room;

  • Partial wall decoration, which looks much more interesting than a surface completely covered with stone. Various background elements will add lightness and mystery. You can paste over the center of the wall with wallpaper, and veneer the side parts in such a way that the edges are uneven. An antique lamp or a picture in a classic frame will complete the creation of such an interior;

  • A plasterboard partition that divides the living room into two zones looks great when decorating its surface with a similar material;

  • Floor stone cladding. There are many artificial options that will fit well into the interior of an apartment and a country house.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the design of the fireplace. If it is planned in the interior of the living room, it will look great with the help of artificial stone trim, as in the photo. With this material, you can veneer either the entire wall, or only the surface of the heater itself and a small part nearby.

Types of artificial stone

There are three main types of this material. Depending on the incoming components, manufacturing technology and scope, porcelain stoneware, agglomerates or colored concrete stone can be purchased for finishing the apartment.

Porcelain stoneware

Made from different varieties clay, feldspar, mineral additives by pressing under high pressure. It has the appearance of a ceramic tile with a matte, glossy or embossed structure. Looks great in the decoration of walls and window sills. But more often used to create a beautiful floor. Ideal for living rooms modern styles such as modern, hi-tech, minimalism. Looks good in English design too.


Consisting of polyester resin with various fillers ( marble chips, limestone, granite), agglomerates are similar to all kinds of natural stones, and also have original colors using mirrors and glass. Characteristics include durability and wear resistance. It is used for finishing walls, window sills, looks great in facing fireplaces.

Colored concrete stone

Incorporating sand, Portland cement, expanded clay, pumice, dyes, such an artificial material looks good in interior decoration. According to its characteristics, it is close to concrete. It has a beautiful appearance and versatility, thanks to which it is used in the decoration of the walls of the living room.

Having decided to use stone in interior design, you should listen to the advice of experts. The correct presence of such a finish will give the living room originality and originality. Otherwise, there is a risk of turning the room into a kind of dark gloomy cave.

  • You do not need to finish all the walls in this way, especially in the apartment. Living in a stone well is unlikely to be comfortable;
  • It is not customary to use more than two types of stone. Only a specialist can correctly combine various textured surfaces;
  • Use this finish more carefully in small living rooms. Choose light samples, they will not allow you to "eat" the space;
  • You need to carefully plan your lighting system, because the stone can absorb light.

Modern design solutions fit artificial stone into the decoration of any room. But do not overload the space with such heavy decor. Respecting the measure and choosing desired color stone with a certain texture, you can create a light and exquisite home interior even from such seemingly solid, serious material.

Photo gallery (50 photos)
